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The Southold Town Trustees met at the office of the Town Clerk on Monday,
June 3, 1968. at 7:30 P.M. Present: Alvah B. Goldsmith~ Frank Dawson,
George Simpson, Douglas Robertson, John F. McNulty and Marion Regent, Sec.
Mr. Prank Hundle¥ and Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ahlberq of Goose Bay Association,
Southold, attended the meeting in relation to applications for permits
to launch boats in that area. Since the Goose Bay Association will hold
a meeting within a short time it was decided to take no action on the
applications in the Goose Bay Association area, in hopes that some arrange-
ment can be made by the members themselves to take care of the boats.
Application of William Hinchy, Bungalow Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. for a
ing dock 24' long,in addition to the two stakes granted May 6, 1968,
was granted. Fee $12.00.
Application of Kenneth T McQueen~ Indian Neck Lane, Peconic to place
a mooring in Richmond Creek was granted in accordance with the applic~ion
Fee $1.00.
Application of Abe & Rose Usatch to dredge in Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogu~,
was investigated by Mr. Robertson and Mr. Dawson. Permit was granted
to dredge an area 50'x30' in front of their property with the provision
that the fill be properly spread and re-seeded. Fee $12.80.
Application of Robert J. Oqilvie, Fox Hollow Road, Mattituck, to install
a marker buoy held by anchor in front of his property on Mattituck Inlet
was granted. Boat is 10' long and will not encroach upon channel. Fee $1.00.
Application of James P~ and Anna L. Knowles, Indian Neck Lane, Peconic,
to build a dock in Richmond's Creek 61'x2'10" in front of their property
was granted, Fee $22.50.
Application of Frank S. Zeleski and other residents of Deep Hole Drive,
Mattituck, including Arthur Guittard, Martin Suter and James Devries,
to dredge 30' wide and 6' deep was discussed by the Board. In view of
the fact that this dredging is a continuation of the dredging project
done by the Deep Hole Property Owners Association and will benefit the
whole town, the application was granted for a fee of $15.00.
The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to raise the fee for stakes
f6~ifty Cents to One Dollar.
A letter from Floyd Memorial Library, Greenport, was received by the
Town Trustees acknowledging receipt of $I0.00 as a memorial to Philip
Weiler of Orient, N.Y. who had been a member of the Board of ~usteesf
said money having been donated by the members of the Board.
Application of Michael Zukas, Bayberry Road, Southold, to place two
stakes in West CreeK, say View at the end of Bayberry Road was granted
in accordance with the application after being investigated by Mr.
Robertson and Mr. Dawson.
Application of Dorothy C~ Sposato Mathes of Sun Lane and Bayberry Road,
Southold, was granted to fill into creek botton of West Creek, but no
further out into the channel than the existing bulkhead to the west now
owned by Mr. Testut. In addition, this area will be bulkheaded to pre-
vent erosion of fill into the channel. This applicati0n'was invest-
igated by Mr. Robertson and Mr. Dawson.
Adjournment. ~ ~, 7~/~
Marion A Regent, Se~J