HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/2014 ZOll?S I3t?Altl? OF APPEALS Town Halt Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Now York 1.iJ71-0y~i9 Fax. 43:31; 765-9064 Telephone (631) 705-1805 T : Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distribution to Supervisor Russell and 'T'own Board Members) FROM: Leslie Kane Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Department Head RE: t"T8MBINEi'? MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD AND 1stT'4'4' APPLICATIO SIEEES REPORT for: .lanuarv 2014 DATE: Teb a 3, 2014 1. Requires Immediate Attention: Nothing at this time IL Board and Office Policies, Practices, and Activities. IBA Policies and Procedures Documents Annual Review At the January 9, 2014 Organizational Maeda-, the 'Members of the 'Board of Appeals; discussed and unanimously re-adopted by resolution the following ABA documents: Guidelines to Open Meetings Lase and Ethical Issues, Code of Conduct, and IBA Procedural Guidelines. Review of Code Section 280-45(c)(2)(1)(m) Bit and (1) At the Special Meeting on January 23, 2014, the Board discussed the comments we requested and received train the Housing Advisory Commission (-)it the above cited code section which describes the maximum percentage of floor' area permitted for apartments in mixed use (principal) buildings in the. Flannel Business Zone. bl'c plan to jointly request time on the Town Board's weigh session agenda in late February to discuss possible code cherries that would increase the permitted maximum floor area in hamlet business centers throughout town to further promote affordable rental units in locations supported by the Town's'Compxehensive Plan. I will be attending the 1I AC meeting on Feb. 12, 2014 to discuss details. Instaectii>ns, Code F.nIorceln nt, and 7B A Special 1 xce} tion Permits After a revie-as by the Members of the TBA of all Special Exception Permits granted in 2011: 2012 and 2013, on January 25, 2014, ZBA Board Assistant Vicki Toth and I islet with Code Enforcement Officer Pete Doherty and Chief Building Inspector Mike Verity to discuss coordinating procedures between our depalttnents for followeunIT up on the requirements on Special Exception permits granted by the ZBA, and filing a code violation if"when warranted. 'l he ABA office will henceforth use December.) as the date for the expiration of yearly rental agreements for tenants in accessory apartments in accessory structures, and for annual inspections by the Building Department for B&B's, which will be written into fBA decisions. Cover letters that are mailed out by the office with copies of decisions will also inform applicants of their obligations to arrange tlrr annual inspections. I am also working on a draft document; based upon a draft written by the Planning Depar meni Board, to set up a procedure for investigating possible violations on general Special Exception Permits. This draft will be reviewed and modified as needed by the ZBA Members for eventual adoption, with final approval from Cade Enforcement and Building both of which have already reviewed the initial draft and offered informal approval. III: Financial/Budget/Personnel Issues: Nothing at this tune 1V. Activities of the Board/Acco Palish ears: Regular Mectinv: Date: 1109/13 Call to Order: 838 AM Adjourned: 2:09 PIN Public Hearings s Total: 8 Number of new applications heard: 8 Number of Carryovers front previous hearings: 0 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 4 Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: 3 Nrnnber adjourned to another late: 1 Number adjourned or/o a date: 0 Number of Resolutions passed: 18 Number of decisions made: 0 Number of Site Inspections made by Board members: 8x - 40 Next Regular llce2/06/14 Special'lleetme: Date: 1123/14 Call to Order: 5:05 PM Adjourned: 8:12 PM Number of draft findings discussed: 6 Number of decisions made: 6 Number of Resolutions passed: 11 Meetirx~s attcnded/initiated by ZBA CliairpersoirDepartment Head 1/03 - ATA Andalom re: litigation and code interpretation 1 /08 - Sup. Russell, TA Finnegan, ATA Andaloro, Planning Director Lanza, Trustees Bredemever and Domino, Chief Building Inspector Verity, re: tear down code/definition ® 1/15 Chief Building Inspector Verity and Code Enforcement Officer Doherty re: violations on Special Exception Permits granted by ERA 11/15 - Code C rat, With ZBA Member Grichringer re: solar energy, production In ,1 Zone « 1 /23 - ATA Andaloro re: litigation and specific applications before the Board ® 1/28 Full ZBA staff mecting with Dept. Head 1/24 Supervisor, TA, ATA, Dir. Planning, Fire Marshall, Police Chief re: Special Events on agricultural/faun properties ® 1/30 - Code Court. Meeting Be: non-confraining buildings and roses, tent pertnits 1/30 - ATA Andaloio re: litigation and specific applications before the Board 1131 = Supervisor re: ZBA personnel V. Staff Activities Number of people assisted at the counter: 79 Flours spent assistimn: 15 hrs. 1$ ins. (Assistance includes filling out new apLslications, mailings andpostings, providing copies (t decisions, I-OIL. requests and other materials, and general inquiries) klectings attended by Staff ~11t18 Vicki `both re: Fair down eadc;'definition 0 1115 - Vicki Toth re: violations on Special Exception Permits granted by ZBA ® l;15 - Vicki Toth Code Committee re: solar energy production in LI Zone M 1!28 - Full Z RA Staff meeting with Chairperson Weisman ® LC9 Vicki Moth re: Special Events on agricultural properties V1. MONTHLV REPORT O NEW APPLICATIONS AND F'EES' Total Applications Received for the month of January 2014. 12 Total Fees Collected in January 2014 S10,750.00 Res r~ idly Submitted. Leslie Knees Weisman, Chairperson/Department Head