HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-08/04/1975 MINUT~ES BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES Meeting of August ~, 1975 A regular meeting of the'Boardo£ Southotd Town Trustees was held at 7~30'P~M., Monday; August ~ 1975, at~theTown~'Board· meeting'room, 16 South,'Street, ~Gree~port, New Yor~, wfth the following present': Al~ah~B. ~Goldsmith, ~hairman Philip Horton ~rederick E. Gordon George'Bird Betty Neville, Secretary- Absent: Mr~ ~Dougtas, Roberts.0n Also present: '~Mr. Joseph Hataier., Republican~Conservative Candidate for Southold Town Trustee; Shirley Katz-L.I~Traveler; Bonnie Gordon-Suffolk Times; Orville Terry-N.F. Environmental Council; Alex Bondarchuk~ -The following propert~owners from Fisherman's Beach Area; Cutchogue; Henry Steinb~[eCher; Frank Boss; Wilbu~ Baldwin; Justus Krantz. Mr. Alex Bondarchuk inquired if there had been any progress made on providing additional mooring space etPete's-Neck Orient. Mr. Goldsmith said that they feel that the ~es% solution would be to ~ovide offshore moorings as discussed at the last meeting. There are no f~n~s available, at the present time; ~£or float o'r cable moorings. Mr. Goldsmith said that the thing to~ do this fa!~ is just~o'make out the- best that they ~an, as they-have done in~ the past4 Mr. Goldsmith read letter to the Board of Southold Town Trustees from-Robert W. Gillispie, Jr.-~ dated~July~18, 1975 regarding the issuance ofl-per~fts~in-Dam~ond,-E~st Marion, N~Yi .Mr. Gillfspie.-stated ~hat~the upland'contigioUsto Route 25 in the area of t~e permits issued is ~riVate property owned~by Marion S. Gillispie and further that the creek bottom in that area is also privately .owned by virtue o£ deeds o~£. . recordS. Mr.~ Gill±spie r~qMe~te~'that .the per~'ts specifically granted.~o Percy~Hommel [7/7/75) and~to ~&l!iam'p.. SChott (8/6/73.). be rescinded, and that no additional permits be~ granted over this private property without permission o£ the owner of record. On motion by Mr2 Gordon, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees transmit copy of letter received from R0bertW. Gillispie, Jr., dated July 18, 1975, together with copy of survey of subject p property, to the Southold Town Board and to the Town Attorney for their recommendations and advice. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Horton, Mr. GordOn, Mr. Bird. ' p. 174 On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED~thatth'e Board-~of Southold Town Trust~es hereby Withdraw auth0riz~ation ~for permit whi6hthey grantedI ~ gohn Zimnoski, Br~eakwa~er~Road, Mattituck, N.T. ~for permission to place offshore mooring in Mattituck Creek,~at~a special meeting held'on July 12, 1975. This authorization is withdrawn at the request of the applicant. Vote of the Board:.~.Ay~s:~iMr~G01ds~ith, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by.Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that Albert~ichmond,bNain Road~ Cutchogue, New York be granted permission to place offshore mooring in Mud Creek, Cutchogue, N.'¥., all in accordance ~i'thlthe detailed speci- fications as presented.in the 'originating application. Fee $5.00 Vote of-the Board: Ayes: Mrs. Go~smitk,.Mr. Horton, Mr~ Gordon, Mr~ Bird. ' On' motion by.~Mr. ,Bird, .'seconded iby MrS' Gordon, it~.was 'RESOLVED that ~. 'Schwartz, ~ast &Fl~e~wood Roads, 'CutChogUe, N.Y. be granted permission~to Dlac~'offsh6re mooring in East Creek, Cutchogue, N.Y., all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presente~ in the originating application. Fee $5.00 - Vote of t~eBoard: ~yes: Mr~Goldsmith;' Mr, Ho~fon, Mr~ Gordon, Mr. Bird. ~ ~" ' "~" ~" ~ ' ' Appli~dation 'of A.B. Ros'enberg,'2~ Link-Lane, Hic~s~iil'e;~.~ 11801~-~forpermi~sio~ to'dredge 'in'Sterl'i~ng'Cr'eek~ Gre~o~%~ N.Y. was tabled for~further investiggtion'and inspection~of the property by the Board~ On'~otion:by'Mr. Gbldsm-ith~'~econde~ byMr~ Horton; it was RESOLVED .that'no~appllcation'be~revfewe~ by t~e Boardo~ Southold Town Trustees.Unless applicatio~iS "~ompl~ted in regard to' all: items aud"$~00-' filing f~: iS~ paid. On. motion by :Mr. Horton, seconded by,Mr... ~ordon, it~was RESOLVED that the appli~ation~.0f Demetrios~Joannide~, ~114 Central Drive, Mattituck; N.Y'.. be returned to him due. tO inc0mpleteinformation ~and failure to Submit $5.00 filing fae with application. · p. 175 Application of Harold P. Schwerdt, Cedar~ Oak Avenues, Southold, N.Y. for p.ermission to construct dock and floa~ in Goose Creek, directly in front of the applicant's property, was tabled by the Board pending rec$ipt of letter of approval o£ such by the Goose Bay Property Owners Association. On motion by Mr~ Bird, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED ~hat the Board of Southold Town Trustees favorably recommends the approval of Amendment ko WEtlands ~pplication #24 by Pierce Yacht Basin~ Inc~ This is an excellent sheltered moori~g.~area. The Trustees are of the opinion that increasing the number of moorings in this area would be an asset to the Town. Vote of the Bpard: Ayes: Mr. GoldSmith,'Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. Application #i~2~o£ Henry C. Weismann, 14~ Wi Main Street, Smithtown, N.~i.~i£or wetland permit on Sages BaSin and existing dredged canal (all narth of Shelter Island Sound), Greenp0rt, N.Y., was tabled~y th~ Board for further investigation and inspection oflthe property to determine whether or not this is town waters. This application was transmitted to the Trustees by the Town Clerk on August 1, 1975, together with the instructions to prepare a written report of findings and recommendations. Application to the T~wn Trustees for dredging submitted by Henr).~ CoWeismknn, 145 W. Main Street,~ Smithtown,~ N.Y. in Sages Basin and aXisting dredged canal (all north of Shelter Island Sound), Greenport, N.~ was tabled by the Board for further investigation and inspection of the proper~ty to determine whether or not this is town waters. The following property owners from the Fisherman's Beach ares at Cutchogue appeared before the Southold Town Trustees: Hendr Steinbrecher~ Frank Boss, Wilbur Baldwin, Justus Krantz to discuss the build up at ~Uaywaters Cove, at the foot of Haywaters Road, Cutchogue. They reported that the shorings are beginning to sink on Mrs. Cornwells bulkhead and that mud and silt is filling the channel in - making i~-difficult to navigate at low tide. Mr. Steinbrecher said that the pine pilings that they used are beginning to smap and that they should have used oak instaad. Mr. Goldsmith said that this is the obligation of the person who constructed the bulkhead, Dr. Samuels. The Board will make an inD~ection of this property again. Mr. Frank Boss 734-5807 and Mr. Wilbur Baldwin 734-5127 requested that the Board call them befSre hand, so that one or both of them may accompany the Board on the inpsection. p. 176 Mr. Goldsmith read letter received from Tom Samuels of James H. Rambo, Inc. Bated July 23, 1975, requesting an extension of Permit #1044 issued to Dr. Maxwell Simkin for permission to bulkhead on his property located at Snug Harbor Road at Gull Pond, Greenport, N.Y. The construction has been delayed by the Army Corps of Engineers consideration. On motion by Mr. Gordon, seconded~by Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that Dr. Maxwell Yo' Simkin be granted a one (1) year extension of time on Berm~it#~1044. Subject permit extended until September 10, 1976. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Horto~ Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. On motion by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Southold Town Trustees rescind the authorization for .~e~rmit granted to Dwight Edstrom at meeting of June 2., 1975~ Applioa~ has not responded to notice of board .action or paid$5.00 filing fee and has moved from the area leaving no forwarding address. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr.. Goldsmith, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. The Board was presented with Public Notice No. 8172-from the Dept. o£ Army Corps o£ Engineers. Subject notice 1listed all permits issued by them for the month of June. Correspondence dated. July 1975 received from the Cooperative Extensi~on, Cornell University, S~ate University of New ~York U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. j - On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded.byMr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that the minutes o£ the Board of S0uthold Town Trustees dated July 7, 1975 and July 12, 1975 (special meeting) be approved as submitted. On motion by Mr. Horton, seconded by. Mr. Bird, it was RESOLVED that the next ~egular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees be held at 7:30 P.M., Monday, September 8, 1975, at the Town Board meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. Vote of the Board : Ayes:- Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. HortOn, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. Respect£ully submitted, Boar~ o~ So~t~hold Town Trustees