HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-12/08/1975p. 188 MINUTES BOARD O.F SOUTHOLD TOWN( T~USTEE.S ..... Meeting of December-8, 1975 A regular meeting of the'Board'of Southold Town Trustees was held at ~:30 P.M., Monday, December 8, 1975 at the town board meeting.:room, 16 South.Street, Greenport, :New York,;wit~ the following present: " Alvah B~_ Go~.dsmi-th; Chairman . ' Douglas.M. Robertson Frederick E;'Gordon . . Philip G. Horton_~ . . Betty Nev~l!e, iSecr.etary ' Absenv: George C. Bird .Also present: William & Lorraine Terry,.North Fork Environmental Council~ Pau~ S~ou~enberg'NFEC; Bob Rinklin, L.I. Traveler;. Ronnie ~ack~, SuffolkiTimes~.~ William Wickham, Esq. appeared before the Board on behalf of William goknston'~ Fishermsid~'S Beach~ Cutehog~e. -He has 'built a'house'way dui on the~verynortherly tip-of the beach and now feels tha~ he would 'like to bulkhea~ it. He wauld lik%: to make /'an a~plication ifora~bU!khea~ui~ tike t~e Board-'s opinion as to how many ~e~t he should ~sk fDr ~lk]~-how it should be built. Mr. Goldsmith stated that this b~lkhead might help to preserve'2the Channel ~and atteviate~some of the build=up problem at HaywaterS' Co~e.~'--'The Board~wilt' inspect the property and advise Mr. Wicmkhsmas to how many feet should be bulkheaded. Amended application of A,B. Rosenberg, 250 Great Mill Lane, Great Neck, N;¥. for ~ermission to maintenaRce dredge in Sterling Creek,-Greenport, N;Y. was reviewed and further tabled .by the Board. The Board feels that 260 feet is an excessive amount to ask for. maintenancedredging, since the docks are less than half that dis~anc.e..~. Mr. Gordon questioned Stanley Corwin as to where the spoil 'willbe put as the' neighbors are concerned about appearance and smell. Mr. Corwinstated that it will be graded off when it is dry, it will not be an unsightly mess. The Chairman stated that 130 feet would bring it behind the docks and asked if that' would be a satisfactory compromise. Mr. Corwin stated that they woul~ like about ~50 feet. The Board will make another inspection of this property and determine exactly how many feet they will allow. /Application of Pauline Israel, Osprey Nest Road, Greenport, N.Y. p. 189 for permission to place 46 ft. floating dock in Gull Pond, Greenport, was tabled for further investigation and inspection of the property by the Board. The Board is o£ the opinion that 46 ft. is very excessive for this area. Mr. Frank Frank Hundley appeared before the Board to represent the Goose Bay Civic Assoc. Applications of Goose Bay Civic Assoc., Goose Creek, Southold: /(1) for permission to i~statl ~retaining wall; ~2) for maintenance ~dredging were tabled £or investigation and L~spection of the property by the Board. The ~u~tees'h~w~ determined'that ~henarrmw strip.of land between the nmgnway anm ~am Pond is privately owned by the Gillispie £ami!y. Any onshore stake would be ~respassing. We have issued 2 permits ,/for onshore stakes there. ~These permits will have to be revoked .~hleSs they can get permission in writing from the owner. The airman i~stru~ted that letters ~e.sent to Percy E. Hommel and William P. Schott advising them of the aboVe.~ ~/A~plication of Ernest M. Guettinger' for permiasiOn to reconstruct d re~yir dock and to construct ramp, 2 mooring piles and float on East Creek, at Oak S~reet, CutchO~ue will be put on the agenda for the next meeting, Larry Tuthill questioned the° ownership of Schbolhouse Creek. ~The Chairman instructed the secretary to check the ownership and if any permits have ever been issued there. Paul Stoutenberg asked to g~ on record~as saying that ~Frederick /E. Gordon has done an outstanding job as a Trustee of'the To~ of~Southold? On motion Of Mr. Gordon, seconded-~y~Mri Horton, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Board of Southold Town Trustees dated November 10, J975 be approved as submitted, subject to minor correction on page t87. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr~ Goldsmith, Mr. RobertsOn, Mr. Gordon, Mr Horton~ On motion of Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr; Roberts0n, it was RESOLVED-that the next regular meeting of the Board 0f S0uth0!d Town Trustees be held at 7:30 P.M;, Monday, January 5, 1975, at the~ town boaPd'~meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenport, N.Y. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Gbldsmith'; Mr..Robertson; Mr.'Gordon, Mr. Horton. · The Board of Southold Town Trustees will meet at the Town Clerk's Office, at 9:00 A.M., Saturday, on December 13, 1975 to make on-site property inspections Of' the'following: William Jphnston~Fi~herman's Beach, Cutchogue;' Goose Bay Civic Assoc., Goose Creek'; S0uthold; Ernest -Guettinger, East Creek', Cutchague; 'A2Bj [Rosenberg, Sterling Creek, Greenport'. ~Postcard tO be'~ Sent to Mr. Bird advising ~h&m~ of. the property inspectiOnS. - Respectfully submitt edm;