HomeMy WebLinkAboutRC-2 & MC-2 Asphalt Road Material AGREEMENT made this 29th day of June 1993 between CORAZZINI BROTHERS, INC. with its principal office and place of business at NYS Route 25, Greenport, New York 11944 (P.O. Box 36) hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of- New York with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and apply 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt .Road Materials for the Town of Southold for $ 1.23 per gallon. This 'contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the 30th day- of June 1993. IN .WIT'NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and ,seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHO'LD ' By Scott Louis arris CONTRAC B y 'G V�� is and Corazzini,j resident STATE OF ) SS: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1993 before me personally came Richard Corazzinito me know, who being by me duly sworn, did' depose and say that he resides at Lupen Drive, Cutchogue, New. York and that he is 'the Vice President of Corazzini Brothers, Inc. , the corporation described in'and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the: seal of said' corporation; that the seal affixed to said' instrument is such corporate seal; that it 'was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public JUDITH T.TERRY Notary Public,State of New York No.52-0344963 Qualified in Suffolk County, Commission Expires May 31,1 STATE OF. NEW' YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 29th of June _,, 1993 before me personally came Scott Louis Harris to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did'depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is 'the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in� and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the sea•1 of said' corporation; that the seal affixed to said'instrument is such corporate seal; that it 'was so affixed by order of the Town -Board of said- corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Pubic JUDITH T TERRY Notary Public,State of New York No.52-0344963 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 31,19� i ,TANDAGD FO^.M25 [[ EE ff rr��It qq CC (t pP�� {'+�` DATE BOND EXECUTED (.I1u,1 '�e ,sure or JUNE 1967 EDITION Y�( RZFOC��V►t-iNCE 1 O'sND l�atr tli,ni eble of ennhaet) GENE RAI SERVICES EG. ( ADMINISTRATION SPP t)l St t'IIC tIO Jlf OJJ reverse) FED. RAL REG. (41 CER( 1-16,801 (• w PRINCIPAL'(t.egal nante and bu4ne" address) TYPE'OF ORGANIZATION (".Y" ole) j U-7 ��(J �X,/ ,INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP ^ (/// ��yc. ❑ JOINT VENTURE CORPORATION STATE OF INCORPORATION SURETY(IE S) (Name(s) and business address(es)) PENAL SUM OF BOND MILLION(S) THOUSAND(S) HUNDRED(S) CENT(S) CONTRACT DATE CONTRACT NO. ti Y' /9y/ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the Principal and Surety(ies) hereto, are firmly bound to the United States of America (hereinafter called the Government) in the above penal sum for the payment of which we y bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally: Provided, That, where the Sureties are corporations acting as co-sureties, we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in such sum "jointly and severally' as well as "severally" only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us, and for all other purposes each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of such sum only as is set forth opposite the name of such Surety, but if no limit of liability is indicated, the limit of liability shall be the full amount of the penal sum. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal entered into the contract identified above; NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall: (a) Perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants,terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Government,with or without notice to the Surety(ies), and during the life of any guaranty required under the contract, and shall also perform and 4 fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the Surety(ies) being hereby waived; and (b) If the said contract is subject to the Miller Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 270a-270e), pay to the Government the full amount of the taxes imposed by the Government which are collected, deducted, or withheld from wages paid by the Principal in carrying out the construction contract with respect to which this bond is furnished; then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this performance bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above. PRINCIPAL 1. 2 Signature(s) (Seal) (Seal) Corporate Nome(s)3 1 2. Seal rifle(s) (Typed) INDIVIDUAL SURETY(IES) 2. Signoture(s) F (Seal)K ( (Seat) Names) 1. 2. (Typed) CORPORATE SURETY(IES) Nome 6 STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT.. f Address Q r 1. 2. Corporate w Signatures) Seal � k N Names)8 1. - 2. - Title(s) .. ;. (Typed) i 25-105 STANDARD FORM 2S—APAYMENT BOND 25-202 DATE BOND E%EC TPD (.Hirst he s./rnt or SUNS 19ee EDITION later sham date o contraft) GENERAL SE CIS ADMINISTRATION (Sire 1/131!'//ft/OI/3 00/ 7'lltl'St)' FED. PROC. REG. 141 Cf R) 1-I6.e01 (�&�/ / ff 3 PRINCIPAL (Z.taa/Nance and business addren) TYPE OF ORGANIZATICN ("X" owe) t ,t/ DIVIDUAI ❑ PARTNERSHIP, JOINT /YI/ // ❑ ENTUPE CORIrORAT10N Y� STATE OF INCORPORATION SURETY(IES) (Naoir(s) and bntiness adelp-riOrt)) PENAL SUM Of BOND MILLION(S) THOUSAND(S) HUNDRED(S) CENT(S) CONTRACT DATE CONTRACT NO. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the Principal and Surety(its) hereto, are firmly bound to the United States of America (hereinafter called the Government) in the above penal sum for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally: Provided. That, where the Sureties are corporations acting as co-sureties, we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in such sum ''jointly and Severally" j as well as "severally" only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us, and for all other purposes each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of such sum only as is set forth opposite the name of such Surety, but if no limit of liability is .indicated, the limit of liability shall be the full amount of the penal sum. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal entered into,the contract.identified above; NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said contras i that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the Surety(ies) being hereby waived, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this payment bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above. PRINCIPAL 1. 2. Signolure(I) r5f,/l, (Saf/1 Corporate 2. Steil Nome(s)a TitWs) (Typed) - INDIVIDUAL SURETY(IES) 1. 2. Signolun(Q (Sea/) (Sea/) Nomel{) 1. 2. (7}ped) CORPORATE SURETY(IES) Nome 8 STATE Of INC. LIABILITY LIMIT Addrett t it: 1' 2. Cofporftlt W Slgn OtYfe({) 09 Steil D to Nomeltl6 L 2. idle({) (7'rped! , A1.111.1�® CERTIFICATE Oif> INSURANCE ISSUE DATE(MMIDO/YY) 7/2.0./92 PRODUCER ; THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE i DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE E SEE N E E F U S , INC . i POLICIES BELOW_. it P . 0 . B O X 2340 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE AQUEBOGUE , NY 11931 ' COMPANY LETTERA TRANSCONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED ETTERYB TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE COMPANY CORAZ`ZINI ASPHALT , INC . ETTERNY`. { P . 0 BOX 555COMPAN _ CUTCHOGUE , NY 11935 ETTER Y D V COMPANY E LETTER ; COVERAGES; THIS IS TO'CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. i CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 , 000 , 000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY O OO O PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG. $,1 ' 000 ' 000 A CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR.. I0 0 6 V 8 1 U 9 9 03/20/92 03/20/93 PERSONAL&ADV.INJURY $ 1 , 000 , 000 - OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ I ' 000 ' 000 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire) $ -0 ' 600 j MED.EXPENSE(Any one person) $ 0 0 L, AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE ANY AUTO LIMIT ALL OWNEDI AUTOS. BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $_ � HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITYEACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION „ STATUTORY LIMITS B AND Irl("906883444 EACH ACCIDENT $906S83444 03/20/92 03/20/93 100 , 000 DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT $ 9-00 , 000 0 0 , „0 0 EMPLOYERS'LIA9ILITY "V V DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEE $ i OTHER �- (i RECEIVED JUL 2_Ll992 I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Sowhold T-,-,n Clerk PAVING CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION j SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE I TO N O F SOUTH OLD ATTNt JUDITY TERRY , TOWN CLERK EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL e1li -DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE TOWN HALL LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR S O U T H O L O ' NY 11971 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT E ACORD 25-S(7/90) CACORD CORPORATION 1990 \\ I STANDARD FORM ZS DATE BOND EXECUTED (Marl be same or JUNE 1967 EDITION PERFORMANCE- BOND ^� later than date a/oonlradl GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION S!t 111JtrNCtlOJFf ON rttKTSe) FED. PROC. REG. 141 CFR) 1-16.801 (, PRINCIPAL (Legal name and business address) +. - -, •-. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ("Y"one) T 0 LTi El INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP .. •r:..+M,.w :.+�..5sw.�wc...s...+ JOINT ❑ VENTUREORPORATION 4 k STATE OF INCORPO ATION SURETY(IES) (Name(t) and business addrett(et)) PENAL SUM OF BOND MILLION(S) THOUSAND(S) HUNDRED(S) CENT(S) CONTRACT DATE CONTRACT NO. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS;'IThat we-the Principal.and Surety(ies) hereto, are firmly bound to the United States of America (hereinafter calle&the Government) in the above penal sum for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs,executors, administrators; and successors, jointly and severally: Provided, That, where the Sureties are corporations acting as co-suretiesi-we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in such sum "jointly and severally" as well as "severally" only for the purpose of allowin&a joint action or actions against any or all of us, and for all other purposes each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of such sum only as is set forth opposite the name of such-Surety,,but-if'.no limit;of liability is indicated, the limit of liability shall be the full amount of the penal sum. t Y `r THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION;TS'SU w'that"whereas-the Principal entered into the contract identified above; NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall (a) Perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants,terms,conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract and any extensions thereof that'rnay be granted by the Governmeni,with or without notice to the Surety(ies), and during the life'of any guaranty required under the contract, and shall also perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants,term!:,conditions,and,;agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, tuitice of which modifications to the Surety(ies) being,hereby waived; and (b) If the said contract is subject to the'•MillerAct, as amended (40 U.S.C. 270a-270e), pay to the Government the full amount of the taxes imposed by:the-Government which are collected, deducted, or withheld from wages paid by the Principal in carrying out the construction contract with-respect to which this bond is furnished; then the above obligation.shall be void and of no effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this performance bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above. ., ,', .; .,e,r-r. u�-.`. ,w <•� PRINCIPAL 4 Signature(s) ,� y r,. (SO Corporate Nams(s)6 Z Seal r'4 4.� . . J 1 /'1Ie((TYPt( 1 INDIVIDUAL SURETY(IES) 1 Signature(s) (Stat) (Seal) Nome(s) 1 / 2 (Typed! CORPORATE SURETY(IES) STATEOF INC.. LIABILITY LIMIT Name6 O Address 2. Corporate LU ' ' Signatures) { Seal V Z. wCl r! Tille(s) r 23-105 .7 ; , PART 53—FORMS 53.301-25—A DATE BONCIE XECUTEO Of ust oe same or toter Inan PAYMENT BOND date Of can&ae l) f5ee Insrructions on reverse/ PRINCIPAL!Legal name and business adanss) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION("X"one) �1 INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP JOINT VENTURE 2-CORPORATION $TATE OF INCORPORATION SURETYOES)(Narnels)and business addressles)l 6� �O PENAL SUM OF BOND [/ C T MILLIONS) THOUSAND(S) HUNDRED(S) ENTS �S ©�`\ ✓ l` O IJ CCONTRACT DATE 1CONTRACT NO. �S(Y 03LIG.^-.TION: We,the Principal and Suretylies),are firmly bound to the United States of America (hereinafter called the Government)in the above penal sum. For payment of the penal sum,we bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administrators,and successors,jointly and severally. However, where the Sureties are corporations acting as co-sureties. we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in such sum 'jointly and severally" as well as "severally"only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us.For all other purposes,each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal,for the payment of the sum shown opposite the name of the Surety. If no limit of liability is indi- cated,the limit of liability is the full amount of the penal sum. CONDITIONS: 4 The above obligation is void if the Principal promptly makes payment to all persons having a direct relationship with the Principal or a sub- contractor of the Principal for furnishing labor,material or both in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract identified above,and any authorized modifications of the contract that subsequently are made. Notice of those modifications to the Surety(ies)are waived. WITNESS' The Principal and Surety(ies)executed this payment bond and affixed their seals on the above date. 7 PRINCIPAL Signature(s) 1• �i �r r ,( 2 I (l''t (' ).f f ! rseoU I (Seat) "C'pd+po?ntter ) i la,Narne(s)& (2Thle(s) '(Typed) � INDIVIDUAL SURETY(IES) 1 1. i 2. Signaturels) ' (SeoU fSed) Name(s) 1 t /` 2. frYPedl 'C-22 0 l CORPORATE SURETYIIES) Name& STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT i Q A00ress r i• 2 ( Corporate s C I Signaturels! Seal s N Namels)S Tive(si ir.•or_• tS NSN 7540-01-132-8061 25.204 STANDARD FORM 25-A IREv. 10-63) 1 PREVIOUS EDITION USABLE Prefcnaea oy GSAFAR (46 CFR 53.226(1))REEEIWD I t i JUL 20 1992 C011f n1 ( T !.301-35—A. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) CORPORATE SURETYIIESI (Continued) - lame , 'STATE CF INC. iLIABILITY LIMIT - i Adcress 11. 12. Corporate M;Slgnaturetsl i _ Seal 7 Namelsl& i 1• 2. - 11, Titletsl (Typed) I _ I Name& I STATE OF INC. I{_IABI LITV LIMIT I AOdress I{ I U 1. 2. y(Signaturelsl CorpOrate l _ Seal I D i Nam2. elsl& 11• i I tlelsl I (TYpedl I _ I i Name& i !STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT I `. O Address 1 i `I 1. 2. . Corporate tu 1$gnaturelsl �1 Seal I Namelsl& '1. 2. i `nl Tipetsl ( • I (Typed) Name& I L STATE OF INC. IABILITY LIMIT AcciresS ! W I 1 I S _ ) u $ignaturelsl Corporate Seal O Namelsl& 1. 2. V) Tlttelsl (I (Typed) Name& I �STATE� OF INC��l1ABILITY LIMIT 1 f I IAadress z I Corporate l Signaturels)I l Sea6 I t 7I Na_m iisl 61 1. 2. ITypedl I t Name& STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT :7 Acdress ( rI. S ✓ r .1. z. Corporate W I Sgnaturelsl I Seal. y Name(s)&.11. _ - I2.. i tlels) (Typed! ;;tlttugr ., INSTRUCTIONS c :. Tht<<form, for ttie.;rptPction of persons supotving labor and in the spaces (Surety A. Surety B, etc.) headed "CORPORATE material„Is us@d':v Pn,�`Rayrnent bond is required unser the Act SURETY(IES)"•. In the space designated "SURETYlIES1•"on the pi August 24. 935,4Q Sat' 793 (40 U.S.C. 270 a-270e). Any face of tfie form,insert only the letter identification of the sureties •ceviatign fr6m, Vsl fceI­ri,vliiil'-require the written approval of the adtlir,istrato�of��?w��aa'4`�ervites. (b) Where individual sureties are involved,two or more resoon. sibte persons shall execute the bond. A completed Affidavitof 2.'insert business address of tore Principal in Individual Surety (Standard Form 28), for each individual surety, the state desugn�ted "f flncioai°" on ;he face of the form. An shall accompany the bond. The Government may require these authorized person shall sign the bond. Any person signing in a sureties to furnish additional substantiating information concerning representative capacity le.g.,an attorney-in-fact) must furnish evi- their financial capability. dente of authority If that representative Is not a member of the firm, nartnersnio, or joint venture,or an officer of the corpora. 4. Corporations cxeruting the bond shall affix their corporate tion Involved. seals. Individuals shall execute the bond opposite the word "Corpo- rate Seal": and shall affix an adhesive seal if executed in Maine, 3. ia) Corporations executing the bond as sureties must appear on New Hampshire,or any other jurisdiction regarding adhesive seals. I the Department of ;he Treasury's list of aporoved sureties and , must act within the limitation listed therein,Where more:man one 5. Type the name and title of each person signing this bona in the + corporate surety is involved,their name-ana addresses shall appear spare provided. i STANDARD FORM 25-A BACK(REV, 10.8]) I i i - _ r j �3-14 A STANDARD FORM 2$ JUNE 1966 EDITION AFFIDAVIT OF INDIVIDUAL SURETY • ' GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (See Instructions on Reverse) ' FED. PROC. REG. 1,1 CFR) 1-I6.e01 - STATE OF COUNTY of ss: 7U I-- L,r, 1,the undersigned, being duly sworn,depose and say that I am one of the sureties to the attached bond;that I am a citizen of the United States (or a permanent resident of the place where the contract and bond are executed as provided in paragraph 3 of the Instructions on reverse),and of full age and legully competent;that I am not a partner in any business of the principal on the bond or bonds on which I appear as surety; 1 thetthe information herein below furnished is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. This affidavit is made to induce the United States of America to accept the as surety on the attached bond. 1. NAME (First,middle,last) (Type or print) 1 2. HOME ADDRESS (Number,Street, City,State, ZIP'Code) Y�� let J. TYPE AND DURATION OF OCCUPATION A. NAME OF EMPLOYER (If self-employed, so state) S. BUSINESS ADDRESS(Number,Street, City,State,ZIP Code) 6. TELEPHONE NO: s f� 7 HOME— BUSINESS- 7. OME—BUSINESS- 7. THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF MY PRESENT ASSETS,LIABILITIES, AND NET WORTH AND DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY FINANCIAL INTEREST 1 HAVE IN THE ASSETS OF THE PRINCIPAL ON THE ATTACHED BOND: a. Fair value of solely owned real estate* $I b. All mortgages or other encumbrances on the rent estate included in Line a c. Real estate equity (subtract line b from line a) ,I _C1 � d. Fair value of all solely owned property other than real estate* � — e: Total of the amounts on Lines c and d f. All other liabilities owing or incurred not included in Line b g. Net worth (subtract Line f from Line e) *Do not include property exempt from execution and sale for any reason. Surety's interest in community property may b'e included if not to exempt. B. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE OF WHICH IAM SOLE OWNER, THE VALUE OF WHICH IS INCLUDED IN LINE(a),ITEM 7 ABOVE �K s / G ... ;T (;2c--s cP r Amount of assessed valuation of abore nal estate for ta,.wlim purposes:_ 9. DESCRIPTION OP PROPERTY INCLUDED IN LINE(d),ITEM 7 ABOVE(1"iit the nrine of each care,gory of property separately) ) I 1 A tom, .Shy l.tJ f�3/g n/!1; .4— PRug �ori 10.ALL OTHER BONDS ON WHICH I AM.SURETY(State character and amount of each bond if none, so state) 11. TURE 12. BOND AND CONTRACT TO WHICH THIS AFFIDAVIT RELATES ir (it here appropriate) _ 1 ; ^ v i SUBSCRIBED AND S::CRtJ TO BfFOR6 ::.; AS 'rLLOWS: . DATE OATH ADMINISTERED CITY STATE(Or other jarisdietiorMAN Y T. FUSCO _ tJ MONTH DAY' YEAR NOTARY PUE LIC, et %,New Yor N �e 13 92 GREENPORT, NY 07 I�, to 45i County NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICIAL ADMINISTERING OATH S1014-AlURE MY COM/ MUs1on Expires )en.20, 1194 (Type or print) EXPIRES NANCY T. FUSCO 1/20/93 28-103 I t CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY I Hereby Certify, That the surety named herein is personally known to tne; tk?t, 1a my judgment, said surety is -responsible, and qualified to act as such; and that, to l the best of my know ledge, the facts stated by said surety in the foregoing affidavit are true. NAME (T•ypewrdten) SIGNATU ---- / NANCY T. FUSCO y , OFFICIAL TITLE _.1 t• ,.1 'ASSISTANT BRANCH OFFICER - ADDRESS(Number,Street,City,State.Z11' Code) NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO. , 230 MAIN STREET, GREENPORT, NY 11944 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This form shall be used whenever sureties on nent resident of the place of execution of the contract bonds to be executed in connection with Government and burs. contracts are individual sureties, os provided in gov- erning regulations (see 41 CFR 1-•10.203, 1-16.801„ 4. The individual surety shall show net worth in a 101-45.3). There shall be no deviation from this fore,, sum not less than the penalty of ti►e bond by supply-- . except as so authorized (see 41 CFR 1-1.009„ ing the information required on the face hereof, .101-1.110). under oath before a United States commissioner, a clerk o'f a United States Court, or notary public, or 2. A corporation, partnership, or ether business, some other officer having authority to administer oaths association or firm, as such, will not be accepted as a generally. If the officer has an official seal, it shall surety, nor will a partner be accepted as a surety for be affixed, otherwise the proper certificate as to his I co-partners or for a firm of which he is a member. official character shall be furnished. Stockholders of a corporate principal maybe acccepted as sureties provided their qualifications as such are 5. The certificate of sufficiency shall be signed by independent of their stockholdings therein. In asriv- an officer of a bank or trust company, a judge'or i ing at the net worth figure in Item 7 on the face of` clerk of a court of record, a United States district at- this affidavit an individual surety will not include any, torney or commissioner, a postmaster, a collector or financial interest he may have in the assets of the deputy collector of internal*revenue, or any other of- principal on the bond which-this affidavit supports. ficer of the United States acceptable to the depart- ment or establishment concerned. Further certificates f 3. An individual surety shall be a citizen of the showing additional assets,or a new surety, may be United States, except that if the contract and bond required to assure protection of the Government's ( are executed in any foreign country, the Common- interest. Such certificates must be based on the I wealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Canal personal investigation of the certifying officer at the L Zone, Guam, or any other territory or possession of time of the making thereof, and not upon;.prior . I the United States, such surety need only be a perma certifications. i Back of SF 28J June 6E i I '1 r . L .." I 6.Gro 1916 or—zss-lbs uo-w I F CORAZZINI BRQTHERS,INC -- 1245 1240 MAIN L OAD CERTIFIED R1b8bipW*as50-791/214 PAY'4' 70 THE ORDI;ROF `; � DOLLARS Ori' !-! FCr�i< C-I�NK - FOR kl i �`Cl t 3.40"79 1 21: 111 + , 10 111 o�UFFQ[K�� JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK r�-r+ P.O. Box 1 179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER wQ �- Fax (516) 765-1823 41 l .�1�0 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 1, 1993 Richard Corazzini, Vice President Corazzini Brothers, Inc. P.O. Box 36 Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Richard: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 29, 1993, accepted your bid in the amount of $1 .23 per gallon for a one year contract to supply the Southold Town Highway Department with Grades RC- 2 and Mc-2 Asphalt Road Material. Upon submission of the required 100% bid bond and insurance certificate for the faithful performance of the contract, and the execution of the contract, your $1 ,845.00 bid check will be returned to you. I have enclosed photcopies of last year's bond and insurance to assist you in obtaining them for this new contract. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Supt. of Highways Jacobs A�•I/l.l!® CERTIFICATE 0e3 INSURANCE ISSUE DATE(MM/DD/YY) _ 7/?_0_/_92 PRODUCER ; THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE j DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE SLE N E E F U S , INC . I POLICIES BELOW. P . 0 . BOX 2340 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE AQUEBOGUE : NY 11931 ' COMPANY LETTER A TRANSCONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED ETMTERYB TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE COMPANY CORAllINI ASPHALT , INC . ETTERNYC i P . 0 . BOX 555 CUTCHOGUE , NY 11935 ETTERNYD r i COMPANY E - ' LETTER .? COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 1 CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) j .GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 , 000 000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG. $ 1 , 000 000 1 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. 006881899 03/20/92 03/20/9,3 PERSONAL&ADV.INJURY $ 1 , 000 000 4 OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 900 , 000 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire) $ 5 0 , 000 j MED.EXPENSE(Anyone person) $ 5 '000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ ANY AUTO LIMIT ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ 1 HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $. I- i EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION „ STATUTORY LIMITS AND t' r q G O EACH ACCIDENT $. 100 , 000 B �'l.,906883 44 03/20/ .2 03/20/93 DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT $ GOO ' 000 EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEE $ i n n OTHER �"�- I RECEIVED JUI 2_11992 I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Southold T-- Oerk1 i PAVING CONTRACTOR t CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION TOWN OF S O U T H O L D SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE I A T T N : J U D I T Y TERRY , TOWN CLERK EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO 1 MAIL ,2_DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE TOWN HALL 1 LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR S O U T H O L D , NY 1 1 9 7 1 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. I AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAjAjE 01 ,X_ .,re� ACORD 25-S(7/90) �� ®ACORD CORPORATION 1990 STANDARD FORM ZS a':i+ DATE BOND EXECUTED (Afust be faint or JUNE 1967 EDITION •.�PERFORMANCE'S BOND - -•^�-- -�•' later Than date of contract) GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFRI 1-10.801 (,See /1tftTNCJFOnf on, rtPerfeJ PRINCIPAL (Legal name and business address) 7 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION (';1C"our) ?'` ❑ INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP .. .. .. -..•w.•+w r.•,..a,-.+�� ,w,�,.,,., ++ o JOINT . ❑ VENTURE ORPORATION k STATE OF INCORPO TION i ... ...:--3.r•...m,.�'Vit•.... le�n.,....•..i... r.,-:•,r:.. ._. ........ SURETY(IES) (Name(%) and business addrest(es)) R,Is _;�;} PENAL SUM OF BOND a + w MILLIONS) THOUSAND(S) HUNDRED(SI CENTS) 2;)J_(� �j 7 CIOLL f I CONTRACT DATE CONTRACT NO. �yye=s t. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS;,That we,..the-Principal and Surety(ies) hereto, are firmly bound to the United States of America (hereinafter-called:the Government) in the above penal sum for the.payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs,executors, administrators;and successors, jointly and severally: Provided, That, where the Sureties are corporations acting as co-suretiesi-we,`the Sureties,-bind,ourselves in such sum "jointly and severally" as well as "severally" only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us, and for all other purposes each Surety binds itself,jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of such sum only as is set forth opposite the name of such-Suretybut if no hmtt of liability is indicated, the limit of liability shall be the full amount of the penal sum. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGA'ITON rIS SUCH, chat"whereas•the Principal entered into the contract identified above; - NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall (a) Perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants,terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract and any extensions"thereof ihat'niay be granted by the Government,with or without notice to the Surery(ies), and during the life'of any guaranty required Tinder the contract, and shall also perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants,,terms;,conditions,and,,agreeme,3ts of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made,;tiodce'of:which:modifications to the Surety(ies) being,hereby waived; and (b) If the said contract is subject to the'MaierAct, as amended (40 U.S.C. 270x-270e), pay to the Government the full amount of the taxes imposed by:the;Governmerif whichare collected, deducted, or withheld from wages paid by the Principal in carrying out the construction'contract 'with*respect to which this bond is furnished; then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this performance bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above ".,.�,,i .., ,�:i�e,,•»ls a.., e t�<« f µ:,:!A- ..,, PRINCIPAL 2 Signature(s). 1• �• d a� Yrs..^, (Seal) (Sell) Corporate Names 6 1• A�3# 4t.'1• ern 2 ,sr, r, i I 1 Seal Title(s) (Typed) ON e ". INDIVIDUAL SURETY(IES) $ Signalure(s) - (Seal) (Seal) 1 ,; n/' 2 CORPORATE SURETY(IES) Name 6 STATE OF INC... LIABILITY LIMIT +ts;` :.� O Address Q 2, f Corporate Signature(%) j Seal ` ^\J (` Name(%)& L - �1,r .•e..+• .. 2. o = c- `u r Title(s) �A'' (Typed) JV 23-105 + PART 53—FORMS 53.301-25—A DATE BOND EXECUTED(AI ust oe same or tater man PAYMENT BOND `late or contract) (See Instructions on reverse) PRINCIPAL(Lena)name and business address) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION(••X"one) r 0 INDIVIDUAL El PARTNERSHIP El JOINT VENTURE _ 2-CORPORATION STATE OF INCORPORATION SURETY(IES)(Namels)and�oussine/u address/es)) PENAL SUM OF BOND O�`/lr /�/ly Z� 7�--{//�C) MILLION(S) ITHOUSSAND(S) NUN DRED(S FENTS CONTRACT DATE ICONTRACT NO. � c to P C 06LIG,"-J ION: - We, the Principal and Surety(ies).are firmly bound to the United States of America(hereinafter called the Government)in the above penal sum. For payment of the penal sum,we bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administrators,and successors,jointly and severally.However, where the Sureties are corporations acting as co-sureties, we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in such sum "jointly and severally" as well as "severally"only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us. For all other purposes,each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of the sum shown opposite the name of the Surety. If no limit of liability is indi- cateo,the limit Of liability is the full amount of the penal sum. CONDITIONS: t - r The above oblioation is void if the Principal promptly makes payment to all persons having a direct relationship with the Principal cr a sub- contractor of the Principal for furnishing labor,material or both in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract identified above,and any authorized modifications of the Contract that subsequently are made. Notice of those modifications to the Surety(iesl are waived. WITNESS The Principal and Surety0es)executed this payment bond and affixed their seals on the above date. t , 1 ( `7 /1 /► PRINCIPAL t` r -- 2. Sic nature I `�r sr),r •(� 1 i�� . .. I •�/ %' `-G�l (Seal)� - (Seel) ''Cot!DorratE( Name(s)& Titles! (Typed) DIVI-DUAL SURETYIIES) 1. i2. Signaturelsl (Seal) (Seal) 2. rrray— ///r CORPORATE SURETY(IES) Name& STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT - I. C Andress , > Corporate CI Signature(s) ( Seal � D Namelsl ti'I1. 2. - Tivelst NSN 7$40_01-152-8061 25.204 STANDARD FORM 25-A IREV.10Y53) . PREVIOUS EDITION USABLE Prescrn Deo DyGSA_ - FAR (48 CFR 53.228(c))REEEfWD . f' i JUL. 20 1992 53-13 �. .301-25-A FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) CORPORATESURETYIIES)(Canrinued) ' game P. 'STATE CF INC. i LIABILITY LIMIT Actressj S I - I3. Corporate Slanaturels)I - Seal W: I D Namety Titletsl I - 1 i (Typed) Name$ STATE OF INC. I LIABILITY LIMIT I AOOress � ) U ' 1. CorpL Signature(s)I _ Orate j Seal DI Namels)& N ,it 51 lTyDedI I ! Name$ STATE OFINC. LIABILITv LIMIT Address ' ' � t] UI Signature(s)I3• - I2. I COrspe l ate C I Nd_ is)& NI Title(sl ' ( !Typed) Name$ sISTATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT - W I Address I J- ^O 1 y J1 1 > 1. Iz• Corporate u I Signaturelsb Seal Name(s)& Titletsl { ' (TYDedJ I I ' iName$ I STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT i .. Address S LLI L z. ICorporatej Signaturels)� l W _ Seal , 7I Namelsl& !1. a• In Itlels) /Typed) I STATE OF INC. LIABILITY LIMIT Name& (` ( Acdress ( I I rJ z. I Corporate. w I Signature(s)I I _ Seal rName(s)& i 1• I2. tlels) (Typed) INSTRUCTIONS :. .Thio`form tor tt4i root ction of persons supplying labor and lin the spaces (Surety A. Surety B. etc.) headed "CORPORATE {{- mat erial„Is used:u en,p gayme ent bond is required uncier the Act SURETY(IES)”. In the space designatea '•SURETY(IESI••on the i of August 24,tit935, �9`�Stat' 743 (40 U.S.C. 270 a-270e). Any face of the form•insert only the letter identification of the sureties mviat,gn frctrr; tiJhj5t foeM,dill'require the written approval of the Adm,ihistrator of C.Vh fol,, ervices. ib)Where individual sureties.are involved,two or more resoon- `; sible persons shall execute the bond. A completed Affidavit of 2."insert the`hll le4rit�na�lq,5nd business adaress of the Princioal in Individual Surety (Standard Form 28), for each individual surety, the soace desion�ted Incioaa" on ;he face of the form. An shall accompany the bond. The Government may require these authorized person shall sign the bond. Any person signing in a sureties to furnish additional substantiating information concerning representative capacity (e.g.,an attorney-in-fact) must furnish evi• their financial caoability. oence of authority If that representative Is not a member of the firm, cartnersnlo. or joint venture, or an officer of the corpora- 4. Corporations executing the bond shall affix their corporate tion Involved. seals. Individuals shall execute the bond opposite the word "Corpo- rate Seal": and shall affix an adhesive seal if executed In Maine. ' 3. ia) Corporations executing the bond as sureties must appear on New Hampshire, or.any other jurisdiction reqarding adhesive seals. I" the Ceoartment of the Treasury's list of apbroveo sureties and ' must act within the limitation listed therein.Where more than one 5. Tyoe the name and title of earn person signing this bond In the corporate surety is involved,their name<ano addresses shall appear space provided. STANDARO FORM 25-A BACK(REV. 10.81) ) t 1 >>-14 CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY I Hereby Certify, 'Chat the surety named herein is personally known to me; th?t, )a my judgment, said surety is ..responsible, and qualified to act as such; and that, to the best of my know ledge, the facts stated by said surety in the foregoing•affidavit are true. NAME (Typewritten) SIGNAM, --- NANCY T. FUSCO ; OFFICIAL TITLE .t 'ASSISTANT BRANCH OFFICER ADDRESS(Number,Street,City,State. -111' Cade) NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO. , 230 MAIN STREET, GREENPORT, NY- 11944 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This form shall be used whenever sureties on nent resident of the place of execution of the contract bonds to be executed in connection with Government and bur„-.. contracts are individual sureties, as provided in gov- erning'regulotions (see 41 CFR 1-•10.203, 1-16.801, 4. The individual surety shall show net worth in a 101-45.3). There shall be no deviation from this form sum not less than the penalty of the bond by supply- except as so authorized (see Al CFR 1-1.009, ing the information required on the face hereof, } .101-1.110). under oath before a United States commissioner, a clerk of a United States Court, or notary public, or 2. A corporation, partnership, or other business some other officer having authority to administer oaths association or firm, as such, will not be accepted as a generally. If the officer has an official seal, it shall surety, nor will a partner be accepted as a surety for be affixed, otherwise the proper certificate as to his I co-partners or for a firm of which he is a member. official character shall be furnished. Stockholders of a corporate principal may be acccepted as sureties provided their qualifications as such are 5. The certificate of sufficiency shall be signed by independent of their stockholdings therein. In arriv- an officer of a bank or trust company, a judge or I ing at the net worth figure in Item 7 on the face of clerk of a court of record,a United States district at- this affidavit an individual surety will not include any torney or commissioner, a postmaster, a collector or financial interest he may have in the assets of the deputy collector of internal'revenue, or any other of- . principal on the bond which this affidavit supports. ficer of the United States acceptable to the depart- ment or establishment concerned. Further certificates I 3. An individual surety shall be a citizen of the showing additional assets, or a new surety, may be United States, except that if the contract and bond required to assure protection of the Government's are executed in any foreign country, the Common- interest. Such certificates must be based on the wealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Canal personal investigation of the certifying officer at the Zone, Guam, or any other territory or possession of time of the making thereof, and not upon:_prior the United States, such surety need only be a perma- certifications., (Back of SF 28 June 66) i i I / •Gro:1966 Or-25S.14s 110-G) I .. N ., ' v STANDARD FORM zs JUNE 1966 EDITION AFFIDAVIT OF INDIVIDUAL SURETY - GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROC. REG. 1.11 CFRI 1-16.801 (See Instructions on Reverse) - STATE OF SS: COUNTY OF 1,the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am one of the sureties to the attached bond;that I am a citizen of the United States (or a permanent resident of the place where the contract and bond are executed as provided in paragraph 3 of the Instructions on reverse),ond of full age and legully competent;that I am not a partner in any business of the principal on the bond or bonds on which 1 appear as surety; I that the information herein below furnished is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. This affidavit is made to induce the United States of America to accept ". as suiety on the attached bond. 1. NAME (First•middle,last) (Type or print) 2. HOME ADDRESS (Numhrr,Street, City,State, ZIP Code) 3. TYPE AND DURATION OF OCCUPATION A. NAME OF EMPLOYER (If selff urployed, so state) S. BUSINESS ADDRESS(Number,Street, City,State, ZII'Code) 6. TELEPHONE NO: .5-1c 7 7 HOME— BUSINESS- 7. OME—BUSINESS-7. THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE REPRESENTATION I OF MY PRESENT ASSETS,LIABILITIES, AND NET WORTH AND DOES NOT INtll)DE Af4Y FINANCIAL INTEREST 1 HAVE IN THE ASSETS OF THE PRINCIPAL ON THE ATTACHED BOND: a. Fair value of solely owned real estate* $ IZo�j(I& Q b. All mortgages or other encumbrances on the redl estate included in Lone a c. Real estate equity (subtract Line b from Line a) -01 d. Fair value of all solely owned property other than real estate' C e. Total of the amounts on Lines c and d .3 f. All other liabilities owing or incurred not included in Line b g. Net worth (subtract Line f from Line e) $ eq.,-�— *Do not include property exempt from execution and sale for any reason. Surety's interest in cotntnunity property'may it included if not so e.Yempt. S. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE OF WHICH t AM SOLE OWNER,THE VALUE OF WHICH IS INCLUDED IN LINE(a),ITEM 7 ABOVE Cul- + • :d 11 ::a Amount of assessed valuation of abore real estate for taxatirm purposes:_ ^ 9. DESCRIPTION'OF PROPERTY INCLUDED IN LINE(d),ITEM 7 ABOVE(I.ht thr IisGre of each category of property separately) 10. ALL OTHER BONDS ON WHICH 1.AM SURETY(.State chararier and amount of tach hood: if none, so state) ' 11. TURF 12. BOND AND CONTRACT TO WHICH THIS AFFIDAVIT RELATES l i (11 here a).propriate) i J SUBSCRIBIED AND 5:1014 TO BEFOI:E ;AZ AS FeLLOWS: DATE OATH ADMINISTERED CITY STATE(Or other jurisdictie"AN CY T. FUSCO (j Li 1 MONTH DAY' YEAR NOTARY PUBLIC, °t oft New Yor N �` 07- 13 92 GREENPORT, NY A Ff Qualified In S1f�County jNAME AND TITLE OF OFFICIAL ADMINISTERING OATH' SIO INURE MY COMIt1� 1911sion Expires Jan.20; 1?4 c (Type or print) i EXPIRES �c NANCY T. FUSCO 1/20/93 28-103 / I 4 o���Fo�k�oG JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK p T P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 1 , 1993 Douglas Johnston, Secretary F..D,R. Leasing Inc. P.O. Box 762 Medford, New York 11763 Dear Mr. Johnston: The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 29, 1993, accepted the bid of Corazzini Brothers, Inc. , at a cost of $1 .23 per gallon, for the purchase and application of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials for the Southold Town Highway Superintendent, all in accordance with the bid specifications. Returned herewith is your $21,100.00 bid check. Thank you for submitting your bid on this proposal. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure • '"t '.�`.,�` h ,.-0.r ✓ ,`:. � . ., y ',. �.,,`t t/ ,�'Ia �{ 4.`�4 �:5, Y' {. [�AL QFkD�.��i#5 ���.3 M A w< 77 < „,Y : # kvw o Sa o <okJb . t A�`r"v {' € M� � i:i •_ pG+1�'1awk oo/-=7=77t7 00, t }''`�f g w, �1b�,k��}'"� '°�Y.,� t ,,r i,� y y f ;t ,,. P y. r w��'s: F�5,.�,�{'�,Y.`', i t•t'��,F ,4 k�`#r+S / '�<Ei, t" ,�J$'4 k� t`v.''+,4 P}:�A'i T < w.� i l Ps*�;.t� ✓'1.:; i `'.r f`t '13 .� `t" '� ;" '''• ` t ` gyp �w' �t �•f2 ii4 ? L 71:112070 } , A 3 JUDITH T. TERRY t '; Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK a P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICERS 4` Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 29, 1993: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Corazzini Brothers, Inc. for the purchase and application of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed by the Superintendent of Highways, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials, all in accordance with the bid specifications, at a cost of $1 .23 per gallon; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an agreement between Corazzini Brothers, Inc. and the Town of Southold for a one (1) year contract to furnish and apply said Asphalt Road Materials. Judith T. Term Southold Town Clerk June 30, 1993 BID FORM FOR ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS FOR DELIVERY TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ITEM N O. 1 TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1. The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and apply 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, all in accordance with the Specifications of the Superintendent of Highways of said Town dated May, 20, 1993. A. Delivered to the Town of Southold and applied �. 1'y per gallon. 2. The.. undersigned further states that the location, type and capacity of the storage facilities in'the Town of Southold are as follows: A. Type of Storage Facilities B. Location of Storage Facilities 14Uw3i-1tj4Tpr) )uY C. Capacity of Storage Facilities 3. The undersigned 'further states that the type,. capacity and number of heated tank trucks and transports that he will ' utilize are as follows: or Ta -2004 A4 ,k)cwdeat 4. In submitting this 'bid the undersigned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same contract. The under- signed further declares that he has or they have carefully examined the specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions and understand that in signing this 'proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. 5. Accompanying this proposal is cash, a bank check or certified check in the amount of $ P10().00 In case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid; the moneys represented by such cash or check shall be regarded as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; otherwise to be returned to the bidder as provided in' the above said'provisions. 6. On acceptance of this bid the undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter into a written contract within ten days of the date of notice of the award of the bid'with the said Town of Southold, and to comply in'all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation to the security for the faithful performance of the terms of said contract. -1- 7. In submitting this bid the undersigned understands that the Town of Southold will'only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED : JOS 1993. Legal a of person, firm or. corporation BY: The P. O. Address of the Bidder, is '74a-2Street City, State, Zip -2- IF A CORPORATION NAME ADDRESS W Lt l� S P- President �� I•t �a, Secretary Treasurer IF A FIRM NAME OF MEMBERS ADDRESS -3- F1000 PF iii I!iLl. HTHEP�:= [-T-f' TEI 51^-9zl' I.-�_i Fe 2/ Frtzer TO 51394512981 y'. BIDDER'S CERTIFICATE FOR ASPHALT CUTBACK 4 Th s = -tify drat th,- under5igned proposed tO furnish Cutback Asphalt which with the nequirements for type lye- C " C. GradeA6-L- 0 { i a - Fc'K sph�sd :s manufactured � r y /` 'tr9 f ►�Tl ?i �e The �' `-�s a -apaclt o� `� �� allons per 8 hour - - L r � P day and has regtelarly. r 3`-' 1.0utured Cut Satk Asphalt for the past years. f� c. Y C SOUc-ce _Uf he Asphaltic Base lj selected Gulf Coast and Venextiallar7 Crudes. ICE = p= an t, a� f 0 er` r cor;tr-act on any of the items) bid' upon vire will ' _ t _ iBI 3`x$37 r. Vi L,,, 'I --ack , =`Ea g6 §'`f 6d notice�t� e to deliver. 5� n :l . r e _trqu ackAs. 'fthe rate ordered to maximum rate o f L-) gallons }ger° 8 hour day- 1 Company fl H BY ; -- — Qf c�tle yN: Date: B, mar, o f the manuEactUir ,r°, the following authorization ;g. ; tip € tLt rd that ' 6�C--AJ) t Name of Bidder v vj. vtree+ Cityo�e Nr�. State ,oa•a ` au rTor=E e i i eiTit and is capable of making deliveries 'in compliance with the above certlflcite. Name of Manufacturer 'ks B Y: _ i a acial Title Date:. o / 23 �i f3 k �a NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION : (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETITOR: (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL: (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARD- ING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIE_ BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF: (e) THAT ATTACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT: 7)6Jc S JOta7�e� Name of Officer AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: -2- Avs) c--z- )4-s p twr- Am.itz's J--I It4z Described Project AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON- COLLUSION REQUIRED BY SECTION 103-d OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTIFICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY F- ' S p4 ,COC CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THEw`' DAY OF 19 . S c tary F.D.R. LEASING, INC. P.D. L ox 762, �£c�fo7J, :1510y. 11763 • 516-696 - 2577 June 11 , 1993 Town of Southold Raymond L. Jacobs Supt. of Highways Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Jacobs On page 2 of the 1993 "Specifications For the Purchase and Application of Asphalt Road Materials, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY. " , we, FDR Leasing, find two passages that we feel are unfair and prevent anyone from bidding competitively. The first is having heatedfstorage tanks in the Town of Souhhold. We do not have such stora#e yet we would be axle to supply the material without any problems. The second is to deliver and apply material within three (3) hours. We feel this is too " short a time frame. However we are confident that twwntyfour (24) hours is sufficient. We hope that these two (2) objections will not preclude the Town from accepting the enclosed bid for consideration. Sincerely, Douglas aohn.ston Secretayy-Treasures j-© 3 F. D. R. LEASING INC. 1522 P.O. BOX 762 MEDFORD,NY 11763.zZill 0-41 ,r 50-7122/2214 PAY_a TO THE o W1� �� ��'�/�CC�� ;,� ���J• �, yy ORDER OF ALA 1-1 DOLLARS SavitW Bank F `4525Sunrise Highway Bohemia, 78 w cilLL a F 118001S220i: 22L47i2271:11'0324sll 0 R LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and application of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of GRADES RC-2 and MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD MATERIAL delivered to the Town of Southold and applied. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Town -Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, bank draft or certified check in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid, Bid Form, and Bidder's Certificate, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, June 17, 1993, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Material", the submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: May 20, 1993. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 3, 1993, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorneys Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Torun Clerk's Bulletin Board SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE AND APPLICATION OF ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Under the specifications, bids are sought for the purchase and application of Asphalt Road Material for use by the Southold Town Highway Department in the repair and maintenance of Town Highways. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed with the name of the person, firm or corporation presenting it. Each bid must be marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Materials." Bid forms and Bidders Certificate may be obtained at the. Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Bids will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York until 11;00 o'clock A.M. on June 17, 1993, as set forth in the published Notice to Bidders published in The Long Island Traveler-Watchman, Each bid must be accompanied by a bank draft or certified check made payable ' to the "Town of Southold" in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid. All bid deposit checks. except that of the lowest responsible bidder will be returned within five (5) days after signing the contract. The bid check of the lowest responsible bidder will. be retained until said bidder has executed and delivered to the Town Clerk the contract,. bonds and all other documents required by these specifications. Should the lowest responsible bidder fail to execute the contract and furnish. the bond and other documents required, his bid deposit shall be for- feited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages and shall be deposited by an officer or employee of the Town of Southold to the credit of the proper Town fund, and the Town Board may award the contract to the second lowest bidder or may reject all. bids and readvertise for bids; whichever is deemed in the best interest of the Town. in the event all bids are rejected, all bid checks will be returned immediately upon such rejection. The Town Board reserves the right, to reject .any and all bids. The successful. bidder shall furnish and maintain in effect at his expense, during the term of the contract, a bond for the faithful performance of the contract, the amount of which shall be 100% of the total bid price. The form of the required performance bond, the sufficiency of sureties and the manner of execution shall be approved. by the Town Board. ITEM NO. 1 Under this Item No. 1, bids are requested for the purchase of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, for the use in repair and maintenance of the town highways, for the calendar year 1993 . of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials, which materials shall comply with the specifications set forth below. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantity of 75,000` gallons specified herein is an estimate only of the quantity of asphalt material which will. be actually required by the Town for its requirements for the 1993 calendar year. The. bidder will be paid for only such quantities as are ordered by the Town and delivered and applied by the bidder. Said materials must be delivered and applied in the Town of Southold Page 2 - Specifications for the Purchase and Application of Asphalt Road Materials The bidder must have not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade RC-2 material and not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade MC-2 material in heated storage tanks located in the Town of Southold, or delivered to and applied in locations in the Town of Southold designated by the Superintendent of Highways, heated to a temperature of not less than 150 degrees Farenheit,' as and when required by the Superintendent of Highways for the calendar year 1993. The bidder must specify the facilities which he will maintain in the Town_ of Southold for storage of the above materials as well as the location of said storage facilities in the Town of Southold, or the heated tank trucks to be utilized in the performance of the contract. The successful bidder will be required to deliver and apply such asphalt materials in quantities of. approximately. 8,000 gallons within three (3) hours of notification by the .Highway. Department. The successful bidder's trucks must be equipped with a wheel calibrated instrument for accuracy of application. Each bid must be accompanied by a "Bidder Certificate" for Asphalt Cut Back, showing the supplier of this material and the location of the plant, and authorizing the Bidder to act as agency for the supplier in the Town of Southold. The Town will only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED: May 20, 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY : RAYMOND L. J ACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Page 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR RC-2 AND MC-2 ASPHALT MATERIALS GRADE RC-2 MC-2 GR API 17. 3 15. 7 Spec. Gravity @ 77°F 0. 95 0. 96 Flash Teg CC°F 87. 170 f Vis SSF 14010F 152 149 Distillation % Rec. @ 374°F 14 @ 437°F 19 @ 500°F 21 8 @ 600°F 23 18 @ 680°F 24 23 Distillate % to 680°F % @ 374°F 57 @ 4370 78 0 @ 500°F 86 35 @ 600°F 98 78 Residue. by diff. % Vol. 76 77 Telt on Residue from distial Pen at 77°F 96 187 Ductility at 77°F 110 f 110 f 110 Sol in CC 14 .99. 9 99. 9 Spot Test OLIENSIS Reg. Reg. DATED : ' May. 20; 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY: RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS d E• envelopeFold at line over top of - •ht of the return address. ^---- 1 J! A i uh� P 747 082 662 t F.D.R. LEASING �s P.O. BOX 762 MEDFORD, NY 1 1763 ;E f } To /1R/7' } a 1� � n RIF5a �` t I F r F t G D T •I A, BID FORM FOR ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS FOR DELIVERY TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TEM N O. 1 TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1. The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and apply 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, all in accordance with the Specifications of the Superintendent of Highways of said Town dated May, 20, 1993. A. Delivered to the Town of Southold and appliedZ, Z,3 per gallon. 2. The, undersigned further states that the location, type and capacity of the storage facilities in�the Town of Southold are as follows: A. Type of Storage Facilities 20 B. Location of Storage Facilities C. Capacity of Storage Facilities a 3. The undersigned 'further states that the type,- capacity and number of heated tank trucks and transports that he will' utiliie' are as follows: e60P.. F UJ A 4. In submitting this 'bid the under igned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is 'made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same contract. The under- signed further declares that he has or they have carefully examined the specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions and understand that in' signing this 'proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. 5. Accompanying this proposal is cash, a bank check or certified check in the amount of $ In case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail 'to execute the contract and in' all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid; the moneys represented by such cash or check shall be regarded as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; otherwise to be; returned to the bidder as provided in' the above said'provisions. 6. On acceptance of this bid the undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter into a written contract within ten days of the date of notice of theaward of the bid'with the said Town of Southold, and to .comply in'all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation to the security for the faithful performance of the terms of said contract. _1- 7. In submitting this .bid the undersigned understands that the Town of Southold will'only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED : 1993. Legal name f p rs n, rm or corporation BY: The P. O. Address of the Bidder is: ��- Street or City, State, Zip -2- . r IF A CORPORATION NAME ADDRESS ed.. f cC l`) President Secretary G Treasurer IF A FIRM NAME OF MEMBERS ADDRESS -3- BIDDER'S CERTIFICATE FOR ASPHALT CUTBACK This is to certify that the undersigned proposed to furnish Cutback Asphalt/which will comply with the requirements for type Grade, The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by .A� whose plant is located at The plant has a capacity of� '0*00 gallons per 8 hour day and has regularly manufactured Cut Back Asphalf for the past `70 years. The specific source of the Asphaltic Base is selected Gulf Coast and Venezuelian Crudes. If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the item(s) bid upon we will begin delivery of Cutback Asphalt withinhours of notice to deliver. We agree to furnish Cutback Asphalt at the rate ordered to maximum rate of /d, a d o gallons per 8 hour day. Com any BY: Official Title Date• 7% -7 If the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer, . the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer: This is to certify that Name of Bidder Street City & Zone No. State Zip Code is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. Name of Manufacturer BY: Official Title Date: NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION : (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETITOR: (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL: (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARD- ING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIE_ BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF:. (e) THAT ATTACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT: t/i'cc Name oTOfficer AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: c. Z"c—u- 46- R L q,/ Described Project AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON- COLLUSION REQUIRED BY SECTION 103-d OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTIFICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THE FOREGOING IS A RI AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTO HELD ON THE__Z_7 DAY OF c�UX ae . 19r• Secretary � b � 1245 CORAZZINI BROTHERS, INC. ' . P.O. BOX 36, 67240 MAIN ROAD GREENPORT, NY 11944Pz 50-791/214 _ C%► PAY 19 TOTHE w a ORDER OF -Al $ � /4/ DOLLARS NOe't- TI-1 F07K rNl< Greenport,NY 11944 —s FOR II100 L 245n■ i:0 2 L4079 L 24 00 �•►� LO n' j LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and application of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of GRADES RC-2 and MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD "MATERIAL delivered to the Town of Southold and applied. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, bank draft or certified check in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid, Bid Form; and Bidder's Certificate, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of. Southold, at .the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, June 17, 1993, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Material", the submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: May 20, 1993. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 3, 1993, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorneys Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board • M SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE AND APPLICATION OF ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Under the specifications, bids are sought for the purchase and application of Asphalt Road Material for use by the Southold Town Highway Department in the repair and maintenance of Town Highways. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed with the name of the person, firm or corporation presenting it. Each bid must be marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Materials." Bid forms and Bidders Certificate may be obtained at the. Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main ' Road, Southold, New York 11971. Bids will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New ,York until 11,00 ,0 1 clock A.M. on June 17, 1993, as set forth in the published Notice to Bidders published in The Long Island Traveler-Watchman, Each bid must be accompanied by a bank draft or certified check made payable ' to the "Town of Southold" in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid: All bid deposit checks except that of the lowest responsible bidder will be returned within five (5) days after signing the contract. The bid check of the lowest responsible bidder willbe retained until said bidder has executed and delivered to the Town Clerk the contract, bonds and all other documents required by these specifications. Should the lowest responsible bidder fail to execute the contract and furnish the bond and other documents required, his bid deposit shall be for- feited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages and shall be deposited by an officer or employee of the Town of Southold to the credit of the proper Town fund, and the Town Board may award the contract to the second lowest bidder or may reject all, bids and readvertise for. bids; whichever is deemed in the best interest of the Town. in the event all bids are rejected, all bid checks will be returned immediately upon such rejection. The Town Board reserves the right, to reject any and all bids. The successful. bidder shall furnish and maintain in effect at his expense, during the term of the contract, a bond for the faithful performance of the contract, the amount of which shall. be 100% of the total bid price. The form of the required performance bond, the sufficiency of sureties and the manner of execution shall be approved. by the Town Board. ITEM NO. 1 Under this 1 tem No. 1, bids are requested for the purchase of 75,00o gallons, more or less as may be needed, for the use in repair and maintenance of the town highways, for the calendar year 1993 . of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials, which materials shall comply with the specifications set forth below. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantity of 75,000` gallons specified herein is an estimate only of the quantity of asphalt material which will be actually required by the Town for its requirements for the 1993 calendar year. The bidder will be paid for only such quantities as are ordered by the Town and delivered and applied by the bidder. Said materials must be delivered and applied in the Town of Southold. Page 2 -. Specifications for the Purchase and Application of Asphalt Road Materials The bidder must have not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade RC-2 material and not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade MC-2 material in heated storage tanks located in the Town of Southold, or delivered to and applied in locations in the Town of Southold designated by the Superintendent of Highways, heated to a temperature of not less than 150 degrees Farenheit,' as and when required by the Superintendent of Highways for the calendar year 1993. The bidder must specify the facilities which he will maintain in the Town. of Southold for storage of the above materials as well as the location of said storage facilities in the Town of Southold, or the heated tank trucks to be utilized in the performance of the contract. The successful bidder will be required to deliver and apply such asphalt materials in quantities of. approximately. 8, 000 gallons within three (3) hours of notification by the .Highway, Department. The successful bidder's trucks must be equipped with a wheel calibrated instrument for accuracy of application. Each bid must. be accompanied by a "Bidder Certificate" for Asphalt Cut Back, showing the supplier of this material and the locationofthe plant, and authorizing the Bidder to act as agency for the supplier in the Town of Southold. The Town will only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED : May 20, 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY : RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Page 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR RC-2 AND MC-2 ASPHALT MATERIALS GRADE RC-2 MC-2 GR API 17. 3 15. 7 Spec. Gravity @ 77°F 0.95 0. 96 Flash Teg CC°F 87. 170 f Vis SSF 140°F 152 149 Distillation % Rec. @ 374°F 14 @ 437°F 19 @ 500°F 21 8 @ 600°F 23 18 @ 680°F 24 23 Distillate % to 680°F % @ 374°F 57 @ 4370 78 0 @ 500°F 86 35 @ 600°F 98 78 Residue_ by diff. Vol. 76 77 Test on Residue from distial Pen at 77°F 96 187 Ductility at 77°F 110 1 110 f 1/0 Sol in CC 14 99. 9 99. 9 Spot Test OLI,ENSIS Reg. Reg. DATED : - May. 20; 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY: RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS BID - GRADES RC-2 & MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD MATERIAL BID OPENING: 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, June 17, 1993 6/2 1. Pavetec Industries, 242 Rabro Dr. , Hauppauge, NY 11788 -Attn: Reed Hendricks 6/9 2 F.D.R. Leasing Inc. , Doug. Johnston, Box 762, Medford NY 11763 696-2577 6/10 3. LLL Industries, Inc. , 19B Stiriz Rd. , Brookhaven, NY 11719 - 286-3222-Attn: Linda _j/10 4. South Fork Asphalt Corp. , Springs-Fireplace Rd.,Drawer 2028,East Hampton,NY 11937 324-1245 6/10 5. Twin Fork Asphalt Inc. , 100 Rogers Ave., Westhampton Beach, N.Y. 11978;288-5322 6/14 6. _CorazzinL Bros. , 235 Sixth Ave., Greenport NY 11944 7. 8. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE 01= NEW YORK LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Patricia Wood,- being duly sworn, says that she is the NOTICE IS HEREBY Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; of the General Municipal Law, and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, that sealed bids are sought and has peen •published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman requested for the purchase and once each week for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . weeks application of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be need- ed, of GRADES RC-2 and Successively, commencing; on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD MATERIAL delivered to the Town of Southold and ap- plied. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the J . Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold,Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together withallon-Collusive BidSw��rn to hef<�re me Ibis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . Cer- tificate,bank draft or certified check in an amount equal to . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2% of the amount of the bid, Bid Form, and Bidder's Cer- tificate,will be received by the Town Clerk f e Town of Southold, at theSouthold ��2 `�'• '' �<-�e,✓. . . . . . . . . . . . Town Hall, Main Road, Notary Public Southold, New York, until 11:00 a.m.,Thursday,June 17, BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER 1993, at which time they will NOTARY PUBLIC, State of York be opened and read aloud in No. 4806346 public. Qualified in Suffolk County The Town Board of the Commission Expires 8/31/9, Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all infor- mality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Material," and submit- ted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: May 20, 1993 JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1X-6/3/93(4) STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)SS: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New Y being duly sworn, says that on the 26th York, y day of May she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a tru 1993 in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the copy, Of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Town 1erk's B Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 1ulletin 1971 . Legal Notice, Notice to Bidders, purchase and application of Gr and MC-2 Asphalt Road Material. Bid opening: 11 :00 A.M. tides RC-2 17, 1993, Southold Town Clerk's Office, Thursday, June Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 26th _ day of May 1993. N ary Pub is Notary Public State off New York No.4822563,Suffolk Count Term Expires December 31,18 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and application of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of GRADES RC-2 and MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD MATERIAL delivered to the Town of Southold and applied. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, bank draft or certified check in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid, Bid Form, and Bidder's Certificate, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, June 17, 1993, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to ,do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Material", the submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: May 20, 1993. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 3, 1993, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorneys Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LEGAL NOTICE P-7 3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and application of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of GRADES RC-2 and MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD MATERIAL delivered to the Town of Southold and applied. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 . The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, bank draft or certified check in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid, Bid Form, and Bidder's Certificate, will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11 :00 A.M., Thursday, June 17, 1993, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Material", the submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: May 20, 1993. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 3, 1993, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 . Copies to the following: The Traveler-Watchman Town Board Members Town Attorneys Superintendent of Highways Jacobs Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board c r f SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE AND APPLICATION OF ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Under the specifications, bids are sought for the purchase and application of Asphalt Road Material for use by the Southold Town Highway Department in the repair and maintenance of Town Highways. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed with the name of the person, firm or corporation presenting it. Each bid must be marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Materials." Bid forms and Bidders Certificate may be obtained at the. Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main' Road, Southold, New York 11971. Bids will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York until 11;00 o'clock A,M. on June 17, 1993, as set forth in the published Notice to Bidders published in The Long Island Traveler-Watchman. Eachbid must be accompanied by a bank draft or certified check made payable to the "Town of Southold" in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid. All bid deposit checks except that of the lowest responsible bidder will be returned within five (5) days after signing the contract. The bid check of the lowest responsible bidder will. be retained until said bidder has executed and delivered to the Town Clerk the contract,. bonds and all other documents required by these specifications. Should the lowest responsible bidder fail to execute the contract and furnish. the bond and other documents required, his bid deposit shall be for- feited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages and shall be deposited by an officer or employee of the Town of Southold to the credit of the proper Town fund, and the Town Board may award the contract to the second lowest bidder or may reject all. bids and readvertise for. bids; whichever is deemed in the best interest of the Town. in the event all bids are rejected, all bid checks will be returned immediately upon such rejection. The Town Board reserves the right- to reject .any and all bids. The successful. bidder shall furnish and maintain in effect at his expense, during the term of the contract, a bond for the faithful performance of the contract, the amount of which shall be 100°% of .the total bid price. The form of the required performance bond, the sufficiency of sureties and the manner of execution shall be approved. by the Town Board. ITEM NO. . 1. . Under this Item No. 1, bids are requested for the purchase of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, for the use in repair and maintenance of the town highways, for the calendar year 1993 . of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials, which materials shall comply with the specifications set forth below. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantity of 75,000`' gallons specified herein is an estimate only of the quantity of asphalt material which will be actually required by the Town for its requirements for the 1993 calendar year. The. bidder will be paid for only such quantities as are ordered by the Town and delivered and applied by the bidder. Said materials must be delivered and applied in the Town of Southold. 0 Page 2 -. Specifications for the Purchase and Application of Asphalt Road Materials •The bidder must have not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade RC-2 material and not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade MC-2 material in heated storage tanks located in the Town of Southold, or delivered to and applied in locations in the Town of Southold designated by the Superintendent of Highways, heated to a temperature of not less than 150 degrees Farenheit, as and when required by the Superintendent of Highways for the calendar year 1993. The bidder must specify the facilities which he will maintain in the Town• of Southold for storage of the above materials as well as the location of said storage facilities in the Town of Southold, or the heated tank trucks to be utilized in the performance of the contract. The successful- bidder will be required to deliver and apply such asphalt materials in quantities of approximately 8,000 gallons within three (3) hours of notification by the Highway, Department. The successful bidder's trucks must be equipped with a wheel calibrated instrument for accuracy of application. Each bid must be accompanied by a "Bidder Certificate" for Asphalt Cut Back, showing the supplier of this material and the location of the plant, and authorizing the Bidder to act as agency for the supplier in the Town of Southold. The Town will only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED : May 20, 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY : RAYMOND L. J ACO BS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Y 1 ` Page 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR RC-2 AND MC-2 ASPHALT MATERIALS GRADE RC-2 MC-2 GR API 17. 3 15. 7 Spec. Gravity @ 77°F 0.95 0. 96 Flash Teg CC°F 87. 170 f Vis SS F 140°F 152 149 Distillation % Rec. @ 374°F 14 @ 437°F 19 @ 500°F 21 8 @ 600°F 23 18 @ 680°F 24 23 Distillate % to 680°F % @ 374°F 57 @ 4370 78 0 @ 500°F 86 35 @ 600°F 98 78 Residue_ by diff. % Vol. 76 77 Test on Residue from distial Pen at 77°F 96 187. Ductility at 77°F 110 f 110 f 1/0 Sol in CC 14 99. 9 99. 9 Spot Test OLIENSIS Reg. Reg. DATED : ' May 20; 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY: RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS r. BID FORM FOR ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS FOR DELIVERY TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ITEM N O. 1 TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1. The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and apply 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, all in accordance with the Specifications of the Superintendent of Highways of said Town dated May, 20, 1993. A'. Delivered to the Town of Southold and applied per gallon. 2. The. undersigned further states that the location, type and capacity of the storage facilities in'the Town of Southold are as follows: A. Type of Storage Facilities B. Location of Storage Facilities C. Capacity of Storage Facilities 3. The undersigned further states that the type,. capacity and number of heated tank trucks and transports that he will utilize are as follows: 4. In submitting this bid the undersigned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same contract. The under- signed further declares that he has or they have carefully examined the specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions and understand that in signing this 'proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. S. Accompanying this `proposal is cash, a bank check or certified check in the amount of $ In case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid, the moneys represented by such cash or check shall be regarded as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; otherwise to be returned to the bidder as provided in' the above said'provisions. 6. On acceptance of this bid the undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter into a written contract within-ten days of the date of notice of theaward of the bid' with the said Town of Southold, and to comply in all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation to the security for the faithful performance of the terms of said contract. -1- 7. In submitting this bid the undersigned understands that the Town of Southold will'only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED: 1993. Legal name of person, firm or corporation BY: The P. O. Address of the Bidder is: Street City, State, Zip -2- IF A CORPORATION NAME ADDRESS President Secretary Treasurer IF A FIRM NAME OF MEMBERS ADDRESS 3- BIDDER'S CERTIFICATE FOR ASPHALT CUTBACK This is to certify that the undersigned proposed to furnish Cutback Asphalt which will comply with the requirements for type Grade The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by whose plant is located at The plant has a capacity of gallons per 8 hour day and has regularly manufactured Cut Back Asphalt for the past years. The specific source of the Asphaltic Base isselected Gulf Coast and VenezUelian Crudes. If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the item(s) bid upon we will ' begin delivery of Cutback Asphalt within hours of notice to deliver. We agree to furnish Cutback Asphalt at the rate ordered to maximum rate of gallons per 8 hour day. Company BY: Official Title Date: If the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer, the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer: This is to certify that Name of Bidder Street City 8 Zone No. State Zip Code is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. Name of Manufacturer BY: Official Title Date: i • NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION : (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETITOR: (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL: (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARD- ING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIE_ BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF: (e) THAT ATTACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT : Name of Officer AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: Described Project AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON- COLLUSION REQUIRED BY SECTION 103-d OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTIFICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THE DAY OF 19 Secretary JUDITH T. TERRY j # Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERKS+ P.O. BOX 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS a k Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICERt Fax (516) 765-1823 V, Telephone (516) 765-1801 ZZ , OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MAY 20, 1993: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Material for the Highway Department, all in accordance with the bid specifications. /-e/Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk May 21, 1993 Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y, 11958 RAYMOND L.JACOBS (516) 765-3140 Superintendent (516) 734-5211 FAX (516) 765-1750 RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY : RESOLVED : That the Town Board of the 'down of Southold .hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the Superintendent of Highways for the purchase of: PURCHASE AND APPLICATION OF 75 , 000 GALLONS , MORE OR LESS AS MAY BE NEEDED , OF GRADES RC-2 AND MC-2 ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS. VOTE OF THE TOWN BOARD Supervisor Scott L . Harris (Yes) (No) Justice Raymond W . Edwards (Yes) (No) . Councilman George L . Penny (Yes) (No) Councilman Thomas H . Wickham (Yes) (No) Councilman Joseph J . Lizewski Yes` No Councilwoman Alice J . Hussie PM Rfl Town Clerk , Town of Southold Dated : MAY 19 , 1993 AGREEMENT made this day of , 1993 between with its principal office and place of business at hereinafter called the Contractor, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the Town. WITNESSETH, that the Contractor has agreed to provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and apply 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials for the Town of Southold for $ per gallon. This contract shall be for a period of one (1) year from the day of 1993. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By Scott Louis Harris CONTRACTOR By STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) On the day of 1993 before me personally came to me know, who being by me duly sworn, did' depose and say that he resides at , and that he is the of , the corporation described in'and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said' corporation; that the seal affixed to said' instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public STATE OF. NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the of 1993 before me personally came Scott Louis Harris to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did'depose and say that he resides at 37800 Main Road, Orient, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said' instrument is 'such corporate seal; that it *was so affixed by order of the Town Board of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE AND APPLICATION OF ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Under the specifications, bids are sought for the purchase and application of Asphalt Road Material for use by the Southold Town Highway Department in the repair and maintenance of Town Highways. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed with the name of the person, firm or corporation presenting it. Each bid must be marked "Bid on Asphalt Road Materials." Bid forms and Bidders Certificate may be obtained at the. Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main ' Road, Southold, New York 11971. Bids will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York until 11:00 o'clock A.M. on June 17, 1993, as set forth in the published Notice to Bidders published in The Long Island Traveler-Watchman, Each bid must be accompanied by a bank draft or certified check made payable to the "Town of Southold" in an amount equal to 2% of the amount of the bid. All bid deposit. checks except that of the lowest responsible bidder will be returned within five (5) days after signing the contract. The bid check of the lowest responsible bidder will be retained until said bidder has executed and delivered to the Town Clerk the contract,. bonds and all other documents required by these specifications. Should the lowest responsible bidder fail to execute the contract and furnish: the bond and other documents required, his bid deposit shall be for- feited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages and shall be deposited by an officer or employee of the Town of Southold to the credit of the proper Town fund, and the Town Board may award the contract to the second lowest bidder or may reject all. bids and readvertise for. bids; whichever is deemed in the best interest of the Town. in the event all bids are rejected, all bid checks will be returned immediately upon such rejection. The Town Board reserves the right to reject .any and all bids. The successful.. bidder shall furnish and maintain in effect at his expense, during the term of the contract, a bond for the faithful performance of the contract, the amount of which shall be 100% of the total bid price. The form of the required performance bond, the sufficiency of sureties and the manner of execution shall be approved. by. the Town Board ITEM Under this Item No. 1, bids are requested for the purchase of 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, for the use in repair and maintenance of the town highways, for the calendar year '1993 : of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials, which materials shall comply with the specifications set forth below. The attention of the bidder is specifically called to the fact that the quantity of 75,000` gallons specified herein is an estimate onlyof. the quantity of asphalt material which. willbe actually required by the Town for its requirements for the 1993 calendar year. The bidder will be paid for only such quantities as are ordered by the Town and delivered and applied by the bidder. Said materials must. be delivered and applied in the Town of Southold Page 2 _Specifications for the Purchase and Application of Asphalt Road Materials The bidder must have not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade RC-2 material and not less than 30,000 gallons of Grade MC-2 material in heated storage tanks located in the Town of Southold, or delivered to and applied in locations in the Town of Southold designated by the Superintendent of Highways, heated to a temperature of not less than 150 degrees Farenheit, as and when required by the Superintendent of Highways for the calendar year 1993. The. bidder must specify the facilities which he will maintain in the Town, of Southold for storage of the above materials as well as the location of said storage facilities in. the Town of Southold, or the heated tank trucks to be utilized in the performance of the contract. The successful' bidder will be required to deliver and apply such asphalt materials in quantities of approximately 8,000 gallons within three (3) hours of notification by the .Highway, Department. The successful bidder's trucks must be equipped with a wheel calibrated instrument for accuracy of application. Each bid must be accompanied. by a "Bidder Certificate" for Asphalt Cut Back, showing the supplier of this material and the location of the plant, and authorizing the Bidder to act as agency for the supplier in the Town of Southold. The Town will only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year. DATED : May 20' , 1993. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY: RAYMOND L. JACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Page 3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR RC-2 AND MC-2 ASPHALT MATERIALS GRADE RC-2 MC-2 GR API 17. 3 15.7 Spec. Gravity @ 77°F 0.95 0.96 Flash Teg CC°F 87. 170 f Vis SS F 140°F 152 149 Distillation % Rec. @ 374°F 14 @ 437°F 19 @ 500°F 21 8 @ 600°F 23 18 @ 680°F 24 23 , Distillate % to 680°F % @ 374°F 57 @ 4370 78 0 @ 500OF 86 35 @ 600°F 98 78 Residue. by diff. % Vol. 76 77 Test on Residue from distial Pen at 77°F 96 187 Ductility at 77°F 110 f 110 f 1/0 Sol in CC 14 99. 9 99. 9 Spot.Test OLI.ENSIS Reg. Reg. DATED : May. 20; 1993. TOWN Of SOUTHOLD BY: RAYMOND L. J ACOBS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS ai w. BID FORM FOR. ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS FOR DELIVERY TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1 TEM NO. ] TO THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ].' The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and apply 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, all in accordance with the Specifications of the Superintendent of Highways of said Town dated May. 201 1993. A: Delivered to the Town of Southold and applied per gallon. 2. The; undersigned further states that the location, type and capacity;of the storage facilltiea in.'the Town of Southold are as follows: A. Type of Storage Facilities B. Location of Storage Facilities C. Capacity of Storage Facilities 3. The undersigned 'further states that the type,. capacity and number of heated tank trucks and transports that he wilt' utilize' are as follows: 4. In submitting this 'bid'the undersigned declares that he is 'or they are the only person or persons interested in the said' bid and that it is 'made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same contract. The under- signed further declares that he has or they have carefully examined the specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions and understand that in signing this 'proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. 5. Accompanying this `proposal is cash, a bank check or certified check in the amount of $ . 1n case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid; the moneys represented by such cash or check shall be regarded as Liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; otherwise to be returned to the bidder as provided in' the above said'provisions. 6. On acceptance of this bid the undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter into a written contract within ten days of the date of notice of theaward of the bid'with the said Town of Southold, and to comply in'all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation to the security for the faithful performance of the terms of said contract. 7. In submitting this bid the undersigned understands that the Town of Southold will only pay for such road materials as actually ordered and used in any calendar year, DATED: 1993. Legal name of person, firm or• corporation BY: The P. O. Address of the Bidder, is Street City, State, Zip > -2- IF A CORPORATION NAME ADDRESS President Secretary Treasurer IF A FIRM NAME OF MEMBERS ADDRESS -3- BIDDER'S CERTIFICATE FOR ASPHALT CUTBACK This is to certify that the undersigned proposed to furnish Cutback Asphalt which will comply with the requirements for type Grade The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by whose plant is located at The plant has a capacity of gallons per 8 hour day and has regularly manufactured Cut Back Asphalt for the past years. The specific source of the Asphaltic Base is selected Gulf Coast and Venezuelian Crudes. 1f we receive an award of order or contract on any of the item(s) bid upon we will ' begin delivery of Cutback Asphalt withinhours of notice to deliver. We agree to furnish Cutback Asphalt at the rate ordered to maximum rate of gallons per 8 hour day. Company BY: Official Title Date If the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer, the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer: This is to certify that Name of Bidder Street City & Zone No. State Zip Code is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. Name of Manufacturer BY: Official Title Date: NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION : (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETITOR: (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL: (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARD- ING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIES BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF: (e) THAT ATTACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT: Name of Officer AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: Described Project AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON- COLLUSION REQUIRED BY SECTION 103-d OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTIFICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THE DAY OF 19 Secretary