MAY 11, 19~~
Meeting of Southold Town Trustees called to order
by President Emmons Dean at Southold Town Clerkts Office
at 7:15 P. M.
Emmons Dean
Lyle Tuthill
John McNulty
Alvah Goldsmith
R. G. Teen'Y, Jr., Town Attorney
Mr. Donald Tuthill was present to bring before the
Board the conditions existing adjacent to his property,
which adjoins the Town Park at the head of Town Creek, and
asking permission to put out a floating deck with a grant
of land around it.
It was moved by Mr. Tuthill and seconded by Mr.
McNulty that lCr. Donald Tuthill be granted a lease of land
under water in front of his property on Town Creek for a
period of five years; this lease to cover an area beginning
at a-p0int $7t east of the Park District bulkhead on bulk-
head of Donald Tuthill, extending thirty feet out at right
angles to said bulkhead in ~own Creek, thence 30 feet east
along a line parallel to said bulkhead, thence north 30 feet
to a point 77 feet east of Park Property Bulkhead (this being
an area of 30 feet square.
Permission is also granted for Mr. Donald Tuthill to
maintain a floating dock within this area extending 20 feet
out from his bulkhead at right angles to same~ the center
line of said dock to be 62 feet east of Park Property Bul~head.
The fee for this lease and permit-to be $25.00 for the
five-year period. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned 8:50~ ~
Alvah B. Goldsmith,