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June 03, 2014
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz
Facilitated Housing Advisory Commission (HAC) meeting and disseminated
minutes. Presentation by developer Frank Scarola for affordable
condominiums in hamlet of Southold. Additional meeting with Mr. Scarola
and Planning Board, Planning staff and Mike Verity to further details for scope
of project.
Attended code committee meeting to discuss possible amendments to code
regarding creation of apartments in Accessory Structures (i.e. change of date,
allowance of expansion of structure, etc.) Consensus that the best way to
accommodate apartments within the code should be through modifying
Affordable Housing District (AHD) legislation.
Continued work with Habitat for demolition of blighted site, received
environmental approval and release of funds date from Suffolk County. They
continue to work with two applicants for consideration.
Vetted application of applicant residing in apartment (accessory structure.)
Youth Bureau:
Continued supervision of Mattituck senior, Christian Montgomery.
Continued meeting with Southampton and Riverhead Youth Bureau directors
and aides of Legislators Krupski and Schneiderman for development of East
End Youth Needs Assessment.
Co-authored first preliminary draft of needs assessment and disseminated to
approximately 40 people for comment.
Facilitated community meeting in Flanders to discuss assessment.
Completed application for Suffolk County Summer Works program with
participation of three Town departments for five positions (2 DPW, 2 Highway
and 1 HRC.) Interviewed several prospective student applicants.
Attended East End Partnership for Youth committee meeting to develop
conference for youth service providers as well as student leadership
With Crissy Witzke (Youth Bureau board) developed Facebook page content
for Youth Bureau.
Several discussions with John Acquaro regarding NY Organ Donor Network
sponsorship of movie night in the park for Southold residents.
Facilitated “Bike Swap” at the Recreation Center, 37 bicycles and tricycles
were brought in by residents with 23 swapped for another and 14 donated to
CAST. Officer Bill Brewer and staff from Country Time Cycle offered safety
training and helmet fitting. Posted photos of event to Facebook page.
Comprehensive Plan:
Worked with Heather Lanza to strengthen outreach for community input for
Land Use chapter.
Attended Land Use and Zoning meeting with real estate community.
Economic Development:
Assisted and attended opening of Mattituck Farmers Market on Love Lane.
Facilitated Economic Development Committee meeting that included
presentation by Utopia Home Care and disseminated minutes.
Facilitated meeting with Carolyn Fahey and Lighthouse Fellowship on Fishers
Island that needed to be rescheduled due to inclement weather.
Follow-up meeting with Utopia Home Care re Home Health Aide training at
Peconic Lane Community Center, provided tour of the facility.
Meeting with two restaurateurs opening a restaurant in Southold. Follow-up
meeting with Carolyn Fahey re Suffolk County resources.
Community Development:
Review of Suffolk County Community Development 2014 Annual Action Plan.
2014 administrative summary reporting for May CDBG administration funds
from Suffolk County.
Attended SC Community Development mandatory meeting regarding
“Analysis to Impediments of Fair Housing” seminar in Hauppauge.
Executive Safety:
Meeting with Chief Flatley, Lloyd Reisenberg, Tim Abrams, Jeff Standish and
Nancy Foote to discuss surveillance at Town Hall. Two vendors who initially
expressed interest have not replied, Nancy will follow-up with them.
With Police Chief Flatley, attended “Heroin Addiction Legislative Taskforce”
meeting convened by Senator LaValle and Assemblymen Palumbo and
Responded to three citizen requests on Town website regarding removal of
deer carcasses, extension of building permit and trash on Town Beach.
Attended meeting of overview of the Leadership Academy Training.
Developed Community Notices advertisement for the Suffolk Times.