HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-09/08/1975p. 177
Meeting .of September 8, 19.75
A regular.meeting of the Bo~oSg Southold.Town T~usteeswas
held at'~:30 P'.M., MondaY~ September 8, ~975, a~ the Town Board
meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenpor~, New York, with~the
folloWing present: /
Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman
Frederiok E. Gordon
George Bird
Betty Neville, Secretary
Absent: Philip Horton
Also present:.Lorraine ~ William Terry, aud Paul Stoutenberg of
the North or~ Env!ronmental_Council.
Application of A.B. Rosenberg, 250 Great Mill Lane, Great Neck,
N.Y. 11023, for permission to dredge in Sterling Creek, Greenport,
N.Y. was tabled by the Board for further investigation and
'inspection of the property. Th-e fotI~wing prop~rty'owners of
the ~mediate area appeared befor~ the'Board'and stated their
objections~to this application:~Harry Rocker; CI~renca Powell~
David~Bruckenheimer; Nancy Cook. S~veral other~unidentified
~roperty owners of the area we~e~als0 present. Lorraine Terry
stated'thatthe Morth ForE Environmental C0UUcil would like to
go on record as oDDee~i~g to this appIication. The~Chairmau
instructed the secretary to send a special delivery letter to
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers registering our objections
to th~sissuance of this per, it in view of the fact that it
appears~to be in ~violation of our Ordinance. Also,-~·there
appea~s to ~ea~discrepancy~.in the number Of
~xcava~edin the application made to~ the U.S. A~myEngineers
aud-~he application ~made to~hiS-Board~ The Ch~au~.also
inst~ru~cte~ t~e Sec~etary~to .sen~d!a-letter to each member of
the BOard or'Appeals audTown Board individually inquiring
if application h~s'-ever been made an~/or granted for a change
of zone on this ~roperty to ~allow the operation of a marina.
On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, secondsd by Mr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED that Theodore~hristianson, 1-220 Deep Hole Drive,
Mattituck, New York, be granted permission to construct a
ramp 3' x 10', and a float 5'.x ~6' with 2 mooring piles
directly in front of h~ own property a~ Deep Hole Dree~,.
at Deep Hol~ Drive, Mattituck, New York, all in accordanca
with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating
application. Fee $13.00
~rOte of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Gordon,
. Bird.
p. 178
On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was
RESOLVED that Henry. C. Weismaun,. 145 W. Main Street, Smithtown,
N.Y., begranted permission to dredge and extend existing
bulkheading 165' to the east. on north side of existing canal
to pre~ent further erosion-of land on his property located
~ Sages Basin, at Tarp. on Drive, Greenport, N.Y., all in
accordauce with detailed specifications as presented in the
originating application. Fee $5.00. This permission is
granted subject to the Trustees having jurisdiction in this
Vote ~fthe Board: Mr._Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson~ Mr. Gordon,
Mr. Bird~.] .~i .~
On motion by Mr. Gordon,..Seconded byMr..Robertson, it was
RESOLVED that the Board of Southold ~wnTrustees favorably
recommends the approval o£ Wetlands .Application # 25 by
Henry. C. Weismann for permission.to dredge in Sage's Basin,
directly in front of_~his own propertM.at Tarpon Drive,
Greenport, N.Y. ' '~
Vote of the Board: Ayos: Mr,-Goldsmith, .Mr. Robertson,
Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird.
"The Trustees haveexami~edtthis a~ea:aud do no2 have
auy objections to this,' providing that they have ju~isdicmtion.
This whole area is a man-made cans1.
On motion byMr.'"Robertson, sebonded by Mr. Bird, it was~
RESOLVED'Harold P.'Schwerdt, Cedar & Oak Avenues,'Southold,
NmY.,-b~ granted permission to arect 6' ~-4' dock, and T~Zhaped
float-each section being 4' x~16"with 4'mooringpi~es in
GoO[sme Creek, directly-in front oF applicant's ~~±at'
Cedar &.~Oak Avenues, Southold, N.Y~, ~l in accordanc~ with
dot,ii,ed sp.~di-~i~a~i~n~sasprese~ted in-the 6ri'ginat~n-g --
application.. Fee $119.20 '~'-'~'
Vote of the'-Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith,-Mr. Robertson,~
Mr~-Gordon, Mr. Bird. ~
Onmo~iom by Mr. Robertson, secon~e~d by Mr. Bird,~it~was
RESOLV~Dt~atgtheKimogenor Point,Association ~.%.Dr~W.W.
Al~en~ Kim0genor Point¥ New..S~f~oTk~ N.T..~e granted~m
Permi~si0n'to insta~l~$ulkheading as' an erosion control
measure at Kimogenor Point, New'Suffolk~ N.Y., all~ in
accordanCe_wit~ the-d~ta~led ~D~6~£~cations~as~presented~
in th~0rigi~ting application.~ ,Fee $5.00
~ote ~ the~B~rd: A~¥e~ 'M~. Go~s~£~h,'Mr~ Ro~er~son,
Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird.
Appl~c~ation of G~nther &. Xay~'a.~Sbo~zky,. ~Drey Nest Road,
E~s~M~ion, ~'Y. 11939.for p~£ssion t~install' d~ck~and
float at GUi'i~ Pond, ~'G~eenD0r~c~ N~¥~ ~was tabled ~or further
investigation and inSP~6ti~h of ~the property by the Board.
p. 179
0n-motionbyMr. Goldsmith, seconded By Mr. Robertson, it was
RESOLV~ that Geraldine Berge, Minnehaha Blvd. & 0Waissa Ave.,
Southold, N.Y. be granted permission to place onshore-offshore
mooring in Corey Creek at the foot of 0waissa~Avenue;'Southold,
N.Y~,~all in accordance with the'detailedSpe¢ificatibns~as
presented in the originating application. Fee $5~00
Vote of the~Board: Ayes': Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson;
Mr.-Gordon, Mr. Bird.
On motion .by .Mr..Gordon, seconded by Mr.: Bird, it. was
RESOLVED that AuStin & Virginia Lawther., Indian .NeCk'Lane,
Peconic, N.Y. be granted Permission to~ ~0 preventative
maint~aance on bulkheading at .Richmond Creek, directly in
front: !of itheir Own proper~y .at right.of-way off .E/S ~ndian
Neck Lane, Peconic, N.~?, all in accordanc~ with the[ detailed
sDeci[fiqa~ions as ~res.~nted in the.~ originatring'~PPlication.
Fete $'5.00 ~ I ~ [ ~ ~ Llm ~ ' . ~
Vot o£..~e Boa~,~ Ayes. ~. GoldSmmth, Mr. Rob~rtso~,
~. Gordon:, Mr; Bird. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~. ~
On mo~ion by Mr. Robertso~n~ seconded by Mr. Bi~d, it. was
RESOLVED that .William E. DeBruin~ 163~ockaway~Road,~Garden
City, NiY. 11530 be g~anted permission to place °ffsh°re-
(mushroom~ mooring in Little Creek, off Pine TreeROad,
Cutchogue, N.Y., all in accordance, with the detailed
specifications as presented in the originating, applicatiOn.
Fee $5.00
Vote of'the'Bpard: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. RObertson,
Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird.
The'Board of Southold Town Trdst:ees was presented' with request
from~th~e South01d Town Clerk'(dated September 1, 1975) for
budget estimate for the next fiscal y'ear.~'Sub~ect estimate
must bepresented to ~he Town Clerk by September 22, 1975.
The Board~acknowledged receipt and will. prepare.~ estimate
.and submit to secretary before that date. -
Letter was receiVed from Joku Wickham (dated~ August 2~, 1975)
informing the Trustees that he plans~te repair.-existing
bulkheading on his property at Cutchogue. The Chairman
instructed the secretary to send a lette~ to Mr. Wichkam
advising him that he does no%~need a permit from the Tnustees
£or this Work, but'if he should-have'art'-extra:copy of the
plans, the Trustees would'like to'have them-for their 'records.
The'Board discnssed the mooring problem at-Narrow Rlver~ Orient.
It was geci. ded ~hat they will make an i~SpectiOn of thearea at
2:00 P.M., Saturday~ September 13~ 1975. The Board will also
inspect ~he A.B. Rosenberg property at Sterling Basin, Greenport,
and t~e GUen~her Stotzky property ~t Gull Pon~, Greenport. The
Chairma~ instructed the secretary to make 5~copiesi~of.each of
these fi~es- to be.p-icked'up by'him on Friday-.
p. 180
The Board was presented with two quick claim deeds regarding
the re-location-of a portion ~o~ Nassau Point Road at-'Cutchogue.
Subjeot deeds'were ~drawn-.'between the~-~oard of-TrUstee's of the
Town~ of Southold and th~ NaSsau Point Causeway Association;
~iand the-Board o£ Trustees ~of the:Town of SOuthold' and the
.Cutchogue~N'ew Suffolk-park District; Ail of, the members present
signed the deeds. 'They .also must be' Signed.by,.:Phi~ip Horto~~ ~
who was absent, and. ihen returned ~to Town', ~.Attorney Taster.
Correspond.enae dated ~u~y~,.st~%~975 was received from. the
Cooperative Ektension,.~Corne!! University, State Uni~em~ity
of New[York U.S. D~ePt,~-0~Ag~muiltu~l?
The Board discussed the~.SoUt~ampt0n Town Dolphin case.
Southamp~on_~own is SeekRflg aid from other municipalities
and..the'st~te attorney general in ~an~attempt tore~erse
a precedent setting State Court of Appeals decision that
removes~hundreds of shareline acras~from-th~contro! of
the t~Wntrustees. This is: a~verY impoirtant matter. The
Trustees are to investigat~ the matter as to cost. '
Announcement was received from the~!aw-firm of Bl-eakley,
Platt,~Schmidt& Frftz stating that~Gerard A.. Dupuis has.
become a member~Of their firm.
Announcement rec$ived from Marian Steinberg, Conference
~o~dinator, New York Sea Grant Institute Re: Two'Symposia
to be held in November 1975. Subject notice to be'placed
on file forlreferen6~'.
Lorraine Terry, North Fore Environmental Council questioned
the C'ountydredging at Pet'e's NeCk, Orient. The Trustees
are to investigate and 'find out who originally requested
thiS-dredgingpro~ect. ~"-
Copy o'f letter sent'-to'Ge6rg~Burrell, dated August 13,. 1975,
by Building Inspector Edward N~n~ermann was presented tothe
Trustees. In this. letter Mr. Hindermann informed Mr. Burrell
that a wetlands permit will be required before.he can filll
thelagoon between lots 98 &~100~as contemplated on Map
of Nassau Point. Prop,, Cutchogue, N.Y.
Copy of letter,sent-to Ric~rd J. Northridge, dated-August 5,
1975,~by~Building'InspeCtor~Edward Hindermann was presented
to the Trustees. Mr. Northridge is in violation of the
Wetlands Ordinance because he'has deposited fill over the
bank of his~property at Sunny Shores, Lot A, Mattituck, N.Y.
On motion by Mr. Gordon, seconded byMr. Goldsmith, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Board of Southold Town
Trustees, dated August~, '1975,~be approved as ~ubmitted.
Vote of the~Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr/ Robertson,
Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird.
p. 181
O~otion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. Robertson, it was
RESOLVED that the nex~ regular meeting of the Board of Southold
Town Trustees be held at 7:30 P.M., Monday, October 6, 1975,
at the T0~ Board.meeting room, 16 South Strea~, Greenport, N.Y.
Vote ofthe B6ard. Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robm~r~o~,
Mr.~'Gordon, M~. Bird.
Respectfully submitted,
Board .Of S0Uthold Town Trustees