HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-05/17/1976p. 203
Meeting of May 17, .197~
A regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was
held at 7:30 P-M-, Monday, MaY !7, 1976, at th~ Town Board
meeting room, 1:6 South Street, Greenport, NeW York, with the
following Present:
Atvah B. Goldsmith, ~hairmau
Douglas M. Robertson
Philip G. Horton
George C. Bird
Joseph Hataier
Betty Neville, Secretary
Application of William-Johnston for bulkheading, ~redging~and-filling
at Fisherman's Bea0h, Cutchogue, N.Y. was further tabled. The~Trustees
will meet wi~h the Town Board on May~25, 1976 to discusskthismatter~
It is felt that very careful e~n~d~tion ~should be given tothis
matter before any d~termination ~'~ made.
On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED that John J. Hughes, 575 Dawn Drive - P.O. Box 377, East
Marion, N.Y..be GRANTED permission to p~_ace offshore mooring at
Gull Pond, directly in front of k~ Property at-Dawn Drive,
~eenport, N.Y.~, all in accordance with the detailed specifications
as presented in the originating application and subject th the
following~ c~Qndit4onS: (1) preparation of mooring-ma~ for the 8~ll
Pond ar~e~.by the Cleaves Poin~ ~rop!erty~Owners As~oc, ~(2)~applicant
adopting t~ei~ recbmmendations for"the location of ~his mooring.
Fee paid.~5..O0 ~.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmmth, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
On motion of Mr. Goldsmith, seconded bM Mr. Hataier, it was
RESOLVED that Noel J. Lutkows~i, Inlet Lane, Greenport, N.Y. be
GRANTED permission to place offshore~mooring at Gull Pond, off
Manhansett Ave. - Norman E. Klipp Marine Park, Greenport, N.Y.
~/all in accordance with the detailed Specifications gS presente~ in
the originating application and subject tO the following conditions:
(1) preparation'of mooringmap for the Gull~Pond area by the Cleaves
Point Property Owners Assoc. (2~). applicant adopting their rec0mmen~-
ations for the location'of this mooringl Fee paid'$5.00J
Vo~eOf the Board: Ayes: Mr. G01dsmith,' Mr~ Robertson,'Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
~Npplication of Leonard Walters, 2~00 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue,
.Y. for permission to' place offshore mooring at East Creek,
Cutchogue, N.Y. was further tabled at the request of the applicant
to enable him more time to submit revised application.
On motion of Mr. Bird, secmnded by Mr. Goldsmith, it was
RESOLVED that Virginia Van Bokkelen, Bartley Road, RR # I Box
/53 G, Mattituck, N.Y. be~TED~pem~ssion to place onshore-
/ offshore mooring at James Creek, at the end of Rochelle Place,
Mattituok, N.Y., all in accordance with the detailed specifications
as presented in the originating application. Fee paid $5.00
Vote of the Board: ~ves~ Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
pplication ~of .Dwi~t~,Eds]t~em,].Grand~.Avenue, P.0,.Box 170, Mattituck,
.Y. for permission tS plebe 'offshore'mOoring at Mattituck Creek -
as tabled for.further investigation, inspection of location of
mooring, and consultation.with the baymconstable~regarding the
nurser of other mooring in this area.
On motion of Mr. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Bird,-it.was
RESOLVED that David Ackermann, Rochelle Place, Mattituck, N.Y.
be GRANTED permission to add4~pilingsT tO existing float (which
/~s attached to his bulkhead) for support, at James Creek, directly
in-a~cordance Wit~:~the~detai~ed~s~ecif~cationS'as~present~edin t~e
Vote~f'the Board. Ayes~Mr.:GOl~;~Mr.~R0be~tson, ~r.~-Hort0n;_l]]
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
On m6t~on of Mr; Robertson,~Secomded by Mr. Bird, it~was
RESOLVED that~aUli~g Israel, ~spreyMest'R~ad, Greenport,~'~.¥.
eb GRANTED pe~.issi~n.tO pI~e~Wo :(2) m0b~ing piles d~r~ctly :
in f~0~t o'~:-h~r p~ope~t~ at GulI-~P0nd,~Osprey. Nest Road,. " ':
~areenport~N~¥~,r~ltin~aCce~da~c~e~:with the~d.e~'ailedSp.~cati0~Sr
s presented mm the orz~z~t~m~gaPDtmc-atmon,~s
~licant adopting their recommendations fo~ t~e location of this
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr.-Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
0n motion of~Mr...Bird, seconded:by.Mr. Robertson,~it-was
RESOLVED.thatMarion.Pelt, Anglers.Road, Greenpo~t-~ N.Y..be
GRANrWO ~eMsm~ss.io~ to pSa~e catwalk 3'x~4', ramp2½'xl0', and
~flo~t 6~:3, a~ G~l.pOn~,~-.~irectlM in-~ront of herDroperty at .-
~Ang~ers..Roa~, Greenport,~ N:.Y-~ rall~ in acGordance .witht,the~-detailed
spe~£icat£ons-as presented'&n the ~?riginating applica$ion, and
s~bject t° the~ ~0110wing Cqnditions: (1) preParation.of the mooring
map'for the Gull ~ond area by ~he Cleave~ Point-Property Owners
Assoc. (2) applicant-.i~dopting ~eir recommendations for the location
of this mooring. ~Fee paid $5.00 ~ '
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
p. 205
0n motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED that William Bradford, Brown Street, Greenport, N.Y. be
GRANTED permission to place onshore-offshore mooring at Arshamomaque
~Pond at the end or_Grove Road, So~thold, N.Y.,~all in accordanca
with the detailed Specif±catisns as. presented withthe originating
application. .Fee paid $5.00
Vote of the Board. Ayes. Mr. Goldsmith~, Mr. Roberts0n, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr.lHataier.
On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Hataier, it was
RESOLVED that Philip J.~Van Bourgondien, ~!285.Calves Neck Road,~
Southold, N.Y. be~GP~2~TED permi~sion 'tS Plaoeoffshore~0ring
~at Town Creek, di~[eCtl~ in fron~ of hisproperty a~ Cal~es Neck
Road, Southold, N~¥~,~ all in accordance With the detailed specifications
as presented in]th$ sr~i~inating application. FeePaid.~$5~00
Vote of t~e Board: Ay~'S.~ Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. E~bertson, Mri~Hort0n,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
On motion of Mr. Bird, secon~d~by Mr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED that Ell±crt Bernstein, Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue, N.Y. be
~RANTED p~ermission to place offshore mooring at L~ttle Creek, R.0.N.
off PineTree Road, C~chogue~ N.Yo~, all in.accordance with the
detailed specifications as presented in the originating application.
Fee paid $5.00
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton'
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr~ Hor~on, it was
RESOLVED that HaroldM.~ Gordon, 124 Hickory Avsnue, Southold, N.Y.
be GRANTED permission to place r~p 4'x8', dock 4'x32',~loat 6'x6"
~with 10~pilings at Goose Creek, di~e~y in front of applicant's
w~propertY at H±ck0ry AVe., Southold, N.Y., all in accordance' with
the detailed specifications as presented in the originating
application. ~Fee ~aid $29.60
Vote of .the Board: Ayes~Mr. Goldsmith,. Mr. Rob~rtson, Mr. HOrton,
Mr. Bird, M~.-Hataier.
On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED that Ri~chard Jersey, Bay Avenue, Cutchog~e, N.Y. be
GRANTED permission to place ramp 2'x6', dock 2'x4', float 4'x6'
~w--~ ~ 'p~ings~ at Little Creek, R.G.W. off Bay Avenue, Cutchogue,.
N.Y., all in a~cordance with the detailed specif±cations as
presented in the Originating application. Fee Paid $6.~0
Vote of the Board: A~8: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Hor~0n ,
~r, Bird, Mr. Hataier.
On motion-of Mr..Robertson, seconded by Mr.-Bird~ it was
RESOLVED that Gerard M. Gralton, Main Road, Orient, N.Y~ be
~ANTED permission to place o~fshore mooring at'Narrow-River
off Narrow River Road, Orient, N.Y., all in accordance with the
specifications as presented in the originating application and
subject to the condition that the mooring be placed 50~¥ards
from the last boat. Fee paid $5.00
p. 206
Vote of the Boa~:._~Ayes; .Mr. Goldsmith~, ~Mr. Rob~rtson,_.Mr.. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. H~taier~ ~ _.''- . _ ........
On motion or.Mr. B~rd_;~seco~ded bY Mr. G~smit~, it~was' ~
~ESOLVED th~t'Henry F~ancis~'Jr.~,· 504 FaCt~ry. Av~nW~,.Mattituck,
/N.Y. b~.GRANTED p~rm~$sion ~Q. pla~e~ 0nshora, offshp~8 ~00ring ~t
Matti~ck~Cr~ek,~at ~the end'of Love Laue,' Mattit~ck,'NJY., all~
in accordance with the detailed specifications aS~Pr&sented in
the originating application. Fee paid $5.00
On motion O~ Mr~ iG01ds~it~,~ec~nd~by~ Mr. iHataier, ~t was ' .
RESOLVED that 'Gaorgel M~ .Bridge ; '.i Main. s~r~eet, Soutbol~9 N~Y~ b~
/~RANTED parmission~o pl.a~ei~i ~QffSh~ ~por~ng~ (~tierUP ~between
~ 2 pil'ing~ )~ at~]T0wn, cre~'' off. young!~ "iEolad,~ South~ld; ~N.Y.',. all l
in accordance ~Wit~i. Dhe~detailedi.lsp~Ifi~at~ons ~s presented in
theorigina~ing~ap~lication.~ Fe'e paid $5~00 .
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. RobertSon, Mr4 Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
Application o~1J~an~'Har~ord,:~.vt. Raad, ~Southold, iN,Y~, for ~ermission
/to'pla6e ma~& float ~at Co~ey~Creek,~ directly in front of her
propertM, atPv~.~ Road, Sowthold,~N.y.~ ~as _tabled for mnvestmgatmon
aud inS~ti0h of~'the'Property. ~ ..... ~
On motion of Mr. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Horton, it Was
RESOLVED that Henry. A. Lettal, Medaow Lane, P.O. Box 548, Mattituck
~.Y. be GRANTED permission to place ofgyh0re ~Qo~ing at James~Creek,
off Ote.Eule Lane, Mattituck, N.¥~.4~ all'in.acCordance With the
detailed sp~ci~i$~tio~s~s~pres~mted~ iB~e-Origin~tingk~p~iidation.
Fee paid.$5;'00~~ . ' ~ · .... ~ ~ ~ .
Vote of the BOard: Ayes~'~r,~'Go~Smith, Mr. Robertson. M~. Hort0n,
Mr. Bird, Mr.~Hat~ier. ~ ~ .~ ~
On motien o Mr. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr.'Rober~son,~it~was
RESOLVED that Paul EalUnas, 0spreM NeS~ Road,~ Greenpo~t, N.Y. be.
GRANTED permission to place offshore mooring at Gull Pond direcbly
in front Omf his property at Osprey Nest Road, Greenport, N.Y., all
~in accordance with the detailed~psecifications as.~p~esented in the
originating application and Subjec~ t~the~f611owi~g cond~ti0ns:
(~) prepar~ti0h'of the m0oring~map for~the GUll Po~d area~by the
Cleaves PointiPr0perty 0wne~s ASSOC. (2)-applica~.D'~d~pting ~heir
recommendat£0n~f0r~e~location~0~ t~his~mooring-'. Fe~ paid.~$5~oo
Vote of the B~r~~ ~s'~ Mr. Gol~dsmith;~.Mr. RobertsOn, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Ha~aier, Mr. Bir.d. ~.-
Chairman Goldsmith read letter received fromM rs. Lorrain~Dunhuber
regarding the obstruction of the natural flow of water in Mud Creek
BY Simonsons who"place s~ctionsog ht~lDty p0~es and or tree trunks
/in the water every Winter; thereby-oausing an unngtural extension
of their pr0p~rty-~ 'A Iength~y'disCusE£o~ was~eld'by the'Boardl
and Mr. ~'MrS~;"-Dunhuber. The Boar~ s~ated~that ~hey must~ bebacked
up by a smr~eY:bef0~e they canw~ite ~0 BXmonSons and tell them'to
remove the mat.erial. The C~airmaureqUested'the's~cretary to secure
copies of the four (4) southerly propert£eS from Van Tuy!~
p. 207
On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVE~that the Suffolk County Dept. of Public works be
GRANTED permission for maintenance ~redging at Goldsmiths Inlet,
Town of Southold, located at Southold, N.Y.
Vote of the. Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Roh~ctson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
~/The Board~dire~ted that the following suggestion be included in
the cOVering te~ter for the above project: disposal ar.ea be-shifted
to the easterly side of the inlet o~Gdunty owned property to restore
the Scouring action that has existed along that portion of the shore.
On motion ~by Mr. Goldsmith, seconder by~r. Horton, it was
RESOLVED that~he~ SuffolkCountMDapt, of Public Works be
GRANTED~ permiS~ionformaintenance ~dredging-at Schoolhouse Creek,
~/~own of S0~h0!d, Cutch0gue, N.YJ .. 7 ' ' ' --' ' ~'
Voteof the Bm~rd.~ Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith,-Mr. Robertson, Mr.'Hor~on,
Mr. Bird, Mr.:'Hataier. ' - . - - ~
The disposal area for this project seems appropriate.
On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded byMr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED that the Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works be
GRANTED permission for maintenance dredging at Entrance to Mud Creek,
Town of Southold, Cutchogue, N.¥~
~w~ote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
The Board directed that the following suggestion be included in
the covering letter for the above project: disposal area be shifted
to the southeasterly portion of the shoreline shown on the map where
much ermsion and loss of beach nourishment has occured. The area
india~d as disposal area would soon be washed back to the entrance
un~ess much further removed from the project.
On motion o£Mr. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Robertson, it was
RESOLVED that the Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works be
GRANTED permission for maintenance dredging at James Creek,
~/Town of Southold, Mattituck, N.Y.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
The Board directed that the following suggestion be included in
the covering letter for the above project: disposal be shifted
to the east side, the beach along the easterly side of the channel.
On motion of Mr. Bird, seconded by Mr. GolSsmith, it was
RESOLVED that the Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works be
~RANTED permission for maintenance dredging<at Sterling Basin,
~Town of Southold,.~reenport, N.Y.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
The disposal area for this project seems appropriate.
On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by-Mr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED that the Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works be
/GRANTED. permission for maintenance dredging at Town Creek, Town of Southold, Southold, N.Y.
Vote of the Board: MAyes: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
p. 208
The disppsal area for :this.pM0Oect seems very appropriate, mud
very much needed to prOtect the ~roperties within.Town Creek
and Jockey Creek.
On motion of Mr. Goldsmith, seconded.by Mrs. 1Robertson, it was
RESOLVED that the mi~U~s~o~£t~'eBo~ard of mSoutholdTown Trustees,
dated April ,1~, 1976 be.approved as submitted.
Vote of the Bb~rd: Ayes. M~..G$ldsmith, Mr, Rebertson, Mr. Horton
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
0n motioh ~f~Mr. Bird, secon~-~by Mr. RobSrtson, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular~meetihgof?the Bbard~of Southold
Town Trustees be held at 7.:50~-pm.M,, Monday, j~Uae 7, 19~6, at the
Town Board meeting room~ 16 South ~Street~Gresnport, NiY..
Vote~ of the Board:. Ayes: M~.~'Goldsmith, iM~. Roberts0n, Mr. Herren,
Mr. Bird,~Mr. Hataier.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
RespeotfullT Submitt-e~,
Betty. Nevi - ei ~e~cretary
'~Board of Southold Town TrUstees