HomeMy WebLinkAboutJamestown City Sd At-home evaluation comments Page 1 of 3 LGRMIF Grant At-Home Evaluation Form - Comments • Project Number 0580 -13 -4069 Institution Jamestown City Sd Category Document Conversion and Access Average Panel Score 77 Reviewer Susan DeBary Recommendation M Recommended Amount $51,335 Total Initial Score 80 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 2. Intended Results Comments 3. Plan of Work Comments 4. Local Government Support Comments • 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments $5613 for day forward scanning is deducted from the total. 6. Overall Impression Comments Reviewer Thomas Lynch Recommendation N Recommended Amount $0 Total Initial Score 60 1. Statement of the Problem Comments la&b I don't see an LG-IM filled out for the document scanning. lc Basically funding for local governments at all levels has been decreased. 2. Intended Results Comments Why the need for 2 scanners at Erie BOCES. They state one for backfile and one for day forward. Why • not just buy one, do the backfile then use it for the go forward? I'd like to see some estimated quantities of student records at Jamestown City School District. I don't see any LG-IM form filled out. Also I wonder when school districts like this are going to pick uo the ball themselves and run with it. It seems https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=4049 :+/9/2012 At-home evaluation comments Page 2 of 3 like LGRMIF has basically funded all their records management program. • 3. Plan of Work Comments 3c. How many hours a week does Pam Brown the school districts records management coordinator currently work? They just state part time .5FTE? What is the official relationship since they are asking for 600 his pay for the grant? A bit odd since she works part time for the school district we don't see any employee benefits charged to the grant. Basically she'll be working on the grant 33.3 weeks (600 hrs/I8hrs per wk). I don't see any LG-IM form filled out. 4. Local Government Support Comments I'd like to see a line item in their budgets supporting records management. 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments It's funny I was leaning toward funding this project at some level until I saw they never filled out any LG-IM forms. 6. Overall Impression Comments Reviewer Elizabeth Neville • Recommendation F Recommended Amount $56,948 Total Initial Score 84 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 2. Intended Results Comments 3. Plan of Work Comments 3.b. They did no address the requirements of the relevant general project category and document conversion and access category very well. Although, a lot of the information may be listed elsewhere in the grant application, it should have been reiterated here again. 3.c. They did a good job of naming individuls with titles, but did nt list any education training. Again, it may be listed elsewhere, but it should have been reiterated here. 4. Local Government Support Comments 4.a. They could have listed a lot more in this area, i.e. their servers and other hardware, software (not grant funded) IT Specialists, etc. They did talk about some these things in other parts of application. • But, again they should have reiteraed it here, too. 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=reveomment&gid=4049 5/9/2012 / At-home evaluation comments Page 3 of 3 Support Staff Salary - Good justification Purchased services - Supplies & Materials - • 6. Overall Impression Comments In my opinion, this is a very worthy grant application that should be fully awarded. The fact they have already successfully shared their EDMS with three (3) other school district gives them a good track record and recommendation for awarding this application to add two (2) more to the mix. Reviewer Geof Huth Recommendation F Recommended Amount $56,948 Total Initial Score 86 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 2. Intended Results Comments a. What is the need for different day-forward and backfile conversion scanners for the BOCES? 3. Plan of Work Comments • b. This subsection does not include a discussion of the shared services requiremetns or the general requirements for technology grants, though some of this is addressed elsewhere. 4. Local Government Support Comments 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments 6. Overall Impression Comments • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=4049 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 1 of 5 New LGRMIF Grant At-Home Evaluation Form - Ratings • starting in Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Project Number 0580 -13 -4069 Institution Jamestown City Sd Category Document Conversion and Access Rating Guidelines Scores Defined Interpretation 5 = Outstanding Applicant addresses the criterion with distinction 4 = Good Applicant has provided a cogent and convincing response to the criterion 3 = Adequate Applicant has addressed the criterion only competently 2 = Fair Applicant may have addressed the criterion but is far from convincing, or the project is inherently weak in this regard 1 = Poor Applicant has offered a few words in response to the criterion, but the words show little to no understanding of the issues 0 = Unresponsive Applicant does not address the criterion directly or indirectly • Reviewer Susan DeBary Recommendation M Recommended Amount $51,335 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 4 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 • public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=4049 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 2 of 5 a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing • when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 4 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 4 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 over the long tern [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 4 Total Score ) • Total At-Home Score 80 Reviewer Thomas Lynch Recommendation N Recommended Amount $0 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 3 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 3 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 3 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 3 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 3 management program [5 points] • c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 3 public [5 points] https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=4049 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 3 of 5 3. Plan of Work (30 points) • a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 3 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 3 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 3 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 3 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 3 • Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 60 Reviewer Elizabeth Neville Recommendation F Recommended Amount $56,948 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 5 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 • b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 management program [5 points] https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=4049 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 4 of 5 c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 • public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 4 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 3 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 over the long term [5 points] • 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 5 Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 84 Reviewer Geof Huth Recommendation F Recommended Amount $56,948 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 5 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 5 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] • 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revrating&gid=4049 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 5 of 5 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 • management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 4 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 • over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 5 Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 86 • https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=4049 5/9/2012 LGRMIF Reviewer Grant Summary Page I of 1 `RW~ Archives Partnershi Trust I Office of Cultural Education I Online Catalog-1 Search I Home NEW YO R K STATE ARCHIVES GOESONRECORD Home Reviewer Home Participation Contact Information At-Home Evaluation Panel Deliberation Grant Application Information Project Number Institution Category 0580 -13 -4069 Jamestown City Sd Document Conversion and Access Fill out an Evaluation Form for this Grant Proposal Reviews are due by 04/13/2012 When the Evaluation Form for this grant proposal is complete, you may submit it. Once the Evaluation Form has been submitted, you will NOT be able to update any scores or comments for this grant proposal. Submit the Evaluation Form The following links contain information about this grant proposal. The Application Sheet, Project Narrative (includes Budget Narrative), Project Budget, FS-20, and LG-VQ/LG-IM (when applicable) are in separate • files. The files are accessible in HTML or PDF format (the files will open in a new window). Application Sheet - HTML Application Sheet - PDF Project Narrative - HTML Project Narrative - PDF Proiect Budget - HTML Project Budget - PDF LG-VO Form - HTML LG-VO Form - PDF LG-IM Form - HTML LG-IM Form - PDF Proposed Budget Summary (FS-20) - HTML Proposed Budget Summary (FS-20) - PDF Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures & Required Forms - HTML The following documents were attached to the grant proposal. To download a document, click on the View link. You must have the appropriate software to open the document type. Action Document Name Description DoTypeent Size View amesotwnmagingMicrofilmingForm.pdf School amestown High application/pdf bytes View Intent Letters.pdf Intent d Services application/pdf byttes View Shared Services.pdf Shared Services application pdf 109930 bytes View PVimagingMicrofilmingForm.pdf Pine Valley application pdf 80924 bytes • Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (518) 474-6926 https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReviewer.do?item=grant&id=4049&assign=8059 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 1 of 3 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Application Sheet Project Number 0580 -13 -4069 Institution Jamestown City Sd - Mailing Address: 197 Martin Rd Address: City, State, Zip: Jamestown NY 14701 5397 Chief Administrative Officer: Daniel E Kathman Title: F Superintendent Phone: (716)483-4420 Email: dkathman@jamestown.wnyric.org State Judicial District: 8 State Assembly Districts: 149 150 State Senate Districts: 57 State Congressional Districts: 27 Federal ID: 166001842 School District: Jamestown City Sd Institution Type: City NOTE:The institutional information listed above is pulled from the SEDREF database. SEDREF, the single authoritative source of identifying information about institutions which the NYS Education Department determines compliance with applicable policy, law and/or • regulation. If your institutional information is incorrect, it can only be updated once your Payee Information Form is received by the Grants Administration Unit and approved by Grants Finance. Grant Unit staff do not have authority to update SEDREF information. The applicant cannot edit the SEDREF information above on their own. Participating Institutions Ged-Erie 2-Chaut-Catt Boces-Ahse RMO Appointed? Yes p Year? 2011 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1989 Pine Valley Csd (South Dayton) rYeao Appointed? Yes r? 2011 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1989 NYC Department of Records and Information false Services (DORIS) Grant? oDORIS Agency • ff(ifapplifcable) Eligibility Requirements https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Application Sheet. _ Page 2 of 3 IRMO Appointed? IIYes Year RMO Appointed 2002 • Appropriate Retention Yes Schedule Adopted? Year Schedule was 1989 Adopted Project Director Ji4 ame Karen Briner Peterson Title Director of Human Resources & RMO Phone 11716-483-4498 Email =Ikpeterson@jamestown.wnyric.org Records Management Officer (RMO ame Karen Briner Peterson Title Director of Human Resources Phone 11716-483-4498 Email kpeterson@jamestown.wnyric.org Local Government Information • County Chautauqua Region REGION 8 Type School District De artment/Unit Population Served 115,400 Annual O eratin Bud et $77,000,000.00 I Number of Employees Full-time:882 Part-time:358 Amount Requested $56,948 Application Application Type Shared Services Project Category Document Conversion and Access Project Type First Time Inventory: false Electronic Records Inventory: false Email Management: false Summary description of proposed project activities: Describe the project, including scope, objectives, and description of records. The summary should be brief, but should provide a • clear statement of how you intend to use a LGRMIF grant. This shared services grant will service Erie 2 BOCES and Pine Valley Central School https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=cover 3/28/2012 _ LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 3 of 3 District in sharing the Jamestown City School District's Laserfiche Electronic Document • Management System (EDMS). This grant application requests funds for Laserfiche licenses, training, software installation, scanners, and a part-time support staff salary for Jamestown, Erie 2 BOCES, and Pine Valley. Jamestown City School District needs to bring its high school guidance department's inactive, permanent student files onto the district's current EDMS. Erie 2 BOCES needs to bring its active personnel files onto our EDMS and Pine Valley requires assistance with purging 28 years of student records and preparing these records for scanning and importing into the EDMS. All three district have a need to improve office efficiency, reduce costs, and create a disaster recovery system. We believe that in combining these two school districts with three other school districts that are currently on the EDMS due to a previous cooperative grant, we can achieve excellence in records management while sharing costs and creative solutions. Erie 2 BOCES has also agreed to allow the EDMS containing records from all five districts to be backed up onto its servers located in Angola. This provides all partners with the assurance of knowing that their important records are being backed up on three separate systems every evening. • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 1 of 13 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Project Narratives Project Number 0580 -13 -4069 Institution Jamestown City Sd - Ia. Describe records management problem The Jamestown City School District (JCSD) is an urban school district that serves 5,400 students in eleven school buildings (six elementary schools, three middle schools, one technology academy, and one high school) with a district-wide free/reduced lunch qualification rate in excess of 45%. JCSD is designated as "high need, low resource" by the New York State Department of Education, indicating that its population has a higher than average need for education and support services and a critical inability to support this need with the local property tax base. Over 80% of JCSD's annual budget is provided by state aid, making the financial stability of the district dependent on a highly political state budgeting process. JCSD is currently facing a $1.3 million deficit for the 2012-2013 school year. Over the past three years JCSD has laid off 95 employees, including teachers, teacher aides; and clerical, custodial, transportation, and food service staff. JCSD is located in Chautauqua County. The unemployment rate in Chautauqua County as of December 2011 was 7.9%. There are seventeen school districts, including JCSD, located in Chautauqua County. Many of these districts are highly dependent on state aid and have suffered similar or worse financial fates than JCSD. Reduced state aid and a lack of tax revenues to fund public education in the county have led school districts in this area to find ways to remain financially solvent while still providing a sound education for their students. For the past six years JCSD has partnered with neighboring school districts to provide cooperative services in the area of special education, student transportation, and staff development. This has proven to be a successful and cost saving partnership. An additional cooperative relationship was established in 2010 when JCSD applied for a cooperative grant through the Local Government Records Improvement Fund to enable the JCSD to share its Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) with three school districts in Chautauqua County. The capability of a collaborative effort stems from a 2004-2005 LGRMIF grant which provided funds to allow JCSD to scan and store more than 1,100 active and 750 inactive personnel files, equating to 85 cubic feet of records. The installation of the EDMS allowed for simultaneous access by multiple users, reduced need for storage space, provided greater document security, and disaster recovery capabilities. The initial EDMS scope of use has expanded to include permanent superintendents' records, school building architectural drawings, maintenance department operation manuals, information on the district's seven current and four previous unions going back to the 1940's, litigation files, board minutes, athletic department historical records, and archival records of historic value digitized and shared with the local historical society. The 2010-2011 cooperative grant application resulted in grant funding which allowed JCSD to purchase EDMS licenses, scanners, and training for Fredonia Central School District, Panama Central School District, and Southwestern Central School District. Additionally the grant allowed for JCSD to open the EDMS, originally established to house and manage electronic records of the district's human resources and payroll departments, to its pupil personnel services department. • Additional grant funds were awarded for JCSD to purchase three servers to allow for dual, nightly backups at two separate server locations in the district. JCSD originally determined that sharing their EDMS was important after inviting area school districts to send their key records users to a records management training sponsored by JCSD in https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/28/2012 _LGRMIF Narratives - -=7-- Page 2 of 13 2009. During the training the District's records management director and records management coordinator heard that tight budgets made records management and the legal requirements • imposed on governments to be unfunded mandates. It was at this time that JCSD determined that opening up their EDMS, which was funded in part with LGRMIF dollars, would be a way to help area districts alleviate some of their records management issues as it was not economically feasible for the LGRMIF to provide grant funds so that every deserving government has its own EDMS, especially when looking at smaller school districts. The 2010-2011 grant allowed JCSD to incorporate the district's Pupil Personnel Department onto the EDMS. This has allowed for active records to be stored on the EDMS providing multiple users with simultaneous access, disaster recovery ability, and decreased employee time hunting down missing records or entire files. It has also allowed for our CSE chair people to access student files, including IEP's, behavior intervention plans, and functional behavior assessments while running CSE meetings without having to bring these highly confidential paper records with them to the various schools they visit in a day. Although the 2010-2011 grant application was deemed to be a cooperative grant between JCSD and the three aforementioned school districts, JCSD and the three school districts still maintain an active relationship. In fact the district's RMO and RMC will be meeting with records management staff at Fredonia Central School District the second week in April to discuss next steps for getting another record series onto the system. JCSD's Record Management Coordinator makes monthly stops at Panama Central and Southwestern Central school districts to assess how the system is working and to answer any questions or make suggestions to staff using the EDMS. The on-going relationship with these three districts is reflective of a more permanent shared services model than that of a more temporary cooperative grant model. During the fall of 2011 the JCSD hosted a School Records Focus Group created by retired Region 8 RAO Jim Tammaro. At this meeting JCSD showed attendees its EDMS system. Several school districts in attendance showed great interest in the district's Laserfiche system. One such district in attendance was Erie 2 - Chautauqua - Cattaraugus Board of Cooperative Educational Services (Erie 2 BOCES). Since this meeting JCSD has been in frequent communication with Eric 2 BOCES regarding a potential partnership with JCSD. The relationship established with Erie 2 BOCES not only will provide them with access to JCSD's EDMS, but it also has a reciprocal effect for all districts who use the shared EDMS in that Erie 2 BOCES has agreed to allow JCSD to use their server system to provide a third backup for their system to improve disaster recovery abilities in the event of a large-scale disaster. As Erie 2 BOCES has a dual server backup system located in Fredonia and Angola New York, this provides the much needed geographical separation between their servers and those of JCSD's. A second school district originally approached General Code, the JCSD's Laserfiche vendor located in Rochester, to inquire as to the possibility of obtaining an EDMS. General Code informed the Pine Valley Central School District that due to its size, the more cost effective solution for Pine Valley was to obtain access to JCSD's EDMS. As the Pine Valley RMO and the JCSD RMO worked together at Erie 2 BOCES for many years, there was already a long-standing professional relationship and Pine Valley asked if they could be incorporated into the JCSD records management grant application. After meeting with the Pine Valley RMO, Marlene Przybycien, and Superintendent Peter Morgante, JCSD agreed to take them on as a partner in this grant application. a. Thus, for the 2012-2013 grant year, JCSD is entering into a shared services relationship with Erie 2 BOCES and Pine Valley Central School District while maintaining our permanent relationships with Fredonia Central School District, Panama Central School District, and Southwestern Central is School District. The needs of both new partners are vastly different, but can be handled through JCSD's EDMS. Information regarding each governments' records management issues follows: Erie 2 - Chautauqua - Cattaraugus Board of Cooperative Educational Services https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 3 of 13 . Erie 2 BOCES has employees stationed at four campuses and multiple satellite classrooms • throughout Erie, Chautauqua, and Cattaraugus counties. This BOCES serves a geographic region of 1,791 square miles and employs approximately 750 full-time employees with an additional 400 employees hired annually on an as-needed basis. They provide programs ranging from career and technical education, to alternative education, to special education services for 2,500 students. Erie 2 BOCES has a need similar to the original need of JCSD in 2004. They have multiple users who need access to personnel and payroll records at the same time. However, Erie 2 BOCES multiple users issue is compounded by the fact that multiple users maybe in different buildings, in different towns, and in different counties. Like JCSD they require a records disaster recovery system, and increased need for storage of active records as well as inactive records. Although Erie 2 BOCES is not funded through local tax revenues like a typical school district, like many governments throughout New York, they have also been negatively impacted fiscally from the downturn in the economy and the previous four state budgets. Declining RWADA (rate weighted average daily attendance) in Southern Erie and Chautauqua counties at the rate of 8 - 10% have reduced the amount of funding being generated for BOCES educational programs. Additionally as component school districts' budgets are reduced due to state aid reductions, they are opting not to participate in some BOCES Coser programs as they have done previously. This has required Erie 2 BOCES to work with component districts in an attempt to reduce their budget as well as those of their component districts while still trying to operate a sound educational system. The focus of this grant application for Erie 2 BOCES is related to the overwhelming number of personnel and payroll records of active and inactive employees. The Carrier Educational Center located in Angola, houses central administrative offices, business and financial services, and human resources. The Carrier Center houses the personnel and payroll records for all current and • past employees. This central repository has a secure, active records area and a secure, archival records room. The active personnel records are kept in locked, legal lateral file cabinets housed in the personnel department. Inactive personnel files are stored in a locked storage room. There are 243 cubic feet of active and inactive personnel files. Erie 2 BOCES abides by the New York State Department of Education Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (ED-1). These personnel files contain all records related to an individual's employment history with Erie 2 BOLES. They include employment applications, resumes, appointment letters, probation reports, performance reviews, disciplinary actions, civil service documents, employee information forms, memoranda, salary notices, general correspondence, employee health insurance information, and retirement documents. There are currently five employees in the human resources department who handle these records on a daily basis. Additionally there are payroll employees in the business office that also must have access to certain documents in employee personnel files. Personnel records stored on the EDMS would also allow for the sharing of necessary personnel information with supervisors located in multiple sites across western New York without have to make copies and send documents either via fax or school mail. Erie 2 BOCES receives the majority of its records in paper format, however, there are document such as fingerprint clearances, teacher certifications, and civil service related documents that are now generated solely through electronic means. The current paper system of filing and finding reduces staff efficiency. Increased efficiencies in personnel file creation and management via an electronic document management system would enable employees to improve customer service, reduce redundancies, decrease file storage space and provide a secure backup of files in the event of a disaster. Pine Valley Central School District Pine Valley Central School District is a rural school district located near South Dayton. Pine Valley represents a geographically and economically isolated area. The school district serves approximately 700 students in an elementary school building and a 7-12 grade junior/senior high https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 _LGRMIF Narratives Page 4 of 13 school. In addition to rural tax payers, this district's tax base encompasses mainly dairy farms, two small factories that employ approximately 100 people, and a grocery store. Pine Valley has • run out of storage for inactive records and currently has no disaster plan. Reductions in staff will have to occur this year as state aid has not kept up with increasing costs of employee pension systems, health insurance, and other contractual items. Pine Valley is losing the $200,000 it received last year in the federal jobs program, which increases its current deficit which must be made up with higher taxes, program reductions, and employee layoffs. Currently Pine Valley stores 28 years of inactive student records in a 10'X20' store room. There is standard metal shelving on two sides of the room going up 18 feet. There are 120 cubic feet of records stored here with two boxes being stored per shelf. Additional boxes are stored on the floor and stacked as high as they can safely be stacked while allowing for a two foot walk way. Due to the location of the district there is great concern about potential for water damage or mouse infestation, especially during spring and fall seasons. Due to a lack of funding and lack of available staff, the inactive records have not been properly handled or purged as required by the ED-I schedule. As inactive student records go back 28 years, there are many records that can and should be purged from the student's file prior to an importation into an EDMS. Jamestown High School Guidance Department During the last JCSD Records Advisory Committee meeting, the Committee determined that it is :mperative to bring the district's Jamestown High School Guidance Department onto the EDMS. The Advisory Committee determined that there are several areas of concern for this department's records management process. Limited appropriate records storage, lack of staffing to handle records management functions, and ineffective use of JCSD's PowerSchool student data system were noted as issues that must be handled as a top priority. Over the past several years JCSD has had to cut clerical staff in order to reduce costs while • maintaining appropriate student - teacher ratios. The clerical staff at the high school's Guidance Department was reduced by one full time employee and a second employee was reduced to part- time. Although staff have been reduced, the overall student population at Jamestown High School remains the same at 1,500 students. The high school's Guidance Department currently receives requests for student records in high volume throughout the school year, with record requests peaking during the college application submission period. Over the past several years the RMO, who is also the Records Access Officer and responds to all Freedom of Information requests and records requests made by attorneys, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of former students requesting their student records in support of social security disability claims as well as other social service related needs. The high school Guidance Department clerical staff has also seen a substantial increase in the number of former students who graduated more than ten years ago, who are requesting their academic and health records as they are enrolling in colleges and trade schools after losing jobs due to the poor economy. The Guidance Department houses current student records in locked lateral file cabinets in the Guidance Office. They also maintain inactive student records for all students who have left the district in locked file cabinets also located in the guidance office. These inactive files are kept in the guidance department for six years. Once the six-year period is reached, the files are relocated to another bank of filing cabinets located in the basement of the high school. Their relocation to the basement after six years is imperative due to a lack of space in the Guidance Department. These cabinets were likely purchased sometime in the 1950's and are difficult to open and close as rust is beginning to corrode them. When requests for these records are made, one of the clerical staff must leave the office to go down three flights of stairs to the basement to access these records. The file must be brought back up to the Guidance Department for photocopying and then returned to the basement. When the RMO receives a student record request from a law firm or by court order, a call is placed to the Guidance Department clerical staff and they must either pull the https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 5 of 13 records if still located in the department or go to the basement to retrieve the records. These records must then be photocopied and sent through school mail to the RMO located in the administration building several miles from the high school. Typically when the RMO receives a legal request for student records, an inquiry is also placed with the district's Pupil Personnel Services Department. As current Pupil Personnel Services student records have been brought onto the EDMS through the district's last records management grant in 2010-2011 for the PPS Department, obtaining an electronic copy of the records takes seconds and not three to five days as in the case of the Guidance Department's retrieval time. As time permits the PPS clerical staff with help from the RMC, continue to scan and store inactive PPS student records onto the EDMS. In addition to lack of appropriate storage space and lack of staff, there is also currently an inefficient use of the district's Powerschool electronic student data information system. Currently at the end of every year certain screen shots and reports are printed out of Powerschool and filed into individual student files. This is a time consuming process in addition to being an additional cost to the district in the amount of copy paper that must be purchased to perform this process. Incorporating the Jamestown High School Guidance Department records onto the EDMS will provide instant document retrieval for current and inactive records providing greater customer service to current and former students, will significantly reduce the amount of time clerical staff must spend daily retrieving records, and will reduce copy paper costs and clerical time as Powerschool screen shots and reports can be electronically printed into the Laserfiche EDMS without having to go through the steps of printing out the document and then scanning it into the system. Once all active and inactive student records have been incorporated into the EDMS, the Records Advisory Committee will make a determination whether or not inactive student records will be destroyed. If destruction is not deemed appropriate by the committee then the inactive records • will be moved to the district's Records Center in order to remove paper records from the basement. lb. Identify records involved b. As indicated in the previous section, although all three governments' records management needs differ, the needs of all three governments can be met through JCSD's EDMS. The governments' record series to be imported into the EDMS as well as any previous projects is indicated as follows: Erie 2 - Chautauqua - Cattaraugus Board of Cooperative Educational Services Erie 2 BOCES staff will scan and import more than 1,200 current employee personnel files into the EDMS during the 2012-2013 grant period. This scanning and importing of personnel files can be done during the grant cycle as JCSD scanned and imported an almost identical number of personnel and payroll records during their 2004-2005 grant cycle. In addition to scanning and importing these documents into the EDMS, human resource staff will also visually inspect every document scanned into the system for 100% accuracy. Erie 2 BOCES has received LGRMIF grants in the past. A 1990-1991 grant for inventory and planning (Log No. 0580-91-0282C) was in the amount of $10,000. This funding was used to organize records encompassing a 50-year time span for two merged BOLES. More than 686 • cubic feet of records were inventoried, which allowed for the disposition of 338 cubic feet of records. A computer database for easy retrieval of records and disposition dates was also created. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=narr 3/28/2012 ______LGRMIF Narratives _ Page 6 of 13 Another LGRMIF grant was obtained in 1991-1992 (Log No. 0580-92-0289) in the amount of $30,000. This funding was used to create a facility for central storage of records with a security system and an improved fire safety system. A records management policy was established and an increase of staff awareness was created regarding this policy. As a result, the records facility was completed, the Board of Education adopted a records management policy, and inventoried records were moved into the facility. Pine Valley Central School District With the assistance of JCSD's RMO and RMC, Pine Valley will purge 120 cubic feet of inactive student records dating from 1983-2010. Pursuant to the ED-1 schedule all records contained in each student file that have met their retention date will be purged, a destruction list created, and those records will be disposed of by a shredding vendor. As these records are purged, the remaining permanent documents remaining in the student file will be scanned and imported into the JCSD EDMS. Importation of these records will occur with the most recent and most accessed records being imported in the system first. Over the past ten years there has been no grant funding requested or obtained through the LGRMIF. Jamestown City School District With the assistance of JCSD's RMC, the records of the two most recent graduating classes will be sent to the district's Records Center for processing and scanning into the EDMS. Once this batch is scanned and images verified for 100% accuracy, a second two-year graduating class batch will be requested and sent over to the Records Center for processing, scanning, and image verification. Over the past ten years, Jamestown City School District has received several grants through the LGRMIF. • In 2000 the district received funding to inventory 1,000 cubic feet of records that were not inventoried in a previous 1992 grant. In addition, documents were repacked in record cartons and labeled. A database to facilitate finding documents was created and data was entered. In 2001 the district received funding to microfilm thirty-five years of Board of Education minutes. This grant also allowed the district to purchase a microfilm reader/printer. In 2003 the district received grant funding to hire a consultant to prepare a needs assessment and feasibility study regarding active records storage in the Administration Building, specifically focusing on the active records of the Human Resources and Payroll Departments. The study indicated that an electronic document management system was warranted. In 2004 the district received funding for three servers, two scanners, and EDMS Laserfiche licenses for all employees of the Human Resources and Payroll Departments. Additionally grant funding provided for installation and training as well as assistance in establishing a file structure. In 2005 the district received funding for preservation of permanent and historical records located in the Superintendent's Office. Archival quality containers were purchased and the RMC re- housed, arranged, and described the series and created contain lists and find aids for accessibility. In 2006 the district received grant funding to preserve and access district architectural drawings and schematics through digitization to the district's EDMS. In 2007 the district received funding for an electronic forms component to the EDMS system. • In 2010 the district received a cooperative grant which allowed for the purchase of three https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 ...LGRMIF Narratives Page 7 of 13 additional servers, five scanners, and EDMS Laserfiche licenses for three partner school districts • and JCSD's Pupil Personnel Service Department. Grant funding also provided for license installation and training. Ic. Explain why funding is essential c. Funding through the LGRMIF is imperative. Jamestown City School District is the 19th poorest school district in New York, however, it does not receive state aid at the 19th highest level and in fact, has been under funded b $5 million per year for the past three ears. Pine Valley Central School Distnct as no ability to fund any type of records management solution at this time, nor the ability to pay extra staff to assist in any type of records management solution. Erie 2 BOCES has also fallen on tough financial times and there are no additional funds with which to finance a project of this magnitude. The LGRMIF has provided funding for JCSD's EDMS system at a total cost over the past seven years of more than $150,000. None of the districts JCSD is partnering with can afford this type of money and the LGRMIF cannot afford to award this amount of money to every government who makes such a request. However, after the initial costs of purchasing scanners and licenses and providing funding for installation and training through the LGRMIF, these districts can afford the LSAP (license renewal and maintenance) costs each year which equates to approximately $185 per license. Erie 2 BOCES submitted a grant application for an EDMS in the 2011-2012 grant cycle. Their application was denied and after seeing our Laserfiche system, they are pleased that their grant • application was denied. The cost of the EDMS they selected and the funding required to have a third-party vendor scan and import their data equated to over $100,000. It is very apparent that sharing the JCSD's EDMS makes fiscal and logistical sense. IIa. Intended results/anticipated benefits a. The intended results of this shared services grant project are as different as the three governments involved, although the solution is the same for each government. The Erie 2 BOCES during the grant cycle will scan and import all active personnel files into the EDMS. These records will be verified for 100% accuracy by Human Resources Department staff who are familiar with these records. With the assistance of JCSD's RMO and RMC, we will create our active personnel file structure. By using JCSD's Laserfiche system, there is no need for creating indexes or barcoded targets. We will use JCSD Human Resources staff as a resource when making decisions to establish our own file folder structure. A Canon DR-6030 C Scanner and a Fujitsu fi-6240 scanner will be purchased. The Canon will be used for backfile conversion while the Fujitsu will be used for some of the day forward scanning. The conversion to an EDMS solution with increase office efficiency on a daily basis by providing immediate access to information contained in active personnel files. Efficiency equates to better customer service for our customers who are our employees. The implementation of this paperless system will reduce operational costs in the long-term by reducing labor, supplies, storage needs, and clerical needs for records management. In addition, these vital records will be secured, preserved, and protected in the event of disaster. Pin-_ e_V Pn ral School District with the assistance of JCSD's RMO and RMC will purge all inactive student files. Purged records will be placed on a destruction list and disposal of these documents will be done pursuant to New York State Archives guidelines. Once purged, all remaining records of long to permanent retention will be scanned and stored in https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives _ Page 8 of 13. the EDMS. JCSD staff will work with Pine Valley staff to develop an inactive student record file structure that is appropriate for the district. The JCSD RMC will assist Pine Valley in scanning • these permanent student records into the EDMS. This process will allow for easier access to student records and improved turn around when student records are requested, thus improving customer service. This grant project will reduce the amount of storage space required and provide a disaster recovery strategy. The Jamestown City School District with the assistance of its RMC will begin scanning the two most recent graduation c asses m o t e EDMS. As the district is familiar with setting up file structure in the Laserfiche system, such a process will take very little time with the main focus on scanning documents and verifying accuracy of these documents at 100%. The importing of inactive student records into the EDMS will provide greater customer service to the district's former students. It will also reduce the amount of space needed for inactive records and allow the district to discard old, rusted file cabinets. The implementation of this grant will also provide for a disaster recovery option. With backups of stored data occurring every evening and being stored on three separate sets of servers with 25 to 40 mile separations is a far more favorable scenario to maintaining paper records in rusted file cabinets in the basement of a high school built one hundred years ago. The benefits to all three governments are improved customer service, reduced personnel time in finding documents, a more secure environment for confidential documents, reduced need for storage space, and a disaster recovery option. IIb. Contribution to development of records management program b. • The contributions to dividual school districts' records management programs is immeasurable. T4rOCSD EDMS is an expanding system. Once licenses and scanners are purchased, training is done, and systems are established, this system can be used for all other records series that require longer or permanent retention dates. The contribution to these districts' records management program is furthered by the fact that as districts want to i ' e in other modul form records a ement or wor ow components the can do so. JCSD has been using the electronic forms module for SCVcrai years. ey have i"pited the ED-1 schedule into the Laserfiche Records Management Module and are currently assigning retention dates electronically. Participating districts will have access to this technology as well, through these Laserfiche licenses and as their understanding of the system increase and their sophistication improves, they will have the ability to further improve their records management programs with the use of these additional modules. Additional benefits to individual records management programs will also occur as users of this system meet locally to share ideas and learn more about what the system can do. Ile. Contribution of Service to the public C. All three governments provide services to the public and to customers. Our customers are students, students' parents, our employees, and our taxpayers. The EDMS allows for easier and faster access to student and personnel records. It prevents the mishaps of spilled coffee on an original document. It prevents the loss or misplacing of important documents. It allows for documents to be sent electronically when possible. As these governments use the EDMS to store • and access more record series, more benefits to these governments' customers will be realized. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 WPMIF Narratives Page 9 of 13 IIIa. Detailed outline/timetable for project • Plan of Work The three participants in this shared services grant application have used September 1, 2012, as a reasonable target in beginning this project in light of the recent history of delayed grant acceptance notice. However, the grant timetable can be moved to a July 1 or August 1 start date if funding notices are sent out in July of 2012. September 1 - September 15, 2012 Project Manager, RMC, and RMO's of participating governments meet to discuss the grant award and availability to have the Laserfiche vendor, General Code come into the districts to install Laserfiche software and the ScanConnect software. Discuss timetable with Pine Valley for RMC to aid in purging files prior to the scanning process. Contact General Code to inform them of the grant award and to determine availability of staff to install licenses and perform training. Contact Gail Fishcer, RAO Region 8 to discuss the grant award. Place add in local newspapers to notify of bid requests for the scanners. September 15 - 30, 2012 Review scanner bids and determine lowest bidder. Place order for scanners. RMC and Pine Valley RMO begin purging inactive student record files. Meet with superintendents and RMOs of Pine Valley and Erie 2 BOCES to discuss the contract establishing rules of use of the JCSD EDMS October 1- October 31, 2012 RMC and Pine Valley RMO purge inactive student records Meet with Erie 2 BOCES to discuss personnel file structure General Code on-site at Jamestown (High School Guidance Department), Pine Valley, and Erie 2 BOCES (Angola office) to install Laserfiche licenses. General Code to hold two days of training on the use of the Laserfiche system at Erie 2 LoGuidice Center as it is centrally located to all three districts. Sign contracts with superintendents and submit to New York State Archives for review and approval. November 1 -November 30, 2012 RMC and Pine Valley RMO purge inactive student records Scanners are installed and individual district technology departments assist with installation of scanners while General Code staff remote into system to finalize ScanConnect License. JCSD RMO and RMC work with Erie 2 BOCES staff on setting up file structure. December 1 - December 31. 2012 RMC and Pine Valley RMO purge inactive student records Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files RMC works with Jamestown High School Guidance staff to develop file structure January 1 - January 31, 2013 RMC and Pine Valley scan inactive student files Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files Meet with Region 8 RAO Gail Fischer to update on grant status Jamestown High School Guidance staff scan inactive student files February 1 - Feburarv 28, 2013 RMC and Pine Valley RMO scan inactive student files Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files Jamestown High School Guidance staff scan inactive student files March 1 - March 31, 2013 RMC and Pine Valley RMO scan inactive student files Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 10 of 13 Jamestown High School Guidance staff scan inactive student files April 1 - April 30, 2013 • RMC and Pine Valley RMO scan inactive student files Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files Jamestown High School guidance staff scan inactive student files Meet with Region 8 RAO Gail Fisher and General Code staff for training and to answer questions about system May 1 -May 31, 2013 RMC and Pine Valley RMO scan inactive student files Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files Jamestown High School Guidance staff scan inactive student files June 1 - June 15, 2013 RMC and Pine Valley RMO scan inactive student files Erie 2 BOCES continues scanning personnel files Jamestown High School Guidance staff scan inactive student files June 15-June 30, 2013 Meet with Pine Valley and Erie 2 BOCES separately to discuss grant results Meet with Jamestown High School Guidance Department staff to discuss grant results Prepare final reports IIIb. Requirements of relevant project category b. As part of the initial set of meetings with the governments, JCSD personnel will discuss and establish the process needed to prepare records for scanning with the individual governments' RMO's. Discussion will include removal of paper clips and staples, file structure, and naming conventions for document types. Discussion will also occur about how scanner settings should be adjusted as needed depending on whether the document is in black and white, color, or should be scanned in gray scale. Discussion will also include how to change the document size variance on the scanners once they arrive. Currently JCSD owns one of each of the scanners that are being purchased for this grant and can instruct using this equipment. Using the current JCSD Laserfiche EDMS we will train participating governments' employees, who will be working with the system, on how to scan and review documents and what to do if rescans need to be done. Because this software allows considerable flexibility in establishing file structure, there is no need for barcodes, targets, or indexing. JCSD will discuss naming conventions and describe best practices. Laserfiche software abides by the imaging guidelines of New York State Archives as referenced in the Archives' Imaging Production Guidelines. Laserfiche software also meets Department of Defense guidelines for security. Illc. Responsible parties and qualifications c. Karen Briner Peterson is the Director of Human Resources, Records Management Officer and Records Access Officer for Jamestown City School District will be the Project Manager and will communicate directly with Ms. Brown, Ms. Young and Ms. Przybycien. • Pam Brown, the Jamestown City School District's part-time Records Management Coordinator will assist the Jamestown High School Guidance Department and the Pine Valley Central School District staff. Ms. Brown will also be working hands on with staff from the Jamestown High https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 _____LGRMIF Narratives Page 11 of 13 School and Pine Valley to purge and scan documents. Although Pine Valley has 120 cubic feet of • records, ninety percent of these documents have met their retention and once purged and destructions lists created can be destroyed. This leaves a very small number, approximately 17 cubic feet of records to scan. JCSD's previous grant in which they worked with Fredonia Central School District to purge inactive student files and scan only those of lengthy or permanent retention resulted in a 90% reduction in actual documents that needed to be scanned into the system. Jean Young, RMO for Erie 2 BOCES will be the Project Director for her government and the contact for JCSD's RMO and RMC. Ms. Young will have decision making ability for Erie 2 BOCES regarding the Laserfiche file structure. Marlene Przybycien, Business Official and RMO for Pine Valley will be the Project Director for her respective government. Ms. Young will work with clerical staff to assist in purging records and readying documents for scanning. Ms. Young will have decision making ability for Pine Valley regarding the Laserfiche file structure. 4. IVa. Contributions demonstrated All three governments will be making great contributions to the completion of this project. After numerous meetings with Erie 2 BOCES they determined that the best way for their staff to learn and understand the Laserfiche system is for the Human Resources staff to do the backfile conversion with advice from JCSD's RMO and RMC. Jamestown originally did all of their backfile conversion and although required considerable time and dedication, it resulted in a much better understanding of the system and how it could be used then if the district had hired an outside vendor to scan and import the documents. . Pine Valley Central School District will be using two clerical staff from the administrative office to help purge inactive student records and ready them for scanning. With the supervision of JCSD's RMC the two clerical staff will scan and verify images concurrently. Pine Valley will also pay for the costs to have the purged records shredded by a shredding company pursuant to New York State Archives guidelines. Jamestown City School District will have their RMC work with the Jamestown High School Guidance clerical staff to ready and scan inactive student files. The RMC will do this as a part of her part-time position with Jamestown City School District. The Jamestown City School District's RMO and RMC will hold meetings and make site visits to the two districts and will be available to answer questions or assist. The Jamestown City School District will pay for the advertising of bid specifications for the scanner bid. In the 2010 cooperative grant, JCSD was not able to find a vendor who carried both Canon and Fujitsu scanners at an affordable rate and found that the minimal cost of $50 to publish a bid request resulted in a vendor who could provide both with a reduced price and free shipping. JCSD anticipates doing this again. IVb. Program Maintenance JCSD, while running this grant will also still maintain its relationship with the other three school districts also sharing the EDMS. It is anticipated with five districts that a procedure manual and policy will be created and that meetings can be held between all six governments at least three times a year to discuss best practices for electronic document management. . As Laserfiche is an expanding system, JCSD stands ready to assist these governments as they continue forward to incorporate more record series onto the system as we are currently doing with Fredonia, Southwestern, and Panama Central School Districts. There are already plans for all five districts to attend the July 18, 2012 Disaster Preparedness https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 12 of 13 presentation being made by Region 8 RAO Gail Fischer in order to work together as a group on how to handle disasters that would impact our electronic and paper records. • Professional Salaries Support Staff Salaries The Jamestown City School District currently employs a .5 FTE (part-time) Records Management Coordinator. Ms. Pam Brown was instrumental in assisting the RMO in establishing the Laserfiche EDMS file structure as well as instrumental in helping to create the protocols and naming conventions for scanning and storing records into the EDMS. Ms. Brown has worked with Fredonia, Southwestern, and Panama Central School Districts in establishing their structures and protocols when they joined the district's EDMS in the 2010-2011 grant. Pine Valley Central School District has 28 years of inactive student records that have not been purged. There are currently 120 cubic feet of inactive student records located at Pine Valley. Ms. Brown had helped Fredonia with a similar issue in purging the records, creating destruction lists, and scanning the documents into the EDMS. Ms. Brown will be providing assistance equaling 400 hours of time to help Pine Valley purge files, create destruction lists and help scan and verify images for accuracy. She will be working in conjunction with 2 clerks located in the Pine Valley administrative offices. Ms. Brown will put in 18 hours per week for 22 weeks in order to purge the files, prepare them for scanning, and scan and verify images. This 18 hours per week for 22 weeks is based on 1,000 sheets per hour in purging files. As the high speed scanner that will be used for the scanning scans at 60 sheets per minute should allow for 2,400 images per hour to be • scanned and named pursuant to an agreed upon naming convention. Additional time will be required to verify images at 300 pages per hour. Ms. Brown will spend 200 hours of time doing similar tasks for Jamestown City School District. She will be working in conjunction with 1 clerk to scan and name inactive student records. However, these files have already been purged pursuant to the ED-1 schedule and will not require as much assistance as Pine Valley Central School District. Equipment Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Jamestown City School District has used General Code as the vendor for its Laserfiche system since 2004. General Code staff will come out to install 25 licenses at three separate locations in three separate counties. The installation will take 2 days. While they are installing Laserfiche licenses and Scan Connect licenses they will also do two separate days of training with all three staffs at the Erie 2 BOCES LoGuidice Center in Fredonia. We will reserve one day of training for later on in the grant year so that more complex concepts can be explained after users have become familair with the system. • Purchased Services - BOCES https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 13 of 13 • Supplies and Materials Jamestown City School District is requesting funding for 25 Laserfiche licenses. The Erie 2 BOCES requires 15 licenses due to number of staff employeed in the Human Resources and Payroll Departments as well as licenses needed for the Human Resources Director and two assistant superintendents. Pine Valley requires 3 Laserfiche licenses for staff using the system. Jamestown requires 7 licenses for two clerical staff and five guidance counselors. The district must also purchase 2 Scan connect licenses for Pine Valley and Erie 2 BOCES as each district must have a license in order to connect scanners to the system. The district is requesting funding for 2 Canon high speed color duplex scanners. One will be provided to Erie 2 BOCES due to the huge backfile conversion of active personnel records. The second high speed scanner will be used to help complete the backfile conversion for Pine Valley and Jamestown High School Guidance Department. Once the scanner is no longer needed for the backfile, the District will loan it to any of the participating districts who need to borrow it. The district is also requesting funding for three Fujitsu flatbed scanners to be provided to Erie 2 BOCES, Pine Valley, and the Jamestown High School Gudiance Department to aid in scanning documents of unusual sizees and depths. Travel • Employee Benefits Final Project Narrative • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 1 of 3 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Project Budget Project Number 0580 -13 -4069 Institution Jamestown City Sd - Professional Staff Expenses Support Staff Expenses Name Position/Title Rate of Pay Hours Worked Records Pam Brown Management $15.00 600.0 Coordinator Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $9,000 $0 $0 $0 Support Staff Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $9,000 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Expenses Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Expenses Service Type Service Provider/Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost Software Installation & General Code 5 X $1,500 'Graining Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $7,500 $0 $0 $0 Purchased Service Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $7,500 $0 $0 $0 i Purchased BOCES Services Expenses https://eeervices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a--true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of3 Supplies, Materials Expenses • Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 25 Laserfiche $1,139.00 General Code Licenses Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $28,475 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 2 Laserfiche Scan $205.00 General Code Connect Licenses Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $410 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor Cannon DR 6030- 2 C Color Duplex $2,975.00 Scanner Solutions Scanner Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $5,950 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor Fujitsu fi-6240 3 Color Duplex $1,871.00 Scanner Solutions Scanners Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $5,613 $0 $0 $0 Supplies, Materials Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $40,448 $0 $0 $0 Travel Expenses Employee Benefit Expenses Name Benefits Percentage Pam Brown 0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee Benefits Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 3 of 3 Grand Total • Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $56,948 $0 $0 $0 i https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Vendor Quote Form Page 1 of 1 • Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Vendor Quote Form Project Number 0580 -13 -4069 Institution Jamestown City Sd - Vendor Quote Form Preferred Sole Quoted Selected Vendor Description of Item or Service Fcoziact# Vendor Source LGPR Price Quote Vendor District has used Laserfiche through General Code since 2004. No other vendor in the area. Vendor providing Laserfiche licenses at a cost of General $28,475 for Laserfiche Rio true true false $28,475 false Code licenses and $410 for the two required Scan Connect licenses. General Code is also charging $1,500 per day for 2 days of installation and 3 days of trainin . 0 https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=vq 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form Page 1 of 2 The University of the State of New York PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR A • THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FEDERAL OR STATE PROJECT (see instructions for mailing address) FS-20 (02/07) Project Number: 0580 -13 -4069 Funding Source: Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Report Prepared By: Karen Briner Peterson Name of Applicant: Jamestown City Sd Mailing Address: 197 Martin Rd City, State: Jamestown NY 14701 5397 Telephone#: County: Chautauqua E-Mail Address: kpeterson@jamestown.wnyric.org Project Funding Dates: Start 7/1/12 End 6/30/13 INSTRUCTIONS Submit the original FS-20 Budget Summary, and 3 copies, all with signatures in blue ink, along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as • indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. DO NOT submit this form to the Grants Finance. Please submit the FS-20 Budget Summary as a two page form (not back-to-back on a single sheet). Enter whole dollar amounts only. The amounts must agree with the budget category totals from each Budget Category and Narrative Form. For changes in agency or payee address contact the State Education Department office indicated on the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. An approved copy of the FS-20 Budget Summary will be returned to the contact person noted above. A window envelope will be used; please make sure that the contact information is accurate, legible and confined to the address field. For information on budgeting, including 2005-06 REVISED guidelines for equipment and supplies, refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants at www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/. • https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFonnServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form _ Page 2 of 2 BUDGET SUMMARY Ank CATEGORIES CODE PROJECT Agency Code 061700010000 COSTS Project # 0580 -13 -4069 Professional Salaries 15 $0.00 Contract # Support Staff Salaries 16 $9,000.00 Agency Name Jamestown City Sd Purchased Services 40 $7,500.00 Supplies and 45 $40,448.00 Materials For Department Use Only Travel Expenses 46 $0.00 Approved 7/1/ 12 6/30/13 Employee Benefits 80 $0.00 Funding Dates: BOCES Services 49 $0.00 Minor Remodeling 30 $0.00 From To Equipment 20 $0.00 Program Approval: - Grand Total $56,948.00 Date: - - CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION Fiscal Year First Payment Line# I hereby certify that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project and that this agency is in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Date Signature Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer Daniel E Kathman, Superintendent Voucher# First Payment Finance: Log: Approved: MIR: • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFormServiet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund .Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (IG-Ill LOCAL GOVERNMENT NAME j Jamestown High School !1 ACTIVITIES (CHECX ALL THAT APPLY) E IMAGING. MICROFILMING Q PAPER DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE ? PAPER DOCUMENTS TO MICROFILM ? MICROFILM IMAGES TO: DIGITAL IMAGE ? DIGITAL IMAGES. TO MICROFILM ? DIGITAL DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE RECORDS DESCRIPTION NAME. OF RECORDS SERIES RETENTION PERIOD (YEARS) Student Accumulative Record Permanent DATE RANGE OF RECORDS RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME AND ITEM NUMBER) 1990-20_10 275 a TOTAL NUMBER OF IMAGES Explain in the narrative any discrepancies between the number of 42,000 images and the number of pages. Format of use copies: ?t iazo or vesicular microfilm ? Digital images Number of original rolls: 16mm 35mm CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRONIC DATA. ? Digital Images ? Other electronic. formats (such as word processing files) DOCUMENT SIZE. 11 X 17 PAPER TYPE card stock PAPER CONDITION. good IMPRINT PAPER COLOR buff FASTENERS staples OUENCY OF FASTENERS consistent RETRIEVAL NUMBER OF REFERENCES REFERENCES NEEDING CCPIES' 100% RETRIEVAL URGENCY ? Immediate Q Within 1 day ? Within 1 week q t - - - - 0µ. York SIatz Amh,,, Perm LGIh7 fl;?E~tb3 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund ~maging and Microfilming Project Information Form (LG-IM) LOCAL: GOVERNMENT NAME Pine Valley -a...__°. AC NITIES (CHECK ALL THAT APPIV} IMAGING MICROFILMING PAPER .DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE ? PAPER DOCUMENTS TO MICROFILM ? MICROFILM IMAGES TO 0401TAL IMAGE ? DIGITAL IMAGES TO MICROFILM ? DIGITAL DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE RECORDS DESCRIPTION NAME OF RECORDS SERIES RETENTION PERIOD {YEARS} Student Accumulative Record Permanent DACE RANGE OF RECORDS RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME AND ITEM NUMBER) 1983-2010 275 a TOTAL NUMBER OF IMAGES Explain in the narrative any discrepancies between the number of. 6,720 images and the number of pages Format of use copies: ?Dlazo or vesicular microfilm ? Digital images Number of original rolls: 16mm 35mm CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRONIC DATA E] Digital images ? Other electronic formats (such as word processing flies) DOCUMENT SIZE. 11 X 17 PAPER TYPE Card Stock PAPER CONDITION. good IMPRINT PAPER COLOR: buff FASTENERS: Staples 3 OUENCY OF FASTENERS: consistent 3 RETRIEVAL NUMBER OF REFERENCES REFERENCES NEEDING COPIES- 100% RETRIEVAL URGENCY ? immediate [D Within 1 day ? Within 1 week ON,,, York S!:a: drcts*eI,rm LG-Iht 91200 02/29/2012 10:29 7169883243 PINE VALLEY PAGE 02/02 • February 29, 2012 New York State Education Department New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit Cultural Education Center Room 9A81 Albany, New York 12230 Re: Records Management Partnership To whom it may concern: • Please let this correspondence serve as notice of the intent of Pine Valley Central School District to enter into a partnership with the Jamestown City School District to participate in their Electronic Document Management System. We are in agreement with Jamestown City School District that as the lead agency on this grant application, they will provide installation of EDMS software licenses, training to appropriate staff, and support and best practices on creation of electronic record file structure, importing records into the system, establishing security protocols, and development of policies and procedures. In this regard the Pine Valley Central School District agrees to provide time for necessary staff to attend trainings and meet with Jamestown records management staff to customize the EDMS for our district's particular records management needs. Pine Valley will also provide staff time to help import the pertinent records series indicated in the grant application. We look forward to a long term partnership with Jamestown City School District. Sincerely, Peter Morgante • Superintendent ERIE 2 - CHAUTAUQUA - CATTARAUGUS Camer Educational Center Angola, Erie Road Board of Cooperative Educational Services 8685 184 - T Newyork k 1 14006-9621 (716)549-4454 FAX(716)549-1758 Central Administrative Offices (800) 228-1184 -Toll Free in 716 area code January 12, 2012 New York State Education Dept. State Archives 9A81 Cultural Education Center Albany, NY 12230 To Whom It May Concern: The Erie 2 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOLES supports the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grant application to include its partnership with the Jamestown City School District as the Local Educational Agency. As the LEA, it is understood that Jamestown will provide initial technical support for the software program, import records to the server housed in Jamestown and provide training as necessary. The benefits to the Erie 2 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES will be to eliminate the need for the transfer of paper copies within its large geographic region; electronically archive documents as they occur; and create a system of document storage retrieval for departmental use on an as needed secure basis. The partnership with Jamestown will allow BOCES to effectively continue to archive records without limitation due to the size of the server housed in Jamestown. Such a prospect may ultimately allow the BOCES to service districts in a similar capacity, therefore leveraging the investment. Given, that Jamestown has demonstrated success and expertise in the transmission and archiving of electronic documents; has partnered with other districts within our region and has provided significant evidence of quality software usage, the Erie 2 - Chautauqua - Cattaraugus BOCES wishes to enter into a partnership with the Jamestown City School District by utilizing funds acquired through the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grant to meet the objectives identified here and in the grant proper. Sinf.yrely, Robert Olczak, Ed.D. Interim District Superintendent Erie 2 Chautauqua - Cattaraugus BOLES • Cc: Daniel Kathman LGRMIF Grant Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form • Sponsoring Institution: Jamestown City Sd Project Number: 0580 -13 4069 I hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application. All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are, or will be, made available for on-site examination. Participating Local l Government Institution: t7~r/ Date: a3 Signed: (n Chief Administrative - Officer Print Name: t~0 /3~r: i :D CAL Cz,~/t Instructions The Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project. Then scan the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an attachment. Please use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agreement" as the description for your attachment. 'For applicants who do not have access to a scanner, please fax the document to (518) 486- 1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 • LGRMIF Grant Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form • Sponsoring Institution: Jamestown City Sd Project Number: 0580 -13 -4069 I hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application. All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are, or will be, made available for on-site examination. Participating Local Government Institution: Date: ~~d, 7 Z Si e Chief Administrative • Officer Print Name: I e -tfe, M 0(_ 4 ri te, Instructions The Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project. Then scan the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an attachment. Please use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agreement" as the description for your attachment. 'For applicants who do not have access to a scanner, please fax the document to (518) 486- 1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 • t tL:: i~,•.nil_::o~n • LGRMIF Grant Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution: Jamestown City Sd Project Number: 0580 -13 -4069 I hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application. All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are, or will be, made available for on-site examination. Participating Local Government Institution: Date: Signed: ` 1 _ _ - - Chief Administrative • Officer Print Name: b/ayiE L c.. X tJ 71/M41V Instructions The Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project. Then scan the signed fort(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an attachment. Please use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agreement" as the description for your attachment. *For applicants who do not have access to a scanner, please fax the document to (518) 486- 1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 pd4ml eval.,:ation copy. vl, it _ i>://pd4ml.com