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A regular meeting of the Board of Town Tru-stees was'held at
· ' l
7.30 p.m., Tuesday, Ju y 12, 1977 at the ToWn Hall, Main Road,
~v~ ~.o~~*~.'-,~~ were: - ' ',- ' .... " ~'
AlvahB. Goldsmith,-Chairman' · ~-
Douglas ~0blertson~ TrUstee · ~',' ~'"' ~.
Philip G. Herren, Trustee -~ ' ~ : ' .... ~
Paul Stoutenburgh, North Fork Environmental Council
Orville Terry , ~ ', : · : - ' .... -
Bob Werber, L. I. Traveler-Watchman
Port of Egypt Enterprises~ Inc. William and Peter Lieblein appeared.
Edward Boyd~¥,'Es~., appeared on behalf oF Southold Fishing Station,
Inc. Application has been made to install 450 linear feet of floating'
dockalqngthe southwest shore of'Property o'f~'the applicant for the
purpos~ .Of 'mOOring bo'a~s. 20' fingers Will extend 'out 'from the docks
providing 38 berths. Budd 'Pond. William Lieblein presented a copy
of the county dredging map and indicated they would construct so no
boats would'extend out 'onto the channel. '.Mr; Boyd said he believed
.Mr. Lieblein was in violation of Section 32-10'of the Code of the Town
of Southold .in that he had already';b~gan work and installed docks
without the permit. Mr. Boyd said the DEC hearing was adjourned for
30 days so'some agreement could be worked out.~' Mr. Lieblein has not
yet filed an application with the Army Corps of Engineers. Mr. Boyd
said the prime.objectiOn is t0'~the docks thatstick Out that are
closeSt '~o~ ~he'.~Countychannel~'' Mr.'~Goldsmith said it appeared that
the docks of the Southold'Fishing Station stick out into the'county
channel. Mr.-'Goldsmith~said~'the matter would'be tabled until such
time as the entire board can go down and inspect the premises and make
the decision.
The ~etland Application #30 of Leo Stack requesting permit to
deposit. 8 yards sand from pool excavation in front of peel'on creek
to. support bulkhead--~at Mud. Creek was '~able'd fo~ further investigation
by the board.
The'.application of William Mullen toerect a 9I foot retaining wall
or bulkhead to prevent further erosion above all natural wetland vege-
tation~at base of eroded bank wellback from water was tabled for
further information. -
On motion made by Mr. Herren, 1-1'seconded by Mr. Robertson, it was
RESOLVED to approve.._the _application of John Fife.to place a
floating dock where there had been a fixed dock of greater~ length on
property o~. ~he..appl-icant at ~Wunneweta
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Herren
The application of Alan-.Porianda was discussed. Mr. Heins, a
trustee of the Southwood Property Owners Association, presented
an objection to this application because it is used as a swimming
beach. If you put a pulley line, it would be a complete obstruction
to the navigable ohanuel. . .'. ~
On motion made by Mr, Robertson, seconded by'Mr. Horton, it Was
RESOLVED to deny the application Of Alan"Porianda to place an
offshore stake with pulley line to onshore stake, at. Southwood
Association property on Goose Creek.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
On motion made by Mr.. Horton,
RESOLVED to approve the application, of Michael F. ZukaS-to
place an offshore stake with pulley line to onshore-stake in front
of property of the' applicant at Goose Creek. '
Vote of the Board:-.'. Ayes: Goldsmith, ~-Robertson, Horton'
On motion made by'Mr. Horton, 'seconded by Mr..Robertson, it was
-RESOLVED to approve the applicatiOn Of Jerome B. Lewin to
place :an. offshore stake' in'. front of property ' of' Robert Tro~nsell
with-his permission, access tO be from public property at Goose
Creek, subject to'written, approval of the Goose Bay Civic Association,
IRC. - ' '" ' '
Vote of the Board: Ayes.: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
The~application of Otto F. Gerry for a 150- lb.-'mUshr'°o~ mo-0ri~g off
public property at'Richmond Creek was tabled for further inMestiga~
On'motion made by Mr; Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application Of Henry J. Volinski to
use ToWnStake #ll at Sterling Creek.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
On motion..~ade by'Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of conrad Volinski to use
Town Stake #2 at Sterling Creek.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
~.~0n motion made.by Mr. Horton,~seconded by,~Mr.~Robertson, it was
.RESOLVED'to approve the application of Anthony R. Izzo to place
a 75;lb. mushroom,mmooring off. private property.!of Nassau Farms
Association at Little Creek. ·
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith,~Robertson, Horton
~....On motion .made.by.Mr, Rober~son., seconded,byMr. H0rton, it was
a 75
Arshamomaque Pond.
Vote of .the Board:.
.Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Hot:on .....
.0n motion made-.by.Mr. Robertson,,.seconded...byMr. Horton.,. it was
,RESOLVED to: approve· the application of Joseph F. Smutch~ki to
place a temporary~'seasonal mooring-to consiSt of an offshore mooring
with pulley line toonshore 'stake off. private-property of the applicant
at Arshamomaque Pond. - . - ' ~
Vote._of the Board:: .;.Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Hot:on ~
On motion made by. Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr..Horton, it was
RESOLVED to.approve the applica~i0n of Dolores:E.~Fiedler'Br~dy
to place a 100 lb. mUshroom mooring off private property, of ,the.
applicant at Arshamomaque Pond.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
On motion madeb~Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of George San:is to place
an anchor with buoy.off private proper%-y of applicant at Arshamomaque
Vote of the Board: Ayes.: Goldsmith, Robertson, Hot:on
On motion made by Mr. Robertson,. seconded by Mr. Hot:on, it was
.RESOLVED. to approve the application of ~illiam_Pappas..to place
offshore stake with pulley l~ue to onshore stake off private property
of the applicant at Arshamomaque Pond~ ~.~-~.~-~. ~_~ ,~-::;-:.'.~'::-~'~
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Golds~ith~ Robertson, Hot:on
'~'~0n moti°n made~by'Mr~ Robertson~' s~co~ed-'byMr. Horton,' it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of Achilles'"StacAt'±aris to
place a 45 lb. mushroom and anchor mooring offpriYate:property of~
the applicant at Arshamomaque Pond.
Vote ~'f the'Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton'
0nm°tion ~ade'byMr~ Robertson, seconded by'Mr."Horton, it was
~RESOLVED ,to.apprOve the application of Jo'sephG~ Hataierto,
place a 300 lb~ mushroom mooring off private property of the
applicant at East Creek.
Vote~f the Board. Ayes. Goldsmith, Robertson,' Morton
' ""0n motion made'by-Mr~ Horton, sec0nde~d"bY'Mr. Robertson, it was
' ' RESOLVED .to approve' the application of Alexander LeDonne to
piace an offshore stake with onshorestake off private property ..
of the applicant at' GOose Creek, subject to written approvalof
the Goose Bay Civic Association, Inc. ~ ~
Vote~f-the'--B0ard: Ayes: Goldsmith~ Robertson, Horton
The ApPlication. of ~elimir Vrankovic was again reviewed.~' The
Board has determine~ t-~ t--~'~ed mooring spot in .within the
limitS'of .the.Village, of Greenport and the Southold Town Trustees
have-no jurisdiction in this area, ' ''
On motion made by Mr. R.obertson, ~econcl. ecl by lv~. Morton, it was
.RESOLVED to. deny the application of Menr.y.0mam to place an
offshore stake with pulley'line to onshore stake off the northern
end of Bayview Avenue as this area is being limited to four moorings.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Morton
Mr. Oman is to be notified that there might be a possibility to
place a mooring at the southern end of Bayview Avenue at Arsh~momaque
Pond. He should look at the area and reapply if this is suitable
to him.
.... :
On motion made by Mr. Robertson, Seconded'by lV~.' Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of John E. Stimmel to place
a mooring with pulley to onshore stake off Private property of
Daniel:T>-Smith, with~his permisSion;-at Goose Creek;"-
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
The application of Philli~Ji'G6ubeAa~f~-a"mOoring at J60k'eY
Creek was tabled, iThe sailboat is already at the mooring and the
board would llke'tO ~h~k and-~e~'h~w:~ tS-~0rking but.before
On motion made by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of David P. Moore to~'~
anoffshore~:stake'"gith pulley line~to'onsh0restake off public
property at Narr0w'Riveri
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
On motion made by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of Donald B. Rose to place
a 200 lb. mushroom anchor off public property at Narrow River.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
On motion' made by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED to approve the application of Burke E. Liburt to place
a 150 lb. mushroom and chain off public property at Narrow River.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
The matter of public versus private property being dredged by the
Suffolk County Department of Public Works was discussed. A letter
will be drafted to be signed by all the members stating theboard's
position disagreeing with the dredging of private property.
On motion made by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Horton, it was
RESOLVED that upon review of the application of Peter Bogovio
to place pilings (~) at Goose Creek in front of property of the
applicant, the board approves the application on a trial basis
subject to the contractor presenting the board with a diagram to
show what is intended and the piles being installed by a contractor.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goldsmith, Robertson, Horton
262 .....
Motion was
carried that the minutes be approved for the meeting of June 7,
The secretary was directed to inform Carl Eisenschmeid of
the Suffolk County DePartment of Public.Works, James Bagg of
the Council onEn~ir°nmentalQUaii~Y and Hon.~Joyce Burland,
~ounty Legislator of. the resolution passed at-the meeting o£
%une 7, 1977 wherein the board stated that whe~
redged that the spoil be placed along the park alszr~cz oeac ,
commonly called the causeway. Mr~-','S~outenburgh requested a copy
of this letter also.
_%. .... _ ***
Motion was mad~Zb~Mr'j~Robertson,~sec°nded~SyMr''
carried that-the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at -
10:50 p.m...
-, - i' ' '-' ". : ' '
' Respectfully submitted,
'made by Mr.'Gold.smith, seconded-"bYMr-~Hort°n.aud
Muriel Brush, Secretary