HomeMy WebLinkAboutNassau Boces At-home evaluation comments Page 1 of 4 r LGRMIF Grant At-Home Evaluation Form - Comments • Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces Category Document Conversion and Access Average Panel Score 78 Reviewer Susan DeBary Recommendation F Recommended Amount $146,936 Total Initial Score 80 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 2. Intended Results Comments 3. Plan of Work Comments 4. Local Government Support Comments • 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments 6. Overall Impression Comments Reviewer Thomas Lynch Recommendation N Recommended Amount $0 Total Initial Score 56 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 1 a It sounds like none of these school districts have a records management program in place. And from the description of retrieving records "dust, mold and rodent droppings" it sounds like none of them have serious record storage centers. I just don't buy this scan everything approach, it doesn't seem cost effective to me. Start with the basics maybe have BOCES create a central records storage center. I can agree with scanning student records (if they have been purged according to retention schedules) but why would you want to scan 6 yr business records?? "Hello??" purchase orders, invoices, and check • stubs Again how much of this info is actually pulled for audits?? Less than 1%, so why scan 99% of P.O's, invoices and check stubs? If they said they wanted to scan year end payrolls I might agree, but even there the data is being generated by computers and for a preservation copy you can do Computer Output Microfilm of their data without having anyone needing to handle paper documents. Bascially all https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=3939 5/9/2012 ' At-home evaluation comments Page 2 of 4 a the LG-IM sheets just lump together all the record series under titles such as "Accounts Payable", what • are they, are they legders, claims, warrants, banking records? There's multiple record series here yet they lump everthing under one umbrella? Same holds true for "HM/Personnel" records. There's 38 separate record series that can fall under personnel, many of which are 6 yr records, yet again we get one lump sum? I see from their LG-IM that Nassau BOCES have 144,000 contracts and legal documents to scan. OK what exactly are they? The LG-IM for Hempstead UFSD state only personnel files to be scanned yet they too are proposing in Ib to image business records. I see no ED-1 schedule numbers or actual record series. Personnel records can contain a large number of items (38 different record series) many of which need only be retained until 6 yrs after termination. 2b They don't address how they will handle disposition of electronic records. Are the RMO's of each school district going to sign off on the disposition or is the RMO for BOCES now taking full responsibility? Who will sign an official certificate of disposition? 2. Intended Results Comments 2a. You gotta love the statement "removes the need for school districts to budget for alternate methods of records management on their own". Another way of saying, let's let the individual school districts be irresponsible on their own. Is the RMO of BOCES now taking responsibility for the jobs of the RMO's at the individual school districts? 3. Plan of Work Comments 4. Local Government Support Comments • They state in 3b and 4a that each school district shall provide the vendor with files "purged of unnecessary or retention expired documents"(3b) or "unnecessary papers removed"?(4a). Just how did they arrive at the proper number of images that needed scanning? Shouldn't this purging have been done BEFORE writing the grant so we would know the proposed image count was accurate? Or did they just pick a number out of the sky let's say $150,000 divided by .07 cents per image equals 2,142,857 and say we got to stay under that number? 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments I could go with the concept of imaging the student records. I could even go with imaging "HR/Personnel" records, but the LG-IM's for both these series just lumps everything together. We get no break-out of record series isn't that the purpose of the LG-IM? Somehow I have the feeling these records have been neglected due to lack of a records management program and their idea of records management is to image everything and throw out all the original records. You wouldn't microfilm 6 yr records, so I just can't see imaging 6 yr business records. This is just the height of laziness. Having worked in a county records center I know that less than I % of the business records are ever retrieved, yet you're going to image 100% of six year records to retrieve the I Does that make sense? 6. Overall Impression Comments Since this is basically an imaging grant and the LG-IM's are all improperly filled out We have no indication that the image counts are accurate since purging of the files has not yet been done. I'm going to say no fund. They need to do a proper inventory (after the documents have been purged) and get • back to us with realistic image counts and properly filled out LG-IM forms. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-home evaluation comments Page 3 of 4 Reviewer Elizabeth Neville • Recommendation F Recommended Amount $146,936 Total Initial Score 95 1. Statement of the Problem Comments 3.b They described all of the records well. However, no mention of dates, MU-1 Schedule numbers or retention periods. I would have considered giving a score of 5 if all information was complete. 3.c. The cost avoidance analysis is very good justification for this project. 2. Intended Results Comments 3. Plan of Work Comments 3.c. Good descriptions of titles/positions, education and training. However, no names of individuals were listed. 4. Local Government Support Comments 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments • The per image scanning price of $0.0691 is incredible! 6. Overall Impression Comments Excellent application. Very detailed orientated. This application should be fully funded. Reviewer Geof Huth Recommendation F Recommended Amount $146,936 Total Initial Score 83 1. Statement of the Problem Comments c. The value of the project is demonstrated, but the expression of financial need comes with no detail and raises the question of how this program will be maintained in the future if the schools can find no money to pay for it now. 2. Intended Results Comments a. Note that the BOCES is recommending the scanning of a relatively small number of 6-year records, • which are likely not justifiable financially. East Williston, for example, is suggesting the scanning of records from 2008, which have only two years left to their retention. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revcomment&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-home evaluation comments Page 4 of 4 3. Plan of Work Comments • b. Subsection does not address all requirements one by one, such as records focus and security requirements. 4. Local Government Support Comments b. Very little detail here on how the BOCES and the school districts will continue this expensive and large-scale enterprise permanently into the future. 5. Budget Narrative and Forms Comments 6. Overall Impression Comments Since the BOCES is recommending the scanning of a relatively small number of 6-year records, which are likely not justifiable financially, we might eliminate the scanning of these. East Williston, for example, is suggesting the scanning of records from 2008, which have only two years left to their retention. • • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=reveomment&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 1 of 5 New LGRMIF Grant At-Home Evaluation Form - Ratings • starting in Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces Category Document Conversion and Access Rating Guidelines Scores Defined Interpretation 5 = Outstanding Applicant addresses the criterion with distinction 4 = Good Applicant has provided a cogent and convincing response to the criterion 3 = Adequate Applicant has addressed the criterion only competently 2 = Fair Applicant may have addressed the criterion but is far from convincing, or the project is inherently weak in this regard 1 = Poor Applicant has offered a few words in response to the criterion, but the words show little to no understanding of the issues 0 = Unresponsive Applicant does not address the criterion directly or indirectly • Reviewer Susan DeBary Recommendation F Recommended Amount $146,936 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 4 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-fanded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 4 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 4 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 • public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 2 of 5 a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing • when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 4 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 4 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 4 Total Score ) • Total At-Home Score 80 Reviewer Thomas Lynch Recommendation N Recommended Amount $0 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 3 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 2 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 2 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 3 b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records management program [5 points] 2 • c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the public [5 points] 3 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 3 of 5 3. Plan of Work (30 points) • a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 3 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 3 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 3 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 2 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 3 . Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 56 Reviewer Elizabeth Neville Recommendation F Recommended Amount $146,936 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 5 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 3 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 5 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 5 • b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records management program [5 points] 4 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 4 of 5 c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 5 • public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 5 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 5 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 4 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 5 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 4 over the long tern [5 points] • 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 5 Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 95 Reviewer Geof Huth Recommendation F Recommended Amount $146,936 1. Statement of the Problem (20 Points) a. Describes the specific records management problem the project will address, provides qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem and explains 4 why the project is a high priority [10 points] (System will multiply score of 0-5 x 2) b. Identifies specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded 4 projects related to these records and this project. [5 points] c. Explains why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project (For example, explains why funding is needed if funding was previously 3 awarded for a similar project.) [5 points] • 2. Intended Results (15 Points) a. Identifies each intended result and describes the anticipated benefits [5 points] 5 https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3939 5/9/2012 At-Home Rating Summary Page 5 of 5 • b. Describes in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records 4 • management program [5 points] c. Describes in detail how the project will improve local government services to the 4 public [5 points] 3. Plan of Work (30 points) a. Provides a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable showing when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2013 4 (15 points) (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) b. Addresses each of the requirements of the relevant project category [10 points] 3 (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the Total Score ) c. Explains who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicates the qualifications of key project staff (including 5 consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience (5 points) 4. Local Government Support (10 points) a. Demonstrates contributions to this project [5 points] 4 b. Describes how this project and records management in general will be maintained 3 over the long term [5 points] 5. Budget Narrative and Forms (25 points) a. Explains how the proposed expenditures will be used to support the project activities. [25 points] (Assign a score of 0-5, as the system will calculate the total value in the 5 Total Score ) Total At-Home Score 83 • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReports.do?i=revrating&gid=3939 5/9/2012 LGRMIF Reviewer Grant Summary. Page 1 of 1 Archives Partnershi Trust I Office of Cultural Education I Online Catalog I Search I Home . Home Reviewer Home Participation Contact Information At-Home Evaluation Panel Deliberation Grant Application Information Project Number Institution Category 0580 -13 -4297 Mt Vernon School District Records Systems Fill out an Evaluation Form for this Grant Proposal Reviews are due by 04/13/2012 When the Evaluation Form for this grant proposal is complete, you may submit it. Once the Evaluation Form has been submitted, you will NOT be able to update any scores or comments for this grant proposal. Submit the Evaluation Form The following links contain information about this grant proposal. The Application Sheet, Project Narrative (includes Budget Narrative), Project Budget, FS-20, and LG-VQ/LG-IM (when applicable) are in separate • files. The files are accessible in HTML or PDF format (the files will open in a new window). Application Sheet - HTML Application Sheet - PDF P_r_oiect Narrative - HTML Project Narrative - PDF Project Budget - HTML Proiect Budget - PDF LG-VO Form - HTML LG-VO Form - PDF LG-IM Form - HTML LG-IM Form - PDF Proposed Budget Summary (FS-20) - HTML Proposed Budget Summary (FS-20) - PDF Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures & Required Forms - HTML The following documents were attached to the grant proposal. To download a document, click on the View link. You must have the appropriate software to open the document type. Action Document Name Description Document Type Size Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (518) 474-6926 • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/1gReviewer.do?item=grant&id=4277&assign=8051 3/2812012 LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 1 of 3 F Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Application Sheet Project Number 0580 -13 -4297 Institution Mt Vernon School District - Mailing Address: 165 N Columbus Ave Address: City, State, Zip: Mount Vernon NY 10553 1199 Chief Administrative Officer: Waverline Bennett-Conroy Title: Actin Superintendent Phone: 1(914)665-5201 Email: wbennett@mtvemoncsd.org State Judicial District: 9 State Assembly Districts: 81 82 83 87 88 93 State Senate Districts: 34 35 36 State Congressional Districts: 7 17 18 Federal ID: 136007140 School District: Mt Vernon City Sd Institution Type: City NOTE:The institutional information listed above is pulled from the SEDREF database. SEDREF, the single authoritative source of identifying information about institutions which the NYS Education Department determines compliance with applicable policy, law and/or • regulation. If your institutional information is incorrect, it can only be updated once your Payee Information Form is received by the Grants Administration Unit and approved by Grants Finance. Grant Unit staff do not have authority to update SEDREF information. The applicant cannot edit the SEDREF information above on their own. Participating Institutions YC Department of Records and Information false Services (DORIS) Grant? ame of DORIS Agency (if applicable) Eligibility Requirements RMO Appointed? Yes Year RMO Appointed 2008 Appropriate Retention Yes Schedule Adopted? Year Schedule was 2006 • Adopted Project Director https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 . LGRMIF_Application Sheet Page 2 of 3 (Name IlGertrude Karabas Title Grants Manager • Phone 914-358-2374 Email = gkarabas@mtvernoncsd.org Records Management Officer RMO) ame TimothCostello Title Assistant Superintendent Phone 11914-358-2374 Email Costello mtvernoncsd.or Local Government Information Coun Westchester Re ion REGION 9 Type School District De artment/Unit District wide Po ulation Served 20,500 Annual Operating Budget $206,000,000.00 umber of Employees Full-time:768 Part-time:150 • Amount Requested $31,600 Application A lication Tye Individual Project Category Records Systems Project Type First-Time Inventory: false Electronic Records Inventory: false Email Management: false Summary description of proposed project activities: Describe the project, including scope, objectives, and description of records. The summary should be brief, but should provide a clear statement of how you intend to use a LGRMIF grant. The project will address a records management problem that is due to the lack of an inventory system that is indexed to a destruction date. As a result of this problem critical records cannot efficiently or consistently be found due to the ongoing challenge of organizing and managing records into a cohesive and efficient system. District records exist in multiple formats, systems and locations and no standardized check-out system exists. Records management procedures are not standardized; teams and individuals do not adhere to consistent and agreed-upon policy. The district generates approximately 1 million pieces of paper each year. With in-district storage capacity of approximately 9,000 cubit feet, • physical storage space is running out. The current records management situation puts the district at risk of losing records during relocation creating a potential for legal liabilities. Finally, fragmentation of the records inventory, limited knowledge base of the records https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Application Sheet Page 3 of 3 management personnel further impact the district's ability to provide exemplary customer • service. The proposed project will address the foregoing needs through the following four discrete activities: Conducting a Records Inventory;Conducting a Records Assessment; Purging Inactive Files as per ED-1 Retention Schedule; and, Creating a Complete Records Management Plan. The objective of the records inventory is to provide the location, identification and description of all records series and to provide the evidence that will be used to create the needs assessment. The objective of the records assessment is to to determine whether records are being captured correctly, and if not, what needs to happen to ensure that they are. The objective of the general purging of the inactive records is to ensure the use of mandated, statewide procedures for legal disposition of records and for departments to be able to employ a consistent policy with uniform standards. The objective of the creation of the complete records management plan is to address the district's specific records management issues, including increased access to records,vital records protection and disaster management, preservation, confidentiality,security, compliance with FOIL and other records laws, and the management of storage space. The records the project will address include student records and district business records in hard copy format. The project will be implemented in collaboration with Orange/Ulster BOCES. • • https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 1 of 5 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Project Narratives Project Number 0580 -13 -4297 Institution Mt Vernon School District - Ia. Describe records management problem The district's records management problem is manifold. It includes the lack of an inventory system that is indexed to a destruction date. As a result of this problem critical records cannot efficiently or consistently be found due to the ongoing challenge of organizing and managing records into a cohesive and efficient system. Another problem is that district records exist in multiple formats, systems and locations and no standardized check-out system exists. The district has 16 schools and 1 Central Office building. Records are housed in all these locations leading to duplication, time spent in searches, and poor use of space. The bulk of the records is stored in a dank basement in the highschool and the space is subject to dampness. In addition, the district's records management procedures are not standardized; teams and individuals do not adhere to consistent and agreed-upon policy and need training in how to capture records. Our district generates approximately 1 million pieces of paper each year. With in-district storage capacity of approximately 9,000 cubit feet, physical storage space is running out. The current records management situation puts the district at risk of losing records during relocation creating • a potential for legal liabilities. Finally, fragmentation of the records inventory, limited knowledge base of the records management personnel further impact our ability to provide exemplary customer service. lb. Identify records involved The records the project will address include student records and district business records in hard copy format. Five years ago, the district initiated a records management project in which it received technical assistance from Orange-Ulster BOCES on optimum filing procedures for student records. This service also included the purging of records and in 2004 the District completed the destruction of approximately 800 cft of records that were identified as eligible for destruction. With changes in staff, daily accessing of stored records and the lack of professional development for newer staff, the gains made through the BOCES technical assistance has been lost. Ic. Explain why funding is essential It has been noted by many records management experts that most organizations simply do not have the required competencies in-house to successfully develop, implement and enforce • records policies and programs. It requires specialized expertise and applied technology to effectively manage physical records throughout their lifecycle. Consequently, funding from this program is essential in bringing technical assistance that can help the district focus on what seems to be a problem of immense proportion. Funding of the project will be used https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 ..___..LGRMIF Narratives Page 2 of 5 to initiate a district wide Records Inventory, Assessment, General Purging and the development of a Records Management Plan. • IIa. Intended results/anticipated benefits Following are the intended benefits of the program: District will adhere to the recommendations of the ROA; Inventory of active and inactive records district wide will be completed; Purge and organization of inactive district records in the storage room ; All records will be sorted, evaluated, re-boxed (if necessary) and labeled accordingly in the storage room; A diagram will be drawn to identify where the records are stored after the re-organization for easier retrieval ; The district will begin to implement a uniform filing system; Records that are obsolete will be destroyed according to the NYS records retention schedule ED- 1; The district will work with the OU BOCES staff to establish guidelines for the district to maintain the process; The consultant will work with the input from district RMO to develop a comprehensive records management plan for the district; • The staff will be trained by the OU BOCES consultant to follow through with the recommendations put forth in the plan developed; Accurate assessment of district records for records management grant applications; The district employees will learn about the retention schedule and implement its use in their departments as the team visits each department; The custodial staff will also be trained in the proper procedures in transferring records to the inactive storage area. IIb. Contribution to development of records management program This project will contribute to records management program because it would lead the district to rigorously enforce records management policies and procedures designed to promote employee and public confidence in the district's activities and services. In addition, It has been noted that records management policies, procedures and practices should lead to authoritative records that are retrievable, locatable, and useable. This would be be the best contribution to the records management program. Ile. Contribution of Service to the public • The public will benefit from this project because of the following outcomes: accessibility to records will increase, misfiles lessened https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 3 of 5 retrieval greatly increased and less staff time to locate records • more cost effective suitable space for growth accurate volume numbers and locations of records series will be documented for future grants or projects. Illa. Detailed outline/timetable for project Task 1: (August through September) - Conduct Records Inventory 2 Teams of two Records Management Specialists will visit all 16 buildings and the Central Office and inventory and assess all active and inactive records in the buildings, speak with staff members regarding the lifecycle of documents that they create, manage or inherit and also estimate the value of the records to be inventoried for their administrative, legal, and fiscal value to district and for historical value to future researchers. Data will be collected and used in the assessment task. Task 2 (August through October) -Review Existing Practices through Needs Assessment Consultant will review existing practices, protocols and procedures relating to records management. The review will cover the processes that are followed from the time documents are received and/or created, through classification, entering the information into records management software or file system, departmental procedures, and overall management of electronic and paper documents within the district. Task 3 (September through October) - General Purging of Inactive files • Five Records Management Specialists will allow the BOCES to complete the aforementioned task. The district will support the purging project in the inactive storage room by assigning custodians to assist the BOCES staff with lifting boxes and removing records that are earmarked for immediate destruction by shredding. There will be boxes marked for district assessment at the end of the general purge as there will be records with specific importance to the district that are not covered in the retention schedule. Task 4: (October through November)- Creating the Record Management Plan The consultant shall develop the records management strategy, protocols, procedures and work processes to support a systems design for workflow and infrastructure. Upon completion of the needs assessment the consultant will qualify the recommendations. A plan for records management and document management system integration and compatibility will be developed in conjunction with district resources. The consultant shall also prepare a records management training plan that will identity training requirements within each department. The training plan will include level of training each member of the department requires, how often training will be completed, how those requirements will be met and what the plan will be for the future sustainability based on proven strategies utilized in districts of similar size. IIlb. Requirements of relevant project category This project will address the project category requirements for Records systems. Our project focuses on the management, retention and information in our district.The district is • embarking on the completion of a comprehensive needs assessment coupled with the implementation of an Records Inventory which is the basic requirement of a records management system. Upon completion of the needs assessment, the records management plan will be completed with 1. Mission statement 2. Goals 3. Objectives and a spuuprting https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 4 of 5 manual to assist employees in records management. A completed records inventory is a necessary step in our records management infrastructure . that does not exist at this time. IIIc. Responsible parties and qualifications Under the oversight of the Records Management Officer, the Project Manager will convene the District-wide Needs Assessment and Oversight Committee that will be responsible for participating in the focus groups needed by the consultant (BOCES) to gather data from interviews and surveys. The committee will be responsible for reviewing the recommendations made by the consultants and providing the necessary feedback. The Project director will be responsible for convening the groups for training, ensuring that all work meets the state specifications as outlined in the applicable publications. The project consultant shall review existing conditions, work practices, protocol/procedures, document workflow, existing records management software. The project consultant will meet with departments to identify specific needs and concerns. The consultant will meet with the oversight committee for further clarification of current conditions. The Consultant shall complete tasks 1 as outlined. Prior to the second meeting with the committee the consultant shall prepare a preliminary report detailing existing concerns/shortfalls, strengths and areas for improvement. This document shall also include potential options for improvement including the pros and cons of each. Comments and concerns of the oversight committee shall be incorporated into the final report and recommendations. The Consultant shall complete other tasks as outlined. Prior to the final meeting with the committee, the consultant shall prepare a draft final report addressing all • contracted tasks. This document shall also include recommendations of the Consultant. Comments and concerns of the oversight committee shall be incorporated into the final report which includes estimated staff resource requirements for implementation as well as ongoing operations and training needs to ensure sustainability. IVa. Contributions demonstrated The intended outcomes of this project will be a carefully developed records management strategy/plan and rigorously enforced records management policies designed to promote employee and public confidence in the district's activities and services through on-time access to data, information and documentation. The successful outcome of the project will be reality if the district actively contributes to the project. The district will provide administrative support, use of phones, incur all indirect costs and initiate the development of a records managment handbook to codify the information learned from project consultants. IVb. Program Maintenance Sustainability and maintainance of the project will be performed through the planned training of department staff, adherence to benchmark activities and timelines and accountability to RMO. • Roles and responsibilities for all staff whose work generates "records" will be revised to include the maintainance activities connected with efficiently managing the records system. Local and grant funding will be sought to ensure the project can move to phase 2--records conversion. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 5 of S Professional Salaries Support Staff Salaries 4 per diem custodians will be brought in to assist in the moving of boxes to support the inventory and needs assessment process. Equipment Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Purchased Services - BOCES A per day rate of $1,800.00 for five (5) Records Management Specialists for 10 days to complete purging = $18,000 Two teams of two Records Management Specialists will visit all 16 buildings and inventory and assess all active and inactive records in the buildings, speak with staff members regarding the retention of documents that they create, manage or inherit. 6 days x $1,200.00 = $7,200.00 Total 26,800 Supplies and Materials Travel Employee Benefits Final Project Narrative https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 1 of 2 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Project Budget Project Number 0580 -13 -4297 Institution Mt Vernon School District - Professional Staff Expenses Name Position/I'itle Rate of Pay Hours Worked $0.00 0.0 Inst'I Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name Positionfl'itle Rate of Pay Hours Worked $0.00 0.0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Professional Staff Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Support Staff Expenses Name Position/Title Rate of Pay Hours Worked 4 Per Diem Custodians $15.00 320.0 Custodians Inst'I Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $4,800 $0 $0 $0 Support Staff Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $4,800 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Expenses Minor Remodeling • Purchased Services Expenses Purchased BOCES Services Expenses https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 2 of 2 Service Type Service Provider/Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost Inventory,assess, • purge, create plan, Orange/Ulster BOCES Various (see budget narrative) train for sustainability Inst'1 Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $26,800 $0 $0 $0 Purchased BOCES Service Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $26,800 $0 $0 $0 Supplies, Materials Expenses Travel Expenses Employee Benefit Expenses Name Benefits Percentage 0 • Inst'I Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name Benefits Percentage 0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Name Benefits Percentage 4 Per Diem Custodians 0 Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Employee Benefits Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Grand Total Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $31,600 $0 $0 $0 • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Vendor Quote Form Page 1 of 1 • Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Vendor Quote Form Project Number 0580 -13 -4297 Institution Mt Vernon School District - • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=vq 3/28/2012 Imaging Microfilming Form Page 1 of I Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Imaging Microfilming Form Project Number 0580 -13 -4297 Institution Mt Vernon School District - Imaging/Microfilming Form Activities Imaging Paper documents to digital image: false Microfilming Microfilm images to digital image: Paper documents to microfilm: false false Digital images to microfilm: false Digital documents to digital image: false Records Description Name of records series: Retention period (years): Date range of records: Records schedule (name and item num): Total number of images: Format of use copies Diazo or vesicular film: false Digital images: false Characteristics .Electronic data: Document size: Paper type: Paper condition: Imprint: Paper color: Fasteners: Frequency of fasteners: https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=im 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form Page 1 of 2 The University of the State of New York PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR A • THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FEDERAL OR STATE PROJECT (see instructions for mailing address) FS-20 (02/07) Project Number: 0580 -13 -4297 Funding Source: Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Report Prepared By: Gertrude Karabas Name of Applicant: Mt Vernon School District Mailing Address: 165 N Columbus Ave City, State: Mount Vernon NY 10553 1199 Telephone#: County: Westchester E-Mail Address: gkarabas@mtvemoncsd.org Project Funding Dates: Start 7/1/12 End 6/30/13 INSTRUCTIONS Submit the original FS-20 Budget Summary, and 3 copies, all with signatures in blue ink, along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. DO NOT submit this form to the Grants Finance. Please submit the FS-20 Budget Summary as a two page form (not back-to-back on a single sheet). Enter whole dollar amounts only. The amounts must agree with the budget category totals from each Budget Category and Narrative Form. For changes in agency or payee address contact the State Education Department office indicated on the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. An approved copy of the FS-20 Budget Summary will be returned to the contact person noted above. A window envelope will be used; please make sure that the contact information is accurate, legible and confined to the address field. For information on budgeting, including 2005-06 REVISED guidelines for equipment and supplies, refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants at www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/. • https:Heservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFonnServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form Page 2 of 2 BUDGET SUMMARY CATEGORIES CODE PROJECT Agency Code 660900010000 COSTS Project # 0580 -13 -4297 Professional Salaries 15 $0.00 Contract # Support Staff Salaries 16 $4,800.00 Agency Name Mt Vernon School District Purchased Services 40 $0.00 Supplies and 45 $0.00 Materials For Department Use Only Travel Expenses 46 $0.00 Approved 7/1/ 12 6/30/13 Employee Benefits 80 $0.00 Funding Dates: BOCES Services 49 $26,800.00 Minor Remodeling 30 $0.00 From To Equipment 20 $0.00 Grand Total $31,600.00 Program Approval: Date: CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION Fiscal Year First Payment Line# I hereby certify that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project and that this agency is in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Date Signature Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer Waverline Bennett-Conroy, Acting Superintendent Voucher# First Payment Finance: Log: Approved: MIR: • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFormServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures Page 1 of 6 LGRMIF Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures 0 SALARIES FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF (Code 15) Eligible Expenditures ? Grant funding must be used only to pay staff involved with project-related activities. You may use grant funds to hire new staff or increase work hours of existing staff to carry out project-related work. If you are proposing to transfer existing staff to grant funds, justify the need and explain how these staff will be replaced in their former assignments using non-grant funds. Note to Town Applicants Refer to Sections 27 and 108 of the Town Law, which prescribe procedures for changes in the town clerk's salary. If the town clerk will work on the project and receive funds from the grant in addition to his or her regular duties, the application should clearly state that the clerk will perform these grant duties separately from and beyond his or her existing duties as town clerk or RMO. If the town receives a grant, the town board should adopt a resolution designating the clerk by an appropriate title (such as "project director") for the project work. The resolution should specify that the project duties will be performed separately from and beyond the person's responsibilities as town clerk or Records Management Officer. *ALARIES FOR SUPPORT STAFF (Code 16) Eligible Expenditures ? You may use grant funds to hire new staff or increase work hours of existing staff to carry out project-related work. If you propose to transfer existing staff to grant funding, justify the need and demonstrate that you will replace these staff in their former assignments using non-grant funds. Demonstrate that grant-funded salaries will be used only to support project-related activities. Note to Town Applicants Refer to Sections 27 and 108 of the Town Law, which prescribe procedures for changes in the town clerk's salary. If the town clerk will work on the project and receive funds from the grant in addition to his or her regular duties, the application should clearly state that the clerk will perform these grant duties separately from and beyond his or her existing duties as town clerk or RMO. If the town receives a grant, the town board should adopt a resolution designating the clerk by an appropriate title (such as "project director") for the project work. The resolution should specify that the project duties will be performed separately from and beyond the person's responsibilities as town clerk or Records Management Officer. EQUIPMENT (Code 20) Eligible Expenditures ? Equipment with a unit cost of $5,000 or more. List equipment with a unit cost under $5,000 (e.g., steel shelving) under Code 45, Supplies and Materials. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/does/Igrinif/budgetEligibility.htm 3/28/2012 _---__-.LGRMIE.EligibleQneligibleExpenditures Page-2.of6_ Ineligible Expenditures • ? Photocopiers ? Office furniture ? ALL computer software (eligible under Code 45, Supplies and Materials) Other Required Forms ? A Vendor Quote Form (LG-VQ) must be completed for each proposed item with a unit cost over $10,000, EXCEPT when you are purchasing equipment from a Preferred or Sole-source Vendor, offa State Contract, or you have followed the Local Government's Procurement Requirements (LGPR). In order to use the LGPR exemption, you must demonstrate that you are following your government's procedures by showing what those relevant procedures are and indicating what you are doing to follow them. Please note the Vendor and Contract number where applicable, including for the exceptions. MINOR REMODELING (Code 30) Eligible Expenditures Any facility proposed for minor remodeling must be in existence before the grant application deadline. Activities eligible for funding under Minor Remodeling include, but are not limited to ? feasibility studies and facility design ? renovations to facilities to improve them for records storage, or to prepare them for the installation of eligible equipment (including labor and construction materials) ? installation of fire detection and suppression systems and water detectors ? purchase, modification, and installation of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems to control temperature and humidity ? installation of walls, doors, locks, alarms, and other security systems to secure a records storage facility ? minor modifications necessary to install microfilming or other project-related equipment ? actions required to render the facility safe for occupancy and use by staff Ineligible Expenditures ? Purchase or construction of facilities, or additions to existing structures ? Construction of or repairs to the roof, exterior walls, or foundation of a building Other Required Forms ? Applicants must complete a Vendor Quote Form (LG-VQ) for any single remodeling activity that exceeds $10,000 or for any request where any one vendor will receive over $10,000, EXCEPT when using a Preferred Vendor, Sole-source Vendor, or a vendor under State Contract, or you have followed the Local Government's Procurement Requirements (LGPR). In order to use the LGPR exemption, you must demonstrate that you are following your government's procedures by showing what those relevant procedures are and indicating what you are doing to follow them. Please note the Vendor and Contract number where applicable, including for the exceptions. If one contactor is responsible for multiple activities, https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/docs/ignnif/budgetEligibility.htm 3/28/2012 LGBMIF Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures Page 3 of 6 the quote from that contractor must provide a breakdown of costs by activity. Include a floor plan of any records storage area that is the focus of a remodeling project. PURCHASED SERVICES (Code 40) Eligible Expenditures ? Consultant work, such as staff training, the preparation of records management needs assessments, and the development of records management policies and procedures ? Production of manuals, finding aids, teaching guides, or other publications directly related to the project ? Contractual services such as imaging, microfilming, geocoding, system and application design, and software and hardware installation Ineligible Expenditures ? Consultant fees paid to an employee of a local government ? Consultant fees for developing a needs assessment for the implementation of new technology Consultant fees for conducting a Business Process Analysis ? Annual technical support fees for software and electronic systems; annual rental fees or leases for equipment, records storage space, and server space; annual fees for web and data hosting services; and fees for equipment warranties ? Ongoing operational expenses, such as routine repairs, building maintenance, magazine subscriptions, membership fees, and systems maintenance ? Hiring a grantswriter Other Required Forms ? If the fee paid to consultants or vendors from grant funds exceeds $10,000, applicants must submit three quotes and complete a Vendor Quote Form (LG-VQ), EXCEPT when purchasing services from a Preferred Vendor, Sole-source Vendor, or a vendor under State Contract, or you have followed your Local Government's Procurement Requirements (LFPR). Submit your RFQ, a Vendor Quote form, and detailed quotes from the vendor or contractor for any service or minor remodeling that costs over $10,000, even if the vendor or contractor providing these services is on state contract, is a preferred source vendor, is a sole-source vendor, or you have followed the local governments' procurement requirements. In order to use the LGPR exemption, you must demonstrate that you are following your government's procedures by showing what those relevant procedures are and indicating what you are doing to follow them. Please note the Vendor and Contract number where applicable, including for the exceptions. If you are using a vendor on state contract, indicate the state contract number on the https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/docs/IgrmifibudgetEligibility.htm 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Eligible/Ineligible Expenditures . -Page 4 of 6 Vendor Quote form. Detailed quotes are defined as quotes that clearly delineate individual project costs and vendor or contractor qualifications. PURCHASED SERVICES WITH BOCES (Code 49) Eligible Expenditures ? Consultant work, such as staff training, the preparation of records management needs assessments, and the development of records management policies and procedures ? Production of manuals, finding aids, teaching guides, or other publications directly related to the project ? Contractual services such as imaging, microfilming, geocoding, system and application design, and software and hardware installation Ineligible Expenditures ? Consultant fees paid to an employee of a local government employee of a local government may not serve as a consultant to that local government. ? Consultant fees for developing a needs assessment for the implementation of new technology ? Consultant fees for conducting a Business Process Analysis ? Annual technical support fees for software and electronic systems; annual rental fees or leases for equipment* records storage space, and server space; annual fees for web and data hosting services; and fees for equipment warranties ? Ongoing operational expenses, such as routine repairs, building maintenance, magazine subscriptions, membership fees, and systems maintenance ? Hiring a grantswriter Other Required Forms ? If the fee paid to consultants or vendors from grant funds exceeds $10,000, applicants must submit three quotes and complete a Vendor Quote Form (LG-VQ), EXCEPT when purchasing services from a Preferred Vendor, Sole-source Vendor, or a vendor under State Contract, or you have followed your Local Government's Procurement Requirements (LFPR). Submit your RFQ, a Vendor Quote form, and detailed quotes from the vendor or contractor for any service or minor remodeling that costs over $10,000, even if the vendor or contractor providing these services is on state contract, is a preferred source vendor, is a sole-source vendor, or you have followed the local governments' procurement requirements. In order to use the LGPR exemption, you must demonstrate that you are following your government's procedures by showing what those relevant procedures are and indicating what you are doing to follow them. Please note the Vendor and Contract number where applicable, includin for the exceptions. If you are using a vendor on state contract, indicate the state contract number on th Vendor Quote form. Detailed quotes are defined as quotes that clearly delineate individual project costs and vendor or contractor qualifications. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/docs/Igrmif/budgetEligibility.htm 3/28/2012 Zu12-01-20 14:33 Massapequa UFSO 15163085009 >5 p 2/3 u a s s a u B AF ~ WES BaudorCeDpenyrc &IuryuneatSerHCee ft"Mmm Cuurdeulotn, of December 23, 2011 Instruction and Technetogy Massapequa UFSD 4925<Merrick Rd. Massapequa, NY 11758 To Whom It May Concern; As a partner with Nassau BOCES; in the LGRMIF Shared Services Grant to scan district records, and contingent upon the successful award of the grant, Massapequa UFSD agrees to the following; • prepare the documents for pick up by BOCES or their designated representative • Provide indexing requirements + Test the accuracy of the records digitized Dispose of the paper records • Provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill these requirements • • Any grant monies awarded will be used to pay for document preparation (staple removal, taping rips etc.), scanning the records and uploading them into a secure repository. Further, the district will contract thru Nassau BOCES to setup the software and hardware required to store and retrieve the records. The Nassau BOCES setup and stomge fees will be covered as an in-kind expense by the district. Massapequa UFSD is committed to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to scan the records and maintain the service going forward. This initiative will allow the district to free up space, improve efficiency and increase productivity. It will also provide those requiring information with expedient, secure and accurate data upon their request, We look forward to working with the NY State Archives and Nassau BOCES to successfully complete this objective. Robcnd t.upimki Center for r2rcricnlum, Imvuction Z'v"Z/, and.TaMntogy One Mcrriek Ave Charles V. $u1C Werthury.New York 1159D Superintendent of Schools (516) 932.27M Fu; tSt6f d32.2d00 www.nosauboces.ag -2012.01-ZO 14,34 - Musapequa UFSO 15163095009 » p 3/3 p d~6~lYfi6?arateeskin75vsl . Clnoteal$gp~tjj;~ - ME= f r Hot 1t R lnirial Applieetion Farm : Post-Grant Award Forms Chncklm CtatMtat Go ' Gp: ~x!~P9SCSSdI.1F0tItltq+~k~g t,CRMIF Grant CooperativcMand Servion Agreement Parm Sponsoring lnsthudon: No$= sores Project Number. OSSO -13.3959 1 hereby give assurance to the Net. York State P.ducolion Dtpartmcnt that the undasigocd suppons the enclosed application and will cooparara to the extern domibcd in *a attached epptitmtion. All rc A* management project mAmma, Ibat arc a direct result of the stry m pmvidedby funds [roar the$v to are, anivin be, mach avullable for on-sire examination. P arliciputitgt.ocolGovcroment Institution: Data./~9~a Signed; ~~ir~~:?.=~'. ehierAdinimarative0meer primNo, mc: V lostructlons The CooperaavelSitared ServicesAgrcanent Fan mustbm printed and sighed by each pank ip;ning institution of your project. Than scan the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an anachm m, Aumb the form us a docummnNattavitmant to your grant Application. Plow use To Agret mem" or'!SS'Agroamone es iho ductiptioq for your attachment, 'For applicants who do no: have access :e a acummer, plcuse Nx the document :e (518) 416.1447 ortrmil it to: New York State AmhiveS Crones Adtniniatrmion Unit 9A11 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 view Q version of Coopcmive/Shand Services Agreement Form Cultural Education Canter, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (518) 474.6926 htntc:l/ecervices.nviced.eovAderantstIeAoolicant.do?i~-coooattree&m=le 1113/2012 Local Government Records M9atragement Improvement find Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (IG-IM) ______m_ Rivisiton GOVENT-NAM£ lltUFSD ieSCHECKAlttK4-TAPPtY,.. IMAGhVG MICROFILM"IG © PAPER:t3=WAE NITS 16 DIGITAL IauGE PAPER DOCUMENTS TO MICROFILM ?MICROFiLMSIF.L++.GES'IO D100 AL: IMAGE ?.DIGITAL IMAGESTO MICROFILM _ UIGi tRL CAGUM1EMrs i o DIGITAL IMAUL RECORDS DESCRIPTION jtU~ME R E T E RrUD iYEA85j ._...._._.~.I HR/Personnel Permanent: t?F,lE RANGE p-9ECdkvs RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME AND ITEM NUMBERi ._........__._.i 1950 to Current NYS ED-1 Retention Schedule TOTAL NUMBER OF IhTAGES Expla+n m the narrative any discrepara°es between the number ct ' 72,000 images and the number vl panes F crcrnai {~talSe C3PtC&~ ?)iazu 6r veSlcrllar miS,rt)MfnS Ehgira! nnages Wyrrlber V( original 10115 Itimm 3511vn CHARACTERISTICS ' ei.EC IRCNIC UA IA. ? Digna! images ? Other eloctronic..formals (such as word ptacessing files) ooCUM5cITT SIZE 81/2" X 11" PAPER TYPE: Standard bond GAPER CONGTION 10% Poor, 90%o Good MPRINT Handwriting~~and type >APFR COLOR Varies 90°!o white, 100% other ASrEn~RS Staples and Clips ~UFKC;Y far FA,TEr~ERS 40%ofdocument5 RETRIEVAL - 'JU'ABERQFREFEREKCES 15/day RkHRENCFS NEEDING COPIES 8ON ?F fHWVAl_ URChNCV ? :nvned-ata ? WitNn I day ? ,Mth)n t week . ~.-t r ~,n I t.-c.1 s 3%~,, Local Gave rnx nt Records Fitaaa;tmonr Lrpraven'en? Fula Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form {I-G-IM} LOCAL GOVEINP.IENT N ME - _-w,.._...._._ East Wiilisto_n UFSD RCTiVtTIES (CHECK F+LCTN4T APP4.Yj IMAGING MICROFILMING HAPLR :X7CttLtEN'I'S Tp OIC?PtAL 16VsGE ? PAPER DOCUMENTS TO MICROFILM tYtIQR.{3pllF.t ltaL4~iLS IO DIGO'AL INIAGE ? DIGITA. 04AGES TO MICROFILM ` ( R!~ !TAL pocu vNTs TD DIGITAL 1,1AGE I RECORDS DESCRIPTION 4 hc RECOf{ty5 SCR;@5 RETEWtON PERIOD IYEARSI Accounts Pa able 1Six (6) Years _IJAi- RAN'>< F RECOHIJB . ' RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME AND ITEM NUMBERt _ f 07101/2008 to current :NYS ED-1 Retention Schedule rOTAL NUMBER OF OJAGES ExPiaw ~n the narrative any discrepanc•es between I" number of 168,001 Images and Me [lumber Of cages. Fdrmal of use'cop.rr : ?;inza ar v!rsKUlar mk:rgf inq ~E01el images Numbei of original rcTls: c4urn 35mm _ _ CHARACTERISTICS . !-1 Fi. IRONIC Q-A TA ? CDIgrtal images ? Other electror - fem.al6 (Such.35 ':ttltd process,ng filesi cOuuft_NT S€zE 8 I/2" X 11" P aPER TYPE Standard bond PAPER CONOT.ON 10% Poor, 90% Good PRINT Handwritin and ty pe raNl-R IXXOR Varies 90°~o white, 10% other FASf~N r;s Staples and Clips = IVVNCY OF FASTI HERS 40% of documents RETRIEVAL. ,WKIABEROF REFERENCES 10/day h` FLRLNvBSNr:EI>IN ccr. s 75°'. IRIFVA, tRK,(1:C'Y Irr.:rtt"tiia¢e ? 6'Jititin 1 dat ? 4';i[hin 7 week ..r 1. ..al....._ r. Local. Goverru7cnrRoeards Manager w I:rp:oveenen. Fnrd Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (I-G-IM) 'TWOCAL GOVERNMENT NAME Hempstead UFSD i._. . , _ -ACTtVIT1E$(CHECx ALL THAT APP..Y) IMAGING MICROFILMING © PAPVR0QCVPAFNIIS TOCiGIYAL IMACB PAPER DOCUMENTS TO AAICRCIFIL M MICRGF ILM, IMAGES rO DK3il AL WIAOE DIGITAL IMAGES TO MICROFILM ~JIQ@'rF.l LiClCUMk:NT6 Tfl DIGITAL 34TAEi$ RECORDS DESCRIPTION NAPAE OF RECvf2Da SERIES RE7EN7lON PERIOD ; YFARSi i 1 HR/Personnel Permanent DATE RAM^_.E OF RECOVb(*, RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAk~t AND 1TEfA NUb1aEF7j ~ 1910 to current VYS ED -1 Retention Schedule TOTAL NUMBER OF iIJAGES Explam in the narralive. any drsc-eparges between Ihr number of 340,000 mtages ann me mnntaer of pages f c~•r^a3 e+t us^ cap r>s; Q.:Ia.c nr vr,ICUlar mtcrr>t,im rn. L7:{7+taF I.napes Iv';:nli,er of rtigmal re,ils 161I)m 35mrn CHARACTERISTICS _ e E1-f- i?ROWC DA IA D Digital vnages ? 01hef electronic- formals tsUCtt as Nord pi uceusmg fi(eyl DLICCUpaENT VzE. 8I/21I X I I" r•AOER TYPE Standard bond RAPER CV40TION 10% . Poor,. 90% Good IMPRIW Hand 'tin g and e PAPER COLOR Varies 90% ~ te,10% other ASIF.WRS Staples and Clips Uf-NCY Oj FASTFWRB 40% of documents RETRIEVAL 'AJUEER OF iEFERENCE 15/day RFFHt-N :.S NEEDING CURIES 80% ntS IRIFVAt- W,,FNCY Qh'Vhe6aw Vlhtnn I day Vw I week • LA l Government Reonds Management lmpmvement Funa Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (I_G-IM) -rDOAL GOVERNMENT NAME North Shore CSD , _ - ,.m~.. ____.._.....__,~m.,_.,.e...._.._......,..M r ACTtVIT{ES{CEtECFC AtL Y#LAT'AppLYj IMAGING i MICROFILMING © PAPER 00CUMENTS TO DIGITAL ILIACE []PAPER OOCUMENT3 TO MICROF11 M ! ? MiCWOF4M tP,WOE+$ TO DIGiTAt Hr7A:OE, ? CICATAL IMAGE$ TO WROFIIM - ! nn OtGtTAL flOCUtdM.N7$. TO i)tOtTA1 tPAAC?€ RECORDS DESCRIPTION NAME OF (RECQ#;DSSERES HR/Personnel Permanent _v70 E RAooeblE RECORi75 RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME 199$ to current NYS ED-i Retention' Schedule I TOTAL NUMBER Or iMAGES Exdlain;n the mutative ary discrepaneres between the number of 192,000 magas and I e number or pages. E~rrtat alvse ay +~s:.... ata~a qtr vasr~atar mirrP +tnt Q D;gital ritages Number of ariytnW rults. 113mrn 35Tnm P r CHARACTERISTICS t F,: EC IRONIC t>ATA (X3 tai vnages ? Other eleetronrc formats iSUO as tvOrd ptp~eysaug files) eOOLI -,'.NTSIZE 8 1/2" X lln ^AP€R TYPE.. Standard. bond TAPER CONClTION 10% Poor, 90% Good MORtNT Handwriting and type >APFR COLOR Varies 90%4 whitey 10%0 other AlkS staples and Clips QUENCY0;FASTENERS 40%ofdocuments RETRIEVAL 'UMBER OF REFERENCES 15/day RE EHENCF5 NEEDING CCPr£S~ 806r rtirEVAI. URGENCY Irztmed;ate ? ? Wiithzn 1 dFrv ? `J`Idt n 1 week Y;Az Local Government Roasrda Management linpniwirent Fund Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Farm (LG-1M) LDCAL GOVERNtME NT N14tdE INoM Shore CSD AC<:VIT165iGk1ECXAtt TIVA.TAPirLYi IMAGING ( MICROFILMING Q+°APtk )OC MIzNIS R>V?GIIAI,IMAGE ® PAPER DOCUMENTS TOMICROP1 M ? M ICROt II- TRIAGES 10 D10TAL wAmi- DIGITAL IMAGES TO IWCROFILLA I DIGITAL 40LUMIa.N , TO UIGIIAt IMAGE RECORDS DESCRIPTION ~N1P,tE OF REWORDS SERIES _ ...i3E7ENT!ON PERIOD ~YEARSry . S Student Records Permanent t)::~E i2RNG£OF REC(.tiDS RECORDS SCHEDULE (NAME AND ITEM NUNI9CR~ - s 1934 to current NYS ED-1 Retention Schedule TOT AL t+ItiM3E42 OF !`.dA.GES Explain in the narrative any discrepancies between ;ny number of 240,000 Images and the number or pages - rormat of use con C.s: Q;;iaae or VeSIOUl it 1711,7er,I01 DiUital maps Wvvibel of original r(Als Ubn=e 36rom CHARACTERISTICS Fia ttONK:. C.A'rA Q E;igital images ? Other electronic lpnrrats (such as shod Inocessn Tiles) DOCUMENT sTZE Varies 3 1/2X.3, to 81/2 X I1 PAFr-R r<,PE Transcript cards and Standard bond rr r-=R CONCITION 20% Poor, 80% Good t ^ nI~ - Handwriting and type PAP, R COLOR Varies Wle wfiite, 2Uo/o other A S I I, ERs Staples and various Clips • ~JLIFNCV t) ASTFNFF!S 40'16 of documents _ RETRIEVAL `lvt3*,PER OF REFERENCES 51day hi-FFRF 40E.T 14FE DING COViES 90 IRIFVAi URGFNCV ©irnmedaae ?'i'I[t"Mi? I day 0 'w4 thm I Week Local Gave; rmem Re=ds Management Impro•:emenc rjnd Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (I-G-IM) Wt L Gt3Y ERt ENT NAtdE Neck UFSD ACSNITtES(rHECMALL TTIATAPP4Yi IMAGING MICROFILMING PPPt-H'}~(, Uft7LtvT53(}L`ifyPTAt IWJstyE ~ ~PAP£R OOCUM,ENT570 tAICRCl=!Uif BMICROF I fA RJAGES 10 DIGIIAt ! 0AL h ? DIGITAL IMAG£S TO MICROFILM ` [3fAo3'1 AL GOC,Uk%:NTS 10 DICRAL IMAGE 3 RECORDS DESCRIPTION NAM@ OP RECUr~OS 5$RiCS _ _ AtTENTiON PERIOD (YFARS) {€HR/Personnel IPermanent ( DA1 fLAr OF ReL:L7RDs , RECORDS SCHEDULE (NA69E ANO ITEh1 hUh713CR . 1940 to current NYS ED-1 Retention Schedule TOTAL WASE R O; "MAGES I Explain in the narrative ary discrepanoes between the number of 384,000 images and the number at pages. F r!nat nl r15e c pres. 1ha70ar Ycs1:LIlar mICroMm Q Digital Images Number ai original rolls I Cmm 35nm CHARACTERISTICS EtEC:HQN1C DATA ? Digital images Q other electronic formats (such as vrotd pta:.;essing files) DOCUMENT gtzf 8 1no X I I" PAPER Tyre Standard bond Pt4PER CONCITION 100/9 Poor, 90% Good PAPRINT Handwriting and tym R C01, OR Va es 90% white, 10% other ~4S1 t WR.li Staples and Clips uuFNCY fr FAS t F HERS 40% of documents RETRIEVAL NUMEER OF REFERENCES 15/da Y hf;F1:Rt;NCEb4EEDINGCOPMES $tl'fa 1zf URIEVA7, URGENCY © It»medve 0 W(Nn 1 day Wtthin 1 Week Local Goverrment Records NUnagemcnt Mlorovewom Fine Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Farm (-G-IM) t ALGOVERWENTW0E Part Washington UFSD ~CTrVITtES(CNFCKALCTru\'[APF`.Y- IMAGING MICROFILMING ® PAK14 DOCUPAVNTS lQ QfOITAL IMAGE PAPER DOCUMENTS TO PMICROFil-" _ I ?MICRGrILM 1FAAGFS TO DlOkTAL IMAGE DIGITAL It AGES TO MICROFILM DiGiTAL OpCUrrt:NTS TO DIGITAL .MADE . RECORDS DESCRIPTION A Ia++PdE OF RECORDS SERJES P Em daen[P6RIOD IYFAKS~ - I HR/Personnel .CAPE RA -otibl-REL,ORt3S ._..._DR1 - - REC7R 5 SCi{EOULv;NA65E AtaD iTta~ KpCR! 1959 to current NYS ED-1 Retention Schedule TOTAL NUMBER OF 1,VAGES ExWwn in the narrative any djscrenanc c.. belween the nurnbov .0 330,200 Images and Inc number of pagc-&. "mat of use coo.as: 011470 or vestw1ar mrro.'1lm Q 119ftal imagos Numbet of coprial toils it,Inrrt 3'wgn CHARkCTEl2iST1CS---- e± F.t; tt-tC`rJlt: VAIA Digital enrages Q Other eleclror.m formals !such. as :mrd processing 61esj Docuk=-prr sszE 8-1/2" X 11 PAPER TYPE Standard bond PAPER CONnTiON 10% Poor, 90% Good IraPRINT Handwritinggand htyyppee PAP-R c<x.oP Varies 90% wfi te, 10% other IhN`RS Staples and Clips QUFNCY~ FASTENERS 40% of documents RETRIEVAL `U,'.VCROFREFERENCE 15/day nLFi•Ri-LJil-S-NFHANGCGPES 80 ee I R FVA: UW;l,NC`t Immediare Q Ytuhttl I day %Mthin I week • n a s s a u M"'E S era ~ c nrr Ea~eatt~n.t s«v 11eparteseM of January 27, 2012 Currkuium, Instruallon and Technology' Nassau BOCES George Farber Administration Center 71 Clinton Road Garden City, NY 11530 To Whom It May Concern: As a partner in the LGRMIF Shared Services Grant to scan personnel and/or student records, and contingent upon the successful award of the grant, Nassau BOCES agrees to the following: • Satisfy all the requirements of the lead grant applicant • Prepare the documents for pickup by the designated representative • Provide indexing requirements • Test the accuracy of the records digitized • • Dispose of the paper records • Provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill these requirements • Any grant monies awarded will be used to pay for document preparation (staple removal, taping rips etc.), scanning the records and uploading them into a secure repository. Further, Nassau BOLES will provide continued support of the software and hardware required to store and retrieve the records. The maintenance, staff and backup costs will be covered as an in-kind expense by the agency. Nassau BOLES is committed to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to scan the records and. maintain the service going forward. This initiative will allow the agency to free up space, improve efficiency and increase productivity. It will also provide those requiring information with expedient, secure and accurate data upon their request. We look forward to working with the NY State Archives and our partner school districts to successfully complete this objective. Robert E.tupinskie Centu for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology One Merrick Ave • wcubtvy, New York 11590 Dr. Thomas Rogerf (516)8322700 District Superinten nt F= (516 832.2800 www.nassauboces.org LGRh7IF Grant Cooperative/Shared Services AgreementForm Sponsoring Institution: Nassau Boces • Project Number: 0580 -13 -3959 1 hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application. All records management, project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by funds from the State are, or will be, made available for on-site examination. Participating Local Goverment Institution: A 14ss,A u 72O /t ~ - Date: l ~30~ (2^' Signed; ~~~I t~(r~ rY"` Cbief Administrative Officer Print Name: Instructions The Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project. Then scan the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an attachment. Pleases use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agreement" as the description for your attachment. "For applicants who do not have access to a scanner, please fax the document to (518) 486- 1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 i Local Governmont Ro=ds Management Rro,oocn,.cnt rune Imaging and Microfilming Project Information Form (LG-IM) - - LOCAL GOWERNlAENT NAtAE " !Massapequa UFSD 1- n I ~CT:VITIES (..HECK ALL iHAi AFPIYr IMAGING MICROFILMING PAPER DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE _ ? PAPER DOCUMENTS 10 MICROFILM MICROFILM IMAGES TO DIGITAL IMAGE ? DIGITAL 1AAGES 10 MICROFILM ? DIGITAL DOCUMENTS TO DIGITAL IMAGE. RECORDS DESCRIPTION WIME OF RECORDS SERIES--------------"--- RETENTION Pf RIOD;rf-_Ai<S' 'Student Records - - - Permanent 0A1E RANGE OF RECORDS..----- 'RECORDS SCHEDULE ?NAME A.MD ITfM NUMBER' - 1956 - 1993 (Non-searchable CD) and 2011 (Paper) NYS ED-I Retention Schedule TOTAL NUMBER OF IMAGES Fxpimn jr. then native any discrepancies between the number of 255,736 (CD= 250,000; Paper= 5,736) mages and the number of Pages Formal of use copies: aiazo or vesicular microfilm O Digrtal Images Msmber of onglnal tolls 113mm 35mm ; CHARACTER ISTICS Et. FCIRONIC DATA Q Digital images ? Other electronic formals lsuch as word prxesslnu blest DOCUhrNT SIZE Varies 3 1/2 X 3, to 8 1/2 X 11 PAPER rYPF Transcript cards and Standard bond PAPER CONDITION 20% poor, 80% good IMPRINT Handwriting and type PAPER COLOR Varies 80% wFiite, 20% other ASTENERS Staples and various clips RFCUENCY OF FASTENERS 40% of documents. RETRIEVAL NUMBER OF REFERENCES 5/day RLFERFNCFS NFEOINf CCPJES 90? 4ErRIE1JAI URGENCY ] Immediate ? VJ,thin I day ?'/h(n:o 1 Aeek Nor LlJt42valC ~.VklwtaueG n~ICLat1G1R ug.. ~ .P l t t1l~EiCl1 ~IAIn-p H_ ottig LG Initial Application Forms foss-Grant Aharv* Frwnas: !{2 c Ch€ekual Cheta0S1 fio ` Gn ~2RP?-1r7e,L¢e~_>_~7rrnkibr!~..h.~,E : LGRMIF Grant CO nfeevativeighared Service Agretmeat Farm Sponsoring Institution! Nassau Soces Project Number: 65W .1:.3 .3959 1 hereby give Assurance to the New Yak State Education Deplmmrnt that the undersigned supports the enclosed application and will conperate ter the extern descnbe6 in the attached appluabow All record;: management project outsomes..that arc a direct rasult of the support provided by funds from the State are, or will be, madt availabtc for on-site examination. Participating Local Goycror w institution y Date dr / Signeit Chief Administrative Olffcar Print Name: Instructions 7bt CooperoovatShareg. Services Agrearrent Form miust be printed and signed by each part ,ipaung mstimaon of your pert ecs. Then scan the signed form(a) and upload 184 iort*0 to your application as an attachment. Aja.0 the fomt as a doc4menuartaehrraln to your grand application. Plaaae use °Co Agreenat" or "SS Agreement" as the description for your - attachment, "For applicants w.io do not ha%c acccss to a waun{r, pleau tax the document to (5rS) A3E-lba? ur mail it to No. York State Archives Grants Administration Unit %01 ( u}titrai F,dacation Center, AiDany,NY 1223) vicw PDF version of Cooperanve/Shared Satvicas Ageemeur Fo;rn Culture) Education CM0, Albany, New Yurx 12230. Phone: (518) 474.6926 https h'eserviees.nysed gov/ldgranTsilgApplicant,do?i=ooopaigreedcm=lg U1312-1 2 2/2-e1 kt79T98b8TSTto1 STIi:2629TG 3)I330 sne 31Sl4Hawo-a3 9X:60 --Tall `~-PHf LGRMIF Application Sheet n R JC boutdm. tsp -~aAet Page 1 of 3 Z?zfA io F Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Application Sheet Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces - Mailin Address: 1171 Clinton Rd Address: City, State, Zip: Garden City NY 11530 9195 Chief Administrative Officer: Thomas Rogers Title: District Su erintendent Phone: 11(516)396-2200 Email: trogers@mail.nasboces.org State Judicial District: 10 State Assembl Districts: State Senate Districts: State Congressional Districts: Federal ID: 112136917 School District: Boces Nassau Institution Type: Board Of Coo erative Educational Services NOTE:The institutional information listed above is pulled from the SEDREF database. SEDREF, the single authoritative source of identifying information about institutions which the NYS Education Department determines compliance with applicable policy, law and/or • regulation. If your institutional information is incorrect, it can only be updated once your Payee ,Information Form is received by the Grants Administration Unit and approved by Grants Finance. Grant Unit staff do not have authority to update SEDREF information. The applicant cannot edit the SEDREF information above on their own. Participating Institutions East Williston Ufsd RMO Appointed? Yes Year? 2009 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 2011 orth Shore Csd rYeao Appointed? Yes ? 2007 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1999 at Neck Ufsd RMO Appointed? Yes Year? 1989 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1989 Hempstead Ufsd rYeao Appointed? Yes ? 2011 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 2007 hitps://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppSerVItt?i=covet 3/28/2012 _ LGRMIE Application Sheet _ -P X7 . Page 2 of 3 (Nassau Boces tYear? Appointed? Yes 2011 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 1997 Massapequa Ufsd ffYear? Appointed? Yes 2010 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 2002 Port Washington Ufsd RMO Appointed? Yes Year? 2006 Schedule Adopted? Yes Year? 2006 LRec!ordi C Department of and Information false ices (DORIS Grant? ame of DORIS Agency (if applicable) Eligibility Requirements RMO A ointed? Yes • Year RMO Appointed 112011 Appropriate Retention Yes Schedule Adopted? Year Schedule was 1997 Adopted Project Director [Name Paul Duignan Title Sr. manager Phone 516-832-2830 Email duignan mmail.nasboces.org Records Management Officer RMO ame Barbara Golemme Title Sr. Manager Phone 516-396-2216 Email b olemme mail.nasboces.or Local Government Information . County assau Re ion REGION 10 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrantstPrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 _..LGRMIF..Application Sheet Page 3 of 3 (Type IIBOCES De artmentlUnit [Population Served 1,339,532 Annual Operating Budget $296,082,020.00 umber of Employees Full-time:4000 Part-time:250 Amount Requested $146,936 Application A lication T e Shared Services Project Category Document Conversion and Access Project Type First-Time Inventory: false Electronic Records Inventory: false Email Management: false Summary description of proposed project activities: Describe the project, including scope, objectives, and description of records. The summary should be brief, but should provide a clear statement of how you intend to use a LGRMIF grant. This proposal for a LGRMIF Shared Services Grant addresses the digitizing of Student • Records, Personnel & Business Records for Nassau BOCES and the Massapequa, N. Shore, E. Williston, Hempstead, Port Washington & Great Neck school districts. The objective is to expand the use of document imaging with Nassau BOCES component school districts. To accomplish this, Nassau BOCES will provide a cloud-computing environment for the participants that will allow them, the ability to access their records via an internet based software program called Filebound. In addition, this initiative will support a strategic green objective embraced by the schools, BOCES and the public need. This is something that is not financially feasible for the districts to accomplish independently. The Nassau BOCES s e and retrieval environment will provide secure access and nightly-hackups d will be sea to our off-Lon Island site at the Lower Hudson Re ional Information Center located in Elmsford, NY. This will assure the availabili of thes ch required to be kept the ED- I s e n e. Tore important It vz a enc in the o ire flood or other catastro vent to assure the reservation of the documents. is proposal will eliminate the need and expense of storing paper records in the district substantiall improve the productivity of the various departments and the staff that needs to ccess them and provide the schools and their constituents cost savings b centralizin the erv ice and creatin economies of scale. Thus, the digitizing of these records begins a transition for these artici atin school districts from paper document storage to a digitized online environment. Nassau W ES will arrange for an approved vendor UrMe files index them prepare them for scanning, digitize the documents, perform uali assurance, transfer the file to the BOCES server, re-box the files and return them to the appropriate district. The i es will be sent via a CSV file with the indexes and the corresponding TIFF images. They will be imported into the FileBound system and stored for retrieval on the BOCES storage area network (SAN). This proposal provides a true hared services initiative using an existing and proven platform that is already in lace for o school districts and Nassau BOCES departments. De long term ob'ective is to rovide` service to all 56 Nassau County school districts. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=cover 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page I of 14 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Project Narratives Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces - Ia. Describe records management problem The Board Of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County (Nassau BOCES) serves the fifty-six 56 school districts of Nassau County, Lon Island, b providing cost-effective shared services, including career training for high-school students and adults, specs ucatio alternative schools, technology education anteac er framing as we as dozens o programs to ,expand educational opportunity and help districts operate more efficiently. Our agency, which was created in 1967, is the largest of the 37 BOCES in NY State. This proposal provides a true shared services initiative using an existing and proven document Jimaging platform that is already in place at Nassau BOCES for use by our component school districts and Nassau BOCES departments. The long term objective is to provide this service to all fty-six (56) Nassau county school districts-, anper ps other government agencies. Implementation of this shared service will not only improve records management, but also have a positive impact in a highly populated county and therefore benefit a large number of its residents. 1. a. Problems related to the storage and access of paper documents _pose a continuing and growing i challenge to Nassau BOCES and its component school districts. This is particularly apparent with Student Records, Personnel Records and Business Records. The NYS ED-1 Retention Schedule requires that certain types of records be maintained on a permanent basis. Many school districts address this by simply storing paper documents. Currently, these frequently accessed files require staff to leave their desks to locate the box or cabinet that houses the records. The location of the files is often in basements (both finished and unfinished), store rooms and even outdoor storage units. The environments are not generally well lit and staff is reluctant to retrieve and return the documents. Health risks have been known to occur when retrieving files because of dust, mold, and rodent droppings. Requests to access student records occur on an average of five (5) times per day. These requests are received by Guidance departments, Registrars and Curriculum and Instruction staff. Each access and search for the appropriate document can take up to 40 minutes since the folders containing these records have to be located amongst a volume of boxes/file cabinets, the approximate volume equaling 238 cubic feet for all participants. Once located, the required documents are faxed or mailed and then replaced in the folder and re-filed. Massapequa faces a unique obstacle since most of their student records are contained on a CD containing these records as non-searchable PDFs. Although access may be easier than paper, it is extremely time consuming and prone to error. Business Records, such as Accounts Payable documents also need to be accessed on a daily basis. School district Business Departments use these documents frequently on a daily basis to • answer questions, resolve issues and confirm payment to vendors. Additionally, Business Department documents are often subject to governmental audits. Producing paper documents to support and resolve audit requests is a very time consuming process. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrirftAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 2 of 14 Requests for access to Personnel Records are equally labor intensive and more frequent. They • average 15 requests per day and can take up to 35 minutes to access, process and return to a filing cabinet. These Personnel files account for 667 cubic feet of potentially recoverable space. See attachment "SS Image Counts 12-13" for details. This process of locating, retrieving and returning paper documents is non-productive and cost- prohibitive given that the average hourly rate for school district clerical staff is approximately $30/hour including benefits and there are low expectations related to any budget increase focused on enhancing records management. Thus, the existing process results in problems such as: . An undue amount of resource time in the form of salaries is spent updating and accessing records. Records can be misfiled due to the lack of indexing and crowding of documents. Requests for records can not be satisfied on a timely basis. Boxes and file cabinets containing Student Records, Personnel Records and Business Records take up already limited storage space. Damage and loss of both the folders and vital documents can result due to storage in less than optimum environments. Paper is perishable and subject to deterioration, as well as exposure to catastrophic events such as fire and flood. • The issues previously described apply to each of the school districts participating in this Shared Services grant application. Given the volume of paper documents and difficulties related to storage and access, an effective and efficient records management solution is required on a priority basis. The ability to complete student record requests can either negatively impact or assist the process of completing employment or college application requests. The current storage of paper student records often impacts timely access, with less than satisfactory results for the person requiring this information. Similarly, storage, access and retrieval of Personnel Records is also problematic and can impact the timing of supplying records needed for employment or retirement. Business records deal with financial transactions and therefore must be readily available to support processing, resolve issues and in response to audit requests. The cost to establish a document imaging platform (hardware, software, SAN) is significant when considering data capture, file retrieval and storage. Reference Attachment entitled: "Cost Avoidance 12-13". This is cost-prohibitive for a school district, especially in the current financial environment. Therefore, we recommend organizing the files, preparing them for scanning and uploading them to the existing "in-production" Nassau BOCES FileBound storagetretrieval platform - as a shared service to the participating component school districts. The BOCES platform has been proven to be successful as a shared service in other districts (e.g., Rockville Centre, Bellmore-Merrick) and throughout most of BOCES. Use of the Nassau BOCES platform makes financial sense and removes the need for school districts to budget (or seek LGRMIF grant • funding) for alternate methods of records management on their own. httpsi//eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrifitAppServlet?i=Hart 3/28/20f2 LGRMIF Narratives Page 3 of 14 lb. Identify records involved • 1. b. The Student Record files contain a centralized overall record of each student's cumulative education activity. Personnel Records contain vital employee information and documents. Business Records deal with sensitive financial transactions and supporting documents that need to be readily available. Thus both maintenance and access to these records is vital in order to comply with NYS retention guidelines, as well as the production of these records on a timely basis for fulfillment of requests. Student Records files produced by school districts and Nassau BOCES contain a wide variety of records including, but are not limited to: The cumulative achievement record, also known as the "Permanent Record Card". Records maintained by BOCES used as a source of information for the Permanent Record Card. Student portfolios, containing samples of a student's best work and including progress reports and grades. Certificate of Regents high school and college entrance diplomas. Extra-curricular activity records, including student organization, athletic program and fund raising records. Records of gifts and prizes awarded students. Personnel Record files are vital as they relate to employee relations and serve as an audit trail of personnel actions for both current and previous full and part time employees. Additionally, timely retrieval of these records is critical for fulfillment of employee and litigation requests. These files contain record types, such as: Personnel records of local government employees. Employee's time records Training History records Equal employment opportunity report and related records Health and Life Insurance records Teacher certification records Professional performance review plan records Business Records, which include Accounts Payable and Legal records, contain files which include documents supporting financial transactions and reporting and legally binding agreements with Nassau BOCES. These records need to be available and easily retrieved for reconciliation and audit purposes. Accounts Payable files contain records types such as: ; Check stubs issued to process Accounts Payable transactions. Vendor invoices requesting payment. Documents approving purchases. The Legal documents are contracts, agreements and other documents that require permanent • retention and need to be readily accessible. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/Pr&tAppServlet Starr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 4 of 14 Previous LGRMIF rant-funded rojects, as follows: ocal Previous Previous Record Series -This Grant Previous LGRMIF ove • rnment Record GRMIF Application Grant-funded Series Grant-funded Project (Y/N) Project (YIN) assau N/A N Business Records (Legal N OCES Documents/Contracts) ast /A Personnel Records & illiston Business Records (Accounts FSD Payable) assapequa Student -for Index & Student Records - for F SD Records Inventory Digitize & Conversion Personnel Records Hempstead /A Business Records (Accounts FSD Payable) North Shore Student -Index & Student Records - for SD Records nventory Digitize & Conversion Personnel - Index & ersonnel Records - for Records Inventory Digitize & Conversion Port /A ersonnel Records Washington FSD Great Neck /A N ersonnel FSD ecords As indicated, no previous LGRMIF grants have been received related to the records described in this shared services grant application. Ic. Explain why funding is essential 1. c. Currently there is no budget or staff available, in the school districts to address the scanning/digitizing of the records. There is an ongoing demand for access to these records that are requested by Employees, Human Resources, Payroll, Guidance, Registrars and Curriculum and Instruction staff as well as former students. Existing budgets are restrictive and targeted for normal operating expenses. Funding from this LGRMIF grant will allow Nassau BOCES and the participating school districts to initiate • scanning/digitizing of Student Records, Personnel Records and Business Records (Accounts Payable/Legal Documents/Contracts). This will dramatically improve both the storage and https://eservices.nysed.gov/idgri trt /PnntAppSe'rvl-et?i=narr - 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 5 of 14 access/retrieval of the records and serve as a foundation for future digitized records management. The time saved and cost avoidance provided by this grant will allow all participants in this shared • services grant to utilize clerical staff and available space more efficiently and effectively. Finally, it will address the need to provide an environmentally friendly solution to a difficult problem, while providing economies of scale in cost savings via a cloud computing type platform that will insure safe and secure access to critical documents. This grant will help to expedite critical requests (i.e., FOIL/Litigation) and employment/college related inquiries, thereby satisfying public requests on a timely basis. For quantitative details related to the above see attachments "Cost Avoidance 12-13" and "Savings and ROI 12-13". Ila. Intended results/anticipated benefits II. a. Intended Results and Anticipated Benefits. Nassau BOCES and the participating partners expect the intended results and anticipated benefits of this project as follows: Intended Result: ScanninWdigitiziny of student records personnel records & business records (Accounts Payable) along with upload to the Nassau BOCES repository, will become the de-facto standard for records management in the participating districts. Anticipated Benefits: Removes the need for school districts to budget or seek LGRMIF rant funding) for alternate methods of records management on their own. Strong economies of scale will be achieved by centralizing the management and support of the digitizing service, as reflected in the attachment entitled: "Cost Avoidance". Facilitate school district adherence to ED-1 Retention Schedule. Intended Result: Improve the records management process and procedures associated with personnel student records, Legal documents, and accounts 2Uable regards. Anticipated Benefits: All future files will be scanned/digitized and uploaded to the Nassau BOCES repository. Create an environment for the files that will become an integral part of participants going- forward procedures (scanning documents, confirming records are stored, eliminating the paper) Provide an easy means of adding new documents to existing files https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr - - -3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 6 of 14 Enable users to print and/or email the files directly from the system Allow for electronic annotation of files Establish a platform that may be used for future enhancements including electronic forms. Intended Result: Digitizing personnel and student records will substantially improve document retrieval time. Anticipated Benefits: Increase productivity by redirecting employee time to other essential duties Result in substantial cost savings (see "Savings and ROI 12-13" attachment). Reduce the amount of lost or misfiled records Intended Result: Preserve permanent records in a 21" century format that is committed to being maintained for future availability. Anticipated Benefits: Prevent destruction of files caused by fire, flood or other catastrophic events Provide a backup of records off Long Island in a secure site in Elmsford, NY, at the Lower Hudson RIC Create a secure environment for both access and housing of documents Relieve district of the responsibility to store and maintain paper documents Use existing Nassau BOCES hardware/software storage and retrieval platform. See attachment "BOCES Shared Service Platform 2012-2013-1". Intended Result: Recover storage space currently used for documents requiring long term retention Anticipated Benefits: Avoid health risks associated with locating records that are stored in less then ideal conditions Reduce the cost associated with providing and maintaining the space required for these records Reclaim valuable space for more productive use. II b. Contribution to development of records management program II. b. • Contributions to records management program http's://eseMdes.nysed.gbv/ldgrants/PrintA ipSeNlet?i=naFr - 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 7 of 14 Implementation of the proposed project not only serves to upgrade record management for Personnel, Business and Student records, itAlso ccontributes to the overall records management • processes as follows: • All participants have agreed to maintain a digital process going forward as indicated in the Letters of Intent (LOII and Agreements. Reference attachments "SS LOI and SS Agreements" for each participant. This commitment includes in-kind expenses for creating the software framework, as well as storage at the Nassau BOCES Network Operations Center. New records will be added to the shared service environment as produced, either via in-district scanning, or continued use of an authorized outsource vendor. Any new documents that are required to be added to existing files will be scanned directly into the system and available immediately yE, nhanced work-flow procedures will result Retention schedules will be more effectively adhered to by establishing purge dates for appropriate do .t~imentt BOCES has committed to assure that the records are backed up nightly and sent to an off site location at the Lower Hudson RIC (Elmsford, NY) BOCES also commits to upgrading software and hardware as needed to assure document • availability and readability The BOCES platform has been proven to be successful as a shared service in other districts (e.g., Rockville Centre, Bellmore-Merrick) and throughout the agency. This effort will reflect the benefits of a cost-efficient records management system and become a model for use throughout all 56 Nassau County school districts. IIc. Contribution of Service to the public U. c. Improve Local Government Services to the Public Nassau BOCES serves fifty-six (56) school districts with 225,000 students. Implementation of this shared service will not only improve records management, but also have a positive impact in a highly populated county and therefore benefit a large number of its residents. Digitizing personnel and student records and storing them in a centralized secure repository is a ctthctantial green initiative that truly reflects the public's growing concern for preserving the snyirnment.,Additionally , the use of Nassau BOCES as the cloud computing resource follows the strategic obiective of providing shared services • The most immediate and obvious contribution to the public will be the expedient and accurate response to their requests for information including FOIL and litigation requests The FileBound retrieval system will allow instant access to the files by any authorized user via the intemet from https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/2$/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 8 of 14 any location. It has the ability to email the records immediately to the requestor or to print copies to fax or mail them. The product also allows for annotation so appropriate electronic notations • can be kept with the file and can redact any necessary fields or information before being sent. More importantly, digitizing the files will prevent the very real possibility of anyone's records 9f _being destroyed by water. flood or fire. There are numerous examples of schools that have lost records because of a water pipe bursting or a fire, leaving the former employees or students with no documentation of their presence and no means of recovering their records. Storage of the files ^ ~s on the Nassau BOCES SAN will prevent this by backing up the files each night and sending them ~/t to the Lower Hudson Regional Information Center (RIC) located in Elmsford, NY. Use of the Nassau BOCES platform makes financial sense and,removes the need for scho'Ql districts to bude[t for seek LGRMIF grant f„~dingl for alternate methods of records managemeh .on their own. Also, strong economies of scale will be achieved by centralizing the management and support of the digitizing service, as reflected in the attachment entitled: "Cost Avoidance".- 111a. Detailed oudine/tlmetable for project 111. a. The following plan identifies milestones and timetables related to performing scanning/digitizing of records as part of a shared service agreement between Nassau BOCES and participating component school districts. The plan is in compliance with NYS Records and . Information Management Publications: a) Imaging Production Guidelines (#00) and b) Guidelines for Ensuring the Long Term Accessibility and Usability of Records Stored as Digital Images (#22). Mileston e a Responsible ate Project ommunicate & reaffirm project 7/1/12 Nassau BOCES Project nitration ummary, scope and objectives with Manager & School District assau BOCES and participating school Records Management Officers istrict management. RMO). dentify eed to identify primary contact & 8/10/12 assau BOCES Project roject Team ltemates for Nassau BOCES and each [manager & School District artici atin school district. IRMO. onfirm eet with each school district contact 8/13/12 Nassau BOCES Project [cords to be d outsource vendor to confirm & Manager, School District RMO canned. sure agreement on specific volume of Primary Coordinator and oxes/records to be scanned. utsource vendor. Milestone asks a et es nsible • Date Confirm scanning Meet with outsource vendor to review /13/12 assau BOCES Project https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3128/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 9 of 14 requirements and nd confirm agreement related to rendor. anager and Outsource • specifications. canning process (e.g., prep, cover ^heets uali assurance). Prepare Records for eview Student Record, Personnel /15/12 School District RMO and canning ecord & Business Record (A/P) school district primary olders & remove any unneeded oordinator(s). ocuments. Use NYS ED-1 Retention chedule as a guide. uild Document eeded for each participating school /28/12 Nassau BOCES Project maging Projects on istrict. Manager. assau BOCES Create logins/passwords. latform. Establish FileBound Projects. can and digitize erform scanning process: 11/1/12 utsource scanning aper records. Coordinate record pickup, vendor, school district including signed receipt. /15/13 primary coordinator and Scan records & perform quality Nassau BOCES Project assurance. Manager. Return paper record documents to each school district, including signed receipt. pload Scanned erform upload process: 11/1/12 Nassau BOCES Project Records to Nassau Transfer digitized record files to Manager and Outsource • OCES FileBound Nassau BOCES /15/13 canning vendor. Repository Upload files to FileBound repository. Perform quality assurance. it o Tasks Target 0 ate iew and Perform digitized record 11/1ES & School District etrieve retrieval process: /15/Project Manager, School igitized and primary district ecords. View student record and Personnel files online, using FileBound login and password assigned. Perform quality assurance. • Provide formal acceptance. https://ese6ices.nysed.gov/ldgrantVPHrifAppSerVIet?i=nair 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 10 of 14 raining Provide training to all users. 1/1/13- Nassau BOCES Project Manager, Show users how to: /15/13 School District RMO and school district primary coordinator(s). Log in and retrieve records in FileBound Email records from FileBound Add to an existing Student record or Personnel record file Contact Nassau BOCES Help Desk for ongoing support. Project Wrap-up Perform final project /30/13 Nassau BOCES Project Manager, functions, such as: School District RMO. Plan for shredding of paper documents File all required grant closeout forms. IIIb. Requirements of relevant project category III b. Student Records, Personnel Records & Business Records will be scanned, digitized and maintained in compliance with NYS guidelines related to Managing Government Records, as described in NYS Records and Information Management Publications: a) Imaging Production Guidelines (#00) and b) Guidelines for Ensuring the Long Term Accessibility and Usability of Records Stored as Digital Images (#22). The digitized records will be in TIFF format and stored in the Nassau BOCES Network Operations Center FileBound Repository. Storage and retrieval of these records will be in accordance with Nassau BOCES procedures and in compliance with NYS guidelines. The retrieval product will be Filebound version 5 software. This software has been in use in Nassau BOCES and several school districts over the last four (4) years. It is a stable and extremely user friendly platform and has proven to be highly effective tool. It allows the users quick and easy access to their documents securely via the internet, substantially reducing the time to respond to requests and recover records (see Attachment - "Savings and ROI 12-13" tabs for • Student, Personnel & Business records). Additional records can eas ily be added (scanned) to an existing file. This will help to assure that the Student, Personnel & Business records will be complete and accurate. https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page I 1 of 14 Currently, these frequently accessed files require staff to leave their desks to locate the box or cabinet that houses the records. The location of the files is often in basements (both finished and unfinished), store rooms and even outdoor storage units. The environments are not generally well lit and staff is reluctant to retrieve and return the documents. Health risks have been known to occur when retrieving files because of dust, mold, and rodent droppings. This project will require the staff to provide the files to the vendor purged of unnecessary or retention expired documents. However, the vendor will assume responsibility to remove all staples, clips etc and assure the pages are flat and ready for scanning. The vendor will create cover sheets with the indexes identified by the participants. In the case of Massapequa UFSD, the Student records that are submitted on CDs will be parsed and indexed by student file and converted to TIFF for storage and easy retrieval via the defined indexes. As part of their quality assurance it will be the vendors' responsibility to confirm that all pages are scanned and readable. A CD or DVD copy of the records will be provided as a backup to the stored data. After the transfer of the digitized documents to the repository, each participant will verify that 100% of the documents have been scanned and are readable in the Filebound system. Once verified that the records are in place and accessible, the participants will then be responsible for the destruction of the paper via shredding or as they deem appropriate. Once accomplished, digitizing of Student, Personnel and Business records will become part of each participating school district's ongoing procedure related to records management for new files. Because this is an existing storage and retrieval platform and an integral part of their operation, Nassau BOCES has, and will continue, to budget for the maintenance and support of both the hardware and software required. The BOCES platform has been proven to be successful as a shared service in other districts (e.g., Rockville Centre & Bellmore-Merrick) and throughout most of the agency. IIIc. Responsible parties and qualifications III c. Qualifications of key project staff- education, training, and experience: Nassau BOCES Project Manager - Master of Business (MBA) degree, with extensive training related to Project Management methodology best practices, as well as experience implementing projects on schedule and within budget. Records Management Officer (RMO) - responsible for overall direction of records management procedures and policies within each school district. Primary School District Coordinator - assigned by each school district to serve as focal point for pick-up and return of Student Records, as well viewing scanned records online and performing quality assurance. Outsource Vendor - The New England Archives Center (NEAC) is the Nassau BOCES digital imaging bid winner (Bid #11/12-018) and the results thusTar have been outstanding. NEAC is a full services document processing firm that has been in busiiness for over forty-five (45) years. NEAC will be responsible for the scanning & converting of each participant's https://eservices:riysed`..gov?ldgranu/PrintAppServlet`.~i=nary - _ 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 12 of 14 Student, Personnel & Business Records, as well as transfer of files for upload to the FileBound repository after performing quality assurance. This vendor has also signed a Nassau BOCES Non- Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement. IVa. Contributions demonstrated IV. Local Government Support for Records Management a) Demonstrate contributions to lroject• All of the partner districts and Nassau BOCES will make in-kind monetary contributions to the success of the project and will provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill the requirements. All participants have made a budgetary commitment to pay for the cost of implementing the record series' in the FileBound repository. Additionally, the participating school districts will purchase scanners and PCs as needed to digitize documents not covered by the grant gpplicattion (e.g., scan/digitize new files & reocrds). They will also RU the yearly cost for maintenance. and storage of the files based on the volume of images stored. (see Attachment - "Savings & ROI 2- the first tab labeled " otals". -Each p.4Wcitiant will prepare the files by removing unnecessary papers and schedule them for pick np by the selected scanning vendor. Thev will provide the indexing requirements (first name last name. ID etc.) to BOCES for the software setup and the vendor to create scanning coversheets. When the scanning is complete the districts and BOCES will test the accuracy of the records digitized to assure the information was recorded properiv. Upon confirmation that the records are . all included and viewable, participants can dispose of the paper records. BOCES will maintain the server and SAN environment that will house the data in their Network l rations Center. See attachment "Nassau BOCES hared ervice Pla orm They will also assume responsibility to accept the digitized document transfer file from the vendor; import the data into the Filebound retrieval sof ware °P^"r and store the records on their SAN In addition, Nassau BOCES will also provide training to all necessary personnel on how to scan [retrieve documents via Filebound. as well as add new files & records A IVb. Program Maintenance IV. Local Government Support for Records Management 4 b) Describe how the project will be maintained: As the repository of the records, Nassau BOCES will follow all NYS guidelines regarding maintaining the viability of the platform including updating software assuring that technology hardware and software are viable and maintain the images in a format that is readable Additionally, Nassau BOCES will back un the data nightly and send the data stored on our SAN to an off Long Island location in Elmsford NY The districts and Nassau S are strongly committed to di itizin their documents and agree to continue to scan the records and maintain the service going forward as indicated in eir • commitment letters see artist ants SS LOIs and SS Agreements attached). In addition, access to the Filebound retrieval software will be available to all authorized parties. -Past experience has shown that once in place users discover the ease and practicality of the service and want more https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 13 of 14 documents available on the platform. Professional Salaries Support Staff Salaries Equipment Minor Remodeling Purchased Services PURCHASED SERVICES: 5. Purchased Services (Code 40) The space currently used, the number of images needed to be scanned and the cost by participant . is: SPACE/cu.# / AMOUNT DISTRICT ft IMAGES NEEDED East Williston 50 240,000 $17,359 Great Neck 132 384,000 $27,096 Hempstead 170 340,000 $24,060 Massapequa* 3 255,736 $12,784 Nassau BOCES 30 144,000 $11,581 North Shore 162 432,000 $30,672 Port Washington 120 330,200 $23,384 TOTAL 667 2,125,936 $146,936 * 5,736 Paver documents and 250,000 non-searchable PDF documents on CDs to be converted to digital images. A detailed breakdown of each participant's requirements is addressed in the Attachment "SSI Jma¢e Count 12-13"., The total amount of images required to be scanned and stored for all seven (7) Participants is 2 25 936 This number reflects the estimated amount of documents currently stored in 256 file . drawers and 283 boxes. The exception is Massapequa where approximately 250,000 of the Student Records are currently stored on CDs in non-searchable PDF format. The files for all participants are using a total of 667 cubic feet as estimated by the "Table of Cubic-Foot Equivalents" provided in the LGRMIF Grant Application Guide. Using the quote provided by the New England Archive Center (NEAC) on our official Nassau BOCES Request for Quote (RTQ) https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3128/2012 LGRMIF Narratives Page 14 of 14 form, the average cost per image is $0.0691, the total grant request is for $146,936 - (see Attachment "Vendor Quote"). NEAC is the vendor who has won the Nassau BOCES Bid # 11/12-018 (renewed for two years) which legitimizes our use of their services because we are following Local Government Procurement Requirements. They have proven to be an excellent partner with Nassau BOCES and their work to date has been exceptional. The majority of the files has been purged of unnecessary documents and are ready for scanning. The records in both Nassau BOCES and the school districts that will require the removal of unneeded and retention expired documents will be performed by the participants as in-kind expense. The grant request reflects the requirements after the purging of the files by all entities. Nassau BOCES will contract with New England Archive Center to pick up the files, create index sheets for each file, prepare the documents for scanning including, but not limited to, removing staples and taping rips, scan the documents (all size pages), orient the pages properly, perform quality assurance and send the images to BOCES via FTP. They will then be stored on our Filebound platform where they will be confirmed for accuracy before release to the participants for retrieval. Upon the successful completion of the scanning and transfer, the vendor will reassemble the file, replace them in the boxes and return the records to the district. BOCES and the districts will be billed on a per image basis. The cost will include the tasks mentioned above and include pick up and delivery of the files. We have a signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the firm to protect the information they are privy to in the files. The vendor also agrees to retrieve any files requested by a user and fax and/or email the documents to the district or BOCES while they are waiting to be processed. New England Archive Center is the Nassau BOCES digital imaging bid winner and has • successfully worked with the agency. They are a national firm with offices on the east coast of the United States. We are confident of their ability to complete the task at the price stated. Purchased Services - BOCES Supplies and Materials Travel - Employee Benefits Final Project Narrative https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=narr 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Project Budget Page 1 of 1 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Project Budget Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces - Professional Staff Expenses Support Staff Expenses Equipment Expenses Minor Remodeling Purchased Services Expenses Service Type Service Provider/Name of BOCES Calculation of Cost . Document Imaging New England Archives Center 2,125,936 images X $0.0691159 per image Inst'l Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $146,936 $0 $0 $0 Purchased Service Totals Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved 0 $146,936 $0 $0 $0 Purchased BOCES Services Expenses Supplies, Materials Expenses Travel Expenses Employee Benefit Expenses • Grand Total Inst Contrib. AmtRequested AmtAwarded ExpSubmitted ExpApproved $0 $146,936 $0 $0 $0 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=budget&a=true 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Vendor Quote Form Page 1 of 1 • Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Vendor Quote Form Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces - Vendor Quote Form Descri tion of Item or Preferred Sole uoted ESelected Service Contract# Vendor Source price Vendor EAC was awarded Nassau BOCES Bid #11/12-018 (see attachment) for Digital Scanning for the period 7/1/11 - 6/30/12 with provision for two (2) one-year extensions New (e.g., ending 6/30/13 and then England 6/30/14). Based on the very false false true $146,936 true Archives positive results thus far, Center Nassau BOCES and NEAC intend to execute & extend s Digital Scanning Bid agreement past the initial time period. Therefore, NEAC quote for this grant application Lis attached. ~LIL • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServlet?i=vq 3/28/2012 Imaging Microfilming Form Page 1 of 1 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) • Imaging Microfilming Form Project Number 0580 -13 -3959 Institution Nassau Boces - Imaging/Microfilming Form Activities Imaging Microfilming Paper documents to digital image: true Paper documents to microfilm: false Microfilm images to digital image: false Digital images to microfilm: false Digital documents to digital image: false Records Description Name of records series: Contracts/Legal documents Retention period (years): Permanent Date range of records: 1967 - 2012 Records schedule (name and item num): NYS ED-1 Total number of images: 144,000 Format of use copies Diazo or vesicular film: false Digital images: true Characteristics Electronic data: Document size: 8 W X 11 Paper type: Standard Bond Paper condition: 10% Poor; 90% Good Imprint: Handwriting & Type Paper color: Varies: 90% white; 10% other Fasteners: Staples & clips Frequency of fasteners: 40% of documents • hfps://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/PrintAppServiet?i=im 3/28/2012 FS-20 Form Page 1 of 2 • The University of the State of New York PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR A THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FEDERAL OR STATE PROJECT • (see instructions for mailing address) FS-20 (02/07) Project Number: 0580 -13 -3959 Funding Source: Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Report Prepared By: Paul Duignan Name of Applicant: Nassau Boces Mailing Address: 71 Clinton Rd City, State: Garden City NY 11530 9195 Telephone#: County: Nassau E-Mail Address: pduignan@mail.nasboces.org Project Funding Dates: Start 7/1/12 End 6/30/13 INSTRUCTIONS Submit the original FS-20 Budget Summary, and 3 copies, all with signatures in blue ink, along with the completed application directly to the appropriate State Education Department office as indicated in the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. DO NOT submit this form to the Grants Finance. Please submit the FS-20 Budget Summary as a two page form (not back-to-back on a single sheet). Enter whole dollar amounts only. The amounts must agree with the budget category totals from each Budget Category and Narrative Form. For changes in agency or payee address contact the State Education Department office indicated on the application instructions for the grant program for which you are applying. An approved copy of the FS-20 Budget Summary will be returned to the contact person noted above. A window envelope will be used; please make sure that the contact information is accurate, legible and confined to the address field. For information on budgeting, including 2005-06 REVISED guidelines for equipment and supplies, refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants at www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/. • https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/FsFormServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012- FS-20 Form Page 2 of 2 BUDGET SUMMARY CATEGORIES CODE PROJECT Agency Code 289000000000 • COSTS Project # 0580 -13 -3959 Professional Salaries 15 $0.00 Contract # Support Staff Salaries 16 $0.00 Agency Name Nassau Boces Purchased Services 40 $146,936.00 Supplies and 45 $0.00 Materials For Department Use Only Travel Expenses 46 $0.00 Approved 7/1/ 12 6/30/13 Employee Benefits 80 $0.00 Funding Dates: BOCES Services 49 $0.00 Minor Remodeling 30 $0.00 From To Equipment 20 $0.00 Program Approval: - Grand Total $146,936.00 Date: CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATION Fiscal Year First Payment Line# I hereby certify that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project and that this • agency is in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Date Signature Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer Thomas Rogers, District Superintendent Voucher# First Payment Finance: Log: Approved: MIR: • https.//eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrani&TsFormServlet?i=fs20 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Reviewer Grant Summary Page I of 2 Archives Partnership Trust I Office of Cultural Education Online Catalog 1 Search I Home RM. Home Reviewer Home Participation Contact Information At-Home Evaluation Panel Deliberation Grant Application Information Project Number Institution Category 0580 -13 -3959 Nassau Boces Document Conversion and Access Fill out an Evaluation Form for this Grant Proposal Reviews are due by 04/13/2012 When the Evaluation Form for this grant proposal is complete, you may submit it. Once the Evaluation Form has been submitted, you will NOT be able to update any scores or comments for this grant proposal. Submit the Evaluation Form The following links contain information about this grant proposal. The Application Sheet, Project Narrative (includes Budget Narrative), Project Budget, FS-20, and LG-VQ/LG-IM (when applicable) are in separate • files. The files are accessible in HTML or PDF format (the files will open in a new window). Application Sheet- HTML Application Sheet - PDF Project Narrative - HTML Proiect Narrative - PDF Project Budeet - HTML, Proiect Budget - PDF LG-VO Form - HTML LG-VO Form - PDF LG-IM Form - HTML LG-IM Form - PDF Proposed Budget Summary (FS-20) - HTML Proposed Budget Summary (FS-20) - PUP Eligible/hneligible Expenditures & Required Forms - HTML The following documents were attached to the grant proposal. To download a document, click on the View link. You must have the appropriate software to open the document type. Action Document Name Descri tion Document T e Size I Cost Avoidance 12- a lication/vnd.ms- 28672 View 13.xis Cost Avoidance Display excel 11bytes SS Image Counts 12-13 ~ aPPlication/vnd.ms- 49664 View l.xls ISS Participants Image Counts excel 11bytes BOCES Shared Services Fa sau BOCES Shared Service 235527 Ell platform 2012-2013form application/pdf bytes . df Savings and ROI Analysis - View Savings and ROI 12- Tabs: Totals; Student Rcds; application/vnd.ms- 75776 13.xls Personnel Rcds; A/P & excel bytes • Contracts Nassau BOCES Bid Nassau BOCES Bid #11/12- 442431 View #11-12-018 - Digital 018 Digital Scanning aPPlication pdf bytes Scanning.pdf https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReviewer.do?item=grant&id=3939&assign=8061 3/28/2012 LGRMIF Reviewer Grant Summary Page 2 of 2 Vicvv Great Neck UFSD SS SS Agreement & Letter of 382065 application/pdf • Agreement & LOl.pdf Intent -Great Neck UFSD b tes Vendor Quote Form - Vendor Quote - New England 3493972 View Nassau BOCES Bid Archives Center image/tiff bytes #11-12-018.TIF View East Williston UFSD SS SS Agreement & Letter of 359715 Agreement & LOI. df Intent - East Williston UFSD application/pdf b tes Port Washington UFSD SS Agreement as Letter of ytes View SS Agreement & Intent -Port Washington b465743 application/pdf bytes LOI. df UFSD ll 11 North Shore CSD SS SS Agreement & Letter of Of 352341 View Agreement & LOI. df Intent - North Shore CSD aPPhcation/pdf b tes View Hempstead UFSD SS SS Agreement & Letter of 532646 A reement & LOI. df Intent - Hempstead UFSD application/pdf b tes View Massapequa UFSD SS SS Agreement & Letter of 375614 A reement & LOI. f Intent - Massapequa UFSD application/pdf b tes 1111maging Project Forms - Imaging Project Forms - East 258613 View East Williston application/pdf UFSD. df Williston UFSD bytes View Imaging Project Forms - Imaging Project Forms - 130547 Hem stead UFSD. df Hempstead UFSD application/pdf b es View Imaging Project Forms - Imaging Project Forms - North 256701 North Shore CSD. df Shore CSD application/pdf bytes View Imaging Project Forms - Imaging Project Forms -Great 130253 Great Neck UFSD. df Neck UFSD application/pdf b tes • Imaging Project Forms - Imaging Project Forms - Port 130767 View Port Washington Washington UFSD application/pdf bytes UFSD.pdf View assau BOCES SS SS Agreement & Letter of 305071 A eement & LOI.pdf Intent - Nassau BOCES application/pdf bytes Vizor Imaging Project Forms - Imaging Project Information 50642 Massapequa UFSD. df Form - Massapequa UFSD application/pdf b tes a 0580-13-3959_Nassau 9591 Hempstead UFSD Coop/SS f Fbytes View BOCES (Hempstead Hem application/pd 95 UFSD). df Form I Cul tural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (518) 474-6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/IgReviewer.do?item=grant&id=3939&assign=8061 3/28/2012 • COST AVOIDANCE ANALYSIS DISTRICT OWNED PLATFORM YEARLY MAINTENANCE & INITIAL COST SUPPORT HARDWARE: Server - $5,200 Equilogic 8 Tb SAN $30,000 Maintenance and Support for both $8,500 SOFTWARE: Kofax Capture - (image capture software) $25,000 Filebound - (retrieval software) $18,000 Maintenance and Support for both $12,000 TOTAL COST TO DISTRICT $78,200 $20,500 NASSAU BOCES SHARED SERVICES PLATFORM YEARLY MAINTENANCE & INITIAL COST SUPPORT Setup fee for 1 to 3 record sets $3,500 • Storage fee for u to 1 million images $8,000 MAINTENANCE & INITIAL COST SUPPORT COST AVOIDANCE $74,700 $12,500 OTHER COST ELEMENTS THAT WOULD BE INCURRED BY THE DISTRICTS: Facilities Space Tech Support Environmentals Training Down time Help Desk support for users Vendor Management Tape Backups Off-Site Backup TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP COULD WELL EXCEED - $100,000 + • C:\Users\bettyn\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\022CQ54U\Cost Avoidance 12-13 TOTAL ALL RECORDS SPACE/ AMOUNT DISTRICT cu. ft # / IMAGES NEEDED East Williston 50 240,000 $17,359 Great Neck 132 384,000 $27,096 Hempstead 170 340,000 $24,060 Massapequa' 3 255,736 $12,784 Nassau BOCES 30 144,000 $11,581 North Shore 162 432,000 $30,672 Port Washington 120 330,200 $23,384 TOTAL 667 2,125,936 $146,936 5,736 Paper documents and 250,000 non-searchable PDF documents on CDs to be converted to digital images • • Following is a simple drawing of the Nassau BOCES Shared Services platform. Located in our Network Operations Center (NOC) in Westbury New York, the NOC is a secure facility with access limited to only authorized personnel. The platform is firewall protected and consists of several Dell R710s as part of a Virtual Machine (VM) cluster which houses the Filebound software to retrieve and view the documents. Equilogic PS 5000 and PS 6000 SANS capable of storing more then 20 TBs of data are used for storage of the documents and the assigned drive for the imaged records is replicated and sent off Long Island to the Lower Hudson RIC in Elmsford, NY nightly in addition to being backed up locally. Documents being sent to BOCES via the public network for storage are delivered to a Dell 2950 standalone server that acts as the agency's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. Data sent via FTP to this server are then sent to the Filebound for storage via the Importer Pro program indigenous to the system. Nassau BOCES has been successfully using this platform within the agency and with several component school districts for several years. NASSAU BOCES SHARED SERVICES NETWORK • BOLES DELL R710s - VM Cluster EAST _ FILEBOUND SOFTWARE WILLISTON EQUALOGIC PS OM SAN MASSAPEQUA To Retrieve Documeme To W. III Desumems LL 29M GREATNEC PUBLIC NETWORK VIII FTP SERVER HEMPSTEAD Lower Hudson PORT RIC ' NORTHSHORE WASHINGTON • POTENTIAL SAVINGS # of Yearly Savinas Districts TOTAL Student Records $22,440 2 $44,880 Personnel Records $54,780 5 $273,900 Accounts Payable/Contracts $35,640 2 $71,280 TOTAL $112,860 $390,060 TOTAL SAVINGS PER DISTRICTNEAR East Williston $90,420 (Personnel & A/P) Great Neck $54,780 (Personnel) Hempstead $54,780 (Personnel) Massapequa $22,440 (Student) Nassau BOCES $35,640 (Contracts) North Shore $77,220 (Student & Personnel) Port Washington $54,780 (Personnel) $390,060 MEN RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) BOCES Fees ROI on Fees vs Savinas East Williston $3,500 0.5 Months Great Neck $3,500 0.8 Months Hempstead $3,500 0.8 Months • Massapequa $3,500 1.9 Months Nassau BOCES $3,500 1.2 Months North Shore $3,500 0.5 Months Port Washington $3,500 0.8 Months Nassau BOCES charges an initial setup fee of $3,500 for up to three (3) record sets The yearly storage & maintenance fees (starting year 2 of the service) are as follows: Up to 250,000 images $5,500 Up to 1M images $8,000 Over 1M images $10,500 BOCES does not charge these fees in the initial year C:\Users\bettyn\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\RJ4QSNYP\Savings and ROI 12-13 Mill STANDARDIZED SUPPLY LIST n a s s a u BaES f Blanket Purchase Agreement Tide; DIGITAL SCANNING AND MICROFILMING 1$'ED #11/12-018 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUN'T'Y BID NAME: DIGITAL SCANNING & &UCROIgLMINw BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS (SPAS AUTHORITY: Published Sealed Bid #11/12.018 APPROVED. June 30, 2011 SUBJECT: Modification #1 Date: July 19, 2011 The following clarification is effective immediately: Vendor, New England Archives Center has been awarded the Digital Scanning C ortion of this bid. Vender, The DRS Group has been awarded the Microfilming portion of this bid. Kindly adjust your records accordingly. . Sincerely, Michael k Pcrina Purchasing Agent M":ls BOARD OF COOPERATNVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY TI Clinton Read Garden Cio, N. Y. H530 DIGITAL SC'ANNIN'G AND MICROFILMING BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (BRA) AUTHORITY.' Published Sealed Bid 111112-018 AWARDED; June 30, 2011 • PERIOD: 7/1111- 6130112 May be extended, by mutual consent, for two (2) additional one- year periods, at the same prices, terms and conditions For information contact: Michael R. Perina Purchasing Agent Telephone: (516) 396-2240 19r p~ ~1 Scanttrng ind Micro j rng Bid #11/12-018 Vendor Award The DRS Group 75 Maiden Lane New York, N. Y. 10038 Phone: (212) 924-8680 Contact Name: Jim Shgddan Fax: (212) 691-8800 E-mail: isheriidan~la drsimaeine.com • New England Archives Center 624 Hampden St Holyoke, MA 01040 - 0470 Phone. (413)' 532-1465 (800) 225-2405- Contact Name: Brian Colton Fax: (413) 538-7143 E-mail: brian(a)neac.com • n a s s a u S E Board of Cooperator r&~attomt s Department of December 233, 2011 Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Great Neck UFSD Phipps Administrative Building 345 Lakeville Rd. Great Neck, NY 1102D To Whom It May Concern: As a partner with Nassau BOCES in the LGRMIF Shared Services Grant to scan district records, and contingent upon the successful award of the grant, Great Neck UFSD agrees to the following: • Prepare the documents for pick up by BOLES or their designated representative • Provide indexing requirements • Test the accuracy of the records digitized • Dispose of the paper records • Provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill these requirements • Any grant monies awarded will be used to pay for document preparation (staple removal, taping rips etc.), scanning the records and uploading them into a secure repository. Further, the district will contract thru Nassau BOCES to setup the software and hardware required to store and retrieve the records. The Nassau BOCES setup and storage fees will be covered as an in-kind expense by the district. Great Neck UFSD is committed to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to scan the records and maintain the service going forward. This initiative will allow the district to free up space, improve efficiency and increase productivity. It will also provide those requiring inforfnation with expedient, secure and accurate data upon their request. We look forward to working with the NY State Archives and Nassau BOLES to successfully complete this objective. Robert E. Lapinski Center for Curriculum. Instruction and Technology One Memck Ave Dr. OmaS .Dolan Westbury. New York 11590 (sty) 932-2700 Superintendent of Schools • Fax: .n 16) 932-2800 www.naswulwces.org - I. _ _ QpJaite'(;atnlo¢ 13eatCfi' ROM Tattial Applieafion Famon PostAktint Aw*dFonnsi Him Checklist Checklist LEI t'~gop,a eerecmant orni ircf LGRMIF Grant Cooperadve/Shered Services Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution: NassauDOM Project Number: 0580'-(3-3959 Ihereby :give assurancetotheNeWYorkStitt Education 'Departmantthat:theuadersignedsuppotts heenNOsad applioaren and will copperafa t9tlle szterittiesctibed'irrtEioodaicliti.applic*0 o. Alt records managementprojpct outeomes.lhal area direat resultofthasuppotkprow'dixib futuls from the 3teararc,.or will tic,:madaavailable.:for on-site examination. Patticipgtxng Local +Goventi rient Instittiii6tt: N~ - 1 -16,11 • Date; l signed: Chief A(IminfstrativeOlYoer PmttNene: t 1WAT P 2)OLf114 instructions 'rho Cooperativc/Shared Services Agreemen. Form must be piin'tcd anti dgned by each par icipnting institution. of your project. Theo seen rho signed form(s) and upload the form(s)-to your application as-rm atiachment. Fittaeh tlieaform as a documentlattachmontto your gtantapplicatio"Pleaseuse "Co Agreement" or "SS Agteement" as the description for your nuuchmant. f7 "For applicants wko-do not haw:=access to a'semmer, pleas:-fek"the documentto (518) 486.1647 or mail itio: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit. 9A81. Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12,230 View PDF version of Cooperativc/Shmed Services, Agreement Forth Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230: Phonc: (518)474--6926 ltupslfeservices.oysed.gov/ldgrantslIgApp1icant.dd?i--cop.pagr,eefti=lg 1117/201.2 4tt11t0N AND TECMNt?L.t'ADY u a s s a u CU t,LUM. Purchasing OParttec ES Mutodals mn Nd ArcMve* Center u i iu 1 dM1t1 Street ba SCOOPW un011 RM., Afton: *r*a 0 on Monday, January 30, 21118 8uy0r Pact than ` No, PLRAW VM Ei QUOTZ FM TIM rrVWa> LUM ASO MW UR 0 sic's An "n Al M A== • PAX JURSPONSE TO PAUL OUIGNAN 451"32-MO The quate will be Per Image and Total per school and an average cost per imap with Total Cost for all schools; must include ALL elements listed below. ES = 144,000 images $/pec' finage _ $0,0804 Total $11,581 MWWA MD 240,000 imam $/per image $0 4723 Total 1?.~ H=mUwdUFSD 340,000 images $/per image 50.4748 Total 4,064 js gd C -M g 432,000 images $/per image + $9.971 S} Total UPA72 l ' 255,736 images $/per image $4.4504 Total $12.?84 ' on = 330,200 images $/pe iMAP I Total 84, 1^ N F D = 384,004 images $/per image $0 0 Total $21&q§ TOTALS ~ 2,125,936 im Avg. $/per hnsp j M91 Total Cost U Note: AN work most comps with tht agreements and spec' ns set forth and 4esegibed in Dlassan HUCES Did #11/12.018 »--for 1 ng P this quotation shag he ism for a poriod of 90 days from #W opow g} date. AN quotations ate F.O.9 deRv try wshh doors oontmomor*** noted, DELIVERY DATE F.O.B. S X&TUKE ANQ TITLE Nossav B=S •1 Menick syy 11590 Atm. Raul $16-832-2746 ~ Fax: !{f8-812-200 0n a s s a u Bm"ES > or services Department of December 16, 2411 Curriculum Instruction and Technology East Williston UFSD Central Administration Offices 11 Bacon Rd. Old Westbury, NY 11568 To Whom It May Concern: As a partner with Nassau BOCES in the LGRMIF Shared Services Grant to scan personnel and/or student records, and contingent upon the successful award of the grant, East Williston UFSD agrees to the following: • Prepare the documents for pack up by BOCES or their designated representative • Provide indexing requirements • • Test the accuracy of the records digitized • Dispose of the paper records • Provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill these requirements • Any grant monies awarded will be used to pay for document preparation (staple removal, taping rips etc.), scanning the records and uploading them into a secure repository. Further, the district will contract thru Nassau BOCES to setup the software and hardware required to store and retrieve the records. The Nassau BOCES setup and storage fees will be covered as an in-kind expense by the district. East Williston UFSD is committed to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to scats the records and maintain the service going forward. This initiative will allow the district to free up space, improve efficiency and increase productivity. It will also provide those requiring information with expedient, secure and accurate data upon their request. We look forward to working with the NY State Archives and Nassau BOCES to successfully complete than objective. Robert F- Lupinski Center for Curriculum Iitwcdon and Techaolagy f l~`i /7 Once Met Ave Westbury, Newyork 11590 Dr, Lorna R• LeWls (516) 02.2700 Superintendent of Schools Fax:(5.16)832-2800 www.numuboomorg r.vsvvata• ~.txs~caauvc.rStccuruut. . y~,. , u.., . -:1 GndnaGataioa[. (,Ejtgpq <i - tl9fag € Pot [a] Application Forms; Post_Grant Award Forms: . me Checlilst choclo st fli~l Q (:generative agrocmcut form helo LGRMIFGrant Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution, Nunn Boces Project Number: 0580 -13 3959 1 hereby give assurance to the New York $We Education Depanmentt that the tensional pod supports the enclosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application, All records management project outcomes that are a'direct result of the support provided by funds 4om the State are, or will be,. made available Isar on-site examination. Institutionag Local Govmtntent / • Institution: L~~T /L1.1.("~ON Ul"J Date: Z Z Signed: Cbie AdminlstrativeOf ear Print Name:*T)R. LoRem rR. Lewis instructions 1hefooperadve/Shomd Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed byeaeh participating institution of your project. 71" scan the signed form(s). and upload the form(s) to year application as an attachment. Anesh the form asa docurnaodou ichmaot to your grant application. Please use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agraemn0' as the description for your attachment. "For applicants. who do not have access to a manner,.piesse fax the document to. (518) 486-1647 or mai l it tai Now York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Career, Albany, NY 17130 View POP version of Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (518) 474-6926 hops://escrviees.nysed.gov/ldgrantsflgApplicanLdo?i=coopagree&m=1g 1/13/2012 Jn W-mote 10.41 - rRRlrbtl ZLAWM25~3 er•rllt - Sib 'fb'f Z)Wdf r.M On a ~ s• a -u ONS B December 16,2011 ' Poet Washington UPSD Administradve Building 100 Campus Drive i Port Washington, NY 11050 To Whom It May Concern: As a partner with Nassau BOCE S in the LGRMiF Shared Services Grant to scan persGunt andlor student record .'and contingent uponthe successful award of the grant Port WashingtonUFSD ee$ to the following: • Prepare the documents r pick up by BOCES or their designmod representative • Provide indexing req ' ments Test the accmcy of the words digitized Dispose of the paper r Provide the personnel r uited to successfully frditrl these requirements • Any grant monies await will be used to pay for document preparation (staple removal, taping ps etc.), scanning the records and uploading theta into a secure repository. Further, the district will eon thru Nassau BOCES to setup the software and hardware required to store amd ieve the records. The Nassau BOLES setup and storage fees vill be cove as an it-kind expense by the district. Port Washington UFSD is co fitted to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to scan the records an maintain the servico going forward. This initiative will allow the district o free up space, improve efficiency and increwa; productivity. It will also prow' those requiring information with expedient, secure and accurate data upon cir request. We look forward to working wi it the NY State Archives and Nassau SOCES to successfully complete this obje five. Dr. tieoffrcy N. Gordon Supetiatendont of Schools TOTAL P.03 a+caawau. wvKww...>..p. eq.ww~. . lmiaLLi LIW~. liC Initial Application Form: PosFthaM Award Forms: txacloasP Chw t. t i ggggggUye, agreement form help LGRMIF Grant Cooper2tive/3hared Services Agreement Form Sponsoring Institution: Nassau Bikes Project Number: 0530 -13-3959 1 hereby give assurance to the New York State Education Department that the undersigned stpporta the wooed application and will Mperaate to the Went desatbed in the attached application. All records iuentngemest project outcomes that are a direct twit of the support provided by fhnds from the Slate are, or will be trade available for on-site aarninstioo. Participating Local Gnvaninent ` InstiNtion: ! OR7 W/~S~t/NC 7f3~i _ F*rY' - Date: Jf ]11,;L-- signed: Chief Administrative Officer print Nam: DR. ~2nF><Rey Al. lJ4fpgd instructions The CooperativOlmed Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your:project. Then seen the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to your application as an attachment. Attach the farm as a documentlattechmerd to your grant application. Please use "Co Agreement" or 499 AgTeantento as the description for yew attachment. 'For applicants who do root have access to a scanner, plcsso fez the document to (518)486-1647.or mail it to. New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A8t Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 View WE version of CooperativalShared Services Agreement Form Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone; (518) 474.6926 https://eseMees.nyse&gov/ldgranUAgApplicant.do?i=coopagree&m=1g 1/1312012 n a s s a u BW,ES 3~,rt ur coopeiul.c ed;i~tt~t st:~tc~ Deperhn (~rrrtptltuni of December 22, 2011 InalrucWtvand Technology North Shore CSD 112 Franklin Avenue Sea Cliff, NY 13579 To Whom It May Concern: As a partner with Nassau BOCES in the-LGRMIF Shared Services Grant to scan district records, and contingent upon the successful award of the grant, the North Shore CSD agrees to the following: Prepare the documents for pick up by BOCES or their designated representative • Provide indexing requirements • Testthe accuracy of the records digitized • Dispose of the paper records • Provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill these requirements • Any grant monies awarded will be used to pay for document preparation (staple removal, taping zips etc.1 scanning the records and uploading them into a secure repository. Further, the district will contract ttuu Nassau BOCES to setup the software and hardware required to store and retrieve the records. The Nassau BOCES setup and storage fees will be covered as an in-kind expense by the district. The North Shore CSD is committed to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to scan the records and maintain the service going forward. This initiative will allow the district to free up space, improve efficiency and increase productivity. It will also provide those requiring information with expedient, secure and accurate data upon their request. We look forward to working with the NY State Archives and Nassau BOCES to successfully complete this objective. Robert H. t.upinsld Center for Curriculum, ]mnuction CGO'W/ I and Technology Dr. d Melnick One Merrick Ave wesawry,.New vwt 11 59o Superintendent Df Schools (516) 832-2700 Fax: (516)832-2800 www.amoubaxs.org t.utctvtifi ~.oupatanvet ~tesrsnrfeip-- °"~s~ • 'u ' pr M0M Mtf9l Appikation Fottrg Fasc Grant Aword Purtru 40 ~ene~aatw OWN ve agretsttcrtt formhdn L4:AM p Chb*CbopetabrdSbared$arvkeo AXr4*vaeht Form gpottmt~lttaGtbtion: )iassnr.Buew prgleaWtrmStr; x•13.3949 t hereby give asaursnee to therNtw York,State Education. Departtacnt,rhat the undersifptod supports the aiteicud appiicatim and wiillcooparatc to the extent deeeribed in tbt? attaehcd•"PNeetioe. All records h1eitgc,oma pr4IM ocncuma that arc mdiraet remit offtmppod provided by funds from the Stott we. or will ge.mrad0'anoibtble for. on•site examination. Putieipagag•1"ocalbavtsmtrteo ~V~ . /7 rs - Inshlutioa: („J.1 Date: F+ ~IZ CWAdmfnlstrattrrOflicer PdeM~ eme:_~,, _~L+~C3J J~.y. lestractiaas The CoopetatinMared Services Agreement Fortntnust be printed wW signed,by each punicipoting:i Atwioh of yqurptojcct. lim scan the signed femm(e) oad vplosd the :term(s) to your application as; m sttaehmeat. AbFjt the farm as a documerttlattu4 mail to yaw grantapplication. ?lease use "Co Agreement" or "SS Ageeeounnt" as the desaivion fat your attachment. IFor applicants who do not lineseeesa to a scanner. pl4mc fox the document to (51&) 48& 1647 or mail It to: New York SnaeAtchives ormfs Administretlon Unit 9A81 €ultwaWacittion Cents Albany; NY {2230 View Rpf vateroa of CoopacivelShared Setvf= Agreement Form Crianeal Education Ccnter, Albeay, New York 12130. Phone (518) 414-6926 hops://esetvices.nysed.gov/ldgtantsAgAppliOant.do.2i=coopargcee&nr -l'g 1/13/2012 n a s s~ u Iff Mrs t (""'ES B'04d Goopettave flduaatlmat.Servtw Daparnhemum,al December 16, 2011 Curricul I hrohnMlon and Technology Hempstead UFSD Administrative Building 195 Peninsula Blvd. Hempstead, NY 11550 f To Whom It May Concern: i f As u partner with Nassau BOCES in the LORMIF Shared Services Grant to scan personnel and/or student records, and contingent upon the successful award of the grant, Hempstead WSD agrcos to the following: I i Prepare the documents for pick up by BOLES or their designated representative • Provide indexing requirements . . Test the accuracy of the records digitized • Dispose of the paper records • Provide the personnel required to successfully fulfill these requirements Any grant worries awarded will be used to pay for document preparation [ (staple removal, taping rips etc.), scanning the records and uploading them into a secure repository. i Further, the district will contract thru Nassau BOLES to setup the software and i hardware required to store and retrieve the records. The Nassau BOCES setup and storage fees will be covered as an in-kind expense by the district. Hempstead UFSD is committed to digitizing its records and agrees to continue to i scan the records and maintain the service going forward. This initiative will allow the district to free up space, improve efficiency and increase productivity. It will I also provide those requiring information with expedient, secure and accurate data upon their request. i We look forward to working with the NY Stare Archives and Nassau BOLES to ! S ully complete this objective. f i Roben E.l:upi,alo Lea fa CurAehluhi, tanroUl f 'I and Tec"otty Oat Manick Ave Wcst6ury, New York 11590 r. atrtcia Garcia (316)832-270D uperintendent of Schools III! • Fa Isae193&2aW www.nascaubotec.ag Gi 2,2'd W922£9e01 STTE2S29IS 33t-ix sne C15ldHtwojd Zticl 2T02-oI-Nur i. Nuetre~~o AI FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL "~M t4 'ry,- V t)ate: _ /~f lri5 Pcuiuauta tlivd, ~~~~.r,(,/ 1 HcnYp11cad, NY 11451) / Phnue 41r. C'id llvnlrwr President b'rnrn;_,_~ {r 'Mrs. Jm1nn %tmmons Vicepresideat BUT.\I,JIUIP.\YlES(tNt'LUD1N( 'tIr/tiQOVER): Mrs. Gladys Rivvra Al rxm To 11 - I AKEN: rnistee ate/ -Deliver Immedirtvly to Addresses: Mrr. petty (Toss 1'rustcc 1'cr Our Conversation My.11rundon V. 140Y Fur Your Information Trustee Hrs. Patricia W. Wright " f s Requested 0hariet Clerk Original Document ! Beinli 1516) 292-7111 eat: 11311 Sent Via Mail Fax: (5 lhP 192-1 H30 Comments: t blr% Joyce Brown Sehusd I)nsnlAasiscutt (5 N 192.7111 cit. 1131 Patricia Watkins. Ph. 0. SupcrintenJrnt 15161 242-7111 cxl. W I U Fax: 19161:92.0973 i' i? i; t: All information submitted via facsimile transmittal from Hempstead Public } School System is confidential as required by law. If you have received this document in error, please contact sender immediately. I • i. 2 T'd 1~0822£8sal STt£26291S 331:00 Sri GISWH:woJ3 21:0 2102-0i-1414r iUAIviss• wupcsauvcAlp ctucrtt 1 46L u. t tr~Yisarai~l7 laitial-Application Fortes: Post.Ormu:Award Forms: lid ~;Chec'k~list Chocptst Cooperative anreememform hero 4GRMIF Grant Cooperative/Sbared Services Agreement Form Sponsoringlnstilution: Nassau Bocas Project Number, 0580-13-3959 1 hereby give assurance to the Now Yak State Education Department that the, undersigned supports the enctosed application and will cooperate to the extent described in the attached application. All records management project outcomes that are a direct result of the support provided by Nnds rrom the State are, or will be, made available rot on-siteexamination. ntilLocal Government institution- Date., Signed: Chief Administrative Officer Pdat Name: DR. 1 7a7-eI C/N 6ARCiA Instructions The Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement Form must be printed and signed by each participating institution of your project. Then scan the signed form(s) and upload the form(s) to ytxn application as an attachment. Attach the form as a document/attwhrnent to your grant application. Please use "Co Agreement" or "SS Agreemert" as the description for your attachmont. -For applicants tvaodo not have access to a scanner, please tax the document to (518) 486-1647 or mail it to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 View WJ version of Cooperative/Shared Services Agreement corm Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York 12230. Phone: (518) 474-6926 https://eservices.nysed.gov/ldgrants/[gApplicant.do?i=coopagree&m=1g 1/13/2012