HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/07/1975p. 163 MINUTES BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES Meeting of July 7, 1975 ~regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 P.M., Monday, July 7, 1975, at the TOwn Board meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenpart, New York with the following pr~sent~: ~ ' AI~ B~ Goldsmith, Chairman Douglas MQ Robertson Philip G. Herren .Frederick E. Gordon Ge0~rge Bi~ Betty Neville, Secretary Also present: Orville Terry, Alex Bondarchuk, & Joseph Hataier- Republican-Conservative Candidate for Southold Town Trustee. Mr. Alex Bondarchuk inquired if the Board had reached any decision regarding the provision of additional mooring space at Narrow River (Pete's Neck), Lone Beach Bay~ Orient, N]Y. Mro Goldsmith advised him that no definite decision has yet been reached. Mr~ Bondarchuk stated that he estimates that there is room for at least 20 more boats in thisa~ea. Mr Gordon advised him that the Town property is quite small~ owever,~bo~ts could be moored off the property of private owners, if a letter of consent were secured from the property owner. Mr. Goldsmith suggested that the~y could be offshore moorings and the persons could launch a small boat to ferry themselves back and forth to their offshore moorings. T~h$ Board advised Mro Bondarchu~ that they would confer on this matter further and try to reach a decisio~ in the near future. Mr~ Bondarchuk also questioned the reason for no parking signs at the streets at the foot of the waters and creeks. He ~asked what a person~should do who~wishes to go fishing or firelighting. He cited au incident o£ such a person who parked at the end of the water to go fishing and was then confronted by the police. The no parking signs read that there shall be no parking between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. The Board advised Mr. Bondarchuk that they have no ~urisd~ction-in this mattered advised him to take it ~p with the Town Board. Applications ofMichael Colavito, 198'Derby street, East Wil!iston, N.Y. 11596, for wettand~permits (application no.'s 22 & 23) on Corey Creek directly in front of ~ property at Bayview Avenue, Southold, New York was tab~edfor further investigation and inspection of~the property.by the Board. Application # 22 proposes to addssufficient clear fill to the ~$uthern property line to eliminate the collection of water in a low area created by neighbors bulkhead and filling. Application ~ 23 proposes to construct 164 about 58' of bulkhead o~ Corey Creek. The secretary was instructed to n~tifyMr. Colavito that the Board will inspect the property sometime Saturdayaafterno~on, July 12, 1975. Application of Pierce Yacht Basin, Inc., Manhanset Avenue, and Beach Road, Greenport, New York, referred to the Board o£ Southotd Town Trustees by the Town Clerk on June 18, 1975 together with the instruetions to prepare a written report of findings and recommendations. This application # 24 for wetland permit requested permission to dredge toaa.depth of 6 feet below mean lo~' water, bulkhead, ~and install piles to Provide 381[additi°hal slips for sailboats, at Sterling Creek, Greenport, N.~ A~!ication was tabled for further investigation and inspection of the property by the Board .on Saturday~fternoon, June 12, 1975,, Proposal of James Castagna, 1205 Waterview Drive, Southold, New York, £or digging a small channel through the sandbar which has built up at the entrance to his property on Goose Creek was tabled by the Board° The Board stated that be~or~ they can do anything about this request, they will need to know whether he inten~s to finance the cost o£ the project or whether he expects the~Town to assume the cost of it~ I£ he expects the Town'to assume the cost o£ same, Mr~ Castagna is to be advised that' such a project could not be un~ertaken in the £oreseeable future, and they suggest that. he contact the County regarding this matter. The~Board.. instructed ~he se¢~ry ~o .contac~Mr~ Castagna-end. advise him to t~e ~oregoing e££ect. ~ ~ on mo~on by Mr,. Gprdon, seconded by Mr..Herren., it was RESOLVED. that. Dwig~ Edstrom, Po0. Box 458, Greenport, N..Y. be granted permfssion t0 place o££shore mooring (150 lb. mushroom anchor) in Gull POnd, Greenport, New York, all in accordance with. detail.ed speci£iaations as presented in the ori~inating application. Eee ~5.00 Vole'of the Board: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson., Mr. Herren, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. -On motion by Mr. Bird, seoonded by Mr. Robertson, it.was RESOLVED that Jos~?h zimnoski, Box 27 B Bra~'Avenue, Mattituck, N.Y. be granted pe~is~ion ~o place onshore~offshore mooring in Mattituck Creek at the foot of Knollwood Lane, Mattituck, N.Y., all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the o~iginating applica~iom. Fe.e ~.00 Vote of .the Board: Ayes:. Mr. Go:~mith, Mr~ ~bertson, Mr. Horto~, Mr° Gordon, Mr. Bird. . · -The secretary informed the Board that EdwaDd.Woessner telephoned the office stating that he wishes to withdraw his application for permission to. place, onshore-offshore mooring, in Ma~tituek ~CDeek; Fee~to be returned to Mr. Woessner upon receipt of letter from.him advising the Board.that he wishes ~o. withdraw his application. p. 165 On motion by Mr Horton, seconded by Mr~ Bird, it was RESOLVED that Frederick A. Cantrell, Box ~37 Antler Lane, Cutchogue, N.Y. be granted permission to ~'ebuild existing boat slip to stop erosion by the use of bulkhead in East Creek directly in front of his own property at Antler Lane, Cutchogue',. N.Y., all in accOrdance'wit~ the ~etailed specifications as presented in the 'originating application. Fee Vote of the Bgard: Ayes:- M~2s~etdsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird, Application of Herbert Wel!s~ Jr., Pine Neck Road, Southo!d, N.Y. for permission to extend and enlarge platform floating dock locat~a in Jockey Creek, directly in front of'his property off Pine Neck Road, Southotd, N.Y. was reviewed by the Board and further tabled. The secretary was advised to inform Mr Wells that the Board is of the opinion that this_float is too large. The Board.suggests revisi~ ~he · plan. to a smaller float an~ stat:es that they .would be favorable to .a smaller extension. The proposed extension of this .float should not extend beyond the established dock line of the adjacent and surrounding properties. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that Wes Bednosky~, Sr., Boisseau Avenue, Southold, N.Y. be granted permission to place offshore stake in Narrow River, Long Beach Bay, Orient, N.Y., all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application~ Fee $5°00. Vote of the Board: Ayeg:,~Mr. G~ldsmith, Mr~ Robertson] Mr. Horton, Mr Gordon, Mr. Bird. On motion by Mr. Robertson, .sec6nded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that PercM E. Hommel, 727 Main Street,~ Greenport, N.Y., be granted permission to place on shore-offshore mooring in Dam Pond, ~astMarion, N.Y., all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating applica~gD_.~Fee $5.00. Vote of theBoard: Ay-es:~- Mr. Goldsmith, Mr~ RobertsOn, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird° ~ Application of Charles 'C. Watts~ Sterling Road, Cutchogue, N.Y, for permission to~ add r~mp and float to existing dock on Mud Creek, Cutchogu~, N'.Y. was 'tabled for ~furthe'r investigation and,~pection of the property by ~the Bomrd on Saturday afternoon, July~'2~ 1975. ~ On motion bM~Mr~ Rabertson, seconded by Mr~Gordon, ~t was RESOLVED that. Richard 0smer , ~Oakwood Drive, Southold, N.Y. be grau~ed permissi0n~to place~onshore-offshore mooringkin Goose Creek, Southotd, N.Y~ali~ in accordance~ with the detamled speczfmcatmons as presented mn the o~zgmnatmng p. 166 application.. Fee $5.00. Vote of the.Bo.ard: Ayes[~ Mr.~ Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr...Gor~n,.Mr..':Bird. On motion by Mr.-Robertson., seconded by.Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that Richard0smer~ 0ak~ood Drive.; Southotd, N.Y. be gr~ated'permi~ion ~o'~a6e 0ff~hore'mobring'at Goose Creek Southold, N.Y., all in aocolrdance with~det~ai!ed~specifications as presented ~in the °riginatiflg ~tic~i0h.~F~e $5.00 ~ ~ Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Goldsmith, Mr~ Robertson, Mr~ Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. Application of Sidney Olmsted~ 53-20 212st Street, B~ee, N.Y. 11364, for permmssion to construct 56' x 40" dock, 12' x3' ramp, and 20' x 30' float~ag dock-with fourteenS(14) mooring piles in. M~ttituck. Greek dira6~ly in.~fr0n~ or-his property off Westphalia~Road, Ma~tituck~N~Y., W~s~ta~ledffor further investigation ~d~dins~ectionbf the property~bM .the Board. Mr~ 01msted ~submittad tW6'(2) ~Ians~o ~the~Bo~rd~and.~requested t~gt the~Board appr6~eOn~ at theiropti0n~ Mr° 01mst~d will also be required~o secure ~ permit frost,he N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation. On motion by Mr' Bird, seconded byMr~ Horton, it was RESOLVED that Philip Phoel~ Jr., Luptons ~Oint Road, Mattituck, N.Y..be granted ~ermission to rebuild 7' x 10' fixed dock and° 10' x 2½' ramp on. Deep Hole Creek, Mattituck, N.Y., all in accordance'with detailed specifications as presented in the originatin~.application~... Fee $5.00 , Vote of the Board:'~yes:~Mr~'[G~ldsmith,.Mr. Roberts0n,.i Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. On m0tion by. Mr[?..Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, .it was RESOLVED that J.J.~Ruggl.es,. 320 BeachwoodLane, Southold N.Y. be grantedPermission to place au offshore mooring in Goose Creek, d&reatly in~:fro~t-.of his own property Beachwood Lane, South-eld, N.Y., ~I! ih accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application.- Fee $5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes£- Mr~ Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. Application of James F.. Warwick, 3765 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, N.Y.' fo~' pe~iss~on to. place an offshore~ mooring in East Creek, CutChogue,~ N.Y. was reviewed by the Board. The application stated that he does not have a boat at this time, but plans to purchase a boat. The Board instructed the sec~etary~to send a letter to Mr. Warwick stating that they wouldbe favorable~to a mooring at this location, but they cannot approve an appticati6n iuntil he purchases a boat and gives a complete description Of the boat and N.¥.S. registration ~numbers,~ ifrequired. Application of Charles Sidorowicz, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, N.Y~, for permission to place ~ffshore mooring in Mattituck Creek, was tabled~by the Board £or further investigation and inspection of the property by the Board. po 167 On motion by Mr~ Robertson, seconded by M re Bird,~it was RESOLVED that Ralph Co Condit, P.O. Box 45 Wells goad, ?econio, N.Y. be granted permission to place offshore mooring ~in~RichmondCreek,~directly in £ront o.f his'pr0p~rty at Wells Road, Peco~ic,~N.¥., alt in accordan.~e with.the detailed specif$cations~as-~resented in .the originating applioa~ion. -Fee..$5.O0. Vote of the Board: Ayes; Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Herren, Mr. Gordon, ~r. Bird. Two (2) applications of John C. Seiferth, Pequash Avenue, Cutchogu~, N.Y. £or~perm±s~ion t~ plaoeof£shore mooring and onshore-offshore meoring in ~utchogue Harbor at the end-ofPequash Avenue, Cutchogue, N.Y. were reviewed by the Board. It was determined thattthis lo~ation ~s not' part of Town Waters. The Board instructed the secretary to send a letter to Mr. Seiferth advising him oftthe foregoing and that he is not required to have a Pe~t £or these moorings. App!icati~n of R~chard Re ?rieto, Minnehaha B~vd~ &-Opechee Avenue, Southold,:N.Y. for permission to :place ~"x 12' £ixed dock, 5' x~16' floating dock'with 6 mooring piles directly in front of his own property~ at Corey Cre~k, Southotd, N.Y. was tabled by the Board for further investigation and~i~s~ection o£ the property by the Board. Application of David A. Mills-~ 135 Garden Street, Garden City, N.Y. for ~ersmission to ~tace~offsho're-mooring (tie-up between 2 piles)~in James 'Creek at Strong's Marina, Mattituck, N.Y. was tab!ed.~£or further investigation andinspection the proper~y by the Board. Application of Joseph Frank Zimnoski_, I~I~, Bray' Avenue - Box #27A RR #1 ,-Mattituok,~ N~.Y. for p~rmissio~n' to pt~ce'offs~h'ore mooring in Mattituck Creek,~-M~ttituck,N.y. was tabled for further investigation and fn~pection of the property by theBoardo Application of Harry Tuthill, Youngs Avenue, Mattituck, N.Y. for permission'to.p±ace onshOre-offshore 'mooring in Ma~tituck Creek, Matti~uck, N.Y. was.tabled for further investigation and inspection of the property by the Board. p. 168 Applicat£on cf'~.Wil!iam. G.~Norris,' 27-75 Pine~Ne~K Road,_. Southol.d, N.Y~. for p~rmission to_place onshore-offshere mooringin ~ockey Creek, ~Southold, N,Y. was ~abted~for. further investigation and inspection of the property by the Board. On motion .by~Mr~ Gordon,'seoonded-by Mr.~Robertson, ~t was RESOLVED that Briani. Kelly, L~Hommedieu Lanky Sou~ho!d, ~N.Y~. be granted permission~o~ pI'ade?of£sh0re mooring in Town Creek, South~I~, N.Y.,-~a!l' in-'accordance wit~detaited specifications as presen~edin the originating application. Fee ~5.00..~ . , ~ ~ Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. GoIdsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. Application of John Zimnoski, Breakwater. Road, Mattituck, N.Y. for permission to placa offshore,mooring in Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, N.Y. was t~abled fo~.~further investigation and inspection Of the pr0pe~ty~by theB0ard.' On motion by Mr~ Robertsom;'~'seconded by Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that Peter A. Lloyd, 765 Oak Avenue, Southold, N.Y. be granted permission to place onshore-offshore mooring in Goose Creek (stake # 11 on Map of Goose Bay Civic Assoc.) consent ~or a~c~ess'~n~pro~erty'.of H. Hermans,~ 850 O~k~Avenue, Southold~ N.Y., all inaccordance wi~h the detgiled sPeci~fi- cations as presented in the originating application. Fee ~5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr~ Goldsmith, Mr~ Robertson, Mr, Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr~ Bird. On motion by Mro Robertson, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was RESOLVED. that~ Dan~'Bridge, BaY berry~Road, SOuthold, N.~Y. be ~granted permission.~oplace offshore~mooring in Corey Creek,' Southold, N.Y.,.~all inaccordance with the-detailed specifi- cations as.presented in the originating ~pplication.~' Fee $5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. RobertS0n, Mr. Horton, Mro Gordon, Mr. Bird. The secretary ~ss~n~e~th~ Board with a~letter received from Gerard A. Dupis ~'Miller &m'Summit" Re: State 'of New york vs. Rambo, dated June~27, 2975~ Attached thereto, copy 'of deciSio~ 0f the Court of Appeals, dated June 19, 1975 0n~motion by Mr. Eordon, seconded by Mr~ Robertson, it was RESOLVED that theminutes~f the Board of Southold Town Trustees, dated June 2, 1975 be appro~d as submitted. Vote of the Bpard: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bird. p.169 On motion by Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED~-that~the next-regular meet%rig of the Board of Southold Town Truszees be-held at 7:30-P.M., Monday, August 4, 1975, at the Town Board meetinglroom, 16 South Street, Greenport, N.Y. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon, Mr.~ Bird. .~ __ Respectfully submitted, Board of Southold Town Trustees