HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermission List 1935-59 - ~e Two: Feb.27, 1935 New 18, 193~ Nov. 19, 1935 ~n. ~, 1936 ~Jan 28, 1938 ~a~. 30, 1938 ~ar. 30, 1938 ~.~· ~, 1938 ~eb. 27,1939 ~Feb. 13, 1940 ~uly 13, 19~ Description. Capt. Chas. E. Sproessiq~ - Permission to dredge a channel in ~'~ickhams Creek~ ou~cnogue. Original Lease granted to H. R, Conklin to be transferred to Mr. Albert W. Young for a~enewal period of five years. Pern~ssion granted to A. W. Young t9 transfer lease to Wm. H. and Har~y Mason, of New Su~'~'o~. Granted a lease of land under water to C~~t~ of Highways of ~uff~ County for the purpose of bulkheading and fill at approach of Jockey Creek Bridge in Southold. Permission granted to Mr. Wickham to build a bridge over ~ter kno~ as Laughing Waters. Permission granted to ~_~_~j~for dredging creek on his property at Nassau Point. Permission granted to l'~r. Jas do some dredging and bulkheading around his property at Nassau Point. Permission granted to Southold Yacht Club to remove sand from along the Eastern side of Mill Creek for the purpose of de- positing same on the adjacent property. Permission granted to George. F. H~ell to excavate a canal · a%ong a certain gutter adjacent to ~is premises situated near Cutchogu% I~ew York. Permission granted to Alvah Goldsmi~ to dredge and bulkhead around his property in Southold. Permission granted to A,L.R. Francisco to build dock and dredge. ~ i o~. ~ c-~-~ Permission granted to James D'Wolf for a new bulkhead. Date ~Aprll 3, 19~8 ~_~Aprll 3, 19~8 ~Mar. ~, 19~9 Mar. ~, 19~9 ~Mar . $, 1949 ~ Mar. $, 19~9 Mar. $, 19~9 ~.Mar. ~, 19~9 ~May 2, 19~9 5, 1949 ' ov. 5, 1949 '~'Nov. ~, 1949 ~-Nov. 5, 1949 ~Nov. ~, 1950 kNov. 17, 1951 1952 ~Dec. 22, 1952 ~Dec. 22, 1952 Dec. 22, 1952 May 11, 1953 · Name Theoran Worth A.L.B. Francisco Carl E. Vail & Inez Vail Herbert Wells, Jr. W. C. Albertson Mrs. A. W. Albertson Joseph Gradowski Goose Bay Civic Assoc (Chas.F. DeLong, Jr.) J.& J.W. Ellsworth Nassau Farms Assoc. Paradise Point, Inc. Dr. James D'Wolf Leo Boon B. Manasak, Jr. William L. Worth Vandenborg & Son Jean Fenmore Raymond Sanford Fred Wreden Donald Tuthill Descriotion Dredge area on his property Easement & Permit for dredg- ing and building dock Dredging & Dock Grsding, dredging, & erecting dock Grading, Dredging, & erecting dock Grading, Dredging erecting dock Grading, Sredging & erecting dock Dredge Channel Grant of land under water Dredge Channel Dredge across Beach to open lagoon Jetty & Dock Dredge along shore line of property in Goose Neck Open Inlet Channel at Cedar Beach, Bay View Permission to dredge out a portion of the bottom of Goldsmith's Inlet Lease of bottom ~nDown's Creek for cultivation of oysters Permission to dredge in Mattituck Inlet and erect bulkhead Dredge Braadwaters Creek & remove bog for sandy beach Dredge Broadwaters Creek & remove bog for sandy beach Lease of land under water & dock Amount 2%.00 10.00 10.00 10o00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.OO iOoOO 25.00 75.00-3 35.00 10/00 10.00 25.00-5 yz Nov. 28, 1953 ~ Nov. 28, 1953 ~ Jan. l0t 195~ wUnnewetta Pond Assoc. Felix R. Tyroler Helmut Hass ~Jan. 10, 1954 ~ Helmut Hass ~ Jan. 10~ 195%/' Raymond Sanford ~ February 27~ 195~Lur~ Xrueger February 27~ 195~+~rank Hendrickson ~ ' Mr. Sweet X,, ~Mar. 77~ 195l+ / F. Harold 0ayre ~Mar. 07~ 1054 / Rev. Harold Sabin ~May 25, 1951+ ~Miriam B. Goldsmith Isabel C. Rich Howard Terry & Edward Mills Asphalts, Inc. Dr. James F. D~Wolf South Harbor Property Owners Assoc. Dredge Wunnewetta Bond Dredge in front of his premises Grade Beach~ lot at Arshamomoque Creek Dredge & fill area Mill Creek No Charge $1o.oo 10.00 co Dredge property Broadwaters Creek Remove grass & bog Richmond's Creek Dredge property Jockey Creek Underwater land spawning oysters Dredge~ erect dock locate pile- Jockey Creek Dredge~ erect dock Locate pile~ Jockey Cre~k Erect dock easterly side of Gre~t Is. in Long Creek 10.00 10.00 5o.oo 75.00-~~ 10.00 10.00 5.00 Permission to dredge and grade shore line 10.00 Dredge thru beach & open up pond-Cedar Beach 20.00 Dredge property outside channel Mattituck Inlet- erect dock 20.00 Dredge & erect dock Town Creek 10.O0 Reopen original channel to Rich- mond's Creek & erect Jetty Nocharge k Jul 27~ 195%../Reldar~ Carstensen - Y · Dredge & erect dock in front of his prop erty ~Oct. 6, 1951+ Thomas A. Litsch Permit to dredge & erect dock in front of property at Jockey Creek, Southold Oct. 6, 1951+ Wm. T. & Rose M. King Permit to dredge & erect three small docks in front of property on Arshamomaque Creek ct. 6, 1951+ / N.Y.S. ~ Dept. Oct. 6,V U.S.Dept. ulture Conservation of Agric- Lease of section of bottom of northwest cormer of Dam Pond, East Marion, N.Y. for seed oysters Plum Istsnd Project _~ Nov. 30, 195l+ Frederic P. ~Nov. 30, 1951+%/Philip F. Rich Betz Feb. 13, 1940 Alvah B. Goldsmith k Feb. 13, 19~0 Jeanette C. Goldsmith Permission to maintain Dock =nd ~asin Jn front of his property on Town Creek Permission to dredge basin and erect dock in front of his prop- erty on Town Creek Permission to dredge and bulkhead andund his property at Founders Lsnding ~ermission to dredge and bulkhead around her property at Founders Landing. ~ March ?2, 1955 Henry A. Goldsmith ~April 26, 1955 Mattituck Harbor ~January 1~7, 1955 ..... Bug Escallops , " " Permission to erect a dock south side of Jockey Creek Permission to dredge as shown on map in file $ lO.O0 10.00 15.oo No fee No fee $10.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 No Fee May 11, 1955 IMay 11, 1955 ~May ll, 1955 ~M~ell, 1955 /~y 11, 1955 X May n, 1955 Henry Pederson Robert S. Koeh Donald Cyriacks Mike Capuano Jerald Hommel Inez Vail Permission to dredge Marion Lake $ 10.00 Permission to dredge Marion Lake $ 10.00 Permission to dredge Marion Lake Permission to dredge and deepen c~mnnel in fr&nt of his property $ 10.00 $ lO.OO Permission to dredge Marion Lake Permission to make a channel in Jockey Creek 10.00 June 17, 1955 Joseph P. Ulrich Permission to erect docks at west end of basin (Jockey Creek) $ 25.00 ~July 12, 1955 G. VanDerBorgh & Son Lease of Creek ~ottom Mattituck Au~. 10, 1955 IAug. 10, 1955 Max Newbold Samuel Matassa ~ Nov. 22, 1955 ¢¢~ ~March 27, 1956 Ralph W. .. for Hendrickson & ~ ~.~une 5~ 19~6 Morton J. Phillips Permission to erect dock in Jockey Creek Permit to dredge area in creek channel adjoin- ing property Frederick Boergesson Permission to dredge and bulkhead in front of his property on Arshamom- aque Creek Permission to dredge channel in Jockey Creek k June 5, 1956 I June 5, 1956 Henry J. Santac~ose Rev. John H. King Permission to place $ spiles in creek off lot 21 Permit to dredge & fill on Arshamoma~ue Creek Permit ot dredge & fill on Arshamomaque Creek 25. O0 -per yr. for 3 yrs 5.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 15.oo 15.oo June ?6, 1956 ~l~ ?6, 1956 ~e~ 26, 1956 26, 1956 ~ June 26, 1956 ~January 17~ ~ March 26, 1957 ~March 26, 1957 ~uae 4. 1957 ~July 2, 1957 July 2, 1957 h Ju~ 2, 1957 ~JuL~ 2. 1957. ~ept. 2~, 1957 I Sept. 2~, 1957 ~Sept. 2~, 1957 ~ug. 13, 1957 Aug. 13, 1957 Wilbur ~. Kaiser & Wf Grant of Land Mattituck Creek $ 1.00 Harry C. Oliver & Wf Grant of Land Mattituck Creek 1. O0 Vivian D. Gildersleeve Grant of Land Mattituck Creek 1.00 Est. of Po Harvey Duryee Executor-John W. Duryee Grant of Land Mattituck Creek 1. O0 Est~of P. Harvey Duryee Executor-John W. Duryee Grant of Land Mattituck Creek 1.00 1957 Paul Cerrito (Versal Estates) Permit to erect Dock & float lO.O0 Permit to erect bulk- head and dredge & grade land-Richmond Creek 10. O0 Herm.. Moeller Erect bulkhead and dock-Jockey Creek 25.00 Mattituck Park Dimtrict ~rect Public Dock at Foot of Love I~ne. Mattituck. 1.00 Burnett F. Tuthill Dredge private inlet Nassau Point 1.00 Harold R. Reeve, Jr. Permission to erect dock-Mattituck Inlet 10.00 Emile Darmstadt Permiwsion to lay poles & board for catwalk- ~_gene Creek t.00 Raymond W. & Susan Terry S. Roy French Permission to dredge along own property in Jockey Creek Permission to dredge in feon~t of his property Haywater Cove 25.00 10.00 Wm. Hillman Permission to dredge b~sin-own property- Mattituck 10.00 Stephen E. Campbell W~lter Bickmeyer (Bartley ~ssoc.) Anna & Chester Albertson Permit ~o dredge in Jockey Creek Permission to erect dock 10.00 Permission to dredge in James Creek-Fee $1.00 if Town helps. Otherwise fee $25.00 1~,~ August 13, 1957 - C. Gray Smith - Permission bo dredge in Jockey Creek ~ugust l~ 1957 - George C. Schweitzer - Permission to erect dock in Goose Creek channel~ with reservations ~0c$ober 29, 1957 ~0ctober 2~, 1957 ~October 29, 1957 _~March 31, 1958 ~March 31, 1958 Will F. Smith Permit to dredge Herman W. Johnston Permission to dredge Leonard Gilman MD & wife- Permission to dredge and erect a dock Albert C. Herker Permission to erect dock Lot 31-Mattituck William H. Wertenherg Permission to erect dock Howard's Oreek, Mattituck April 11, 1958 ~ April 28, 1958 ~gpril 28, 1958 ~May 26, 1958 May 26, 1958 Harry S. Lee, Jr. Permission to dredge between Dam Pond Bridge and B~y Mattituck Park District-Park Property- (Kathryn Cox,Sec.) Mattituck Creek John C. Felli J. Henry Gies Permission t~ dredEe in Haywaters Cove. Permission to erect a dock-Arshamomaque James Griffin Permission to ereet a dock-Mattituck Creek ~May 26, 1958 ~May 26, 1958 Thomas B. Reeve Dorothy M. Johnston ~June 30, 1958 ~June 30, 1958 Made!yn Sa~eauyMleet and Kathryn Fleet Boatm~n's H~rbor Inc June 30~ 1958 Henry & Kate Marks June 30, 1958 ~Lester C. Cornelius ~Joan Roan ~une 30, 1958 Carl V. Nissen Permission to erect a dock & float-Mattituck Creek. Permission to erect dock and dredge in lagoon- Nassau Point Permit to reconstruct dock-Wickham's Creek Permit to dredge in Wickh~m's Creek Permit to erect dock Mattituck Creek Permit to erect dock Deep Hole Creek Lease of land under water-Town Creek ~July 7, 1958 ~/ July 7, 1958 Southold Developement Corp. Goose N2ck Pro~rty Owners ~ G.W.Smith $10.O0 25.00 25.00 10.00 10. O0 1.OO 2O. O0 10.O0 10.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.O0 1OOO0 (~ 5.00 per yr for 5 yrs.) Permit to dredge meadow Goose Creek Permit to dredge Meadow land along shoee frontage-Goose Creek 25.00 Smith, Harold L. - Permit to erect wing on dock- ~August 25, 1958 August 25, 1958 August 25, 1958 ~Sept. 29, 1958. / ~Sept. 29, 1958 ~Sept. 29, 1958 ~ Nov. 2~, 1958 Robert Trubenbach---Permit to build catwalk Town Creek .... Henry G. Stenson--- Permit to build float with ramp,Mattituck Creek --- Norman F. Hanner--- Permit to build dock, ramp,float, Matt. Creek ..... Mae H. Lennon --- Permission to dredge beach in front of her property- Laughing Waters --- Leo Brac Permit to place mooring for private boat-Baldwins Creek .... Eleanor W. Pollock- Permission to dredge in Wickham's Creek fin front of her bungalow Alfred C. Rowohlt--- Construct pier-Mattituck Creek -- ~Nov. 25, 1958 ~Nov. 2~, 1958 kJan. 24, 1959 k Jan. 24, 1959  pril 7, 1959 ay 18, 1959 ~May 25, 1959 Georgette and Angelo Petrucci Louise Pfeil .... Joseph Gladstone .... Charlotte O'Keefe--- Ordinance on moorin9 Preston, Isabel & Jos. ~ May 25, 1959 Terry, Ellis ,l~a¥.~ 25, L19§Bt Livett, Alfred ~Arthur Jones ~ May 25, 195~.~ ~Sally Norcross '~' ~Tom Williams -\ Dredge in Broadwaters Cove Dredge in Haywaters Cove --- Dredge in Deep Hole Creek - 1 lot Dredge in Deep Hole Creek-- 3 lots of boats, etc. Permit to e~ect dock ~rshamomaque Creek Permit to erect dock Jockey Creek --- put in mooring slip --- ~l stake for boats ~stake for boat)Town Creek ~3stake for boat) $ 10.O0 10. OO 25.00 25.00 20.00 5.00 · 1/i 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 .~O ~ May"25~ 1959 ~J uly 17, 1959 ~,July 17, 1959 ~uly 1~, 1959 David Dowd Permission to erect dock Goose Bay George & Olympia Schmidt Permission to excavate in front of their property-Matt. George E. Lagergren Edward Charnews Creek Permission to erect dock in Jockey Creek Permission to erect stake in Richmond Creek $10.00 25.00 25.00 .50 ~August 31, ~Au~. 31, 1959 1959 Geo. M. Murray, Jr. Permislion to dredge and cut out basin, Fisherman's Beach, Nassau Point Brushes Creek Property Owners Assoc. Redredge Ent~rance Creek ~utJust 31¥3:1959-JOhnr& Barbara Gunther ~g.31, ~959 ~Aug. 31, 1959 Aug. 31, 1959 ~Aug. 31, 1959 ~.Aug. 31, 1959- ~ept. 28, 1959 ~Sept. 28, 1959 ~Sept. 28, 1959 ~ept. 28, 1959 ~Sept. 28, 1959 Sept. 28, 1959 to Erect dock-Matt. Creek Broadwaters Cove Assoc. Permit to erect two stakes for boats. Mervis Raynor Permit to dredge area Mattituck Felix & Eleanor Tyroler - Permit to dredge meadow grass -Cutchogue John J. O'Neill Permit to build dock, Fisherman's Beach, Nassau Restricted Area-end o~ Minnehaha Blvd, Laughing Waters Peter & Irma Vignes Permit to erect dock Mattituck Creek Arthur Joose Permit ~ dredge & erect dock-Town Creek Marie & Clarence Schaumann permit to dredge in Little Creek- Norma~ R. Pordon Permit to dredge in Little Creek Clem & Jean McKown Permit to dredge in Little Creek F. H. Robinson, Jr. Permit to erect 3 stakes fpr boats in Richmond Creek 25.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 25.0~ 15.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 1.50