HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-3.-2-1 OF SO(/r L OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) G . Southold, NY 11971 :3% ~O Telephone: 631 765-1935 a~ OWN, Fax: 631765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: November 7, 2013 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for NICHOLAS NOYSE SCTM# 1000-3-2-1 Docko, Inc. on behalf of NICHOLAS NOYSE requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to place +/-50 cubic yards of stone armor over +/-1,000 square feet on an unprotected slope; all landward of the flagged tidal wetlands and apparent high water line. Located: Off East End Road, Fishers Island. SCTM# 3-2-1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed actions are CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM Cv~)~ A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except for minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in detail, listine both supportine and non-supportine facts If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's Office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION D .R- SCTM# 1000 -003-2-1 OCT I D NOV - 8 2013 1 PROJECT NAME: The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board _ Planning Board Building Dept. Board of Trustees X 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): a) Action undertaken directly to Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant loan subsidy) c) Permit, approval, license, certification: X Place 50(+/-) CY of new stone over 1,000(+/-) SF on an unprotected slope, all landward of the flagged tidal wetlands and the apparent high water line. 1 Location of action: Site off East End Road (so called). Site acreage: Parcel =1.8 acres. Present Land use: Residential Present Zoning Classification: Residential 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: a) Name of applicant: Nicholas Noyes b) Mailing Address: 103 Coolidge Road, Concord, MA 01742 c) Telephone number: Area Code (978) 369-9708 d) Application number, if any Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes X No _ If yes, which state or federal Agency? NYS DEC C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support of not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. X Yes _ No _ Not Applicable The Noyes home makes appropriate use of an existing residentially zoned waterfront property. The stone shorefront protection depicted in this application complies with environmental design factors published by the NYS DEC. and the DOS Coastal Management Program Southold Local Law No 6 2004 and the Southold LWRP. The shoreline will remain in its same configuration There will be no impairment of waterflow or navigation during or after the shoreline armoring work has been completed and there will be no work in the wetland. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Page 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable There are no known historic or archeologically significant features on this site 2 ` Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes _ No X Not Applicable The proposed project is stone shorefront protection. The view and vista of the harbor / cove will not be adversely or even noticeably affected by the proposed repair work. NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria. Yes _ No X Not Applicable The Noyes' shoreline is located along the south shore Chocomount Cove and is acknowledged to be in a flood-prone area; and there is wave exposure at this site and the bank was eroded during Hurricane Sandy.This is a long-standing structure which has demonstrated its ability to withstand the elements including inundation waves but has suffered from erosion and deterioration of the shorefront vegetation The work proposed is required to and retain the shorefront structural integrity of the without adversely impacting the natural features of the site. The armor stone should enhance vegetation habitat by providing ground stability for the plants and root structure. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria. Yes _ No X Not Applicable This project will not have any affect on suitability of or availability of drinking water on Fishers Island The shoreline is at the bottom of the hydrologic gradient of the water table which is within the exchange area between marine salt water and natural ground water Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. X Yes _ No Not Applicable This project is necessary to enhance shorefront protection. The work is clear of the marine waters and tidal wetlands and other significant Coastal fish and Wild life habitat. Soil retention capability and scour / erosion protection of the site will improve as a result of this project The preservation of the bank is desirable to maintain water quality and fish and wildlife habitat quality and this project will not degrade the habitat or the shoreline protection. Dead and dying vegetation must be removed The new armor stone, with the vegetation reestablished, will maintain a 10-foot non-turf buffer. 3 Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes _ No X Not Applicable There are no air quality issues related to this project No emissions will be generated by the shorefront erosion protection modifications. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes _ No X Not Applicable There is no solid waste or hazardous substances or solid waste to be generated from this roiect. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This proiect is being conducted on private land The public trust lands and waters constitutes the area between the mean high water line and mean low water line and the resources are from the hi tide line out and the stone shorefront armoring project is clear of Public Trust Lands and waters WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable The stone shorefront to be repaired is a art of the Noyes' home which is located on land zoned for residential use. This project is not a new facility or use and does not usuro a water dependent use 4 . Pafi¢y 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This project is to retain and stabilize the shorefront for a home that has existed since before current environmental regulatory programs. The proposed work is, consistent with sustainable use of living resources and will not change the share, size or the use of the structure or the natural features which have existed at this site for decades. Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable The property is not used for or in support of any agricultural or aauaculture industries or enterprises. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral sources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This property is not used for or in support of any energy or mineral mining or processing operations and the deck reconstruction does not represent an energv or mineral mining activity. PREPARED BY eith B. Neilson. P.E. TITLE_Ag nt DATE September 19.2013 5 Y NARRATIVE STATEMENT & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DECK REPAIR PERMIT APPLICATION NICHOLAS NOYES CHOCOMOUNT COVE, FISHERS ISLAND, NY SEPTEMBER 2013 GENERAL The Noyes family owns property off East End Road located along the shore of Chocomount Cove on Fishers Island. This project involves the supplementation of the stone shorefront as shown in the photographs and attached permit application drawings. All work is landward of the apparent high water line, tidal wetlands vegetation and reaches up to the top of the bank. It is anticipated that all work will be done from the land by mechanical equipment and by hand. The exposure is to the north and east and the site is subject to occasional significant waves and flooding conditions depending on weather conditions and wind direction but most notably in Hurricanes and nor'easters. The Noyes' property is approximately 1.8 acres with a steep bank transitioning to a tidal wetland fringe marsh at the shoreline. Shoreline protection at this site has been reviewed during previous permit applications and most recently in April 2013 by several of the Trustees. The deck on the north side of the house has been repaired with permit number 7630 & 7630C. Beyond the deck there is a drop of about eight feet from the yard to the toe of the bank. The slope is covered with junipers and yews and various vegetation, not turf. The attached narrative substantiates the scope of work and provides responses to various concerns outlined in Local Law No. 6 2004, relating to new Chapter 97 "Wetlands and Shoreline" of the Code of the Town of Southold. This project is a continuation of a project completed two years ago, prior to Tropical Storm Irene. The justification for this project was demonstrated by damage to the bank caused by Hurricane Sandy. REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 97-25 OF THE WETLANDS LAW The permittee acknowledges that the validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The permittee does, by the acceptance of these permits, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the permittee also agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Southold and its officers. The permittee gives consent to the Town and the NYS DEC, and their officers, employees and agents to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections to determine whether said operations are being conducted in conformity with the permit. 1 j The permittee will notify the Town of Southold, Board of Trustees as well as State and Federal agencies in writing one week prior to initiation of any and all operations. The permittee will notify the Trustees in writing upon completion of operations such that the site can be inspected for issuance for a certificate of compliance. In response to Sub-section 2a, most of this project relates to modifications of shoreline protection, and there are no dock facilities at the site and none are requested. 1. Upon receipt of the permit for this project, appropriate permit numbers will be affixed to the most seaward face of the deck for identification from the water. 2. There are no permanent dock facilities or boating structures at this site. 3. Completion of the proposed work will not encumber public passage along the shore. It should be noted that the shore of Chocomount Cove represents a transitional fringe marsh in a boulder field with substantial drop-off of terrain and there is very little passable foreshore landward of the house. The foot traffic in this area is rare, if at all. NYS DEC Tidal Wetlands Regulations - Sections 6615 and 6619 This project represents the continuation of the shorefront protection at the Noyes property at the far south west of quadrant of Chocomount Cove. New posts will support the deck in place as shown in the application drawings. There is an area of tidal wetlands fringe vegetation approximately 30 feet beyond north of the deck, at the toe of the bank, and that vegetation will not be disturbed.. Under Section 661.9, the standards for issuance of permits of NYS DEC regulations, the following are considered to be pertinent considerations. ? The policies are created to preserve and protect tidal wetlands and prevent their despoilation and destruction. Regulated activities will not have an undo adverse impact on the present or potential value of the affected tidal wetlands. ? This shorefront protection project is compatible with public health and welfare policies of the State. Maintenance of the stone shorefront is allowable under zoning regulations. ? The project complies with development restrictions contained in Section 661.6 as this work is retention of a stone shorefront structure and is compatible with the use of the site, zoning and the long-standing use of the site. ? This project will not have an undo or adverse impact on the present or potential value of nearby tidal wetlands vegetation and will protect and stabilize the bank while maintaining vegetative resource quality and diversity. 2 Town of Southold - Local Waterfront Revitalization Pro ram These application documents include a copy of the Federal Consistency Assessment Form utilized for the New York State Coastal Management Program under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of State. The following policies from the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program are appropriate. Policy 2 -Water Dependent Uses - This project is to retain the stone shorefront at their waterfront site. Policy 5 - Use of Existing Developed Shorefront - This project will be primarily supplementation of a stone armor clear of sensitive habitat or tidal wetlands consistent with. Policy 7 - Significant Fish & Wildlife Habitat - Protection of significant fish and wildlife habitat has been considered in the development of this project layout. There will be no change to the dimension, height or amount of any existing structure which might affect fish habitat and special wildlife or marsh habitat. The non-turf vegetated buffer at the bank will be retained or replaced and protected as a part of this project. Policy 8 - Protection & Preservation of Habitat - Protection and preservation of habitat has also been considered in this stone shorefront protection project, keeping the property in the existing configuration, consistent with standards and restrictions set forth in the Wetlands Law, No. 6, 2004 set forth by the Town of Southold. Policy I1 - Minimize Damage to Natural Resources - The shorefront protection project will be conducted in such a way so as to minimize damage to natural resources as identified in Policy 7 above by the access point for the work, footprint and elevation or limits of the armor stone. There are no tidal wetlands in this project work area and the wetlands will be staked to keep the contractor out of the sensitive area and the tidal wetlands vegetation further north will not be disturbed. Policy 14 - No Measurable Increase in Flooding= This project consists of the supplementation of a stone revetment that will in no way adversely affect water flow and circulation in the cove or flooding potential of the area. Flood levels all around Fishers Island are dictated by water levels in Long Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound and Block Island Sound and this structure will have no adverse influence on those flood levels. Policy 15 - No Dredging _ Dredging is not a part of this project. 3 r SUMMARY This project represents the supplementation of the longstanding stone shorefront protection at the property of the Noyes family on Fishers Island. The shorefront protection in place has existed for years, in fact decades, probably since the house was built in the 1960s. This project complies with all applicable standards of Local Law No. 6, 2004, the Town of Southold LWRP and the NYS DEC Tidal Wetlands and its approval is respectfully requested. Respectfully submitted, DOCKO, INC. Keith B. Neilson, P.E. 4 N a P91EP8 C OO eu G ax ix ry \ / f0 2) \ 40 u v rx x zx R 'B~ ~ 22 Ewa a yaw - _ 2 .x z z.x :x i.xw wa i.. r .ix ? 113 vyy :wa < i~:Va ~ Y .x ixia z p1 © w © in0 _f\ IWp e .np r ?x iWc jqM ? ~ f ax saw w tis ? ~O' xu ice ~ r.rn ii.19 ~e ~mm~ a~ t e•na ' M1 9 eea~ e9 s`~9' ° a szmwxo _ COUNT OFSUF MK @ Reaf PnAePy TB'[Serviw Apenry r _ e x _ _ _ 3 Photographs Nicholas Noyes At ~ p tai Photo #237 - This photograph shows the Noyes property at the westerly end of the existing armor stone looking in a southerly direction toward the northwest comer of the house. Much of the brush and understory growth on the bank was severely damaged during Hurricane Sandy. The junipers, visible in the upper left comer, did stay for the most part. The project will wrap around the corner to protect the northwest comer and west side of the house as shown in this photograph. Dead trees will also be removed. OCT 1 8 ~!3 Photographs Nicholas Noyes fi 8 P~- ,.4 xA i Photo #244 - This photograph, looking from the northwest corner of the property in a northerly direction, shows some of the brush and vegetation which exists and the clear separation between the flagged tidal wetlands vegetation toward the upper right-hand comer and the area where the proposed armor stone will be placed, which is the lower half of the photograph. Photographs Nicholas Noyes a-~ ^fi r w, Photo # 247 - This photograph was added in to this application to show how well armor stone which was previously permitted and installed, faired against the ravages of Tropical Storm Irene and Hurricane Sandy. Most of the vegetation that has been planted over by the armor stone has grown back through the armor stone as can be seen in this view. It is anticipated that the remainder of the project will be equally successful in maintaining the balance between armor stone and vegetation growing into the spaces between individual stone elements. Photographs Nicholas Noyes 4 4q- a . •±ii~+ 1Vbh ..7 ~1 . April 2013 - This photograph was taken after Hurricane Sandy looking from the beachfront in the vicinity of the edge of the flagged tidal wetlands in a southerly direction toward the northwest corner of the house. As compared with earlier photograph #237, the damage and demise of some of the non-salt tolerant vegetation on the comer is clearly evident. In addition, the deteriorated condition of stone at this corner is also documented. The new armor stone will form a smooth transition around the northwest corner of the property and preserve the property from such further devastation while maintaining a balance in the habitat quality which will allow vegetation to grow through the spaces in the stone. Photographs Nicholas Noyes r s r' r r .l+ i ti ,.f z 9 April 2013 - This photograph shows the west face of the property looking in an easterly direction. The northwest comer of the house is to the right edge of the photograph behind the fir tree. Most of the understory and some of the saplings died during the exposure to the salt during such extreme high water levels. All of this vegetation will be removed as a part of the project before placement of the stone to allow room for new growth. 6.6uc1 iSLANo FPROJECT: ASSESSOR'S MAP 1000-003, BLOCK 2, LOT 1 'ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECTION' TERWAY: CHOCOMOUNT COVE ATION: FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK APPLICANT: NICHOLAS B.NOYES DATE: AUGUST 12, 2013 COX AGENT: DOCKO, INC. a Q 19d Yl O aoMOUrff ~ - - w a 6AA r 110 12 z.OAln z.OA u.l 13A = "A 1.2 J 6.1A i T.1111.1 1 _ + 2dAlf1 l.B IC ~.L AIC1 AN na f pry 4tl 19 e.OAln Ty E 9a zu .aE~r s'a•O LOA ~FM PCLL. W. 1 .1 SEE SE x0. A R 6.l xCA 9 006-1i-005.10 „cl 9.1 - nMY.' 2 c 2.0A v' oA ~erE A2 S O 2.11 Haug 1 y xo. 1.2 ANN 2.IAIC1 c 11 i~ 1.0d1c1 PyJ~L r ~ 2ldlcl 2.l• J l 6.id111 S Ty y 2.2 L61 2y1c1 O \ O ` 6.3AI1 1 Z14 A ' 6.vln zlucl wsc~1w aa- .a AIC1 9 aq tl ]J L S.]AICI 2 s rp 6p 6.Bd MIad(C FO(RI$ PO/.d A, * E o w.r. M. p' „J ,•rrOF P[L N0. FER PCL W. plgllppal, A, 6.t (AR4 SEE SEC. DO. SEE SEC. Y 000-01-L26 ON-01-W1.1 «Arcx Iw JOA LwE MATCH TiwE ay '2~,1j0 O' xe S IN. W p~~ d'~,'F da - - IANrrr,w - - WESS , DRAIN „ •W°,aC, ALL PR-IN A NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © ~ TON OF SOUiHOLO SECTION NO .RO H. - . "I' L. N . 1•CI .IIRANCE.ALTLAANH,SALE OR Real Property Tax Service Agency Y 003 _ _ - rvmwnei art a _DA. bSTOIWT1 1 A TAMArY11 6 rl£ : a YLLAIF LCNI _ .k, ati _ . FAR, - ate I surge camm .Ad IMP n Pxoll~arEn Cmnty Lancer AlxerlleaQ N Y 119A1 M -r r..er~w..xr ,n-•.-- uwAw[E 11LE.ATIN SWfWRFr: _ _ _ „rllwr .arr6x P6a„6vm Oi l16 A 061(6,9 r1m.- w Hsu maEPn 1AV sExxcE A6Exc1. P q iaaa PROPERTY AIPP SNKAS l OAM fla. _ 1 NEWCONOON-B[OOf /SCANOf£flHY - --t CQ~E Fj Y X / i Ilr;rv 3u 53 ~~~w V~-**.Eaut Clump 10, 6) ~ I 3: 1 _ Clamp _ ,z _ , I I ]5 n _ W Kb est / 'x CIUm ' A2 --1~ ulplt r I 11' / \ Hoek I- I ~ lJ I6.. l*K ~MMLid. PIF I t - / 1F ~fi. Idbntls ~ B p ,aY 11, 17 FIU pN iM J 6,-._. 1 r I Polnt r')~[ $6T -60 r CfaW 1] ~ ~~8~ ~ 5~/l II' 0V/ll ~ p "lp / PPI g ~ s tyt / _ V/ 1 o CkK ~ r' ~ c 6\ h In o d ~n -~f~ tC rood M ju it to t a ~4 V r/.i" ao r• a eti X.x +r -v-•.~ ho''1 Nt"~ V CD • < n' g,~ ry/ / / a ill`-~ T'4 ~$46T6 .WKW Port - . / (11 aq p e / Fla v la[ r1 m al nd r z: ' LOCATION MAP O PROJECT: "ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECTION" fJ WATERWAY: CHOCOMOUNT COVE 15 ! I LOCATION: FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD t I SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK APPLICANT: NICHOLAS B. NOYES - DATE: AUGUST 12, 2013 AGENT: DOCKO, INC. i ea_ I - 37 fa 9 N f ~ Tr !a 6 is c FISHES - ff • 13 121 L 19 ISLE ND SOUND 14 O r! ° C } O / Atie, S A nG A! o 0 0 of o PROJECT. ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECT ON / " 1 U ~v s Ca m tzr A- is iL9 a P 21 F w r i n µ } , tiff ~.wrw.r a R , rtza LOGf~TION MAP REFERENCE N/F PROPERTY * ^ CHART: 12372 y q? GRAPHIC 5CPLE ' lS i+4 3 Of KJDD , ""rs> ai. 700 350 0 70D IN YARDS 4 N5 y 3.Ry" NOTES: 1. ELEVATION DATUM 15 NAVD 88 2. TIDE DATA 15 TAKEN FROM 2010 NOAH TIDE ?I < ' TABLES REFERENCE : NOANK, MYSTIC RIVER - * NEW LONDON SITE 3. PROJECT DE5GRIPTION: 4 y PROPERTY RETAIN 15O±GY OF STONE SHOREFRONT of NOYES PROTECTION LANDWARD OF THE FLAGGED N/F PROPERTY OF TIDAL WETLANDS. PACE 50tGY OF NEW FISHERS ISLAND 7~ , = STONE OVER 1000±SF ON AN UNPROTECTED DEVELOPMENT SLOPE, ALL LANDWARD OF THE FLAGGED "CORP. ' . / TIDAL WETLANDS. al ^ (A.~ - F}J 4. PROJECT PURPOSE: 0 THIS IS A STONE SHOREFRONT PROTEGTION TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF NICHOLAS NOYES' PROPERTY AND HOUSE O\/E=1Z~.LL. PL.~.IV 5. THESE APPUGAl10N DRAWINGS REPRESENT A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS FOR PERMIT RAPHIC 5CALE V= loo' PURPOSES. THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION D CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. A TOWN/CITY "*~ao 50 _ 0 _ 100 BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED 6. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: OCT i 8 WEST: WEST: FAST: Vin'' BARRON V. KIDD FISHERS ISLAND CYNTHIA DWYER. 3838 OAKLAWN RD SUITE 725 DEVELOPMENT CORP. 532 CANTITOE ST 2 TURTLE GREEK VILLAGE PO BOX 464 BEDFORD, NY 10506 DALLAS, TX 75219 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 PROJECT: ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECTION LOCATION: TOWN of 5OU7HOLD 0f NIF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ~~G K Y WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLAND SOUND ~Q~ ~N he DATE: AUGUST 12, 2013 D 0 C $ 0 APPLICANT: NICHOLAS NOYES • o AGENT: SHEETI OF 4 r• _ 4 DOGKO, ING. z O 68692', Keith B. Neilson, PE C 0 P 0 R Mystic, CT 06355 AgaFESSL~~~P 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 09-08-2146 EMAIL: docko@snet.net Ke1M Nelleon, DocLO,lnc B/2CN]0131155 AM W ~d.g MNOyes_FlshersldandWweaJ`l7DfilONAL_SMre(ronr-(hMecrlon PermiNNwes LCwg _ N ISL.~IVD ~ SOUND w J \ . EDGE OF v SPARTINAALTERNIFLORA N/F PROPERTY OF:--, N/F PROPERTY OF BARRON ULMER KIDCYNTHIA K. DWYER Ews G APPROXIMATE LJMIT5 DOCK LOPE .pNWI- x \ OF TIDAL WETLANDS TO BE VERIFIED BY d' \ N.Y B.D.E.C. _ BRej 1 i APPROX. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE ! PER COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP - SHRU DEG - ! ADDITIONAL BOULDERS EL: 130 TOWN OF SOUTHOL.D, SUFFOLK COUNTY, TO BE PLACED IN VOID yI DWELLING NEW YORK PHOTO NO, 38-66-q-83; I F.F. EL-133 m SHEET 45-Fl OF 49: 8/29/88 AS NECESSARY DGE OF LAWN EXISTING DECK REPAIR \ ! ' go DEC PERMIT #1-4738-03607/00003 \ ! „ ! T.O.S. PERMIT 7630 E 763OG ~ ~ ~ SITE f ( PROPERTY OF: O 5 63406 \ STONE DRNE NOYES W 39 .40 i !'N/F PROPERTY OF, NGE I FISHERS ISLAND- C DEVELOPMENT CORP. ' BENCHMARK P.K. NAIL ELEVATION =13.38 EXI~~TIIVG GONOITIONS ELEVATION DATUM NAVD 88 SURVEY by GME ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING, CwwHiC scare 1 60' AND SURVEY NG & ARCHITECTURE, PLLG PROJECT: ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECTION 00 30 O 60 LOCATION: TOWN of SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ~OF y WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLAND ~Q~ ON KEI DATE AUGUST 13, 2013 D 0 C A.. , APPLICANT: NICHOLAS NOYES * A 9 ¢ I AGENT: SHEET2 OF 4 i $ IDOGKO, ING. 2 C~ Keith B. Neilson, PE O 4 X68592", 0a Mystic, CT 06355 0 R P 0 R Q' 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 9DFES510NP EMAIL cl oko@snet.net DWG 09-08-2146 Keith Nelison, Oocko.in,8126/2013 1155 AhN\dwq HVfJOyes_Flsherslslund\NOyec~ODITIONAL_Shorefront-Prolectlon_Permlt\NOyes_2. d,g N ISL~.ND . SOUND ~ r r • a N/F PROPERTY OF CYNTHIA K DWYER NI PROPERTY OF O' s BARRON ULMER KIDD \ V,S EXISTING 150±GYOF ROCK OVER 1400±SF w t NO WORK PLANNED EDGE OF DO NOT DISTURB SPARTINA ALTERNIFLORA PLANT BAYBERRYAND 13 PLUM ° ; PLACE AND CHINK 50±C1 OF SHRUBS AS WELL AS A MARITIME SEED NEW ROCK 100± TONS OVER 1000±SF L MIX ie BEACH GRASS, PANIC GRASS, SH BANK STABILITY i SWITCH GRASS, SEASIDE GOLDENROD, TO ESTABLI SEA LAVENDER, LITTLE BLUEOTEM LANDWARD OF TIDAL WETLANDS etc) ON AN UNPROTECTED SLOPE MX AMONG ARMOR STONE ONE (TYP) ~ r\ r~ r~ rkfj UPPER LIMITS OF TIDAL r ra- r~ r / R WETLANDS WATERWARD LIMIT n n-r - PALyl :r MITE~I OF WORKAREA - TO BE STAKED r 6 y AND TAPED DURING CONSTRUCTION W8F WLF WLF WLF 10 EDGE OF BRUSH r I 4GE OF LAWN I 5 7v ~ 1 0 oU o o o o o ~ I WLF w SHRUB DECK p._ LF APPROX. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE w f LF PER COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP 1 - SECTION DWELLING TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY, see sheet 4) F.F. EL-13.3 NEW YORK; PHOTO NO. 38-8893: r- o . --WLF UPPER LIMITS OF TIDAL WETLANDS AS SHEET 45-9 OF 49, 8/29/88 FLAGGED BY RICHARD CANAVAN, PH.D., GME SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SGIENTIST. 15TING DECK REPAIR DEAD TREES J DEG PERMIT #1-4738-03607/00003 CUT BUT DO NOT GRUB T.O.S. PERMT 7630 ff 76306 sl-rEF N/F PROPERTY OF PROPERTY FISHERS ISLAND of NOYES DEVELOPMENT WOOD WALK CORP. i F~L HIV x/11=W ELEVA71ON A DATUM NAVE) 88 SURVEY by GME ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING, GRAPHIC 5C LE r"=30' LAND SURVEYING $ ARGHITECTURE, PLLG PROJECT: ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECTION 30 20 10 0 30 LOCATION: TOWN of SOUTHOLD QF NF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK WATERWAY: FI5HER5 ISLAND ~Q. O EIT/y ;J DATE AUGUST 12, 2013 D 0 C evtt-t~. APPLICANTNICHOLAS NOYES AGENT: SHEET 3 OF 4 INC. Keith B. Neilson, PE Q MY$mc, GT 06355 R P .ej S510~P~~ 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 09-08-2 46 EMAL docko@snet.net Ke9h Neilson, Dock,jn,8/26/2013 1 I-55 AM'Vdwq N\Noyes_fisherslslodVnloyes_ACDITIONALShorefront-Protectlon_Ge•mit\NOyes_3. dwq PLACE AND CHINK 5CIt Y OF NEW ROCK 100± TONS OVER ICOC±SF LANDWARD OF FLAGGED TIDAL WETLANDS ON AN UNPROTECTED SLOPE PLANT BAYBERRYANO BEACH PLUM SHRUBS AS WELL AS A MARITIME SEED MIX ie BEACH GRASS, PANIC GRA59, SWITCH GRASS, SEASIDE GOLDENROD, 5EA LAVENDER, LITTLE BLUESTEM etc) MUCAMONG ARMOR STONE (TYP) MAVNTAIN 5' OFFSET FROM PROPERTY LINE AND FLAGGED WETLANDS PROPERtt LINE UMIiS OF TIDAL WETLANDS AS FLAGGED by GME ASSOGIATES WATERWARD LIMB OF WORK AREA TO BE STAKED AND DEUNATED WITH TAPE DURING SHOREFRONT I RESTORATION X54-7 I I ERODING, UNARMORED 777777777 VEGETATED SLOPE. . I'. APPROXIMATE E~QSTING GRADE TYPIG.AL .~~~GTIOIV GRAPHIC SCALE 110' STONE 5PECIFICATION5-50±(Y TOTAL 5 O 10 SIZE (NOMINAL) VOLUME PERCENMAGE TONNAGE PROPERTY UNE TO 4 FT DA ISiCY 30c% % RACE AND CHINK F NEW ROCK 7001 TONS 2 Illf//// T03FT DA 30xGY 60°b WiONS ON5 60xTON5 PLOVER 1000SFLANDWARD LANDWARD OF TIDAL WEIL4N05 ON 1 TO 2 FTDA 5eGY 10% 10:TONS DWEWNG AN UNPROTECTED SLOPE PLANT BAYBERRYAND BEACH PLUM SHRUBS AS WELL AS A MARITIME SEED DECK REPAIR - COMPLETED MIX ie BEACH 5RA55. PANIC GRASS. SWITCH GRASS, I DEC PERMIT #1-4738-03607/00003 SEASIDE GOLDENROD, SEA LAVENDER LITTLE ~ I T.O.S. PERMIT 7630 7630C BWESTEM etc) MIXAMONGARMOR57ONE 1"F) BRUSH SHRUBS M.NNTANSOFFSE7 FROM PROPERTY LINE AND RETAIN (TYP) FLAGGED WETLANDS 0 0 o r- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S+~Y - 1 NAVDA.O WL -ACNE- DEAD TREE EXISTING 150 GY REMOVE OF ROOK OVER 1400:SF APPROXIMATE LOGATION OF BOULDERS TIDAL WET ANDS TO REMAIN IIN ~LE~/~` TIOIV ELEVATION DATUM NAVD 88 SURVEY by GME ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING, GRAPHIC SGALE 1'=20 LAND SURVEYING I ARCHITECTURE, PLLG 20 IO 0 20 PROJECT: ADDITIONAL SHOREFRONT PROTECTION LOCATION: TOWN of SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ~pF NEw WATERWAY: FISHER5151-AND aN KE DATE: AUGUST 12, 2013 D p g 0 co 2~F' 0 APPLICANT: NICHOLAS NOYES • ¢ AGENT: SHEET 4 OF 4 • _ 1)1tr w: 4 a~ C)OGKO, LNG d• ~ O88692 ` ~~C^ Mys-Ho,, CT 106355 C $ P 0 R P~ Keith B. " V 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 RaFES510NP EMAIL docko@sner.net DWG 09-08-2146 Keith Neasoo. DOCkOIPC8/2E/^_013 11155 AIvMJ:\dwr~ N\Noyes_F'sherslsmnd\NOVes_ADDITIONALShorehont-Prolectlon_Perm.!\NOyes_4_dwq