HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-04/16/2014 Peter A.Young,Chairman Town Hall,53095 Main Rd.
Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
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Conservation Advisory Council RECEIVED
Town of Southold ft;,?6-
MAY 15 04 ,
Wed., April 16, 2014 Southold Town Clerk
4:30 PM
Down's Farm Preserve
A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., April 16, 2014 at
Down's Farm Preserve.
Present were: Peter Young, Chairman
John Stein, Member
Doug Hardy, Member
William McDermott, Member
Keith McCamy, Member
Hunter Hedges, Student Intern
Lauren Standish, Secretary
Absent was: Peter Meeker, Member
Jack McGreevy, Member
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Chairman Peter Young. Peter asked the members
to draft ideas for a code of conduct, which will be discussed at the next monthly meeting in May.
John Stein attended the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on Wed., March 19th. The
meeting was business as usual.
Leah Santacroce has resigned from the CAC due to her heavy workload at school.
Hunter Hedges will begin monitoring the PH levels in Marratooka Lake and compare them to the
years past. He will present his findings at the next meeting. Hunter will also conduct research on
whether canoes can transmit algae into other water bodies and the possibility of installing a
freshwater hose near public water bodies in an effort to prevent cross-contamination. He will also
continue his research on the butterflies.
Moved by John Stein, seconded by William McDermott, to Approve the Minutes of March 12,
Moved by William McDermott, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of RICHARD BLICKMAN for the as-built seawall within
and adjacent to the footprint of the original seawall. The replacement seawall is 180 If. and ranges
in width. Plant a minimum of 80 sf. of native wetland vegetation and 300 sf. of native upland
vegetation seaward and landward of the seawall.
Located: 15345 Main Rd., East Marion. SCTM#23-1-5
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
The CAC Supports the application and recommends a non-turf buffer along the landward side of
the top of the bank.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by William McDermott, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of WILLIAM & PATRICIA MOORE to remove the
existing platform and stairs and construct a 10'x10' wood platform at top of bank with a set of 4'x6'
steps to a 4'x4' landing with 4'x9' steps to bottom of bank, using flow-through material for steps;
install a kayak rack onto lower stairs; add approximately 100 cubic yards of clean fill to restore
bank, re-grade and stabilize slope; re-vegetate with natural vegetation along bank and install a 10'
wide non-turf landscaped buffer along top of bank; install an egress window into the existing
43.4'x30.4' one story dwelling with attached 27.5'x14' deck; and for the existing 11.3'x19.4'
detached garage.
Located: 850 Ruch Lane, Greenport. SCTM# 52-2-30
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
The CAC Supports the application with the condition the 10' non-turf buffer is depicted on the
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by William McDermott, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of CYNTHIA & JOSEPH SCHAFER for the partial
demolition of existing dwelling to be remodeled and renovated; demolish existing porch and deck,
demolish detached garage and construct proposed additions, construct one-car garage with
billiard room above, construct covered porch, dwelling to be raised, and covered porch and deck
to be extended on seaward side of house.
Located: 1030 West Lake Dr., Southold. SCTM#90-2-3
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
The CAC Supports the application with the condition the prior bulkhead behind the existing is
shown on the plan and a 10' non-turf buffer is installed along the landward side of the bulkhead.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by William McDermott, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of PATRICIA COADY to construct 110'X 45 undulating
rock revetment upland of spring high water; truck in quarry stone and fill; establish 10' non-fertilizer
dependent buffer area upland of rock revetment; access site by excavator from upland property
and excavate 2'X 1' deep row to install toe stone 1' below grade; lay filter fabric on existing slope,
add core stone and set revetment stones in place, add 6"X 8" sand and lay jute mesh over sand;
and plant with American Beach grass by hand trowel.
Located: 2625 Cedar Ave., Southold. SCTM#77-1-1
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
The CAC Supports the application, however, the project wasn't staked. The CAC recommends the
removal of the over-turned boats from the wetland area and questions the definition of a non-
fertilizer dependent buffer area.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
ALEXANDER & PAULINE LeDONNE to construct a 6'X 20' seasonal floating dock, seasonal 32"
X 14' aluminum ramp and a 3'X 39' catwalk with 6" dia. pilings.
Located: 850 aka 910 Oak Ave., Southold. SCTM#77-1-5
The project was not staked and the property was not posted, therefore no recommendation was
Moved by Peter Young, seconded by William McDermott, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of PAUL KONOWITZ to reconstruct in-place of existing
a 150' upper retaining wall with vinyl, (2) 10' returns, reconstruct existing stairs and platforms and
20'X 24' deck, backfill with 45 cy. and restore disturbed area with just fabric and Cape American
beach grass.
Located: 8425 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#118-4-11
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
The CAC Supports the application, however, several of the CAC members could not access the
property because the gates were locked.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Peter Young, seconded by William McDermott, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of LORRI SHACKELFORD to remove all sod previously
added in the non-turf buffer and discard off site; install 66 cy. of organic, non-treated mulch layer in
non-turf buffer zone; install 657 If. of black iron fencing along the line that separates the non-turf
buffer zone from the non-disturbance zone; install six (6) Juniperus virginiana along the north/east
side of property; establish and maintain a 25' wide non-turf buffer with non-treated mulch 25' off of
seaward side of house; and establish and maintain a non-disturbance buffer seaward of non-turf
buffer to be delineated 50' from rear of house to edge of wetlands.
Located: 4370 Moore's Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#116-1-9.1
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
RICHARD &ANNE MOORE to remove existing storm damaged dock and construct 4'X 101' fixed
dock, 3'X 12' aluminum ramp and 6'X 20' floating dock supported by four 8" piles and TX 10"
cross bracing to support float a min. of 30" off creek bottom.
Located: 790 Oak St., Cutchogue. SCTM#136-1-38
The project was not staked, therefore no recommendation was made.
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of CUTCHOGUE 6213, LLC to implement an
erosion control and revegetation plan consisting of placement of 5,868 If. of timber bluff terracing;
268 cy. of clean fill to be trucked in from an approved upland source; and 13,040 sf. of native
Located: 6213 Oregon Road, Cutchogue. SCTM#82-2-3.1
Inspected by Doug Hardy, John Stein
The CAC does Not Support the application because hardening of the shoreline will starve the
beaches to the east. This entire area requires a coastal zone management plan and not a
piecemeal approach. These bluffs are a major source of sediment that is transported along the
eastern shoreline.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of CUTCHOGUE 6291, LLC to construct a 4'X 80'
timber bluff stairway (including 4'X 4' entry steps to 5.3'X 12' platform at top of bluff, four 4' wide
landings, benches, 4'X 8' platform and 3'X 3.5' platform with 2.5' wide retractable aluminum stairs
at base of bluff) within boundaries of 10' wide easement. Implement an erosion control and
revegetation plan consisting of placement of 5,832 If. of timber bluff terracing, 266 cy. of clean fill
to be trucked in from an approved upland source, and 12,960 sf. of native vegetation.
Located: 6291 Oregon Road, Cutchogue. SCTM#82-2-3.2
Inspected by: Peter Young, Keith McCamy, William McDermott, Peter Meeker
The CAC does Not Support the application because hardening of the shoreline will starve the
beaches to the east. This entire area requires a coastal zone management plan and not a
piecemeal approach. These bluffs are a major source of sediment that is transported along the
eastern shoreline.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of PATRICIA GILCHRIST MANCINO to demolish and
remove existing 6'X 44' porch and associated wood landing and steps and construct new 8'X 53'
roofed over porch and 4'X 6' landing with 4'X 11' steps; and install drainage system to collect roof
run-off from existing dwelling consisting of leaders, gutters and (2) 8" dia. wells.
Located: 15 Fourth St., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-10-15
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
The CAC Supports the application, however, the property illegally blocks public access and the
seawall groin has destroyed the end of Fourth Street, which has accelerated erosion to the east.
The CAC recommends a narrow walkway along the seawall to allow for public access, in
accordance with the public trust doctrine.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of CHERI ANTONIELLO to construct a detached
garage 15'X 24' on a slab with gutters connected to drywells on the southeast corner of the house.
Located: 2404 Camp Mineola Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122-9-7.20
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of STRONG'S MARINE INLET, LLC to construct
adjacent to existing swimming pool a 24'X 32' pool pavilion (covered and unenclosed) with (2)
attached 14' X 20' pergolas, (2) enclosed 10'X 15' changing areas, and a 10'X 28' pool equipment
storage shed. Associated storm drainage system consisting of(2) 8" dia. drywells will be located
more than 100' landward of wetlands and outside Ch. 275 jurisdiction.
Located: 2255 Wickham Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#114-3-1
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by John Stein, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of JOSEPH B. MOISA, JR. to construct approx. 180 If.
of vinyl bulkhead in place of existing timber bulkhead; construct two (2) 10' vinyl returns; and
backfill with approx.. 20 cy. of clean sand/loam fill to be trucked in from an approved upland
Located: 1225 Westview Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#139-1-1
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by John Stein, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of PATRICK SCOLLARD to Amend Wetland Permit
#7954 to allow for the construction of approx. 189 If. of vinyl retaining wall landward of bulkhead.
Located: 905 Willis Creek Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#123-10-3
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, John Stein
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Peter Young will attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for Wed.,
April 23, 2014 at 5:30 PM.
The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council has been set for Wed., May 14, 2014 at
4:30 PM at Down's Farm Preserve.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00
Respectfully submitted by,
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Lauren M. Standish, Secretary
Conservation Advisory Council
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So hold Town Clerk