HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-05/05/19751-54 MINUTES BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES Meetin~~ of May 5, 1975 A regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 P.M., Monday, May 5, 1975, a~ the Town Board meeting room, 16 South'Street, Greenport, New York, with the following present: Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Douglas M. Robertson Philip G. Horton Frederick E. Gordon Judith T. Boken, Secretary Absent: George Bird Also present: Loretta Hess and Orville Terry Mr. WilbursBaldwin appeared before the Board with Mr. Steinbreche~, Mr. Boss and Mr. Kranz, to determine what can be done about re- dredging a 40 ft. area in Haywaters Cove aear the foot of Haywaters Road atJFishermans Beach, Cutchogue. D~e to the construction of a bulkhead seVeral yea~s ago on the property of Mrs. Cornwell, the area has filled in and it is a~most imposSi-ble to get boats in and out. -- Mr. Goldsmith advised he would take the matter up With Thomas Samuels of-Rambo, Inc., as they constructed the bulkhead which has created the problem. Mr. Patrick Carrig appeared before the Board representing James BDown and Robert D. and Luella G. Boyd. On motion of Mr. Ho~ton, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that James Brown, Oak Street, Cutchogue, New York be granted permission to place an offshore-onshore moorin§ in East Creek, directly in front of his property on©Oak Street, Cutchogue, all in accordance with the detailed~specifications as presented in the originating application. Fee: $5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon. The Chairman read a letter to the Board from Mr~ and Mrs. Robert Boyd, Smiths Drive, Southold, requesting an extension of their Permit No. 693 for permission to bulkhead and dredge and backfill at their property on Smith Drive. North and Williams Roadr Goose Neck, Southold. On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that the permit of Robert D. & Luells G. Boyd, Permit No. 693 dated March 7, 1972, is still in effect, but applica- tion must be made to the Department of Environmental Conservation before construction may be s~arted. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith,. IMr¥ Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon. On motion of Mr~ Robertson, sedonded by Mr..Horton, it was RESOLVED that John J. Berdinka, 315 Pat Lane, Mattituck, New York be and he hereby is granted permission to place an 0ff~.~r.e- onshore mooring in Mattituck Creek,~ off Route 2~A, Mattituck, in accordance with the detailed specifications as p~es~nted ,in the originating application. Fee: $5.00. · Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Mr. Gordon. Application of Michael~ _F: Col~avitq for a wetland permit ~o~n/his property c~i B~¥vie~t~ve~de on Corey Creek, to add suffic~,~t clear fill to the southern property line to eliminate the collection of water in the low area created by his neighbors bulkhead and ~i~ll. ing was tab~ed for further investigation by the Board · On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was- RESOLVED that Richard A. Luhrs~ N. Riley/Avenue, Mattituck, New York, be granted permission to place three mooring piles in James Creek at the foot of town owned woodland at the end of North Riley Avenue, Mattituck, all in accordance with the detaiied specifications as presented in the originating application. If there are any objections because this mooring zs located adjacent to ~o~w~d~and, the mooring must be removed. Fee: $5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon. On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Robertson, it was RESOLVED that Frederick Melin, 325 Sterling Road, Cutchogue,New York, be granted permission to dock 16 ft. by 4 ft., ramp 10 ft. by 2 ft., and float ~4 ft.. by~ 5 ft. with two moori.ng piles at his property on ~a~ ~e~k~o~ft~n~e¥ ~kch6gu~,' ~Ne~ YOrk, all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. Fee: $1~.40. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon. 156 O~otion-of Mm~eRobertson, seconded by-Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED that Paul Kalunas, Osprey Nest Road, East Marion, New York, be granted permission to install apprOximately 86 ~t. Of timber bulkhead connecting with' existing bulkheads on his own property at Gull Pond, Osprey Nest RoaD, East Marion, New York, all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented · n the ormginating application. Fee: '$5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon-. Application of Dwight Edstrom, Old Orchard Lane, East Marion, for permission-,to place an offshore mooring in Gull Pond, Greenport, was tabled for investigation by the Board. On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was RESOLVED that the application of Edward Wisniewski,~ Jr., 725 Crittens Lane, Southold, New York be granted ~sr permission to place an offshore mushroom anchor ~n Goose Creek, off the Southwood Association Beach, Southold, all mn accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the orl§inating application. Fee: $5.00 paid. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Gcldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon. On motion of Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Robertson, it was RESOLVED that William Kelim, 415 Fiddler Lane, Greenport, New York be granted permission to use Mooring~10 in Sterling Creek, off Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. Fee: $5.00. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon~ The Chairman read a letter to the Board from James Castagna, Waterview Drive, Southold, relative to the condition Of boat mooring area at the foot of Wa~erview Drive &nd Goose Creek. A sand bar has built pp at the entrance and is blocking access mnto the creek. ~e suggest digging a small channel through the bar of approximately 15 f~t to 20 ft. by 10 ft. wide and 3 to 4 ft. in depth. --- The Board will investigate the site. The Secretary ~as instructed to contact Bay Constable Januick to run a check-on a list of boat numbers ~elonging to boats moored in Narrow River, Orient witch out permits from the Town Trustees; and to contact each owner and request removal of the boat until sufficient space is available for them. On motion of Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Robertson, ~t w~ RESOLVED that the minutes of the ~pril 7, 1975 meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees be approved as submitted. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Gordon. 157 On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr~ Robertson, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Boardo6f Southold Town Trustees will be,~e.!d~at. !:30_~-~.~ ~o~d~_,~.~.J~e 2, 1975 at the Town Board meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenport, New Y~rk. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goids~i%h~ Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton, Mr. ~ordon. ~ Meet~nq-adjeqrned at ~:~0--P.M Secretary