HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-08/05/1953I~INUTES OF TOWN TRUSTEE ~E~TING - AUGUST, 5, 1953.
A meeting of the Town Trustees was held at the Supervisor's
Office at Greenport, New York on August 5, 1953 at 7:30 P.M.
The me~ting was called to order by President ~Emmons Dean.
Present: ~nmons Dean
Lyle Tuthill
Frank Dawson
John Mc Nulty
Alvah~ Goldsmith
SuperVisor Norman E. Zlipp
Criticism by State Auditor of inadequate records mnd un-
collected fees for permits, etc. was discussed by Super-
visor Klipp. ~inutes of meetings are to be recorded even
if no quoram is present if meeting is held pursuant to
regular call. ;t¢inutes of five meetings missinK from records
to, be, prope, rl~y entered- viz: 11/19/51, 12/12751, 1/9/52,
5/29/52, 6/4/52, .
Clerk agreed to bring these matters up to date and then
asked to be relieved of t~e Clerk's position on the Board.
By the nexb meeting of t~ Board, August 28, 1953, the
Clerk will have bill heads and letter heads printed and
will bill for all the permits/-etc, previously issued
and uncollected.
Copy of the minutes of each meeting is to b~ forwarded
to the Supervisor to substantiate bill for attendance
by Trustees.
The next meeting of the Town Trustees will be held at the
office of t~e Supervi~r at Greenport, New York, on August
28, 1953 at 7:30 P.~.
Ninutes read and approved.
Neeting adjourned at 9:10
Alvah B. Goldsmith
C1 erk