HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-10/06/1975p. 182 M I N U T E~S_~_ A regular meeting 6f the Boar-d of Southold Town Trustees-was hold at Y:30.·P.M., Monday~ 0ct~ber 6~ 1975, at the Town Board meeting room~ 16 South Street, Greenport,-.New York, .with the following present: AlYah~B;-Goldsmith, Chairman Douglas M. Robertson FrederiCk E. Gordon Geor~e-B~rd ' Betty Neville, Secretary Absent: Philip Horton Also present: Joseph Hatier; Paul Stoutenberg-NFEC; Ronnie Wacker-Suffolk Times. The Chairman reported that the Board met on the property of /~A.B. Rosenberg, S/W corner of Ch~mplin Place and Robinson Road, Greenport regarding his application for dredging at Stirling Basin; and that a letter has been received from the Board of Appeals, dated September 12, 1975. Stanley Corwin, Esq. appeared before the Board to represent A.B. Rosenberg. Mr. Corwin stated that it is not the applicant's intention to commercialize the area and that he is not going to put any docks on the easterly side of the property. The Chairman questioned Mr. Corwin as to whether or not this is a commercial venture. Mr. Corwin stated that it was. Mr. Co,win stated that the purpose of the application was to dredge 350-500 yards, for maintenance purposes only, ~nd to deposit the fill on the applicant's own property. Mr. Harry Rocker, the adjoining property owner immediately to the south, stated that he has been advised of plans which Mr. Rosenberg has to drive pilings all the way down to his property line and to install an additional 6-8 floats. Mr. Go~smith said that Mr. Rosen~erg came to see him when he fo'~nd out about the Board's objection to enlarging this. Mr. Rosenberg stated to Mr. Goldsmith that he did not intend to enlarge it, but that ~is would be maintenance dredging only for the boats presently being moored there. Mr. Goldsmith stated, for the record, that the Board would not approve of enlarging the marina any further. The letter from the Board of Appeals, dated September 12th was read. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. stated in this letter that it is his personal opinion, supported by conversation with the Town Attonm~y, that the Board of Appeals would not be justified in granting, under these conditions, an expansion of a non-conforming use, in view of the history of this area. Mr. Corwin stated again, that this application is not to enlarge, only to maintain. Mr. Goldsmith stated that this application must be revised before it can be granted. The amount of dredging should be reduced drastically. The secretary was instructed to return P. 183 this application to Mr. Rosenberg and advise him that the Board suggests that he revise$~in conformity with the statements made by~his~attorney atthis meeting:"That there will b~e no enlargement of the private marina; and that this is maintenance dredging only for the boats presently being moored there. 0nly with these stipulations,__ would the Board be in favor of granting this application. On motion by Mr. Gordon, seconded by ZMr. Robertson, it was RESOLVED that G~enther & KaylaStotzky, 0~prey Nest Road, East Marion, N.'¥i be granted permiSsiSn to place dock 3'x30', ramp 3'x9', ~ £1oat 4'x~6! in Gult~Po~d,. Greenport, N.Y. ~ (to be transferred from ~iit Creek'POnd), to b~ located~on MooringLot #128 Whic~ is reserve~ for Lot # 6' of Dawn Estates-~ the ap~icantsS property. Fee paid $18.10 Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon Mr. Bird. ' On motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Mr. Robertson, it was RESOLVED that Anthony Rutkowski, ~econic Bay Blvd., Mattituck, N.Y. be granted permission to pl~$e one (1) offshore mooring in James Creek, Mattituck,~N.y. Fee paid $5.00~ Vot8 ofmthe Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. 0n motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was RESOLVED that Jack A. Van Ryswy. k~ Sr. , Freeman Road,.Mattituc~, N.Y. be granted permission~ to ~Iace offshore mooring (anchor 'W/ ~ buoy w/ pulley line~ to onshore stake - at the foot of Knoll~ood Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. Fee paid $5.00 ' ~ Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr.. Gordon, Mr. Bird. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that Robert A. Haughey, Calves Neck ROad, SouthOld, N.Y. be granted permission to place "L" shaped dock 4'x30' / & 4'x16! on Jockey Creek, directly, in front of applicant's property on Calves Neck Road, Southold,. N.Y. To be constructed 20' beyond H.W. mark. Fee paid $58050 Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. Application ~of Stanley Grzesik, Inlet Lane Ext,, P.O. Box 485, Greenport, N.Y. (mailing address: 263 Getz Ave., Staten Island, N.Y. 10312) for request to place offshore m~oring (150 lb. ~ mushroom anchor) in Gull Pond, Greenport, N,Y. was tabled by the Board for further investigation~and inspection~of 'the property by Mr. Gordon. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was RESOLVED that 'the. mooring permit of ThomasS. Blankl~¥,.. Permit #983, Mooring #192 - location of mooring Creek, Southold, be hereby cancelled upon the applicant's request. Mr. Blankley is now tying his boat to.his dock and the Chairman has advised him that he no longer needs this mooring permit. On mo~ion by Mr. Gordon, se oonded by Mr. Robertson, it was RESOLVED that the mooring permit of Richard Bird, Permit p. 184 #962, Mooring #~ 173 -location 'of mooring, Mattituck Creek, Mattituck,'~be-hereby-canc'elled upon the'appli0aut's request~ Vote of' the~.Boar . Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Rob~rtson Mr;'Gordon Mr. Bird. copy pf letter sent~to the Dept. Of She Army by John R. Whittier,M.D. ~(who maintains a residence at0ri~nt) recommending that a~publ~c hearing be held. be£0r'e any PermisS~on to dredge is granted.~ati~eters Neck Point,.'0rient, N.Y. was rece~ed and read by the Board. Letter recemved from John W~ck~,~da~e~ September 25, 1975, ~/together ~mth coP. mes of le.~te~.~,~and.~hart~ from~.S~..D~t~ of ~ . Agriculture- Soi:l ConserYatio~"Service, and specificazmons ,for' repair on dikes. Correspondence dated September & October 1975 was received from the N.Y.S. Cooperative Extension. /~he Board discussed the moorings at Narrow River, Orient~ N.Y. · Goldsmith suggested that 'heavyfpilings should be put down therewith cables and clamps to take pulleys. This matter'~to be discussed with the Town Board - suggesting that they adopt a resolution for an approuriation to provide these faciltiies. On motion of. Mr. Goldsmith., seconded by 'Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLV~-that the following- annuals'estimate for th~ Southo!d /Town Trustees be submitted to the Towud Board for the fisc~t year beginning January 1, ~976: Expenses . I. Miscellaneous expenses .......... r ................ 2. Salaries- ~ Chairman @ $2,000.00- Four Trustees @$1,500.00 Sach 3. Contingency for legal counsel-~-- Receipts Ampunts to be received' frompermits., Dated: September 22~. 1975 $2,500.00 2,000.00 6,000..00' 15,000;00. 25,500.00 Vot~ off the Board: Ayes: Mr. Go!dsntith, Mr. Bird. e~c. --approx. - 1,500'. 00 Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon, On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded-by Mr. R~bertso~, .it.~as RESOLVED that ~he following letter.~e attached to.the Budget Estimate and s~nt to the.Town Board': Supervisor ~b~cMiaMartocchia 16 South Street Greenport, N.Y. 1194~ Dear Mr. Martocchia: p. 185 In presenting the budget request of the Town Trustees for the year 1976, we res~ectfullyurge that the budget committee be made aware of the fact that the contingency for legal co~uasel not be overlooked this year. The Trustees were criticized last year for not having advised the Town Board of the necessity of hiringccounsel to de~end the Town's rights in our wetlands, in spite of the fact that we~had requested money for that purpose in our budget for 1975. It has. now become imperative that the Trustees continue /.~th?ir legal battle, if a re-hearing is granted in the case Re. New YOrk State..vs. Rambo. Enclosed hereWith, please find copy Df letter from Gerrard~ A. Dupuis and copy of his brief. Yours truly, Alvah B..Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Vote of the Board: Ayes~ Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Southold Town Trustees hereby eliminates the mailing of postcards one week previous to their next meeting; and also eliminates the making of individual copies of DEC and Army Engineer notices of hearings /~or each Board member - the copy received to be presented at eeting for their~inspection. The Board hereby effects the following procedure: Copy of coming agenda and all new applications for next meeting, together with minutes of previous meeting are to be sent to each Board member one week prior to next meeting. Copy of agenda also to be suppled to the local newsp~ ers. Vote Of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith/ Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Board of Southold Town Trustees, dated September 8, 1975, be approved as submitted. Vote of the~Board; Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon~ Mr. Bird. Mr. Goldsmith reported that he met with the Suffolk Bureau of Vector Control (formerly the Mosquito Commision.) ~/representatives - Joe Sanzone & Roy-Arata- on September 30, 1975 to inspect the property of Michael F. Cotavito. They were favorable to installing a ditch there, and noted that there had previously been a ditch there in the past. On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees be held at 7:3~0 P.M.,..M0nday,~ November 10, 1975. RespectfUlly Board of Southold Town Trustees