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Meeting of November 1, 1976
A regular meeting of the.Board of So~thold Town -Trustees .... ~,.was held
at 7:30 P.~.,~ Monday, Novembe'~ 1, -197~6 ,a~_~ ~.the ~t°wn b0~rd meeting
room, Supervis~~r3s ~Office, .16 South St~reet~ Greenpor~t, New York
with the .following present:
Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairma~
_ . D0~glas M.~ ~0bertson ~
Philip G. Horton
George C,. Bird
Joseph Hataier
Betty Neville, Secretary
Also present:~ Orville Terry_ & Paul S~outenburgh-Nor~th Fork
Environmental Co~nci! .....
On motion of Mr. H0rton, seconcled ~y Mr.~ Rober~s0n~, it ~was
RESOL~ED that~ ~homas~ S Cottrell P~ine Tr~ee Road Cutc~gue
tG~NTED_pe~ission to-pla~e Qffshore mooring~ (.SQ ~b. mushroom). ~
Lit~ie c~ek, ~o,ff R.~O~W. off~ ~ine Tree Road,- C~ue,
subject to~ applica~ Wo~k~n~ out~uitable _dimensions3 an~ locatiQn~
with Phi!~ip Hor~to~ ou~D ~tchqgue representative. ~ Fee Paid $5.
Vote of the Bo~r~: Ayes: Mr. G. OLdsmith,~ Mr,~ Ro~bertson,~ Mr. ~.Hort0n,
Mr. Bird~ ~r~ _ ~, ~
On motion~ o~ Mr~.~ Rober,~on,~ se~ond~_,by~ ~ Bird,_ ~it _was~
RESOLVED~ ~at Robert_ Isles, Old Post Road, East~ Seta~ke~,~ ~.Y.
/~e G~NTED pe,rm~s~i0n~ t0 pla~e O~:fshQ~re ~mO'o'r~ing~at Co~e~ creek,
off his pr,Dperty ~a~ R.O.~. off ~in Bayview Road Sout~ld,. N.~.
subjec~ ~o~ aPPlicant ~Qrk~ng ou~ sui%ab_%e dimensions and ~0~cation
with Alva~B~ Go%dsm~tn, Chair.man of ~tne ~Dard.~ ~ee~Paid $5.Q0
Vote of th~ Board: A~s: Mr. Goldsmi~,~r. Rob~an, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird,~ ~. ~atai~r~. ~ ~ . .... ~ ~ ~ '~
p. 229
On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Goldsmith, it was
RESOLVED that Michael J. Reddington, 3395 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue
/N.Y. be GRANTED permission to place offshore stake at Mud Creek,
~ Cutchogue, N.Y., in line with Sterling Creek, in accordance with
plan as revised ~
_~ye~.-B°ard' Fee paid $5.00
Vote of the Board: Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
On motion of Mr. Bird, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED that John L. Barry, 1350~~' '' ,
~lnnehaha~Blvd. Southold, N.Y.
/~ GRANTED permission to place offshore mooring (50 lb. mushroom)
Corey Creek, Sout~01~-~Y.i~ ~sub~%c'~o appt~icant working out
suitable dimensions and location with Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman
of the Board. Fee paid $5.00.
~ote_Qf the Boar~: Ayes:- Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Horton,
r. ~lrd, Mr. Ha~aier.
On motiO~f ~r.-ROb~r~soh, ~seconded by Mr~'-'Bird, itwas
RESOLVED tha~ B. ~'0retta'~& Harvey D. ~Vom ~ehn, ~2190~ M~n~hah~ ~'lvd.°,
Southold, ~N~[~Y2~' 'be GR~NTED "~ermi~'ion ~o place platform 22'~' x/~5 ~
~ver existing dock with 5 new pilings, dzrec~ly' zn-front of thezr'
own property (northerly end-alternative plan) at Corey Creek, off
E/S Minnehaha Blvd%,~-g~uth~ld, N~Y2, all ~n accordance with the
detailed specifications as p~e~e~%ed i~-the originating application.
Fee paid $~6 00 .~ ~ ~ ....
' A¥~:-
Vote of the Board~ Fir. GoldsmitK, Mr-.~ R0bertson, ~ir. Horton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier. ' -~ ~ ~ '~' ~
Application of Henr~ Sm~i-t~{~' for-approval~of ex-~s~i~-g docks
dredging at "Nunnakoma Waters", Southold was discussed-at le~g~h.
Rudolph Bruer, Attorney a/c Henry Smith explained that the $outhold
Town Planning ~B~ard gran~c~ fina~~ ~appro~l t~ his ~u-bdivision~ map
of ~unn~k~ma~ ~aterS back in t~~ -t96~0, s.~ Th-e ~boat bas'in was '~hown
on that~, subd~is~on ma~ and ~r. s~i~h~ assume~ ~hat the~ap~r~val ~-o
~nc~u~ed approval for ~h~ boat baszn%
,~he subd~i~lo~map ~SO ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~'
Smith s~a~e~ that he?did~n°t ~e%li~e .~a~ he ne~d ~an~ f~r~he~
approval or per~i~ fro~ ~n~0ne.~r. smith ~so ~installe?d '~ drai'~-
age r~ng ~a-t the~ end o~ ~he~ro~ t~-replace~ thedra~nag~-'~ ~ ~'~bas~ ~ '
washed out after the hurricane. This matter is pre-s~n~ly~before
the To~ Board; Mr. Smith was required to apply for a wetlands
permit. Chairmah?~G~ldsm~h~ qu~es~ioned~he~her ~h~e- highwater mark
as sho~ on- ~he~survey zs cOrre~~ ~- smith~ ~i~ted~ %u~ th~a~ all
the area be~0w t~ h~gh~a~te~~ mar~ ~S~ dredge~ OUt some~ ~ime~%go
and that~ -~t was przvate~y owned by hzmself. Mr.~ R~bertso~n- ~es-
tioned wh~t~er this ~ill b% restricted~ to lot ~o~ers i~ his ~ubdi-
vzs~on. Mr~ Smith~ a~n~wered~es ~%~at it ~is%'o~ly for~ 1~0~ owners ~in
his subdiwision% ~ C~a~~ Go~ldsmit~ ~tated~ that he c~ld' se~ no
objections as far as the To~ Trustees are concerned% ~The ~etla~ds
application ~f Henry Smith transmitted to the Trustees for their
p. 230
recommendat--ion-'fi~'.D~ the~ ~o~n ~ard will ~b~e- disc-ussed l~ter
Mr. Ha~ier s~ti~ned ~ho ut 't~ oil on the road. Franklin
Bear, Pres-iden~-'of th~ Iqunhak~ma ~Waters A~sodiafi°-n- an~swe~ed that
there is no oil on the road. He said that there ha~s-'lJeen ~Jme
black top or cold patch repairing done there, but there was no oil
spread on the road. Mr. Bear stated that the proper~ty owners built
their 'd0~' Wi~h th~' u~derstan~i~g '~Ha~" they~ ~eeded ~0 p~irm~its; wh~'-c~
they were- told by'-'Mr~. ::smith. Chairman Goldsmith s~ated'~:tha~ %h~
Trustees" ~ill- ~av~ :t?6' ~o~'c'-ern ~hemselveS-'~i~ ~a~t' W~S ~he~ 'before
the excavate:on.~.· -Mr. 'B~ presented'-"' ~ ~"~ ' a' deedZ: ~:'"'-'-' ~'wh~ch" stated~:: ":'r that
property °whe~'~z:!h~ad~' a~ r~ght~ t~ '~h~':~'%m~one~s ~ach :%~'g~the~/Q~th/''' '~'
a right to i~greSs":&:~ egress :to~t~-~:~':~-~ sh0~: 0h ~:e f~i'i~d'
Mr. GoldSmith" aS~k:ed fo~:::~t'~'iis~::~ ~he ~her~s' of" th~'d0~ks." ' Mr~
Bear labeled the owners of the dock~"o~t~~ S:~vey~a~~.
Paul Stoutenburgh of the NFEC. stated that problems in develop-
ments occur' ~be:C~-us% :people 'do n0~ 'Co~C&rn ~h~ms'elvei~ 'Q~t'h
ment. He st~'ed th'a~~ developers shoula no~'"'b'~ al~lowe~d to'
drainage basins into the creeks. He cited the Town of Isl~ip as tan~
example - every creek in the town is now contaminated due to drainage
run-off. H~ stated t~at this
type :of'app~1~at~on sho'uTd ~e e~-amined
very car~efully befor~ any 'de~e'~mina~idn is mede. Th'is applicat~'o~
was poS~pone~d' at this 'time '~'or f~rthe'~ dis6ussiOn by th? 'B0:ard.:
On motion of Mr. Gol:~smith, seconded by Mr. Bird, it was
RESOLVED th~t''Ca~he'ri~e-Fabry, ~3~0 bee? ~01e ~r~'~, ~attituck,/-N~Y..
be G~NT'~.D p~rmis:s'~o"~'~oap~a:c~'~cat~alk, ramp, ahd f'~'oa'~i~g ddck at
Deep Hole Creek, directly in front of her property at Deep Hole Drive,
Matt'ituc~','~ N.'~-; %'i1 in a'~-cor~a'nce-'With '~e de~a~ed '~Sp~'ifi~6at~o~s
as presented in''tt~e ~r~:~'ina~g- ~pplieation. Fee pa~i-d $15~.90'
/This permit~ shall include no permission for _the filling of land.
Vote of-th~'-B~ard:--A~yes:~ Mr.' Gol~s~ith,-Mr. Roberts~n] Mr. ~o~ton,
Mr. Bird, Mr. Hataier.
Letter to be sent with permit stating that the Board recommends a
retaining wall t~re~e~t~ ~r-osidn ~f 6he ~'rOperky.' They suggest
that you~%~n~a'-6-t ~he' Building DePar~-~ent~'as to the ~adva~ntag'ek :of
installing a retaining wa~t: :to' prevent f~ur~h~e~~ erosion o'f ~-~- additfo~n~i
On motion of M~' Goldsmi~-h, se'conded~:by Mr~-Robe~S°n~,- it- was -'
RESOLVED th~ the ~oa~d~ of ~outhold' T~0~a ~<r~s'~e:'~ :~a%0rably
recommends %he appro~v~l ~f~ We~'i~d"app~i~cati0~
c. Smith ~r ~' '~
per,lB-sign ~ '~'~sta~:~ drainage'- ~n
/corey Creek, Southold, N.Y. with the. following recommendation:-
We sug~eS-~~ tha~-'you~ c6~-~er 'wi~n th~- Highwa~ Supe~i~teD~n~t and
Building Inspector as to the adequacy of the exist{~ ~r~inRge
basin to determine whether it is adequate for the amount of
drainage that ~Xi~ts to Pr~ve~ :r~u~koff into the southwest
branch of Corey Creek. If the present drainage basin is not
adequate.; then it should be suggested to the owner that an
additional bas-in be installed. If this ~s necessary, the
p. 231
additional basin should be installed ~at the puoper_ location an~d
be of the p~op~-r-s~iz.e ~s0'as"to. '~prevent ~- ~ '
. run-off~ int-o '~Cd_re.~ Creek.
Vote of the ~B~ard: ~yes:
Mr. Bzrd, ~.Hata~er.
Regarding t~e existing docks, the Trustees d~cided that the pBrmits
should ~e' applied for by the individua.1 dock owners, rather than b~
Henry' sm~i~h as a blahket appi.ic~tion ~ The Board -in~r~c.ted t-ha~
letters be sent to th~ ind.i~idug~!. ~0C%..~OW~S~ s.~i~ ~that the~
Trustee~. hav'~ h° 0b'~ections ~ ~he ~x~ting do~s and~-~exis~in~, boat
basin, p~0~id~ihg that they be~ resgrlcged t°~ghe owners, gl the .
property' in"'~Nun~a~o~a Waters" and that th~, ow~or~ of .gh~ docks_.
secure permits for~ ~h~m~ ind~v:idua!~y
RobertsQn~ rep~rt.~d~ tha~. Uan .TUgl is_~working On ~th~e~ s~u~oy of
D~mar~e~pr6pert~: a~ ~a~0w-~ve~
the near
Mr. ~ober~ts.D~ quest~qDed :i~ ~thq ~sposi~ions of ebe ons of
~ose Carleo fQ~ .~ooring at ..James
for replacement ~o~f ex.~sg~_
had ever been stated in the minutes. In checking the minute book,
was discovered that they had not.
~pl~eatzon of. Rose Car~eo ~or ~fshore~moQr~n~ at James Creek,
Mattit_u~ck .was withdrawn -,~ applicant h~.r~nt~d~ spa~ a.~_ ~qca_l m~ina.
ber~ Melrose' '~6 '-re,lac; ~ili~gs'-a.~ Sterli-ng d~eek, G~e~Pbrt: ' '
Both of the above dispos_itions took place at the ~eptember i3, 1'976
RESOLED tha~t ~.he_m&nutes of the Board~¢f. Sou~ho.ld Town Trustees
~ted October 4, 1976¢ be ap~r_oved as s~ubmitted.
Vot~-6f tho Board: ~os-: ~. ~ldsmi~h, ~r. RoBor~son~ ~r. Hor~on,
~r. B~rd, ~.
On motion of.~Mr:.~ Rob?~t_s:_onr. s?_conded,~y Mr.._ Horton., it was
RESOLVED that the ,nex_t ~,egu!ar. me~etin'.g of the
Town Trustees be held at.. 7:30 ~.M.~-Floridly,. December...6,.. 19.76,
at the town~board meet~ng r. oo/~, ~ 16~.Sou~th~ S.treeg, Gree._,nporg, i~e~
Vote of th'e_. Board: Ayes:-i~r2' 'G~ZdSmith
Mr. Bird, ._Mr~ Hataier:.
Board of Southold Town Trustees