HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12763 P 816 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 02/18/2014 Number of Pages: 5 At: 03:00:31 PM Receipt Number : 14-0018610 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 13-18767 LIBER: D00012763 PAGE: 816 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 035.00 01.00 006.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $162,500.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $650.00 NO Comm.Pres $250.00 NO Fees Paid $1,160.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 13-18767 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County 1 2 / REG.7RDEt1 •s~~ 2n1# Feb 18 2:+. nn: 31 Pi Number of pages JLJD.1H H. PA-EPLE TORRENS C ER7 OF SUFFOLI, i OIJIJY Serial # L [01012-A-P 816 Certificate # DT# 13-13767, Prior CIE # Deed . Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Filing Stamps 3 FF.PS Page / Filing Fee 77 Mortgage Arm. 1. Basic Tax llendling 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total - Spec. / Assit. Notation or EA-5217 (County) Sub Total Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG TAX RA-5217 (Slate) Dual Town _ Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held for Appointment ansf rTsx - Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Mauston Tax Affidavit 9 The property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two Certified Copy family dwelling only. YES or NO Reg. Copy Sub Total If NO, see appropriate lax clause on Other Grand Total page # ut this insnume- 7) 1 7/n[. 4 District 5 Community Preservation Fundrt Real 14002023 1000 03500 0100 006000 Cunideration Amount $ /Z~ ,5DO Property S~ Tax Service RP A IIIIIII~III~IIIIII~II~I~IIII~IIIIIIII CPFTaxDue Agency Improved 23JAN-1 Verification ~ Vacant Lend 6 SmisfacormlDischarges/Release List Property Owners Mailing Address TD RECORD & RETURN 1'O: 1~1 gIcis 4Ckrsfrfo r"' 6.s r^YTD Q,--I `l Sf~~L'1N ep> TD q.s fV ni i f V e U y0?/C-1 H I or -7i-Title Company Information ' ' Co. Name'.( 6rt„ ti r'- ('q r.t~ Title # SS - - lit' r g Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached U r t- o made by: A (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 10 n., ~ a-Fs o k l I S The premisis herein is situated in 1-SOtAI IS SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. J TO ,(f In the Township of 0 4A g I l ~/ll S (VGl 001 t5 In the II.I.AGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) s CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 7th day of August 2013 BETWEEN ANTONIS NATSOULIS residing at 24-54 28th Street, Astoria, New York 11102 8 ELLEN NATSOULIS residing at 21-12 48th Street. Astoria, New York 11105, party of the first part, and ANTONIS NATSOULIS residing at 24-54 28th Street, Astoria, New York 11102 party of the second part, W ITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE ANNEXED SCHEDULE A TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the parry of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the night to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF. /?g'SaJ~r A= Q LV M~ V} nto-yu W rSoN 4S ~I~. Vd~~sokl•,s Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002- Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grantor's Acts- Uniform Acknowledgment Farm 3290 ACKNOWLE,DGEMENI-EAKEN IN NEW YORKS'I ATE ACKNOWLEDGENI ENT TAKEN IN iNEWYORK STATE Suucuf New Yurk,Counalsy of Queens ss: State of New York County of Queens .ss: On the 71h covet ' (~~.usT in the year On the 7th day of August in the year 2017 bear... me, the undeixigre, persnnally appeared befits me, the undersigned, personally appeared ELLEN NA I SOULIS ANTONIS NATSOU LIS personally known tome or proved tome on the basis ofsatisfactory personalty known to me or proved to me on the busis ofsmislbctory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they esecated the same in his/her/their cspcity(ies). and that by his/hedtheir signature(s) same in his/later/their capacily(ies), and []lot by hislhed(heir signature(s) on the ine amenl, the individual(s), or die pers.n up on behalfof which on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalfof which the individual(s) acted. eseecal to 9symi the individual(s) acted, ex¢uted a in ru to t KATE D. CHRISTOF TOS NaTnev D.BCRRTATOo ORA RK NOTARYPUBLIC, STATE OF YpRK NO 02CH4838425 N0.02CH4838425 QUALIFIED IN BRONX COUNTY QUALIFIED IN BRONX COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 30, 20 COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 30, 20 ACK,NOWLEDGEMEN"I'll Y SU DSC R I It ING W ITN ESS TA K E N ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK IN NEW YORK STATE S'I ATE Stain of Nov York, County of as: 'State of , County of ss: qro m.ee n'ma~, arrawmuh.,'admy, r„:y::ro~.r r'ordc, c.~mrl On the day of in the year bcli(re, rile, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, On the day of in the veer personally appeared before or the undersigned persnnally appeared the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with wham I am personally acquainted, who. being by nit duly swum, did depose and saw Personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of saris factory (hat he/she/they reside(s) in evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she.hhev executed the same la lik/heritheircapacity(ics), that by his/herhheir signalme(s) oa (u1a.placealwaids-an idly, include tie nterandower nurmics l:.ay,ir-C the moramenq the individual(s) orthe person upon behalf ofwhlhthc that he/she/they know(s) individual(s) acted. executed the in,rumenl, Ord that such individual make rich appearance before the undersigned in the to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing iosmnurnal that said euhscribing witness wns present and saw said (add the city or political subdivision and the state or country or other esecute the same: and that said witness at the same time subscribed place the ackuowledg orent was wom). 1, ilaniTheir name(s) as a witness thereto Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants SpL~+wlRoad r,14Q6.15Qwi D Title ND.Ssl7~ IT MiLI VII ZSIC)o HI UCK : 0 1 r p~yy[~T) LOT ®OIprM ANTONIS& ELLEN NATSOULIS COUNTYOR'TOWN: Suffolk Couiv, TO `s) 1 Ntje-Gy e r1 f A:NTONIS NATSOULIS ` ou h- SPk4'0L4 RETURN BY :NAIL TO: DISTRIBUTED BY Kulakis & Chrisfoforalcs, Esqs. 21-74 Now ay Street Astoria, , New York 11105 -,OLIN It ILE Car ExTs The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC 800-281-TITLE (8485) FAX: 800-FAX-9396 SCHEDULE A THE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SOUND ROAD DISTANT 100.0 FEET NORTHERLY AS MEASURED ALONG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SOUND ROAD FROM THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SOUND ROAD AND THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF NORTH ROAD: RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF STAELOS REALTY INC. THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES: 1) SOUTH 74 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 100.0 FEET: 2) NORTH 27 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 29.53 FEET: 3) SOUTH 63 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 62.23 FEET TO THE EASTERLY SIDE OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF RAYNOR: THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EASTERLY SIDE OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF RAYNOR 100.0 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF TASKER: THENCE NORTH 63 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF TASKER AND LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF RAYNOR 160.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SOUTH ROAD: THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SOUND ROAD 149.08 FEET TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. SAID PREMISES BEING KNOWN AS'15 SOUND ROAD, GREENPORT, NEW YORK. "THE PREMISES HEREIN DESCRIBED ARE AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAME AS THOSE DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED IN LIBER/REEL 9258 AT PAGE 374". r-LrJ1JC 1 rrc Un rnCJD rlnlnLT yynClV WantI IIVU UIV rvnIW INSTRUCTIONS: http:H woyw.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (51B) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW rOBe C2. Doe Deed 11"rded O / /y, STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES . P 1 16 ' I - RP - 5217. C3. Bopk L!. 1; 1 . G ~y NM1LI1 Mr Ln PROPERTY INFORMATION t Lowtbn ^,"Nw. 1F2 Sound 2ond Carl 1b aossawakej I -W3f xurmn nasu wvn Il $O1~ 10~ 7J 16f ml?c e+- 111444 1 zBuyer I Naf50LA IS I AytmiS M. Twee 1c.- THOT Takes I I W1.1cglruw xwr xaax IT. IMknn vrhm future Tat Bib um b M.eW I I MSeg 11 air than hum,.&.In bcmm a ram, I re ymumm AEthae r.n x mar xwr. I I I I I sneer xumnn aruarmer true prvurora sort rr mua 4, llydmte flee number 0 Assessment ? 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East Gordna Data O V`r V A Sale Bassani hln,uss or N. Axial L1uM Tm R Seta Butw eir l dul Com"nica or Nomura I. Btradmins; uIr 4 C One Code Bunn is a lm a Soler 12. Dam 0 Sab I T,oefo 1 0 al / 01 /200 I D Buyer or Sollpr is Government Agency or LalldlnO lMltlmon tbcth Dev yam R Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Safe (Spwify Belowt F Sale of Fractional or Less than Foe Intrur Mpocify Below, 13 Nil See N. . I . +O .2.5.0. 0 0 G Significant Change In Pm"ny BeMaen Tomple Status and Selo Doles f 1 d ' H Sale of tAmblme is Included in Sob Tripe (Full Sob PT is Rho Mel amount paid for the property including panonal Murphy. I Other Unund Forma AMeradB SO. Price (Spedfy Bel.) TNe pain ae may M in the foam of cash, Other property or good.. Or Me aasummion of J Nona mogsga m other ohhgottms.l Pbau mmd to Ile n"rcat "brig tloSx amount It baem the mica a salaamed I . o . 0 pre"ny IntluYd b dt. cab ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Firer Assessment Roll and T.. 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