HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-31.-3-17 CERTIFIED TO:SYLVIA BALEY DE'!.tte' . ef,:;,1 '. ‘ f JOB NO. 2004-214 • SUF { °a' IWIW YORK REVISIONS: ,,' S.c.T•M. ` 10co sE .31 BLit 03 LOT 17 `; t s . 20 0 20 40 80 1 . 120 140 1 180 f SCALE: 1"=40' DATE:APRIL 8, 2004 •,``f LICENSE NO. r .., _ LOT AREA:32,613 SQ.FT =41k1149 ACRE ELEVATIONS SHOWN H REFER TO APPROX. MSL DATUM • •AND ARE THE RESULT OF AC UA"4 FIELD MEASUREMENTS J a` �' �/� G`► 46 NORTH ROAD • EXISTING SANITARY SYS'T TO BE ABANDONED,PUMPED CLEAN HAMPTON BAYS, NEW YORK ,�,,,. AND BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN SAND AND°GRAVEL 11946 ,!•- ' TEL:(631)-7234954-FA)t(631)-723-1329 • MARTIN DJ HAND LS •� TEST HOLE DATA DARK BROWN SILTY LOAM . r . (OL) -1.n' BROWN SILT ER�Y C (ML) AND t4 IOR N F FfiR DIST ? PALE BRO W N Ei FINE 1°6•22...:444'1"'. TO .E COARSE N79.55. 'E ► s 4 a.�s SAND -17.0' w t TEST HOLE BORING BY � 26.6' McDONALD GEOSCIENCE 5 2G 7( r \SNANITCCNC Cf°R C/)0' .45 \ (TO %$ANDON ACD C�c cow ¢° �` t "�"n may. C. j a x50 62.1 • -c 1 L„ 21.7 9,,* 4 ." �; 65 4• 0 po Y "•::'T 45'6 .a '".4'‹• • ►® • h� gyp[` `\ dd' gyp;n�9 O-0?tSti s i.Y 9 - 7 22.3 -' ' ' .,\ c ��`...... , „itocte)9y.--:„.401'..,,,,,,. s 4 -i.::;.* . I ''''''‘,.. ,--/' -7-4"vi....P-ittsZ-f-„ ti r ' - Ix '"" - 0 ,,,,„.- * \ ,,,ett,i000),011.,. 09`'s ';LN.- ‘-ss''.......FtiarE . tae 6 +6a �+` s,tea S• O HEDGE 3." .T.,I% ItOt41-.)\--, ..\....li _ Z ?R tESTHQLE: .- 1 6•. ....... ''-.....r.3 ‘ ° 1 4030_,,,,t‘ 1.47)*4 tc)S c) \ c' Di" '.... \ ,2;--':'-'\-- , .....,,,,,--- ---- c. i\ '- - i c- r►�0 ' .' \ ►°� 'l110' 3 111 �. . -7 -4-, 1:'''''4-'''. '-' ik rtgle.,Til '.< 1,, ‘.,j A� y!ii‘ /11 I 1 1 ifirs 'hem° ° , % ' a r;: 1" • • • • PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS i01,k0FFOt •0 BCD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. V G 1�0� y� P.O. Box 1179 Chairman • Southold,New York 11971 WILLIAM J.CREMERS Fax(516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS v' ** � Telephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. RICHARD G.WARD •# %/11 ,Is - PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: John Boufis, Building Inspector FROM: Robert G. Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer RE: Sylvia Daley, request for site plan waiver Main Road, East Marion Hamlet Business (HB) SCTM# 1000-31-3-11 DATE: April 3, 1998 The above applicant has applied for a site plan waiver. A field inspection was made of the premises in order to determine if parking and handicapped access was satisfactory. Mrs. Daley indicated that her bed and breakfast was a type A-1 use and exempt from handicapped regulations. However, she now plans to open a five person tourist home. A five person tourist home is a permitted use in this Hamlet Business District, however I am not sure that the A-1 designation applies to the tourist home. I would appreciate your review of the designation of A-1 for the tourist home. cc: Edward Forrester Mar-20-98 11 : 35A Dale -Quintessentials Fax 718 398 4222 • P.01_ IRK , q%legiSsT.Fi FAX /-,Us,'.,. r \) sn L E T i ',14 gelitiA): . ui.r.4t.0: #,IIIEN- ,..:..,i.it:] ..olitr,trk :,..-:i. '.:,),/,' 44,,x,4:-; •. :;7-:,','::,,,.7;.-,;.. .4.,,,- (.. . 11:542 El:D MAR 20 1996 FAX NUMBER Southold Town Planning Board ,‘, ik, t DATE t .---) . , ,. ,.. TO: ---- - , ,. r.,. ,......_ :: A---t -=:--t, it ii ,\\--1/\ COMPANY: ',..3.--.---,,,--- 4 t„,,,..:. - -- " .,:., - -- • . , FAX NliMBER: 1(4.---, -ij FROM ti: .„....:, 1 1 _ _ PHONE NO: 1 ,,,---,I,... c 1 ,,,,c ...,,, i , IS , \ — --- ,....,_ NUMBER.OF PAGES (including cover sheet): . . MESSAGES: I : -11-3 : ,, ) --. • .„, • t . 1_,,' % . . - --------- , nt. ... . —--------.-.- , il ‘...... ; ti ,.t,,,7i ri.,,...„)),...e.„ i4,,„ 0 itatt iivi (_... , ,.. Li - i...Nk.--1..„.' 11 dt -4- f: - il t : 0( 1 ',,,1../\-• ,' . s', 1 il: te. s..i..'. ___......... .-.•-...- - ......-. — I CIT Mar-20-98 11 : 36A Da.-Quintessentials Fax 111 398 4222 P .O 8985 Main Road, Box 574 East Marion, N. Y 11939 March 19, 1 998 Planning Board Office Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Ann Mr. Robert 0 Kasper Dear Mr. Kassner: Re: Request for Site Plan Waiver 8985 M, n React,fast Marion, N.y. 119' 9 Thank you for your letter cfMafell le'r' regarding my request for Site Plan Waiver. In your letter, you state that before the Board can proceed with my request, 1,must prepare: A sketch showing a gravel parking space with bumper stops for five guests and one Inn Keeper---a total of six (.) parking spaces. Please find tl cat attached sketch a ys/ing theloc;ation and k?um r st s 2. Regarding installing i) a paved handicapped parking space 13' x 20 and ii)a handicapped ramp to the inn entrance, .Please he advised that when I.applied to the Town of Southold for the Site Plan Waiver, I was told by Ed Forrester, Building Department,to first check with Suffolk County for requirements for code for handicap accessibility. I did so, and received a notice from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of Environmental Protection unit, which I sent to Mr. Forrester. The notice states: "Al occupancies per the Uniform Code are exempt from handicap accessibility requirements." (Please see attached notice.) Later, in several conversations with the Building Department, Ed Forrester confirmed that the department had no requests or requirements from me and I should wait to hear from the Planning Board for the Site Plan Waiver granting the use of two more bedrooms at the Bed& Breakfast. Additionally, I don't know if the situation Will occur where I will be successful filling all five rooms, at the same time I may find that 1 stilt have only three guests at any one time at the Bed and Breakfast, The necessity :Ind expense could not be justified. Accordingly, I request that you kindly delete this portion of your requirements in that letter. Thank you for your time and attend m Si ice. ely� 4 c ents (2) wwea...............~........--ma*I......***...............................*............ . • ,I'.. '•' ..Pe' a■' ''''''J royi . •A •pi 4 o itakkota./.9 ,, ..fet):4 , .7- :. ,-- 44...,4.4/9 ',moil pvp t402/7 <"..' - .. . " . I .Z. . * 1'40 -7Ar24,Nye^ ;4:Aahr000f 0.• • s, ' ,a . i i * 010,, ....P s 1> "ir44i ;Pi tiorsafr P*4"447; Vic; s#i 44' Zroi svikit,‘fiwo,/./apt kit/ pi \ • i g, ). %, i," /1110 It 7,117 74400 1.44611019 ',WIC) \ ' ''' \ S , i ft, ., Ott pi>0411 AI fart p 1, -16 N, / IS (t.'' i 1°94744111a4:3*PI gin,.*Gz.) 113c40S % 4 Z, 7 -got i 4 -" %Islitk.....„01/, I ta .1. Ix 414t) 0 "t .•4‘1 ) .. % gelid iwi • 41 4 • • " '14,cl* ' 4.09iiinoops, * M • ..... ti, ON° th ' g.44)116,f 40 'd • * 610/...0..Pautt 1:. 4 . 1 +0 f ' 1 k .. ,, Y2/24/ ci, • 3 iri . —1.... \ .... i 0. 04 1 . , f• •,, *AN NOIZItokv J /3 :"'I ,.• ok N . .. -1,..te / l'aii‘ piirr`tr-,.,41 ''*1 4Niest 'N . A 177C7 ViA -7/ Ss if tA,* itAll*,r -* 2104 0..?A 314 a n s. I 1 E3 1i 3lOa10 ci V IN N. 1P4 r 0 4... .. . .... l 4 .• ,, ).N. , "!.?': t) N \1 '' -_, 4...f. ., U i.7k. ■ •'I-','' 4 - 1 .•. -,_ • , ,.,!..% ---1 I, vm r.6„:.,01"joi■**.loto** s./ '0 4. aol ..111.4,wow;pettltout. • • ,., 0% .Atxx)04*-*/.4.■ 1 I:0 'ow**poem tr u• . • . NI 2 7#76/ - .7. 5.5• LW • *mai poi: 't , - WNW/CI.1, • \ • ( /410,10'. . ANIA ref .A/ ) ,^.'?...._. ...001/0 AV•al.r..i /10,AVIAI mAgg?.4 ir•-20-98 11 :41A Daley-Quintessentials Fax 718 398 4222 P.01 .33..i.3101310 Si .k ri9 11.1N() (13Si1 30 Atifitil Nai.L.103 1410leicd ...... _ .. tat, 1 i i 04. VO109 N1DS. 1 :':' '2, ,I`: ' .,. , -,+•,;.'!gil''4V',44 ,..), 74_1 '7k; 14tinl'il''''',...:;--a13 --.4),--,;7 ,-.17-1 1.-o- - % t ,) / - I t " '' '. ., , ... .. 11* . H ,.'^) '-,.% -."- ,11.)- , 1-1TI> . r.;,'").'"72(-Vf,').")""r;)'.. .4...) If Y ,....... 4.- - 1- 1 ) :_cal c - -,. 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