HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-04/07/2014 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING NALD BJ.OARD M EMBERS O�*QF SD�lyOl South 1d,oNY 11971 Chair l OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY G OQ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �Ql (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR yCOUNT`I� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southol dtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Monday, April 7, 2014 6:00 p.m. RECEIVED Present were: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair o�%30 Pm James H. Rich III, Vice Chair MAY 6 2014 William J. Cremers, Member Q Pierce Rafferty, Member s46thold Town Clerk Martin H. Sidor, Member Heather Lanza, Planning Director Brian Cummings, Planner Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner Carol Kalin, Secretary SETTING OF THE NEXT PLANNING BOARD MEETING Donald Wilcenski: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the regularly- scheduled Southold Town Planning Board Public Meeting for April 7, 2014. The first order of business is to set Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as the time and place for the next regularly-scheduled Planning Board Meeting. William Cremers: So moved. Martin Sidor: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. Southold Town Planning Board Page Two April 7, 2014 SET HEARINGS Moody & Tognozzi - This proposed Lot Line Modification transfers 1.21 acres from SCTM#1000-98-1-2.7 to SCTM#1000-98-1-2.6 and SCTM#1000-98-1-2.8. Lot 2.7 will decrease in size from 1.21 acres to 0.00 acres, Lot 2.6 will increase from 0.98 acres to 1.59 acres, and Lot 2.8 will increase from 1.26 acres to 1.86 acres. The property is located at 2860 Leslie Road, Peconic. Pierce Rafferty: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed Lot Line Modification transfers 1.21 acres from SCTM#1000- 98-1-2.7 to SCTM#1000-98-1-2.6 and SCTM#1000-98-1-2.8. Lot 2.7 will decrease in size from 1.21 acres to 0.00 acres, Lot 2.6 will increase from 0.98 acres to 1.59 acres, and Lot 2.8 will increase from 1.26 acres to 1.86 acres; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing upon the map entitled "Lot Line Modification Map of Lots 5, 6 & 7" prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Land Surveyor, dated March 28, 2011. William Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. I am recusing myself from the next two setting of the hearings: Strong's Marine and James Creek. *********************************************** Strong's Marine Pavilion - This amended application is for the proposed construction of a 32' x 24' (640 sq. ft.) pool cabana with two (2) pergolas at 14' x 20', storage and attached changing rooms with no plumbing on 8.8 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. The property is located at 2255 Wickham Avenue, 670' n/w/o CR 48 and Wickham Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM#1000-114-3-1 Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, on March 10, 2014, the agent for the applicant, Jeffrey Butler, submitted an application for site plan review; and WHEREAS, this amended application is for the proposed construction of a 32' x 24' (640 sq. ft.) pool cabana with two (2) pergolas at 14' x 20', storage and attached Southold Town Planning Board Page Three April 7, 2014 changing rooms with no plumbing on 8.8 acres in the Marine II Zoning District, Mattituck; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:02 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the site plan entitled "Amended Site Plan for Strong's Marine Pavilion" dated March 11, 2014 and last revised March 24, 2014, prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E. William Cremers: Second. James Rich: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Wiliam Cremers, Martin Sidor, Pierce Rafferty James Rich: Aye. James Rich: Motion carries. James Creek Landing - This proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five lots where Lot 1=2 acres inclusive of a 1-acre Open Space Easement Area; Lot 2=2 acres inclusive of a 1.2-acre Open Space Easement Area; Lot 3=5.5 acres inclusive of a 1.3 acre Open Space Easement Area; and Lot 4=3.7 acres inclusive of a 1.7-acre Open Space Easement Area in the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5=1.8 acres inclusive of 0.3 acres of Open Space Easement Area and is located in the B Zoning District. The property is located on the w/s/o Main Road, approximately 280' s/o New Suffolk Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-122-3-1.4 William Cremers: WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 2 acres inclusive of a 1 acre Open Space Easement Area; Lot 2 = 2 acres inclusive of a 1.2 acres Open Space Easement Area; Lot 3 = 5.5 acres inclusive of a 1.3 acres Open Space Easement Area; and Lot 4 = 3.7 acres inclusive of a 1.7 acres Open Space Easement Area in the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5 = 1.8 acres inclusive of 0.3 acres of Open Space Easement Area and is located in the B Zoning District; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:03 p.m. for a Final Public Hearing upon the map entitled "Final Plat of James Creek Landing" prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Land Surveyor, dated July 12, 2005 and last revised February 11, 2014. Martin Sidor: Second. James Rich: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Southold Town Planning Board Page Four April 7, 2014 Wiliam Cremers, Martin Sidor, Pierce Rafferty, James Rich: Aye. James Rich: Motion carries. I am recusing myself from the next setting of hearing. Peconic Landing - This Amended Site Plan is for the proposed construction of two new buildings at Peconic Landing, an existing continuing care retirement community. One building is an 87,426 sq. ft. apartment building with 46 apartments and a parking garage, and the other is a 35,543 sq. ft. nursing home with 33 beds, and including a reconfiguration of the parking lot on 144 acres in the Hamlet Density Zoning District. The property is located at 1205 Route 25, 1,121' east of Sound Road, Greenport. SCTM#1000-35-1-25 Pierce Rafferty: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, on October 23, 2014, the agent for the applicant, Charles Cuddy, Esq., submitted an application for site plan review; and WHEREAS, this Amended Site Plan is for the proposed construction of two new buildings at Peconic Landing, an existing continuing care retirement community. One building is an 87,426 sq. ft. apartment building with 46 apartments and a parking garage, and the other is a 35,543 sq. ft. nursing home with 33 beds, and including a reconfiguration of the parking lot on 144 acres in the Hamlet Density Zoning District, Greenport; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:04 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Life Care Community Expansion: Peconic Landing at Southold" dated May 25, 2013 and last revised October 18, 2013, prepared by Howard Young, L.S. of Young and Young Engineering. William Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Wiliam Cremers, Martin Sidor, Pierce Rafferty, Donald Wilcenski: Aye. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. ***************************************** Southold Town Planning Board Page Five April 7, 2014 SUBDIVISIONS - CONDITIONAL PRELIMINARY DETERMINATIONS Fohrkolb, Andrew - This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.9-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 1.5 acres and Lot 2 equals 4.4 acres, located in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located at 1050 Greton Court, at the end of Greton Court and Maple Avenue, approximately 710' to the east of Grand Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM#1000-107-3-2 James Rich: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.9 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 1.5 acres and Lot 2 equals 4.4 acres, located in the R-40 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 2013, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Sketch Plan Approval upon the map prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., entitled "Sketch Plan for Andrew T. Fohrkolb" dated August 29, 2012; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 2013, the agent submitted the Preliminary Plat Application with six copies of the Preliminary Plat; and WHEREAS, on August 10, 2013, the Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their Work Session and found the Preliminary Plat Application complete; and WHEREAS, on August 22, 2013, referrals were sent to all applicable agencies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and WHEREAS, on August 22, 2013, the Planning Board declared Lead Agency status for the SEQRA review of this unlisted action; and WHEREAS, on September 10, 2013, the Planning Board set the Preliminary Public Hearing; and WHEREAS, on September 24, 2013, the Suffolk County Planning Commission responded to the SEQRA coordination and referral request stating the Commission has no objection to the Town of Southold assuming Lead Agency status and that the Commission reserves the right to comment on this proposed action; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Six April 7, 2014 WHEREAS, on September 25, 2013, the Office of the Town Engineer responded to the referral request with comments; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 2013, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services responded to the SEQRA coordination and referral request stating that the agency does not have interest in assuming lead agency and responded with comments to the referral request; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2013, the Preliminary Public Hearing was tabled upon the request of the applicant due to the pending change in the proposed lot sizes; and WHEREAS, on October 24, 2013, the agent submitted revised surveys that depicted revised lot sizes; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed the application and agreed to the requested lot size amendments. The amendments are as follows: proposed Lot 1 will increase from 0.93 acres to 1.5 acres and proposed Lot 2 will decrease from 3.54 acres to 2.83 acres; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2013, the Planning Board set the Preliminary Hearing at their public meeting for December 16, 2013; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2013, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Coordinator reviewed this application and has recommended the proposed project be found consistent with the policies of the Southold Town LWRP; and WHEREAS, on December 16, 2013, the Planning Board held and closed the Preliminary Public Hearing; and WHEREAS, on February 10, 2014, at their Work Session, the Planning Board found that all requirements of Preliminary Plat review pursuant to §240-17 have been met, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, hereby makes a determination of non-significance for the proposed action and grants a Negative Declaration; Wiliam Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Southold Town Planning Board Page Seven April 7, 2014 Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. James Rich: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold LWRP; William Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. James Rich: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., entitled "Standard Subdivision for Fohrkolb Acres" dated September 27, 2013 with the following conditions: 1. Submission of a Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240-20 of the Southold Town Code. 2. The following amendments to the Final Plat shall be required: a. Title the plat "Final Plat for the Standard Subdivision of Fohrklob Acres..."; b. Show and label the 100' wide non-disturbance buffer (natural vegetated buffer) from the wetland line landward; c. Evidence of the Eastern Box Turtle, a species of Special Concern in New York State was found on site. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation guidance is to design the required clearing limits to form contiguous woodland habitat. Therefore, the Planning Board is requiring that the clearing limits pursuant to §240-49 Clearing for Lots 1 (35% can be cleared) and 2 (25% can be cleared) be designed to achieve contiguous woodland habitat to the east of the parcel. The clearing limits are exclusive of the 100' wide non-disturbance buffer. 3. The future lot design and clearing limits may be revised based on the results of any required cultural resources survey of potential archeological resources. Southold Town Planninq Board Page Eight April 7, 2014 4. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions (a template will be provided by the Planning Department). 5. Submission of a letter of water availability from the Suffolk County Water Authority. William Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. APPROVAL EXTENSIONS Premium Wine Group - This Amended Site Plan includes a new building of 5,384 sq. ft. added to the existing two buildings of 20,585 sq. ft. on a 3.563-acre parcel in the LB Zone located on the n/s/o of County Road 48 at the n/w intersection of CR 48 and Cox Neck Lane, known as 35 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck. SCTM1000-121-6-1 Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this Amended Site Plan includes a new building of 5,384 sq. ft. added to the existing two buildings of 20,585 sq. ft. on a 3.563-acre parcel in the LB Zone, Mattituck; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on October 6, 2005, the Planning Board accepted the application for review; and WHEREAS, on December 1, 2005, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted Area Variance File #5784 permitting a 60' x 87' deep one-story addition connecting two existing buildings and creating over the Code minimum of 60' of linear building frontage; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and, as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board granted approval on the Amended Site Plan entitled "Renovations and Additions: Premium Wine Group" Southold Town Planning Board Page Nine April 7, 2014 prepared by Nancy L. Steelman, dated September 29, 2005 and last revised March 3, 2006; and WHEREAS, on September 11, 2009, the Site Plan Approval expired; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2013, the agent, Nancy Steelman, submitted a request for an Extension of Site Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on January 6, 2014, the Planning Board reviewed the original Site Plan Approval in light of any new Town Code requirements and found that approval was required from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); and WHEREAS, on March 15, 2014, the SCDHS granted Approval Permit#C10-14-0001 @ 285 gpd for a "Winery—Addition of Building"; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on April 7, 2014, the Planning Board reviewed the application and determined the expired site plan is in compliance with current rules and regulations; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants an Extension of Amended Site Plan Approval from September 11, 2009 to September 11, 2015 on the site plan entitled "Renovations and Additions: Premium Wine Group" prepared by Nancy L. Steelman dated September 29, 2005 and last revised March 3, 2006. William Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. ******************************************** New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises - This revised Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 sq. ft. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. The property is located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient. SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Southold Town Planning Board Page Ten April 7, 2014 William Cremers: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 sq. ft. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on January 9, 2012, the Planning Board accepted the application for review; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2012, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted Area Variance File #6533 to install a new wireless communications tower and equipment at 7.1 feet from a residential property line where the Code required minimum distance shall be no less than 500 feet and side yard setback of 7.1 feet where the Code requires 25 feet; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and, as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board made a determination that the applicant has satisfied the requirements for a Special Exception pursuant to Town Code §280-142 based on the following: 1. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. 2. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. 3. That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. 4. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. 5. That the use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and over-all appearance. Southold Town Planning Board Page Eleven April 7, 2014 6. That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Special Exception Approval on the Site Plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises", prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2014, the Site Plan Approval expired; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2014, John Coughlin, Esq., agent, submitted a request for an Extension of Site Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on April 7, 2014, the Planning Board reviewed the original Site Plan Approval in light of any new Town Code requirements and found that the site plan remains in compliance with all pertinent rules and regulations; be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants an Extension of Special Exception Site Plan Approval from March 19, 2014 to March 19, 2015 on the site plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises" prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012. James Rich: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. *************************************************** PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:01 p.m. - Crescent Beach Condominiums Storage Facility - This site plan is for the demolition of an existing barn and the proposed re-construction of a 2,797 sq. ft. one-story storage facility on 0.41 acres in the RR Zoning District. The property is located at 1985 Maple Lane, ±2,000' s/e/o NYS Rte. 25 & Maple Lane, Greenport. SCTM#1000-35-8-3.2 Southold Town Planning Board Page Twelve April 7, 2014 Donald Wilcenski: At this time I would like to ask anyone from the audience if they would like to address the Board on this application. If you wish to do so, please step to one of the podiums, state and write your name for the record and please address your comments to the Board. Brian Kavanagh, 2300 Maple Lane, Greenport: I live adjacent to the said property on the east side and the south side. I am commending these guys for what they are doing for the neighborhood. It's going to be a great asset; it's long overdue, but it's getting done. It's going to be done with everyone's approval. I just have two recommendations to the Board that I would like to make and I would like to see. One would be, if possible, to have a 3' buffer between the fence and the property line. Some small non- maintenance shrubs could be put along the fence. The other thing—a neighbor of mine also agreed on this—if possible to ask the owners instead of having a bright white fence if they could tone it down and have light gray with white trim. That's the only two things would like to recommend to the Board. Besides that—it's a great project. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you very much for your comments. They will be put into the file and we will convey them to the applicant. Would anybody else from the audience like to address the Board on this application? Gary Courtier, 2500 Maple Lane, Greenport: I've been working on this project; I'll probably be building it. We know the client for a long time and we are looking to please whatever helps everybody. So to do a gray fence is not a problem. It probably will look a little nicer so it's not a stark white. The 3' buffer would probably be just on the back and one side. The other side is the border line of Schoenstein's property; he has a fence there right now which is broken down. We are going to put a new one there. Donald Wilcenski: We wish all the public hearings that we had were as civil as this. Does anybody else have any comments for the Board? Anyone from the audience have anything to say? Anybody from the Board or staff? Hearing none.... James Rich: I make a motion the hearing be closed. William Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. This hearing is closed. Thank you. ****************************************** Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirteen April 7, 2014 APPROVAL OF PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Donald Wilcenski: I need a motion for approval of the Planning Board minutes of March 10, 2014. William Cremers: So moved. Martin Sidor: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. I need a motion for adjournment. William Cremers: So moved. Martin Sidor: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. Have a good evening. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ADJOURNED at 6:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Randolph, Transcribing Secretary RECEIVED Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair MAY 6 2014 3 t s . thold T CI Pr