HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/2011 y VFO( JAMES C. McMAHON h Town Hall, 53095 Main Road • Chairman to yk P.O. Box 1179 d W y Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (631) 765-1283 Ext.235 Fax (631) 765-9015 Deer Management Committee TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES August 25, 2011 7:00 P.M. Southold Town Hall, Conference Room A meeting of the Deer Management Committee was held Thursday, August 25, 2011 at the Town Hall, Wonference Room, Main Road in Southold. Present were: Scott Russell, Supervisor Jeff Standish, Chairperson Adam West, Member John Haas, Member John Rasweiler, Member John Sepnoski, Guest Nancy Foote, Committee Secretary Call to order Jeff Standish called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 1. Hunter Safety Classes - Jeff Standish outlined the Safety classes offered by the Town in cooperation with the DEC. Bow Hunter Safety class will be offered on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at the Recreation Center from 8:00 am - 5:00 PM. Participants must be 12 years or older. The class will address cross bow hunting as well. The Hunter Safety Course is a two day class offered on Saturday, Septemeber 17 and Sunday, September 18, 2011 at the Human Resource Center in Mattituck. This 10 hour class will run from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM both days. John Haas asked if either class is recognized by the NRA. Jeff informed him that the classes are DEC certificate courses. Classes are taught by Bill Montefusco who is an instructor for the NYC DEC Sportsman Education. John H. inquired about tree stand safety and if the classes would cover that. Jeff answered yes along with safety harness. Jeff also informed the committee that demonstrations during class time would take place at Down's Farm. The classes will be advertised in upcoming issues of The Suffolk Times Newpaper and applications for either class can be obtained by contacting the Dept of Public Works. 1 II. Nuisance Town Program - Jeff Standish described the Nuisance Town Program. The program is new this year, extending the current Deer Management Program (DMP). In the Nuisance Program hunters will be able to get as many tags as they need. Town properties without walking trails will be available for this program. Jeff is working with the DEC to obtain additional tags for the Town DMP (tags for the DMP are for does only). Dates for Nuisance Program will be determined at a later date. This is a separate program from the DMP, opened to no more than 20 hunters. Participants will be selected from past program rosters, those hunters harvesting the most deer. The select hunters will be automatically enrolled in the 2011 Deer Management program, but will not be automatically admitted in future seasons without continuing to produce. Approximately four slots in the Nuisance Program will be left vacant for use after the regular DMP is completed. These slots will be for other hunters with a higher number of harvests. The committee reviewed the list of potential hunters, 16 from previous DMP seasons and two who were not on the program but donated four or more deer to the refrigerated truck the Town provided for all hunters. Jeff asked the committee for input on hunters who have past violations who would like to be in either program. The entire committee agreed that if the violation isn't big enough for the government to convict or take the hunting license away, the committee won't bar participation in the Town Programs as long as it's only a minor offense. The committee reviewed and approved the list of hunters being considered for the Nuisance program. III. Deer Management Program (DMP) - The upcoming DMP season will run from October I - December 31, 2011. Applications will be accepted at the Town Clerk's Office Tuesday, September 6 - Thursday, September 15, 2011. A lottery drawing will be held on Friday, September 16, 2011 after which hunters will be kotified. Discussion followed regarding properties available to hunters and hikers. Jeff is working closely with aura Klahre from Land Preservation to continue expanding the available property for hunting. Some properties under discussion are McFeely (30 acres which is also an access area to Laurel Lake area for hikers) , Hummels Pond and Depot Lane in Cutchogue. John Sepenoski would like the committee to review Town areas that are closed to hikers to benefit one hunter only. His point is related to closing approximately 120 acres at Laurel Lake to only a couple of hunters on the McFeely property provides access to approximately 90 acres of property owned by SCWA that is part of the official trail system but not currently slated for being included in the DMP. If hunting areas were in the north end of McFeely then the current in the middle of the property is far enough away from the hunting areas that hikers san still access the SCWA trails while hunters are active as long as there were enough signs posted. John S. would also like to see more posted signage in all hunting areas. Scott Russell suggested not denying access unless Water Authority gives Town permission. John Haas added that this area is where dogs are walked and a lot of walkers use the area in the morning and afternoon. He has not seen too many deer; John H. believes it's not a natural haven with so much human activity. At Hummel Pond Jeff thought access on the west side would be good spot for one hunter. At Depot Lane the Town owns a large piece of property. Jeff said he would talk to the Water Authority for parking in the area. John S. reminded the committee that the Town owns the property and the Water Authority leases the space from the Town. Adam West lives in the area of Depot Lane property and has seen a couple of ladder stands there. Down's Farm will not be considered at this time. John S. informed the committee that there is an easement issue that restricts the Town from having a trail in the Fort section of this property. The Town can grid out an area in the back of the Fort but neighboring property owner has not granted permission for hunting. Other property discussed: in Orient, end of Orient Point by cable that is owned by the County; in East Marion, Dam Pond which is County and Town owned, Inlet Pond, Chapel Lane, Pipes Neck, Bittners (owned by Town and .County), Blocker, Laurel Lake (piece owned by County) and Aldrich Lane (main drag and Kirkup La). IV. Refrigerator Truck - Jeff Standish informed the committee that the Town has plans to purchase a refrigerator box truck for the harvested deer hunters would like to donate. Scott Russell added that the Town 2 did the math and it does not make sense to rent. Jeff and Councilman Vinnie Orlando went and looked at a used truck that runs on 220 service. Jeff believes a plug in box could cost approximately $5000. This year additional tags for hunters will be taken care of in house. Hunter will no longer need to drive to Ridge with the deer head Oor new tags. Jeff thinks this a big plus for the Town and hunters. Jeff is working with the DEC to see if a clipped off ear can be used instead of the entire head for accountability. Improvements are being made to update the form for donating deer to individuals that can also be used as the transportation form. Form will be in the packet hunters pick up prior to the opening of hunting season. Also discussed was local butchers who have approached the Town for deer meat processing. This needs to be looked into further. V. Other Alternatives - John Rasweiler updated the committee on the USDA program that the Nassau Point Homeowners Association (NPHO) is looking to hire. Hunters come in at night with silencers and night vision goggles and hunt. Currently the NPHO is getting in touch with residents to coordinate the effort; they are almost at 100% interest. Scott Russell commented on how difficult for all members of homeowner associations to be of "like" mindset. Jeff Standish added that the Town could help out but homeowners weren't comfortable having hunters in their yards. John R. believes it won't solve the problem but will certainly help lower the herd populations. Scott Russell offered that the Town Landfill can take a substantial amount of deer and will present a resolution waiving fees at the landfill for this program as well as other programs. VI. Additional Discussion - John Sepenoski expressed concern of conflict with the hunters and hikers with expansion of hunted properties. He suggested opening certain properties 4 days to hunt, 3 days to hike. Switch days around for new locations since the program is already 4 days to hunt and 3 days to hike. Half would be hunted Wednesday to Saturday, with hiking Sunday to Thursday and the other half would be hunting Sunday to Wednesday, hiking Thursday to Saturday. This would mean that both hikers and hunters would have access to some open trails on both days of the weekends allowing for more flexibility and avoiding complaints. John S. also suggested monitoring hunted properties to see what is regularly being hunted and other areas that are not. If t is determined that hunters are not actually hunting preserves with trails on a regular basis, the Town may consider allowing more hunters into the program to increase the overall time spent hunting. Hikers don't mind trails being closed if hunters are actually present but might mind if trails are closed and no hunters are present. Jeff Standish informed the committee that Mill Lane is the least hunted but posted signs being ripped down have been an issue. John S. added both sides (hunters & hikers) must follow the rules, making all groups accountable. Scott Russell believes all properties posted for hunting need an honest shot. Jeff thinks some hikers walk properties when closed for hunting on purpose, leaving hunters unable to hunt. John S. suggested posting that the area is under surveillance, this may help. In closing Jeff informed the committee that he would be bringing to the Town Board an incentive for the DMP program. The program would offer a $250 gift certificate to the two hunters harvesting the most deer. Funds for the incentive would come from the permit fee collected by the Town. The meeting was adjourned 8:15 PM. The next meeting was not scheduled at this time. Respectfully submitted, • Nancy Foote Deer Management Program 3