HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL #05 2014 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ONE COMMERCE PLAZA ANDREW M. CUOMO 99 WASHINGTON AVENUE CESAR A. PERALES GOVERNOR ALBANY, NY 12231 -0001 SECRETARY OF S(AIE April 4, 2014 RECEIVED Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk APR - 9 2014 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold NY 11971 Southold Town Clerk RE: Town of Southold, Local Law 5 2014, filed on April 3, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam: The above referenced material was filed by this office as indicated. Additional local law filing forms can be obtained from our website, www.dos.ny.gov. Sincerely, State Records and Law Bureau (518) 474-2755 V&M DM NY.GOV - E-Rena: a'FO@DOS,NY.GOV. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PUBLIC HEARING March 25, 2014 4:30 PM Present: Supervisor Scott Russell Justice Louisa Evans Councilman William Ruland Councilwoman Jill Doherty Councilman James Dinizio, Jr. Councilman Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville Town Attorney Martin Finnegan This hearing was opened at 4:57 PM COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, there has been resented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 25 day of February, 2014, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Manasement and Stewardship Plan 2014"• and be NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, the 25`h day of March, 2014 at 4:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2014 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Manasement and Stewardship Plan 2014" BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: L PURPOSE In compliance with the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, the Land Preservation Department has prepared a Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan for real property interests acquired through the fund. This Plan must be adopted by local law and all expenditures from the fund for management and stewardship functions must be in compliance with the terms of the Plan. Community Preservation Fund Public Hearing March 25, 2014 2 II. Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: §17-13.1. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan adopted. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and adopts the Town of Southold Community Preservation Management and Stewardship Plan 2OW2014 for real property interests acquired by use of moneys from the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund, prepared by the Land Preservation Coordinator, of Pub"" Works, and the Ste a h Ceer-dinatef presented to the Town Board during the Work Session of February 24, 2009, 25, 2014 and intended to be the management and stewardship plan required by § 64-e (6) of the New York State Town Law. III. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. I have here a affidavit of posting on the Town Clerk's bulletin board signed by Elizabeth Neville. I have a signed affidavit of publication in the Suffolk Times newspaper that it ran commencing on the 13`s day of March 2014, signed by Karen Kine. I have an LWRP letter here from Mark Terry, principal planner and LWRP coordinator dated March 21, 2014 and in this it states that his recommendation of the proposed action is consistent with the LWRP policy standards and is consistent with the LWRP. And I also have here from Southold Planning Board a letter from mark Terry the principal planner that the proposed action has been reviewed to chapter 130 environmental quality review of the Southold Town Code and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulation 6 NYCCRR part 617 of the state environmental quality review and it is my determination that this action is a type II action and therefore not subject to SEQRA review. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I would invite anybody that would like to address the Town Board on this particular local law to please feel free? MELISSA SPIRO, LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator. Just to add a little clarification to what this is. The Town of Southold as you all know, has a Community Preservation Fund, commonly known as the CPF Fund. It is a requirement that Towns with a Community Preservation Fund adopt a Management and Stewardship Plan if the town wants to spend any money from the fund for management and stewardship of lands acquired by the fund. So, the Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014 details proposed expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund for management and stewardship purposes in 2014 and into 2015. CPF Law states that not more than ten percent of the fund shall be utilized for the management and stewardship program. This plan is within the 10% allowance. The Town has adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan, not to be confused with the stewardship plan, which we call the CPF Plan. The CPF Plan is a separate document from the CPF Stewardship Plan; the CPF Plan identifies how the Town intends to preserve or protect properties and includes a list of eligible properties for actual acquisition, the CPF Stewardship Plan just deals with the stewardship and management of those Community Preservation Fund Public Hearing March 25, 2014 3 lands. The Stewardship Plan includes a list of properties acquired with CPF funds for open space purposes and proposed projects and cost estimates for each property for 2014 and into 2015. Inclusion on the Plan does not necessarily mean that the Town will proceed with the particular project; that is still subject to a Management Plan for the specific project, prioritization of projects and Land Preservation Committee and Town Board approval for the specific project. Most of the proposed projects are just minimal improvements (trimming, signage, etc.) to keep the preserves we have open accessible and open for public use. Other projects are larger, such as replacement of the Pipes Cove pedestrian bridge that was damaged during Sandy. The costs shown per project are estimated and it is understood that not all projects will be approved or completed. In addition, others may be eligible for grant re-imbursement. The Town's preservation program has focused on acquisition. As a result, there is a backlog of properties needing specific Management Plans. It is the Town's goal and the Land Preservation department's goal to have a Management Plan, with a budget, for each preserve as we move forward. The Land Preservation Committee has reviewed the Plan and supports Town Board adoption of the Local Law. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anybody else like to address the Town Board on this particular issue? (No response). This hearing was closed at 5:04 PM ~ Eli th A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Rudder, Lynda From: ezsupp <ezsupp@generalcode.com> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 11:09 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: RE: LL # 5 2014 Thank you for your e-mail. If you are sending legislation for your next Code supplement, it will be processed in the usual manner. All other messages will be forwarded to the appropriate person, who will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail your Account Representative. General Code 1-800-836-8834 ezsuoo(o7generalcode. com 1 O~Og11FF0(,rco ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, AMC Gy Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 H Z Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS O Fax (631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1500 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER T www.southoldtownny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EM679787897US April 1, 2014 Express Mail RE: Local Law No. 5 of 2014 Town of Southold, Suffolk County Ms. Linda Lasch Principal Clerk New York State Department of State State Records & Law Bureau One Commerce Plaza 99 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12231 Dear Ms. Lasch: In accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, I am enclosing herewith certified copy of Local Law No. 5 of 2014 of the Town of Southold, suitable for filing in your office. I would appreciate if you would send me a receipt indicating the filing of the enclosures in your office. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~je( Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Town Attorney P, qp @S= SOUTHOLD MPO SOUTHOLD, New York - 119711000 L 3548330971-0096 ` 04/01/2014 (800)275_8171 12:00:25 PM L Sales Receipt Product Sale Unit Final Description Qty Price Price @@ SMITHTOWN NY 11787 $6.50 Zone-1 l Priority Mail 1-OBY By Weight 2 lb. 10.90 oz. Expected Delivery; Wed 04/02/14 LISPS Tracking 0: 9114901123086249175025 Includes $50 insurance J I Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 25, 2014 41") RESOLUTION 2014-301 Item 5.41 ADOPTED DOC ID: 9656 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2014-301 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 25,2014: WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 25'h day of February, 2014, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014"; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now therefor be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ENACTS the proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2014 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014" BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: 1. PURPOSE In compliance with the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, the Land Preservation Department has prepared a Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan for real property interests acquired through the fund. This Plan must be adopted by local law and all expenditures from the fund for management and stewardship functions must be in compliance with the terms of the Plan. II. Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: §17-13.1. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan adopted. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and adopts the Town of Southold Community Preservation Management and Stewardship Plan 2809-2014 for real property interests acquired by use of moneys from the Town of Southold Community Generated March 26, 2014 Page 52 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 25, 2014 Preservation Fund, prepared by the Land Preservation Coordinator, Di:eeter of the Department of Publie Works, and the Stewardship Coordinator presented to the Town Board during the Work Session of February 24, 25, 2014 and intended to be the management and stewardship plan required by § 64-e (6) of the New York State Town Law. III. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. 0Q~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ghosio, Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Evans, Russell Generated March 26, 2014 Page 53 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 41 STATE STREET Local Law Filing ALBANY. NY 12231 (Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. ? County ? City 0 Town of SOUTHOLD ? Village Local Law No. 5 of the year 2014 . A Local Law entitled, A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014 Be it enacted the Town Board of the: ? County ? City 0 Town of SOUTHOLD ? Village 1. PURPOSE In compliance with the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, the Land Preservation Department has prepared a Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan for real property interests acquired through the fund. This Plan must be adopted by local law and all expenditures from the fund for management and stewardship functions must be in compliance with the terms of the Plan. Il. Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: §17-13.1. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan adopted. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and adopts the Town of Southold Community Preservation Management and Stewardship Plan 2014 for real property interests acquired by use of moneys from the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund, prepared by the Land Preservation Coordinator, presented to the Town Board during the Work Session of February 25, 2014 and intended to be the management and stewardship plan required by § 64-e (6) of the New York State Town Law. Ill. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. (If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.) DOS-239(Rev.05/05) 1 (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.) 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 5 of 20 14 of the ((Town) of SOUTHOLD was duly passed by the TOWN BOARD on March 25 20 L4_, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or re-passage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20 , and was (approved)(not approved)(re-passed after disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on 20 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20, and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after disapproval) by the on 20 . Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on 20 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20 , and was (approved)(not approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the on 20 Such local law was subject to permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 20 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. r Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county- wide basis or, If there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. 2 5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on 20 became operative. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of 20 of the County of State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November 20 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.) I further certify that 1 have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript there from and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph 1 above. 04:41 a Gold/Q z Clerk of th ounty legislative body. City. Town or (Seal) Village Clerk or officer designated by local legislative body Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Date: March 31, 2014 (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the c ect tex d that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. Signature Martin D. Finneean, Town Attorney Title Gity Town of SOUTHOLD Date: March 31, 2014 3 SUMMARY OF LL/TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND MANAGEMENT AND STEWARDSHIP PLAN 2014 THE PROPOSED LOCAL LAW THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS AFTERNOON'S PUBLIC HEARING PERTAINS TO CHAPTER 17 ENTITLED "COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND'. IN KEEPING IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PECONIC BAY COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND, THE LAND PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT HAS PREPARED A COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND MANAGEMENT AND STEWARDSHIP PLAN FOR REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS ACQUIRED THROUGH THE FUND. THIS PLAN MUST BE ADOPTED BY LOCAL LAW AND ALL EXPENDITURES FROM THE FUND FOR MANAGEMENT AND STEWARDSHIP FUNCTIONS MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE PLAN. THE FULL TEXT OF THE PROPOSED LOCAL LAW IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE AND ON THE TOWN'S WEBSITE. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~'pF SOU~o MAILING ADDRESS: l P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair if J~[ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLUM J. CREMERS G Q Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III MARTIN H. SIDOR (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.sontholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED MEMORANDUM MAR ? , %014 Southold Town Clerk To: Supervisor Scott Russell Town of Southold Town Board ~rom: Mark Terry, Principal Planner Tie Date: March 21, 2013 Re: SEQR Review of the "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Manaaement and Stewardship Plan 2014". The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 130 Environmental Quality Review of the Southold Town Code and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulation 6NYCCRR Part 617 State Environmental Quality Review and it is my determination that pursuant to Part 617.5C (21) provided below, the action, as proposed is a Type II action and therefore not subject to SEQR review. (21) conducting concurrent environmental, engineering, economic, feasibility and other studies and preliminary planning and budgetary processes necessary to the formulation of a proposal for action, provided those activities do not commit the agency to commence, engage in or approve such action; .Please contact me with any questions. Cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney OFFICE LOCATION: *0f SOUjyOIG MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex yy P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 T Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) G Q Tele hone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 • ~O P Fax: 631 765-3136 ~~OOUNiY LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED MEMORANDUM MAR 2 1 2014 Southold Town Clerk To: Supervisor Scott Russell Town of Southold Town Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner • LWRP Coordinator Date: March 21, 2014 Re: Local Waterfront Revitalization Coastal Consistency Review of "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014". The proposed local law has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided to this department as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Town Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. • Cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney #11580 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s) successfully commencing on the 13th day of March, 2014. ~kL e=~__ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of 01 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suf- folk County, New York, on the 25th day LJT OL+NK of February, 2014, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Town NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE NEW YORK of Southold Community-Preservation No. 01V06105 5050 FaW Management and Stewardship Qualified in Suffolk County Plan 2014": and be NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER My Commission Expires fetrmarl' 28. 2016 GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, the 25th day of March, 2014 at 4:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the To" of Southold Community Preservation Food Manaeement and Ste arli Plan 2014" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2014 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Comm 'ty Presemd Fund Maoaae- mem and Stewardship Plan 2014". BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as fol- lows: 1. PURPOSE In compliance with the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, the Land Preservation Department has pre- pared a Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan for real property interests acquired through the fund. This Plan must be adopted by local law and all expenditures from the fund for management and stewardship functions must be in compliance with the terms of the Plan. It. Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amend- ed as follows: §17.13.1. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan adopted. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and adopts the Town of Southold Community Pres- ervation Management and Stewardship Plan 4809 2014 for real property inter- ests acquired by use of moneys from the Town of Southold Community Preserva- tion Fund, prepared by the Land Preser- vation Coordinator, Dire ,to of Elie Be- a rdship-60erdinator presented to the Town Board during the Work Session of February 242099 25.2014 and intended to be the management and stewardship plan required by § 64-e (6) of the New York Stale Town Law. III. SEVERABILI Y If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitution- al or invalid. IV. EFFECnVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect im- mediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. Dated: February 25,2014 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk 115804T 3/13 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 3 day of MA Qe4L, 2014, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Re: 2014 CPF Plan PH lizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this day of 2014. Notary Public • LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 25th day of February, 2014, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Manaeement and Stewardship Plan 2014": and be NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, the 25th day of March, 2014 at 4:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Manaeement and Stewardship Plan 2014" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2014 • A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Manaeement and Stewardship Plan 2014". BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: 1. PURPOSE In compliance with the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, the Land Preservation Department has prepared a Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan for real property interests acquired through the fund. This Plan must be adopted by local law and all expenditures from the fund for management and stewardship functions must be in compliance with the terms of the Plan. H. Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: . §17-13.1. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan adopted. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and adopts the Town of Southold Community Preservation Management and Stewardship Plan 2899-2014 for real property interests acquired by use of moneys from the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund, prepared by the Land Preservation Coordinator, Direeter- e€ the presented to the Town Board during the Work Session of February 24, 2009r 25 2.014 and intended to be the management and stewardship plan required by § 64-e (6) of the New York State Town Law. III. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. Dated: February 25, 2014 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk Please publish on MARCH 13, 2014 and forward one (1) affidavit of publication to Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, P O Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Town Board Town Attorney TC Bulletin Bd Web site Land Preservation Dept. • • Cooper, Linda From: Cooper, Linda Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:12 AM To: Reisenberg, Lloyd Subject: CPF Mgmt and Plan 2014 3-25-14 Attachments: CPF Mgmt and Plan 2014 3-25-14.docx For the website whenever you get a chance. Thanks • 1 Cooper, Linda From: Tracey Doubrava <tdoubrava@timesreview.com> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:15 AM To: Cooper, Linda Subject: Re: Legal Notice - CPF Mgmt. and Plan 2014 3-25-14 Hi Linda, I've got this and will have published in the 3/13 edition of the Suffolk Times. Thanks. Tracey Doubrava Display Ad Sales Coordinator Times/Review News Group 7785 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1500 Mattituck, NY 11952 P: (631) 298-3200 •E: tdoubrava@timesreview.com From: <Cooper>, Linda <Linda.Cooper@town.southold.nv.us> Date: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:10 AM To: tr-legals <lesals@timesreview.com> Subject: Legal Notice - CPF Mgmt. and Plan 2014 3-25-14 Good morning, Please confirm receipt of this Legal Notice of Public Hearing for the 3/13/2014 edition of the Suffolk Times. Thanks annd~let's ~ keep our fingers crossed that we won't be facing several inches of snow on Monday. O • Deputy Town erk Town of Southold 631-765-1800 70 mad rke 49AW #M4 V" "carat het 44rw yaa Mw 1 RESOLUTION 2014-216 ADOPTED DOC ID: 9566 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2014-216 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 25,2014: WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 25th day of February, 2014, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014": now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 251n day of March, 2014 at 4:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014" reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2014 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2014". BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: 1. PURPOSE In compliance with the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund, the Land Preservation Department has prepared a Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan for real property interests acquired through the fund. This Plan must be adopted by local law and all expenditures from the fund for management and stewardship • functions must be in compliance with the terms of the Plan. II. Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: §17-13.1. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan adopted. The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves and adopts the Town of Southold Community Preservation Management and Stewardship Plan 2909-2014 for real property interests acquired by use of moneys from the Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund, prepared by the Land Preservation Coordinator, Direete the DepaAffient of Publie Works, and the Stewafdship Gaer-dinate presented to the Town Board during the Work Session of February '^~T 25 2014 and intended to be the management and stewardship plan Resolution 2014-216 Board Meeting of February 25, 2014 required by § 64-e (6) of the New York State Town Law. III. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Ghosio, Dinizio Jr, Roland, Doherty, Evans, Russell • Updated: 2/25/2014 9:22 AM by Lynne Krauza Page 2