HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty of Chemung At-home evaluation comments Page 1 of 4 LGRMIF Grant At-Home Evaluation Form - Comments • Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung Category Document Conversion and Access Average Panel Score 73 Reviewer Susan DeBary Recommendation N Recommended Amount $0 Total Initial Score 59 1. Statement of the Problem Comments The relationship between partners is ambiguous. However, roles are assigned for staff in each department. Applicant states that there are 250 cubic feet of records involved in the project but in section IVa mentions that other records also are identified for scanning as soon as possible. Additional information is needed on the current Onbase system 2. Intended Results Comments • 3. Plan of Work Comments All relevant categories are not discussed. Permanent records are involved in this project. It is not clear how the records will be maintained permanently or how they will be indexed. 4. Local Government Support Comments 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments 6. Overall Impression Comments Reviewer Thomas Lynch Recommendation F Recommended Amount $67,329 Total Initial Score 83 1. Statement of the Problem Comments I b I don't see an LG-IM for the Elmira police reports. (OK found it under attached documents). ':f the reports include police criminal investigation case reports, I'd be curious to see how they handle the physical evidence and color photos often found in the case files? https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=reveomment&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-home evaluation comments Page 2 of 4 2. Intended Results Comments • 3. Plan of Work Comments Nice timeline. 4. Local Government Support Comments 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments I like the fact the they are purchasing a 4Tb network SAN but are only charging the grant for 1Tb and paying for the difference themselves. 6. Overall Impression Comments Reviewer Elizabeth Neville Recommendation F Recommended Amount $67,329 Total Initial Score 77 • 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 2. Intended Results Comments 3. Plan of Work Comments 3.b. Applicant did not follow the directions in the grant application booklet in addressing relevant category requiremnents. 4. Local Government Support Comments 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments 6. Overall Impression Comments Reviewer Geof Huth Recommendation M Recommended Amount $50,383 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-home evaluation comments Page 3 of 4 Total Initial Score 74 • 1. Statement of the Problem Comments a. Well explained set of problems but lacking quantitative detail on damage, time it takes to retrieve a record, etc. Also, some damage to the records could be avoided, by not restapling records after copying. b. The records involved are described by title, date, and quantity (cubic footage and number of images for scanning), but not by MU-1 number, which is critical in this case. For instance, Case Investigation Records (#523) are generally not permanent, as the application attests. Instead, the retentions for these records range, depending on type, from 1 year to 25 years after case is closed, except for those regarding the most serious felonies, which are indeed permanent. However, the application gives no hint that these records concern only those records. However, the Property Assessment Records Cards (clearly identified as such in the application) are indeed permanent. This suggests the possibility of funding only the unquestionably eligible part of this application, the assessment records. c. Although this subsection includes much good information on why the grant project is a good idea, there is little information on the specific budgetary need the grant would fill. 2. Intended Results Comments a. Good intended results, but again lacking quantitative data to support the contentions. This could include time saved, dollars saved, and space saved. However, there is some explanation of how the county will save the city the cost of software "seats." 3. Plan of Work Comments • a. Reasonable plan of work but lacking details on scanning and indexing processes and has no information at all about QC for the scanned images. Also, the equipment needs remain unexplained at this point. b. This subsection repeats much from other parts of the application and only tangentially focuses on the relevant project requirements. For instance, no mention is even made of adhering to the Imaging Production Guidelines. The application does note, however, that the county is already in a shared services alliance with the Town of Big Flats, thus demonstrating an ability to maintain a shared service relationship. c. It is not always clear from this description what personnel will be paid with grant funds and which will be paid with local funds. For instance, is the clerk position listed in the budget the same clerk who is a fulltime county employee? The county also does not make clear why Continuum Systems was the only vendor considered, but this is explained in the next section. 4. Local Government Support Comments a. One question here: Why is the city focused on saving space only for 250 cf of the records? 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments The budget narrative explains that all salaries will be for part-time temporary clerks hired for the job, but the application notes elsewhere that light-work county staff may be used. **The latter is unacceptable and goes against grant rules, so that cannot be a solution. We should tell the applicant this and ensure that Archives staff follow up to make sure this rule is adhered to.** The request for server storage space can be allowed, but the county should be told that this is giving the county much more space than needed and they should not request additional space in the future. The request for an extra scanner for the county to use to complete this project is not argued. If the county needs another scanner so it can continue its regular work, how does it handle additional work that appears now? And anyway we have not been told this. If the county had argued a need for this scanner, then this could have been https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-home evaluation comments Page 4 of 4 awarded, on the proviso that it be transferred to the city for the day-forward scanning afterwards. Only • one scanner can be recommended. For the same reason, only one instance of the Kofax software can be recommended, and all other supply requests need to be cut in half. 6. Overall Impression Comments For the time being, I am not recommending the elimination of the scanning of the investigation case files, but I believe we will have to recommend not funding those as well. At this point, I recommend we tell the county that they cannot pay current staff to work on this project and that we not recommend funding for half the supplies, one instance of Kofax software and one of the scanners. (In reviewing the budget, I note that FOUR scanners have been requested. There is no justification for more than one, so I am recommending the funding for one production scanner, which should be transferred to the city after the project's completion. Also, BOTH instances of Microsoft Office need to be cut, since these are not records management software products. Also, only one, not four, of the OnBase software licenses and related installation costs can be allowed.) Here are my recommended cuts: 11440 KODAK Production Scanners $6,495 VRS 4.X PRO USB KOFAX $1,495 Fujitsu fi-6130 kiosk scanner $925 HP Compaq 8200 EliteComputers with speakers and monitors $870 Microsoft Office ProPlus (2 @ $318.00)$636 OnBase Production Document Licensing DIIPW (3 @ $2,000) $6,000 OnBase Software Installation and Registration (3 @ $175) $525 Total: $16,946 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 1 of 5 New LGRMIF Grant At-Home Evaluation Form - Ratings • starting in Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung Category Document Conversion and Access Rating Guidelines Scores Defined Interpretation 5 = Outstanding Applicant addresses the criterion with distinction 4 = Good Applicant has provided a cogent and convincing response to the criterion 3 = Adequate Applicant has addressed the criterion only competently 2 = Fair Applicant may have addressed the criterion but is far from convincing, or the project is inherently weak in this regard 1 = Poor Applicant has offered a few words in response to the criterion, but the words show little to no understanding of the issues 0 = Unresponsive Applicant does not address the criterion directly or indirectly • Reviewer Susan DeBary Recommendation N Recommended Amount $0 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 2 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 2 of 5 a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing • when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 3 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 2 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 2 Total Score ) • Total At-Home Score 59 Reviewer Thomas Lynch Recommendation F Recommended Amount $67,329 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 4 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 3 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 3 public [5 points] https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 3 of 5 3. Plan of Work (30 points) • a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 4 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 4 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 5 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 3 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 5 • Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 83 Reviewer Elizabeth Neville Recommendation F Recommended Amount $67,329 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 4 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 5 management program [5 points] https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=rcvrating&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 4 of 5 c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 • public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 5 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 over the long term [5 points] • 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 3 Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 77 Reviewer Geof Huth Recommendation M Recommended Amount $50,383 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 3 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 3 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3978 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 5 of 5 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 5 • management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 3 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 3 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 5 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 5 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 4 Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 74 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3978 5/9/2012 LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 1 of 3 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Application Sheet Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung - Mailin Address: 203 Lake St Address: City, State, Zip: Elmira NY 14902 0588 Chief Administrative Officer: Thomas J Santulli Title: Coun Executive hone: (607)737-2912 Email: tsantulli@co.chemung.ny.us State Judicial District: 6 State Assembly Districts: 136 137 State Senate Districts: 53 State Congressional Districts: 29 Federal ID: 166002557 School District: Elmira City Sd Institution Type: Counties NOTE:The institutional information listed above is pulled from the SEDREF database. SEDREF, the single authoritative source of identifying information about institutions which the NYS Education Department determines compliance with applicable policy, law and/or • regulation. If your institutional information is incorrect, it can only be updated once your Payee Information Form is received by the Grants Administration Unit and approved by Grants Finance. Grant Unit staff do not have authority to update SEDREF information. The applicant cannot edit the SEDREF information above on their own. Participating Institutions County Of Chemung RMO Appointed? Yes Year? 2005 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1990 City Of Elmira RMO Appointed? Yes Year? 2005 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1995 YC Department of Records and Information false Services (DORIS) Grant? r• ame of DORIS Agency (if ap licable) Eligibility Requirements https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 2 of.3 . IRMO Appointed? IIYes Year RMO A pointed 112005 . Appropriate Retention 11 Yes Schedule Adopted? Year Schedule was 1990 Adopted Project Director Name Karen Miner Title Coun Letter of Support for Grant Application and Phone 11607-737-2837 Email kminer co.chemung.ny.us Records Management Officer (RMO) Fame Karen Miner Title Director of Public Information and Records Phone 607-737-2837 Email kminer@co.chemung.ny.us Local Government Information County Chemung • Region 11REGION 6 Type County Department/Unit Population Served 88,830 Annual Operating Budget $177,216,755.00 Number of Employees Full-time:948 Part-time:0 Amount Requested 11$67,329 Application Application Type Shared Services Project Category Document Conversion and Access irst-Time Inventory: false Project Type [Em lectronic Records Inventory: false ai l Management: false Summary description of proposed project activities: Describe the project, including scope, objectives, and description of records. The summary should be brief, but should provide a • clear statement of how you intend to use a LGRMIF grant. Chemung County and the City of Elmira are cooperatively requesting funding to assist in a https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 3 of 3 municipal electronics imaging scanning project that will allow the City to convert 250 cubic • feet of permanent retention paper records into electronic images, leading to an electronic imaging records program. This project is necessary as the City of Elmira does not have the space to house all of the records that need to be maintained. The Records were once housed in the Armory building that was located next to City Hall, but which has been demolished because of safety issues. The records were then moved to a vacant post office building that the City owns but is actively trying to sell. In addition, Departments frequently need the assistance of the Records Management Clerk who also is the City Clerk to help retrieve documents. The retrieval process as it stands now is to go to the post office which is a block away to retrieve a record that is needed. This is both time consuming and is not cost effective. Chemung County will assist the City by administering the project, mitigate the overhead, offer access to the County network, provide server storage, scan back files, and assist their staff with records imaging and/or indexing needs. The County piloted a similar shared service scanning project with the Town of Big Flats utilizing a LGRMIF grant in 2009-2010. The project was completed successfully with the Town continuing to convert additional paper record series to an electronic format. The County maintains the Town's records on County servers. It was the intention at the time of this project to offer the service to other municipalities within the County. Most recently, the County of Chemung and the City of Elmira entered into an agreement in 2008 to merge IT Departments. The County now provides the staff for information technology support to the City government. The County and City have migrated files together into one domain and are now sharing virtual servers/storage, and both Microsoft Exchange(email)as well as email archiving software and share both a fiber and wireless infrastructure. The City and County governments are committed to the concept of shared services and have been very supportive in the • development of these strategies. This project is an extension of this IT agreement and will allow the City to begin an electronic records management system, taking advantage of the County's experience and expertise in this area. • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page I- of 12 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Project Narratives Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung - Ia. Describe records management problem The City of Elmira is currently facing a shortage of space to continue housing their permanent paper records. The Records were previously housed in the Armory building which was located adjacent to City Hall. The Armory has been demolished due to safety issues and the records were moved to a vacant post office building that the City owns. This building is currently for sale. When this building sells the records will need to be moved to yet another site. The City does not have any available space in any of their other facilities at this time therefore it would be necessary to rent space or purchase another facility, neither of which option the City has the funds to accomplish. In addition, with each move the condition of the records deteriorates. Retrieval of the documents which involves removing from boxes, removing staples, copying and restapling also further deteriorates the records. In addition, with the boxes of records being continually moved from location to location the risk of misfiling, damage, or loss of the documents increases. Retrieval of the documents is also problematic. Departments frequently need the assistance of the Records Management Clerk, who also is the City Clerk, to help retrieve documents from this off- site location. The retrieval process currently involves staff to go to the post office which is a block away to retrieve a record that is needed. This is both time consuming and is not cost effective. The City Clerk's office is a 2 person office, some departments are 1 person offices, which often times means that a public office needs to be closed for a few minutes in order to leave the premises to locate a needed file. Having electronic files would be an immense benefit to not only the staff retrieving the information, but for the public that may come to an office when the staff is off to another building looking for a file. This project will be the first step in implementing an electronic records management program for the City. As the County and City already share IT services (see attached agreements and resolutions) this project will further enhance that cooperation and the City will have full access to the County IT staff to ensure it's success and sustainability in the future with additional record series and departments being added in the future. This project is of high priority due to the lack of available space and the condition of some of the permanent records, as well as to be able to serve the public in a more proficient and cost effective manner. lb. Identify records involved Records that will be involved in this initial project include 250 cubic feet of permanent retention documents. The documents include 146 cubic feet of Elmira Police Department case reports a icT nProm 1998- 2002. Additionally 104 cubic feet of property record cards dating from 1939 - • 1992 from the assessor's office will also be scanned into electronic images. The Records were previously housed in the Armory building which was located adjacent to City Hall. The Armory has been demolished due to safety issues and the records were moved to a https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 - __----LGRMIF Narratives Page 2 of 12 vacant post office building that the City owns. This building is currently for sale. When this building sells the records will need to be moved to yet another site. The City does not have any • available space in any of their other facilities at this time therefore it would be necessary to rent space or purchase another facility, neither of which option the City has the funds to accomplish. In addition, with each move the condition of the records deteriorates. Retrieval of the documents which involves removing from boxes, removing staples, copying and restapling also further deteriorates the records. In addition, with the boxes of records being continually moved from location to location the risk of misfiling, damage, or loss of the documents increases. Retrieval of the documents i roblematic. The police records are accessed at least four times per week. and requires the assis ce of the Records Management Clerk, who also is the City Clerk, to help retrieve documents from this off-site location. The retrieval process currently involves staff to go to the post office which is a block away to retrieve a record that is needed. This is both time consuming and is not cost effective. Approximately 10 to 15 years ago the City received a Records Management Grant. At that time Records were stored in individual departments as well as in any available space with no rhyme nor reason. Historical documents were getting damaged and it was difficult to retrieve a needed document. The City has come a long way. Boxes are catalogued and the MU-1 Schedule is being followed. The City has moved forward since that time. Departments support the changes that were made and will continue their efforts to maintaining records. However, it is necessary to remove a large volume of paper records from their current location, a building which is for sale, and by converting them to electronic records will allow for easier retrieval for both City workers and the public, will preserve the documents which are experiencing wear due to frequent moves and will secure the records. The County opened the Records Imaging Center (RIC) in 2008 and is committed to the conversion of paper records. The County has received LGRMIF grants to fund county department projects as well as a shared service project with the Town of Big Flats. As previously funded projects have been completed the County recognized the need to continue with the scanning of new records going forward. Specifically, DSS records, County Clerk Court Records, Treasurer's Office records, Sheriff and Jail records, Public Defender's office records, and Personnel records. Since its inception of an electronic records management system, Chemung County has scanned over 25 million pages for 11 County departments and the Town of Big Flats. In addition, the County IT department has committed significant funds to the maintenance of the OnBase system and the RIC. As new departments are brought into the On-Base system, imaging kiosks and licensing have been purchased, using County funds. It was the intention of the County at the time it piloted the shared service project with the Town of Big Flats to offer the services of the RIC to other municipalities as well if the project was successful. The Big Flats project was completed on time and the Town has continued scanning of new records coming in and is also adding new record series with a goal to have all back logged permanent records scanned. The County continues to maintain these records on our servers; a great cost savings to the Town. Ic. Explain why funding is essential . Due to fiscal constraints, the City is unable to take on this scanning project without the hel of th rant. The grant will allow the City to have the backlog of these document series scanned as wel https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives _ Page 3 of 12 as purchase a production scanner and two kiosk scanners that will allow the departments, to • continue scanning these record series forward as well as to scan additional document series going forward. In addition, the County needs funding for the required server space for the scanned documents. City o Elmira records will use approximately one terabyte of storage space on the Counties HP Left Hand Network redundant SAN. The County can only purchase server space in four terabyte increments. Budgeting for this expense in these tough economic times is a several year process. Securing this grant funding will ensure the County can provide adequate server space for this project. This is another opportunity for the City of Elmira and the County of Chemung to share services. The County and City currently share many functions including; a Public Works Director, Civil Service, Purchasing, Information Technology, a Safety Coordinator, Worker's Compensation, Emergency Management funding, Training, Summer Cohesion, and School Resource Officers funding. This project will be an extension of the IT department sharing, allowing the City to begin an electronics record management project which will be maintained on the County servers and supported by County staff. (see attached agreements and resolutions) Chemung County has received several LGRMIF grants to establish and enhance their electronic records management system beginning in 2004 with a grant to begin conversion of Department of Social Services case records. Grants were also secured to scan Board of Election records, • Treasurer's office, County Clerk records and the Towx of Big Flats into the OnBase system.To date the County has scanned over 25 Million paper records into the OnBase System from I 1 county departments and the Town of Big Flats. The County is committed to electronics record management and has committed local dollars to opening a Records Imaging Center which is staffed by two full time County employees and contract ARC workers. In these difficult economic times for local governments grant funding is needed to add the City of Elmira to the OnBase system. By cooperatively sharing services the funding for the project is significantly less than if the City had undertaken the project on their own. The County has demonstrated through the agreement with the Town of Big Flats that this arrangement is beneficial. With the assistance of an LGRMIF grant in 2009 the Town of Big Flats was added to the County's OnBase system. The County scanned into the system Town building permits including maps, drawings and blueprints. The Town is now adding record series to the system. Ila. Intended results/anticipated benefits The project will successfully convert and secure 250 cubic feet of permanent retention documents. The documents include 146 cubic feet of Elmira Police Department case reports dating from 1998- 2002. Additionally, 104 cubic feet of property record cards dating from 1939 - 1992 from the assessor's office will also be scanned into electronic images which will secure them • from destruction due to over handling. The project will also create an efficient indexing system saving staff retrieval time and improve the efficiency of requests for records, subsequently providing a cost savings to the City. https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 . LCiRMIF Narratives Page 4 of 12 The County will provide this backfile conversion of these designated records while at the same time providing direction and instruction to City staff to allow them to provide day-forward • scanning of these record series into the OnBase system. As City staff become proficient in adding document series to the OnBase system they can take over the training of additional City departments leading to a comprehensive electronic records management system for the City. Having the long-term IT shared service with the County assures that that County IT staff will always be available to assist the City as problems arises with equipment or the installation of OnBase onto additional City computers as departments come online. The County purchased an Enterprise License for the OnBase system allowing an unlimited number of users which will save the City from the expense of $1,200 for each concurrent license they would have needed to purchase. In addition, the project will significantly reduce the amount of space needed for the storage of paper records in a building which is currently for sale. Data security will be increased through storing the documents with the County's OnBase system. Will also provide disaster management for these permanent documents. Having the records saved electronically will ease the integration of new records into the series. Completion of this project will be the beginning of the City's electronic management system which will span to all departments over the coming years. IIb. Contribution to development of records management program Chemung County is committed to records retention using the OnBase scanning and retrieval system. The County began scanning Department of Social Services records into the OnBase electronic records management system in 2004 and since its inception has secured over 25 Million pages of documents onto the system. Ten additional county departments and the Town of Big Flats are included in the OnBase system to date with additional departments being added each year. The City of Elmira recognizes the success of the County system and is eager to develop a similar electronic records management system in the City. This project will allow the City to: . accommodate the future growth of these record series . increase access to those files . reduce storage space - using electronic storage for the records, storage in the City building which is for sale will be eliminated. . paper records will be shredded upon quality assurance reviews of the images. Destruction of the records will be performed by Southern Tier Industries. . increase the quality control and security of the records. OnBase provides extensive security and assignment of user rights along with a detailed audit trail of edits by users. The images and database will be mirrored to an off-site separate server, backed up daily on the County's servers, nightly to tape, as well as weekly DVD's burned. . completion of this project will be the beginning of the City's electronic management system which will span to all departments over the coming years. • Ile. Contribution of Service to the public https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives - Page 5 of 12 The City of Elmira has no history scanning documents. By partnering with the County who has • extensive experience, the City will begin to establish an electronic management program utilizing this experience and knowledge. The County will train City personnel on indexing of documents which will allow for electronic retrieval by City staff in response to requests from the public. Improved efficiency saves valuable time and resources. Currently departments frequently need the assistance of the Records Management Clerk, who also is the City Clerk, to help retrieve documents from an off-site location. The retrieval process requires staff to go to the post office which is a block away to retrieve a record that is needed. This is both time consuming and is not cost effective. The City Clerk's office is a 2 person office, some departments are 1 person offices, which often times means that a public office needs to be closed for a few minutes in order to leave the premises to locate a needed file. Having electronic files would be an immense benefit to not only the staff retrieving the information, but for the public that may come to an office when the staff is off to another building looking for a file. The County has demonstrated the ability to launch and host a records management program for a local municipality utilizing a LGRMIF grant with the Town of Big Flats. The County currently provides IT services to the City and additional storage for these records will be included in the current budget for IT services, further preserving limited City funds and saving taxpayer dollars. If the City were to create the system on their own the costs would be significant in both implementation and maintenace. This will be a continuation of the shared services between the City and County, and will put to use the shared services relationship that has already been established between the two. IIIa. Detailed outline/timetable for project . July 2012 - Project Coordinator will complete purchase orders and send to vendors for all equipment and licenses. . July 2012 - Project Coordinator will amend current agreements with vendors - Continuum and Southern Tier Industries to include project. . July and August 2012 - City of Elmira staff will begin preparing records for transfer to RIC. Records will be brought to the RIC in bankers boxes. The City has prepared for the project by purging those records which records retention has been met. . August 2012 - IT Department and Continuum will install production scanner, desk top computer, and OnBase Imaging System at RIC Center. . August 2012- City of Elmira will begin transfer of records to the RIC utilizing a City work crew. . September 2012 - County IT personnel will install OnBase Enterprise License onto designated City employee computers. Initially only the City RMO will have OnBase installed. Stations will be added as records are indexed and training on OnBase software by County staff has occurred. City employees will only have access to those records pertinent to their department and function. . October 2012 to June 2013 -Southern Tier Industry employees and/or DSS work experience • or light duty employees along with county staff will prep documents, by removing staples, clips etc. from records and prepare papers for scanning. . October 2012 to June 2013 - Southern Tier Industry employees and/or DSS work experience or light duty employees along with county staff will scan prepped records into the OnBase System. https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives _ Page 6 of 12 _ Preparation of remaining files will be ongoing. . October 2012 to June 2013 - Records Clerk and Project Coordinator will index records • according to index values established by City staff. . January 2013 - June 2013 - After 100% quality review of images by Records Clerk and Project Coordinator, permission will be received from the City to destroy paper records. Southern Tier Industries will perform records destruction. . May 2013 - IT Department and Continuum will install production scanner and desk top computer, as well as kiosk scanner and OnBase Imaging System at City of Elmira and will provide training in operation. . January 2013- June 2013 - County will purchase additional server space to accomodate added document storage. City of Elmira records will use approximately I terabyte of storage space on our HP Left Hand Network redundant SAN. . July 2012 -June 2013 - County RMO will prepare and submit finance reports to Grants Administration at the State Education Department. Illb. Requirements of relevant project category The County of Chemung and the City of Elmira are requesting a grant for a shared services project. Chemung County will be the lead applicant and administer the grant funds and will complete all necessary paperwork as well as being the fiscal agent for the grant. Funding is being requested to develop an electronic records management system for the City of Elmira. This project is necessary as the City is currently housing a large number of paper records in a building which is for sale. The records have been moved several times and their quality is deteriorating with each move. Many of these records are permanent in nature and many require retrieval on a somewhat frequent basis. Converting to an electronic format will preserve the record and also ease in the retrieval process. The City of Elmira has designated 146 cubic feet of permanent retention Elmira Police Department case reports and 104 cubic feet of permanent retention assessor property record cards as the two record series they would like to begin with for this project and the beginning of a city wide electronic records management system. These two series have been chosen as they permanent in nature, handled frequently, are stored in a building which is currently for sale. With the boxes of records being continually moved from location to location the risk of misfiling, damage, or loss of the documents increases. Retrieval of the documents is problematic. The police records are accessed at least four times per week and police staff require the assistance of the Records Management Clerk, who also is the City Clerk, to help retrieve documents from this off-site location. The retrieval process currently involves staff to go to the post office which is a block away to retrieve a record that is needed. This is both time consuming and is not cost effective. The County of Chemung has an established electronic records system and is currently providing IT services for the City. (see attached agreements and resolutions). Since its inception of an electronic records management system, Chemung County has scanned over 25 million pages for • 11 County departments and the Town of Big Flats. The shared IT project has been in effect since 2009 and has proven to save the City both dollars https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 _._..,_.LGRMIF Narratives Page 7 of 12 and manpower. Adding this scanning component to the shared service agreement will be seamless • due to the current arrangement. The County will provide the expertise and training of City employees in the scanning and indexing functions which will allow for the City to maintain the electronic records system in the future and expand to include all other City departments and records. The County will continue to provide technical support to the City as needed as part of the existing IT contract agreement with no additional cost to the City. The County also has the experience in offering this type of shared service arrangement with the Town of Big Flats. The Town of Big Flats is adding record series to their electronic records management system and is supported by County staff when necessary. The City project will be easier to mesh into the County server system as the County currently provides the staff for information technology support to the City government and the County and City are under one domain and are already sharing virtual servers/storage, Microsoft Exchange (email) as well as email archiving software. Together, the municipalities share both a fiber and wireless infrastructure. The City of Elmira is dedicating an additional $25,000 per year to maintain and enhance the electronic records management system. IIIc. Responsible parties and qualifications The Records Imaging Center was opened in 2008 and is staffed by two full time County employees; a director and senior clerk. The County RMO and Director of Public Information and Records provides oversight for the RIC. The RIC is further staffed by contract employees from Southern Tier Industries (ARC) as well as County Department of Social Services work experience participants and light duty county employees as available. To complete this project additional ARC employees will be hired, and if available work experience and/or City or County light duty workers as well. The County and City management team staff services will be provided in-kind to the project. The records management team is as follows: . Karen Miner - Project Director - Karen is the County RMO as well as the Director of Public Information and Records. She has been in the position since 2005. Karen has been instrumental in the expansion of the County's records management program and regularly attends NYS Archives workshops and webinars. She will provide project oversight as well as being responsible for all reporting. . Jennifer Corter - Project Coordinator - Jennifer is the Director of the Records Imaging Center. Jennifer regularly attends NYS Archives workshops and webinars. She will oversee the entire project and will assist in indexing as needed. . Steven Morse- County Information Technology Department. Steve will oversee the installation of the scanner and provide IT support to the OnBase system. . Garsear McRae - Records Clerk - Garsear was hired in October of 2008 on a part-time basis utilizing grant funding specifically to work in the RIC. His position has since been • expanded to full time. He has a good working knowledge of the OnBase system and working with the ARC contracted staff. He will provide support to the ARC staff and perform the indexing of the records. . Angela Williams- City of Elmira Clerk and RMO- Angela will be the main contact for https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 - - LGRMIF Narratives Page 8 of 12 the City. She will see that the MU1 retention schedule and indexing rules are followed once the City begins scanning forward, as well as work closely with a staff member from each • department that will be responsible for scanning their department's records. . Southern Tier Industries of the Chemune County Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) Southern Tier Industries will be performing the prepping and physical scanning of the records. ARC is fully accredited and certified by New York State Industries for the Disabled. They are a sole source supplier as there is no other commercial on-site scanning operation within a 35-mile radius of Chemung County. Southern Tier Industries and Chemung County have had a successful relationship for more than 15 years and have successfully completed projects funded by previous LGRMIF grants. To date, Southern Tier Industries has effectively scanned more than 1,800,000 documents consisting of more than 17,000,000 pages into the County's OnBase system. . Continuum Voice and Data Systems of Syracuse, New York, will be responsible for set up of document formats and installation of the application enabler. Continuum successfully worked with Chemung County to originally install OnBase in 2000. Continuum's installers each have at the least 10 years experience in the information technology field. Continuum provides on-site support one day per week as well as on an as needed basis. . Southern Tier Industries will also perform the secure and confidential destruction (shredding) of the records after scanning, indexing, and quality control have been performed. IVa. Contributions demonstrated Chemung County is committed to the development of an ongoing electronic document management system. Staff have attended numerous Archives trainings and has several meetings with Suzanne Etherington, Regional Representative each year to discuss records management problems and solutions. Some of the most recent contributions the County has made include: . In 2007, Chemung County spent approximately $125,000 to enhance the security, backup, and storage capabilities of OnBase, including the purchase of two file servers specifically targeted for complete, simultaneous, redundant capture of all images scanned into the OnBase system. Virtual storage space was upgraded to three terabytes, which has since been extended to six terabytes. To date nearly 25 million images have been scanned into the OnBase system. . In 2008, the County purchased a building for $428,000 and remodeled with a cost of $26,000 the 2nd floor area and contributed operational funds to open the Records Imaging Center (RIC) to provide imaging services to County departments. The RIC is staffed with two full time County employees as well as contract Southern Tier Industries (ARC) workers as well as DSS work experience workers and light duty county employees as available. The County has budgeted $156,000 in direct funding to the RIC for 2012 with additional funding being transferred from other County Departmental budgets as projects and services are provided. . In 2009 the County purchased additional file servers at the cost of $150,000 to secure the storage of the OnBase database images. . The County is currently implementing the workflow and electronic forms component of the OnBase system at the Department of Social Services (DSS) with the cost exceeding $70,000. • . The County is responsible for the cost of maintenance on all hardware and software pertaining to the OnBase system on a yearly basis; 2009 maintenance totaled approximately $85,000. The County will provide all electrical and network wiring required for this https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 9 of 12 project. . The County created a Database Administrator position in 2009 to maintain all County databases, specifically the OnBase system. The annual salary for this position is $46,000 plus the County's full benefit package. . The County has a binding contract with Continuum Systems for a technician to be on-site at least one day per week with an office located at the Department of Social Services to assist with administration of the system, and to insure the integrity of OnBase projects county- wide. The cost of this contract is presently $42,600. . Records and IT staff use the NYS Archives regional advisors, publications, and workshops as a resource. . The County has committed local funds along with LGRMIF funds to support a variety of activities, including inventories, microfilming, scanning, and document management. Since its inception of an electronic records management system Chemung County has scanned over 25 million pages for 11 County departments and the Town of Big Flats. . The County has a records management officer, a records advisory committee, and records liaisons appointed to each county department. . In 2009 the County received an LGRMIF grant to scan and store on the County OnBase system the records of the Town of Big Flats. The County pledged at that time to offer this shared service to other municipalities in the future. This grant will allow for the fulfillment of that pledge. . The County DSS purchased an Enterprise License at a cost of $219,000 in 2010 which covers all County computers as well as any municipalities as an enterprise pool of licenses to retrieve documents within the OnBase System. This purchase will save the City approximately $24,000 for 20 computers which would be added to the system. . The County is dedicated to securing $40,000 over the next 2 years to provide for additional server space to accomodate additional electronic records. . The County's Database Administrator is now trained to provide training to City employees on the OnBase System. In the past this training was provided by Continuum at a cost of $1,500 per day. . The County will provide funding for the maintenance on the OnBase licensing at a cost of $380 per year. The City of Elmira is committed to the transition of the 250 cubic feet of paper records in this project. The City has also identified additional records which are currently stored in a building which is for sale, therefore it is imperative that these records be scanned as electronic images as soon as possible also. The City Clerk is dedicated to furthering electronic management of records within the City. . The City and County have many successful shared services including Information Technology. (see attached agreements and resolutions). This is another branch of the current shared service. . The City has recently reduced the number of records in storage by disposing of obsolete records. . The City has already identified individuals from each department who will report to the RMO to keep record keeping updated, disposing records when MU-1 retention dates are up, as well as to be the person to scan and index according to the indexing policy that will be put into place. • . The City will provide funding for the maintenance of the three OnBase licenses at a cost of $380 per year. . The City has budgeted $25,000 per year to maintain scanning the project subject series going forward and to build on the electronic records management system adding new https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives _ Page 10 of 12 departments and records series going forward. . Suzanne Etherington, Archives regional representative, has met with City and County staff several times in the development of this grant application providing technical assistance and support. IVb. Program Maintenance Chemung County is committed to imaging for managing records and find it the best solution in terms of access, safety, security, and use by appropriate personnel. The County utilizes the OnBase imaging system and has dedicated significant funds in the past and committed future funds to enhance the security and backup of the system. The County opened a Records Imaging Center (RIC) which is staffed by two full time County employees with additional support from contract (ARC) employees and DSS work experience and light duty employees as available. The County has dedicated funding to replace hardware when necessary and is adding additional County departments to the OnBase system each year. The County provides the staff for information technology support to the City government and in order to increase efficiencies, migrated files together into one domain and are now sharing virtual servers/storage, and both Microsoft Exchange(email) as well as email archiving software. Together, the municipalities share both a fiber and wireless infrastructure. This existing shared service agreement (see attached agreements and resolutions) will provide for . seamless integration of the City electronic records onto the County servers for ongoing storage. The County is committed to providing added servers as needed and is budgetting for this added expense. The City of Elmira is committed to continuing the conversion of paper records to the electronic format both for convenience of retrieval, records preservation, and retention, and also as a means to move the paper records from their current storage location which is up for sale. Professional Salaries The County will hire a part-time temporary clerk to complete the indexing of the scanned documents. The files will be prepped and scanned by ARC contract employees but indexing requires skills above the level of aptitude of the ARC workers. The part-time clerk will work 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 35 weeks at a rate of $12.14 per hour. Support Staff Salaries The County will hire a part-time temporary clerk to complete the indexing of the scanned documents. The files will be prepped and scanned by ARC contract employees but indexing requires skills above the level of aptitude of the ARC workers. https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 11 of 12 The part-time clerk will work 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 35 weeks at a rate of $12.14 • per hour. Equipment The County will need to purchase additional server space for our HP Left Hand Network redundant SAN to accomodate the City's scanned records. Based on the number of pages estimated (625,000) at the rate of 1.5 megabyte per page, would require 937,500 MB which is just under ITB (terabyte). The County can only purchase server space in the amount of 4TB at a time at $40,000 (meaning ITB = $10,000). The County is therefore requesting funds in the amount of $9,999 from this grant to offset that cost. The County is committed to the $30,000 to purchase the actual SAN device. The County will purchase two i1440 Kodak production scanners from Image Integrators, LLC for scanning of the City records. The County will install one scanner at the RIC to complete the project and one scanner will be installed in City Hall main copy room so City staff can scan records going forward. Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Southern Tier Industries (ARC) will prep and scan the City records through a contract. The County has had a contract with ARC for many years for the purpose of scanning records. This grant will allow for two additional workers to be hired to complete the project. It is projected it will take 2 staff members 35 weeks to complete the prepping and scanning of the documents working 32.5 hours per week with assistance from County personnel. A different division of Southern Tier Industries (ARC) will perform the destruction (shredding) of the records after the scanning, indexing, and quality control have been performed. The County will secure permission from the City to destroy these files. ARC is a preferred vendor for this service. Purchased Services - BOCES Supplies and Materials The County will purchase two KOFAX from Image Integrators. The KOFAX is required software for each production scanner. The County will purchase 2 Fujitsu fi-6130 kiosk scanner from CDW which will be installed in the Elmira Police Department and the City Assessor's office so they can continue scanning new records going forward. The County will purchase 2 HP computers and Microsoft Office ProPlus software which is https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives _ Page 12 of 12 required for each production scanner. The production scanners will be installed in the RIC and in the City Hall copy room. Continuum Systems will provide OnBase Production Document Imaging Licensing for 2 KODAK Production scanners and 2 Fujitsu kiosk scanner. Continuum will install ONBASE software and registration on all four scanners. Travel Employee Benefits Chemung County's fringe benefit package for a part time employee is 26.66% of the employee's salary and includes FICA, Medicare, NYS Retirement, Disability, Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance. Final Project Narrative • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 1 of 3 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) i Project Budget Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung - Professional Staff Expenses Support Staff Expenses Name Position/Title Rate of Pay Hours Worked New Hire Clerk $12.14 700.0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $8,498 $0 $0 $0 Support Staff Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $8,498 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Expenses Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor HP Left Hand 1 Network $9,999.00 HP redundant SAN Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $9,999 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 0440 KODAK 2 Production $6,495.00 Image Integrators, Scanners LLC Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $12,990 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $22,989 $0 $0 $0 Minor Remodeling • Purchased Services Expenses https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of 3. Service Type Service Provider/Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost Document Southern Tier Industries (ARC) 250 cubic ft. = 5884 pounds of paper Shredding X.10 cents Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $588 $0 $0 $0 Service Type Service Provider/Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost Document Prep Southern Tier Industries 2 staff X 32.5 hours/week X 35 weeks and Scan Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $19,338 $0 $0 $0 Purchased Service Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $19,926 $0 $0 $0 Purchased BOCES Services Expenses Supplies, Materials Expenses Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 2 VRS 4.X PRO $1,495.00 Image Integrator, USB KOFAX LLC Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $2,990 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 2 Fujitsu fi-6130 $925.00 CDW kiosk scanner Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $1,850 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor HP Compaq 8200 2 EliteComputers $870.00 HP - NYS with speakers and Contract monitors Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $1,740 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor 2 Microsoft Office $318.00 Dell - NYS ProPlus Contract Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved • $0 $636 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 3 of 3 OnBase . Production Continuum 4 Document $2,000.00 Systems Licensing DIIPW@ Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $8,000 $0 $0 $0 Quantity Description Unit Price Vendor OnBase Software Continuum 4 Installation and $175.00 Systems Registration Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $700 $0 $0 $0 Supplies, Materials Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $15,916 $0 $0 $0 Travel Expenses Employee Benefit Expenses Name Benefits Percentage New Hire 0.27 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee Benefits Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Grand Total Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $67,329 $0 $0 $0 • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Vendor Quote Form Page. I of 1 • Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Vendor Quote Form Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung - • • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=vq 3/28/2012 Imaging Microfilming Form Page 1 of 1 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Imaging Microfilming Form Project Number 0580 -13 -3998 Institution County Of Chemung - Imaging/Microfilming Form Activities Imaging Microfilming Paper documents to digital image: true Paper documents to microfilm: false Microfilm images to digital image: false Digital images to microfilm: false Digital documents to digital image: false Records Description Name of records series: Assessor's Office Retention period (years): Permanent Property Record Cards Date range of records: 1939-1992 Records schedule (name and item num): MU-1 Total number of images: 150,000 Format of use copies Diazo or vesicular film: false Digital images: true Characteristics Electronic data: - Document size: 7.5 X10 sheets of paper • Paper type: Card Stock Paper condition: 30% deteriorating Imprint: none Paper color: white Fasteners: staples Frequency of fasteners: frequent https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=im 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form Page 1 of 2 The University of the State of New York PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR A • THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FEDERAL OR STATE PROJECT (see instructions for mailing address) FS-20 (02/07) Project Number: 0580 -13 -3998 Funding Source: Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Report Prepared By: Karen Miner Name of Applicant: County Of Chemung Mailing Address: 203 Lake St City, State: Elmira NY 14902 0588 Telephone#: County: Chemung E-Mail Address: kminer@co.chemung.ny.us Project Funding Dates: Start 7/1/12 End 6/30/13 INSTRUCTIONS Submit the original FS-20 Budget Summary, and 3 copies, all with signatures in blue ink, along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as • indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. DO NOT submit this form to the Grants Finance. Please submit the FS-20 Budget Summary as a two page form (not back-to-back on a single sheet). Enter whole dollar amounts only. The amounts must agree with the budget category totals from each Budget Category and Narrative Form. For changes in agency or payee address contact the State Education Department office indicated on the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. An approved copy of the FS-20 Budget Summary will be returned to the contact person noted above. A window envelope will be used; please make sure that the contact information is accurate, legible and confined to the address field. For information on budgeting, including 2005-06 REVISED guidelines for equipment and supplies, refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants at www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/. • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFormServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form Page 2 of 2 BUDGET SUMMARY CATEGORIES CODE PROJECT Agency Code 070600640076 COSTS Project # 0580 -13 -3998 Professional Salaries 15 $0.00 Contract # Support Staff Salaries 16 $8,498.00 Agency Name County Of Chemung Purchased Services 40 $19,926.00 Supplies and 45 $15,916.00 Materials For Department Use Only Travel Expenses 46 $0.00 Approved 7/1/ 12 6/30/13 Employee Benefits 80 $0.00 Funding Dates: BOCES Services 49 $0.00 Minor Remodeling 30 $0.00 From To Equipment 20 $22,989.00 Program Approval: - Grand Total $67,329.00 Date: - - CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION Fiscal Year First Payment Line# I hereby certify that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project and that this agency is in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Date Signature Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer - Thomas J Santulli, County Executive Voucher# First Payment Finance: Log: Approved: MIR: • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFormServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 • INTERbiUNICIPAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 13 day of /V 2008 by and between the CITY OF ELtMIRA, NEW YORK, a New York municipal corporation with its principal office at 317 East Church Street, Elmira, New York 14901 ("City") and the COUNTY OF CHEMUNG, NEW YORK, a municipal corporation with its principal office at 203 Lake Street, Elmira, New York 14901 ("County"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Legislature and the Governor of the State of New York have proposed initiatives "to improve the efficiency of local governments" by means of intermunicipai shared services agreements; and • WHEREAS, the City and the County heretofore have engaged in discussions pertaining to the implementation of shared services to achieve the mutual goals of streamlining municipal structure and operations, and "reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness" of municipal operations ('goals'); and WHEREAS, by reason of such discussions the City and the County have entered into a "Proposed Shared Services Agreement" dated . 2008 (PSSA) in which the parties have identified those shared services initiatives which can be implemented immediately to achieve one or more of the desired "goals" and those initiatives requiring continued analysis and evaluation as to their feasibility of achieving one or more of the "goals'; and j WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to enter into an intermunicipal agreement setting forth each party's rights and responsibilities regarding the agreed upon services; and • • WHEREAS, General Municipal Law Section 119-o authorizes municipal corporations to enter into an agreement pertaining to shared services; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the County mutually agree as follows: + SECTION I TERM. This Agreement shall become effective on January I, 2008 and shall expire on March 31, 2009. SECTION II A. DESCRIPTION OF INTERMUNICIPAL SERVICES (hereinafter "Services) 1. Public Services Director. The City, by and through its Director of Public Services, in addition to his/her City responsibilities, shall provide supervisory services to the County's highway department by also serving as the Chemung County Commissioner of Public Works. Said Services are more • particularly described in Schedule "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Information Technology. The City, by and through its Information Technology Specialist (effective January 1, 2008 to be known as "Internet Systems Administrator"), in addition to his/her City responsibilities, shall provide information technology services to the County. Additionally, the County will make available and provide to the City the services available through the County's information technology department. The City services and County services are more particularly described in Schedule "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Tax Collection. The County, at its expense except as hereinafter provided, shall provide to the City all services necessary for the collection and accounting of all calendar year 2008 city taxes, assessments, user fees, and abatement charges (hereinafter collective "City Taxes"), and interest • • and penalties. Said tax collection services are more particularly described in Schedule "C, attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. CITY AND COUNTY FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS 1. In consideration for the Streets/Highway Services provided by the city pursuant to subparagraph A(I) hereinabove, the County shall pay to the City on the first day of each month, in advance, the sum of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Three and 00/100ths Dollars ($8,333.00). 2. In consideration for the mutual sharing of the Information Technology Services pursuant to subparagraph A(2) hereinabove, the City and County each shall be responsible for its costs in providing such Service. 3. (a) On the fifteenth day of each month in calendar year 2008 (and in each calendar year thereafter if this tax collection service is extended), the County shall pay to the City or the City shall pay to the County an amount (which amount may be zero) computed as follows: The total amount of City Taxes collected on the current year tax levy since the fifteenth (lay of the immediately preceding month shall be subtracted from the monthly remittance amount pursuant to the Remittance Schedule marked Schedule C-1, attached hereto, and if the net amount (the remainder) is greater than zero, then the County will pay the net amount to the City ("County Advance"); or, if the net amount (the remainder) is less than zero (referred to as "Surplus"), then the City shall pay to the County the lesser of the ao°regggate of actual unreimbursed County Advance payments made to the City through the cut7entmonth or the amount of the Surplus. If there remains a Surplus after payment to the County, the remaining Surplus will be applied against future monthly County Advance payments to be made by the County to the City. Attached hereto, marked Schedule C-2, is a hypothetical chart illustrating the calculation. • (b) The City shall reimburse the County for the following tax collection expenses and lost opportunity cost: (1) all expenses incurred by the County in obtaining revenue anticipation note (RAN) (including interest on the RAN but excluding RAN principal) to fulfill the County's obligation pursuant to Section II (13)(3)(a) of this Agreement; (2) expenses incurred by the County with any third party provider(s) rendering collection services; (3) tax bill printing and mailing expenses; and (4) lost investment income (lost opportunity cost). Lost investment income shall be defined as the investment income the County would have earned by investing the 'net amount' (defined below) rather than advancing to the City the amounts calculated pursuant to subparagraph (a) above of this subdivision. 'Net amount' shall mean at any time the aggregate amount of Advance Payments made by the County to the City less the aggregate principal amount of RAN issued by the County to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement and less the total amount of County Advance payments reimbursed by the City to the County pursuant to this Agreement. The interest rate to be used in calculating 'lost investment income' shall be the rate designated as the last competitive bid rate received by the County. The County will invoice the City for "Lost Investment Income" on a quarterly basis and the City shall pay the County said income by separate check. (c) In the event the County issues a RAN, the City shall pay the County all accrued interest and other expenses related to the procurement of the RAN (excluding RAN principal) no later than fifteen calendar days immediately preceding the RAN due date. (d) On April 1st in the year immediately subsequent to the calendar year in which the annual tax levy was collected by the County, the City shall pay to the County the total of all City Taxes attributable to the immediately preceding year's tax levy which were collected in the first three months of the then current year. 4. The parties heretofore entered into an Agreement originally dated March 26, 2006 • • (referred to as the Tax Foreclosure Agreement) which has been extended through December 31, 2007. The City and County agree to extend such Agreement so that its Term ruts concurrently with the Term of this Agreement; provided however, since the City will be paid the entire tax levy, assessments, user fees and abatement charges in prescribed monthly payments, the payment of unpaid City Taxes after March 31st by the County, in accordance with the Tax Foreclosure Agreement, will not be necessary. SECTION III COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS The City and the County each shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local statutes, rules and regulations in providing the Services and fulfilling each party's respective obligations under this Agreement. In the event that the federal or state governments or departments thereof issue new or revised regulations or requirements pertaining to any or all of the Services, then each party promptly shall notify the other of the revisions or changes and each party shall comply therewith. SECTION IV RECORDS RETENTION AND ACCESS The City and the County agree to retain all books, records and other documents pertinent to the Services rendered in accordance with federal and state law. At all times during the tern of this Agreement, each party shall have access to any and all records pertaining to the Services rendered by each party and upon request, each party promptly shall provide copies of records and materials to the requesting party. SECTION V NONDISCRIMINATION The City and the County each shall comply with all applicable ndes and regulations • • regarding nondiscrimination regarding the Services performed under this Agreement. In compliance with federal and New York State laws, no party shall discriminate because of age, race, creed, sex, color, disability, natural origin, marital status, blindness, sexual preference, military status, employment, source of payment or retaliation in the performance of this Agreement. SECTION VI INDEMNIFICATION The City indemnifies and holds harmless the County, its legislators, officers, and employees from any and all claims, judgments, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising as a result of the negligence or intentional conduct of the City, its employees, agents and representatives in performing its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. The County indemnifies and holds harmless the City, its council members, officers, and . employees from any and all claims, judgments, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising as a result of the negligence or intentional conduct of the County, its employees, agents and representatives in performing its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. SECTION VII EVALUATION/DISCONTINUANCE No later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement, the parties agree to evaluate the effectiveness of each of the Services set forth in Section II above. If the parties mutually agree that the County will continue to provide the particular Service after the expiration date of this Agreement, the parties agree that such continuation shall be deemed to be an automatic extension of the Agreement with respect to such Service(s) and the City will then abolish the City position(s) which rendered the Service pursuant to this Agreement and thereafter • • the County will provide the Service to the City without further charge or cost to the City except the City shall continue to reimburse the County for the expenses set forth in either the PSSA or this Agreement. If either party does not agree that the County will provide one or more of the Services, then with respect to such Service(s) this Agreement shall expire on its expiration date. If the parties agree that the County will provide one or more of the Services following expiration of the initial Term of this Agreement, thereafter the City and the County each shall have the right to terminate the intermunicipal Service upon not less than three (3) years prior written notice to the other party (Separation Period). During the Separation Period (i) the County shall not discontinue nor reduce the level of Service(s) being provided to the City immediately prior to the issuance of the written termination notice, and (ii) the County will timely deliver to the City all records and documents (including but not limited to electronic files and source codes, if permitted by law) pertaining to the Service(s). Each party shall be solely responsible for costs it incurs in fulfilling its responsibilities in affecting the termination in addition to its costs incurred in rendering the Service(s) during the Separation Period. SECTION VIII EMPLOYEE IMPACT A. If the parties agree that the County shall provide the Service(s) described in Section 11 (A)(1) and (A)(2) after the expiration of the Initial Term of this Agreement, the parties agree that the City's then Director of Public Services, and the then Internet Systems Administrator shall become employees of the County at salaries not less than the salaries paid to each of them by the City as of the date of expiration of the Initial Term, conditioned that such salaries did not increase without County approval, except for general wage increases during the Initial Term. The County's date of hire of these individuals will be the day immediately following the expiration date of the Initial Term, and all other benefits shall be consistent with County bargaining • • agreements and/or rules. The County agrees to credit each new employee with the number of sick, vacation and personal days (Types of Leave) which the employee had accrued but were unused as of the date of termination of City employment. If the City employee's number of accrued, unused sick, vacation and personal days exceeds the maximum number of days for each Type of Leave permitted to be accrued and carried over by the County, the County agrees to credit the employee with said maximum number. The City agrees that it shall pay the employee upon his/her termination from City employment for the employee's accrued, unused sick, vacation and personal days in excess of the maximum number credited to the employee by the County; provided however, in no event shall the total of the number of days credited by the County and the number of excess days paid by the City for each Type of Leave exceed the maximum number of days the employee would have been entitled to be paid for each Type of Leave had the person not become a County employee upon abolishment of the City position. The City further agrees that any City employee who becomes a County employee under the terms of this agreement who separates from County service during the five (5) year period immediately after such employment shall have any transferred accrued Type of Leave paid for consistent with County bargaining agreements or rules. While employed by the County, any Type of Leave taken by the employee shall be charged first against the transferred accrued Type of Leave until exhaustion thereof and then against the Type of Leave actually earned and accrued while a County employee. If at the time of separation from the County the employee has remaining a balance of Type of Leave accrued as a City employee and transferred to the County, then the City shall pay to the County all or a portion of any such Type of Leave: 100% for the first year after the initial date of County employment with such payment decreasing by 20% each year thereafter until such time as there is no City payment obligation. The parties agree that for each City employee who becomes a County employee by reason of this Agreement, the County will is !It recognize both the City employee's years of City service and said employee's years of County service when determining the employee's eligibility for retirement benefits under any County provided plan or practice. SECTION IX COOPERATION The City and County recognize that in the performance of this Agreement, the greatest benefits will be derived by promoting the interest of both parties, and each of the parties does, therefore, enter into this Agreement with the intention of loyally cooperating with the other in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to interpret its provisions insofar as it may legally do, in such manner as will promote the interests of both and render the highest service to the public and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. • SECTION X GENERAL PROVISIONS This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. All items incorporated by reference are to be attached. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. SECTION XI VALIDITY If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall, to any extent he held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected. • SECTION X11 NOTICES All notices under this Agreement, including any notice pursuant to Section VIl hereinabove, shall be in writing and shall be either personally served upon or mailed by certified mail, return receipt to: For the City: City Manager 317 East Church Street Elmira, New York 14901 For the County: County Executive 203 Lake Street Elmira, New York 14901 SECTION XIII HEADINGS The paragraph headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience and reference only and shall not be used in any way to interpret this Agreement. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the date herein written. Dated: 3-/3 -e8 CITY OF ELMIRA, NEW YORK B ~¢ei JOH S.TONELLO ayor (Resolution No.JG11~41) Dated: , p l COUNTY OF CHEMUNG, NEW YORK 13y fItUMAS . SANT I-LI Chemung ounty Executive (Resolution No. 07-555 MIN SCHEDULE "A" Service Responsibilities The combination of the Public Works Department of the City of Elmira and Chemung County will provide senior level managerial and technical responsibility for the overall operation of both departments. This includes the planning, directing supervision, and coordination of all programs relative to providing highway and street services for both the City of Elmira and Chemung County. The work performed will be in accordance with general policy, regulation and oversight of appropriate State and Federal agencies and direction of the city and the county. Review and coordinate public works services with both municipal governments; Lead and direct evaluation of the public works systems; • Recommend the purchase of materials, equipment and services necessary to provide public works services; • Research and develop organizational policies; Establish, coordinate and maintain schedules, priorities and controls for public services projects Integrate and coordinate public works systems with other municipal departments and agencies; • Maintain liaison with, and provide technical assistance and advice to other public works departments to provide common services; • Recommend policies and regulations for providing public works services; Develop and administer budget for providing combined public works services; • Advise administration and appropriate governing boards on matters relative to public works; Evaluate and recommend needs for department staffing, contractual agreements, training and development, etc. • Evaluate and recommend needs for department equipment, contractual purchases, service agreements, maintenance management plans, etc; . Evaluate and recommend needs for department infrastructure, including inventory, condition assessment, development of life cycle plans and resource strategies, etc. The combined organization will organize around the existing filled and unfilled positions at each highway department. The senior level of management at the City will become the overall management of the newly formed organization. Through the new Director of Public Works and a combination of filled and unfilled positions, a management team will be created providing the necessary structure to provide management direction at the City and County level. A similar strategy will provide for administrative and technical services to both groups. Specific Service Goals New City/County partnership become an active partner and catalyst for advancing intermunicipal service agreement with towns and villages Provide well established services between the two organizations traffic signals, signs, bridge and structure maintenance, equipment maintenance, management, administrative services, specialized equipment, engineering services. Develop inventory and condition assessment of infrastructure elements to provide strategy for effective delivery of public works services. _ Create specific countywide initiations in engineering, administrative, equipment management, purchasing and planning in support of more effective services through the inter-municipal agreement. Investigate and evaluate current practices in delivery of services, make and initiate recommendations for integration of resources to provide one stop services- minimizing overlap and duplication. Develop the organization chart to reflect the integrated delivery of services. • SCHEDULE"B" Service Responsibilities Acts as a senior level managerial and technical position with the responsibility for overall operation of the information technology departments for both City of Elmira and Chemung County. This includes planning, directing and coordinating the use of a variety of computer platforms, software applications, wide and local area networks and telecommunications to remote sites. This position may oversee the design, specifications, purchase, lease and operations of all telecommunication systems. Work is performed in accordance with general policy allowing independent judgment in planning and implementing information technology • Reviews and coordinates all information technology systems with both municipal governments.; • Leads and directs evaluation of various information technology systems; • Recommends purchase of major systems (hardware and software) to meet the needs of users; • Researches and develops organizational policies; • Establishes, coordinates and maintains schedules and priorities and controls for information technology projects; • Integrates and coordinated information technology systems in municipal departments and agencies; • Maintains liaison with and provides technical assistance and advice to department heads in the identification, modification and development of information technology systems; • Recommends policies and regulations for computer purchases, use and applications; • Develops and administers departmental budget; • Advises administration and governing boards on changes in technology; • Evaluates and recommends needs of department for staffing, contractual purchases and oversees departmental managers in carrying out the mission of the organizations • In addition to senior level management the County will provide access to the entire Information Technology staff. This will include Local Area Network Administrator, Network Technology Specialist, Programmer, Analyst and other staff resources. The County will provide and/or recommend all necessary resources for the day-to-day operations of the data center and future technology projects. The City agrees to maintain the positions of Internet System Administrator and Network Administrator. These positions will be funded by the City and will remain City positions during the trial period. Service Goals Goals Weekly IT staff meeting Identify projects that could be helped by merger. Leverage personnel/equipment and other resources (Internet? Training facilities? DNS servers? Etc.) Identify strengths and weakness in both staffs and make recommendations Review combined backup/disaster recovery solutions Review VOIP implementation to better utilize redundancy and backup with each other Review and recommend relocation of City data center rake advantage of County training center Review on call procedures and make recommendations Long Range Goals Review major systems and come up with recommendations Network/Monitoring system Payro]VHR Systems Financial Systems Help desk system GIs ECM (electronic content management systems) Imaging E-mail Use each other as Backup sites for Disaster Recovery • SCHEDULE"C" TAX COLLECTION SERVICES The County will provide all services for the collection and accounting of all city taxes, assessments, user fees, and abatement charges, (collectively "City Taxes") and penalties and interest. The County and City agree that the County may contract with Chemung Canal Trust Company or a third party approved by the City, to provide these services; provided the County, in advance, notifies the City of the identity of the third party, other than Chemung Canal Trust Company, and the City approves such entity. The County or any third party collecting the taxes shall deposit, on a daily basis, all monies collected into bank account(s) designated and owned by the City. The parties agree that under no circumstances shall the tax monies be commingled with any County or third party monies. The County agrees to provide the City with reports on a daily bases setting forth at a minimum the date of payment, the amount paid, the tax map parcel number to which the payment was applied, and the total daily deposit with documentation evidencing the deposit. • SCHEDULE "C-1" REMITTANCE SCHEDULE PERCENTAGE OF TAY LEVY TO BE DISTRIBUTED January 08 5% February 10% March 10% April 10% May 10% June 10% July 10% August 10% September 10% October 5% November 5% December 5% • TOTAL 100.00% Pa menu made rior to the a roval of the tax levth w ill be based on the rior ear tax le Variances will be ad'usted in the first a tent after e a royal of the tax levy. • Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Ju C-1 Payment 500,000 500,000 1,000,00 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,00,000 1; 00,000 u 00,000 y1 000,400 O1 000,000 N 500,00 D 50,000 TOTAL 0 000,00 Tax Collected X0,000 50,006 -50,000 -50;000 -4,500,000. -500,000 -150,000 -50,000 -4,00,000 -500,00 -50,000 -50,000 -10,000,00 County Advance 450,000 450,00 950,000 950,00 0 0 650,000 950,000 0 p p 0 Net Surplus 821 450,000 900,00 1,850,00 2,800,00 -70,000 -200,0()o 650,000 1,606,00 -1,400,00 -900,000 -450,000 0 Net Surplus Balance: Positive Balance Is $ advanced by County and due to County out of future tall collections Negative Balance is $ collected by City over scheduled C-1 Payment: Balance carried forward to next month to determine amount of County advance n x d r~ m i N i • RESOLUTION NO. 07-555 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INTER-MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ELMIRA (public works, information technology, tax collection) By: ,Milliken Seconded by: Gunderman WHEREAS, the County Executive has requested that the County of Chemung enter into an inter-municipal agreement with the City of administrative services for the operation of the Count Elmira (the "City") to share consolidate the functions of the information technology departments of the City and the County, and to consolidate the collection of real Count Property taxes by the City and the y during the period January 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, the County of Chemun g will pay to the City $125,000 to provide Public Works administrative services to the County during the fifteen month contract term; and WHEREAS, the City will reimburse the County for the personnel costs (salary and fringe benefits) for the one information technology employee presently employed by the City who will become an employee of the County; and WHEREAS, the City will pay to the County any interest cost incurred by the County, any interest income lost by the County, and any out of pocket expenses incurred by the County in connection with the County's collecting the City's taxes and remitting the same to the City; and WHEREAS, all City tax payments collected b paid over to the y the County will subsequently be pity according to a schedule to be established by the County Treasurer and • • WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has approved the aforementioned agreement upon recommendation of the County Executive; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an inter-municipal agreement with the City incorporating the terms an conditions set forth in the Preamble to this Resolution for a term beginning January 1, 2008 and ending March 31, 2009; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the inter-municipal agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the inter-municipal agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or any of the essential terms and conditions thereof amended or modified without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF CHEMUNG) SS: THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that 1 the undersigned Clerk of the Chemung County Legislature, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in my office, and which was passed by the Chemung County Legislature on the loth day of December 2007, a majority of all the members elected to the Legislature voting in favor thereof, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the Chemung County Legislature this 12th day of December 2007. Linda D. almer,Clerk Chemung County Legislature • December 26, 2007 RESOLUTION NO. 2007. (L'q RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INTER-rVIUNICIPAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF CHEMUNG (public works, information technology, tax collection) By: MAYOR TONELW WHEREAS, the State of New York has instituted a program encouraging municipalities to jointly review the operations of local government with the goal of reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness of local governmental services; and WHEREAS, the City of Elmira ("City") and the County of Chemung (`County") have a history of collaboration by and through multi intermunicipal agreements; and WHEREAS, after extensive discussions, the City and County have identified the following shared services initiatives which can be implemented immediately: the City's provision of supervisory services to the County's highway department; mutual shared information technology services; and the County's provision of all services necessary for the collection of City real property taxes; and WIIEREAS, to implement these initiatives, the City and County desire to enter into an intermunicipal agreement ("Agreement"), which Agreement provides: (r) that the initial term will be from January 1, 2005 through March 31, 20pq with the right to extend the term for any or till of the Services upon mutual agreement of the parties; 00 that the City, by and through its Director of Public Services, shall provide supervisory services to the County's highway department and in consideration for such services, the County will Pay to the City the hunt of • one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000.00) during the initial fifteen month term; (iii) that the City and the County, at no additional cost to either, shall have the right to utilize the information technology services of the other; (iv) that the County will provide to the City all services necessary for the collection of City real estate taxes with the City reimbursing the County for out of pocket expenses incurred by the County to render this particular service and the County will make monthly "advance payments" to the City of the City's tax levy in amounts set forth in the agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Elmira hereby does approve the intermunicipal agreement ("Agreement") between the City and the County of Chemung; and be it further RESOLVED that the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement subject to its review and approval by the Corporation Counsel. ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYES NAYS X Councilmember Bailey X Councilmember Skidmore ABSENT Councilmember Hare g Councilmember Hitchcock v Councilmember Corsi 1, PRISCILLA A. ROBERTS, duly appointed and Deputy City Clerk for the City of Elmira, New York do hereby certify that the attached is a true and exact copy of a Resolution passed and approved by the City Council on the 26`h Day of Decembe;27. 11 SFAL PRT.SCILL,I:I. ROBERT'S DEPUTY C71Y CLERK ,t GREE.UE,VT T11/SAGREEAfFiVT is entered into this QT Y of May, 2009 by and between CITY OFELJ1IRA, a municipal corporation with its principal office at 317 East Church Street, Elmira, NY 14901 ("City") and AUG 062009 COU,VTYOFCHE,IIUNG, a municipal corporation ~gitih its its principal office at 203 Lake Street, Elmira, NY 14901 ("County"), {YITNESSETFI: WHEREAS, the Citv and the County heretofore entered into an Intermunicipal Agreement dated March 13, 2008 (-IA") and a Proposed Shared Services Agreement 0 dated April 14, 2008 (`PSSA") in which the City and the County agreed to share information technology services ("IT Services"); and FVHERE,4S, the Agreements further provided that prior to April I, 2009, the City and the County would evaluate the effectiveness of the shared IT Services and, if mutually acceptable, the City's Internet Systems Administrator would become an employee of the County in accordance with the terms set forth in the [A and PSSA; and WHEREAS, the City and County have undertaken and completed their mutual evaluation of the shared if Services and each desires to proceed with the consolidation as provided 6or in the Agreements: and IYHERE, IS, the City and the County desire to set forth and specity their mutual undcrstandino as to certain facets ofthe combined If Services: NOW, TIIEREFORE. the Cite and County ,twee as 661 lows: • 1. IT Fquipment Purchases. Prior to the purchase of any IT equipment which will be shared by the parties and which has a cost of more than Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00), the City and the County must each approve the proposed purchase and mutually agree on an allocation of the purchase price between the City and the County. 2. Personnel. The City's Internet Systems Administrator ("ISA") shall become an employee of the County on June 1, 2009 and the County shall charge the City pursuant to the terms set forth in subdivision `2' of Section II of the PSSA. For any Countv benefit now or hereafter in effect, which benefit is based wholly or partly on longevity, the County agrees to recognize and credit the ISA's years of City service together with the ISA's years of County service. In the event the City should request the County to hire additional IT personnel, the County will have no obligation to hire such person(s) unless and until the City agrees to pay the County an agreed upon charge for such person(s). Except as expressly agreed otherwise, the County retains all rights as employer of IT personnel to make all personnel decisions. 3. Quality Control. The City and County acknowledge and agree that there should be no difference in the type, manner and quality of the services provided by the County IT Department to the City and the County. Accordingly, the County represents and agrees that the service level provided to the City at all times shall be equal to that provided to the County. • 4. C'orofty Technology Committee. To maintain and enhance the provision of combined IT Services, it is important that the County be informed of the City's IT needs, and that the City be informed of the County's IT plans, and that the City be provided the opportunity to actively participate in matters impacting the City financially. To accomplish this objective, the County agrees that the City shall have two (2) voting members on the County's Technology Committee; said members to be designated by the City's City Manager. 5. Selection of Cou"ty IT Deportment Director. Upon a vacancy in the position of County Director of the IT Department, prior to its hiring, the County agrees to disclose to the City the names and resumes of all applicants seeking to till the vacancy and to consult with the City regarding the appointment of the Director. The County shall consider the input of the City in the selection process, but all hiring and personnel decisions remain with the County. 6. Remnnerotiom Except as expressly agreed otherwise, the City shall not be obligated to pay for services provided by the County IT Department under this Intermunicipal Agreement. 7. Cooperation. 'I lie City and County recognize that the greatest benefits of the i r services consolidation will be derived by promoting the best interest of both parties and each of the parties enter into this consolidation with the intention of cooperating with the other in carrying out this consolidation and each part. agrees to act in .uch a manner that will promote the interests of the City and the County in renderin- the highest serice to the parties. I • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the date herein written. CITY OF ELMIRA Dried. AKay 14, 2009 Ry J ltn S. Tonello, Mayor Resolution No. 2009-189 COUNTY OF CHEMUNG Dated: l41ay,j20 09 By d ` homes . Santulli County 1r.reculive Resolution No. 09- RESOLUTION NO. 09-213 RESOLUTION AUTEIORIZ,ING INTER-MUNICIPAL AGREEivIENT WITH "fHE CITY OF ELNtRA FOR SHARED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES By: Milliken Seconded by: Gunderman WHEREAS, the Chemung County Executive has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the City of Elmira to merge information technology services; and WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Budget Committee have recommended that the C'hemung County Legislature approve this inter-municipal agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the City of Elmira for shared information technology services, the terms and conditions of that agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the City of Elmira's Internet Systems Administrator shall become an employee of the County of Chemung effective June 1, 2009 and the city of Elmira shall reimburse the County of Chemung for the cost of that employee pursuant to Section If (2) of a Proposed Shared Services Agreement dated April ld, 2003 by and between the City of Elmira and the Cotmty of Chenwng; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed or the initial term thereof extended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature. RESOLUTION NO. 09-213 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Requested by: Chemung County Executive Purpose: to amend agreement Approved by: Budget Committee, May 4, 2009 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF CIEMUNG) SS: THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that I the undersigned Clerk of the Chemung County Legislature, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in my office, and which was passed by the Chemung County Legislature on the I Ith day of May 2009, a majority of all the members elected to the Legislature voting in favor thereof, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the Chemung County Legislature this 13th day of May 2009. (.ice Linda D. Palmer. Clerk Chemung County Legislature • • LGRMIF Grant Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution: County Of Chemung Project Number: 0580 -13 -3998 I hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application. All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are, or will be, made available for on-site examination. Participating Local Government Institution: Date: Side Chief Administrative Officer Print Name: ~C tSCC v _ ~ IN-a JJs-. Instructions The Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project. Then scan the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an attachment. Please use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agreement" as the description for your attachment. *For applicants who do not have access to a scanner, please fax the document to (518) 486- 1647 or mail it to: i 6 E New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 } i E I 4 l Y 5~ r~w~ t ~~ti~tim E PROPOSVD SHARED SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of _ Apr-i 1 2008 by and between THE CITY OF ELMIRA, NEW YORK, a municipal corporation with its principal office at 317 East Church Street, Elmira, New York 14901, and THE COUNTY OF CHEMUNG, NEW YORK, a municipal corporation with its principal office at 203 Lake Street, Elmira, New York 14901. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the State of New York initiated The Shared Municipal Services Incentive (SMSI) Grant Program in 2005 by allocating $2.75 million "to improve the efficiency of local governments through cooperation, consolidation, dissolution or merger", • and WHEREAS, in April 2007, the Governor of the State of New York, by Executive Order 11, established The Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness and directed the Commission to "conduct a review and analysis of New York's local government structure and operations" and to make recommendations for "...(a) strengthening and streamlining the structure and operation of local governments; (b) reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness of local government operations and services; (c) facilitating the merger, consolidation and partnering in the delivery of services and between local governments; (and) promoting and facilitating regional government and the regionalized delivery of public services..." (hereinafter "Goals"), and WHEREAS, the State has pledged to work with interested communities by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial incentives to help promote and facilitate • cooperative agreements between units of government, and 1 d • WHEREAS, the City of Elmira and County of Chemung have a history of collaboration by means of intermunicipal agreements which have saved taxpayer dollars while maintaining the same quality of service, and WHEREAS, the City and the County are desirous of pursuing the "Goals" hereinabove set forth and towards that objective representatives of the parties have been meeting to consider the options and means for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of City and County governments, and WHEREAS, as a result of said meetings, the parties have identified certain administrative support and public services categories which potentially are conducive to a collaborative effort through intermunicipal agreements and which may eventually result in the merger or consolidation of such services, and • WHEREAS, the nature of administrative support services renders these services more conducive to immediate implementation while the nature of certain types of public services, especially the uniform services, requires a more detailed analysis as to the nature and feasibility of cooperative or consolidated services, and WHEREAS, in recognizing and acknowledging that the initiatives set forth herein affect current employees, the City and the County are committed to minimizing any negative impact on their employees, and WHEREAS, while the City and the County each enter into this Agreement with a good faith commitment to succeed in attaining one or more of the "Goals", the parties believe that it is prudent to identify the strategy to be implemented in the event of termination of this Agreement and any related intermunicipal agreements without merger or consolidation, • 2 r • NOW, THEREFORE, the City and County mutually agree as follows: r SECTION 1 PROJECT/PLAN. The parties have identified governmental service categories hereinafter set forth that are amenable to the initiative of "shared services" and eventually to merger or consolidation. The timing of the implementation of intermunicipal agreements regarding these different service categories varies with the nature of the specific service. Accordingly, the parties have classified the various initiatives as "Immediate", "Short Term", and "Long Term". SECTION 11 IMMEDIATE INITIATIVES. These initiatives focus on the elimination of duplicative • services thereby 'streamlining government', increasing municipal efficiency, reducing costs and improving the effectiveness of government. The parties agree that the sharing of the following services can be implemented at the present time without further analysis: 1. Streets/Highways. The parties agree that the City, by and through its Director of Public Services in addition to his City responsibilities, shall undertake and provide supervision of the County's highway department by also serving as the Chemung County Commissioner of Public Works. The parties further agree that no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of fifteen months immediately following the implementation of this arrangement (Transition Period), they will make a final evaluation of the effectiveness of this shared service and if mutually determined to be successful, the City's Director of Public Services, shall become an employee of the County with the Director continuing thereafter to provide all supervision services for the City's public works • department without further charge or cost to the City. 3 In consideration for the services provided to the County by the City's Director of • Public Services, the County shall pay to the City, on the first day of each month of the Transition Period, in advance, the sum of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-three and no/100ths Dollars ($8,333.00). 2. Information Technology. The parties acknowledge that the City's information technology specialist (to be known as Internet Systems Administrator effective 1/1/2008) possesses certain knowledge and skills which the County desires to obtain and that the County's informational technology staff can provide services to augment the City's need for informational services. Therefore, for the first fifteen months immediately following commencement of this service (Transition Period), the City agrees that the County may utilize the services of the City's information technology specialist at no cost to the County and the County agrees that the City may utilize the services of the County's • information technology personnel at no cost to the City. No later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Transition Period, the parties agree to evaluate the effectiveness of the shared service and if mutually acceptable, the City's Internet Systems Administrator shall become an employee of the County and the County shall charge the City the equivalent of the administrator's salary and benefits as follows: 100% for the first year after the transition period with such charge decreasing by 20% each year thereafter until such time as there is no charge. The City agrees that it shall not diminish the current monies committed to information technology contractual services during the transition period and that the City and County shall discuss the continuation of this City financial obligation as part of the evaluation of this service during the transition period. 3. Tax Collection. The County agrees to provide to the City, at no cost to 4 i;i • the City except as hereinafter provided, all services necessary for the collection and accounting of all city taxes, assessments and user fees for a period of twelve months from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 and covering the 2008 City property tax collections. The parties agree that during the this period the County will remit to the City, on a monthly basis, a predetermined amount of the City Levy including assessments and user fees in accordance with a "Remittance Schedule" agreed to by the parties. The City agrees to reimburse the County for the following expenses on a quarterly basis: (1) all expenses incurred by the County in obtaining a revenue anticipation note, if necessary, including interest on any RAN; (2) expenses incurred by the County with any third party providers of all or part of said services; (3) expenses incurred by the County in printing and • mailing tax bills; and (4) lost investment income on the funds advanced to the City. No later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Transition period, the parties agree to evaluate the effectiveness of this shared service and if mutually acceptable, the City then will eliminate its tax collector position and thereafter, the County agrees to provide such services in the same manner as in effect during the original Transition Period, subject to reimbursement of expenses by the City, as outlined above. SECTION III SHORT TERM INITIATIVES. The initiatives within this category, as set forth below, offer significant cost savings by the elimination of duplicative services and more efficient use of personnel. However, further analysis of the potential impact of sharing these services with respect to the quality and effectiveness of the service to the public is required. The City and County agree to continue to analyze and evaluate the concept of • shared services for the following initiatives with a final determination to be made no later 5 • than eighteen months from the effective date of this Agreement: Department of Buildings and Grounds, enhanced financial/accounting support services, joint records management/retention services and co-location of City and County Clerks' offices. SECTION IV LONG TERM INITIATIVES. The initiatives within this category offer substantial cost savings. Yet, the parties agree that these initiatives are the most complex given the multiple factors of feasibility, implementation, determination of cost savings, quality and effectiveness of the service, public acceptability and potential conflicts of interest. The City and County agree to engage in substantive discussions and analysis and to mutually request and utilize technical assistance by and through the New York State Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness and other State departments and • agencies regarding the following shared, merged or consolidated service initiatives: fire services, police services, personnel services and legal services. The parties agree that the criteria to be used in analyzing these initiatives shall include, but are not limited to: 1. Potential cost savings; 2. Potential service improvements; 3. Legal feasibility; and 4. Community support. SECTION V EMPLOYEE IMPACT. The parties recognize that the initiatives discussed herein have or will have an impact on certain City employees. The City and County agree that those employees directly impacted by the "Immediate Initiatives" will be offered continued employment by the City or County at a salary or hourly rate not less than the employee's • 6 • City salary or hourly rate in effect immediately prior to becoming a County employee. The City and County agree that salaries of employees impacted by this agreement will not be increased (except for general wages increases) during the transition period unless agreed to by both parties. In addition, the County agrees to recognize the City employee(s)' years of service in determining the employee(s)' eligibility for retirement benefits under any County provided plan or practice. The parties also agree to work cooperatively with respect to issues, if any, involving collective bargaining units and the impact, if any, of the "Taylor Law" when implementing any of the initiatives under this Agreement. SECTION VI • TERMINATION OF INITIATIVE(S). Each shared service intermunicipal agreement between the parties shall contain a "Section" pertaining to the rights and responsibilities of each party upon the expiration of the initial transition period without continuance of the shared service or upon termination of the shared service at any time after expiration of the initial transition period with continuance thereafter. The "Section" shall provide that if the parties have mutually agreed to continue the shared service after the initial transition period, then each party, at any time, shall have the right to terminate the intermunicipal agreement upon prior written notice to the other. In no event shall the effective date of the termination be earlier than three years from the date of the termination notice (Separation Period). During the Separation Period, the parties will work cooperatively to insure an orderly and efficient transition and the party providing the service(s) shall continue to provide service to the date of termination equivalent to that • provided prior to the notice of termination. During and following the Separation Period, the 7 party providing the service(s) will timely deliver to the other party all records and documents (including but not limited to electronic records and source codes if permitted by law) pertaining to the service(s) rendered under the intermunicipal agreement. The monetary obligations of each party to the other party pursuant to the intermunicipai agreement shall remain in full force and effect during the Separation Period. Each party shall be solely responsible for costs it incurs in fulfilling its responsibilities in affecting the termination in excess of its costs incurred pursuant to the intermunicipal agreement. SECTION VII Mutual Cooperation. The City and the County recognize that in the performance of this Agreement, the greatest benefits will be derived by promoting the interest of both parties and each of the parties does, therefore, enter into this Agreement • with the intention of loyally cooperating with the other in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and each party agrees to interpret its provisions insofar as it may legally do, in such manner as will thus promote the interest of both and render the highest service to the public and in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the date set forth for each signature. Dated: ~Eo6 THE CITY OF ELMIRA, NEW YORK By spG John S. Tonello, Its Mayor on No. 2008-96 Dated: APR 9 2008 THE COUNTY OF CHEMUNG, NEW YORK By Thom s J. a t fy Executive • Resolution N 8 • RESOLUTION NO. 07-555 ' k RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INTER-MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ELMIRA (public works, information technology, tax collection) E! By: Milliken Seconded by: Gunderman WHEREAS, the County Executive has requested that the County of Chemung enter into an inter-municipal agreement with the City of Elmira (the "City") to share administrative services for the operation of the County's Department of Public Works, to consolidate the functions of the information technology departments of the City and the County, and to consolidate the collection of real property taxes by the City and the County during the period January 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, the County of Chemung will pay to the City $125,000 to provide Public Works administrative services to the County during the fifteen month contract term; and WHEREAS, the City will reimburse the County for the personnel costs (salary and fringe benefits) for the one information technology employee presently employed by the City who will become an employee of the County; and WHEREAS, the City will pay to the County any interest cost incurred by the County, any interest income lost by the County, and any out of pocket expenses incurred by the County in connection with the County's collecting the City's taxes and remitting the same to the City; and %VHERE.,\S, all City tax payments collected by the County will subsequently be paid over to the City according to a schedule to be established by the County Treasurer; • and WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has approved the aforementioned agreement upon recommendation of the County Executive; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an inter-municipal agreement with the City incorporating the terms an conditions set forth in the Preamble to this Resolution for a term beginning January 1, 2008 and ending March 31, 2009; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the inter-municipal agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the inter-municipal agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or any of the essential terms and conditions thereof amended or modified without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature. STATE OF NE W YOpK) COUNTY OF CHEMUNG) SS: THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that I the undersigned Clerk of the compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution Cnheowmung County Legislature , Passed by the Chemung County Legisl the 10th have ~ On file in my Otfi,e and which members elected to the Legislature voting nafavorothe eof, and that the same is a correct and rue transcript of such resolution and of the whole thereof. y of December 2007, a majority of all the IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the Chemung County Legislature this 12th day of December 2007. t ~-fit/ ji Lin*Dalmer- , erk Ch emung County Legislature • March 17, 2008 RESOL UTIOIX NO. 2008 gy,g0WULJbumk= MAYOR TONELLO: WHEREAS, the State of New York has instituted a program encouraging municipalities to jointly review the operations of local government with the goal of reducing the costs and improving the effectiveness of local governmental services; and WHEREAS, the City of Elmira ("City") and the County of Chemung ("County") have a history of collaboration by and through multi intermunicipal agreements; and WHEREAS, the City and County have identified certain municipal services, some of which can be implemented immediately while others require more study as to the feasibility and implementation of such services; and WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to enter into an agreement to formalize the intent of the parties to continue collaborative discussions and undertake necessary studies to implement additional shared services; • NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Elmira does approve the proposed Shared Services Agreement between the City and the County of Chemung; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Mayor be and hereby is authorized to execute the Shared Services Agreement, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel. ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYES NAYS X Councilmember Bailey X Councilmember Skidmore X Councilmember Hare X Councilmember Hitchcock X Councilmember Corsi X Council member Mechalke • X Mayor "Conello 7 0 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund aging and Microfilming Project Information Form (LG-IM) LOCAL GOVERNMENT NAME County of Chemung - City of Elmira Records ACTIVITIES (CHECK ALl'fNAT APPt___ IMAGING MICROFILMING I PAPER DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE PAPER DOCUMENTS TO MICROFILM ? MICROFILM IMAGES to DIGITAL IMAGE DIGITAL IMAGES TO MICROFILM DIGITAL DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE RECORDS DESCRIPTION NAME OF RECORDS SERIES RETENTION PERIOD (YEARS) Elmira Police Dep_artment Case Resorts Permanent DATE RANGE OF RECORDS RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME AND rTEM NUMBER) 1998-2_0_02_ MU-1 TOTAL NUMBER OF IMAGES Explain in the narrative any discrepancies between the number of 300,000 ~7razo or vesicular microfilm ?j Digital and the number of pages. Format of use copies I images Number of original rolls: 16mm 35mrn , CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRONIC DATA. 0 Digital images ? Other electronic formats (such as word processing files) DOCUMENT SIZE: 8.5 X 11 inches PAPER TYPE Standard paper PAPER CONDITION: 30% deteriorating IMPRINT. None 1 PAPER COLOR! White FASTENERS Staples UENCY OF FASTENERS. frequent _ ------_---RETRIEVAL NUMBER OF REFERENCES. Requed REFERENCES NEEDING COPIES 100%v ' RETRIEVAL. URGENCY ? Immediate ? Within 1 day n/ 'Within 1 week orA Siatc :Arcfse, Erin 104%l k,3br~l • t AG C OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE 2 COUNTY OF CHEMUNG 203 Lake Street t P.O. Box 588 FW yob Elmira, New York 14902 Thomas I. Santulli (607) 737-0351 FAX Michael S. Krusen CountyExecutive www.chemungcountycom Deputy County Executive (607) 737-2912 (607) 737-2031 tsantulli@co.chemung.nyus rnkruse.n@co.chemung.ny.us January 25, 2011 New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center Albany, NY 12230 Dear Sir or Madam: Please accept this letter of support and intent for Chemung County's application for funding under the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) for a shared service project with the City of Elmira. With the assistance of the LGRMIF grant, Chemung County will assist the City in developing an electronic records management system for City records. Chemung County has a long history of shared service initiatives with the City of Elmira. The County and City currently share many functions including: a Public Works Director, Civil Service, Purchasing, Information Technology, a Safety Coordinator, Worker's Compensation, Emergency Management funding, Training. Summer Cohesion, and School Resource Officers finding. In 2008, the County entered into an agreement with the City to provide Information Technology services to the City. This grant will allow for enhancement of this agreement. The County with administer the project utilizing County personnel (RMO - who will complete all necessary paperwork and financial documentation to the State for the project and oversee the project, Records Imaging Center (RIC) Director who will oversee the daily operations and scheduling of work and the coordination with the City of Elmira Staff, and the RIC Senior Clerk who will provide direct support to contract staff. The project will take place in the County's RIC utilizin contract staff (ARC) to perform the prepping and scanning of the subject files. DSS work experience clients and light duty county employees will also be utilized as in-kind support as availahle. The County will purchase with grant funds two production scanners and two kiosk scanners to complete the project and ensure the sustainability of the project going forward with City employees in City department offices. The County Database Administrator, with the assistance of contract vendor Continuum, will install scanners, computers, and the OnBase Imaging Printed on Recycled Paper System and train City employees in their use as well as training on establishing index values for all document series being scanned into the system. Through the already established cooperation and shared service arrangement for IT services between the County and City the County is already fully available to the City for IT needs. This agreement will be incorporated into the existing agreement with no additional cost for support to the City going forward ensuring the continuation of the City's electronic records management system. The County of Chemung fully supports this further collaboration and will provide continued assistance to the City for the development and maintenance of an electronic records management system. Sincerely, Tho as J. Santulli Chemung County Executive c lx It;(s+ CITY OF ELMIRA NEW YORK Office of Lke Mayor CITY HALL. 317 EAST CHURCH STREET • ELMIRA, NEW YORK 30901 ci0y0(elmin, net' 5SKIOmOreaciCy0lelmire. ON Susan 3. Skidmore Office: (607) 737-56x4 Mayor Fa.; (607) 737-5024 February 22, 2012 New York State Archives Grants Program Room 9A81, Cultural Education Center Albany, NY 12230 RE: County of Chemung Application for Grant Funds Dear Sir or Madam: On March 13, 2008, the County of Chemung and the City of Elmira entered into an Intermunicipal Agreement for shared services pertaining to Information Technology and Department of Public Works services. In addition to those agreements, the City and County share services in several other areas as well. The County of Chemung is submitting an application to the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grants Program for funds to assist the County and the City in maintaining their Record Management Programs or to develop new program components. If the County is awarded a grant, it is the intention of the City to collaborate with the County with respect to record management services for existing city records to begin the scanning process, as well as the management of future city records. In essence, this collaboration is an extension of the shared services agreement previously entered into between the County and the City. The County will assist the City in developing an electronic records management system, and the City will work closely with the County to begin the scanning process and to scan records going forward. The City is committed to this project and will make the scanning of future records a regular part of each department's operations. The City fully supports the County's application and requests that the Record Management Improvement Fund Grants Program give favorable consideration to the County. Susan J. Wdmore Mayor cc: John J. Burin, City Manager Karen Miner, Chemung County Records Management Office