HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA memo NIAELJNG ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD bUEAMERS rjf Soly P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS co Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY Pr 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR COU Southold, NY Telephone: 631 795-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, Chairperson, Zoning Board of Appeals cc: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. From: Donald Wilcenski, Chairman, Planning Boar&6 Date: August 28, 2013 Re: Vineyard 48 (aka Rose's Vineyard LLC) SCTM#1000-96-4-4.3 The Planning Board is reviewing the site plan application referenced above. During the course of the public hearing, an issue arose about whether the uses on the property are consistent with §280-13 of the Town Code and permitted on the premises. Please consider this memorandum as a referral for an interpretation under §280-146(D) of the Town Code as to whether two uses are part of a winery use or permitted accessory uses for a principal winery use. The first is the use of the winery as a dance and social club, and the second is the retail cigar store. The consideration of these issues is necessary to insure consistent treatment of similar applications for development of other agricultural parcels in the Town. Use 1. "Dance and Social Club" or "Bar" Is the activity described below permitted and within the scope of a "winery" as set forth in §280-13 (4) or is it considered an "accessory use" to a winery as used in Section 280- 13(C)(1) or C (10)? The testimony before the Planning Board, and the affidavits submitted in the Court proceedings show that during 2011 and 2012, and into 2013, the wine tasting accessory use of the property has transformed from a sedate, small-scale winery focused on wine tasting into a full-fledged, often raucous party site that draws large crowds of many Vineyard 48 Page Two August 28. 2013 hundreds of people where the focus is on entertainment and drinking alcohol. The patrons are encouraged by the combination of DJ's, loud pulsating music, and alcohol to let down their guard creating the "anything goes" atmosphere of a crowded dance and social club, a business model typically attributed to night clubs. An entry fee (cover charge) is charged in the form of requiring entrants to purchase four coins for wine sampling at the entrance, regardless of whether the person intends to sample wines'. On weekends, this appears to be the primary use of the property and the business model the owners have stated they intend to continue promoting. These activities appear to be atypical of wine tasting: 1. Collection of a cover charge at the entrance; 2. Marketing strategy (see video & Facebook posts/photos); 3. Pitchers of frozen sangria or "slurpees" as they were referred to by the owner at the Planning Board's public hearing; At the hearing, the owner admitted that he has no idea how much alcohol is in this pitcher, plastic pail or large plastic pumpkin, nor do the patrons who are encouraged to drink it through straws (see attached photos). Serving wine as a frozen concoction with fruit appears designed to disguise rather than highlight the flavor of the wine; 4. Large number of security guards required for crowd control. To try and control this behavior which results from the "anything goes" atmosphere the owners have purposely created, the site is manned by security guards; 5. Numerous intoxicated patrons. The Planning Board heard many examples of intoxicated patrons having an adverse effect on the quality of life in the neighborhood to the point that residents have changed the way they live on their properties (e.g. closing windows due to the noise, not permitting children to play in the yard, not being able to have outdoor family get-togethers); 6. Incidents include: intoxicated patrons staggering across Rt.48, falling down and having to crawl onto waiting buses, nudity and sex acts occurring within sight of and in neighbors' yards, and patrons trespassing to urinate and defecate in neighbors' yards. In addition to neighbors' eye-witness accounts of these problems, there are numerous police reports illustrating similar problems (see attached). The testimony of the applicant was that pregnant women, children and designated drivers were not required to pay to enter the premises. Vineyard 48 Page Three August 28. 2013 Use 2. Cigar Store Is a retail store making and selling primarily cigars a permitted use in the A-C Zone or a customary and incidental accessory use associated with a winery? The testimony before the Planning Board from the owner of the property shows that the cigar store is a separate business from the winery. This store is not shown on the previous site plans approved by the Planning Board. While the location of the cigar store may have been previously used for retail sales of wine, retail use there was never officially approved by the Town. In 1988, the ZBA granted a conditional approval for retail sales of wine with the requirement that site plan be completed. We find no evidence of a site plan for retail in that building ever being submitted or approved. In 1990, the ZBA approved wine tasting here, again with the condition that a site plan be completed, and a subsequent variance to allow a temporary tent for wine tasting also called for site planning to be completed. The first site plan was approved in 1995, and did not involve any retail in the original building. Instead, a separate wine tasting pavilion was proposed and approved. On all site plans, the building in which the cigar store is located is labeled "lab and office". The applicant's agent and others have pointed out that there is a photo of the Cigar Factory in the Planning Board's file, implying a tacit approval of the Planning Board for this use. Regardless of the existence of this photo, there is no written approval of the cigar store or any retail use of that building by the Planning Board, on a site plan or resolution. Further, the Planning Board does not make determinations on whether a use is permitted. The Certificates of Occupancy also do not appear to include retail for this building. For your convenience, we have also included a copy of relevant correspondence between the Planning Board and the applicant's agent, as well as transcripts from the public hearings. We respectfully request your interpretation as to whether a retail store making and selling primarily cigars is permitted in this zone at this site. Kindly provide this Board with the requested interpretations together with supporting reasoning for the Planning Board's official record. We are available for questions, and are available to attend the hearing. Thank you for your help with this matter. Vineyard 48 Page Four August 28. 2013 Enclosures A. Site Plans: 1. 1995. First site plan approved; 2. 2006. As built site plan, and considered the most recent approved plan; 3. Current proposed. B. Planning Board approval resolution and letters: 1. 1995 site plan approval resolution; 2. 2006 c.o. approval letter (final inspection) (as-built plan approved). C. Planning Board Public Hearing Transcripts June 3, 2013 & July 1, 2013 D. Photos E. Police Reports F. Letters from the Applicant's Agent G. Video on CD A. Site Plans 1. 1995. First site plan approved; 2.2006. As built site plan, and considered by the Planning Board to be the most recent approved site plan; 3. Current proposed plan. q' A' vs ^'Cd 3T - MIDDLE yY J8 / 7Q]}, EAST BOUND LANEOQD (C. R. 473) T a ~ L1 16 I I ~ KEY MAp _ _ ~l TM Bviy f.d.t I ~p'ov oz cac 1 a 1 j'FP f •n .~'JII'~ C (rf rJ P0. TYPICAL ENTRANCE OR EXIT (MIDDLE RD.) / s+o F ,,%'i 1 6/oe y{on r: 'awr °`r"O' \ -NO SCALE ~a I / \ PARK/R6 CRITERIA EXISTIN` G ru lA w~- - 4 \1\ {Giu" A"M"^"^4 b Pawl4r ` ` Gh¢r '1 4 r' \ p- 6'JIMA6E MA Y rV/00-0 J II ..yn../r a^ - \\1• e' P } y w\ 1 v No. zere Y. rri sao P,.. mt YAKS - U eRJe .a N~sao e t• f ~ nN- V\ P ~ ~ -r~"~ io~ s r ~ e• _ aa~~ - mav/ar - avACES sv PROPOSE Jr '~,J P%d~~ n y a~ INICIF AAVFE cR mu 11. Fro e " I <C J L N p\ Y `/\,t:'Vv^~J.,'`/\ ~e r 6 i pEwa y, lov lr ry J n U - 3i~~~ /^i+/ c~ueh ed. ~Nj 11 s ~j S:,la'1 Yr(/f~-\ y.. l Nucs/one usK I Cy ,M j A/ ' ` PMf IJW fls Jr.r al'A Chnfl 5p, ~ ~ ~ awa iu ~ ® a, ,mss / CGNrOW LINES AW REFERENLED TO N4VA < nNA'n rac ~e ELEVAJIONS ON PLAN ARE REFERENLCO TO NAYS ' Ni qc `a vcQ aMOJ•a.s.m..lav aRaau¢uwaLlE Q I E. V oti II/117 [0{FMyE~11. 4, ~ Ef9u ~-v. iRW0J0 ELJVAi/d/. M M 'TDrALAREA N SALR s F ES mr mlEK~: MI^ IIttlN R EXAS sGV i `O ji _ ~ : _ ..._sc cLl1YFdEF .1.:,. 1• .f .a r 40 - 8041 _ z 3. 3l 1J lr 4/' N RATER IpNAEEIENT Z4 IY i %.rsh ed ~ II BTI M"" X10 µ[M1v ~A9B)JF6 a /.re. //c:•, pLA.n PQJN rC~ffiYppl Rfl rA ~ A, d/resf 9) ''°ar'~`Jav`wa d.+ mw _Y one mrnv~_YOw fe.r MDOLE ` ROAD G R. !9 : r m « V .:I "..,rte '1sc.:. ` PLAN "?Y sxR SCALE r= 20' ki I y" ` Y ;IEW EN. LFPr.Y TA iu °~wfROsP..°1® r 0`t - AV!a - ~ r J M'Nr+f rr~Nrrrt L I .a ~.ra... laAa I APR°Y~GR~M. 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R. 48) + }'-'it EAST 90UN0 LANES l 3 PERMIT 4 r eI ,n ~I REOUIREO I 1`I -/~1- Q q, .y.. r....« 3 V 9 i 2 rv I O I V KEY MAP 5.. / vrsr 6a+ro \ to R ~ F R ab~ ~ Y\ x 4 cE ~ e\ a / py. i~ ~ ' F ti 5 P f p ~ 4 L n N /5 N . i TYPICAL € sl,ng old rr \ ~Y _ ENTRANCE OR EXIT (MIDDLE RD.J I I 1I - / Q:.., NO SCALE I - v~ " f~'z. ,q Q emu'/l" S. } f .ufn EX/STING Mme, %wK•.Nw.I.+ ==c_ ' E 1Y~ x,-1"" , ~u., `\~(1. Jwa. 4 I \ PARKING CRITER/A Mnf a(iw,xn MryY,mm4 /p Pow] I.w . /Y pf - I 1 B 'YP STWA6E YH% F./l \ P alll ]OO / v 3~ ne.. II'N, n9 x•.,/., _ es ° aEiiL SALES xL~ix Nano N'3 / +MM/.C, .V laD?Id~ ~ / ej~u ( v tM 0~ EM^LOYCE9 IS iN b~- 4K • IR \ PRSVILIE JP SPA[F] JJ.I PROPOSED join[ PA n u - ? nEV pFAINGE C/1/TER/A. ta.~~ ~ !.6 C Q4!'.•t> 1 Ya 11r n.1 rvv\ Ln V` • wn Q~ A.SM.CT GT CQVL AVEIENi Ea]SaPll. , . 4 ~raa Yfls. Glr •I' vale?i pp M4vFt M366 wll i s / e w 9 ~ \ .3iN I } s - z4NES•a>•a3 . z99P wn ' s y I~ I .>w~ss - In w. an i tl ~y. Nrzz. 9.E AD \ Lp a / r p P.Po.SE m w o-ENZ ra I I~ ii••• r P. -uec ~~x^n x, Tm,^n rv ~,,,.~y /f ELEVATE LINES IRE REFERENCED TG NGV.0. v H-_ - / 3 Fug 3 l wx yn / ELEVATIDNS ON PLAN AEE EEFEEENLED TA N.4VD.. pr - O n I LNA MAK L-IrC/xF mAfPlc LIEECnox Yy96w.) L1 i « FkISrI,W ELEVATION ~'P ' A A. 14. [P ELEVATION ~ ~ ~ ss~E I `1 ~ TLTGL AREA. l/.93. ALREG O - LOr mYrRA¢ _ rani Arr3uv Em vARLEL - Ia93z A.w. Ae W I rAdlOYI1FRA~M]E?IbC lry A ' i I aao ex.•• Nm fxw r.., _ J axvrr.L wwywy~aA4vrwn,a sAYr'fiNMWZ -C.`a:o@,N`erron, z4a NE "Ear:: ~PNr'°". CF. aaa M. A[OOLFr F ROAD G R 4B I _ V~~Na - 4n m• - L I SCALE Y'=20, ~.I..r J ` ---I-_ h Ifoo. u. sErrk - wAw WILT A.R ' ------/P- f « L~ AIRCVI>- WO L10NPA1E N9BRS. Y.E euvp tdl OelMCr . rJ .I - / ~PEbEb'E. NY IB6 sapat Wlxpr SAMTARY (EATING I Y AROA I -_`_J vIIJE ARDA48 6 Lo sxw ~ w AT CUTCROGUE fir.;/ L'°° A TOWNOFSOUTNOLD arEeAK 1..l PAxrnensv ~R SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY. ; U ..w nap-9e-d-ES xrv+ -~i_ = ~ae.,~w., Feb. 1R 1997 ONG AS/ANO wxw a mow, Nov . 1993 L RA[ r,. y ATL. M, 1396 (FnY) ROAD S![NEY nwwnw~.iwxw A- SLY. r= m. I :Ea_ _ nN..I N w.«~r. N....alw. YQI. T. L' wN x .Nw P.wwN. aY :LY 1~M N. YN AWL I.N° I. D D mq?~--3 INr Aw`:sew YM ! E ID• ~ ~/ru~4 x uST Y90 - 172. _ A' F ~ it r p MIDDLE !T ROAD (C. - - EASTBOUND LANES R. 48) w.u.n ~ aK/ j El ~a 0- NEY MAP b c s f ~c le Is. Y" I vAafxc wrwa PL : ° nxs.' Asa - j aruw`v'r"`°,Fru wr smc `M`'MO w *?a'~ ~ w.•. k, 09 r .,1 ~Z p•19n KIY I/tLV J ~5/ bJ ~ I I~ IAxUM ry. N ~rAt 16Y1 t A~ P H - ro - eP.p r.W V[00 ara _ " a rrr 9arrsa W u A~ ~ Or _ / -,,L, -41 - ~a I Ig ORAINSE CRITERIA w runty V lao cw V L^ - i >.l . nu 4n 1 T mn YwIa4L OMYL p PwSM1M1 rot 1. h ST` ! '-gF A T L CMC PAYpAENT rwxaun ° r Lam:-wT•l• a.n rMV Np S/ e n e I pp a""` r.w•°" 9 5 : / i`~ I d nesve°A/o w awt war I1Ngrp) max, .000 Af/L M M1wv~ W+14 /y Ce a' IIXM - M. lliylnz AL .,j h~ uero ,I °BySLF[W nv,pwy h.N~Ix r.r n ~.@ ~ C?NTOL91 LIMES AR£ RE£EREHCEO TO KGVA _ eq _w i zo', 'aO°LOr ?x'ne xnuym rv~ ' ELE,VATIOM9 ON PLAN AAIF REFERENCED TO N.G.VD. @5 @f v.aF e I i .[ru. Ntl5 i v ° ~I /fir aRA /.W" 6E LW/r LNE ~yyh.~ JJ '.f • r sle OMECTIdI ~IPR?POdFD ElEYATNIN *v L Tao - t~ L hU 1 TOTAL AREA. 1199. ACRES L;[ ~ L/ ~ E iif h ~ ,\~ig MLV~M~µ~A~ A6E°NJrAL KLLCNK /KE 9NN-/.n14 C 8 y PE LMOSCNm AR£J . I%+ . I ~v aif/~ ~ n„xs~rnaao ~ _ MmrAhunowvmam uj- h .T I. - salmwa nr. om - - 2 oraMwAre9x,wnmSMMrv L 4~a a SOOGt0.li6av. L5W WJemNe ""r"`ALB sEar.,w J ~ shw,wloowsnLSrsrwo®u~luwuzmns ~~_x~Lx.o _ ~ TI'1 TIII- _ e - _ rnhuM„,_-xNEJ..YS -,ma M' p ~ 1 I ~ O ~ 0°e~~ laMtl.l6 eY6 dr g i . LL lL mw..aa ,x0 mr 0 , rA~°h.~., wootl,as -zp rra h \ I Tyy s,facrom. A47LXE' ROAD . c R Ae " h vwlwhnm~osu5maln®cx PLAN r. •'M~Y . I 4MK SCALE Ye ® II 20' - ~ 1 ~ ; ] 11 ~11 I 1 ~ ~ 5„9PYU.iwP. LumnPw.~ya~.e ms ~Af rrlN ~ s . _ P ~ _ - ~ T~J °YU ~q mo°°wbrm[vm an>mme - ~ - ~~Y . i 1 - mzaaos+W hawasaNl.s-.mwe { p~R .arc rttl ~ ~ e ~ u?o,lxcwws r-.~.', `I -~ga .wrluxr: w~zr avM Vrncr- we ? I ssuaol,s -zauva..Lawa..u.a+~./ I I - _ , - ,OSBr/PM( SN6a.IC , ..I R 9~qR WIIFr ) 1 Prp A9YYE AD p°N"jr °La~.,xxeewywoutlhm:a p.Tamymo - I artcr/mle.Nr mr rx xsaxmr r ! 1,)gel..n...ssmxe..v•mosrtlwativr..°,r oaw~,~III Ii~IH [ TOTAL ALP"W FOP PARCH. MIOPAan 'r2LIp.Tp CwAO.s r°nfA! ~t- AA/ETDEO SITE PLAN FOR VACYARD 48 E AT A s tt TOWN OF SOUTHOLD p'RI-IJ-01-19 A?x'9.100 p u gyyAM FATLY PARRSRSIP ~'~''',ti ~OOiiw«.i'~ A J p1gp~;RW ` LONG MWAAC RAL 4 ROAD BLRiVE1' s Ns `'c rc.In> 90-17. • MIDDLE ROAD C. R. 49 LOCATION NAP A6[XNDRD 6TL PLAN - ^ NR ~ ~ / b YIN&YARDY 11.953 rm y/p00! 81AlCT 1AMINGSPAM11MUMD I ' - _ _ - BsJg3. 1 3~~25WRS RusilTUtin6 Rmm ;02 N.far Real IROw( II I , / ' `N l-1 ws P UM0.i L~..25r @9J x I -dr - yQ A.mwry Pe.P (a[rsme3 Jxoy.rw 12007 's lCSd RS- LID -IG .v _ OQ 1.42) 9.tw O®a1N00d IS iYy~ 1~1 (',/~y~ yyr 'V b 9oNgz JAW,W Sl V1~ 3 Qa'iI/3 `.L Oggi EX/ST/.rG GRIN//E D [7R5 H CJ ' O OFF LQ/J1=-GG.(E,pgNES ^ S Tau 40XIM 1fl 11RIM( ]2 1110 u OwOow PNi~e \ ( p ® /ta mxm Peal llbMYf z a 2)X10 R.u 1V 4 Qe- ,I \ h a 59 aprYreq~ed:.eNl6x.prY \ .MrfOM" ~ •'1+'o .v Y~wa-ate 'fi.PL~ na ~G 'ETATna/ P 3-m... J A#DDL6 ROAD ~ C R 48 ,53 / q lea>a6arki S.kL.WUI..,. 1 • RR x, Inm ay Rd l[ Box 33 rNl \ Cukt9[re NY 119JS NY 1191s lNephk Bhw Rote I ~ _ tes ~q S 100]9W-LI Io0Df6-1]2 l O e1N1 U9 ~iJmd'-X 7 0 1 ruPale /P-. 'hn Y51 Aod,wktlyt~ 1 6 - GIUWMef 4ell - f I I. DWNOI: IasPt~A/ Ae NYl[995MkN. Pn.6~ IC i 3550 Repro Rwd Manat NY 1195 i 11_1 _ i NOTE: Irdermabon m 9l aWhV wee taken fmm 1 1 >v rm ® I - F 741986 - - - - / 2Rd (Finap, done by PECONIC SURVEYORS. . W~VF PiN~c£SS/N6 g / SRE PIAN deWls m DRAINAGE NO SANRARY hew mlbeen modified . .I I ~OreAGE I 39.W6ks1PA. z,swla mX4. 62 ado eD 3 kstdYxwwu 11wu1 rx N.W L1MLque NY 11935 -ate. M=6 5 1-12 NY 11935 a{u~- I M %b_Je=<.~W 1000.9644 / ~ 27' ~ / fVV . C9eee G.w aurefa .N.O.VD. PJer.09.rwpl.m ue rGvmaC bN.G.V.O. - P0~ '23S_. - /E~C4R5 r O TN Diamw ` II N ~ I PartN Pw NY - I CmNremPow Ca.. LLC r°(}].3 EAM,oke - I . F- Wau Fbw I9D fi J~1, 1000.10x-1.13 : / tx/ffi IPoNm4u Ik NY 1195) / V 1000-9N4.1 A 14.95 F yluygw lAC u.R.01 .01% PbOwNLar Cvraye.01]%(wib PobBw) 114a/°a`T~ 1 r L~IYG - lytlw. 11 ' Al'O ApkWPY 2D].uw abet R qLF_. ' ePP':20 RA( ROAD NOTPSZ Di A,.WI Paw.(AL~ 909. smmwu Nx DnnINACE CRIiFnu -.brow - I 1 AlP Diwkl 01 =11NG: x74 r45 KA (7745 R 0.19 x 1) 1 19 M1 ~w - 1•~ SrF9d DWt19 Fte Dlmie x9 AIWAC Prem.e Ml5Kp re$- COamluerne~SCam3bN.O.VD. - I Rfp=.1.28-/3 FlevwovwPLUSm;Qu.evdb NO.VD. Q9e5 z0.1]z IJ -Sm wR ac Dirsamdwwc BwvNrawec POUF ONrol Arta3A666pM1 T e ~ -A?E~ZZ2-/d - Tr.mc DYe Um OAe66x0.Aa1) 2911 ufl. K • _ ~~N4 ~10O° ToW E.i.1i.[ 1.761 cuff. .000. Cmwdrww Mw.{®eellaulV _ REV.. xeam DePr9~App9vd'u 1996 fuFaiam[euiMtyr nWa g:I3..L a ~ f° I m,~caER Ages pMENDE& SITE PLAN it -.z 3.66AUaxl00 YV.u.-1100 plluo pudry alp d .rr aimquz)Td. VINEYARD) 48 W. l5.nW..kwc 4[01 MA. Faimn[..01[.Pd-19l [Pd ~rire101erAiN P^dr ° I m Ta P99b(WUer.e)atltAa2)33gM1 x m PURA 10g&A TOWN OF SOUTHOLG NY SK1, Oma 2)0 K36&Pd T9W0 3301Pd NSWRROPOSED:rwfdPkbve1000.9'M1 (YWxO.I]a l) 6m w1(= 6W42.2-16,f. SAMTARY LEACMNG 91f?B16e./'p CHOWgASSOCUTFS ExMU[ImO pl Septle Twtpovidd Jm [P4z3.660 [Pd. (x dq. flow) Rwox m9le.aim[P°RdPdiuwwzPdxp POOL aeyrxu-ASSOCIi New Pee B.m (w badwmlw kk Lw)-eY.omzp9ddd b T.~elbcm 'r dot m xY£ ] B. Planning Board Approval Resolution and Letters 1.1995 site plan approval resolution; 2.2006 C.O. approval letter (final inspection) (as-built plan approved). I i PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~o~~SUFFO(4 coGy Richard G. Ward, Chairman °y Z Town Hall, 53095 Main Road George Ritchie Latham, Jr. u~ T P. O. Box 1179 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold, New York 11971 Mark S. McDonald Fax (516) 765.3136 Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 11, 1995 Joseph Fischetti, P.E. Hobart Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed site plan for Bidwell Vineyards SCTM# 1000.96.4-4.3 Dear Mr. Fischeth: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday July 10, 1995: WHEREAS, Bidwell Family Limited are the owners of the property known and designated as Bidwell Vineyards, located at County Route 48, Cutchogue, SCTM# 1000-96-4-4.3; and WHEREAS, a formal application for the approval of this site plan was submitted on April 12, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8), Part 617, declared itself lead agency and issued a Negative Declaration on March 27, 1995; and WHEREAS, a special exception was issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals on May 4, 1994;and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore Page 2 Proposed site plan for Bidwell Vineyards July 11, 1995 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional final approval on the surveys dated May 17, 1995 and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys subject to a one year review from date of building permit; approval of elevation drawings contained in the detailed construction plans; and fulfillment of the following conditions. All conditions must be met within six (6) months of the date of this resolution. 1. Curb cut permit from Suffolk County Department of Public Works. 2. Certification by the Building Department. 3. Grading and drainage plan with drainage calculations. 4. Existing buildings and uses shall be brought into compliance with Chapter 45 of the Town Code. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, Richard G. /ar Chairman MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBE • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~O~~OE souryo~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS 4 Town Hall Annex - MARTIN H. SHIOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND O~~,CO'nM Southold, NY un Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fan 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE June 27, 2006 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. James Eller East End Wine Consultants P.O. Box 590 Deer Park, New York 11729 Re: Certificate of Occupancy Inspection for the Site Plan previously known as Bidwell Vineyards and currently known as Vineyard 48 County Road 48, Cutchogue SCIW 1000-96-4-4.3 Dear W. Eller. As per your written request dated March 29, 2006 for a Certificate of Occupancy final site inspection, Planning Department staff performed site visits on April 3, 2006 and June 26, 2006. In reference to the above, the Planning Board has accepted the `As-Built' plan dated February 19, 1991 and last revised May 18, 2006. As per your letter dated June 21, 2006, the Planning Board has accepted the minor changes in landscaping along the vineyard rows on the west of the parking lot and the east side of the tasting room building. This is to inform you that the site plan requirements have been satisfied conditional of the following items: 1. All signs shall meet Southold Town Zoning Codes and shall be subject to approval of the Southold Town Building Inspector. 2. All handicap parking stalls and access aisles must comply with New York State Code and ADA requirements. This letter does not condone any changes from the approved site plan and approvals from other agencies if required. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. I spectfullyyours, J B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: File Building Department Town Engineer MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBE • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE V $u~Tyolo Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS # Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON Grp p (cor. Main Rd. & Youn Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND 6'e COU~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE May 23, 2006 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. James Eller East End Wine Consultants P.O. Box 590 Deer Park, New York 11729 Re: Certificate of Occupancy Inspection for the Site Plan previously known as Bidwell Vineyards and currently known as Vineyard 48 County Road 48, Cutchogue SC W 1000-96-4-4.3 Dear Mr. Eller. At your written request, date received on Match 30, 2006, for a Certificate of Occupancy final site inspection Planning Deparunent staff performed a site visit on Apri13, 2006. In addition, the PLutiiing Board, in their work session on Monday, May 8, 2006, has accepted the Town Engineer's continents and reviewed the last revised plan dated May 18, 2006 at the work session on May 22, 2006 which includes pazking changes and ADA parking/access. In reference to the above, the Planning Board has accepted the "Site Plan for Vineyard 48" last revised May 18, 2006. Please be aware all parking must conform to Town Code Chapter §100-191 and State and Federal guidelines regarding handicap parking. This is to inform you that the proposed changes must be completed within six (6) months of the date of this letter. Once all of the proposed changes have been completed, please submit an as-built site plan reflecting all of the changes made and notify this office in writing so that a final site inspection may take place. If all requirements are satisfied following the site inspection, a final letter of satisfaction will be issued. Please do not hesitate to contact this office should you have any further questions or need assistance. Respectfully yours, k-X rilyn B. Woodhouse \1 ~r Chairperson cc: File Building Department Town Engineer C. Planning Board Public Hearing Transcripts • June 3, 2013 • July 1, 2013 Southold Town Planning Board Pape Two June 3. 2013 PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 p.m. - Harbes Greenhouse & Farm Shed - This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 30'x96' 2,880 s.f. a 12'x16' farm shed ~ ) greenhouse, and a 10x16' poultry pen on 13.5 acres in the A-C Zoning District. The property is located at 555 Sound Avenue, ±830' w/o Aldrich Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#1000-120-1-3 Donald Wilcenski: I would like to ask if there is anyone from the audience who would like to address the Planning Board at this time, please step to one of the podiums, state your name and write your name for the record. Hearing and seeing none.. William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a motion to close the hearing. Martin Sidor: Second. Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Don Wilcenski: Motion carries. x++++»»x+x+xx»+xxx»»xxx+x+xxx»xx+»++x»+xxx»»xx+++»»»»»+++ 6:02 p.m. - Vineyard 48 - This amended site plan is for the proposed construction of a 40'x 100' pole barn pavilion with two walls, a re-design of the existing parking areas, and the addition of an overflow parking area with 100 parking spaces. Existing on site are a 2,032 s.f. tasting room, a 320 s.f. accessory retail store, 1,480 s.f. office, and 3,000 s.f. storage building and 11.3 acres of grape vines on 14.9 acres in the A-C Zoning District. The property is located at 18910 CR 48, ±340' w/o CR 48 and Depot Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-96-4-4.3 Donald Wilcenski: At this time, the applicant's attorney would like to speak first. I know there are a number of people here; everyone will have their chance to be heard. Pat, we would like to give you a chance to answer the questions that are brought up tonight at the end of all the questioning from the public. Patricia Moore: Good evening, Board. You'll have to excuse my posture; I pulled my back out, so I'm looking like a pretzel. I have with me this evening for this public hearing, Matt Metz, who is the principal of Vineyard 48; he is president of the corporation known as Joseph Paul Winery. Also with me is William Moore, who is going to assist me so that when the questions are asked and if I am incapable of withstanding too much of the ammunition, he is my backup. I Southold Town Planning Board Page Three June 3, 2013 Patricia Moore: I am going to go through and review something that the Board is certainly familiar with because it was part of the file that I think in fairness so that the neighbors understand everything that we have been going through. I am going to go through the use and the history of this property just to get us started all on the same page. Vineyard 48 is obviously located on CR 48 in Cutchogue and it is considered a farm winery. The farm winery produces wine primarily from their own vines. Development rights have not been sold from this property. So the property is intact. As you pointed out, the property contains 34 acres; 14.95 acres on CR 48 and 18.5 acres on Depot Lane. All the land except for the 3 acres with the winery structures and the parking is devoted to the vineyard. The property contains the original winery building retail area, the tasting room, office for winemaker, processing buildings and wine tasting pavilion. The winery uses 3 seasonal tents for outdoor seating and serving: a 20'X20' tent, a 20'X40' tent and a 40'X100' tent depending on the need. The history of this property: it has been in wine production since Robert Bidwell purchased the property in 1982. A survey from May 1986 shows parking and existing buildings-including the concrete block building which was used as the winery for Bidwell Vineyards. In 1990 the Zoning Board granted a special exception (which was the requirement at the time) for the original structure which included the retail sales area. The 400 sq. ft. retail sale area is the original building which remains on the property as the retail area for the winery. In 1994 the Zoning Board granted another special exception for the new tasting room pavilion-that is the existing building. In addition, in July 1995 the Planning Board approved the site plan for the winery use for existing and proposed buildings. The site plan provided for parking and drainage for the existing buildings as well as the proposed wine tasting pavilion. The parking along the front has not changed on our proposed site plan. After the tasting room pavilion was constructed and a certificate of occupancy was requested from the Building Department, the Planning Board reviewed the as-built site plan. The site plan was last revised in May 2006 with some minor revisions to the landscaping and the parking. On June 27, 2006, the Planning Board found the improvements to be in compliance with the approved site plan. We have what is considered primarily a seasonal use from April until October depending upon the weather. Agro-tourism is an important economic stimulus to the local economy. CR 48 is the New York State Wine Trail. Vineyard 48, as well as other wineries and large farm stands provide outdoor seating under tents and canopies. The canopies and tents conform to the State Building Code. I am going to give you a memo regarding the NYS Building Code, which I will incorporate into the file. The Town began issuing criminal violations and simultaneously pursued Supreme Court enforcement actions against Vineyard 48, claiming that the winery was exceeding the I Southold Town Planning Board Page Four June 3. 2013 occupancy of the tasting room pavilion structure with their outdoor seating. Despite ample overflow parking on 32 acres, the Town sought an injunction to stop the use of the tasting room pavilion with outdoor seating. The Town alleged to the Court that if the site plan only showed 33 parking spaces, then Vineyard 48 could not exceed the number of cars. The Town insisted to the Court that an amended site plan had to be submitted in order to approve the occupancy of the property, which included seasonal use of canopies and tents. Vineyard 48, in an effort to resolve the Court proceedings, agreed to prepare an amended plan. However, when the site plan was submitted showing the seasonal canopies and tents, we were advised that the Planning Board does not site plan tents. My client was directed to remove the seasonal tents from the proposed amended site plan. The plans were revised and the pending amended site plan application shows a tent area and future pole barn. The pole barn will be built for next season to replace the use of the larger tent. This season, Vineyard 48 needs the seasonal tents to operate the winery, particularly during inclement weather and the summer heat. In April, Vineyard 48 applied for the seasonal tent permits. The Building Department referred this application to the Planning Board and received a response on April 19, 2013 which contradicts the Planning Board's directive to remove tents from the site plan. We have provided a site plan which shows the overflow parking for 100 cars. The Planning Board has requested the Building Department deny tent permit applications and we ask that the Planning Board refrain from interfering in the issuance of tent permits. In the Town of Southold, agricultural properties such as wineries, farm stands and open field tourist attractions place seasonal tents on their property to accommodate the seasonal tourism. The Town may not adopt regulations which deviate from New York State Building Code. The Town Board, on May 7, 2013, adopted a resolution establishing and imposing guidelines on the Building Department. The guidelines are procedurally and substantively illegal. Moreover, the Town's interference with farms in the agricultural district is a violation of Ags & Markets Law. We raise that on the record we understand there will be a lot of comments, and we just want to make sure that all of that is made part of the record. In an effort to resolve the disputes with the Town, Vineyard 48 proposed on the site plan a 40'X100' pole barn. This pole barn is to be used for seasonal seating. Portable picnic tables are placed under the unheated seasonal seating pavilion for the winery, which will replace the 40'X100' tent located in the tent area. The structure has no water-only electricity. The pole barn has been designed with walls on the west and the north; the walls are proposed to provide greater noise abatement than the open tent. Throughout this process we have insisted that the Town should not be site planning the manner of operation of any use. Wineries are an agricultural use which is dependent Southold Town Planning Board Page Five June 3. 2013 on tourism. In the amended site plan application, we made the Town aware of the efforts that have been made to address all complaints-even the most unreasonable and unjustified complaints. With respect to complaints (and we anticipate we will be hearing comments tonight), so you know what efforts are being made: the winery operates primarily during daylight hours. The minimum noise heard at the property line competes with the traffic noise of the busiest summer months on a dual highway, CR 48. Vineyard 48 intends to invest in that 40'X100' pole barn to replace the seasonal tent which is used as seasonal seating for the winery. The barn is designed with a north and west wall. The opening of the barn will be toward the field and courtyard. The closest neighbor on the north is approximately 250' from the courtyard and tent area. CR 48, the dual highway and grass median separates Vineyard 48 from the neighbors to the tent which controls most of the noise. However, a wood structure and side walls will be constructed for the 2014 season to further assure the Town that every effort is being made to address the neighbor's complaint. Until then, the canopy of tents is needed. We certainly are willing to add a north and west wall to any tent that is placed on the property in order to provide further noise abatement. With respect to noise, Vineyard 48 owns and operates a decibel meter. The decibel meter is continuously monitored by Vineyard 48 during the hours of operation to assure conformance with the Town Code. Measurements are taken at Vineyard 48 property lines. To date, there have been no measurements which have violated decibel limits set forth in the Town Code. With respect to traffic, queing is shown on the site plan. Buses and limousines are in contact with Vineyard 48 prior to their arrival. After delivering the passengers, the drivers maintain contact with the staff to coordinate pickup. Overflow bus and limousine parking which cannot be accommodated on site is directed to park at an industrial park off the site. Limousine parking is provided mainly on site along designated spaces. Guests and management must be able to readily contact the drivers for questions and departure. A letter is provided to the limousine companies to advise them of the manner of operation and Vineyard 48 rules. Once vehicles are on CR 48, they are required to follow NYS vehicle and traffic law. U-tums on CR 48 are permitted. Overflow passenger vehicle parking is shown in an open area to the south. The vehicle traffic to the parking field is directed and supervised by qualified personnel. The flow of traffic is easily controlled by one-way direction into the parking stalls. The interior driveway (to the extent possible) is using existing farm roads. The farm roads maintain the agricultural character and do not interfere with the vineyard operation. Finally, with respect to the traffic, Suburban Security has provided professional security and traffic control services in the past. With respect to guest behavior, Vineyard 48 and the security services reserve the right to refuse to serve intoxicated persons or entry of vehicles with intoxicated passengers. Security patrols the area and monitors pedestrians touring the vineyard. In order to Southold Town Planning Board Page Six June 3. 2013 prevent unlawful trespassing beyond the bounds of the vineyard, private property signs are posted south of the Long Island Railroad tracks identifying the limits of the property. With 34 acres of farmland, trespassing can occur by foot from the south, from the more populated areas. If Vineyard 48 staff witness inappropriate behavior, they are directed to address it immediately or call the police. Vineyard 48 has been prosecuted based on You Tube and other internet sites which are hearsay allegations. Vineyard 48 management cannot address behavior unless witnessed by staff. It is difficult to site plan for alleged isolated actions of adults. Any tourist attraction-even wineries-has to address common course of conduct. Vineyard 48 has been aggressive in addressing alleged isolated behavior problems. The owners have hired new management. The winery is open every day. However, the site plan is addressing at most the most populated weekends two months of the year. In the summer and in the fall, the winery is closed by sunset on Saturday and 6 p.m. on Sunday. The staff and independent contractors are on the premises and paid whether it rains or the sun shines. With respect to music, most wineries and some farm stands provide music entertainment for their guests. The Town was accusing Vineyard 48 of dance parties. Last year, management addressed this allegation. They hired local DJ's who are familiar with the Town ordinances. Local DJ's provide music on the weekends and represent to the owner that the noise ordinance would be followed and that they do not use vulgar language. DJ's are better able to select music which varies and the volume can be controlled. To control dancing which was alleged to be excessive, it was moved to the courtyard area and picnic tables were placed under the larger tents. There would be no room to dance under the tents. No other agricultural vineyard in our opinion is harassed as often and as continuously as Vineyard 48, despite the manner of operation of all the vineyards-which is for the most part the same. Vineyard 48 hires local independent contractors, local employees and actively addresses any actual or perceived problem on a continuous basis. In February, in an effort to show good faith and resolve the Court proceedings, they filed this amended site plan with the seasonal parking and to construct a permanent building with walls. The walls are proposed in order to control what the neighbors have alleged to be unreasonable noise. As I said before, my client is willing to add a north and west side to the larger tent in this year. Vineyard 48 has exceeded the expectations made of most wineries. The manner in which the Town has enforced the laws and interfered with the winery exceeds the bounds of reasonableness. This amended site plan addresses these complaints. We are here to listen to the neighbors and we appreciate that opportunity. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you, Pat. I know there are a number of you here that want to speak, so I'd like to do this in an orderly fashion. Let's start on this side of the room. If anybody would like to speak, please step to the podium, state and write your name for Southold Town Planning Board Page Seven June 3, 2013 the record. We will work our way across the room and be here as long as we have to, within reason. This is a public forum and you are here to address the Board. We are taking all the information tonight and it will be put to the file. Please do not speak out to someone or try to answer someone's question. I will ask the applicant's attorney, Pat, at the end of the public input or questions to respond and answer as many questions as you can or choose to. Joseph Zuhoski Sr. 5455 Depot Lane Cutchogue: As Pat mentioned, Bidwell was the original owner. While he owned that property, there was not any noise being produced; it was used strictly as a tasting room-no dancing, no screaming, no hollering. The pole barn-how tall is that going to be? What is the height of it? Donald Wilcenski: Excuse me, we will answer the questions-Brian, do you have that? We want to keep this orderly: 1 just want to reiterate to everyone. You can ask the questions, then Pat is going to come up at the end and she will answer as many as she can. If we have the answers right away, we will answer them. I'm sorry, Mr. Zuhoski. Brian has the plan: it is 18' high. Joseph Zuhoski. Sr.: Thank you. Pat mentioned that the north and west side would be blocked off, but that means the east and south are going to be open. I happen to live to the east of that building. I'll be getting the brunt of all the noise that will be coming out of that barn. As it is now, I have to close the windows of my home on a Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon because the noise is so horrendous you can't stand it. The drum is beating; people are screaming and hollering-it's outrageous. Last Saturday evening a man got up on top of an SUV and was dancing around waving his hands screaming. These people are out of order. They get drunk, they are all over our neighborhood. This has got to stop. As you may know there is a place out in Hampton Bays they call "Bawdy Barn." That's a night club. Well, to me, what's going on here in Cutchogue on Depot Lane 48 Vineyard is a "Day Club." Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else from this side of the room? Again, I will remind you to state and write your name for the record. Joe Zuhoski. Jr.: I live just west of CR 48 Vineyard, right behind the young lady, that last house on the bottom right hand comer. My dad is right across the way from me. We built there in '87. Like my dad said, Bidwell was there. I'd be out in my garden, all of a sudden Frank Sinatra would start playing. So I'm singing "My Way." But now these guys, I'm telling you wow, it's a whole different animal. You've probably heard stories about the guy that caught the people in their backyard doing the deed. I'm the guy-I've got the pictures. I've had intrusion from the people over there-they're rude. We ask them "Buddy, what are you doing here?" We are told to you-know-what with ourselves. We're at wits end with these people. There is no control over the patrons. ~I Southold Town Planning Board Pape Eight June 3. 2013 I've found wine bottles in my backyard right behind my shed. Like I said, the couple was doing their thing-I had to call the cops. I had buses down my driveway pulling over my grass and my yard. Private cars from their parking lot coming down my private road which is closed and using that. How much more are we going to take? I was told to block the road off. Why should I have to block my road off? I gotta move barricades if I want to leave? Decibel meters-there are times I've had dishes in my cupboards rattling. That bang of the bass is just too much. Something is going to have to be done. I hope the Town does the right thing for us because this is going on too long. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. To keep things moving, you can use the podium on the right as well. Denise Lademann. 85 Old Saddle Lane: I live probably Y2 mile away into Oregon View Estates. They spoke about seasonal use, but when I complained it was a Saturday afternoon on October 22. 1 came home from work and my house was rocking. The walls were rocking. I yelled at my son to turn down his radio. He said: "It's not me, Mom." Then my husband said: It's from the vineyard. And it's been doing it all day long." There is a number of times we've gotten nearly hit by limos trying to make U- turns on CR 48. 1 have a little Subaru. It's hard to make a U-turn on 48 in my Subaru. I can't imagine in a limo or a huge bus. And it stops all traffic when it happens. Everybody going either way has to stop. There is going to be a terrible accident on this road. It's going to happen. It's just a matter of time, and the Town needs to do something about it before it happens. Because I would hate to see a loss of life over this- It's ridiculous. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else from the left side? Marla Koster. 975 Horseshoe Drive. Oregon View Estates: When we were here a year ago or whatever for the Town meeting, it was said that what's carried on here is outside of the Halo District for this kind of thing? Donald Wilcenski: I am not sure what meeting you are speaking of, but it might have been with the ZBA. We have not had a public hearing for Planning. Marla Koster: But is it outside the Halo area? Donald Wilcenski: Yes it is, it's actually in the AC Zone. Marla Koster: All right, so it's not supposed to be doing this in that area, right? Donald Wilcenski: It's based Agriculture. So under the Agricultural umbrella, the Ags & Markets allow for Agritainment. Southold Town Planning Board Page Nine June 3.2013 Marla Koster: But what they're doing is a "Bawdy Barn" like Mr. Zuhoski said. It's really not-shouldn't be there. I'm sorry. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else from this side? Vivian Hinton. 515 Horseshoe Drive: As many people here are volunteer firemen, my son is a volunteer fireman. He went to the Vineyard either because somebody was drunk or got sick and they called the ambulance to go there. He went to the emergency call and came back. On the way back home, he gets into a car accident and totals his truck. This is because there were buses and limos parked on CR 48 and you couldn't see. He's coming down Depot (Lane) at the blinking light to make a U-turn to go make a left hand turn when this car comes out from behind two buses and hits him. Luckily nobody got hurt. In that car there were two young kids and my son's truck was totally totaled. That has to stop. The limos can't make U-tums; they shouldn't be parking on 48. They've parked in our driveway. Enough is enough. Something has to be done. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else from the left side of the room, or the right side of the room? Front and center. you can step to that podium there. Laurie Helinski, 18450 Middle Road: I am the closest person to Vineyard 48. My house is for sale. It's that bad. The last couple of years. Everybody tells their kids to go outside and play. My kids get told to stay inside. Its dangerous in my yard. They hired bodyguards last year. It's about time. They stand at the comer of my property. Instead of me having to fight with the drunks all afternoon, I get to listen to this guy fight with the drunks all afternoon to tell them to go back to the vineyard; they don't belong there. 1 can't tell you the action I see in it; I can't tell you how many times I saw people having sex in my yard. My daughter's graduation party video shows people having sex two rows in. I said: "Excuse me, we are having a graduation party here." He doesn't even stop. Nice, real nice. I could go on and on and on. The litter: it's disgusting. Can't send the kids out to mow the lawn-I gotta go check because they not only urinate in my yard constantly-they poop. I grow my own food. They're urinating on my food. They're supposed to shut down at 6:00; now I'm back on duty. Whoever is left over- and those girls, they can't wait to take off their clothes-4 can't tell you. Here they comel They need pole bams for the pole dancing. Because that's what I watch from my back yard. They're running through the vineyard and clothes are flying. It's disgusting! How that's agriculture I have no idea. I've worked my whole life in farming. That is not farming. I don't know what they think they're selling-they're selling Sangria in a pitcher with a straw. That's on their advertising. You don't even have to go to You Tube-look at their advertising on their own website. It's shut down by now. That's agritainment? News 12 Southold Tourism is gonna be: "What happens in Southold stays in Southold." There is no rules. You get on a bus, you come out here and you can do whatever you want. "'Cause it's fun; we're just having fun-we're just dancing." i Southold Town Planning Board Page Ten June 3. 2013 Girls gone wild in the vineyards. That's what you got. Now they're gonna put up a big, big barn. Nobody's doing any kind of occupancy check. Just this past Saturday I had a bus stop in front of my yard letting everybody out. I don't know who they contacted at the Vineyard. There's no communication because they're letting people out in my yard. They're finally trying to get them off the highway a little bit. All of our small roads-our infrastructure is not meant to handle these huge limos and buses going up and down Depot Lane, Alvah's Lane. They're parked on the side. There are no shoulders. You're worried about people who are coming out with their bikes because there's not enough room and you're going to let this action go on? I don't know who is counting heads going into these places, but guess what-you just count how many buses and limos come in and out of here and you tell me they're not over occupancy how many times a year? Its a joke. My house is for sale, my family's life has been ruined, my last son can't graduate with his friends he has been going to school with since kindergarten. can't give my house away. Southold better wake up and smell the roses. We're paying for your open space. I'd rather be living in a neighborhood. I signed up to live in AC because I didn't want to bother people with my rototiller first thing in the morning. (inaudible) What do I get? Bawdy Barn. The parking lot out in the back is already there. I don't know why he's going for a site plan now-it's been there since last fall- it's already there. 1 don't know who (inaudible) pesticide license but guess what-they use a barrel sprayer-they're out there weekly-you gotta spray-I get that. It's not even the one that's enclosed. They re spraying cars where employees all park in there; now you're gonna have people walking and parking through there. No public safety issue hat's up with that? The last time I worked the workers weren't allowed in the field for 44 hours. That's OK--parking in the way back and let everybody walk through there? Everybody we see rolling around in the grass give them the heads up: "by the way, don't go to the bathroom in my yard. You know you might want to go take a shower; they just sprayed this morning or yesterday morning." "Oh my God, really? Nobody told me." It's just flouting all the rules and all the laws and we are left hung out to dry. You guys are gonna get what you ask for. You got your open space, you got your vineyards. Good Luck. We are oversaturated with vineyards and you're gonna have a lot more people coming down the pike who'll do the same thing because you're letting them do it. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you for your comments and they will be taken into consideration. Believe me, we are all well aware of the situation. Jill Ann Johnson. 225 Horseshoe Drive: I wasn't so angry until I walked in this room and heard how everybody is following the rules and so why should the neighbors complain. I think if you were dealing with a responsible business, they wouldn't be taken out of the Wine Council, they wouldn't have the Farm Bureau turning their back on them. If they were doing all the right things, they would have support from their own industry. But they don't. It's all of the things that you've heard here. In the beginning, Southold Town Planning Board Page Eleven June 3.2013 as neighbors, we went there and tried to hash it out and talk to them and see if we could work things out. But when there were no rules, nobody cared about what anybody had to say. Now they're here Oh, we want to put up a wall; we want to block off the north and west." I don't care what kind of walls you put up; the people who walked into my neighborhood twice and peed in front of my kids last year-are those walls in the pole barn gonna block them in? Are those walls in the pole barn gonna stop the ladies from running out onto Sound Avenue because they think it's a back road because they're from the city? Are those walls from the pole barn gonna stop people from fighting? Is it going to stop the traffic from lining up Sound Avenue? Because when my husband and 1 moved here it was only six years ago, and this wasn't what we were dealing with. We came to this neighborhood from Riverhead. We might be better off in Riverhead if this is how it's gonna be. At least I knew what I was getting myself into there. When there's public drunkenness you got it because you were in Riverhead. But now I'm in Cutchogue, and I moved here and 1 spent a lot of money. And I spend every dime I have on my mortgage and I am pissed. I invite anybody to come and live in my neighborhood for a weekend in the summer because that's not right. I'm disappointed because right now my kids are in the lobby and I should be home making dinner. This is the second time this year I've been here for this type of meeting. And nothing has happened. So who is going to look out for us? That's all I really have to say. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you very much. Bill Shipman. 75 Horseshoe Drive: Good evening. I am directly across from the driveway entrance there: approximately 130'. Ms. Moore said that they had the litigation in process here. May 24, 2012 was the first preliminary injunction to the Suffolk County Supreme Civil Court. Then on October 23, 2012 another injunction for the parking areas. These things were put in place because the Town Board thinks the business plan doesn't fit the zoning. They're having more of a night club atmosphere rather than a wine tasting. Also, presently since March 7, 2013 the NYS Liquor Authority is presently engaged in hearings and litigation with this company. They do not have a current liquor license; they are operating under the liquor license that has expired last year due to whatever the State has set up where they are allowed to continue to operate until the hearings are done. So I don't know how you are going to approve the site amendment or a construction project to somebody who doesn't currently have an up-to-date liquor license and are operating on last year's. The State Liquor Authority also feels this vineyard has misrepresented their business plan and the use of their wine tasting license. They are serving more than tastings; they are serving Long Island beer, they are serving sangria. A lot of this stuff wouldn't be issues if they didn't torment the neighbors with the noise that they produce and the functions that they had when there was no noise ordinance. When I asked the responding officer that would come to take the noise complaint: "Could you ask the manager to come over so that he can tell me if this is acceptable; you're here, I'm here, I promise I'll behave Southold Town Planning Board Page Twelve June 3. 2013 myself." "He's too busy." Well, now they say they've changed their managers. In one of the write-ups that they vineyard has, the owner is always present. They might be serving your wine to you. So they know what's going on. Back to the State Liquor Authority. The State Liquor Authority also says that the cigar shop on site violates their rules and conditions of license because within ten business days they are supposed to notify the Liquor Authority of any change in their business plan. They failed to do that. So them having that retail store there violates their liquor license. In the liquor license, they are supposed to have a 6 p.m. closing. There's plenty of reports that show from the Police Department 6:30, 7:00, 11:00 at night. So, what I'm trying to portray to the Board here is that's a definite conflict of interest if I ever saw one. Three separate litigations. By amending the site plan, you increase their ability to have these functions. You're telling them: "OK, we're not going to issue your tent permits this year because the last two years you've been off the wall, so we're not gonna give you the tent permits. But now we're going to approve a 40'X100' permanent building"-and that is going to be what they're gonna have their functions in? Conflict of interest to me. I'm not an attorney but I see that conflict of interest. Donald Wilcenski: I'm sorry to interrupt you. Just to be clear, this is a public hearing and all the information that we are hearing is going to be put into the record and will be under consideration. Continue. Bill Shipman: I've been working on this for two or three years-I've been suffering. This is what I have and I want everybody to hear. Again, if you approve something like this that's against the Town Board stance right now unless they've changed their stance (they haven't gotten back to me or informed me of this), I demand-and I'm sure many people after me will demand-that this site plan amendment and building permit be denied or at least tabled until all litigation is solved. Thirty days is unacceptable. If they have litigation, you can't tell them that they can build something or amend their site until all that litigation is done. Because obviously the Town Board has concerns and NYS Liquor Authority has concerns. This vineyard, I believe, is trying to seek approval for this so that they could sneak it in-this way when they get disciplined by NYS they'll go to the Appeals Court and they'll say: "Hey- the Town allowed us to do this; why are we being punished?" That's how I'm looking at it. Just this last weekend, June 1, Vineyard 48 had approximately 400 people at their site. So now when we go back to Town Code: Outdoor Events and Vineyards for Profit. At which expected attendance exceeds the maximum occupancy, which is 125 for Vineyard 48 of the public area. So they need a special permit. They don't have it. They need it. When they go over 300 people, they have other things that they have to go by. All parking must be off the street; traffic control must be provided. You could go on and on. Limos and buses are parking down Thomas Drive off of Duck Pond. They have a guy with the flag in his vest on Mattituck Sanitation property parking the larger buses and the larger limos. I have Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirteen June 3. 2013 pictures of this-if anyone wants to see them afterwards, I've got them on my phone- I'll show you. This is what we have been dealing with for the last three years. So now somebody comes up with a plan to put a permanent structure up to replace a temporary structure that they are told doesn't fit that particular area. Back to the NYS Liquor Authority. Obviously they misinterpreted their business to them because their permit under Liquor License Winery Form shows a tasting. They're serving bottles; they're serving Sangria; they're serving beer. So, unless people can come up with definite answers to me, I think it's going to be criminal if this is passed or if the site plan is amended until anything is resolved with litigation. I am sure there are other people who want to speak, so I shall be on my way. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you for your comments. Again, all comments will be put into the recordtfile and taken into consideration. Anybody else from the center? Kathleen Scheuerman. 675 Horseshoe Drive: Is this winery going to be rewarded for breaking the law and you're going to reward them by letting them build a building that will be a permanent structure? Is that how our Town works now? I don't know. But I hope that you don't do that. I hope that you are actually listening to all of us. Because if you don't live in our area, you don't put up with the noise; you don't put up with the obscene parties and the people that they cannot control. When you go to the other wineries and you have a tasting, they're in, they're out-they're civilized people. We are not having that where we live. These are not civilized people; these are people who are coming out here to party and have a good time and they're being told: "This is a wild place." When you go into this winery, you don't see anybody over 30. This is a club; it is not a winery. They are having a wonderful time at our expense and we're the ones that are paying the taxes- And that's not fair. It's something I don't think they should be rewarded for. If, as the lawyer said, they were following everything and they were just being harassed, can you please explain to me why none of the other wineries have been harassed? They have to be breaking rules in order to have the kind of conflict they have with their neighbors. And they don't address any of the conflicts that go on. Now they're addressing it because they want something bigger and better. Are we going to reward them and let them have something bigger and better? I hope not. I hope not for our Town's sake and for our local community on Horseshoe Drive and on 48 and on Depot. Because we are the ones who are suffering and we are the ones who are going to vote and still run this town-they're not. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Jesse Johnson. 225 Horseshoe Drive: Like my wife was saying before, we moved from Riverhead. I lived on Griffing Avenue right across the street from the train station, which is not known for being the quietest area. It's quieter than where we are at now. We were making a U-turn one day, my family and I, right across the street at the Southold Town Planninq Board Page Fourteen June 3. 2013 vineyard there. I look over to my left down the vineyard in the vines there and there was a woman on her knees and she wasn't praying-lets just put it that way. And there was a guy taking a leak across the street. Mr. Shipman has kids and my kids were outside in the driveway playing. So, it's not even that-if I was 15 I'd probably be happy that that lace was across the street because I'd P se d be wanting to sneak in there. That's the way I'd be looking at it. But I'm not, and neither are the kids in the neighborhood. So, who are these people that have been carted out here? I don't know them. They're getting drunk-no doubt about it. Because they're doing wild stuff-all bad stuff. Not all of them, but all it takes is one. A three-point turn is not a U-turn. The case is made from the first speaker that to me, the way I heard it, they were forced into every compliance that took place-forced. My calls at first were: 41 can't hear the Yankee game." I have the windows open in my living room in the summer. Then it was them just hanging up on me. Every time I called, the crowd in the background sounded like a a . Whatever has P rtY and if that goes throw passed gh that's approval against the will of the people in the area. I think about how I had to pay that extra 2%. 1 paid that in Riverhead, and I paid that here. Property taxes, all sorts of stuff. The weekend is mine, just like the weekend is theirs. And businesses and residences are supposed to be neighbors. The re not compliant; they don't give a damn. Money talks. And that's the way it's being looked at. If it's done, it's gonna be forced against everybody. Anybody in that surrounding area not talking about it or complaining are just not doing it. But I know everybody in that neighborhood hears that music. And it's loud rap music being reverberated all throughout the neighborhood. Like I said, I didn't get into the details of the legal matters, but there's no compliance. They don't give a damn about the people in the neighborhood. C'mon. They don't care. I know they don't give a crap about me across the street. I know because they showed it over the past couple of years. That's the way it is. It's worth continuing to complain about it. Now that everybody's here, I'm just here to back them up. Matter of fact, after hearing about all this, I'll be glad to take more action about it, too. Thanks for listening to me. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else on this side? Pat Schwarz. 1020 Manor Hill Lane Cutchoque: I do not live around the winery. I live on 25, almost next to another winery. I live by Trimble's Nursery. That winery has parties also. I have never had a problem with anyone coming out of that place drunk. I have never had a problem with noise, and they have parties there. They are good neighbors. They are good neighbors. The reason I am here is because I almost got killed last year. I was going east on 48. A limousine came around making a so-called U-turn and stopped dead in front of me-I'm doing 50 mph. I had to slam on my brakes and drive over onto the lawn in order to keep myself from getting killed. And he stops dead there. From what I understand listening to these people, this is something that happens all the time. They are constantly making turns there and it is dangerous. 9 I I Southold Town Planning Board Page Fifteen June 3. 2013 I don't want to be a statistic, and I almost was. And then you put up another light. Anyway, that's it. I Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Beth Shipman. 75 Horseshoe Drive: I am directly across the street from Vineyard 48. 1 wrote a letter that I would like to read to the Board. We do have young children in the room, so I will be ad Jibbing briefly in the middle of this. I will give you the letter; I would love for you all to look at it, take your time, enjoy the pictures that come along with it: "We start this letter with the fact that our home has been in our family since it was constructed in 1983. This is not a case of buying a home next to an airport and then complaining about the noise or the pollution from the air traffic. In fact, when the home was built, Bidwell Vineyards had only recently purchased in 1982 the land adjacent to us for the purpose of growing grapes. There was no tasting room, cigar store or Saturday dance parties. Under the ownership of the Bidwell Family and subsequently the Pippa Family, the vineyard operated much the same as all the other surrounding vineyards. They were good neighbors, and we had on occasion patronized them ourselves. Since the vineyard has been purchased by the Metz, Lamanna & Bartone families, their good neighbor status has been in decline. The 2010 season became quite loud by the end of August. The 2011 season started in April and went straight through to November. In the early spring, the noise, volume and cursing were kept to every Saturday. As summer approached, it became every Friday and Saturday. By the end of summer 2011, Vineyard 48 was hosting dance parties every weekend. The noise and vulgarity became a constant problem every Saturday and Sunday. We tried to take our concerns to the managers of Vineyard 48 only to be told they are too busy to hear our concerns. We have had to endure outrageous lyrics, cursing (the one that rhymes with truck is used probably 5-10 times an hour over a megaphone through the DJ, through the customers, the speaker being handed around to patrons. It got to the point that our children could not stay outside to play on our own property due to the foul language, the strolling with open containers past our home by Vineyard 48 patrons. When our 6-year- old daughter asked what (here I'm going to ad lib) the word that rhymes with truck means, it's not something that you want to have to explain to your 6-year-old daughter. Our peace has been destroyed by the profit-seeking concerns of the new owner. Even in our home we can still hear every lyric of the screaming patrons. In August, on the North Fork, it is hot. Having to keep your children indoors all weekend long with the windows shut is more than is reasonable to ask of us. There are also traffic, safety and health-related issues of concern tY to us. There are many weekends that the party buses and limos are double-parked on CR 48 in front of Southold Town Planning Board Page Sixteen June 3. 2013 the vineyard due to inadequate parking for the size of the events that they are holding on a weekly basis. These party buses and extended limos are also attempting to make U-turns on CR 48. 1 say attempting because they are unable to make the U-turns, thereby creating a danger to themselves, their passengers and other motorists when they are forced to make 4-point and 6-point turns in some cases on a dual lane highway. They have been parked eastbound on CR 48 from Zuhoski's private road all the way to Depot Lane and, at the same time, on the westbound side of CR 48 from Depot Lane up to and including the turning lane meant for the safe exit off CR 48 into Oregon View Estates and from the fire hydrant to Mr. Gancarz' property. It makes the entry and exit from our development, Zuhoski's private road and Mr. Gancarz' driveway very hazardous. Mrs. E. Zuhoski has already been in an MVA pulling out of her own road under the best of conditions. Likewise has Mr. Gancarz also been hit in his vehicle as well as vehicle vs. pedestrian. This would be a good place to mention that the patrons of Vineyard 48 walk across all four lanes to get back and forth to their limos and buses. I have seen people being carried across the road because they are too inebriated to function to walk across the street themselves. They've been vomiting in my bushes. They've been defecating in my yard: urinating in my yard. This all takes place in front of my children. I no longer have the use of my yard that I pay taxes on. We have tried to be good neighbors to Vineyard 48. They're not interested in that. We've been left no other recourse but to call Southold Town PD when things get out of hand. Since 2012 we've had a Noise Ordinance in effect in Southold Town. When we call, PD responds and the music goes down until PD leaves. Once they leave it goes right back up. We've asked PD to relay to the managers our desire to meet and discuss with them these issues. Each and every time, PD comes back with the message that they don't want to talk to us. The last weekend of March 2012, Vineyard 48 was back at it weeks earlier than the previous year. After having our children indoors for the summer and fall of 2011, we were unwilling to spend spring, summer and fall 2012 like that. Instead of calling, we went directly down to PD and spoke with Lt. Ginas who sent out a squad car. On May 12, 2012, our youngest child received her first Holy Communion. We were unable to have a party for her. I have four children. I have one child who never had a party for herself because I can't invite my 80+ year-old aunts and uncles to my house on a Saturday, and I am certainly not going to invite my nieces and nephews over to hear what goes on. I can't fit my entire extended family and my husband's extended family in my home. These tastings are out of control. On June 24, 2012, as another neighbor mentioned that he saw something, so did I. White female 30's, dark long hair, white male 30's, light colored shirt, brown hair performing an oral act on the side in plain view of my property at the front of the road of vines on Vineyard 48 property. I called PD. It's not in this letter, but I called PD and stood out there 45 minutes waiting for PD to show up. Southold Town Planning Board Page Seventeen June 3. 2013 1 don't know anybody that's gonna hold out that long, but they never showed up. If they did, they didn't show up within the 45 minutes that I was out there. On October 13, 2012, a young man wearing a yellow tee shirt and blue baseball cap came across the street to urinate in front of my children and my neighbor's children, exposing himself to a 7-year-old and a 6-year-old. I also called the police then. Absolutely nothing was done, even though they found the guy based on the description. This is unacceptable by any normal person's standards. This is a residential neighborhood with multiple small children and teenagers. Our youth should not be exposed to this. This is Southold Town; is this what we want for our youth? This is what you want your children and grandchildren growing up with? God bless you. As a resident of Southold Town, we expect to be able to enjoy the same peace and use of our property that is expected by everyone else that lives in our town. It is unreasonable to have our now 8 & 11-year-old daughters exposed to what is going on. It is also unreasonable and unfair for them to spend every weekend indoors." This starts in March. It doesn't end. Last year, the last time that I called in was November 6 in the afternoon. I thought we were done. I thought we were safe. I let my kids out in the backyard. I w as out there with them and the cursing started and the nasty disgusting lyrics started. I called Southold Town. Do you know what the operator said to me? "What are you calling to complain about now?" And guess what? I pulled my kids in the house in November. The operator said to me: "Don't worry, it will all be over soon and you'll be able to use your yard. That's fantastic. So my children, who live in Southold Town can use their yard from the middle of November until March 1. Absolutely fantastic. Way to 9o Southold Town. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else at this time? Chief Flatley would you like to speak? Chief Flatlev: I'm not here to make a statement. But if you have any questions (inaudible) Donald Wilcenski: OK. Ann Ekster. 570 Horseshoe Drive: I don't want to repeat everything. My daughter Michelle is in a wheelchair. She loves taking walks. We're always outside. The traffic. They come up and down our road: the limos, the buses. It's just not fair. Just to make a quick statement: if anybody has ever seen the movie-now I can't think of it. But the saying is: "If you build it, they will come." (Field of Dreams) The bigger it is, the more people it's gonna be, the more traffic. This is dangerous. Thank you. Southold Town Planning Board Page Eighteen June 3. 2013 Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Would anybody else like to address the Planning Board on Vineyard 48? At this time I would like to remind everyone to please give Ms. Moore some respect. There's no "cat-calling" as she responds to as many of the questions as she can or wants to. Would you like to have a chance to respond? Patricia Moore: The only question that I heard was the height of the building; the rest were for the most part comments rather than questions. If the Board has any questions Frank Isler. Esq.: I do, Mr. Chairman. For those of you who do not know me because I'm a strange face sitting up here (on the dais), I am Special Counsel to the Town on matters of litigation including the Vineyard 48 case. I have been asked to listen and participate in the hearing. I just have a few questions if I may, Ms. Moore. Would you tell us what your client envisions to be an estimate of the population of participants or patrons at the property in your busiest weekend in 2013? How many people do you expect? Patricia Moore: Are you asking throughout the course of the day or hourly? Because people come and go throughout the day. Frank Isler. Esq.: At the busiest point of your day, how many people are on your site, do you envision or anticipate having in 2013 on the busiest day of the year at the busiest time of the day? You can give me a range. Patricia Moore: I think our goal is to accommodate... that's what the pole barn is all about... is to be able to accommodate around.... I don't know; you're asking me a specific question that I don't know that I have the answer to. Let me ask the client. think I had given to the Planning Board previously the occupancy of the structures as well as the pole barn, so whatever that number was, I can provide it to you in writing. don't want to get people upset with misstating the.... Donald Wilcenski: Counsel, that number is 251 people. Patricia Moore: No, that's incorrect. Adding the pole barn. Additional from what is currently there, so it's about 450-500 people in total. 518. Donald Wilcenski: Just so everyone is clear, the pole barn is proposed. The proposed occupancy of the pole barn is 276. Right now, as it stands with the buildings: the tasting room, the other buildings the occupancy without tents as of today is 251. Frank Isler. Esq.: Is it fair to say that based on your answer the maximum that you envision at the busiest time of the day on the busiest day of the season would be what your occupancy is for the buildings in this proposed pole barn. Southold Town Planning Board Page Nineteen June 3. 2013 Patricia Moore: If you're looking at occupancy of the structures. Obviously, if you go to Harbes-I've been there in the summertime and there's 2,000 people in the fields enjoying wine tasting and other matters of agro-tourism. Donald Wilcenski: Pat, we're talking about this application before a public hearing for Vineyard 48. Patricia Moore: I understand that the question being asked is specifically as to structures, but the way that agro-tourism has been operated by facilities throughout-the Town-we have 34 acres. So, as far as accommodating our clientele, we have 34 acres that we could accommodate. Now is it realistic to expect that? Of course not. We have an area that all the activity is taking place. But I think that there's a fallacy with respect to how many people are standing there vs. the particular occupancy of the individual structures. I think that's been a point of contention throughout the litigation. So the question is somewhat-I believe that's been in dispute through the litigation. Frank Isler: All I asked you was: "What do you envision to be the population-not how it's calculated-but what is going to be your vision or your client's vision of the most the highest number of people on the site at the busiest time of day on the busiest day of the week. I'm not asking how you calculate it; your answer was based on the occupancy of the building. I didn't say it, you did. So I'm just asking you. Patricia Moore: I don't know if I can answer that question; you have to give parameters. Frank Isle r: You have a business plan for your property-your client does. All we're asking you is: "What do you envision to be the number of people on your site at the busiest time of the day on the busiest day of the year." That's the only information we're asking. How you determine it is up to you. I just want to know for the Board's sake what's the number. Patricia Moore: I don't think I can give you that answer right now. Frank Isle r: Are you going to be able to give us that number before we close the hearing? Patricia Moore: I will discuss it with my client. Frank Isle r: OK. Second question: was a comment made by the public that your comment does not have a current SLA license? What is your comment on that? Patricia Moore: That is not correct. My client has a current SLA license. The Town has been pressuring SLA to bring enforcement action since 2011. They therefore Southold Town Planning Board Page Twentv June 3. 2013 I initiated an action. We believe it's based on baseless charges. It's been going through the process of being heard. Some of the neighbors that were here were actually at the hearings to testify and so was Chief of Police there to testify. It has not yet been concluded, but we are pretty confident that things will work themselves out. We have no violations that have actually been substantiated. Frank Isle r. My only question was there was a comment that you don't have a valid SLA license in effect and I just was asking... Patricia Moore: I am not aware of that. We would not be able to operate without an SLA license, and we are operating. Frank Isle r: Do you have any idea when that SLA enforcement proceeding might come to a conclusion? Patricia Moore: SLA has been asking for the adjournments for additional testimony. I'm sorry, I'm not the attorney on that. Frank Isle: That's OK, you don't know. That's fine. Thank you very much; I have no more questions. Donald Wilcenski: Anybody else? Anybody else from the Board or staff? Step to the podium and please address the Board when you ask a question. Bill Shipman, 75 Horseshoe Drive: Quick question for counsel, since he is present: How much money has the Town spent approximately in litigation regarding Vineyard 48? Frank Isler: I don't know. I'm not going to speculate. It's a matter of public record; you can find out. Bill Shipman: It's just another FOIL thing we have to go through to get the information that's probably ready on hand. One other question: When I talked to Marty Finnegan, Town Attorney, I asked him how the case was moving alon9, he said that you didn't ask . for any adjournment; ournm nt,; i y 1 e is that true. The litigation with the preliminary injunction. Frank Isler: The Town has in place two temporary restraining orders against the Vineyard 48. Those are in effect whether the motions underlying them get adjourned or not-those orders are in full force and effect. The injunction hasn't changed at all by virtue of time lapsing or otherwise. Bill Shipman: I understand that. The question is--the court dates are scheduled. Are they being adjourned by Town counsel, by (Vineyard) 48 counsel or by judge? Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-One June 3, 2013 Frank Isle r: They are not being adjourned by the judge; they are generally being adjourned by counsel for the Vineyard with no objection from us because we are not aggrieved by an adjournment because we have TRO's in place. The only thing that would happen if there is no adjournment is the motions would then be decided by the court on the very issues that we have-the injunctions in place. So, we are not aggrieved by time because we have in place the same relief we are asking the court ultimately in the case or close to that relief. Bill Shipman: So, Mr. Finnegan was accurate in saying that the Town wasn't asking for adjournment. Frank Isler: We have no reason to ask for adjournments; we just don't oppose their request for adjournment. Bill Shipman: I didn't think so; I just wanted to make a public statement about that. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: I think Heather had some questions, Pat. Heather Lanza: Besides wine, can you tell us what other items are sold at the Vineyard? Patricia Moore: No. I can't give you that specific right now. It's whatever is permissible under the law. We can't sell anything that isn't allowed. Heather Lanza: Could we get some ideas? Patricia Moore: Water, soda... Donald Wilcenski: OK, I can see where this is going. Excuse me; to keep this moving along we are going to be asking-again, for the public record--we are still going to be accepting in writing any information that is not brought up here tonight. But Heather does have a few more questions. If we can't answer them, we are gonna be going through the process of the whole site plan application and through referrals during that process we will make sure we do due diligence and get those questions answered. So, if you have anything that you haven't heard here tonight that you would like to have included, you can feel free to write a letter, fax it to our Planning Office, and we will make sure it gets put into the record and it gets addressed. Frank Isle r: Also, if the applicant does not have answers to the questions that Heather is asking you today-we're not trying to put you on the spot with that-but we would ask that you provide them to the Board as expeditiously as possible. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Two June 3. 2013 Patricia Moore: I understand-I will provide them. Heather Lanza: Another question I had was: Is there a charge to actually enter the premises? So, if I go there do I get charged to enter? Patricia Moore: Maybe you should have the owner...... Donald Wilcenski: Would the owner like to step to the podium and answer some questions? Patricia Moore: This is not supposed to be a third degree, but we're happy to answer. Donald Wilcenski: This is a public hearing and we're trying to get as much information out. Heather is going to ask you a few questions that we have. If you can't answer them, you can't answer them. But we will ask the questions. Heather Lanza: So the question was: Is there a charge to enter the premises? Matthew Metz. Vineyard 48 Owner: No. What happens there is-when you walk in we charge you for the tastings. We give you coins or pieces so therefore you can have tastings at your leisure. So what you're paying for is the wine tastings. Heather Lanza: And what if I'm a designated driver and I'm not gonna drink. Matthew Metz: You can come in for free. And pregnant women come in for free. Heather Lanza: And I don't know who wants to answer this questions, but you talked about that you moved the dancing to the courtyard. Now the question I have is: Where are the speakers located? Matthew Metz: First of all, we didn't move the dancing to the courtyard. The speakers are inside the tasting room. Heather Lanza: And how do the people outside hear it? Matthew Metz: The doors are open. Heather Lanza: And, I think this was addressed earlier, but I wasn't really clear, so I wanted to ask: How are you preventing the noise from disturbing the neighbors-what are steps you are taking to do that? Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Three June 3, 2013 Matthew Metz: We use decibel meters and we walk the property line. We are allowed 65 decibels max. We make sure we are under 65 decibels. Heather Lanza: OK. Patricia Moore: I would also add there was a question or a comment by one of the gentlemen regarding the proposed building and why the opening is to the courtyard and to the south. There is the large cement processing building on the east side of the property which provides a noise barricade. Obviously the neighbors don't feel it's a complete barricade, but it is as far as the layout of the property. As you can see, the buildings to the south and to the east, the processing and the warehouse buildings create a physical barrier enclosure in a sense to the courtyard. So, when you are discussing attempts to control the noise, we are trying to control the noise with physical structures and the placement of walled sound barriers. I think the Architectural Review Board asked if we would add additional noise baffling to the inside of the building, and that wasn't a problem for Mr. Metz. Heather Lanza: You may have answered this before too, but I just wanted to hear a little bit more about what you do to control the drinking. I was a bartender in college and we had very strict rules about serving intoxicated people. So, I'm wondering: How are you controlling the intake of alcohol for people and dealing with that situation? Matthew Metz: We will not serve a person that's intoxicated. We have strict laws with that. Now sometimes, the person that buys the bottle of wine is not the one that's gonna drink it. We try to police that; that's why we have security there. The security I have has expertise working in that situation and they are told to police it. And when buses come up, if the people are drunk inside-which happened a couple of weeks ago (I believe there's a police report)-they wouldn't leave-we call the cops. The security force called the cops to have those people leave. Heather Lanza: Just one more question: How do you tell how many people are there? Matthew Metz: Security has counters. They count the people that come in and count the people that leave. Heather Lanza: OK. Frank Isle r: I just have one question for clarity: I was pretty sure I heard Pat say in her initial presentation that the dancing had moved from where the tents were and were going to go to the courtyard and that underneath the tents were going to be picnic tables. I think I wrote that down. You said that's not the case. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Four June 3. 2013 Matthew Metz: We don't promote dancing. That's number 1. Number 2, under the big tent, there was over a year ago, we put picnic tables under there to stop it. We find it almost impossible to tell people even moving their hips is dancing-we do not promote dancing. If somebody dances, it's very hard to police because I didn't know if it was against the law to dance in this Town. Frank Isler. So there's no designated dancing. Matthew Metz: No, there's no dancing there and no dance floors-nothing. Frank Isle: Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Does any Planning Board member or staff have any questions? Bill Cremers: 1 think there's somebody in the audience... Donald Wilcenski: OK. I don't want to get into a question and answer. You have to step to the podium, please. Kathleen Scheuermann: Can the police officer answer a question for us? How many police reports does this vineyard have compared to the other vineyards in the Southold Town? I'd like that on the record. Donald Wilcenski: Chief Flatley, if you would like to answer that? Chief Flatlev: I don't have that, Don. I don't have exact numbers. But we've been involved in a very lengthy SLA hearing on this that we are still in the middle of. And in the courts they are compiling records for that. There are numerous reports; probably almost three to four times more at this winery than any of the other wineries in the Town. We had about 18 reports there in 2011; about 35 reports there in 2012. We are up to about 6 already in 2013. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. We do have that information in our possession; it's in the file. At this time, I would just like to make everyone aware that it's a very emotional situation and we want you to know that this Board is understanding and we hear you. This public forum 1 think worked out well; everything that you said will be taken into consideration. There is a process that needs to be taking place for this to move forward and we will do everything we can to make sure that both sides are happy. At this point, Patricia Moore: If I could just make one comment-and it's really in line with what you are saying. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Five June 3. 2013 Donald Wilcenski: Sure. Patricia Moore: To the community, I know Matt has taken very seriously your comments and complaints. I know you are frustrated, and we have heard your comments. I think Matt is certainly--we're willing to meet with you. 1 know that people have complained or wanted to meet with the management and were told they were too busy. They are not too busy to meet with you; they do want to meet with you. We do want to satisfy; we want to be good neighbors. I hear your comments. All we can do is move forward-not move backward. The complaints that you've had about prior behavior-Mr. Metz and his principals have very aggressively tried to train their personnel, hire new management and address your complaints. They are being heard; they are not going to ignore you. Whether the Planning Board requires it or not, we are willing to meet with you. So please, I know some of you don't care, you're frustrated- but the offer is there. You're welcome to call my office; I can give you my phone number after this meeting and we can set up a community meeting. We are going to try to work with you. That is what we have been trying to do throughout this process. That's why we came in for an amended site plan. We could have continued the way we were going-battling in the courts-but it seems for all of us that we want to try to get resolution not through the courts but certainly through cooperation. So that peace offering is being made; it's up to you if you want to entertain our offer. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Just to make sure before we disperse I just wanted to add a few more comments. Once again, it is emotional and I feel for you. I live next to a vineyard; I hear music. The other thing 1 would like to add, too. I think again, I use the word "emotional" and some comments were made about our local police force and I think they do a good job. We have a lot more information than you have and we will work on this. It's also the beginning stages of the amended site plan application. So, I'm going to ask for a motion to leave this hearing open for another month to July 1, 2013 which would also allow anybody here or anyone to write or fax or email any comments that you have. James Rich: Mr. Chairman, I make that motion. Bill Cremers: Second. Donald Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Donald Wilcenski: Motion carries. Thank you all very much for coming out tonight. We will be in touch. Please carry your conversations to the hall; we have additional business to attend to. Thank you. Southold Town Planning Board Page Ten July 1. 2013 HEARINGS HELD OVER 6:00 p.m. - Vineyard 48 - This amended site plan is for the proposed construction of a 40'x100' pole barn pavilion with two walls, a re-design of the existing parking areas, and the addition of an overflow parking area with 100 parking spaces. Existing on site are: a 2,032 sq. ft. tasting room, a 320 sq. ft. accessory retail store, 1,480 sq. ft. office and 3,000 sq. ft. storage building and 11.3 acres of grape vines on 14.9 acres in the A-C Zoning District. The property is located at 18910 CR 48, ±340' w/o CR 48 and Depot Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-96-4-4.3 Donald Wilcenski: At this time, we will continue with our hearing which was held over from our last meeting. I would like to note that the Planning Board and Planning Staff have developed a series of questions that we would like to have the applicant's attorney-and we'd also like to have one of the owners-step to the other podium so you can answer the questions. At the end of all the questions that the Planning Board and Planning Staff have asked of you, we will then open the floor to the rest of the public if they have any more input. Patricia Moore, attorney for applicant: Mr. Chairman, I have Matthew Metz (Vineyard 48 owner) here, also William Moore providing backup. Before we get started with your questions, I do want to add information to the record. It may actually answer some of your questions. But just in case, I do want to complete the record. Then, if it's all right with the Board, I will be pleased to entertain to the extent we can the questions you might have. Donald Wilcenski: I think, Pat, that we would like to ask the questions first. Mr. Metz, if you wouldn't mind standing at the other podium, we will start our process. We have worked hard on this to try to generate as much information for the public as we can. We have a series of questions; please do your best to answer them. Patricia Moore: For the record, we have not been presented with these questions in advance. It would have been certainly helpful to have these questions so we could provide a complete answer, but we will do our best. Donald Wilcenski: Understood. Whatever you cannot answer tonight, we will be requesting that you submit something in writing to answer the questions. We will send you a letter with all the questions we have. We will start with Bill. William Cremers: Previously, you said that the site had 34 acres. The site we are talking about has 14.9. What's happening on the other parcels? Southold Town Planning Board Page Eleven July 1. 2013 Matthew Metr: That's where we have the other farm for all the vines. You could probably scroll down and see it if you can move the map around. Go to the right. There it is right there on Depot Lane. It's right across from the church. Wililam Cremers: So how do they relate to the site plan we are talking about? Patricia Moore: Part of your production. Matthew Metz: Correct. William Cremers: That has nothing to do with our site plan. Patricia Moore: To the extent that the site plan is dealing with the wine tasting, it does have a relationship with the fact that it's a farm winery and it is part of the definition of the farm winery. So, it has a relationship but, as far as site plan goes, the public doesn't generally go on that field. Is that correct, Matt? Matthew Metz: That's correct. William Cremers: You mentioned about the pole bam and that there'd be no water or things like that, but you said they would have electricity. What is the electricity for? Patricia Moore: Lights. William Cremers: Just lights? Patricia Moore: Just lights. William Cremers: OK. You mentioned earlier that there is a letter to the limousine companies to advise them of the manner of operation and Vineyard 48 rules. May we get a copy of that letter? Patricia Moore: Yes_ I believe it was attached to my original submission-the first submission to the Board. But if not, I will certainly make a copy available. It may be already in your file, but we will submit it again if you'd like. William Cremers: At the last meeting also our counsel asked how many people do you envision to be on site at your busiest times. I don't know if you answered that or you were going to get an answer. Patricia Moore: Well, I want to say it's a very difficult answer to give, only because you don't ask this question of Krupski Farms: how many people come..... Southold Town Planning Board Page Twelve Jul1. 2013 Donald Wilcenski: Pat, I'm going to stop you again because we are here speaking about Vineyard 48. We are not speaking of.... Patricia Moore: No, I understand that, but 1 am not name-calling, it's stating a fact. Donald Wilcenski: If you could please just answer the question. Patricia Moore: We had previously provided for you in writing that the buildings themselves are intended to accommodate 518 people. I'm going by my memory rather than by my notes. Is it 518? Matthew Metz: Yes. Patricia Moore: So that was given to you some time ago and we confirmed it. The issue of having people out in the field is always an interesting dilemma because when you are dealing with open air and agricultural operation, you are not counting occupancy. In a certain sense, it's the relationship of parking to the number of people. We believe that we've accommodated for the number of people that we can anticipate by the parking. But you're dealing with agricultural uses that are seasonal and it is an unfair question and an unfair burden to put on any winery for seasonal uses. Again, I would refer throughout the Town to all the other wineries and the parking in the fields and agricultural uses of "You Pick." No matter what it is, it is outside and there's no occupancy per se. It is accommodating the seasonal use. That's why its so difficult to answer. We are dealing with typical site plan requirements and we've tried to accommodate based on the Code and meet all of the Code definitions. But the Town seems to change the definitions and the rules--it's a moveable target, very difficult to address. That's why we are trying to site plan in what I think are the rules that have been historically used on site plan review. Again, we are constantly reacting. Frank Isler, special counsel to the Planning Board: All the Planning Board needs to ascertain from the question they are asking you is: what do you envision the largest population on your busiest day at the site so that we can make determinations as to adequacy of your site plan. We are not asking anything other than what are your planning goals, what do you envision as the most people on your site on your busiest time seasonally. Are you going to give us an answer to that number or not? Patricia Moore: Seasonally we have already given the 518 based on the building occupancy. Frank Isle r: So your answer to the question Bill asked is 518 will be the maximum number of people you envision on your busiest day at the busiest hour. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirteen July 1. 2013 Matthew Metz: That would be at one time. I'm not saying that number for the whole day. Patricia Moore: It is a snapshot of a moment in time. We are anticipating the snapshot to be 518. Frank Isle r: That's all I'm asking. That would be the largest number of people you envision at any one time at your property. Matthew Metz: That's a very hard question. I don't know. I know you want a number, but you're asking me on speculation what I think. What if my busiest day is October 15 and it rains. If I base it on when it rains, nobody shows up. So that's very hard. For any other farm, somebody's going to ask: How many people do you expect to show up today to pick strawberries? I don't think anybody can give you an answer. Frank Isle r: We are not asking you the question of what will actually happen. We are a Planning Board. So we are charged with dealing with site plans and the number of people that are going to be at the property in the most optimistic projection to determine whether or not the site can accommodate that number. That doesn't mean they are actually going to come because it may rain. We understand that. But you have to plan for the biggest crowd. That's why we are asking you the question: what do you envision on the most ideal day when your busiest crowd comes-what would that number be- and I believe your counsel has said 518. I'm just confirming that's your number. Patricia Moore: The question has not been that: it's been: "What's your occupancy?" And we have given the occupancy. You are asking: "What is the maximum number of people?" It's difficult; you are asking something of a seasonal use that quite frankly you have never asked anyone else before. And, quite frankly, I think should be a significant problem to any winery or any agricultural use in this community. Because what most agricultural uses and agro-tourism uses are trying to do is provide overflow area that can shrink and contract depending on the cars that come in. We have designed a parking area that we think will work. Could it be accommodating another 2500 cars? Of course it could. Just like any one of your agricultural operations or other wineries can accommodate other cards depending. What we are trying to do is site plan for the average high rather than the extraordinary high. Because if you were to site plan for the extraordinary high, you would be back to like Riverhead used to do on Route 48 and in front of the old newspaper building where the entire parking area in front of the building was a sea of parking. That's not what any agricultural operation--nor in particular Mr. Metz-or any winery wants to do. So I think your question-and I understand your asking for parameters-and we believe that the parameters we have given you in this Site Plan Amendment gives flexibility, but also accommodates and deals with all of your standard site plan criteria that is regulated in the Code. When we Southold Town Planning Board Page Fourteen July 1, 2013 applied-when we prepared the site plan-I was methodical in going through the list of site plan criteria to make sure that even things that really quite frankly we were over-site planning, we put in the site plan. So, it's an unfair question-it's a question that you'd better be prepared to ask absolutely every other winery, every farm stand, every sunflower operation, every pumpkin picking operation. You cannot discriminate. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Frank Isle r: OK. Let's accept your qualification. You were going to give us a number of not your most extreme day but your most optimistic whatever your description was. What would that number be? The one you just described as something that you're planning for? Just give us........ if you have one. Patricia Moore: We can accommodate very easily in the back. What we're trying to do is provide occupancy of buildings and an area where the public is going to stay. Obviously it becomes unattractive to the public at large to come on and there's wall to wall people in that area. Frank Isle r: Just to cut it short and I'll move onto something else; is there a maximum number that you have in your operational plan that you will not exceed regardless of site plan requirements. Patricia Moore: Those are typically dealt with as special events; and that's how it has been handled in the past. We understand that when it reaches a certain level where it can't be handled by normal operating procedures, my client has applied for special events. Frank Isle r. What is the number that would then trigger it? We just want... Matthew Metz: It's really not a number I don't think; it's a special event. If you're having a special event. Frank Isle r: Not what the number is for a special event but your counsel just said there's a number that would then trigger it into a special event. I'm asking what's the number that would before you trigger a special event the one less person before you now are in a special event. What's that number? Matthew Metz: I look at it a little different. If I'm going to have a special event, I'm anticipating a lot of people. It's not that I'm going to go over a certain number. I'm expecting maybe to triple the amount of people I have there. So therefore that would be a special event. I'm not basing on if I have 400 people I may have 401 people so it's a special event. I'm not going through all that hoopla regulations and expense of gearing up for a special event to hope I get one more person in. Southold Town Planning Board Page Fifteen July 1, 2013 Frank Isle r: So you're not going to give us the number. Patricia Moore: I don't think....... Donald Wilcenski: (interrupting) OK, listen we will move on. Bill, do you have any more questions? William Cremers: Do you plan on having private parties: weddings or anything like that at the winery? Matthew Metz: Last year I had a wedding there and it went to the Town and it was 65 people and they said I didn't have to get a special event because it was under the number. So that's the only wedding I had so far. William Cremers: When people enter the tasting room, are they required to pay at that point? I think you said something about a coin...... Matthew Metz: This is what happens: when people come in through the arbor into the tasting room, I have two people there. One is checking ID and another person-what you do is, when you come in you pay for your tastings. We give you four gold coins. That is for four tastings. Here's your coins: taste at your leisure. Because we don't want to make let's say a group of ten comes in then we have to bring them to the bar: OK everybody do their four tastings-They can taste at their own leisure. As long as they have a gold coin, they get a tasting. They get four of them in a little plastic bag. William Cremers: So they collect the money right there where you do the counting and give them the coins. Matthew Metz: We give them the coins right there. That is for the tastings. Patricia Moore: And pregnant women and... Matthew Metz: Pregnant women, little kids, obviously-you can get little kids there and everybody that comes in that's above 21--we stamp their hand because we discourage people under 21 from coming in. But if you get a family-let's say a couple 35 years old are gonna come with their kids-they're 4 or 5 years old and we know they can't drink... William Cremers: So they don't get stamped. Matthew Metz: No. We give them little plastic toys to play with. Southold Town Planning Board Page Sixteen July 1. 2013 William Cremers: Another thing: in the summer and in the fall the wineries close at sunset on Saturday and 6 p.m. on Sunday. First question is: what happens in the Spring? You said summer and fall. Matthew Metz: On our license with the SLA, the maximum to stay open is until 7:00 at night on Saturdays, every other day it's at 6:00. In the Fall, at 4:30 it's dark, so when it gets dark, people leave. In the Spring, it's not really a big time for wineries. We are just starting to get going and we're usually done on a Saturday well before 6:00. At 6:00 we're locked up-see ya later. William Cremers: A month ago was Spring; we just had Summer on June 21. What were they hours before June 21? Matthew Metz: On Saturdays, except for the last couple, it was done at 6:00 at night. Sundays by 5:00 we try to wind it down; by 5 or 5:10 there's no more music at all; everything gets wound down. Patricia Moore: May I just put on the record that certainly there is no objection to answering your questions on this. However, now you are addressing manner of operation rather than site plan issues. So I would just raise that as an issue. Secondly, William Cremers: I was bringing up an issue that you stated in your opening statement. Patricia Moore: With respect to the complaints that the neighborhood has rased, the complaints are generally that any activity ends by a certain hour. So I want to put complaints into context of the period of time when the winery is actually open for business and there is clientele. We are not dealing with an operation that is 12 at night-even 11:00 at night. So, I just want to provide a context of the time frame. That is my purpose. Donald Wilcenski: OK. But Pat, we're also here just to try to answer as many questions... Patricia Moore: Fine; I have to create a record that establishes what the parameters are. So, again, I point out he obviously has no problem answering these questions. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Bill, anything else? William Cremers: Yes. You say it's closed. What do you mean by closed at 7:00 or 5:00. Matthew Metz: The doors are shut. They're locked. The employees leave. No one is there. Southold Town Planning Board Page Seventeen July 1. 2013 William Cremers: No one is there after that hour. Matthew Metz: Correct. Let me rephrase that. Occasionally I go there at night and fix something that's broken that happened during the day. But nobody's there. William Cremers: OK. One of your other statements was that the winery operates primarily during daylight hours. Now, when does it operate outside daylight hours? Patricia Moore: I guess if there is a wedding, he might be beyond daylight hours. But that would be in the wintertime or fall, right? Matthew Metz: Right. The one wedding we had last year started at 6, it was over at 11. William Cremers: I think that's all I have. I Heather Lanza: At the last hearing, you referenced patrons touring the vineyard. These questions are in reference to that: Is there a specific organized tour that's given? Patricia Moore: What I referred to was that the limousines are going along the east end of Long Island and patronizing the different vineyards. Is that what... Heather Lanza: Oh, so it wasn't that there are actually tours of the vineyard? Patricia Moore: No, no, no. You don't do tours of your vineyard, no. Heather Lanza: No tours of the vineyard. OK., so there's no tours of the winemaking facilities or are there? Patricia Moore: Inside, of course. But I'm thinking vineyard: walking through the vines. Heather Lanza: That's what I was originally referring to. OK., so that was just a misunderstanding. Do you allow patrons to go unsupervised in the vines? Matthew Metz: No we don't. And to make it even further: we put up signs in the general area where the people congregate along the vines, plus we have security guards walking to have a straight look to see if somebody's going to walk in the vines. If they do, they grab them and bring them out. So, signs are posted and we have security. Heather Lanza: OK. Now, when you do the wine tasting for those individual wine tastings where you pour a little taste of wine into a cup. Do you have staff that explain the different wines to people while they do the tasting? VIII Southold Town Planning Board Page Eighteen July 1. 2013 Matthew Metz: Correct. Plus we have tasting menus where people read them and we explain what type of wine it is. Heather Lanza: OK. Then, some wineries sell entire bottles that they allow people to consume on the premises. Do you do that? Matthew Metz: We do that also. Heather Lanza: Do you sell other beverages with alcohol in them? Matthew Metz: We sell beer. Patricia Moore: All within the scope of the liquor: farm winery-1 think you explained Matthew Metr: Farm winery: as long as they buy a beer that is produced from a local brewery (which I do) or is distributed by a New York distributor (which I don't do). I keep it with the local breweries. Heather Lanza: OK., so the Sangria that you sell. What's in that? Matthew Metr: That's wine. Heather Lanza: and what else? Patricia Moore: And you actually produce that. Heather Lanza: Just generally, what else is in it? Matthew Metz: Wine, ice, a little bit of fruit. If you go to my winery and you want to buy a bottle of Sangria, it's a sealed bottle of Sangria. Heather Lanza: Oh, just cause I've seen the frozen one. You know, the pitcher? Matthew Metz: That is basically the Sangria that we freeze. We sell Sangria. Heather Lanza: OK. But when you sell it by the pitcher do you know how many ounces are in that pitcher? Matthew Metz: Offhand I would assume it would probably be like 36 ounces, somewhere around there. Heather Lanza: OK. So, the Sangria is actually a bottled product. Southold Town Planning Board Pape Nineteen July 1, 2013 Matthew Metr: I have it bottled. Heather Lanza: Oh, I see. OK. So, can you tell us, do you know how many glasses of wine a pitcher of Sangria equals? Matthew Metz: No, because if ft's frozen, it's like a Slurpee. If you are referring to the frozen ones, I guess you'd have to let it all thaw out before you know. Heather Lanza: I see. How much do you charge for a bottle of wine, generally? Matthew Metz: It all varies. I don't think that really matters--what I charge. Heather Lanza: OK. How much for a pitcher of Sangria? Matthew Metr: I don't think that really has anything to do with the site plan. Heather Lanza: Do you have any idea what portion of the overall revenue comes from the sale of the Sangria? Matthew Metz: I don't think it's really relevant. Donald Wilcenski: We have the right to look into your sales because it's part of Ags & Markets. You should be aware of it-I'm sure you're aware of it. A certain percentage has to be produced on site. That's why the question was asked. Matthew Metz: All of it is produced on site. Patricia Moore: Thats the clarification. He is actually producing it. Sangria is a product just like the wine that Vineyard 48 makes-it's all produced on site. I think that when we rely on the newspaper and blogs for our information it gets a little distorted. I saw those photographs as well, and it was..... Heather Lanza: It didn't happen, is that what you are trying to say? Patricia Moore: No, no no, it was a misrepresentation I thought. Heather Lanza: There's no frozen pitchers of Sangria being sold? Patricia Moore: No, there certainly are, but it's a misrepresentation that it's somehow or other unauthorized and not a permitted use. Heather Lanza: That's not what I'm saying; I'm just asking some questions about it so we can get some facts. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty July 1, 2013 Patricia Moore: OK. The facts are that they produce it. Heather Lanza: Do you have any idea just related to this nov,-I didn't realize that Sangria came in a bottle, so it's not your regular wine where you pour....... Matthew Metz: You can buy Sangria there; it comes in a regular bottle, sealed, and everything. Heather Lanza: So then I guess a different question I would ask, what I'm trying to get at is: how much wine tasting do you sell versus the frozen pitchers of Sangria? Do you have any clue like what proportion? Matthew Metz: I really don't have a clue, but I guarantee you one thing: in the winter I'm not selling any frozen Sangria. Heather Lanza: OK. I hear you. Thank you. Do you grow-and I think you just said this, but I just want to make sure because I was writing something and I didn't hear it- do you grow all the grapes that make the wine you sell? Matthew Metz: Yes. Heather Lanza: OK. Do you sell other items besides beer and wine and you were talking about soda and such, but other items? Matthew Metz: Soda and water. Heather Lanza: Not beverages; in addition to beverages. Patricia Moore: It's a possibility for hard cider. Heather Lanza: No, not beverages; things in addition to beverages. Anywhere on site. Patricia Moore: Are you asking about the cigars? Heather Lanza: Yeah. Are cigars something that you sell? Patricia Moore: We have a small retail store which has the humidors and he sells cigars. I think I put in writing the reason why the cigars are separate from the wine tasting because the age requirement for the cigars is different from the wine tasting. So for cigars you can be 18; whereas the wine obviously you have to be 21. Heather Lanza: That's fine, but I'm wondering do you sell other items, too, beside cigars? Tee shirts.... Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-One July 1, 2013 Matthew Metz: Occasionally we sell things you put the wine corks in-I don't know what they call them-but they're made out of metal. And we do sell these bags that you freeze, so if people want to put their wine in them. That's basically it. Patricia Moore: All accessories for wine. Matthew Metz: Painted wine glasses that an artist does, if that's what you're referring to. Heather Lanza: OK. And do you know with reference to the cigar sales-what portion of your overall revenues from cigars? Matthew Metz: That's a separate company. Heather Lanza: It's a separate company? Patricia Moore: But it's also a very small percentage of his sales. It's already reviewed by the Building Department and it was acknowledged that it was an accessory unit which has a CO and has all its approvals. During the time of the litigation it was being alleged that it was illegal. Meanwhile, the Building Department had already ruled- reviewed it and acknowledged that the small area where the humidor is was part of the original sales area before the tasting room was constructed. So it was all previously site planned as the retail area; it is their original retail area. So, it's quite small and it was very... Heather Lanza: I was just asking about the sales, really. I'm done with my questions. Martin Sidor: I've got a couple of questions on parking. Trying to consolidate some of this. Patricia Moore: Sure. Martin Sidor: How many cars do you allow to park on site and where do you have them park? Patricia Moore: Actually, this is part of my anticipated presentation; the Planning Board in 1995 approved a site plan and that site plan had two factors on it that seem to have been forgotten. It was that the area where my client has had the tents in the past and has maintained the tents throughout, was an area that was actually a courtyard area that was shown on the site plan. Also, it showed overflow parking for crushed bluestone. Quite frankly, I think you should look at your prepared site plan on where Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Two July 1, 2013 the parking is because we've actually shown the parking where it actually is taking place. So the new site plan shows..... Frank Isle r: The one you have is different than that. Patricia Moore: No, this is the site plan from 1995 and it's in your records. Heather Lanza: That's the site plan you're talking about? Patricia Moore: The site plan I was referring to that it's been site planned since 1995 and shows 36 (parking) spaces plus an overflow parking area. And it shows the courtyard area where the tents are was approved by this Board-previous Board- since 1995. So, that is already in your records. What we are trying to accommodate now is some modification of that parking area based on practical use what has worked out for you over the years and is now being put on paper. But within the same original area that the parking was laid out. Also, the overflow in the back-the extra overflow for seasonal parking is being provided for you. So, we are attempting to in good faith as I said, to come in with detailed expanded overflow parking. This property has been site planned and has had parking since Day 1-and overflow parking. Frank Isle r: Just for clarification because I'm trying to follow what you said: You're holding a site plan from 1999? Patricia Moore: 1995. Frank Isle r. There is a site plan from 2006. Is it your position that the site plan you are holding from 1995 is the current parking allowed for the site? Or the 2006 plan? Patricia Moore: That is the original. I understand what you are asking. This is the old original one. It seems that in 2006 there was an "as built" site plan that did some modification of it, but didn't supersede in the sense of eliminating overflow parking. It may have modified the actual placement of the parking. It appears that on the side maybe there were some angling differences. I know that the "as built" provided for the handicapped spaces in the front versus another aftemative. But the "as built" that was from 2006 was merely a correction of some of the parking, not a complete abolishment of the parking that was authorized since 1995. That's my position and it appears to be from your own Town records. Frank Isle r: That's fine-I was just trying to understand what you were saying. Donald Wilcenski: Marty, anything else? Martin Sidoc So the number is 34. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Three July 1. 2013 Patricia Moore: Well, the number on this plan is 36, plus overflow parking. Martin Sidor: Where is the overflow parking? What do you do when..... Patricia Moore: Right behind the processing building. I will show you. The Town's records are not the most clear things, but I can only rely on... Donald Wilcenski: OK. Marty, anything else? I want to try to keep this moving. Martin Sidor: The same questions as far as the buses and limos: how do you account for all of that and what do you do when your internal space is full? Patricia Moore: OK. We did actually provide in the most recent site plan extra space for limos and for buses. Because there were some complaints from one of the neighbors about idling noise or music in a bus or limo that was bothering them, we tried to come up with some proactive solutions. When the limos or buses come in, we can't force them to stay on site. Particularly where his vineyard is--it's usually at the end of the run of the east of the vineyards that have come from the west and have stopped in Mattituck and Cutchogue and eventually end up at Vineyard 48. So, the practical effect of that was that some of the limos and buses would leave offsite to get drinks or food- even just to go out and find a quiet place to relax and leave their vehicle idling with air conditioning. So what we provided for is we made arrangements with Peconic Recycling Transfer Station, which is owned by DiVello, and because it was on Commerce Drive which is an industrial site. In my review of those site plans I could see that the Planning Board had thoroughly reviewed not only the recycling site that's there, but also a second lot in the industrial section right next to the dump. You reviewed that site plan to accommodate trucks and trailers for the recycling operation, so it seemed to me because the site plan had already accommodated all that and you, in your own site plan review, had directed where those trucks and Peconic Recycling vehicles would go, they were directed to go out to Route 48. All that being said, they had a good working relationship with DiVello; he does the carting for Vineyard 48. He also rented on a month-to-month as-needed basis to provide an alternate site for the limos and buses if they wanted a quiet place because they were dropping off people, stopping, possibly idling in air conditioning, taking a nap, whatever the case might be. It was 1,000 feet from residents, it was an industrial site next to the landfill. We couldn't imagine there being any objection to that. But what we found is-and this is part of my presentation but I'll go right to it-it's been in a sense-the Town has been-and I don't know who in the Town was obstructing that effort to solve the problem to be practical and proactive. They threatened DYello that they would pull their site plan if he continued to allow Vineyard 48 to park there. I thought that was quite "un-sportsman-like" in a clean way of saying it. Quite frankly, we were trying to be proactive and dealing with the vehicles that-as I said they are not forced to stay on site-some of them do-we have the ~I Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Four July 1, 2013 parking for those that want to stay. But others go off; they might go to Mattituck shopping center or Cutchogue and get a piece of pizza. So, rather than having limos that might stop anywhere that are legally allowed to park other places-they are legally allowed to park on the streets on public roads and they are legally allowed to park on Route 48-we offered them an alternate site that we thought would both work well for Peconic Recycling since their business is closed on the weekends and there is no activity on Commerce Drive-all the businesses there are weekday businesses, industrial site, and have been site plan thoroughly for large trucks and large vehicles. So that was our effort to try to deal with the practical aspect of running a business. We feel that we are complying with the Code providing on site. But let's be realistic: there are practical ways of solving issues as well, and that was one of our practical solutions. Martin Sidor: And I don't want to get cute here, but you did state in the minutes that you did send-and I don't have the exact wording here-at the June 3 hearing you did state that cars were sent off site. So now it's limos and buses. Patricia Moore: Not cars-it was the limos. Matthew Metz: Because if the cars were sent off site, the people would have to walk across. So it's the limos, they have their own driver-send them out on their way. Martin Sidor: But you also realize-and let me get this right-in the Town Code Section 270-78 that all parking shall be provided on the same lot as the use. Patricia Moore: And we do. But I will also point out that at Town Code Section 280-78 it says "Joint Facilities: required parking spaces open or enclosed may be provided in spaces designed to serve jointly two or more establishments whether or not located on the same lot, provided that the number of required spaces in such joint facilities shall not be less than the total required for all such establishments." So, knowing that there is some flexibility in our Code to allow other-it happens with restaurants all the time as it may be necessary for a particular business-you have the businesses on Main Road that sometimes the restaurant right there on Main Road-Wayside-it's very common, it's a practical approach. And in this instance we had DVello; it was a great symbiotic relationship between a contractor for Vineyard 48 and an isolated site. Those cars have to travel (based on that site plan approval)--the trucks have to travel--south to 48, so we are talking about within throwing distance of the vineyard but practically, using the main highway-non-residential areas-and, quite frankly, it's next to the dump. That's as innocuous as it can be. But we are providing parking on site. Martin Sidor: I would be remiss. I would need legal interpretation on that. I think some of that wording in there is key on how that can be... Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Five July 1, 2013 Patricia Moore: I refer you to (Section) 280-278; it's the same area..... Frank Isle r: I think counsel is putting her interpretation of the Code and I think there are clearly other readings that Code can be given. She's entitled to state what she believes it says. Patricia Moore: I welcome you to read that section of the Code because it's pretty straightforward. Donald Wilcenski: Marty, anything else? Martin Sidor: No, that's it. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: I just have a couple of quick things about music: a lot of complaints about bud music seems to be probably the most contentious I would think. Maybe not. But anyway, do you have live music--live bands---or is it just DJ's or both? Matthew Metz: Just a DJ. And we have decibel meter readings. We had complaints this year; the cops showed up and the cops told us they couldn't hear the music, so we didn't get any tickets. Just because somebody complains doesn't mean it's a violation. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Patricia Moore: I would also point out that with the noise, I think we are certainly dealing with site plan issues today to avoid going back in time on issues and complaints that were raised in 2011 and 2012. 1 think most of the complaints...... Donald Wilcenski: Pat, I want to try to keep this to the point. I asked whether it was music or DJ; he answered the question. How many employees do you have serving alcohol on a normal weekend? Matthew Metz: On a normal weekend I would say around six. Donald Wilcenski: There's six people serving-that's it? Matthew Metz: Yes. Donald Wilcenski: And what type of training does the staff-those six people -and I'm sure you have probably more than six-but... Matthew Metz: No, no, no seriously. Right now this time of year I have two people behind the tasting bar and I have three pourers who just do the tasting. So that's five. So I'm throwing an extra one in. I Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Six July 1, 2013 Donald Wilcenski: OK. So what type of training and do you have any records of the training that your staff has to serve people to know if they are inebriated or if they have had enough to drink. Matthew Metz: Our new manager there has owned several restaurants and has sat down with these people. My new manager is walking around. Obviously if people come in drunk they don't get served. It's realty not that hard to figure out. He watches over them and he talks to them and he did his own in-house training with them. Donald Wilcenski: So you have in-house training; you don't send your it's all done. Matthew Metz: My manager had his own restaurants in the past, so he was professionally trained. Therefore we depend on him. Donald Wilcenski: OK. That's all I have. Patricia Moore: There's also-I think that you have security staff as well-so I would clarify that there is additional security, so maybe... Matthew Metz: When they come in, everybody gets their license checked; I don't care if they are 60 years old. That's a way of seeing if the person is intoxicated or inebriated coming in. Because you gotta realize they go to two other places; they're not just coming to my place. Usually the average wine tour they go to three places. Plus -and I'm not blaming the other wineries-these people-when you get a limo, there's booze in the limo. So we don't want them coming in drunk. Donald Wilcenski: I understand that. But that's also why we are here. Because those are the problems that are outside of your hands, but we have to take that into consideration as well. I have nothing else. Jim? James Rich: A couple of questions about security. How many security personnel do you have? Matthew Metz: It varies. Right now, to be honest, from December to March there was really no security there because we really don't have any customers. Now, when April comes around we only have security on the weekends because during the week it's very light. As of--do you want me to go from last week for an example? James Rich: Yes. Matthew Metz: OK. Last week on Saturday I had seven security people there. One to control traffic, the other six to keep an eye on what's going on. On Sunday, which is a lighter day, I had three security guards. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Seven July 1, 2013 James Rich: What are the specific functions of security? Matthew Metz: OK. On Saturday, we have one security outfit that patrols-makes sure no one is parking on the shoulder. Even if it's another limo from somebody else because there are times they just pull over and sit there for 15 minutes then leave. So just to keep them flowing and to make sure people are flowing in and out of the parking lot so there is no backup on the road. That's what one person does. The other six: one of them I said checks ID's and checks everybody making sure they are legal. The other guys stand as I said before to make sure nobody walks in the vines, everybody stays in their areas, and there's no aRercations. James Rich: Is the one who checks ID's the same one who sells the four gold coins? Matthew Metz: No, no, no, no. We have security. I have a security guard who checks ID. The person with the coins, that person works for me. So there's two people right there. You have one checking licenses and the other one giving out the gold coins. James Rich: OK. Are the security people hired by you; are they hired by an agency? Matthew Metz: I hire them. I hire the agency; they are brought in. The one for traffic is called Suburban Security and the other one is Alpha One. James Rich: At what point do they call the police if they need help or assistance? Matthew Metz: Over the last three years, my managers have called the police-not the security when somebody was trying to sneak in liquor and stuff like that. It's on the incident reports. Patricia Moore: I could answer that if you'd like. This is the FOIL of the Town Police record of all the wineries. Each of these folders represents a different winery. When the public calls the police, the police respond. They write an incident report. You can have a standard traffic stop that happens to occur in front of a winery and it will get an incident report that is... James Rich: You're not answering the question. I asked at what point do they call the police. Patricia Moore: I'm going to get to that, I'm giving a little background. I have for example this year we are being penalized but in fact Vineyard 48 called the police because they were enforcing the rules and the law. In February, somebody came in their limousine and somebody stepped on somebody's foot and they started a little altercation inside the limo. By the time they got to the facility, somebody-one of the girls in the limo wanted to call the police. So that person called the police. Vineyard 48 i Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Eight July 1.. 2013 had not even allowed them out of their limo. They came in-they were being asked to leave and in fact they called the police when they were refusing to leave. So that was an incident report. They called the police for assistance. Another incident report was where the manager asked somebody to get in their limo or bus and leave and they were refusing to do so. In that instance, the manager called the police. James Rich: Not the security but the manager? Patricia Moore: The manager, because that was in May when Vineyard 48 is relatively quiet. There is another one on June 15. This was supposedly a big deal...... James Rich: I think you've answered our question. Let me ask you this: if you have altercations or situations that security is required to break up? Matthew Metz: When we have people that start arguing, they are told to separate the two parties or groups and tell them both to leave. Unfortunately when you have liquor sometimes there have been tussles, but that happens at any winery. Patricia Moore: There actually-as to Vineyard 48 and reviewing all of them, there aren't that many altercations between patrons. James Rich: In your opinion, should security identify people who are intoxicated or is that the sole responsibility of the bartenders. Matthew Metz: No, that's a combination of both. James Rich: You stated on June 3 the number of persons on site was counted. Can Vineyard 48 provide the Town with those numbers from that date? Matthew Metz: What happens is-you gotta realize that it's throughout the whole day. A count of it goes in and a count of it goes out_ So we can monitor how many people are there. So that would give what's there during the day, not at one given time. James Rich: Do you have a limit to how many you will allow in the place at any one given time? Matthew Metz: We try to comply with the law and stay within the law. James Rich: As the owner, you must know what that limit is. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Nine July 1 2013 Matthew Metz: I absolutely do: it's 251. Not including the outside. Pat can answer that. James Rich: How many total employees are on the site during your busiest time including security. Matthew Metz: Are you talking the owners-with all the owners? Because the owners do work. Even though we don't get paid. James Rich: OK. All right. Matthew Metz: I would say total probably 25-30. James Rich: Six bartenders, seven security-that's 13; you have 15 other people doing something else? Matthew Metz: Correct. James Rich: 17 other people? What do those other people do? Matthew Metz: Well, you said at the busiest time, correct? James Rich: Yes. Matthew Metz: I said at this time. The Fall is a busier time of year than now. If somebody asks me how many people I have working there now-I believe that was the question, wasn't it? James Rich: Well, the question I asked is how many total employees you have on site during the busiest time-how many bartenders would you have on site during the busiest time? Matthew Metz: Maybe eight. James Rich: OK. And how many security people would you have at the busiest time? Matthew Metz: That all depends on the weather and stuff. I have at times had upward of 12-14 security guards if it appears it's going to be busy. James Rich: So you have to order security... Matthew Metz: It's very simple; it's a phone call right to the company. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty July 1. 2013 James Rich: How much notice do they have to have? Matthew Metz: Two days. James Rich: So you must have some indication of how many people you're going to have in advance. Matthew Metz: No, I go by the weather. Because the weather will destroy it if ft's going to rain. James Rich: I have no further questions. Pierce Rafferty: Could you talk about whether food is served and are there any fees for food? Matthew Metz: There's no fees or charge for anything. Donald Wilcenski: But do you have food for sale----4 mean do you serve food? Matthew Metz: What, like potato chips which is a food and stuff like that-we have them floating around. Pierce Rafferty: You don't sell food? Matthew Metz: No, we do not sell food. We don't want nothing to do with food. Pierce Rafferty: OK. That was the question. Slightly related question: what kind of bathroom facilities are provided on site? Patricia Moore: In the building, there are presently two with two more being constructed right now which we have permits for. So, four interior bathrooms and then there are two other ones in the other building. Matthew Metz: And then we have four port-o-sans. Patricia Moore: Yes. And port-o-potties as a backup. Pierce Rafferty: Where are the port-o-sans located on the site? Are they scattered? Matthew Metz: No, no, no no. I have them-basically, if you are familiar with the site, where the production facility is-in the back-the big metal building. If you are looking at the vineyard from the right, they're lined up right back there. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-One July 1. 2013 Pierce Rafferty: OK. How long have those been on the site? Matthew Metz: A little over one month. Because I only got billed for (inaudible) Pierce Rafferty: Are there permits for those; and if so, would you mind sharing? Matthew Metz: There are no permits. Pierce Rafferty: No permits, OK. Patricia Moore: There is no permit required for a port-a-san. I'm just clarifying. Pierce Rafferty: Very good. Have you consulted with any experts about the sanitation needs for the numbers that you have. Patricia Moore: I can answer that. We actually have an engineer. We submitted to the Health Department because it was for the pole barn. Otherwise, we wouldn't have needed to get Health Department approval. But because of the pole barn, we submitted an application to the Health Department. They have acknowledged receipt. We had Joe Fischetti doing the analysis, but there is no need for any additions or expansions of the existing system. It is all compliant. So, assuming that the Health Department agrees with our engineer, then there should be no need for any modification to the existing sanitary system. Pierce Rafferty: So, the Health Department has whatever the recommendations were of your consulting engineer? Patricia Moore: It's a full application--$1,200 fee. Pierce Rafferty: Now some of this may be addressed so forgive me. On the site plan, you have a line of parking for cars by the road, a queuing line for buses, a second queue for limos and a third for cars. I perhaps am misinterpreting something, but are people exiting from those lines ever exposed to four lanes of traffic? In other words, is anyone coming into your facility crossing so is no one exiting and crossing those lanes of traffic? Patricia Moore: The queuing is inside the facility. But it is all completely monitored so that the cars and buses are allowed to disembark by directive. Pierce Rafferty: So you never have people that are crossing... Patricia Moore: No we are not going to have somebody crossing in front of a car that's about to pull out. Nope. That's right. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Two July 1. 2013 Pierce Rafferty: What about the four lanes of queuing that are proposed on the new plan? Are you proposing to remove any of the grass or vines in the front to accommodate. Patricia Moore: No, we were able to fit everything in. Pierce Rafferty: I see. All right. I don't have any other questions. Donald Wilcenski: Mark, do you have anything? Mark Terry: How do you communicate with the limousines--designate them to the parking areas and how do you call them back in? Matthew Metz: We have two major limousine companies that come to our place. This has been the policy we have set up: I can go through the papers-so you can submit it--where they sign everything they're supposed to do. Patricia Moore: I think practically you're asking, correct? Mark Terry: Yes. Patricia Moore: Do you use a cellphone or pagers, or what? Matthew Metz: As far as what? Mark Terry: Directing them where to park. Matthew Metz: To park? There's another set of people that direct them where to park. Besides the security. I have four other people directing wearing vests and pointing. Pierce Rafferty: The last time we met, I heard numerous people talking about the K- turns that were going on with the limousines. Where exactly are those K-turns happening, and what's being done to address that, which seems to be a problem in terms of safety and in terms of... Donald Wilcenski: Just to clarify, it was spoken on the record that large vehicles were trying to make U-turns on Route 48 and it became very problematic. Patricia Moore: Yeah. All we can tell you is that these are motor vehicles that are registered in the state of New York. We may all disagree that they are getting longer and stupider, but that's the trend. Donald Wilcenski: The drivers or the cars? Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Three July 1, 2013 Matthew Metz: The cars are getting longer. Patricia Moore: The cars keep getting longer and stupider. My husband and I had a good debate about that one. The practical effect is that if they go west, obviously they have to either make a turn on 48 or they go up to one of the roads and make a right, depending on their mode of turning to their particular site. Making U-turns on CR 48 is specifically an allowed-it's legal. The police sometimes park themselves there and they might issue a ticket-and other times there is no ticket that can be issued because what they are doing is legal. CR 48 is a truck route and it is a through highway. So, other than trying to encourage them to use common sense-these cars, once there on the public highway, can decide to go up all the way in front of Sang Lee Farm and pick up some vegetables and then make a U-turn there. So, we really have very little control over them. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Anybody else from the Board have any other questions? Heather Lanza: I have one quick one. Can you just clarify when you were talking about the parking right now on site and how you are using it. Are you saying that you park according to that 1995 site plan? Like, that's where people park or something similar? Patricia Moore: What I'm saying is that there have been representations to the Court that we somehow only have 32 spaces of parking. That is not correct based on the Town's own records. 1 was pointing out that behind the building was intended to be overflow parking. So, we are putting on paper where the most practical areas are for parking, and I think we have identified a number of spaces behind the building rather than just generic overflow parking, which is what the site plan provided for. And we are providing additional overflow parking down... Heather Lanza: That's for the future: I was just asking about currently what you are doing now. So currently what you are doing now is.... Patricia Moore: In practice, we are trying to operate under the same parking regulations that we are providing the design that we are providing to you. But with certainly the limitation that the Town has represented to the Court that we have only 32 spaces. We are trying to comply. Heather Lanza: Thank you. That's all. Donald Wilcenski: OK. At this time, Pat, I know you want to speak, but I'd like to give the audience a chance to speak. Please, people, you have heard these questions and not that we don't want to hear you, and if you feel like you have to say again what you had to say last time, feel free. OK? It's a public hearing and we don't want you to not be heard. Anybody? Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Four July 1. 2013 Joseph Zuhoski. Sr.. 5455 Depot Lane: The people are not telling the truth. At the last meeting, a statement was made by the owner they don't charge admission. They do charge people that go into their premise. And if they have 14 people on security, why are they going in the vineyard and still having their sex acts? Security is very, very lax. On June 16 there were three police cars there at 6:20 p.m. There was a fisticuffs going on and one man was arrested. That's all I have to say. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else from the audience. Step up, please. State and write your name for the record, please. Thank you. Rita Figurnick. Horseshoe Drive Cutchogue: I would just like to present a picture to the Board: this was taken one week on Saturday right after the meeting on June 8. That was taken in the afternoon right outside my driveway where the vehicle was parked there left idling; my dog was barking. The following Saturday I went outside to look and the man is out there with his limousine idling and he was actually waxing it. Here are some pictures of that on a Saturday afternoon as well. I definitely question their aspect of what security is. Last Fall, just at sundown-my son plays travel baseball for Peconic-he was taken home by his coach. In the vehicle was one of my son's coaches, my at the time 14-year-old son, and his younger brother, 13. They are traveling on Route 48, the sun is going down. As they are approaching Vineyard 48, a vehicle comes out of the vineyard and makes a left-hand turn and starts heading directly towards the vehicle that my son is coming home in. The coach at the time, as the vehicle is coming head-on, pulls over to the right hand side as the vehicle can pass as my son gets on his cellphone to call the police to report this incident. The driver, who security let out, drove by. It's upsetting; there is no security. They stand here and they propose all this security; they have this doing this and this doing that. But week after week on Saturdays and Sundays-is it every Saturday and every Sunday that it's a security issue? Absolutely not. But when you're talking about having your child come home after a ball game, whether it could be any of your nephews, your son, your grandson coming home from a simple game and getting hit with a car coming-maybe even head-on directly at you-it's something that I don't sleep very well and comfortably at night and hopefully you will represent our community in making the right decision and providing a safe community for us as well. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else who would like to speak? Bill Shipman. 75 Horseshoe Drive Cutchogue: Obviously we are here again discussing obviously the hearing that's being held over. We are still in litigation. The court case in Supreme Court was adjourned in June, slightly after the last meeting and doesn't go back until August 21. The State litigation that they are in with State Liquor Authority is also still going on. So I have trouble understanding why we are here tonight discussing this when these three open litigations are open. How can you approve or allow to be approved an amendment to their site plan and their business plan while these three Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Five July 1. 2013 litigations are going on? I could conceive trying to get the information, yes. But if this is approved without these cases being closed, that's criminal in itself. Mrs. Moore was describing the property as 35 acres that's physically separated by multiple acres. So, they are looking at their 500 number or whatever number that they refuse to give because they are going to squeeze as many people as they can onto that property once you approve it, and the parties are going to go on. Us being here is kind of off base here. They still don't have even though Mrs. Moore says that they do have a liquor license. Yes they do have a liquor license under the State authorization protection act which allows them to operate while they are i y a n litigation with the State Liquor Authority. But she is trying to tell you that they have a current liquor license they don't. How can you approve a site amendment plan when they don't have a current license? They are allowed to operate while they are in litigation. Do you know how many wineries are in litigation with the liquor authority now in NYS? Want to take a guess? One. Probably there are dozens probably hundreds of bars that are in litigation, ri~ ht. This stuff happens. We are not making this up. It is a business that is coming to you now and saying let's forget 2011 and 2012 until we get this approved. And then it's going to 0 right back to the stuff. A great one d g I saw on Saturday: a vehicle leaves Vineyard 48. Across the grass median. Hangs a left into the eastbound lane. That's pretty good. That's a new one for this guy. So now, the parking lot we're discussing: if you look at the lower left hand corner where there are no vines planted, that is a gravel lot right now. If you need I'll h Y pictures, aye my wife email them to Y you. Cause I got 'em. They have three tents up right now. They don't have a permit-or nobody on the Town Board will tell me if they have a permit. But I was told they wouldn't be issued permits until litigation was done. There's four tents: three 20X20's and a smaller one. They have an open site plan amendment, right? Under the tent application first page, no tents shall be issued to a site that has an open site amendment or a building permit. Why isn't anybody helping us here? It is the same question that I'll be going to the Town Board wasting another three hours of the week I could be home with my children. But I gotta come here and I gotta fight with people that are doing this interpreting it hundreds of dollars an hour I'm sure to be paid to interpret your Town Codes the way that its going to benefit her clients. Middle class guy cutting my own lawn I gotta come here spend three hours tonight, pick up my kids from the grandmothers and then put them to bed, right? So 2-1/2 years-totally done. Come to the Town Board meeting tomorrow night. We'll do it again. I've been to countless Town Board meetings. Prior to that, I've never been to one. Why should I? Government is supposed to run itself. But government is not protecting the people. They say-their liquor license says that they have to be closed by 6 p.m. So when they're going to do these weddings, unless they get approval from the liquor authority, they are violating their liquor license. The physical (inaudible) of that parcel cannot isn't going to accommodate what they are trying to do. It will accommodate them so they can make their money, but they're gonna turn the neighborhood upside down. From June 3, did you look at the pictures of the people having sex in our neighbor's back yard? Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Six July 1. 2013 Donald Wilcenski: Yes. Bill Shipman: OK. Help us. I say that to the Town Board every time. Help us. I think this whole plan should be denied until all litigation is completed. There's an attorney sitting up there; I know he's not gonna put his two cents in because he's busy with his case but come on. Donald Wilcenski: I just want to make a comment that this public hearing process is part of the application process. Bill Shipman: I know it's their right, but who is protecting ours? Donald Wilcenski: I just want to make sure that you are aware that this decision isn't being made this week. Bill Shipman: OK. Now, you go into their place and they give you the four gold coins. What if you didn't want to do a wine tasting? They charge you a cover charge, right? Donald Wilcenski: We will ask the owner. I asked Mrs. Moore and the owner answered the question. Bill Shipman: 2011, 2012 until that noise ordinance came in they played that music as loud as they wanted. I could stand on my front yard and listen to it like I was in a club. And you said last time that you live by a vineyard that plays music. I'll trade places with you any day-any day. They are the last stop business. As they said, they start east and they come here. So, he's dealing with the worst of the worst. So my neighborhood gets the worst of the worst. But bring 'em in; we're gonna serve 'em, 'cause they have the dollars and cents. Liquor license that they have is a wine tasting license. They're supposed to do tastings. They're serving pails. 32 ounces-probably a little conservative-I've seen the pails. They're probably 64 ounces. So, 1 don't want to be known as the guy that comes up and the guy that's acting like a jerk, but after 2-1/2 years all I get is: "you can call my office" or "we hear you" or "you have a sympathetic board." Does anyone have any comforting words for me, 'cause I need 'em. Donald Wilcenski: Yes. Everything that's being said here tonight, including what your comments are, are going into the file and this Board is going to render a decision when the time is proper. Bill Shipman: Will we be back next month? Why don't we wait until after 8/21-their next court date. This way you'd give everybody plenty of time. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anybody else? Yes, you can step up to this podium. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Seven July 1, 2013 Jillann Johnson. Horseshoe Drive: I feel like it's important to come here tonight and support my neighborhood. I don't think a lot of people in my neighborhood probably knew there was a meeting tonight, or I think you'd have a better turnout. We just happened to hear about it. It's important because I feel like when businesses are in a position such as Vineyard 48, it's easier to ask forgiveness rather than permission. And a lot of times that's been demonstrated first hand. There hasn't been a whole lot of commitment until there was actually an issue where the vineyard wasn't able to get their way that now it looks like they want to come to the table and be good neighbors and try and respond to the public. But I believe that if I don't keep coming here and the provisions that they want will go through, we'll be back in the same exact position as we were two years ago. So, yes, I feel like that's the reason why I'm here tonight. I don't want to be--I don't think anybody was really trying to nail the vineyard to the wall, but I do believe that we want to protect what's ours. And that's our neighborhood where our children can play and where we don't have limos parked in front of our houses. I live across the street from Rita, so I know and I can attest that those limos were there. So, if there's a lot of overflow parking, I'm not sure if they know where to go and access it. I don't want to go back to the point where -I haven't heard it this year, but the DJ last year was offering a free bottle of wine for anybody willing to bare their boobs. I don't know who is paying for that-is that from the Vineyard or if the DJ is picking up the tab on that-but it's not right. And I shouldn't have to hear it from inside my kitchen. So, I'll sign off. If we're gonna meet again, we'll meet again. I've talked to some people from some other wineries-there's a lot of kickbacks involved in this business. They are getting kickbacks from the limo companies; there's a lot of pressure from the limo companies because they are getting money up front to take people out here to have places that will support that business. It's kind of a sellout situation and it's pretty corrupt actually. So, that's all I really have to say. I think we're all tired. I know I am. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anyone else? Denise Lademann. 85 Old Saddle Lane: I don't understand how doubling the size of this business allowing them 100 more parking spaces and more toilets is going to make it better for our neighborhood if we're already having these problems at half the size. It's only going to get worse. Even 300 people whispering can be a loud noise. And they're not going to be whispering if they're drinking pitchers of Sangria. You really have to look at our neighborhood as well. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Anyone else? Yes. Beth Shipman. 75 Horseshoe Drive: One of the points that I'd like to make is the fact that although they have not been able to give a specific number for how many people they would anticipate on their busiest day, you can go to You Tube and you can see how many people they have had in the past on some of their busiest days. And I can Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Eight July 1, 2013 tell you from police reports that I have seen, that they have exceeded up to-I believe the largest number that I've seen on a police report is 619 people at their business at one time. If that's what they're doing with an occupancy of 251, what are they going to do when their occupancy is over 500? Because that's a major concern to me. And yes, they do-they are behaving right now to some extent. But that's also because this is on the table. And they did the same thing last year when this first started. They behaved for a very short time as long as they had to. And as soon as things were no longer in the limelight, it was business as usual. So once this decision is made, if it is made in their favor, business is going to be as usual and then some. I'm not prepared to raise my children at the Boardy Barn. And I don't think anybody sitting up there would expect me to either. That's really all I have to say. Donald Wifcenski: Anyone else? We hear you. OK. And I don't want to start any cliches that you've heard before, but everything is going into the public record and the Board. We have a ton of information and we hear you, the people-the taxpayers. Miss Moore at this time would you like to make any comments-you don't have to, but Patricia Moore: Oh, yes, I want to. Donald Wilcenski. Please, no comments from the audience. Give Pat her time and then I'm gonna take a second and step back with the Board. We are going to decide what we are gonna do with the hearing. Go ahead, Pat. Patricia Moore: OK. Thank you. I think last time we told you that we have listened to the neighbors. Sometimes the complaints and if you go and review the police reports you will read them for yourself. There was no police report that alleged 600 people. 1 have all the police reports that were issued and none of those-there is no such report. The purpose of us to come through a site plan process is to try to address the issues, not to rehash the issues. As far as having sex acts, we have security. We can provide a practical way to address that. You can't control everyone. Certainly, when we investigate that individual happened to be a neighborhood individual. So it wasn't even anyone that came in by limo or other form. This was somebody who was from the neighborhood. So, we've been operating under complaints and we've been operating under hearsay. My job is to try to keep the process going following the law. And that's what we have been trying to do. I know you are tempted to react to the pleas. We are attempting to follow the law. Briefly, with respect to tents--because Mr. Shipman became the Code Enforcement Officer, he reports everything to the Town. One issue which I..... (Bill Shipman calling out from the audience) Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Nine July 1. 2013 Donald Wilcenski: I'm sorry. Mr. Shipman--Mr. Shipman, excuse me, excuse me! Mr. Shipman. Please? 1 asked before she even got up if you would give her respect of speaking. Please. If you want to speak up after her, you can. Patricia Moore: Thank you. The Town tried to adopt regulations regarding tents. What they failed to do-and they did it by "guidance memos"-is to follow the law. The law itself speaks in terms of State Building Codes. The Town cannot supersede the State Building Codes. The State Building Code specifically allows tents up to 700 sq. ft. "Tents" is the wrong term: they are called "canopies-" Canopies are tents that have no sides. We tried it the Town's way, which is to make application for tent permits even though the law did not require it. Ultimately, what we found was that the Town-and I have a copy of the application for a tent permit-in trying to respond to neighbors, actually called the tent companies-called our suppliers--and prohibited them from serving my client. There's a document here and I'm going to put it on the record- which has notations with the phone number of the tent company and a phone call going to the company directing them not to put up the tent. Even though under the State Building Code a canopy-which is a tent without sides--can be 700 sq. ft., multiple tents- -as long as they are not over 700 sq. ft. and they are 12' apart-are permitted to go up without permits. So, what we have encountered is the Town pursuing this in Justice Court. I have a motion that is going to be filed returnable on the date of the arraignment, which sets forth the law on this. We have operated under the law. We have tried to address the complaints, we are being proactive in trying to address the complaints, we are all trying to be sympathetic. But they are raising issues from 2011 and 2012. The fact is that my client is actively trying to address it all. We are an agricultural operation and the same kind of stuff that occurred for Satur Farms which was the beating up at the Satur Farm is no different. We are a farming operation. Yes, we have to follow rules and my client is making every effort to follow all the rules. But we can't just dispense with the rules because of neighborhood opposition. And that's precisely what you're getting tonight-June 3 you got the same thing: which was neighborhood opposition to try to persuade you not to follow the Code and not to follow the law, but to react to emotion. We are all sympathetic, we are trying to maintain a good relationship, but sometimes it just isn't possible. We will do our best and we are prepared to provide a communication source-prepared to give neighbors the phone number for our security so that if they do see something they don't have to call the police. Believe me, the last think I as a taxpayer want to see is police reports when they are being called and responding but they are finding nothing. They respond because it is their obligation as police officers. We want to try to work with them but don't want to rehash and have the neighborhood rehash all the comments from before because many of them were really slanderous and we just listened. We try to address the complaints in a practical and methodical way. That's all I can offer. Keep it on the record: this application which shows the phone numbers to our provider which is another attempt to again-in a sense, the Town becomes a bully. You become a bully Southold Town Planning Board Page Forty July 1, 2013 when you start using every method feasible to try to stop a legitimate business. Let me tell you that the complaints about the Liquor Authority hearing--when you go through the transcripts of that hearing and the attorney reports back on that hearing, they had the same opportunity to go into the Liquor Authority and make the complaints. But fortunately the Liquor Authority also has to follow the law. We are hoping that we will get a response soon, but they are giving the neighbors every opportunity to come in and complain, even though many of the complaints are issues that the Liquor Authority really has very little to do with. This is the motion which I am going to submit for the record. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Thank you. Frank Isle r: Mr. Chairman, can I just make one statement? Donald Wilcenski: Sure. Frank Isler: Pat, I am sure you know that our silence on positions of law that you have taken and descriptions you have made of positions in the litigation should not be taken as any form of a concession or admission to your statements. Your position about tents-this is not the forum to litigate that. You can litigate that wherever you'd like to litigate it. Patricia Moore: Mr. Isler... Frank Isle r: The only other point I would like to make--please don't interrupt me at the moment-is the community sentiment and the testimony that has been presented here by the community is not your community influence like they are trying to picture it. Part of the responsibility of this Planning Board in evaluating an expansion of a site plan is to consider all of the impacts that site plan as expanded and extended will have on the existing community. The testimony that the public is giving us and the neighbors are giving us is not community opposition-it's fact finding so that this Planning Board can weigh the different criteria under 280-128 deciding what is the appropriate way to handle this site plan. It doesn't mean that just because the public has presented testimony the Planning Board is going to do X or Y, but it is evidenced in our record that we must consider it is not community opposition. That has to be stated for the record. Patricia Moore: Mr. Isler, I would say that it speaks for itself whether it's community opposition or legitimate complaint. And we will ultimately let the transcripts and the courts decide that. As far as the law on the tents...... Frank Isle r: Ultimately the Planning Board is going to first decide. Southold Town Planning Board Page Forty-One July 1. 2013 Patricia Moore: Well, it first decides that. But with respect to the law, the fact that you disagree with it doesn't necessarily mean it's not accurate. There's no acknowledgement of (inaudible). You're there to listen and I'm here to put a record on. Frank Isle r. I just don't want you to have a misconception.... Donald Wilcenski: And I'm here to keep this moving. Patricia Moore: All right. But I wanted to state for the record what the law is on tents. Because the public--Mr. Shipman-misrepresents the law, and he is putting on the record his opinion of tent permits equals violation of the site plan. And that is incorrect. Secondly, I would clarify that expansion of the use issue. What 1 have shown you is that since 1994 there was an area for the outdoor seating. What we are talking about is the outdoor seating. What we are offering is a permanent structure because throughout the site plan process I was told "we don't site plan for tents" and then we punish you because you want tents and we call it an extension if you have tents. So, to solve that problem, I convinced my client to spend money that he doesn't necessarily have to spend because his tents will do just fine. But because we are trying to address the representation to the Supreme Court that occupancy somehow or another has to be controlled, rather than leave the issue still nebulous as to tents, I convinced my client to put a permanent structure which is only with electricity that tries to address the issue of noise and tries to address the issues of the complaints by the neighbors. Believe me, we could live very comfortably with tents. But my client is prepared to spend that extra money for Health Department approval and Site Plan approval. Donald Wilcenski: Pat, can we please move forward-you just got done telling the local residents that they're rehashing. You're rehashing the same.... Patricia Moore: I understand, but I have to clarify what Mr. Isler just tried to create as a record, so I want to correct that. Thank you. Let me just make sure everything is covered here. To respond to some of the comments with respect to a limousine parked on Horseshoe Drive and waxing of a limo or whatever. Again, we are very near other wineries. There are actually among the complaints, complaints about limos from all the different wineries. Once the limos leave the premises, it's not necessarily one of our limos. It could be a limo that has stopped at Vineyard 48; it could be a limo that has been at any one of the wineries. It could also be a limo that is from a wedding or whatever. Limos are now very prevalent and parking on Horseshoe Drive is not illegal. Waxing your car on Horseshoe Drive is not illegal. We are trying to address our vehicles and providing a designated site. That's why we were offering the Commerce Drive as a place so that nobody is tempted rather than park on our site or park anywhere else-to give them an alternative..... Southold Town Planning Board Page Forty-Two July 1, 2013 Donald Wilcenski: Pat, again I am going to stop you there because you complained about the neighbors rehashing and you're rehashing. Patricia Moore: All right, I'm not gonna rehash. OK. With respect also to the complaints about the noise; the noise ordinance went into the books. From that point forward, there have been no violations associated with the noise ordinance which is based on decibel readings. I want to put that on the record but, nonetheless, we are addressing it with that permanent two-sided building. 1 think I have touched on everything. I think your questions for the most part would have addressed many of the points that I was going to make. We thank you for your patience. We do appreciate it; we do appreciate the neighbors. We continue to leave open any efforts, any possibilities of communication. But it has to be a two-way. Thank you. Donald Wilcenski: OK. Thank you. With that, I am going to take a minute. We just would like to thank you all. We hear you. We feel that we have got enough information in the public forum that we are going to close the public hearing, but we are going to leave the record open for written submittals to our Planning Department until July 15. Again, this is a process; it's not going to happen overnight. This is just the beginning. The hearings are the beginning. Then the referrals are going to go out. So, decisions aren't going to be made overnight. With all due respect to the applicant, we have to do our due diligence. This process takes time and in fairness to them, we have to keep it moving. With that said, we hear you. If you have anybody who needs to write or have any more comments, please send them to the Planning Department in writing by fax or email. OK, with that said, I need a motion to close the public hearing and leave the submission period open until July 15, 2013 for written submittals. Jim Rich: So moved. Bill Cremers: Second. Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor? Ayes. Don Wilcenski: Motion carries. Thank you very much, everyone. APPROVAL OF PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Don Wilcenski: I need a motion for the approval of the Planning Board minutes from June 3, 2013. Vineyard 48 Excerpts from Facebook. August 9, 2013 Vineyard 48 q } Vineyard 48 Timeline - 2012 I 6 Like Saturday Dance Party fyifly.com The Best 5atur"DaY' Party on the North Fork!!! jl m + Resident DJ Michael Anthony along with the rest of Long islands top DJs will play the music that keeps you dancing all afternoon!! Great Music and Award Winning Wines In One Like • Comment Share 63 Ea2 07. Vineyard 48 shared Matthew McBride's photo. April 25, 2012 0 A Sea of Picnic Tables!!! Time to dance on them!!! Like Comment, Share 62 The new dance on me tables at vineyard 48! Vineyard 48 shared Matthew McBride's photo. April 25, 2012 $ The New Table View!!! lJ ~ J T l t r±r, e Like Comment Share 6 10 Q3 Vineyard 48 q _ Vineyard 48 Timeline 2011 0 Like I r, Vineyard 48 ~ +f} October 14, 2011 FA i Like Comment • Share 03 Q1 l Vineyard 48 October14,2011 `A Saturday Dance Party Una the Tentl PC Zlt F ~c Like - Comment • Share 1 Q 1 T, Vineyard 48 treated an event. A September 8, 2011 7 Saturday Dance Party at Vineyard 48 1 77 September 10, 2011 at 12;00pm Vineyard 48 in Cutchogue, New York M Join • 4 people went Like Comment Share ~ - - ~ ~ . tt Vineyard 48 Like This Page June 23, 2012 ~~f vineyard 48. r' ,f Options 1_ ",r7 c s Y' , ci Ali ,?"f.. r" } r ca t } ~ ~y O G { S' 1Fi u 1 I 0 Y LI Q N 07 y C co v A ~,5~,, Y~l" ~.~d~t~s , tie~4o-...wW'I~kW~-:-. i!w .Plrt!~rtwN.A~"PM++~f~wnw - Nf+~bnu.vN ^.'~+w ;xy~ "vsH++.iM.~.mww~wrrwet..~w,:,:. ,3. yy1Fr i.. +t .tea.. ~.i. + w4a! ri~_ nw p /ll ~ 4 t ~ ,;';i a i Southold Town Police Report 10/15/2011 15:44 Incident Report Case Number 01-11-009494 FIncidentType umber Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type 09494 10/15/201115:44 10/15/201115:44 Original nt Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared E INVESTIGATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 1 0/1 52 011 mon Name RD 48 - 1¢910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) Week: SATURDAY Sector: 2802 ference : CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 n Types STREET Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value: $0.00 N Topic Original ' A 4 R Dispatch received a call reporting a limo stuck in the median at I/L and causing a traffic hazard. R Undersigned responded to I/L and checked the area. No limos were found stuck in the median, but a A number of large buses and limos were found parked along both sides of the roadway at near I/L. The T large number of vehicles parked along the roadway were legally parked, but did cause congestion and 1 potentially hazardous conditions. Parking restrictions along this stretch of roadway should be E considered to avoid future problems. Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO MARIANNE ALLEN (125) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Daterrime Verifying Officer Department - Date / Time o SGT RICHARD A PERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 110/15/2011 23:45 o m. A <O Southold Town Police Report 10/15/201117:30 Incident Report Case Number 01-11-009496 I Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-11-009496 10115/201117:30 10/15/20111730 Original C Incident Type Case Status - Case Status Date Cleared I 1PUB.ORDER-DISORDERLY CONDUCT FIELD ARREST/rICKET ISSU 10/15/2011 D VL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week: SATURDAY Alcohol Related : YES T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value :$0.D0 Location. Type : STREET Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector: 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : $0.00 O State Classification Attempted/Committed F PUB.0 M -DISORDERLY CONDUCT COMPLETED F Statute/Ordmance ' Location Type 4 Disposition Date E PL 240.20 05 OVD STREET - N Attack Reason : NO BLAS/NOT APPLICABLE s E ss Phone P Person Type Business/Person Name MCounty E ARREST£FJDEFENDANT KENNETHA VIGILO R Home Phone - Person Address ference S (631) 241-4012 13 CAMEL HOLLOW RD HUNTINGTON, NY 1174 O Cell Phone Employer Address ference N Race Sex SSN WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 03/03/1983 Age:28 Injury Type 2Ethnic Origin: NON HISPANIC Body Marks: Aduh/Juvenile : ADULT N Topic Original R Vigilo was observed leaving above location northbound across CR 48. He stopped in the middle of the L R two eastbound lanes on the dotted white line causing eastbound traffic to take evasive action to avoid A striking him. Vigilo was intoxicated and detained for a short time while issued an appearance ticket by C T the undersigned. No further action taken. I IV Appearance ticket #135717 to return 11/18/2011 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO STEVEN ZUHOSKI (9970) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name - - Date/Time Verifying Officer Department Date / Time o SGT RICHARD A PERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10115/2011 23:46 0 0 A :E I Southold Town Police Report 10/16/201111:13 Incident Report Case Number 01-11-009509 09509 10/16/201111:13 10/161201111:13 10/16/201111:15 Original rGondftns Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type nt Ty pe Case Status Case Status Date Cleared E INVESTIGATION OPEN 10/16!2011 mmon Name ARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) Week : SUNDAY Alcohol Related : YES eference : CUTCH1 Drug Related : NO r Conditions : Calm Total Damaged Property Value: $0.00 n Type : BAR Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 :2802 Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 T e Business/Person Name Business Phone TERVIEWED DALE SUTEA 631 7345200 e Person Address Map Reference 138 BROOKFIELD AVE Southold, NY 11971 , SUFFOLK County Employer Address Map Reference 19 Use Address from Incident Location Information Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL NmMale Birth Date Birth City 08/14/1969 Age: 42 Employer: VINEYARD 48 Aduit/Juvenile: ADULT Body Marks: N Topic Original _ A R Undersigned spoke to the manager(Suter) of I/L in reference to large numbers of people and vehicles R at I/L . Suter stated that they did have some large groups at I/L, but that they have hired security A guards on premise to keep things under control.Suter advised by undersigned that serving intoxicated T persons is against the law, and Suter stated that he realized that and they wouldn't serve any I intoxicated persons. V E Copy to CRU-1 for follow-up. c Reporting Officer Department Report Status: SGT THOMAS F HUDOCK (3818) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved , Officer Name - Date/rime j Verifying Officer Department Date / Time c c SGT THOMAS F HUDOCK (3818) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/161201113:18 u 4 C Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:10:57 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number . : 1-11-001059 City Code Town of Southold Agency Code . : SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT Sector . . . . : 2 802 Report Date 2/08/11 18:22 Occur From Day : TUESDAY Occur From Date: 2/08/11 18:22 Occurred to Day: TUESDAY Occur To Date 2/08/11 18:22 Incident Type : DISTURBANCE-VEHICLES Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer OKULA, DAVID Supervisory Emp: SANTACROCE JR, HENRY Case Status . : CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 2/08/11 Entry Date OKULA, DAVID 2/08/11 Offenses? . . . Names? . Property? . . . Vehicles? Narrative? . . . Relationships? Case Management: Related Cases? Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*********************** Case Number 1-11-001059 Date Dispatched: 2/08/11 18:23 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 0/00/00 Date Cleared . : 2/08/11 18:29 N A R R A T I V E # 1 *t****r*********r***r****tr CAD Information Reported By: OKULA, DAVID M. 2/08/11 Call#: 110390069 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 803 Employees: 0000005533 OKULA, DAVID CAD Call Narrative BLACK LEXUS E/B ON ROUTE 48 WITH NO HEADLIGHTS ON ****************r*********** N A R R A T I V E # 2***********t****t*****trt** Original Reported By: OKULA, DAVID M. 2/08/11 Entered By.: OKULA, DAVID M. 2/08/11 Reviewed By: SANTACROCE JR, HENRY F. 2/08/11 Anonymous person reported a black Lexus traveling E/B on Route 48 without it's headlights on. Unable to locate said vehicle. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END OF REPORT * * * * * * * * t * r Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:11:48 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number 1-10-006794 City Code Town of Southold Agency Code SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT Sector . . . . : 2 802 Report Date 7/28/10 22:17 Occur From Day : WEDNESDAY Occur From Date: 7/28/10 22:17 Occurred to Day: WEDNESDAY Occur To Date : 7/28/10 22:17 Incident Type : DISTURBANCE-NOISE Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer : WITZKE, STEVEN Supervisory Emp: SANTACROCE JR, HENRY Case Status . : CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 7/28/10 Entry Date : WITZKE, STEVEN 7/28/10 Offenses? . . . Names? . . . . . Property? . . . Vehicles? . . . Narrative? . . . Relationships? : Case Management: Related Cases? : Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? *******************t** A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*******t*************** Case Number : 1-10-006794 Date Dispatched: 7/28/10 22:17 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 7/28/10 22:23 Date Cleared . : 7/28/10 22:27 O T H E R P E R S O N I N F O R M A T I O N - 1********* Case Number . : 1-10-006794 Last Name SUTER, DALE Aliases? Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 8/14/1969 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 138 BROOK FIELD AV City : CENTER MORICHES, NY 11735 County . . . . : SUFFOLK OTHER . . . . : 516/351-4919 Sex . . . : MALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin : NON HISPANIC Be On Look Out?: Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Complexion . Hair Color Eye Color Glasses Build ID Number Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? Body Marks? ************t**********r**t* N A R R A T I V E # 1****************t***r****** CAD Information Reported By: WITZKE, STEVEN J. 7/28/10 Call#: 102090106 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 802 Employees: 0000009505 WITZKE, STEVEN REPORTS LOUD MUSIC ************x***********t*** N A R R A T I V E 2*************r*t*********** Original Reported By: WITZKE, STEVEN J. 7/28/10 Entered By.: WITZKE, STEVEN J. 7/28/10 Reviewed By: SANTACROCE JR, HENRY F. 7/29/10 Responded to above I/L for an anonymous report of a noise complaint. Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 2 Time: 12:11:48 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L 1-10-006794 (Continued) Upon arrival, undersigned heard that the vineyard had a loud band playing. Upon interviewing Suter, the band finished their last song for the night and the music stopped. Suter stated that the band got a late start and they usually end around 2200 hours, but tonight they ran a little late. * t * * * * * * * t * t * END OF REPORT * * * * t * * * t * * * * t + Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:11:23 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number . : 1-10-010521 City Code Town of Southold Agency Code . : SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT Sector . . . . : 2 802 Report Date 11/13/10 17:08 Occur From Day : SATURDAY Occur From Date: 11/13/10 17:08 Occurred to Day: SATURDAY Occur To Date : 11/13/10 17:08 Incident Type : DISTURBANCE-NOISE Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer : JERNICK JR, RICHARD Supervisory Emp: BEEBE, JR., THEODORE Case Status CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 11/13/10 Entry Date . . : JERNICK JR, RICHARD 11/13/10 Offenses? . . . Names? . . . . . Property? . . . Vehicles? . . . Narrative? . . . Relationships? Case Management: Related Cases? Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*********************** Case Number 1-10-010521 Date Dispatched: 11/13/10 17:15 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 11/13/10 17:19 Date Cleared . : 11/13/10 17:25 O T H E R P E R S 0 N I N F O R M A T I 0 N 1********* Case Number . : 1-10-010521 Last Name SUTER, DALE Aliases? . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 8/14/1969 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 13 BROOKFIELD AVE City . . . . . : CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 County . . . . : SUFFOLK WORK . . . . . . 631/734-5200 Sex . . . . . : MALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin : NON HISPANIC Be On Look Out?: Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Complexion . Hair Color . . . Eye Color Glasses . . . . Build . . . ID Number . . . Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? . . Body Marks? ****t****t****r************ N A R R A T I V E # 1 ******r*****************r** CAD Information Reported By: JERNICK JR, RICHARD E. 11/13/10 Entered By.: 11/13/10 Call#: 103170058 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 801 Employees: 0000003979 JERNICK JR, RICHARD N A R R A T I V E # 2*************************** Original Reported By: JERNICK JR, RICHARD E. 11/13/10 Entered By.: JERNICK JR, RICHARD E. 11/13/10 Reviewed By: BEEBE, JR., THEODORE O. 11/13/10 I Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 2 Time: 12:11:23 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L 1-10-010521 (Continued) Responded to the I/L in regards to a report of loud music. Spoke with Suter who advised that he would have the band lower the volume. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END OF REPORT * * * * * * * * * x * * * * + i I II i ICI II I i Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:10:35 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number . : 1-11-004550 City Code Town of Southold Agency Code . : SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT Sector . . . . : 2 802 Report Date 6/11/11 15:59 Occur From Day : SATURDAY Occur From Date: 6/11/11 15:59 Occurred to Day: SATURDAY Occur To Date : 6/11/11 15:59 Incident Type : DISTURBANCE-NOISE Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer : HUNSTEIN, DAVID Supervisory Emp: GINAS, JAMES Case Status . : CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt 6/11/11 Entry Date . . HUNSTEIN, DAVID 6/11/11 Offenses? . . Names? Property? . . Vehicles? Narrative? . . Relationships? : Case Management: Related Cases? : Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*********************** Case Number 1-11-004550 Date Dispatched: 6/11/11 16:04 Date Responded : A/00/00 Date Arrived 6/11/11 16:09 Date Cleared . : 6/11/11 16:18 C O M P L A I N A N T I N FORMATION - 1************ Case Number . : 1-11-004550 Last Name . . : ZUHOSKI, JEAN Aliases? . . . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 2/06/1934 77 Street Number : 18218 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Sex . . . . . : MALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin : NOT REPORTED Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Be On Look Out?: Complexion . . . Hair Color . . . Eye Color . . . Glasses . . . . Build . . . . Status . . . . . Alt Address? Body Marks? . . O T H E R P E R S O N I N F O R M A T I O N - 1********* Case Number : 1-11-004550 Last Name SUTER, DALE Aliases? Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 8/14/1969 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 138 BROOKFIELD AVE City . . . : CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 County . . . . : SUFFOLK OTHER . . . . : 516/351-4919 Sex : MALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin : NOT REPORTED Be On Look Out?: Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Complexion . . . Hair Color Eye Color . . . Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 2 Time: 12:10:35 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L 1-11-004550 (Continued) Glasses . . . . Build . . . . . ID Number . . . Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? . . Body Marks? ************r*****r*****r*** N A R R A T I V E # 1*************************** CAD Information Reported By: HUNSTEIN, DAVID C. 6/11/11 Call#: 111620071 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 802 Employees: 0000003832 HUNSTEIN, DAVID Veh: 4SS85BA NY CAD Call Narrative LOUD NOISE N A R R A T I V E # 2**********t****t*********** Original Reported By: HUNSTEIN, DAVID C. 6/11/11 Entered By.: HUNSTEIN, DAVID C. 6/11/11 Reviewed By: GINAS, JAMES A. 6/11/11 Zuhoski reports loud music coming from the above i/l. The undersigned asked Suter, an employee of Vineyard 48 to lower the music. Suter agreed to comply. * * t r * * * * * * * * * * * * END OF REPORT * * * * * * * Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:10:12 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number _ : 1-11-006298 City Code Town of Southold Agency Code . : SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT Sector . . . . : 2 802 Report Date 7/23/11 14:51 Occur From Day : SATURDAY Occur From Date: 7/23/11 14:51 Occurred to Day: SATURDAY Occur To Date 7/23/11 14:51 Incident Type : DISTURBANCE-NOISE Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer MCNAMARA, BRIAN Supervisory Emp: BEEBE, JR., THEODORE Case Status . : CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 7/23/11 Entry Date : MCNAMARA, BRIAN 7/23/11 Offenses? Names? . . . . . Property? Vehicles? . . Narrative? Relationships? Case Management: Related Cases? Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*********************: Case Number 1-11-006298 Date Dispatched: 7/23/11 14:53 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 7/23/11 14:59 Date Cleared : 7/23/11 15:16 P E R S 0 N R E P O R T I N G I N F O 1********* Case Number : 1-11-006298 Last Name . . : HELINSKI, LAURIE Aliases? . . . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Birth Date . . : 7/20/1965 46 Street Number : 18450 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK HOME . . . . . : 631/734-6134 More phone? . . E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Sex . . . . . : FEMALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin : NOT REPORTED Misc. ID# . . : Employer? . . . MO/Crime Spec? : Be On Look Out?: Complexion . Hair Color . . . Eye Color Glasses . . . . Build . . . Alt Address? . Body Marks? . . O T H E R P E R S O N I N F O R M A T I O N 1********* Case Number . : 1-11-006298 Last Name . . : SUTER, DALE Aliases? . . . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 8/14/1969 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 38 BROOKFIELD IN City . . . . . : CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 County . . . : SUFFOLK HOME . . . . . : 000/000-0631 WORK . . . . . : 000/000-0631 OTHER . . . . : 516/351-4919 Sex : MALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin Be On Look Out?: Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : Vlore phone? E-mail Address : Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 2 Time: 12:10:12 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L 1-11-006298 (Continued) More E-Contacts: Complexion . Hair Color Eye Color Glasses Build . . . . . ID Number Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? Body Marks? ************t*************** N A R R A T I V E # 1****t********************** CAD Information Reported By:_ MCNAMARA, BRIAN P. 7/23/11 Call#: 112040077 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 802 Employees: 0000005146 MCNAMARA, BRIAN CAD Call Narrative LOUD MUSIC N A R R A T I V E # 2*************************** Original Reported By: MCNAMARA, BRIAN P. 7/23/11 Entered By.: MCNAMARA, BRIAN P. 7/23/11 Reviewed By: BEEBE, JR., THEODORE O. 7/23/11 Helinski reports loud music at above location causing a disturbance. Undersigned responded and spoke with Suter, the owner of the establishment, who stated he would turn the music down, which he did. Undersigned advised Helinski of same. No further action taken. * * * * * * * * * * * * r r * * END OF REPORT * * * * * * * I - Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:09:34 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number . : 1-11-008588 City Code Agency Code . . Sector . . : 2 802 Report Date . : 9/17/11 15:37 Occur From Day : SATURDAY Occur From Date. 9/17/11 15:36 Occurred to Day: Occur To Date 9/17/11 15:37 Incident Type : DISTURBANCE-NOISE Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City'. . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer MAC KEY, DANIEL Supervisory Emp: PERKINS, RICHARD Case Status . : CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 9/17/11 Entry Date : MACKEY, DANIEL 9/17/11 Offenses? . . . Names? . . . Property? . . . Vehicles? . . Narrative? Relationships? Case Management: Related Cases? Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? ***********t********** A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S r*********************t Case Number 1-11-008588 Date Dispatched: 9/17/11 15:37 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 9/17/11 15:44 Date Cleared . : 9/17/11 15:50 O T H E R P E R S O N I N F O R M A T I O N 1********* Case Number . : 1-11-008588 Last Name : MCBRIDE, MATTHEW Aliases? . . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 5/29/1969 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 1159 HASTINGS CIRCLE City . . . . . : BALDWIN, NY 11510 County . . . . : OTHER-NEW YORK STATE HOME . : 516/659-5900 WORK : 000/000-0631 OTHER . . . . : 000/000-0000 Sex . . . . . : MALE Race . . . . . : WHITE Ethnic Origin Be On Look Out?: Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Complexion . . . Hair Color . Eye Color Glasses . . . Build . . . . ID Number . . . Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? . . Body Marks? ***********t***********r**** N A R R A T I V E # 1*******t******************r CAD Information Reported By: MACKEY, DANIEL A. 9/17/11 Call#: 112600060 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 802 Employees: 0000004830 MACKEY, DANIEL CAD Call Narrative LOUD MUSIC IN THE AREA *****************t********** N A R R A T I V E # 2*************************** Original Reported By: MACKEY, DANIEL A. 9/17/11 Entered By.: MACKEY, DANIEL A. 9/17/11 Reviewed By: PERKINS, RICHARD A. 9/18/11 Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 2 Time: 12:09:34 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L 1-11-008588 (Continued) Anonymous caller states loud music coming from the i/1_ McBride states there is an event going on at the i/1 and the loud music from the DJ will stop at 5 o'clock. McBride did tell the DJ to turn down the music because with the wind the noise was carrying and disturbing the neighbors. * * * * * * * * t t * * t END OF REPORT a * * * * * * x * * * * * r - Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD - TOWN - POLICE page: 1 Time: 12:09:51 INCIDENT REPORT Program- CMS301L Case Number _ : 1-11-007190 Agency code . • City Code . . - Report Date . : 8/13/11 16:46 Sector 2 802 Occur From Date: 8/13/11 16:46 Occur From Day : SATURDAY Occur To Date : 8/13/11 16:46 Occurred to Day: Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTEn4gdent Type DISTURBANCE-VEHICLES City . . . . _ : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Co • : SUFFOLK Report Officer ; HUNSTEIN, DAVID Supervisory Emp: HUDOCK, THOMAS Case Status : CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 8/13/11 Entry Date : HUNSTEIN, DAVID 8/13/11 Offenses? Property? _ Names? . Narrative? Vehicles? Case Management: Relationships? Addtnl Times? Related Cases? Interfaces? CAD Info? A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*********************** Case Number 1-11-007190 Date Dispatched: 8/13/11 17:58 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 8/13/11 18:11 Date Cleared : 8/13/11 18:21 C O M P L A I N A N T Case Number I N F O R M A T I O N 1************ : 1-11-007190 Last Name : HELINSKI, GEORGE Aliases? Adult/Juvenile :ADULT Date of Birth : 7/14/1961 50 Street Number : 18450 ROUTE 48 City : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK WORK . . . 000/000-0631 HOME . . . . : 631/734-6134 Sex MALE OTHER . . . . 000/000-0000 Ethnic Origin Rape : WHITE 4O/Crime Spec? : Employer? 3-mail Address More phone? 3e On Look Out?: More E-Contacts: fair Color Complexion . . . asses Eye Color . . . ;lasses Build . . . . ody marks? Alt Address? , I P E R S O N R E P O R T I N G ase Number . : 1-11-007190 I N F O - # 1 GEO** liases? . , Last Name HELINSKI GEORGE irth Date . . : 0/00/0000 0 Adult/Juvenile treet Number : 18450 ROUTE 48 LtY : CUTCHOGUE, aunty )RK 000/000-0000 HOME . . . . . : 631/734-6134 )re phone? OTHER . . . . : 000/000-0000 )re E-Contacts: E-mail Address ce Sex sc. ID# Ethnic Origin • Employer? Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 1 Time: 12:12:16 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L Case Number _ : 1-10-003605 City Code Town of Southold Agency Code . : SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT Sector . . . . : 2 802 Report Date 5/10/10 14:17 Occur From Day : MONDAY Occur From Date: 5/10/10 14:17 Occurred to Day: MONDAY Occur To Date : 5/10/10 14:17 Incident Type : MISSING ADULT Common/Bus Name: VINEYARD 48, 18910 ROUTE 48 City . . . . . : CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 County . . . . : SUFFOLK Report Officer : HELF JR, JOHN Supervisory Emp: SANTACROCE JR, HENRY Case Status CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMINISTRATIVE) Case Status Dt : 5/10/10 Entry Date : HELF JR, JOHN 5/10/10 Offenses? Names? . . . . . Property? Vehicles? . . . Narrative? Relationships? Case Management: Related Cases? Addtnl Times? CAD Info? Interfaces? A D D I T I O N A L T I M E S*******r****r*r******** Case Number 1-10-003605 Date Dispatched: 5/10/10 14:17 Date Responded : 0/00/00 Date Arrived 5/10/10 14:17 Date Cleared . : 5/10/10 15:26 O T H E R P E R S O N I N F O R M A T I O N - 1********* Case Number . : 1-10-003605 Last Name . . : CHRISTER, TOBY Aliases? . . . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 12/26/1942 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 1 E 3RD ST City . . . . . : KINGS PARK, NY 11754 County . . . . : SUFFOLK HOME . . . . . : 631/544-7040 OTHER . . . . : 631/544-7040 Sex . . . . . : MALE Race . . . . . : BLACK Ethnic Origin : NON HISPANIC Be On Look Out?: Employer? MO/Crime Spec? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Complexion . . . Hair Color . . . Eye Color . . . Glasses . . . . Build . . . . . ID Number . . . Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? . . Body Marks? . . O T H E R P E R S O N I N F O R M A T I O N - 2********* Case Number . : 1-10-003605 Last Name . . : KIDD, KAREN Aliases? . . . . Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Date of Birth : 2/23/1959 Person Type : PERSON INTERVIEWED (PI) Street Number : 1 E 3RD ST City . . . . . : KINGS PARK, NY 11754 aunty . . . . : SUFFOLK HOME . . . . . : 631/544-7040 DTHER . . . . : 631/544-7040 Sex . . . . . : FEMALE Race . . . : NOT REPORTED Ethnic origin : NOT REPORTED Be On Look Out?: Employer? VIO/Crime Sped? : More phone? E-mail Address : More E-Contacts: Date: 10/03/11 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Page: 2 Time: 12:12:16 INCIDENT REPORT Program: CMS301L 1-10-003605 (Continued) Complexion Hair Color . . . Eye Color Glasses . . . . Build . . . . ID Number _ . _ Arrest Case No.: Alt Address? . Body Marks? . . *******:************rtxrt* N A R R A T I V E # 1***:*trx*r*******tt**ttttt CAD Information Reported By: HELF JR, JOHN M. 5/10/10 Call#: 101300037 Beat: SECTOR 802 Units.: 801 Employees: 0000005250 MCGOWAN, TIMOTHY Units.: 805 Employees: 0000003436 HELF JR, JOHN Call change from OA to 8 BY QPADEV0029 P 01 0000003427 rrx****x**********t***t** N A R R A T I V E # 2+*xx***tr*r**t********* Original Reported By: HELF JR, JOHN M. 5/10/10 Entered By.: HELF JR, JOHN M. 5/10/10 Reviewed By: SANTACROCE JR, HENRY F. 5/10/10 While on routine patrol the undersigned observed a male subject sleeping on the ground next to a bicycle at the above listed I/L. The undersigned stopped and interviewed the subject who maintained that his name was "Doc Holliday" and that he rode his bike from Smithtown to the above listed I/L. Further investigation revealed that the subject was in fact a Mr. Toby Christer who was reported missing from Kings Park. Christer did in fact ride his bike from a group home in Kings Park to the above listed I/L. Christer appeared to have a mental altered status and injuries sustained from falling off his bicycle. Kidd contacted and advised of the whereabouts of Christer. Christer treated by CFD and transported to ELIH. Kidd to retrieve Christer from ELIH and respond to STPD hq to retrieve Christer's property. Suffolk County Missing person's notified of the location of Christer (Det. Baillard 631-852-6194) No further action necessary. * * t t + * * * * * * * t * END OF REPORT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t x Incident Report Case Number 01-12-003530 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N O1-12-003530 05/191201216:26 05/19201216:26 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER TICKET/SUMMONS ISSUED 05/192012 D UL Common Name E 18450 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : OTHER BUILDING Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : $0.00 O State Classification Attempted/Commhted F TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER COMPLETED F StatutafOrdinance Location Type Disposition Date E STC 205-i.a OTHER BUILDING 05/192012 N Federal Classification (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Federal Disposition : FIELD ARRESTMCKET ISSUED S Attack Reason : NO BIAS/NOT APPLICABLE CC # for CHARGE : 01-12-3530 E P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO GEORGE HEUNSKI 631- 1 R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference S (631) 7346134 18450 ROUTE 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935, SUFFOLK County O Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN OIL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 07/14/1961 e:50 Body Age: Marks: Adull/Juvenile : ADULT P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW R MCBRIDE 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference g (516) 659-5900 1159 HASTINGS CIR BALDWIN, NY 11510, SUFFOLK County O 2 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE. Male Birth Date Birth City 0529/1969 Age : 42 Body Marks: Adull/Juvenile : ADULT teporfing Officer Department Report Status: ° 'O DAVID C HUNSTEIN (3832) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Kficer Name Daterrime N 'erifying Officer Department Date / Time o GT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 05/192012 20:40 ° w vt w 1 of 2 ° Incident Report Case Number 01-12-003530 N Topic Original A R Helinski reports loud music coming from Vineyard 48. R The undersigned responded with P.O. Jemick III. A Helinski states the music was much louder when he called the police and shortly after it was lowered. T The undersigned responded to Vineyard 48 and spoke with the manager McBride. I McBride states he has been instructing the DJ's to keep the music volume down. E ~ vsie indoors, technically the events~wor• not be considered an "outdoor event" The DJ had his equipment set up in the rear doorway of the tasting room with the speakers pointing outside. The undersigned and P.O. Jemick counted over 250 patrons on the premises. The undersigned issued McBride a summons for the above char e. I tepotting Officer Department Report Status: ° 'O DAVID C HUNSTEIN (3832) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Nicer Name Date/rime N 'eriying Officer Department Date / Time o GTSCOTTIATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 05/1M01220:40 0 w w w 2 of 2 ° vULILIJUIU sown Police Report 05/192012 18:01 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-003533 1 Case Number Report N 01-12-003533 Occurred ONFrom Occurred 05/192012 18:01 05/192012 18:01 Report Type C Incident Type To I DISTURBANCE -NOISE Case Status Case Star Original Date Cleared D UL Common Name TICKET/SUMMONS ISSUED 05/192012 E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week SATURDAY T Map Reference: CUTCHf Sector :2802 - Location Type : OTHER BUILDING Total Damaged Property Value : $0,00 Sector: 2 802 Total Stolen P Total Reooverldp2 Value : $0,00 O State Class on Value : .00 F TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER F Statute/Ordinance Aml>tekUCommitted E STC 1805 COMPLETED Location Type 1 Date N Federal Cla OTHER BUILDING - 5Disposition /19/2012 E Attack Reason NO g~ ny Only) : Not Applicable Federal E IASMOT APPLICABLE asPosG :FIELD ARRESTlTICKETISSUE012 ISSUED CC # for CHARGE: : 01-12-3533 P Person Type Business/Person Name E COMPLAINANT CO WILLIAM SHIPMAN R Home Phone Business Phone S 831) 734.6208 Person Address 831- . 75 HORSESHOE DR Cutchogue, NY 11935 Map Reference O Cell Phono Employer SUFFOLK County N Address Race Sex Map Reference WHITE Male SSN DL Exp. Date girth DL Number 0428/1972 Birth city A9e:40 AduWJwenile : ADULT Body Marks: P Person Type E PERSON INTERVIEWED Business/Person Name MA7TtIEWRA4CBRIDE Business Phone Q Home Phone Person Address 631- 3) 65 (516 Cell Phone hone 0 1159 HASTINGS CIR BALDWIN. NY 11510, SUFFOLK Court I Map Reference Employer Address Race Map Reference Sex WHITE SSN DL Exp. Date Male DL Number Birth Date girth city 0529/1969 Age:42 AduWJuventle : ADULT Body Marks: orting Officer )AVID C HUNS7EIN (3932) - Department SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Report Status: o :er Name Approved Date/nme ying Officer SCOTTIATii,gM (4749) t7epartmant N SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Date /Time I 05/192012 20:39 ° o u N u i Incident Report Case Number 01-12-003533 N Topic Original A R Shipman reports loud music coming from the above A R The undersigned responded. A Shipman states he observed my police vehicle leave Vineyard 48 from an earlier complaint and shortly T after the music was turned louder. i While standing on Shi mans property, V the undersigned did hear the volume of the music to be such E that it would disturb a reasonable person of normal sensitivities. The undersigned and Sgt. Latham responded to Vineyard 48. Approximately 30 seconds after our arrival, the music was turned down significantly. The undersigned spoke with McBride and issued a summons for the above charge. Reporting Officer Department Report Status: ° -O DAVID C HUNSTEIN (3832) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Jfficer Name Daternme N ferifying Officer Department Date / Time ;GT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 05/192012 20:39 °o W N W 2 of 2 W Southold Town Police - Report 06/02/201215:51 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-004029 04029 06/02/2012 15:51 06/02/2012 15:51 Original FLD)aYofWeek: umber Report Occurred OnlFrom Occurred To Report Type nt Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared CODE VIOL: OTHER CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 06102/2012 mon Name RD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY (SUFFOLK County) Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 ference : CUTCHI Total Damaged Pro perty Value : $0.00 n Type : OTHER RETAIL STORE Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 : 2 802 Total Rewvered Pro Value : 0.00 O State Classification F TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER Attempted/Committed COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type E STC 205.1 a OTHER RETAIL STORE Disposition Date N Attack Reason : NO BIAS/NOT APPLICABLE S E P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING BETH SHIPMAN 631- R Home Phone Person Address S (631) 734-6208 75 HORSESHOE DR Cutchogue, NY, SUFFOLK County Map Reference O 1 Cell Phone Employer Address N Map Reference Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date OL Number WHITE Female Birth Date Birth City 04/19/1966 Age: 46 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT - P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING GEORGE HELINSKI 631- E Home Phone Person Address Map Reference 734$134 P rence s (631) 18450 ROUTE 48 Cutch ue NY, og SUFFOLK Coun - O 2 Cell Phone Employer Address ty N _ Map Reference Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 07/14/1961 Age : 50 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Reporting Officer Department o PO DAVID M OKULA (5533) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Report Status: , Approved Officer Name , Daterrime Verifying Officer Department w SGT WILLIAM E HELINSKI (3445 Date /Time o SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 06/02/2012 20:57 O A O i N Southold Town Police Report 06/02/201215:51 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-004029 P Person Type Business/Person Name E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW MCBRIDE Business Phone R Home Phone Person Address 631- 8 (516) 659-5900 1159 HASTINGS CIR BALDWIN, NY 11510, OTHER-NEW YORK STATE County Map Reference O 3 Cell Phone Employer Address N Use Address from Incident Location Information Map Reference Race sex WHITE Male SSN DL Exp. Date OL Number Birth Date Birth City 05/29/1969 Age : 43 Employer : VINEYARD 48 Occupation : Manager Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Original man and Helinski reported loud music coming from the above I/L. rsigned responded and spoke with Shipman and Helinski: Both subjects stated the music lasted pproximately 15 minutes, but has now stopped or has been turned down v ery low. rsigned did not hear any music. rsigned spoke with the manager of the above I/L, McBride. de stated the music was never turned up and he measures the sound level with his noise meter. F.n ide did state that he had an approximate total of 400 customers for the day and at this time he had ximately 250 people on site. McBride stated he was aware he was not to exceed 125 people ut a special permit from the Town. Summons #A0416 issued to McBride for violation of STC 205-1 a. rsigned asked McBride if his "Cigar Shop" was open and if it was, was it in violation of a recent order? McBride stated the "Cigar Shop" was open, but he thought the paperwork was cleared with the Town to be operating. Investigation to continue reference same. Assisted b Sgt. Helinski and PO Onufrak. OKUTA (5533) Report Status: ° SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name ESGTWILLLAAM icer Department Date/Time cer E HELINSKI Department Date /Time (3445) SOUTHO LD TOWN POLICE ° 061022012 20:57 ° A O N Town of Southold A-0416 Suffolk County, NY The People of the State of New York vs. STFI~ 10.4T NWE L~~ICJrf \ ///0. KIIIAL w ZIP IICEfKE M MEabmanaY 6 s IX DATECF BN111 a9NlOe ~ CrMS Va4CAE _ PIAlENO. TIE DPEMTat Ox BEC.I oFVpgp,Ep~g®E9Dw OvES ?xo ' DATEEXHxF3 STAIE j ? x.r. ON ? x.r. ? xr. ? PuTETYPE ?PASS ?ccA ? vasaE y~ ? BUF* ? ? DO O Faro CAD~ paN ? a~ ? ? ? ? TOt A ? ralCS BWY ? Yai ? 4m i TTPE ? TB ~ O m In Mcr G S.W. vw raYMee) THEP al UEBaile®ABOVEp~g ai OED AS FOtLpws DA 1 Ct I8110 PCT ? x) • waY c UdF auFaxmuFnrm 4 IN nL1yCP SUBp. CF 0 i ?DIxEe PeMFY) Y-qrFHIC AND CIAI OFn STATECFHEWYaIX D" 0 ? ' SPEMM VEN aU MPH NA ~gry)zow D r1 MISDa1EAFpx? w~cA FACN FWOM"Tre) ~ADMM ~ DFFFNDNR~fl a THEBTA DATE. Tx1H PACE Oel% ue 1 gel, ~~tt ou to imtd ' •ao.n.Y.>e~wa:a maw..on,,,Pw<mro). a~ PABg81C BCT®IAED f6Ed WNFACTCWxT01( Ba/DIHCiD®aeavE)s auMMDxEp roAPPEAx AT / +MBncEmmr, esms xaD)EZS, eovnaaD, xrnsn AT c~ FA19~ YTATYI.@lB1B ! YS -MAWSSA ~LLW T TO Y6.11g1 YMtl CF TiE P I.f(YS. wTE vn COURT COPY National Standard Incident Report 06W=1219.(n Incident Report Cam# 0142-004033 I Case # Report Occurred ONFrom Occurred To Report Type N 0142-OD4033 06002 1219A1 O64r=219:01 C Dept, gasdroicallon Case Stadu Case Status Date Cleared I V&T/DWI ]ADULT ARREST I6&OVER OD Common Name E COX LN RR TRACKS CUrCHoGUE, NY 11936 SUFFOLK Couty) N Day of Week: SATURDAY Alcohol Related : YES T MOP Refrum : CUTCH2 Drug Related : NO WeWw Candbom: CLEAR Total Damspad Property Vdw : S0.OD Location Type : STREET Total Stolen Property VaWe : So OD I Sector: 21X12 Total Reiorered Ropeft Value : SOHO O Simile Classification F V&T/Dm A~ COMPLETED F L.oealim Type Disposftiotu Date E A ViL1192 2-AA LWW STREET 106WAM2 N 1 AUGUST RUCKDESCHEL (Prk ary Role); Federal Disposfion : CLEARED 8Y ARREST - ADULT S GREGORY CM9NO (Primary Role) CC # far CHARGE : 01-12-4033 E Attack Reason : NO BWSINOT APPLICABLE *of People Arrested : 2 Stale Mier • HELD Fndof 1 Offense: O State gasstilwlion F V&/DWI _dJACorromitted COMPLETED F StIfulefOrdloance Location Type Disposition Date E 2 vTUt92 03 UM0 37R~ 10602=2 N AUGUST RUCKDESCHEL (Primary Role); Federal O'sposr m : CLEARED BY ARREST-ADULT S GREGORY CIMINO (Primary Role) CC # far CHARGE : 01-12033 E Attach Reason : NO BIASINOT APPLICABLE # Of People Arrested : 2 State Arrest:HELD of Qffease 2 Had O Stale Classification AthmplodtCommttied F Y&TIOTHER OFFENSES COMPLETED F StatulefOrdiniance L.ontion Type Disposition Date E 4 VTL„2s OA 1110 - STREET Oei=2012 M ~7 AUGUST RUCKDFSCHEL (Prkmy Rde) Federal Dspostian : CLEARED BY ARREST - ADULT S Attack Reason : NO BIAWNOTAPPLICABLE CC # for CHARGE : o1-124033 E Stale Aber Arrest : HELD # Of People Arrested : 2 Fad of Offense: 3 O State ga>oru F AllburipledComnifted V&TA)THER OFFENSES COMPLETED F L ocatien Type Disposition Date E w YiL„29 OA DIO STREET 0PI ~1 GREGORY CIMINO 9WMaFy Rob) Federal Dispv&Aion : CLEARED BY ARREST-ADULT S Aftack Reason : NO BIASINOT APPuCABLE CC # for CHARGE : 01-124033 E State After Arrest: HELD #of People Arrested:2 FAd Offer= 4 Reporting Officer Deparknent Report status: PO PETER C ONUFRAK (5596) SOUTHOLD TOWN PouCE Approved Officer Dffirrine Veritym9 oltieer Deparkrrart Dale f rums SGT WILLIAM E HEUNStO (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 0640Z/Z012 2219 National Standard Incident Report 002r2o121= Incident Report Casc# 0142-004033 P Person Type Business/Person Now Business Phone E AUGUST F RUCKDESCHEL 631- R Home Phone Person Address S 881 2967 187 MAGUA ST RONKONKOMA, NY 11779 ,$UFFOLK O 1 Other Phone Employer Address N LAID= GROVE NY SUFFOLK Cw* Ram Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL NraNhr WHITE Male 086.78-4691 990830901 mom" WASC" Id02MM SMITHTOWN NY UNITED STATES Age : 33 Hair Style : SHORT Occupation : Waller Facial Hair: NONE DL Stale : NY Teeth : NO DISCERNABLE FEATURES EBmlo Origin : NON HISPANIC Eye Color: BLUE Min. Height : S89" BhVd : MEDIUM Mtn. Weigh :184 bs Compk+don : FAIR AdWJwWe ADULT Glasses : NO Employer: CALIFORNIA PIZZA Condition (at arrest) : APPEARS IMPAIRED-ALCOHOL AmeatType: Cane it Progress (CIP) Religion: NONE MManda : YES - Medial Status : SINGLE Murtha By:: ONUFRAK. PETER C. Speech : SLURRED Arrest Number (YY-##M:12167 Years School: 12 Arrest Txm -24 hour--:1917 Residency Type : RESIDENT Hair Color: BROWN CNaen": UNITED STATES LH* :SHORT I up, toV Faid Of Perim 1 P Type BusinesslPermse Name BumKSs E GREGORYJCIMINO 1 4815447 R Horns Phome $ 631- 69 WENDYDR FARMINGVILLE, NY 11736 SUFFOLK County p 2 Other Phone EanpbyerAdbess N LAID= GROVE NY SUFFOLK Cwft Race Sex - ISSN DL Exp. Date =1 WHITE Male 0647&4396 Bath Date 9bth city C4M 968 SUCA MARANGA, COLUMBIA Age: 24 Hair Style: STRAIGHT Oeapation : Wader Facial Hair: NONE DL State : NY Teeth: NO DISCERNABLE FEATURES Eftft Origin : HISPANIC ORIGIN Eye Color: BROWN MIn. Height : SOFT Bh9d : MEDIUM Mim Weled:1606s Compltldar: LIGHT BROWN AdWJutrhle: ADULT Gtaa9es : YES Errrgoyer: CALIFORNIA PIZZA Condition (at wrest) : APPEARS IMPAIRED-ALCOHOL Arrest Type : Crane in Progress (CIP) Region : NONE R6wxk : YES Marla) Status : SINGLE Mtarda By..: ONUPRAK, PETER C. Speech : SLURRED Arrest Nrmrbr(YY-#x:12--IW Years School: 16 Amaat Time-24 hmw--:1920 Residency Type: RESIDENT Hat Color: BLACK Citizenship : UNITED STATES Itar tersilh: SHORT tun to IrZMary End of Person: 2 Repor6g OBicer Departnrd Report Status: PO PETER C ONUFRAK ej5p SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Suprvising ollcer Da[dTane verl" Omcer Depahnerd Date I Time SGT WILLIAM E HELINSKI (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE OS/02=22218 National Standard Incident Report OSWMI21M Incident Report Case# 01424)04033 V Tag # Tag Expiration Year Make Model Vehicle Style E EV22454 2003 JAGUAR 4 DOOR H A Tag Country ITag State Vehicle Type VIN Category f 1 NY LEFT AT SCENE C Top Color : BLUE Vehicle DisposNon : LEFT AT SCENE L Botbc n Color : BLUE Association : Owner is AUGUST RUCKDESCHEL E End V 1 V Tag # Tag ExpUtion Yew Make Model Vehicle Style E EVJ9624 2003 JEEP SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE H Tag Country Tag States Vehicle Type VIN Category l NY LEFT AT SCENE C Top Color : BLUE Vehicle Dispoellion : LEFT AT SCENE L Bottom Color : BLUE Association : Owner Is GREGORY CIMINO E End of Vehicle: 2 N Topic Odgirhal A R Ruckdeschel was stopped for a traffic violation at ill. R Cimino was also stopped at the same time for following Ruckdeschel too closely. (same i1l.) A 7 Both drivers were found to be intoxicated and arrested. T Both drivers were transported to STPD for processing. I Both drivers were lodged in cell #1 in good but intoxicated condition. E Utts issued. Both vehicles were secured roadside at the scene. End of Narrative: 1 i i ReportkV Officer Depiehnennt Report Stet m PO PETER C ONUFRAK (5545) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Sup" iisim Officer Daterfine Veritykrg.Omcer Depamnent Date I Tkne SGT WILLIAMEHEUNSIO (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 06102rM22218 New York State- Department of Motor Velrides UNIFORM TRAFFIC TICKET S1010004 POLICEAGENCY TO PLEAD BY MAIL To be completed by Police ORicar SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT (NOT TO BE USED FOR MISDEMEANORS OR FELONIES) and given to Motorist lord Pollee Code Naras iDekndant) Fiat Name Ml. - K You are pleating'GUILTY' by mail, place an W Oaough SECTION B. than Lad FLYNN THOMAS P complete end sign SECTION A. we pleading mall, place an'JC tlvou SECTION A andARD /'PL No. Plhab O Complete air~-NOT GUILTY" r BECTON B. n Dou ARD DR a NO BABYLON slam coda Dame Opa. Ue Clara - Mal this knm to the Court noted on (his ticket by Registered. Certified, or First NY 11703 Q D Class Mal, with Return Receipt Requested. Client D Nehber Bar Dab Expires - DO NOT use Otis form for Misdemeanors or Felonies or for a M or subsequent 138268399 M 41252019 speeding viostion in an 18 monOh pedod, Instead you must appear in the Court noted lie SWA Dakar" Vet Type 127; MNe Color on this (Idle( in person. NY 425M957 1 1 MISS SL CE ~ - 0 Da Coun denies your plea. You w0 to ndifiled by mail to appear M the Court noted on the front of tints tickeL THE PERSON DESCRIBED ABOVE IS CHARGED AS FOLLOWS SECTION A - PLEA OF GUILTY Time Ors ar olfenae NVIDIATION OF 4A5 PM 822012 NYS V AND T LAW To the Court listed on the other side of this ticket Section Sib Secebn TrIM Mild FOMPH MPH Zane 1• 1127A OO O mswkv at I1lGIW qM DIREC ON ONE-WAY STITT US DOT( lava been dwgetl lilt he aming violation as In bold on on other side of ft 5Ckother aide of Inks Wk I adatowledge leagR of the undoing printed ed to bold OR t, and I waive amaigranent in open Court and the aid of an Abomey. I plead GUILTY lo the V Bus Haz Penalty tied by the Ladd request Onat this charge be disposed dard a fine ar 0 0 0 Additionally, f make the following statement of explanation (op9ona0: 48 48 No. I= Cade CR4 LN CUTCH "wy. 6259 CITN Home comly SOUTHOLD. TOWN OF-SL59 SUFFOLK 3~T 05159 AFFIRMED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY Dab Almost Off ASSW AN statements are made urger penafty of perjury 0010212012 HP HP7 A& flejwl w.I 11'"PAMOL Date: Sigma: (arrora syetaa) satpaw-M 88 SECTION B - PLEA OF NOT GUILTY ilea Noma Fla Name ML The knowing notice applies to you titre oRasrdid no Issue you a supporting Pater C deposition whin your MaL NOTICE: YOU ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE A SUPPORTING DEPOSITION FURTHER EU"MNG THE CHARGES PROVIDED YOU REQUEST SUCH SUPPORTING DEPOSITION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE R.terahT.era sgrhm.a YOU ARE DIRECTED TO RESPOND TO THE COURT NOTED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS APPEARANCE TICKET. DO YOU REQUEST A THIS MATTER IS SCHEDULED TO BE HANDLED ON THEAPPEARANCE DA TE BELOW SUPPORTING DEPOSITION? SOUTHOLD TOWN COURT Yes O O SUPPORTING DEPOSITION PROVIDED WHEN THIS TICKET WAS Aedsn PO BOX 1179, 53095 RT 25 ISSUED? NO Q SPEEDING (Gen O SOUTHOLD sate zit GENERAL (Gen t01A OtA) Q NY 11971 Signature 8 RETURN BY MAIL BEFORE OR IN PERSON ON DB1e Time Address MUSTAPPEAR W PERSON LM!nll2 190 PM A PLEA OF GUILTY TO THIS CHARGE IS EQUIVALENT TO A CONVICTION AFTER TRIAL IF YOU ARE CONVICTED, NOT ONLY WILL YOU BE LIABLE TO A City Sato np Code PENALTY, BUT IN ADDITION YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE Yo~br Mail CIIM NOT ofyourr appearance 48daknd T"a°° t" ~ A MOTOR VEHICLE OR MOTORCYCLE, AND YOUR APPLICANTS IAiOER 18 YEARS OF AGE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION, IF ANY, ARE MUST SUBMIT NAME AM ADDRESS OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN BELOW SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Name of Parent or Guardian Andress Conviction may subject you to a mandatory surcharge and/or Driver Responwbilily Assessment as prescribed by law. City State zm Code Your Oceuse andloo a respond may result on a warrant for your arrest or suspension of your drivels YOUR FAILURE AND A DEFAULT TICKET IMLL RESULT AGAINST YOU. SUSPENSION OF default Nd9ement against you- UTD-1.7 (4102) 1011111011011 S1010OR90Q co n/ Southold Town Police Report 06/16/201214:38 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-004488 1 Case Number Report Occurred OrdFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-124004488 06/16/201214:38 06/16/201214:38 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 06/1612012 O UL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference : CUTCHI Toted Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : AGRICULTURAL FACILITY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property : $0.00 O State Classification Attempted/Committed F TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Disposition Date E A STC 205.1(e) AGRICULTURAL FACILITY N 1 Federal classification (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Attack Reason : NO BIASINOT APPLICABLE S E P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E OWNER MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference A 631- Use Address from Incident Location Information O 1 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N 516 6595900 Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 05/29/1969 Age : 43 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile :ADULT P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO MARLA KOSTER 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference s 631 734-7060 975 HORSESHOE DR Cutchogue, NY 11935, SUFFOLK County O 2 Celi Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race t SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number .WHITE Female Birth Date Birth City 01/15/1957 Age: 55 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DateTme Verifying Officer Department - Date./Time SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 06/1(112012 16:09 Southold Town Police 14:38 Incident Report case a 1-1 I N Topic Original A R The complainant called to report loud music coming from the above I/L R The undersigned responded but was unable to hear the music from the roadway. A Mr. McBride was issued a town summons (A2909) for having exceeded the maximum occupancy of the T establishment I Mr. McBride stated there were 326 people inside. E i i I I Reporting Officer Department - o Report Status: POTIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DateTme N verifying officer Department Date / Time ' SGT HENRY F $ANTACROCE JR (6962) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 061760112 16:09 0 A A m I~ I A- 2 9 09 Town ofGuudtySgiuthold Soffolk r, "NY tt ~ik.People eCthe 5izte oI Nexr York vs. ' ~ u~ wa I } n dE - '^R ' IiCEASEdtIMlNielNiA7A~ 51AIE MIE£WRL3 QgEtlFBlq,Ff i ~ - ~ ..f8fE601(N6A Y ~ i MIEE OM _ss.tkYE PIAIEIYPE rJ'xY. ~H.~ E3'KY. ©N1 p ' _ f7PAS5 B60MY Et:w b b d 6 P#dFFp{, p ~'6Sr3pY{,t' O MW 0 'tlODY Q 24{A 40R ~ - lY4E d 3tIGFTS O w4j& ~1 D ~ ill $l4. fl P098 '~IEE P WU~C16kbA9WE16 W7r; DAS:FOUO , - y 1' [IHITGfE EQ0FxYl,gpijY i3lP f-0N'4EBYh1GB611 ~8 ~J- Ti\A r~C.iWEA1mPIrLf,Eyvc'F-~ef~~~'s brtil ~~kn.. %5s;a G -'+'-~+wgl!.OYtlM~gPlbtll~ 64rbNtlR4b~p N>DOi4!i4>1p(YO 7- ft~GSHED(SEb~$ Ir>E e3 A'¢rr4~ sou1M[~I~v 'F~y~~Afi,~N ~nsdU~~'~iatt ! j 1 ~AT / t y ~ yB~j i 1 _ I FALSERAI(iB11911 ~AI~$EA4A423A9A f - AASWN[103E@II[N$WMDFIIEP:I:f(Y8 i ~ oAIE VRT COPY CO PY Southold Town Police Report 06/16/201216:35 Ij-J Incident Report Case Number 01-12-004492 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-004492 06/16/201216:35 06/16201216:35 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 DISTURBANCE-NOISE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM[ 06/2112012 D Ill. Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) T Day of Week : SATURDAY Alcohol Related : NO Map Reference: CUTCHI Drug Related : NO Location Type : OTHER OUTSIDE LOCATION Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Alcohol Related : NO Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631- _ i R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference S 631-_ 1159 HASTINGS CIR BALDWIN NY 11510, OTHER-NEW YORK STATE County I O Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N (516) 659-5900 Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 05/29/1969 Age : 43 AdultOtnteni[e : ADULT Occupation : Manager Body Marks: P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING GEORGE HELINSKI 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference s 631 734-6134 18450 ROUTE 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935, SUFFOLK County O 2 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN - DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 07/14/1961 Age : 50 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT N Topic Original A R Helinski reports loud noise, ongoing problem, at above location. R Undersigned responded and spoke with McBride, neg. problem, music turned down upon A undersigned's arrival. T No violations observed,no summons issued. V E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO BRIAN P MCNAMARA (5146) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Datemme Verifying Officer Department Date / Time SGT WIWAM E HELINSKI (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 06/21201202:01 Co Ply Southold Town Police Report 06(24/201216:33 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-004797 i 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-004797 06/24(201216:33 061241201216:33 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared I POLICE INVESTIGATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 0612412012 UL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Weds: SUNDAY Alcohol Related: UNKNOWN (X) T Map Reference: CUTCHt Drug Related : UNKNOWN (X) Location Type : OTHER OUTSIDE LOCATION Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 j Secbr :2802 Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Abchol Related : UNKNOWN 00 Total Recovered Property Value : .00 P, Person Type BusinesslPerson Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW J. METZ 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference IS 128 SILAS CARTER RD MANORVILLE, NY 11949. SUFFOLK County O 1 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N 516 236-9747 Race sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 07/01/1958 Age : 53 Adult(Juvenile : ADULT Ethnic O rigin: NON HISPANIC Body Marks: N Topic Original A R Anonymous report of a female possibly performing sexual activities on the front lawn of the above I/L. R Undersigned and SPO Richert responded, unable to locate. A Undersigned interviewed the owner Metz who stated he was unaware of the above, and did not believe T it occurred. V E Reporting Officer _ Department Report Status: PO DAVID C HUNSTEIN (3832) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Daterrme verifying Officer Department oats 1 Time SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 06/24/201220:58 COPY Southold Town Police Report 66/30/201214:34 Incident Report Case Number 01-124664976 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-004976 06130/201214:34 06?JW01214:34 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER CLOSE"O ARREST (ADMI 107/0212012 D UL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 16910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY (SUFFOLK County). N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector: 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCH1 Total Damaged Property Value: $0.00 Location Type : OTHER BUILDING Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 O State Classification AttemptedlCommitted F TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Disposition Date E A STC 280-13 a&c OTHER BUILDING N 1 Attack Reason : NO BIASMOT APPLICABLE S E O State Classification AttempteAtCommitted F TOM COOEVIOL-OTHER COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinaripe Location Type Disposition Date E STC 20~ 1a OTHER BUILDING . IN S A8acklie-esM591ASMOTAPPUZ;; LE(-) - E P Person Type BOsine Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING GEORGE HELINSKI 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference $ 631)734-6134 ..1 ,8450 ROUTE 48 fMchogue, NY 11934, SUFFOLK, Cou nty O Cell Phone - Employer Address Map - Reference N Race sex SSN OL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 67/24/1961 Age : 50 Body Marks: Adult/Juveniie : ADULT P Person Type BusinesslPerson Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED DALE SUTER 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference g 516 35111919 138 BROOKFIELD AVE CENTER MORICHES, NY, SUFFOLK County O L Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N 516 3514919 Use Address from Incident Location Information Race sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 08/14/1989 Age : 42 Employer : VINEYARD 48 Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Body Marks, Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO DAVID M OKULA (5533) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Daternme Verifying Officer Department Date / Time SGT RICHARD A PERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 07/0212012 08:59 Southold Town Police RebnQ 14: a Incident Report Case Number 01-12-004976 P Person Type Business/Person Name E PERSON INTERVIEWED HOWARD PRINS Business Phone 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference $ (516)250-1072 99 GRAND AVE Apt 4A ROCIMLLECENTER, NY, OTHER-NEW YORK STATE O 3 Cell Phone - Employer Address Map Reference N 516 250-1072 Use Address from Incident Location Information Race Sex SSN DL Pap. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 12/01/1970 Age: 41 Employer: VINEYARD 48 AdulUJuvenile ADULT Marks: N .Topic Original A R Helinski reported loud music coming from the above I/L. R Undersigned responded and did hear music, but said music did not sound excessive to the A undersigned. T I Uh igne4 requested Sgt. Beebe to respond to the above UL to take a noise meter reading, but Sgt. V Beebe stated there was too much Wind to get an accurate reading. E Sgt. Beebe advised the undersigned to issue summonses to the above I/L for violations of STC 205-1a (Operate a Special Event without a Permitand STC 280-13 a&c (Zone Violation-Operate an Illegal Retail Store). Undersigned spoke with the manager of the above I/L, Suter. Suter stated he did not believe he was in violation of any Town Codes. Sgt Beebe and LfGinas advised the undersigned that Vineyard 48 was in violation of said laws and summonses should be issued. STC Summons issued to Suter for STC 205-1 a. STC Summons issued to Prins (operator of said Ci ar Sho _ for STC 280-13 &c. Reporting Officer Department Report Status: ° -PO DAVID M OKULA (5533) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name - Date/Time Verifying Officer Department Date I Time o SGT RICHARD A PERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 07/0212012 08:59 o f0 V Town of Southold Town of Southold A ' 0 417 Suffolk County, NY Y A '0418 Suffolk County, NY The People of the State of New York vs. ^ r+ The People of the State of New Yo k vs. IAST MA~E'ENDANIT IPBT E MIDOIf}MRNL y IABT NALIE (Off flR3T NAM MSJOLE INMAL ~/"f 9TI1EEi IX APT. NO. STREET 8 APT. NO. O IC 1 V qiV CI , I eTATE I!9 f ite T /s a =IP UCENBEgI REGEIRATON NUMBER - EORR off NUMBER STATE TYPE Of E RATE 8IX OATEOFEINTFI OPERATOR 6TATE TYPE OF LICENSE DATE EXPIRES SIX DATE OF BIRTH OPERATOR NO ffigri O ONO - - M DAY R O V OGLE /A) / THE OPERATOR OR REGIS ED EUi OFVEHICLE DESCRIBED B60W THE OPERATOR DRREOISTEREO OWNER OFVEH DESCRIBED BELOW RATE NO. DATE EXPIRES PLAYS NO. GATE EXPIRES eTATE PLATE TYPE STATE PIATE TYPE ? N.V. ? N.J. ? N.Y. ? NA ? O PA39 ? COMM ? i O N.Y. ? N.J. ? N.Y. ? N.J. ? 0 PASS ? COMM ? ~ VEHICLE MAKE 0 DODGE VEHICLE MAKE ? DODGE ? SUCK ? CHEV 0 CAOIUAC ? PONMC i ? Bmx -e r' CHav O CADRJAC ? POHTMC ? FORD ? OLDS ? PLYM 0 'FORD ? C LDS ? PLYM ? TOYOTA O VOLITS ? ? TOYOTA ? VOl1T8 - ? BOGY ? TM 0 UDR ? BUB ? RACY 0 S.W. BODY ? I ? AOR C3 BUS ? RACY ? 9.W, TYPE ? TRLUCK ? TPAIIEP ? VAN ? ! ,I TYPE 0 Tn 1NI1CK O TIIMLEl1 O VAN O NN NUMBER WNNUMBER 1 THE PERSON DESCRIBED ABOVE IB CHARGED AS FOLLOVFS THE PERSON DEBCRISEU ABOVE IS CHARGED AS FCUMS PUCE RRENCE / 1 PCT Of OOggiR E p y 1 G IV.IL U f C / g~ M AM M PM CNY, MUAG OII SUFFgXODJNTYNY 8 AM TIM bTY: TgIfI, ORHAMIaT BUFFOUODIMrv NY • ?aI 1 ? l/F IN IATN OFSECTON SUBD. OF THE VEHICLE AND TRAFfN:U •THE BTAlEOF NSW YORK INVI TI NQ SE ON BUBO. "OFTHE VEHICLEANOTRAf GLAWC TNESTATEOFNEWYORK ?OTHER (SPEDI r DEF VENT BlN HA ?OTHER (SPEGRYJ T~/` 'J 1. q~VV-lJ Dn ~ gua MAT ? SPEEDING ER OfPlNSE aPEBONG OI~fEROFPfNBE v /S .114 MPH INA MPH ZONE I J M EMEANOq ? MMINA MM TONE O qq All DEMEANOR ? FAXAt A M(NGTFOR fln41 , , FACTUALP N Oq/IVB0. e7 t I (i THE MOVE NAMED DEFENDANT No ON THE STATED DA TMEANDPLACE THEMOVE MAO DEfIIJD,TNTq THE BTAIED RATE, THE AN0 PLACE A a r. F _ 1-11114s r R f^Aq YEUWm W~yYKMMGG.I Mtlb~y~ SbMR.bMEIb M~NW mwn lal f^NWAV YarM an rwW .dM I Vu~~ a Arc XIwNYYb.AGbI BblYfl.l wlttV W.eN P. .A ) M 1 ! + n u. 7rmr4 U a. E N ~a l )r T,IRcf' Q6sawA n . C PARNNG SCHEDULED HNE S CONTACT COUR PARMNGSCHGOUEDRNES OMAC COU THE PERSON 09SCRHIS0 ABOVE IS SUMMONED TO APPEAR AT THE PERSON DESCRBED ABOVE IS SUMMONED TO APPEAR AT SOITTHOLD TOWN JUSTCE COURT, 6388E ROUTE 3S, SOITTNOLD, NY 11071 SOUTHOLD TOWN JUSTCE COURT, NOS ROUTE 56, SOUTHOLD, NY 11071 A 11A~QI R I ON 7 30 ix AT 4 ON 40 ~ A1.'~ ~ I AT FAUESTATEMNTSERDNAna A AMSDELEAUgR PURSIIVRTOfECTONII1gA60FMP.LNY.S. 4 F,WESTATEMBGS MAC SAMgDEMRANORq/MLMNTTOSED110H510.OWK P,LN.Y.a COMPLAINANT / OA1$ ~O W I /v_ I ~ A! A/i DA 69Ak- i - f • `-TV[~yJ/~ $ 1J Q.UL TY ~ BAD U S\ BC nnTTOm r"rTnV 1 COl7RT COPY CO PY Southold Town Police Report 07121/201215:52 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-005790 I 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-005790 07121/201215:52 0721201215:52 OrUnal C IncidentType Case Status Case Status Date Cleared I DISTURBANCE-NOISE TICKET/SUMMONS ISSUED 0712412A12 _ O Ill. Common Name E 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) T Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 Map Reference : CIJTCI-I1 Total Damaged Property Value $0 : 0.00 ; . Location type : OTHER OUTSIDE LOCATION Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property : .00 O State Classification AttemptedtCommdtted F TOWN CODE-OTHER 'COMPLETED F SlatuteI) >id- n;llrte - - Location. Type Disposition Date E Southold Town-Code 180-5 AGRICULTURAL FACILITY N S E O State Ctassifkatitin Attempted/Cdinmitted F TOWN CODE VlOL.-OTHER. COMPLETEDk F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Dispo'sZtion.Ddte -NES 2- Southold TbWn Code 2M 13(A) AGRICULTURAL FACILITY E O State Classification Attempt gommitted F TOWN CODE-OTHER COMPU=TED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type DisposWonDate r N3 Southold Town Code 280- 13(C( AGRICULTURAL FACILITY E O State Ciassiflcation Attempted/Committed F TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Disposition Date E A Southold Town Code 205 -1 (2) AGRICULTURAL FACILITY N `F S E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO DANIEL A MACKEY (4830) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DateTme Verifying officer Department Date / Time SGT THEODORE O BEEBE, JR. (5140) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 0724/201213:33 i Southold Town Police t o7 1n 21s:s2 Incident Report Case Number ot-127105790 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING WILLIAM HIPMAN 631- R Home Phone - Person~Address S (631 734-5208 Use Address from Incident Location Information Map Reference O Cell Phone Employ*,Address N Map Reference Race Sax SSN OL Exp. Date -DL Number WHITE Mee Btth Date Birth City . Q4=1972. JA9e.:44 Body Marks: Adu ile : ADULT P. -Person Type Business/Person Name - E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW R-MCBRIDE Bnsinessptforie R Home Phone Person Address - - .631-.. OS 631- 1159 HASTINGS CIRCLE BALDWIN, NY 11510, OTHER-NEW YORK STATE Map Reference Cell Phone Employer Address N (516)659,%M Map Reference Race Sex SSN . _.__....._._...OL ftp:_D DL Male _ Birth Date Birth. city , ~-Ile,ADULT Body Marks: ulVJuven N - TOPIC _ Original A R Shipman states loud music coming from Vineyard 48. Undersigned officer did issue four summons to R McBride. A 1. Summons # A2978 Southold Town Code 180 - 5 2. Summons # A2979 Southold Town Code 280 -13 (A) V 3. Summons # A2980 Southold Town Code 280 -13 (C) E 4. Summons # A2981 Southold Town code 205 - 1 (2) Reporting Officer Department Report Status: ° PO DANIEL A MACKEY (4830) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name - - DateTme ' N Verifying Officer Department - Date f Time SGT THEODORE O BEEBE, JR (5140) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 07/241201213:33 0 ' m 'w^• 'r rtc4,G .C -Pr. T,~. t" '~k4!"1 ,.'i/t Y ~ ~ l} T~- `f~(r"i,)YP'W+' " 7 ^1 F ~ n W K:FPh^{ it' . ~~t k r~*°-t .,f~„"~~ f 3.t v±„. -,+r.~'' -~F~ ~ .~j~:. i ~t,. i~~,„7 ~9"".:., a't.ti~' `1s{g'rx +a.i ~;'3pN Y € r r r q~ ~a:}~ ,~~:s$~,. e~ssyp~~s1 ~v'_os7~•~v~,kr~~~r .'f"` r ~y-. v^S5 rs i$° i',.~p?~' ~d ~ ,r ma,c e r a ~P* "t~ `a~ .t ~ ; ~ r'~ r ear ' r b 4 .,rrw,`ro~^u"'?.-. ~p~,~. xr,d °v~ a~"'`^..;_w aY~' ~"".C. ~+t:3t 'r: c:'+~y'~. r''~~, ;~~r~~:`'fr. ~r~;~,.~.~+~w'. r'~~'•,r.u ~+,.r 1r t~..s~ r ''"y'"~Sf`y •y l.' Px '.J• R7., :it+•W~"S:' `'.3 S - ,.a, _ c4 4.t?r ups '~,i+. r `.,;,F i~:^,r rp y.w .t t-• ..Y r, ..+?x.v V, "Pik, r J^..^,N^^:. 7t^FM ` S f r FSrXtp~3. t..~4: .Y»ri"?~" ~ ,-tr 'ft ~ i,r•!' v" r. C. ,y,, ~ ..:P r, ,'"*'~n3T~°° Gir'~r„."r-^ a kv~ 'r.7fi ",,a x ,c~R~,PS~•/~; i,~.-r,t ,;,v s~a '4 '~y~~} ~ i 'TM S: "_°""~,.r r.y.i^+.•m•?;-»~,-~ ~'+,k•,*°:^:°,.~.r•`rw... ..e.,-"-•,.'ry+k 1 C•c,'~'~+ 77- . *,.,>'h :z,.<,ar..5..• 2 - •a. r iron .»..u ` [ M s H v :a cY ! dr c!a$ +d,,~ „..:d x~^;^ PC'u £a'. . .0(`Rr 77M r, '.,.J I ''t r f y !M1r Fri#1'}.,VY Y.a v'i Fr-t t~ k. L,. n.+ .~v. fi. P-`?rx' , w,i, y -MC s.,k, ~ ~ wv`~rs'>?, a. f:F' t„ 4 .w1 Y. a a ~ ry aec hZ,q° ''.w s* ,h`~ t l s a, s ~ :z "{''d t, w y ;.r a s i. ff -y, u. } pY,c_.. ~r3.,~ ~ x ~F y y r~Swr3~ • a a? { ~ -c',h x ~,A _i- t ` rf-.: X:. t_~Pd ,t --..'3-";"! iY'U:~Si•rAT.v c7isar i 1,«`t w «~M -r,.:rs.. A rn~•:,as^x+~=`-..°"-,w,-~, ..a..~.-~»-.w:-R`a,>wr '''t r r~' U,k1-- r :p .~i*°^'•c~,~ . 4. "'t.,»v~~ 5 qe H~.. yt v".v,. a r s ~ R;~~53~~. M ~4,r -r~.,,r~^,~c'.5 `1.r~'i-ka`~~~~1 ~ ;~f^1V'(N~n Gr'~z`j~k~ly" 4~C' .3~~ 4'.~"l~g ~ -uI NQ s f o~s M Pr a &A.' a £ "fir s, r c uc~ AES*r:: + P a rtm tm w. ~,~t° 1, 3'd.a,~ .,c `~sztv.:rN7' S,+.^~':•` ,r-a74:t{2'Cra x~+.;, ,r,a..~_ki \F! P4 :s t,lr\4 ,rz X •,~e rx`:.1 .Y; ~,,.+r,cy-y ss~. q'dyri ix,",rs-w+.a Cr'sK r r. Y ;~.,R7'A°.' :ea ' Kv<.: :,<<:; { 'rN,,, , „°`'?:?'id t~+r;'i Jr~`•r" x:?+ ~'{u''P ;5.°',xj' . vr„._...`~v 5,.,~ y +'"~s~' f`~y~~,~v'~~'~"~1P=?5r` ~`[?rt'~.~,~ sr 'k"~. ~'t~~e~i - >t,ta~.,. k ~'L~'r, y,,.~ ~ ~ yt t E°:-' .r••...._..v„ ~'t"t c ~ d.;~ ~",,~k ~.~»rt,'~ ua~. t~rldt~,.,~,,~'mk,€•'z~ :+q.+G's~ i i?,fit .'K,< +P~ yi'~, k,ki: ,F -s,.ry~,~ ~w:- .:Y's' !;'a Y~ ~.~f.u„ 3>~;••,~t~'•` txty4,.. _y~ rr?~.r Gea „n,,-"'c'" 'p-w+s""~'",.:':',"r^`r""~`'^'~±E~.r!yr•J r .;.t ,ter • y.: 3~. ,w.:i.•*.,,.. r, vn„'1,h^'.sd a .sp.re. ,e a~,rx'. + 1 a..;y. xn.,,f a...HMm:.r' aa>:.+:: ti%.'r' ,„x'a r;r.,;; Y''f;r:'S ti_ 'pL .F ws 135,77 •r. w?~ 4..r# 3 .E d7 sx 1L i`3"'S, ...y =2a+`~. r Lraa ,.w:;1.ir'd` •swro ].,;s ~?s` gt~-y~`'.''l'S .'.^~Pr€~``~„PI~r,Yn 3~, ^v 7• ix ' -.~v.:. +,.ri ;iX.,;'` ,;:•wy s^ .1 rc; ! 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Z"E?'~rifirJk0E5f'Hlft~'OA60.y£158UMtdUP~IFTQ,GnFE!#tAT i ~ v ir$CkUTr{OU37AV,~ty ,13,'SaG6''r~t $Sr 6~A65 PUUTE25~50 JTHU4t7 NY 1767oi,~} ~ t r _$GW7fdQL'17aTQWPv~UST7CF~'(`17UF17 $3x65 RCJ F"c.;'3$'$U,l1H0 Cy P~Y1i'P71 r t I ~ l~'~A ,'+`?>r - kGkl ,,~ee s{ f 'a hit rti t; ...,.,fir.... ~G~. rN' -.t •vj'~!' r Pi T r ~ ~ ~ ~_..^^r.^ Y .ry'~.t^'°Y~,1^+°a ~ bl'''~,Z%~~.'°^"!1:~"F"^" ^A-r- R'T '^.ZnY.e+.+• -w.+M.- .j-.-4r-.w AI:.SSS; F,t7G'tS'4.A~ 9:-.,~ spa v.d E g rc~ Fln y .+.{ir~ 4, ~(,.tva _:y3~ etc ra S. ~a.4GCc ~Rly j~ +f:~ t~C 2rC 9 n ~,P t.,'l. t,~.~,4 t:1i r ~Ar . r 41 i.f,f. tr .f £ ct'k I F~4 : r+ T,N,`" '4 t x ~ ~a.~i 7Y' _ ry6Q S~ 4F,,Oi 7+, ' xa e4YAhYL/ rv y" p T d 4~3r yew( 11 y~ x y ~r 5.;r.. f ch ~ ~ r t ~ t r +irrr i ~ ~ vi n. ssi~~~ac 1~~ _ ~ ntix x 4 z i r ~ ~ t i~ j k - _ 1 ,r.; d ! ....:r* s'~ r~s, ! } ,{T•f ^f x r r r ~ `J"' ^^+^.s+a-.m . ~~~_:,t _...u.~.'..e _ . ,Ye.........~•name.--r-ir~ri-sx,}a-en-r:-w:-.'+,'n~-,-.r,a.,~,.~r:n,+~..,•`.rtw,.d,....:.. ~ Southold Town Police Report 0728201215:20 COPY Incident Report Case Number 01-12-006053 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006053 Q7/28/201215:20 0728/201215:20 0728/201215:45 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 DISTURBANCE-NOISE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM[ 07282012 D I/L Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : BAR Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value: .00 N Topic Original A R Undersigned responded to I/L for a complaint of loud music coming from I/L. Undersigned checked I/L R from all surroundings and found noise to be at a reasonable level. A 1 T E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO JOHN CROSSER (1591) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Daternme - r VerifIiirrg Officer Department Date/Time SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 071312012 08:53 < COPY Southold Town Police Repot 08/11201216:45 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-006568 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006588 08/111201216:45 08/11201216:45 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared I POLICE INVESTIGATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM[ 08/11/2012 D 12 Common Name E Vineyard 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCH2 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : AGRICULTURAL FACILITY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : .00 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING WIWAM SHIPMAN 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference S 631 734-6208 75 HORSESHOE DRIVE Cutch ue, NY 11935. SUFFOLK Coup O Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date OL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 04/28/1972 Age : 40 Body Marks: lie, ADULT N Topic Original A R Shipman came to HQ to report that Vineyard 48 has an ad in The North Fork Patch web site that R states Vineyard 48 Dance Party" and that they are in violation of Southold Town Code chapter 205 A Special Permit. Undersigned officer was advised by Captain Frank Kruszeski to report to Vineyard 48 T and observe, monitor, and document what I saw. Undersigned officer did observe approximately 100 - I V 125 people on the grounds with a DJ playing music inside a building with two speakers outside of the E building pointed towards the grass where several adults were dancing. Pa0n9 Officer Department Report Status: PO DANIEL A MACKEY (4830) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved - Officer Name Daternme - r Verifying Officer Department Date / Time < SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 08111/2012 22:41 r r r r I ,.f r r COPY Southold Town Police Report 08/181201215:21 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-006a39 i Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006839 08/18/20121521 08/18/20121521 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 DISTURBANCE-NOISE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 08119/2012 D UL Common Name E 18450 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference : CUTCH1 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : RESIDENCE-SINGLE FAMILY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 p Person Type BusinesslPerson Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING GEORGE HELINSKI 631- R Home Phone -Person Address Map Reference S 631 734-6134 Use Address from Incident Location Information O 1 Celt Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex - SSN OL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 07/14/1961 Age : 51 Body Marks: Aduti/Juven0e : ADULT P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference s 516 659.5900 1159 HASTINGS CIRCLE BALDWIN, NY 11510, OTHER-OUT OF NEW YORK O 2 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Use Address from Incident Location Information Race Sex SSN OL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 05!29/1969 Age :43 Employer: VINEYARD 48 AdulUJwenfle :ADULT Marks; N Topic - Original A R Helinski reported loud music coming from Vineyard 48. R Upon undersigned's arrival, Helinski reported the music was not as loud as when he reported. A Music did not sound excessive to the undersigned. T Undersigned spoke with McBride (manager at Vineyard 48) and advised him of the complaint v McBride stated the speakers were inside the building and the volume was turned up to 25%. E McBride stated he would attempt to reposition the speakers so they didn't sound as loud at Helinski's residence. Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO DAVID M OKULA (5533) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Date/nine Verifying Officer Department Date / Time SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE M19/201208:13 Southold Town Police Report 06!18!201216:45 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-006639 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006839 08/18!201216:45 08/18!201216:45 Supplemental C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared I I SUPPLEMENT REPORT 08/18P2012 D UL Common Name E 18450 Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 T Location Type : RESIDENCE-SINGLE FAMILY Total Recovered Property Value : $0.00 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 N Topic Original A R P.O. responded over to VL along with 825. R A 825 took a noise meter reading. T I V 825 advised P.O. neg violation at this time. E 825 advised Helinski of same. Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO SEAN M GILLAN (2687) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Date/Time Verifying Officer Department Date I Time ' SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 08/18/2012 20:41 COPY Southold Town Police Report 091081201216:37 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-007555 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-007555 09/08!201216:37 09108/201216:37 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared DISTURBANCE-NOISE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 09/08/2012 UL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCM Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : OTHER OUTSIDE LOCATION Total Stolen Properly Value : $0.00 Sector: 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : .00 P Parson Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED DALE SOTAR 631 734-5200 R Home Phone Person Address Nap Reference S 631-. 138 BROOK FIELD AVE CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934, SUFFOLK County O 1 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N 516 351.4919 Use Address from Incident Location Information Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth city gthni 3 AduW Juveniie : ADULT : Manager Body Marks. Od 'n :NON N HISPANIC N Topic Original A R Report of loud music coming from the I/L. R Undersigned responded and spoke with Sotar who states he will have the music turned down. Al T I v E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO RICHARD E JERNICK III (3990) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Date/Time Verifying Officer Department Date / Time SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 09/0812012 21:58 I of 1 .hdm APL NO q*W 8 PNE AVE 24 " rnao 1eJna"n they mrrplele and sign SECTION S.. LLD Sho Sp Code Omnx Oper, Lie. peas -Mai this Joan to the Coed now on this VOW by Registered, Cediied, Or Fkd NY 11871 Q D Claris Mai, vAh Return Receipt Requesbd. Civet N) renaar - DO NOT acts tltstOrrrr for SaK 472108182 F Dale I2 601 Mkdo naenms or FNatas or for a Wrd a subsepuert Ua sh" 0.19a em Vah Type year tAme spss ft vidatlan in an 18 math PwW, kmtwA You ward appear l the Croat ,Wd ODIm my 186%884 1 2002 LINO TN on this daMtnperem. Rate TH _ TN 86b NYC 218/2074 naledonlhe _ f0011108 YoutPIN. You will notified tofN~~melbappearinthsCoud F THE PERSON DESCRIBED ABOVE IS CHARGED AS FOLLOWS SECTION A - PLEA OF GUILTY 1:56PM 8/21=12 NYS ANDTLAW TO the CwthbdwB offwaMeawsdakt IN VIOLATION OF Section Bub Section Trinf Mind LMH Zane I. 11808 Oe O reading at Demar"m of Vbh" 74 66 have been aMrged vAh tlM VktaNon ae SPEED OVER 66 SANE us adOwwNdge F9001111 Of #0 span bold MWe w #0 W dhx aid aide aM ofifiLI DOT! andlvwNaarepmganopen couttarMMievidofmAsorney ~ Tyj,, tMoffence aschargedMadrequestNtatlftclum ebedis aenda Anew b COL Veh ON Haz PerMpy Need by the mat t3aeaowsrerae O O 0 AddHaMly. I ranks the bnm*V stebmst ofOMMraM n(opdoneo: CR 481ALVAHS LN MAYTT 48 6268 QTff Name, 6OUn1OLD,TWVNOF-6269 SUFFOLK S T 0616~em AFFIRM UNDER PMALTYOF PERJkW Dme AMnW OffAalgn AN daterrMMs are made ender penalty of perjury: 88128yMI112 HP HP f'V j& CIP/IAIi L-LASER Dale: Signed: rrsm,.wae..na.e eadpsn3Nw Its SECTION 8 - PLEA OF NOT GUILTY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK VS CHRISTINE PAPOT LITT NUMBER S1019oxS6n Officer PETER C ONUFRAK of the SOUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT a Police Officer and the Complainant alleges that the Defendant committed a violation of 1. VTL Section 1190B Descrlptlon SPEED OVER 66 ZONE 2 Date 09x29/2012 Time 1:66 PM C/TN of SOUIMLD. TOWN OF -6266 & Vehicle Year 2003 Make LINO Color TN - TAN License Plate No. FTH9649 State NY 4. General Direction of Travel by Defendant WEST S. Highway (Type/Name) 3-COUNTY CR48/ALVAHS LN MAYTr 6. Defendants Speed: 74 MPH in a 66 MPH Zone 7. Charge based on officer's DIRECT OBSERVATION S. Speed Verified By LASER Model PROLASER 01 9. THE Information THE DEFE aAM1 1 Di V Zj\,FEV 1 M1C rW 1 ca OFEEEi una`I1 COPY Southold Town Police Report 09/29/201217:22 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-008218 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-008218 09/29/201217:22 09@9/201217:22 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 DISTURBANCE-VEHICLES CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM[ 09129/2012 D UL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11934 (SUFFOLK County) I'll N Day of Week : SATURDAY T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Sector: 2 802 Location Type: Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 STREET Total Stolen Property Value :50.00 Sector: 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : $0.00 O State Classification Attempted /Committed F V&T/OTHER OFFENSES COMPLETED F Statute/ordinance Location T E VTL1143 010 YPe Disposition Date 1 STREET N S Attack Reason : NO BIASMOT APPLICABLE E O Stab Classification F V&T/OTHER OFFENSES COMP bdfCommilted COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Disposition Date E VTL1143 010 STREET N Attack Reason : NO BIAS/NOT APPLICABLE S E N Topic Original - III A R Anonymous person reported buses and limousines pulling in front of traffic on Route 9 48 in front of the R above IL- A Undersigned responded and monitored traffic. T Two summonses issued for violation of VTL section 1143. V E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: c PO DAVID M OKULA (5533) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name ' DatefTime - n verifying Officer De , partment Dab / T'mre c SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (8982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 09/3012012 08:01 c c n COPY Southold Town Police Report 09/301201216:33 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-008255 Case Number Report Occurred OnlFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-008255 09/30/201216:33 09130201216:33 Original C incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 OFFAGAINST SENSIBIUTIES-PUB.LEWDN CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 10MQ012 D UL Common Name E 18218 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SUNDAY T Map Reference : CUTCHt Sector : 2 802 Location Type : RESIDENCEStNGLE FAMILY Total Damaged Property Value : E0.00 Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Setfot : 2802 Total Recovered P Value : .00 O State Classification AttemptedlCommitted F OFFAGAINST SENSIBILMES-PUB.LEWDN COMPLETED F StatutelOrdinance Location Type Disposition Date E PL 245.00 BMO N S E P Person Type BusinesslPerson Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING JOSEPH ZUHOSIG 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference S 631 734-5366 Use Address from Incident Location Information O Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Numbev WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0625/1951 Age : 61 Body Marks: AduWJuvenile : ADULT P Person Type Business/Person Name PERSON INTERVIEWED JUSTIN SINENO Business Phone E 631- 8 Home Phone Person Address Map Reference s (5116) 884-8122 229 N PARK DR MASSAPEQUA, NY 11758, OTHER-NEW YORK STATE County O Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date OIL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 02/10/1982 L Age : 30 Body Marks: lAdult/Juvenfle: ADULT Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO LAIALA L CONLAN (1384) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DateTme i Verifying officer Department Date / Time , SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 1=6201206:18 , Southold Town Police Report 09/30/201216:33 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-008255 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED LAUREN POTTER 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference $ (516) 225-4988 2849 ROYLE ST BELLMORE, NY 11710. OTHER-NEW YORK STATE County O 3 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Female NAdde Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number Birth Gty Body Marks: :ADULT N Topic Original A R Zuhoski reports two people having intercourse in his yard at the above in, Zuhoski wanted them to R leave. Undersigned responded and interviewed Sineno and Potter. Sineno and Potter were asked to A leave and they complied. T V E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: li PO LAURA L CONLAN (1384) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DateR'une i Verifying Officer Department Date / Time ' SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/0612012 06:18 COPY Southold Town Police Report 10/06/201223:45 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-008457 1 Case Number Report Occurred ONFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-008457 10/06/2012 23:45 10/06r2012 23:45 Original C Incident Type case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 POLICE INVESTIGATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 10/07/2012 D UL Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCH1 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : AGRICULTURAL FACILITY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : .00 N Topic Original A R Anonymous complainant reports a spot light was left on at the above I/L and its shining in there R residence. A The undersigned and dispatch attempted to contact a rep for the 1/L but were unsuccessful in doing so. T 1 V E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name Datemme - Verifying Officer Department Date I Time C SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 1010712012 07:31 c 1 4 C COPY Southold Town Police Report 10106/201214:43 Case Number 01-12-006419 Incident Report Case Number Report Occurred ONFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-008419 10/061201214:43 10/06/201214:43 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER TICKETISUMMONS ISSUED 10106/2012 11L Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value: $0.00 Location Type : AGRICULTURAL FACILITY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value: 0.00 O State Classification - Attempted/Committed F TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER COMPLETED F StafutefOrdinance Location Type Disposition Date E STC 205-1a AGRICULTURAL FACILITY N Federal Class cation (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Attack Reason : NO BIAS/NOT APPLICABLE S E P Person Type Busin essfPerson Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631- R Home Phone Penton Address Map Reference S 631- Use Address from Incident Location Information O Coll Phone 659-5900 Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN OL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0529/1969 Age : 43 Body Marks: AdultlJuveniie : ADULT P Person Type BusinessfPerson Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO WILLIAM SHIPMAN 631- E Home Phone Person Address Map Reference g (WI)298-6208 75 HORSESHOE DR Cutchogue, NY 11935, SUFFOLK County O 2 Coll Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN OL Exp. Date DL Nu mber WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0428/1972 Age : 40 Body Marks: AduM/Juvenile : ADULT Reporting Officer Department Report Status: c PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved , Officer Name Daternme _ n Verifying Officer. Department Date I Time c SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/072012 07:32 c a t Southold Town Police Report 10106201214:43 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-006419 N Topic Original A R The complainant reports a large crowd and illegal parking at the above Ill. R The undersigned responded and found that the parking wasn't an issue but a large crowd was there. A The undersigned spoke to the owner of the WL, Mr. McBride who stated that therer were approximatily T 398 people in his establishment. I The undersigned did issue a summons for over occupancy. E Summons # A2910_ Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DafefTime Verifying officer Department Date I Time ! SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 101072012 07:32 Co nv Southold Town Police Report 10/07/201217:02 r~u) f [ Incident Report Case Number 01-12-008483 1 Case Number Report Occurred OnlFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-124008483 10/07201217:02 10/07201217:02 Original' C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 DISTURBANCE-VEHICLES CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM[ 10/072012 D UL Common Name E 19547 ROUTE 48 DEPOT CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) T Day of Week : SUNDAY Alcohol Related : NO Map Reference: CUTCHt Drug Related : NO Location Type : STREET Total Damaged Property Value: $0.00 Secior :2802 Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Alcohol Related : NO Total Recovered Property Value: .00 I N Topic Original A R Anon. report of private vehicles and limousines making U-turns at the above location creating a traffic R hazard. Undersigned officer checked the area, but all was clear at this time. Undersigned officer would A remain in the area and monitor the traffic. T 1 V E i II I Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO FRANCIS J. ROGERS (6640) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name DatefTme n Verifying Officer Department Date / Time C SGT THOMAS F HUDOCK (3818) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/072012 22:36 C C 4 C U copy Southold Town Police Report 10107201216:28 Incident Report Case Number 01-12-008481 1 Case Number Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12.008481 10/07201216:28 10107201216:26 Original C Incident Type Case Status Case Status Date Cleared POLICE INFORMATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 101072012 D UL Common Name E 5755 DEPOT LN CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SUNDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference : CUTCH3 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : RESIDENCE-SINGLE FAMILY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.011 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO JOSEPH BURKE 631- R Home Phone Person Address Map Reference $ 631 734-6336 Use Address from Incident Location Information O Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N Race Sex SSN OIL Exp. Date - DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 06/07/1954 Age: 58 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT P Person Type BusinesslPerson Name Business Phone E EMPLOYER EM HOWARD PRINS 631- 8 Home Phone Person Address Map Reference $ 631- 99 GRAND AVE ROCKVILLE CENTER, NY 11570, OTHER-NEW YORK STATE O 2 Cell Phone Employer Address Map Reference N 516) 250-1072 Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 12/01/1970 Age : 41 Body Marks: Adult/Juvemle : ADULT N Topic Original A R Burke reported that subjects are coming onto their property from Vineyard 48 and urinating R A Prins (Manager)stated that he Will check that area continuously. T V E Reporting Officer Department Report Status: ° PO FRANK III LYBURD (4819) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Officer Name ' DafeTme N Verifying Officer Department Date / Time ° SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/102012 05:54 0 a A m COPY National Standard Incident Report 10/13201215:21 Incident Report Case# 01-12-008"5 1 Case # Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-008645 10/13/201215:21 10/13201215:21 Original C Dept Classification Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER TICKET/SUMMONS ISSUED 10/132012 D Common Name N VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : AGRICULTURAL FACILITY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 J) State Classification Attempted/Committed F TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Disposition Date E A Sic 205.1(a) AGRICULTURAL FACILITY N 1 Federal Classification (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Attack Reason : NO BIASINOT APPLICABLE S E End of Offense: 1 p Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631- R Home Phone Person Address S / 631- Use Address from Incident Location Information O -t Other Phone Employer Address N (516) 659-59W Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0529/1969 - Age : 43 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile: ADULT End of Person: 1 p Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO WILLIAM SHIPMAN 631- R Home Phone Person Address. S n (631) 734-6200 75 HORSESHOE DR Cutch ue, NY 11935,SUFFOLK County O 2 Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0428/1972 Age : 40 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT End of Person: 2 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer Datel Time Verifying Officer Department Date I Time SGT THEODORE 0 BEEBE, JR. (5140) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 101142012 12:29 National Standard Incident Report 10/131201215:21 Incident Report Case# 01-12-008645 N Topic Original A R The complainant reports that the above I/L is overcrowded. R The undersigned responded and spoke to McBride. A McBride stated he had over 619 people at the above I/L. T McBride issued a summons for not having a special permit, ticket # A 2911. V E End of Narrative: 1 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer - Daternme Verifying Officer Department Date / Time SGT THEODORE 0 BEEBE, JR. (5140) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/142012 12:29 s, y Y r nYrF i '.XYy j yr' W ~ F~A Y s au, ~ r i d ~ , r aT4a ~i S }}'Ss ~ka+~~ ~ x{;q~ ` Vm' + ° Y~6 s T v w >x1»~'8'rw ; r k r e'~ s.. 1 ~ r k 'y- ~ .fq( yy ~ w r ? s`a, Kau A' a.. a k r~' ~ 4 my 4,... k~~ w ~ c ~ y ~ ~ Y s ya"~~ S{ ,r+y` j? +S ~ ~r r, !C y ) r 14 1 h, ~ iVJ ,Fm> x ~ rs vY+r.~; y.Y,ylr ~'Y~t,` a'. ~ « ~ s zf ra F-. :r a k4 rv 9 a Y js , a w vim, y '.i 4 ~ ' C9 y Y ~ ry . ! q r- k s gum= y M i s ~ S f r t ~~~r-,nt~. ..t nz ' ..wiy i' '"n„ et*+~~ i•fi y P~s3%^^ t 19 s ' Fc r t W E 4 , y i r ~ G 1,. YY{ ti ~ ~ I! R- P 3 4C~~ x . ~^i+ ~4 b ~ ~ ~ I~2' i ~ ! !u r~C^%i~ RGIS~ J'~4 iKyC x''{.r COPY National Standard Incident Report 10/13/201219:48 Incident Report cases 01-12-008653 1 Case If Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-008653 10113201219:48 10/13201219:48 Original C Dept Classification Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 POLICE INFORMATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 10/132012 D Common Name E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference : CUTCH1 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : OTHER PUBLIC ACCESS BUILDING Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property Value : .00 P Wign Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED KIM WEST 631- R ome hone Person Address S (631 7348158 19155 ROUTE 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 SUFFOLK County O Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Female Birth Date Birth city 08/09/1969 - e : 43 ADULT Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : End of Person: 1 N Topic Original A R West reports to HQ, light from I/L was shinning into her bedroom at 19155 Route 48. R A P.O. responded to I/L, I/L was closed. T V P.O. informed West of same. 1 E West stated light from I/L shut off. End of Narrative: 1 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: c PO SEAN M GILLAN (2687) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer Daternme w VerHying Officer Department Date / Time c SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10114/2012 20:19 c a a 0 COPY National Standard Incident Report 10/131201215:06 Incident Report cases 01-12-008844 I Case If Report rCase urred OnfFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006644 10/13201215:06 31201215:06 Original C Dept Classification Status Case Status Date Cleared I DISTURBANCE-PERSONS SED-NO ARREST (ADMI 101132012 D Common Name E 75 Horseshoe DR Cutchogue, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Drug Related : UNKNOWN (X) T Location Type : RESIDENCE-SINGLE FAMILY Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 SeCOr: 2 602 Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Akxihd Related : YES Total Recovered Property Value : 0.00 p Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING Beth Sh' man 631- E Home Phone Person Address S (631 606-7392 Use Address from Incident Location Information O Other Phone Employer Address ' N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Female Birth Date Birth City 04/19/1966 Age : 46 Body Marks: AduWJuvenile : ADULT End of Person: 1 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED Josh FoAddle 631- R Home Phone Person ress s 631 6074492 743 W Penn ST Long Beach NY 11561 SUFFOLK County O 2 Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Data Birth City 11/11/1981 Age : 30 Body Marks: Aduh/Juvenile : ADULT End of Person: 2 77 N Topic Original A R Shipman reported an unknown subject urinating on her property in the tree line at i/I. R Shipman advised that the subject did so in view of her young daughter. A Shipman stated that the subject was wearing a yellow shirt and a blue baseball cap. T The undersigned responded and located a subject matching the description given. i Foley was standing on Vineyard 48 property with a large group of subjects. E Foley was advised to stay on Vineyard 48 property and use the bathrooms located on the property. En of Narrative: 1 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: c PO PETER C ONUFRAK (5545) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer Datemme n Verifying Officer Department Date / Time c SGT RICHARD A PERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLD TOWN POUCE 10242012 19:54 c a 0 F COPY National Standard Incident Report 10/141101215:04 Incident Report Cases 01-12-008674 1 Case /I Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006674 10/14201215:04 10/14/201215:04 Original C DepL Classification Case Status case status Date Cleared 1 TOWN CODE VIOL.-OTHER TICKET/SUMMONS ISSUED 10/142012 D Common Name I E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) Day ofWeek: SUNDAY Sector 2802 T Map Reference: CUTCHI Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : AGRICULTURAL FACILITY Total Stolen Property : 2 802 perry Value : $0.00 Total Recovered Property Value : .00 O State Classification AtfemptedfCommitted F TOWN CODE VIOL-OTHER COMPLETED F Statute/Ordinance Location Type Disposition Date E Sic 180.5 AGRICULTURAL FACILITY S Federal Classification (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Attack Reason : NO BIAS/NOT APPLICABLE E End of Offense: 1 P Pereon Type Business/Pereen Name Business Phone E SUSPECT MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631 734-6763 R Home Plane Person Address S 631- Use Address from incident Location Information O Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0529/1969 Age : 43 Body Marks: AduWJuvenile : ADULT End of Person: 1 1 P Person Type Business/Pereon Name Business Phone G CO E COMPLAINANT CO JAMIE JOHNSON 631_ R Home Phone Person Address S 631- 225 HORSESHOE DR Cutch ue, NY 11935,SUFFOLK County O Other Phone Employer Address N (631) 208-4015 Race Sex SSN OL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 0&15/1973 Age: 39 Body Marks: Adult/Juvenile : ADULT End of Person: 2 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer DateTme Ver fying Officer Department Date / Time 1 SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/152012 07:59 National Standard Incident Repot 10114201215:04 Incident Report case# 01-12-008674 N Topic Original A R The complainant reports loud amplified music coming from the above I/L. R The undersigned responded and was able to hear the music from the roadway. A Mr. McBride was issued a summons # A2912 and asked to lower the music. T V E End of Narrative: 1 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising officer DaWrIme Verifying Officer Department Date I Time SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 101152012 07:59 c ' . r..u, . x4 r av x i yT , , x 1fi,. ?<r ~ @IpS°s~,. 1 7 t ~ K4 y y r a 'p irti '~v." s.~ r k>r r^.F ~ .1r i t r 1 s~+k+ r S ~ s''f t~• r itx`y d 4d'vts. P i ~B t y rE s r N M1:t~~ G Y .7x 4 ~ ~ 1~ !`ibt M ,y ` P w } ] 91 r 7 t ~ ,E~.-r d "3~1~ v ~ .~~ttn ~ f r 1.. t'`rw~ '4~r t. v rQ..r - r s x'`~ s t .rx ^4 r^t } dq =r4ty r-'f~...+a f.- a~.~ R i f o f 5 wk w*xi~'~ i i t N+7 - r, e. s» v+Y ns + a+ i~ew~l 'Ti "h ~sAn;~ e ' rkY t,. sJ' ie~ w.`4 ~x .k a Y 'Y^"~ . y.k~,xr p~ ~'+y !Lt e > a :,+~'3'FarvFi s s ~ . ~ rl> 4 ~ stn . 3 , 1,II AA I LF ' i X11;'.,, } ry ~.'pY ~.t+ t rq C. ^S~ f! i copy National Standard Incident Report 10/14/201216:05 Incident Report Case# 01-12-008680 Case # Report Occurred OrdFrom Occurred To Report Type N 01-12-006680 10/14201216:05 10/14/201216:05 Original C Dept. Classification case status Case Status Date Cleared DISTURBANCE-NOISE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 10/142012 O Common Name E 75 HORSESHOE DR CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SUNDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCHt Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : RESIDENCE-SINGLE FAMILY Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Recovered Property : .00 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING MARY SHIPMAN 631- R Home Phone Person Address S (631) 734-6208 Use Address from Incident Location Information O Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Female Birth Data Birth City 04/14/1966 Age : 46 nik: ADULT Body Marks: AdutVJuve End of Person: 1 P Person Type Business/Person Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED RITA FIGURNIAK R. Home Phone Penton Address S (631 731.6976 230 HORSESHOE LN Cutchogue, NY 11935 SUFFOLK County O 2 Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Female Birth Date Birth City 06/18/1960 Age : 52 Body Marks: lAduft/Juvenile, ADULT End of Person: 2 P Person Type BusinesslPerson Name Business Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED MATTHEW MCBRIDE 631- R ROM Phone Person Address S 631 734-6763 18910 ROUTE 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935,SUFFOLK County o s Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Mai Birth Date Birth City 052911969 Age : 43 Body Marks: lAduft/Juvenile: ADULT j End of Person: 3 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: c PO SEAN M GILLAN (2687) SOUTHOL.D TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer Datme - n Verifying Officer Department Date I Time SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/14201217:59 c a 0 0 National Standard Incident Report 10/MO1216:05 Incident Report Casee 01-12-008680 N Topic Original A R Shipman reports to HQ, loud music coming from Vineyard 48. R A Responded to I/L, P.O. spoke to Shipman who stated early the Vineyard 48 was playing loud music. T P.O. also spoke to Figumiak who stated Vineyard 48 lowered music before arrival of Police. I V E P.O. responded to Vineyard 48, P.O. spoke to McBride who is owner of I/L. P.O. checked capacity of Vineyard 48, under 125 atrons. End o Narrative: I Reporting Officer Department Report Status: C PO SEAN M GILLAN (2687) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved J Supervising Officer Daternme n: Verifying Officer Department Date / Time c SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10/14/2012 17:59 c m a a COPY National Standard Incident Report 1021201218:07 Incident Report Cases 01-12-008868 To Rego Type I Case 1f Report Occurred On/From W10121/2012 N 01-12.008888 1027201218:07 1021/201217:33 Original G Dept Classification Case Status us Date Cleared I TOWN CODE VIOL-RUNNING AT LARGE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI D Common Name E 18450 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SUNDAY Sector :2802 T Map Reference: CUTCH7 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Location Type : YARD Total Stolen P Sector : 2 802 Property Value : $0.00 Total Recovered P Mrty Value : .00 O State Classification Attempted/Committed F TOWN CODE VIOL-RUNNING AT LARGE COMPLETED F Statuteordinance 1 Location Type Disposition Date E STC 83-6A y,~D S Federal Classification (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Attack Reason : NO BIAS/NOT APPLICABLE E End of Offense: 1 P Person Type BusinesWmer:on Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO Laurie Helinsid 1631- R ome Phone Person Address S (631) 734-6134 Use Address from Incident Location information O 1 Other Phone Employer Address N Race Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Female Birth Date Birth City 0720/1965 Age : 47 Body Marks: AduWJuveniie : ADULT End of Person: 1 N Topic Original A R The complainant reports that a female patron from Vineyard 48 had her dog off leash behind her yard R and the dog came onto her property and attacked her cat- A 1 The complainant states that she confronted the owner of the dog advising her of the town leash law. The complainant also states that the dog owner yelled profanities at her. v The undersigned was unable to locate the dog owner. E Endo Narrative: 1 Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer DatelTme i Verifying Officer Department Date I Time SGT THOMAS F HUDOCK (3818) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 10212012 23:23 , National Standard Incident Report 03N?=31522 Incident Report Cue# 0143-000792 1 Case # Report Occurred On From Occurred To Report Type N 0143-000792 0292=31522 UZ02f201314A1 On" c Dept. Clasdkow Case Stags cow status Date Cleared 1 PUB.ORDER41ARASSMENT ADULT ARREST 16 & OVER 02=413 D CamromName E VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK N Day of Weak : SATURDAY Akohol Related : YES T Map Reference: CUTCHt Total Damaged Property Value : $0A0 Location Type : OTHER COMMERCIAL SERVICE Total Stop Property Value : $0.00 :2SW Total Recownyd Property Vskne: .00 O SfafeClassifipdm AdempledlConarnkW F PUS.ORDER-HARASSMENT COMPLETED F Sh~dOr~rarce Location Type Disposition Date E 1 PL 24026 01f2 OTHER COMMERCIAL SERVICE 02K12=3 N Federal Clemfficdbn (Larceny Only) : Not Applicable Federal Disposition : CLEARED BY ARREST-ADULT S Attack Reason : NO BWSINOT APPLICABLE CC # for CHARGE : 01-13-000792 E Evidence Collected: YES #of PeopleAmsted: 1 Stake After Arrest: HELD Fad of offense: P Person Type Buskiessftnum Warm MPhone E SUSPECT M Sdmeguner 631- E Home Phone S 031) 7393796 728 Sim ST North Babylon NY 11703 SUFFOLK County O 1 Other Phone E mpioyerAddress N Ram Sex SSN DL Exp. Date DL Number 1MFIRE Male 063763255 04A3/2014 - 626809630 B&M Date Birth City. 04103I7989 NY UNITED STATES Aga : 23 Hat : None Ocapation : Chrysler Undekwrier Shkt : Gray T-Shkt DL Slate : NY Pads : Jeans DL Country: UNITED STATES Shoes: Sneakers Edwdc Odgn : NON HISPANIC Hair Cow: BROWN Min. Heat : 5Vr Hair Length : SHAVED Min. Weight :19516s Hair Style : SHAVED AdldWusmdle : ADULT Fadd Hair: NONE Arrest Type: Complaint (COMP) Teeth : NO DISCERNABLE FEATURES NWada : NO Eye Color: BROWN Attest Number (YY -#M: 1333 Buid : MEDIUM Arrest Time -24har--:1508 Carmplealm :LIGHT VidilmType : (NDMDUAL m Glasses : YES Wit Fie Charges : YES Hand Use : RIGHT HANDED Can Muff ORender: YES Oft1bor (at xreai) : APPEARS IMPAIRED-ALCOHOL Sobriety of Victim : HAD BEEN DRINIONG Religion: PROTESTANT blur Type 1 : APPARENT MINOR INJURY Martial Stake : SINGLE Medal Treatment: IdctTreated Speech : NORMALAINDISTINGUISHED Rte- What Is VICTIM to Bds OFFENDER: Yeas School: 13 IX-BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND ReeMencyType: RESIDENT FBI Number: 48513ROB Citizenship: UNITED STATES State Number (SIM : 025617542 Body Marl6: Coat : Nate End ofPersw 1 Reporting 016cer Department Report Status: PO CHRISTOPHER SALMON (8926) SOUTHOL.D TOWN POLICE Appraed Supervising Officer DatNTme Verifying Officer Department o de t raw SGT Wi11AM E HELINSIG (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 0202/201317:39 National Standard Incident Report 020=315:22 Incident Report Cue# 0143400792 P PersonType &rsirresuPerson Name Business Phone E COMPL/11MANT CO Kristin M 63t- R Phone Persop Address so 1 321 -0S49 15B84THSTWest B^rIon NY11704,SUFFOLK Cmffdy o 2 o03W)ove E'mpbye mess N 1 675-0448 Race Sex SSN DL Ems. Date DL Number WHITE Ferde Birth Date Bm City OBN1t1W7 Ape: 25 Bally Malt: A**Muvenft: ADULT Fad afFerson: 2 P Type E PERSON INTERVIEWED Scdt 631- R Phone Person g 741-9558 20 Westchester AVE North Babylon NY 11704,SUFFOLK County o 3 01 I 7p4h'orre BrrployerAddtess - N Race - Sea SSN IX.. Exp. Date DL Number YVFIrrE We Bhpr Date eira City Ape : 24 Boar Males: AdWHJuvenk : ADULT Fad Person: 3 P Category Property Type Mate Model R EVIDENCE DRUGS-OTHER O serial # Color Demotion CaNSHon P WHITE WMZCapsulevdbrown powder E OuarrByNVeiglrt: I Amount: $.00 R Rec_ Officer: SALMON, CHRISTOPHER T Y End of Property: 1 N Topic orwal A R Crapo states that the above subjects were in a limousine at Vineyard 48, the above location. R While in the limousine, 5chaeffner stepped on Crapo's foot and she asked him for an apology. A 7 At that point Schaeffner became angry and he hit Crapo in the jaw with a hard cast that is on his arm, T and then pushed her to the floor of the limousine. I Scott then went over to stop the situation and Schaeffner then punched Scott in the face. The fight was then broken up and the police were called. Undersigned officer responded and spoke with above subjects. When Sc:haeffner stood up to walk to the car the undersigned officer saw him throw a white pill onto the ground. Undersigned retrieved pill and secured it as evidence. Crapo then filed a civilian arrest form and arrested Schaeffner. Scott stated that he did not want to file charges at this time- Repoding orrreer Department Report stalm PO CHRISTOPHER SALMON (6928) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved SuperVising Officer Veruyirg omcer Deparbnat Date I Tine SGT WUJAM E HEUNSKI (4445) SOUTHOLD TOM POLICE 02102rM317:39 National Standard Incident Report OPi0MI31522 Incident Report Case# 0143-000782 Undersigned placed Schaeffner under arrest and transported him to HQ for processing. Crapo responded to PDHQ and signed Violation Information. Undersigned secured above evidence, the white pill, in Locker # 7 to be sent for analysis at the Suffolk County Crime Lab. Schaeffner was lodged in Cell # 2 and held until he was sober and could post bail. Property was secured in property locker. End of Narrative: 1 Reportig OfFaer Department Report Status: PO CHRISTOPHER SALMON (6925) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved SuperviskV OWKW Dawrane YWWYh%OWKW Depar6nerd Date/Tine SGTWILLIAM E HEUNSIO (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 0262/ZOi3IT.39 i COPY Southold Police Department Report 04MM1317.06 Incident Report Case# 01-13-002253 1 Case t Report occurred onlFrom occurred To Report Type N 01-13-002253 04/06201317.06 .04/06/201315:59 Original C Dept. Classification Case Status Case Status Date Cleared 1 DISTURBANCE-VEHICLES CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADMI 04/072013 D Common Name E VINEYARD 48 -18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) N Day of Week : SATURDAY Sector : 2 802 T Map Reference: CUTCH1 Total Damaged Property Value: $0.00 Location Type : STREET Total Stolen Sector: am Properly Value : $0.00 Total Recovered Val : .00 O Stale Classification Attempted/Commhled F DISTURBANCE-VEHICLES COMPLETED F StaWto(Ordinence Location Type Disposition E VTL1163 GA 010 STREET ODate N Federal Classification (Larcerry Only) : Not Applicable State Atha Arrest : Not ApplicaMe S E Attack Reason : NO BIASNOT APPLICABLE Federal Disposition : FIELD ARRESTrricKET ISSUED End of Offense: 1. IFParson Type Bust Man ame ausirress Phone E PERSON INTERVIEWED Thomas 1 R home Person- Tess 631- S 631- 17 AndrewAVE Islip terraceNY 11752 ,SUFFOLK County O Other Phona Employer Address N Race Sex SSN OL Exp. Date OL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 08/07/1957 Age: 55 Body Marks: AdulVJuvemle : ADULT End of Person: 1 V Tag 0 Tag Expiration Year Make Model Vehicle e E 1982711A 2004 FORD VAN Sty! H Tag Country ~ State Vehicle Type VIN Category 1 C Top. Color: WHITE NOT APPLICABLE L Vehicle Disposition :OTHER E End of Vehicle. 1 N , TOPIC Original A R Anonymous reports to HQ, limos making unsafe U Turn in area of I/L. R A Responded to I/L, P.O_ observed McPhail making an unsafe U Turn in a vehicle into eastbound traffic T on route 48 at Horseshoe In. V E P.O. issued summons for same, summons#BD0570846. Reporting Officer Department Report Status: PO SEAN M CAVAN (2687) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Superv(siog Off r Datenime Verifying Officer Department Date / Time ' SGT WILLIAM E HEUNSKI (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 04/0720131721 , r Southold' Police Department Incident Report } 01-13-0 Fn of AIamH....• ~ Reporting Officer Department c 'o SEAN M GILLAN (2687) SOUTHOLO TOWN POLICE Report Status: Supervising Officer Approved DateTme U Verifying Officer Department SGT WILLIAM E HELINSKI (3445) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLCE Date / Time c 04107/2013 1721 c n n COPY Southold Police Department Report W13=13 18:23 Incident Report case # 01-13-002420 ( CaseB N 01-13-002420 Report Occurred OWFrom Occurred To Repoli Type C Dept Classification. 0411312'01317:45 Original I POLICE INFORMATION Case Status Case Status Date cleared D Common CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM$ 04113(2013 Name E Rt 48 Alwahs LN CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 (SUFf-OLK County) T Day of Wcek : SATURDAY: 2 BOZ Map Relarence : CUTCHI Total Dama Property Value : $0.00 SecBof: 2 802. pro oav Value : $0.00 - Tota1Recovered Vahm: .00 P Person Type BusinesslPensonn Name E f. RVI WED Business Ptarre R tlorrla n}4ddress 63f- S M. U 218, Lochsk0ssuth Ronkonkoma. NY 11779,SUFFOLK county - 1 hltl'eM' . ernployerAddim IN 4907 Raw SSW DL Esp. Date. OL Nnmher WHITE Male Birth Date Birth Cfiy .091=955. . Age :.57 Body Mar(cs- AdriNJumille • ADULT End of Person 1 P Person Type Bus Sneaslparson Name - E PERSON REPORTING Wdliaan Man Business Plane R Phoce Person - 631- 8 A 831- 75 tiorsesfge DR CuMmue. NY 11935 .SUFFOLK 4 L Other Plane Employer Address County N 631 8067391 Rate Sex WHITE Male SSN UL ExP• Date DL Number Birth Date Birth City 042811972 Age: 40 Body Marks: AdUtlJu venie: ADULT End of Person 2 v Tag 1457868 Tag Enrpiration Year. Make - E 2006 GMC Model H Tag Courdry Tag State UMOUSINE Vehicle Type ,ryN. I NY Category L TOP Color: WHITE NONE E End of Vehicle: ~ 4 Reporting Officer PO MARIANNE ALLEN (125) Report Status: SOl1THOlD TOWN POLICE Supervising Offcr Approved - - DatefTmne Verifying officer ant THEODORE O BEEBE, JR Date f Time (514o) SOUTHOLO TOWN POLICE 04/132013 22M I Southold Police Department I re "t3 18:23 Incident Report -tIU02a2o E FliP235T Tag Ezpiraflon Yew Make Model Vehicle Style 2007 CHEVROLET PICKUP H ^ Tag country Tag State Vehicle Type VIN L NY Category NONE C TOP Color: WHITE NONE L E Fad of dude. 2 N Topic Original A R Shipman called to report that as he was going E16 on Rt 48 the above limousine did make a U-turn at R I/L, blocking the roadway and nearly hitting his vehicle. Undersigned stopped the above vehicle and A spoke with Bratta (the driver). Undersigned advised him of the T not notice any vehicles near his vehicle as he made the U-tum. Undersigned advised Shipman that a I summo V ns•could not be issued at this time since the offense had not been witr essed by an Officer. E En of arrative: ~ Reporting kMficer - - Department Report Status: a PO MARIANNE ALLEN (125) SOUT - SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE APPmved Supervising Officer - , Daternme Verifying Officer Department Date / Time 4 SGT THEODORE O BEEBE, JR. (5140) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE c 0411312013 22-.58 c w a n Southold Police Department Report 05/11/201316:00 InKident Report CO' Td 01-13-003148 1 Case a Report Occurred OniKom Occurred To Report Tye N 01-1 148 ..05411201 .1*9,0 1 1 .15:36 Origirial C Dept' Classification case status Case Status Date Cleared PUB:OROER-HARASSMENT ADULT ARREST 16 & OVER .05/11/2013 D Common Name E - - ]Jl!}10. ROtiTE 98 CUT_ pi06UE. NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) . T Map2(Week; SATIJR4AY Ak" Related: YES L'~PR~ _ ARKING Tptal Pmp«ty1(alue50.00 Laca6o)71yp"P9CRKINt;LOT TF,%Staieri value ::$0 IISector.2802. R Value: .101211 00 P Person Type Busfne rerson Name E Business Phone Vito TR - SUSPECT MW-Add=!4E S 831-._ 110S1emedoeatLNOkHBsNY11746.,SUF$bLK-Cfrrm O 1 Other Phone Employer Address N 631 291-2102 110 Stonehurst LN Diu Hills NY 11746 SUFFOLK County Race Sex SSN OL Exp. Date DL Number WHITE Male 127-68-0852 02/032015 679942287 Birth Rafe rtrthh CCrqyy 020311983 MManhatfio, NY, UNITED STATES Age: 30 - Hat: No Occupation : Business Owner- Construction Shirt: Bullondovm L State : NY Pants : Shorts DL Country : UNITED STATES Stoaes : Sneakers Ethnic Origin : NON HISPANIC Hair Cdw:BROWN Min. Height: SW Mi Hair Length: MEDIUM u to 2 Mum. Weight: 18s 185 lo; (p 7 Hair SHAVED Employer: Te:o Group Style: L Fac~l Hair :MUSTACHE AND BEARD Arrest ooCxoup Teeth: NO DISCERNABLE FEATURES Arrest Type: : Complaint (COMP) Eye Color: BROWN. Miranda: NO. Build: MEDIUM Arrest Number (YY ho- 1:13-135 Complexion : MEDIUM Arrest rime - 24 lanx-: :1548 Classes : NO Victim Type : OTHER Hand Use : RIGHT HANDED Will File Charges : YES Can Condition (at West) : APPEARS IMPAIRED-ALCOHOL Identify Offender: YES - Religion: CATHOLIC Sotxi 4 of Victim : $OBER Marital Status : SINGLE Extent of Injury: NOT INJURED Speech : SLURRED Medical Treatment: Not Treated Years School :17 Relationship - What Is VICTIM lo this OFFENDER : Residency Type : RESIDENT RELATIONSHIP UNKNOWN (X) CiOwiship : UNITED STATES FBI Number: 755084KC5 Body Marks: State Number (SID#): 0036B654N Coat : No End of Person: FP;-- Type BusirnesslPerson Name Business Phone E COMPLAINANT CO Joshua Rakhman R me Phone pergwh 631- S 631- 8 Ad RD Cleat Neck NY 11021 SUFFOLK County O 2 Other Phone Employer Address N 631 492-0671 Race Sex SSN OL Fxp. Date DL Number WHITE Male Birth Date Birth City 02/15/1985 Age : 28 Adult/Juvenile : ADULT Reporting Officer Departmem Report Status: POANDREWGARCIA (2587) SOUTHODTOWNPOLICE Approved Supervising Officer Date/Time Verifying Officer Deparbnard Date / Tnne S('f RIC.'fiARD A PERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 05/11201318:01 Southold Poiida Department Report 051111201318:00 Incident Report Casell 01-13-003148 r' J rc ISP IC End orPerson: 2 N Topic Original - A R Tedeschi was involved in an altercation with RaMman, security staff at Vineyard 48. Rakhman states R that he gave Tedeschi several instructions to return to his bus and leave, and Tedeschi engaged in an A altercation pushing kakhman in the face. Rakhman signed a civilian arrest form, and Tedeschi was T brought.to headquarters to be pCOeessed: Tedesi was processed and placed in cell #2 in an f into)dcated condition. Charges were y typed and signed b Rakhman to be forwarded to justice court. E En of Narrative: 1 I Repoding Officer. Department Report Status: c PO ANDREW GARCIA (2587) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer DateTme r: Verifying Officer Department Date / Time c SGT RICHARD APERKINS (5594) SOUTHOLDTOWNPOLICE 05/11@01318:91 C a Southold Police Department Report 05/18201316:41 CO PY Incident Report Case # 01-13-003341 1 Case S Report Occurred On/From Occurred To Report Type N 01-13-003341 05/18201316:41 05/18/201316:03 Original C Dept. Chassificadorn Case Status Case Status Date Cleared I DISTURBANCE-NOISE CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM] 05/182013 D Common Name N VINEYARD 48 - 18910 ROUTE 48 CUTCHOGUE. NY 11935 (SUFFOLK County) T Day of Week :SATURDAY Alcohol Related :YES Map Reference: CUTCHI Drug Related : NO Location Type : OTHER BUILDING Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00 Sector : 2 802 Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Alcohol Related: YES Total Recovered Property Value : .00 P Person Type Businessiperson Name Business Phone E PERSON REPORTING Beth SN an 1_ 63 R Home Phone Person Address S 631- 75 Horseshoe RE) CuMvgue. NY 11935 ,SUFFOLK County O Other Phone Employer Address N (631)806-7392 Race Sex SSN DL Exp_ Date DL Number WHITE Female Birth Date Birth city 04/19/1906 Age: 47 Body Marks- L - Adult/Juvenile : ADULT End of Person: 1 _ N Topic Odg]nal A R Shipman reports loud music and noise from buses idling outside of A R Undersigned responded to the area and found no loud noise coming from i/l. A Undersigned advised security at W to ask drivers to shut buses off if stopped. T No music was audible from the street. V No further action taken. 1 E End of Narrative: 1 Reporting Officer Department Report status: PO RORY FLATLEY (2352) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supervising Officer Daternme Verifying Officer - Department Date / Time SGT THOMAS F HUDOCK (3818) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 05/18201319:40 COPY Southold Police Department Report 06/011201316:42 Incident Report Case# 01.13-003755 Case # Report Occurred on/From Occurred To Report Type N 01.13-003765 06/01/201316:42 (36101/2013 15:56 C DepL Classification - Can Status 'Case status Date Cleared . I POLICE INFORMATION CLOSED-NO ARREST (ADM[ 06101/2013 D Common Name E VI EYARD 48- 18910 ROUTE 46 CUTCHOGUE. NY 11935 (SUFFOLK Canty) N Day of Week : SATURDAY - Seder : 2 802 T Map Reference : Cl1TCH1 Total Damaged Property Value : $0.00.. Location Type : OTHER COMMERCIAL SERVICE Total Stolen Property Value : $0.00 Total Recovered P al .00 rson YPe -arson ame - ness one E PERSON REPOR NG Wlllam Sh man t. R a ne FAMIMPAMM" s A 831 734-0208 75 Horseshoe RD NY 11935 O 1 Other Phone EmPk+yer Address N - 631. 60&7391 Race Sex WHITE SSN DL F~cp. Date DL Number . . ' Male 4Aqe~:41 Dab , Birth City - - . - : Adu t/Juvenite : ADULT _ a YPe D ne ersdh aide' E PERSON INTERVIEWED Us noes Pad CaYazak 631r Pit" R ne eion S 631- 84 Ballad CT Eas NY 11941 SUFFOLK County O 2 Other Phone Employer Address i. - N 631 .804.6373 'Use Address f m Incident Locadon Infamabon Race _ _ sex. UN DL Eprp. Date.. DL Number..-. - WHITE... _ Is ~BIrthDab Birth City 12/14/1955 Age : 57 _ AdullJuvenile : ADULT _ Occupation : Manager Body Marks: N Topic Original A R Shipman states that he believes Route 48 Vineyards is over their maximum capacity and that there are R numerous limos parked on Commerce Dr. A Undersigned responded to the I/L and spoke with Glazak who states there are approximately 400 T people in total on the I property and that he is allowed to have 175 people inside and 300 outside. V Undersigned responded to Commerce Dr and did observe 3 small bus limos and 4 stretch limos parked E waiting to pick their passengers back up from the I/L. Shipman wishes to have this documented. No action !2ken, Reporting Officer Department Report status: A PO RICHARD E JERNICK III .(3990) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Supervising Officer ;z"-ng officer Department Date / Time SGT SCOTT LATHAM (4749) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 06101/2013 21.56 i I Of i A COPY National Standard Incident Report 18"3no1215--21 Incident Report Caw* 0142-008645 1 Canes Rspwt Otem" OnFMO Ocarnd To Repot TW* N 01-12-DOOM 14ry3 7 V" tOI13120/21521 C ROL On Caw Sykre Cass SWWe Oft Cleersd I TOWN CODE VIOL-OT ER TCI~ ISSUED 10n32012 D Co mnm Name E VBEYARb ~f8 -18910 ROLRE 48 CUTCF(OGUE, NY 11935 (SUFFOLK C1mw T Day of Week - SATUFWAY Saeyr_ 28D2 I1MD RsAerrca : CUiCFH Tom1 Ommood Pwpm4 Wow SO LO teee6on Typs: AOR1ClN.TUtAL FACKM TOW SW M Fropsdy VW1e: Mae Total Op O SYyf wBSn F TOWN CODE VIOL-OFFER F I.aoaUan Typo FED E Sb 205.1(y ABRICIRTURAL FACOJTY Dk+posNlarr Dols S Federal CbSsW on8somy OnW:NatAppgcA*l-) A#aek Reason: NO B1ASMIOTAPPLO:ABLE E F'nd of OITe1st- P Paraop yps Phom ER PERSOy INTI RVEWED LIAT'i1tW MCHFUDE 831- UM Addlsw Lora beid" LoeWon kdernwmm 0 1 c1 orwvaon. EnlploywAddrsw N 1 659-mop Rees Sw 38N OL ~R DO* OL Number WHITE Msk Bktlr Day 0m cay -052 mw Ape : 43 Body Nodw AdowJwerie: ADULT of Persal: 1 P We E R COMPLANIANT WRLIMI SNIPAMN ~1_ S A E31 734.6208 75 t10RSE81pE OR CwMogm, NY I IW5.SUFFOLK Cogs" - O L Odw Phorrs EmploysrAd*ow N Rwe 8sr IISN DL 8rµ Day DL N WHITE a" BIM Dais Bkm CRY OKLQNV72 - AM: 40 Body kYdu: A&&Jurenft : ADULT or Pcr 2 RPFOFWV OBlesr 0911216 at RsportSbAm PO TBIOTHY J AACGOWAN (5250) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE Approved Supowb gOIBCw DmkfFbne VstYykg o0cer DOPWDD of Oay fTiss SGT TEODORE O SEEBE, JR (5140) sounioLo TOWN POLICE 10/1420121229 i I Of 2 National Standard Incident Report =300121521 Incident Report ca:. a 0142-OOSM F N Topte Orip4u1 A R The complainant reports that the above UL is overcrowded- R The undersigned responded and spoke to McBride- A 1 McBride stated he had over 619 people at the above UL. I McBride issued a summons for not having a special permit, ticket # A 2911. t Y E End : I Reporting OMcw Oepe "NOMW ReportSUtoe: PO TIMOTHY J MCGOWAN (5250) soun4 D TOWN VOUCE Approved SupervbMlg Oeloe? DIVISMOD vowyrg omcw Deparpn a Dab I Tway SOT THEODORE O BEMJR (5110) SOUrrrOLD TOWN POUM 10114W21229 2 of 2 TO= d Southold A'2911 s ter, Nr n. r..M..r~a Spb ~ irrrat.a ~q c c 1 IULqAa..sTs C;r A+e- tIf6OCp11~11MTO1MM i"0.C uct ONEB~fO DMtvrlCl O6W~ C NiYDo Olg Do MONwoIlalNiNaslmg0.ely ,4[ NAEIID.. SMOMIf MRYO[ ONLY. D" OMY. ON1 O OMS OCINY O VCMCmkvm O oaoaE O sax o ow c~ounc O ronrt O ION O wq~/ O N.w O wlonl wllN O N]C1' O i01 O T10. O 4M0 MR O VI= O -Vml I Nl O 0.M. O NW O _ vYln~sa M 19N01 na~iora[saNls®u,a.an PIACIM 1ArVet ~ 4Y l }FC 4ce. I G 10 1~ O 'NUM M Iourl.N:o~ aNNxoO.n.w G ~ ,J vMOYB W.tl1YlM11CIMYOMN111COlaYYOK oa COI eue 1 ~N CCBIOIBN MNNl1 IRImxE NIOBfN1011 O YILAMLIMfNCfFOhq M 00.(1Jl1~~W_0 ~ MpO IIMNPI®MY,1~lApAll~ T J •A~N~®~ ` COR.Cfmw~O ~ wi/rNICpON~M01lN ~Or0lewgM~11.N ~OIIIYCIleOA,~CCINRON110Nli, spIp101C. MlIN1 .e ax I1Y$NA1NN11~1 .M.I,.~NwtM~C1.W.11Np9iNp11VyMMIWILINIlMivMtJlLTl COMM11Mf C~ V c~~, NOB[ 3 Copy Southold Town Police ROOM OW302012 ISM - ~ Inddod Report Ce MumEw M42.OMM 1 QwNOweor Rpor1 oonnedodFldw Occu""To Repodsry. N Ol-1'4001256 Ol4GR M 011012M VIM C -To* I OFF A[iiNi6TIIEa66SqJOLENNi/ CwOYIw CwsBkrtuoOoY Cllwed CLtI8ED4/D ARREST (AObp RYOBR012 O JILCo~soaslow 182M 40CIROHOf,YJE.NY119f#(9<M:FOI.!( T OyNVFB@k:SLN gY Seelor:2002 llopROlpenw:CUR:Nt Ta1Y0onMOedPi IYMleu:8000 loaYon7y9s: OGLEF/W0.Y Tapt9loMnPrapwylhks:30.0D O 8Yb w W I VC. mf F OFFAGANS7 COMPLETED F w LapYw Tape Otepadtloo Dale PL 2/ M 8110 a s e PP PowonTjOd tlteNnatlPdgon NUw iWekleM ANSI- Pkan R Now PUBIS Maw s 1 ~ a 111.Addu. bos kiciden/Lacaffm lnA 1, o rho E"~10JA"~ A N amp"oI Raco 8/0~ 8p1 OLEO amb DLRlmOOr Yeb 6k1b OIeY By61C8y OY25Hy61 Aoe: 81 eedyfftlw. T FIE Polo" TAM sadoewlPwwn Nome suebm Mm wa-~- AM Sw_ Addron MOO OR RY/1$6.OtF~NYOWCSTATE mw Ad*w va OLF>p.Do& OI.MuiDer YYNRE Ire 88N 000110 MaC8y O0t1gryd02 ~ ' eddy bk+daK RBPW" ORksr 0 Report Stahm POLALWALCO1LAN (1314) SOUIHOLOTOMPOLICE O APP~oled 81w Nl OMNRor ti Vol" 016cw e DSPW%Mft SGT HENRY FSANTACROCEJR ) SOUTH" TOWN POLICE 1~OiOQ1101206:tb ~ Q K Q I of 2 Q ouuutanu ILovell rann.c Incident Report Case, Nmnber 01-12.OD8255 I P Paraon Type Sueinommorom Name BesN~a-Phmw 4tINTER4& ED dA4 P1}TTER,. ..R Hemp, -Pamm%Addemr. 1WipRWrwu. g (516) 2254968 2849 ROYLE ST BELLMORE, NY 11710. OTHER NEW YORK STATE Counq O J GM Plane 6npoysr Address Wap Imsm" m -dicer- -Srz SSN. DLBW Fbtt :EN. Num6ef VAMM Female B68r Dab Bklh CW W27118Ss - Age: W -t#at)+ - LAAWKkmmft: I OTWWAW R Zuhoski reports two people having intercourse in Ws yard -atthe above A Zijhosid wanted them to R leave. Undersigned responded and interviewedZineno andPatter: Tuinena and'PMterwere' asketl`to A Leave and they CW"ed. 7 r v E ReporWV Officer Depv6oent- - °rbpowsbbe: - !PULAURALCON AN- -(1304) SDVB40L.DTOMPOUCE - Approved N . - DepW4oenR pamimme o SGT HENRY F SANTACROCE JR (6982) SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 1001)62012 08:18 c or ' N N 2 of 2 w F. Letters from the Applicant's Agent I I l PATRICIA C. MOORE f1 Attorney at Law 14L- 51020 Main Road / r7 l Southold, New York 11971-4616 -0C Tel: (631) 765-4330 r13 Fax: (631) 765-4643 August 19, 2013 by hand Town of Southold Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex ! - i' j Main Roads AUG 1 92013 Southold, NY 11971 _--__j RE: Vineyard 48, 18910 Route 48, Cutchogue, NY SCTM # 1000-96-4-4.3 Dear Chairman and Board: In further response to your numbered questions in your letter dated July 10, 2013 enclose are 9 prints of the revised site plan. Since the surveyor was asked to locate the vines, grass, existing and proposed parking, we asked Peconic Surveyors to duplicate the site plan prepared by Angel Chorno. The Peconic Surveyor's "Amended Site Plan" last revised August 14, 2013 replaces previously submitted site plan prepared by Angel Chorno, Architect. All other documents remain as submitted, including Mr. Chorno's elevations for the pole barn and the zoning map. Question #1. The site plan, as proposed, does not appear to match up with the existing conditions at the site with regard to the proposed four lanes of queuing. At the hearing, it was stated that no vines or grass would be removed from the front to accommodate the queuing on the proppsed site plan, however after a site visit, it appeared that the dimensions shown on the plan do not match up with what is on the ground. Please show and label the edge of vines and edge of grass on the site plan in the front area. Answer #1. Confirming our previous response, Peconic Surveyors prepared an amended site plan, last revised August 14, 2013, which includes the existing conditions. We do not know what dimensions did not match to your staffs observations of site conditions. The enclosed site plan (surveyed) should match site conditions. Please note, there is additional land beyond the 35' of existing vines along the front. The Vineyard 48 sign is on Vineyard 48 property. Beyond the northerly property line, there are 10' of grass on the county right of way, north to the edge of the pavement. Beyond the grass, there are another 10' of the shoulder of the road which the Town wishes to 4- restrict parking. Question #2 Please show and label the edge of vines and edge of grass on the site plan where they are near parkin g areas and buildings. Answer. This has been done. With such a large agricultural parcel, this request required the surveyor to conduct time consuming and costly field work. Question #3 Please show and label the property line along CR 48 on the site plan. Answer- This has been done. Question #4 Please show and label the edge of pavement of CR 48 on the site plan. Answer: This has been done. Also, please note, Peconic Surveyors made 17 parking spaces along the front (adding 1 to previous site plan) and reducing 1 space along the side. Therefore, the same total parking spaces are proposed on the Peconic Surveyor's amended site plan. The public hearing has been closed, we have thoroughly answered the list of questions from your July 10" letter and the amended site plan includes the specific existing site conditions you requested. We respectfully request that the site plan review be reactivated immediately with this submission. Thank you. Ve Iji yo Patricia C. Moore PCM/bp Encls. C: Vineyard 48 Sullivan Gardner, PC -2- l-CJ i PATRICIA C. MOORE Attomey at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-4616 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 July 18, 2013 by hand Town of Southold Planning Board i '~92p13 Southold Town Hall Annex ut JUL 1 Main Road Southold NY 11971 sc RE: Vineyard 48, 18910 Route 48, Cutchogue, NY SCTM # 1000-96-4-4.3 Dear Chairman and Board: In response to your numbered questions in your letter dated July 10, 2013: Question #1. The site plan, as proposed, does not appear to match up with the existing conditions at the site with regard to the proposed four lanes of queuing. At the hearing, it was stated that no vines or grass would be removed from the front to accommodate the queuing on the proposed site plan, however after a site visit, it. appeared that the dimensions shown on the plan do not match up with what is on the ground. Please show and label the edge of vines and edge of grass on the site plan in the front area. Answer #1. The site plan shows the proposed queuing lanes, the site plan was prepared based on the existing survey. The proposed location of the front parking spaces was measured in the field. The edge of the existing vines is already set back, there is grass between the existing front spaces and the proposed front parking. No additional clearing of vines would be required along the front. Question #2 Please show and label the edge of vines and edge of grass on the site plan where they are near parking areas and buildings. Question #3 Please show and label the property line along CR 48 on the site plan. -1- Question #4 Please show and label the edge of pavement of CR 48 on the site plan. Answer # 2, 3, and 4 In order to answer questions numbered 2, 3 and 4 Peconic Surveyors must go out to the property and locate the vines & grass, as well as the property line and edge of pavement of County Road 48. The surveyor is not available to go to the property for two weeks, the the map will be revised when this information is obtained from the surveyor. Question #5 On the site plan there is a line of parking for cars near CR 48 in the front of the property, a queuing line for buses, a second queue for limos, a third for cars, and a fourth drop-off lane." When asked at the hearing on July 1' how you propose to keep people safe as they walk from the parking spaces across four lanes of traffic, or as they disembark from buses and limousines, your response was that a staff person would be there to control the situation. Also at the hearing, you stated that one security person was assigned to manage traffic on site. How will one person manage to control and protect patrons disembarking from up to 4 buses, 7 limousines, 11 cars and 16 parking spaces, aw well as whatever is going on in the drop off lane"? Answer #5. The queuing. lanes within the property line have been tested and work well. Because the vehicles (whether it is a limo or a bus) do not disembark until they are directed to release their passengers by the staff, they disembark, only when directed. The vehicles stop until they are directed to either park or leave. This procedure was implemented to maintain the safety of the passengers and in order to limit the vehicles "waiting" on Route 48. There are three (3) to four (4) traffic personnel whose responsibility is to direct the queuing of the vehicles within the queuing area in front of the tasting room and on the property. Suburban Security is also responsible for managing the traffic flow entering and exiting from CR 48. Usually only one person is needed at the entrance and exit to direct the traffic into or out of the property. It is legal for vehicles to wait along the shoulder of the road on CR 48 until they are directed onto the property. We know that the neighbors objected and the police were called. However, upon their review of the situation, they did not issue any tickets because the vehicles were operating legally. This condition occurred occasionally on a peek October weekend when the entire East End experienced favorable fall weather and harvest season. Queuing on Route 48 occurs only on peek weekends. Question #6 How many vehicles are arriving at the site at the busiest times? Of these vehicles on site at the busiest times, how many are buses and how many are limousines? Answer #6 At the busiest times in a day, Vineyard 48 will expect 10 vehicles per hour. The breakdown of vehicles per hour is approximately a combination of 2 buses per hour; 5 limos per hour; 2 to 3 cars per hour. Vineyard 48 is providing more than enough parking and staff for the anticipated vehicles. As you know, the queuing is needed for a Saturday or Sunday, weather dependent, in summer and fall. Queuing is not needed 10 months of the year or during the week days. -2- Question #7 What is the plan for vehicles to enter and exit the property safely? Answer # 7 The public enters and exists the property safely. CR 48 is a 4 lane divided highway which is designed by the County and New York State as a major through-fare. The vehicles have unrestricted visibility. CR 48 is a New York State Wine Trail. Limousines and buses are operated by professional drivers with special "livery" licenses. The access points were approved by Suffolk County when the tasting room was originally constructed and the Planning Board approved the site plan in 1995 and again in 2006. The exit was designed to be safe. To further assure safety Suburban Security directs the vehicles at the entrance and at the exit. In addition, the limo drivers are given written instructions and guidelines to follow with regard to their operation. Additional signs can be posted at the exit directing vehicles to "turn right only", onto County Road 48 or other signs which the Board could suggest. Question #8 How will the problem of vehicles stacking on Rt. 48 waiting to enter the queuing lanes be eliminated? Answer #8 Suburban Security directs the vehicles to eliminate vehicles stacking on CR 48 waiting to enter the queuing lanes. Wine tasting tours provide a limited degree of scheduling. Every effort is made to schedule the tours efficiently. Nevertheless, it is legal for vehicles to wait along the shoulder of the road on CR 48 until they are directed onto the property to assure safety to their guests. County Route 48 has two lanes and the right hand lane is a reduced speed and right hand turning lane and does not interfere with the traffic. At most, the right hand lane will create a speed control & calming of the speeding on County Route 48. The police have been called by the neighbors but the police could not issue any tickets because the vehicles were operating legally. Waiting to enter is a condition which is customary and ordinary at any popular business. The on site queuing is intended to address and eliminate queuing on County Road 48. Vineyard 48 restricts parking along County Route 48, however, the County of Suffolk would have to designate the road for "no parking". Vineyard 48 can only place unenforceable "dummy signs" along their northerly property line restricting vehicles from parking along the northerly property line. The "stacking" on CR 48 is not a regular occurrence. All the successful businesses in town experience occasional stacking at certain times of the day and on peek summer or fall weekends. The site plan is being amended to show, on paper, the location of the parking, which together with the staffing, regulates the traffic flow to eliminate stacking. Question #9 At the hearing, it was stated that Vineyard 48 grows all grapes used to produce the wine that is sold on site on its 34 acres in Cutchogue and that it does not purchase grapes elsewhere. Please provide documentation (amount of grapes grown on site, amount of grapes required per bottle, and the number of bottles sold) to verify that all wine produced and sold on site is made from grapes that are grown on Vineyard 48 property. -3- Answer #9. Vineyard 48 is a farm winery, is licensed as such, and operates in accordance with New York State Law, both the Alcohol & Beverage Control Law and the Agriculture & Markets law and the Southold Town Code The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, Vineyard 48 grows approximately 60 tons of grapes per year and one ton will produce approximately 165 cases of wine. Question #10 Do Vineyard 48 wine labels bear the North Fork Appellation Stamp? Answer #10. Vineyard 48 is a New York State farm winery, is licensed as such, and operates in accordance with New York State Law, both the Alcohol & Beverage Control Law and the Agriculture & Markets law. All labels, both the front and back of the bottle labels, on the Vineyard 48 wine bottle are regulated, reviewed and approved by both New York State Liquor Authority and the Federal Liquor Authority. The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, the peach wine and sangria produced by Vineyard 48 have a "north fork" logo. Question #11 How many people are envisioned to be safely accommodated on site at the busiest times? Answer #11. The 14.95 acres surrounding the wine tasting building can accommodate a large number of patrons. The existing parking on site is more than adequate. Mr. Isler asked what is the maximum number of patrons expected at any one time in the ordinary course of the seasonal operation. This question exceeds the scope of the site plan regulations in that the Town Code which addresses occupancy of the buildings and parking, not the number of people outdoors associated with the seasonal use of the property. This question can not be selectively enforced and unilaterally applied against Vineyard 48 when it is not posed to all agricultural operations, including other wineries. Agricultural uses have the ability to accommodate a flexible number of patrons outside with seasonal overflow panting. Nevertheless, Vineyard 48 is willing to acknowledge that the maximum number of patrons on site, at one time, in the ordinary course of the operation which can regularly be accommodated would be the legal occupancy of the buildings inside and 600 patrons outside (outside includes a tent or canopy). The Pole Barn would replace a similarly sized tent). As was described by my client at the hearing, Vineyard 48 maintains sufficient parking, adequate staff, and security on site to manage the patrons both inside and outside. Question #12 How many security personnel are on site during the busiest times? Answer #12. Vineyard 48 will hire 15 security personnel during the busiest times. -4- Question #13 What is the job description for security personnel? What are their directions from the management of the winery? When do they call the police? Do they break up fights? Do they identify patrons who are intoxicated? Do they ask people to leave? Do they physically remove people from the site? Answer #13. The job description of the security is "traffic control" and "security". Alpha 1 has been the independent contractor who provides the security. They hire and train their staff. Most of the staff provided by Alpha 1 to Vineyard 48 have military training. In addition to traffic control, they are directed to prohibit intoxicated persons from entering, monitoring guest behavior, and their presence alone controls guest behavior. They will call the police, if necessary; it is rarely necessary. They can break up fights (the only fight, to our knowledge, is a group in a limo coming from another winery which was not permitted to enter Vineyard 48). They, as well as staff, are trained to observe the guests for intoxication. They will ask people to leave. Most of the security personnel are physically fit but "physical" removal from the site is not required. A guest who refuses to leave when asked to leave can be charged with trespass. This charge, to our knowledge, has not been required. Vineyard 48 is a winery, the guests are on vacation or on a day trip. Security is hired to professionally manage the guests. Vineyard 48 takes the management of the winery seriously and hires professionals. Vineyard 48 operates the same as other vineyards and agricultural uses who invite the public to enjoy tourist attractions on the North Fork. The buses, limos and cars bring the same guests who stop at Vineyard 48 to other wineries, farm stands and agro-tourist attractions. The Vineyard 48 guests are not "unique" to Vineyard 48. Question #14 How many total employees are on site during the busiest times and where do they park? Answer #14. On the busiest weekends Vineyard 48 has up to 25 employees, including the owners. During the busy season, Vineyard 48 encourages car pooling and off site parking to maximize spaces for guests. The vineyard also has open areas on their property where employees can park. Employees enter before guests arrive and after the guests leave, the cars park all day so there is no need to "site plan" their seasonal employee parking. Question #15 Reference was made at the June 3b hearing to a letter that is provided to limousines and bus companies explaining the nudes at Vineyard 48. Please provide a copy to the Board. Answer #15. Letter given to limousine & bus company is attached (this was Exhibit 'A' to my February 22, 2013 submission with our application). Question #16 At the hearings it was indicated that there is a person at the door keeping count of the number of people entering and exiting the site. For what is this count used? Is there a limit to the number of people allowed on site? if so, what is the limit? -5- i Answer #16. The count of the number of people entering and exiting the site is used for the purpose of counting the "daily" attendance. i As discussed in Answer #11, the maximum number of patrons on site, at one time, in the ordinary course of the operation which can comfortably be accommodated in the tasting area would be the legal occupancy of the tasting building inside (presently 125) and 600 patrons outside. As was described by my client at the hearin9. Vineyard 48 maintains sufficient parking, adequate staff, and security on site to manage the patrons both inside and outside. Question #17 Is there a record kept of the maximum number of people at an Y given time at this facility each day? If so, please provide those records for 2011 through 2013 to date. Answer #17. The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, the applicant does not have those records. Question #18 The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, the applicant does not have those records. Question # 19 At the hearing on July 1~ Mr. Metz stated that there is a point where he knows they need a Special Event Permit. What is that threshold? Or describe how it is determined that a Special Even Permit is needed. Answer #19. Primarily in the fall a special event is determined by a particularly planned event not the anticipated attendance. Question #20 Is every person entering, excluding under aged persons, pregnant women & designated drivers, required to purchase the four "tasting coins" prior to entering the tasting area? Answer #20. The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, not every person entering is required to purchase the tasting coins prior to entering the tasting area. Some guests may come in to look around or to purchase a bottle or a case for a gift or for themselves to take home. The coins are purchased only if the guest wishes to participate in "wine tasting" on premises. -6- i Question # 21 What is the charge for the four tasting coins? Answer # 21.The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, the charge is $10.00. Question #22 What is provided for each coin turned in? A full glass of wine? Answer #22 The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, Each tasting coin entitles a patron to one "tasting" which is 2 ounces of wine. Question #23 Are tallies kept of the number of coins sold each day? Answer # 23.The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, no tallies are kept of the number of coins sold each day. Every 2 to 3 weeks the coins must be purchased to replenish the inventory of coins presumably kept by guests who keep the coins. Question #24 Are tallies kept of the number of coins turned in by customers in exchange for wine tasting? Answer # 24.The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, there is no record kept of the number of coins turned in. Question # 25 Provide the records of coins sold and turned in for 2013 and 2013 to date. Answer # 25.The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, as stated in question 23 and 24, these records can not be provided. 7 Question # 26 How do the non-wine drinkers use their coins? Can they trade them for other beverages? If so, what is available to them? Answer # 26. The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, Non-alcoholic beverages are provided such as water bottles and soda. Question # 27 What percentage of revenue is generated from the sale of the New York State labeled beer? What percentage of revenue is generated from the sale of wine produced by the winery? Please provide documentation verifying these percentages. Answer # 27. The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, the wine produced by Vineyard 48 (a N.Y.S. farm winery) is 96% and local beer is 3%, non-alcoholic beverages is 1 Question # 28 How is it determined how many portable toilets are to be provided? Does the number of portable toilets on site change depending on the season? Answer # 28. The information requested is not within the proper scope of review of a site plan application. In addition, it is an inappropriate question regarding the manner of operation. Without waiving any objection to this inquiry, the number of portable toilets is based on experience. The number of portable toilets is increased, as needed, during the season. In the winter and the spring none are required. In the summer 2 to 4 portable toilets are provided and in the fall 4 to 8 portable toilets are provided. Vineyard 48 has sufficient full bathrooms for their guests. However, portable toilets are convenient and appreciated by the guests. Question #29 Reference is made to qualified personnel directing traffic on site. Pleas elaborate on what this means and what, if any, formal training is given for traffic control? Answer # 29. Suburban Security is experienced with traffic control. In addition 3 to Suburban Security, 3-4 Vineyard 48 employees with reflector vests, pointers and flags provide additional traffic control within the property. Question #30 How do you intend to mitigate the problems/issues that have come up from the public and the public hearing? -8- Answer # 30. The following complaints are being addressed: 1. A new manager was hired this year and new DJ. The new management this season has been doing an excellent job and the neighbors acknowledged, during the hearing, that the issues of the past have been addressed. 2. The owners speak daily with management and staff. Once a week the owners have a staff meeting to review the previous week's operation and what can be improved. 3. Noise from the site is monitored by decibel reading equipment at the property line and the monitoring assures compliance with the Town noise ordinance. Noise levels have been controlled. The proposed pole barn will have walls to limit the noise. In the summer and fall the vines provide additional sound barriers. Canopies and tent fabric acts as a sound barrier. Once the site plan is approved, tents can be installed with side walls. 4. Patrons are directed to remain within the tasting area and out of the fields. Signs are posted at the perimeter of the property lines. The security patrols the property boundaries. At the hearing Mr. Metz described that the guards walk around or patrol with a vehicle in order to keep a clear view through the rows of vines. If they see patrons congregating in the vines the patrons are directed into the tasting area. 4. A "hot line" will be established to give the neighbors a contact at the winery who can respond immediately to any issue 5. Additional instructions can be provided to the Limo and bus drivers with the optimal easterly and westerly route. Thank you. Very tr atricia C. Moore PCM/bp Encls. C: Vineyard 48 Sullivan Gardner, PC -9- mom Ulf MkI[U13 17:UU 6317346763 P.002 Vineyard 48 ,t-734-6763 p,2 "41 ••~V •4U-LC U1:41 PH r PAGE. 1 r r r r Vineyard 48 Winery 18910 Middle Rd Cutcbogue, INY 11935 March 30, 2012 To Whom It, May concern: Vineyard 48 Winery would like the attending linrousene c om orda to keep things movie sm Pews to follow a guide line in r 8 ootbly and accordance to the town code. i • There is absolutely no parking on Middle Rd (Route 49). 2. No U-turns to be made at the intersection of Middle Rd (Route 48) and Depot. Iat r 3. All limousines should alit from overflow lot onto Depot Ln r 4• All Drivers rmwt follow ft parking directions from our contracted parking coutpany "Platinum Fxeeutive Security" r 5. All drivers are responsible for litter removal of limo guests r 6. Vineyard 48 uses it's discretion on guest admittance. Overly intoxicated guests will not be admitted and at any time and guests may be asked to leave due to intoxication. 7. Guests must be able to readily contact driver for questions and departure. 8_ No outside alcohol in anyforin will be allowed in the vineyard. If any of these .rubs err nut followed future reservations may be denied. r After reading please have and authorized person sign, state their position at company & date below. Thank You c Name:~C~foZ~rylolx n lrr t A _t._ V -l- ` 2 IIIY-gQfD IO~ll2s Position _ (C as r r uujj t1S5 / CI r ppra;oPn~ .-~tL r Date: r. Sincerely, r r Dale Suter General Manager e Vineyard 48 Winery a e e r e e _ _ vniaituis 11:t10 6317346763 Vineyard 48- P.003 ~ S1-734-6763 p,3 Vineyard 48 Winery 18910 Middle Rd ® Cutchogue, Yy 11935 ~ March 30, 2012 9 ® To Whom It May Concern: Vineyard 48 Winery would like the attending limousine follow a D order to keep things moving Companies to guide line in smoothly and accordance to the town code. 0 1- There is absolutely no parking. on Middle Rd (Route 48). 2• No U-turns to be made at the intersection of Middle Rd (Route 48) and Depot Ln d ' All limousines should exit from overflav.lot onto Depot Ln. 4• All Drivers must fellow ® "Platinum Executive Securtheity" parking directions from our contracted parking company 5. All drivers are responsible for litter removal of limo guests 6 Vineyard 48 uses it's discretion on guest be admittance. Overly intoxicated guests will not .A ests Inust at be able time and guests may be asked to leave due to intoxication- ~ 7~ Guests musble to readil contact ® 8. No outside alcohol in an y driver for questions and de Parture- y form will be allowed in the vineva rd. If any of these rules are not followed future reservations may be denied. S After reading please have and & date below. Thank you authorized person sign, state their d position at company Name: t i 'UQ n4- Position : ; r o r . ~ V. Date: ??~Y Sincerely, Dale Suter General Manag.-r Vineyard 48 Winery 1 MIDDLE ROAD C. R. 48 a . ~ ~ SCALE Fr' wLE r . LOCATLO NNAP AMENDED SIM MENDED SITE Pr.AN FOR VINEVAI FOR `ttt~uuu 4 ScrMO 1000 VINEYARD 48 acrMr 1000-96-443 v 14.952 a 14.952 acme 7 .7' o / STRIlMIRE SIZE PARKING SPACES REOUIM 1 / SIZE A CODE rrc 28a78l i ~ -~'2,Ti_,~'y5•~3, @ 9,' Retail Telling Room 2,032 sq. tai 2,032 sq. feet Retail 1/2003£ 11 I 5- I1 r~ J Accessary Retail (Cigar Store) 320 sq. feet 320 sq. feet Retail MOW 2 /I L'C:~'dRS ~m -lG - , Office 1,480 sq. fee 1,480 IN -iC'OGJS _ .'dl 7 G/ 21aS @ _.,3 S a q. feet Office 111005f 15 I / - - /YD tp N 7Jp Storage 3,000 sq. he 3,000 w. het stoop uloootf 3 ~~r tl O X91fls O OFF Lsi nI~-` ~lC p/~/YES u d~f7s Seasonal Tends 40 X 100 40 X 100 Retail 1/2005f 22 lpp - Overflow Parking ~ 20 X 20 20 X 20 Retail MOW 2 I /R. lp \ 20X40 Retail V2000 4 IJA Q 59 spa,equired; actual 62 apnea 20X40 ices IPO(C Seasonal Ova Row of 100 an, ARM , ]tow I - 25 Carta ~1ND NgTyggL.G,~Td j~` Row 3.25 ome PFS Row 4 - 25 caas / J 33 ~ lp~``ra~0 1WDLE ROAD ' - - _ ~GR. 48 r I~ Jaen Zuhoaki rgo S. R. Laurie J. Haleaki \ I ~P1l~f/RE-POLE ~i 2-5 RR2,10250 CtY Rd 48 P Box 35 h Cutchogue NY Y 11935 C drogue ue NY 11935 Joseph Sharon Burke Irke . -WELL W l~ . I Wer cs N Si WS/ 4 220 John Shat 1000-%-4-1.1 1000-764-4.2 Oradell N7 07649 Fv{eav6 ' P s~~ m/Y~L ~ R~ 7 q 7 q 1000.96-4-5 W./rS~-?G7 ~ X1'3 sts0~s3 - 6 1 Andrew A. BeJsch I I Olnim Jo OWNM Joseph paid wiagics imI,~18910 Wille Road, I' _ _ 6r 6 e~ Glenda Mceardell - 2550 Reeve Road . Cutclq{ue, NY 11933 Mattituck NY 1195 I l_ I ~ 1000.96-4-1A I - ~ NOTE:Infom NOTE: Information In this drawing wall taken from ( +N Fel VFW/~ SITE I SITE PLAN dated Feb 1991 Amu-at 14 1998 (Final), done by PECONIC SURVEYORS. - x s~s1Z.Pdi 1 - (Final) _ SITE I SITE PLAN details an DRAINAGE and / SAN11 SANITARY have not been modified I I ~ Joseph & Sabrina Zuhoald PO Box 414" IR m Zuhoald PO Box 615 Cutchoguc NY 11935 C ' utcho lw I " Sr -j "yy wgue NY 11935 11935 aVNEPf - ~ 1000.102-1-1.2 • 1000-96-4-6 20 Contour lines am referenced b N.G.V.D. - Chris Zuhoski ! _:-J~.6dR5 Elevations on plans are referenced to N.G.V.D. PO Box 2601 East Hampton NY - `Co Truffie Direction I Cutchoogue Power Co., LLC ,LC I a *.5 _Existing Eleva6nn m/ . < , Water Flow N I PO Him 1470 1000.102-1A.5 'I ' /A= Mattlimck NY 41952 site Data (Appunfed): I fl000.964.5.1 Total Acftge 14.95 acme I2 -1 Existing Lot Covenge.01% S -41 Proposed Lot Covenge.017 %(wtth Pole Barn) Landscaping 1% .~gbP~d LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD 1NY Agriculture 11.287acres I K~@ rc_! uDRAINAGE CRITERIA APF ~ -2413 D NOTES 'FROM PECON[C SURVEYORS, P.C. P. O.. Box 909, Southold NY Zoning District: Agriculture Conservation (ACC) oum Agriculture Distid Fl School District 9 Fire District 29 tDGSTING: roofs 7745 sqA (7745 x 0.17 x l) 1,317 uu.fl. r I- Aspladt R Concrete pevemaet 2985 sift. rr _ r r Contour lines me referenced to N.G.V.D. (2985 x 0.17 x 1) • 507 tuft. " - Elevations on Plans are referenced to N.G.M. Gmvel Am 28,866 q.& o o p a ono i --.?SiT2--22-/3 Dhechm of water flown/drainage pattern (28,86(x 0.17 x 1) 2,941 cu.1t. °o ° l d • Traffic Direction Existing Elevations LFI00 . ~ooo-9644-4 Groundwater Manage cmd Zone IV Total Existing 4,768 ao.fl. SEC77Ad15 REV.. 4768142.2=113v.f. { 4~REB qhb'P e 4MENDM SITE P. Health Deparkmant Approval in 1996 fm Existing Buuldings 113/12-9.4 b: SITE PLAN 3.66 Ames x 300 gpd/acre=1,100 g90ons per day alido sed . Existing 10 leaching pools of8'diameterx l2' deep 0o9Z ~ ' VINEYAR[ e FINEYARD.48 _ ladushial Storage/warehouse: 4904 sq•R Existing x.(04 g.p.d-192 gpd al:x a•~ r.d. NEW/PROPOSED: mof of pole laud 4000aq.fl.(40)0x0.17x1) 680ea.1 TOWN Oh`_SOUTHOL i', OUTHOLC NY SK Tasting Room (Wet Stom) no kitchen 2032 sq.IL %.005 gaVrsl.R.102 g.p.d. Office 200 sq.R. 36 g.p.d. Total OaRum 3330 g.p:d. Existing 1200 gal Sep_t•i,c~_Tank 1 provided 330 gp.d. x 72 = 660 g.p.d• (2 µdgy~~,s Row) 680/42.2 =16 v,f. ~a•y ysRow) SANITARY LEACHING 9rF P etfia'•" CHORNOASSOGIATI New Pule Bam (no bathrmm/oo kitcbm) -bmthtaomss provided in Taift Rocm Racm Propose two leeching pools of S' diameter x If dap POOL wahl r If ACT TO WALE 1 a011ilm,I~rOla[ I f 0 O MIDDLE ROAD AD C. R. 48 it 48 SCALE I- . MY 3m Goo LOCATION MAP_ AMENDED SITE PLAN FOR VINEYARD 48 V~1 4 SCTM# 1000-96-4-4.3 `J 14.952 acres STRUCTURE UCTURE SIZE PARKING SPACES RE UIRED I i w CODE !TC 280-781 I - - - - - / -20 i I q i ,DRCk° OFF : ¢ sUssss I Tasting Room 2,032 sq. feet Retail 1/200sf I I I /n ;sory Retai _ -2Z-~ ~25cq„~,S @ 9 I Retail Tasting Roca 7 G/ZIOS 25 Q ~~L Accessory Retail (C l (Cigar Store) 320 sq. feet Retail 1/200sf 2 f.5 I I Office e 1,480 sq. feet Office 1/100sf 15 \ % Storage X ge 3,000 sq. feet Storage 1/1000sf 3 ' 475 ~ ~~•5 C-X/STi../G cF~U.S.`~El~ ® e9~7s I /P 1 S 7 .Elp - Seasonal Tents mal Tents 40 X 100 Retail 1/200sf 22 /PD ~RD OFF L4 E U "Overflow Parking flow Parking I 20 X 20 Retail 1/200sf 2 20X40 Retail)/200sf 4 e/6Lo I N Q 59 spaces required; aces required; actual 62 spaces \ p ~d Seasonal Over flow mal Over flow of 100 cars \ ~D~ Q~SS.sOR Row I - 25 cars Z N 4ND {~L LE~ET Row 2 - 25 cars 1 - 25 cars / yy ~T^A/~ Q G E : o _ '4 /'/O V Row 3 - 25 cars 2 - 25 cars _lG,c 2U e 975 3 - 25 cars Row 4 - 25 cars 4 - 25 cars ~ -ov GP.4S5 MIDDLE ROAD " C. R. 4.8 r Jean Zuhoski urge S. & Laurie J. Helenski w,4 i J t RR2, 18250 Cty Rd 48 P Box 35 I I Cutchogue NY 11935 C tchogue NY 11935 Joseph PU Tl~~ Ao~E bdfc'i - - Joseph & Sharon Burke 1000-96-4-1.1 1000-96-4-4.2 Oradell 220 John Street -GRit„ tOradell NJ 07649 p ~N ~.~1eloUS/ 4 220 Jolt ~ s~~(sa,~a[. SEsST/ti'~ I ~ 100 1000-96-4-5 O ' xzvP~.vc a 267 s Nkn =7 'Fy crv ckwss - A Andrew A. Besch r- ~I Glenda McC dell OWNER: Joseph Paul Wineries, Inc. 18910 Middle Road, 17 2550 Reeve Road Cutchogue, NY 1193 5 I zut' 1/66 Mattituck NY 1195 v ~ ~ TiNC G2d?'G 1000-96-4-1.4 ~ I FLos+~- ~ NOTE: Information in this drawing was taken from I \ 1 SITE PLAN dated Feb. 1991. August 14,1996 Iv/GO~n/y sic/7` 424 (Final), done by PECONIC SURVEYORS. O i I 9"X75 I i SCE- . SITE PLAN details on DRAINAGE and Ivh~ IV41VZ. PgQCESS/NG SS/N G ~ ~ 20 a / t Joseph & Shelia Zuhoski i 4/2N( Rpd. SANITARY have not been modified I STORAGE PO Box 414 /-OK Jose ~ I Joseph & Sabrina Zuhoski Cutchogue NY 11935 PO PO Box 615 _ G' rnT~G ; ~ 2 Cutchogue NY 11935 1000-102-1-1.2 Cud l wd~w ! APR 222013 1000-96-4-6 SCACE / i ZOr ~1D Contour lines are referenced to N.G.V.D. I Chris Zuhoski ~ZO jdG : /tt7 C4R5 Elevations on plans are referenced to N.G.V.D. PO Box 2601 - 2 - East Hampton NY Traffic Direction N 9 - - Cutchogue P Cutchogue Power Co., LLC I eL47.5 Existing Elevation t PO Box 1471 PO Box 1470 F- Water Flow - 1000.102-1-1.5 MattituckN' Mattituck NY 11952 - e - 1000-96LONG /BLAND RA/L- ~q 1000-96-4-8.1 Site Data (Approved): Total Acreage 14.95 acres Existing Lot Coverage .01% s: SS - Proposed Lot Coverage .017 % (with Pole Barn) Landscaping 1% - Agriculture 11.287 acres PRoF'a rE~ ROAD NOTES FROM PECONIC SIURVEYORS, P.C. P. 0. Box 9( P. 0. Box 909, Southold NY G E COWA TO MAI* a - N Zoning District: Agriculture Conservation (AC) ion (AC) DRAINAGE CRITERIA i Agriculture District #1 EXISTING: roofs 7745 sq.ft. (7745 x 0.17 x 1) 1,317 cu.ft. I - - School District 9 Fire District 29 D Asphalt & Concrete pavement 2985 sq.ft. i Contour lines we referenced to N.G.V.D. Elevations on Plans are referenced to N.G.V.D. I.G.V.D. (2985 x 0.17 x 1) -507 cu.ft. y. REV, 3 -28-/~ Direction of water flow/draina€ er flow/drainage pattern Gravel Area 28,866 sq.ft. P°a o o R T TT 14 r (28,866 x 0. 17 x 1) 2,944 cu.ft. t' n _ n I I I I- c ss /REV . 2- 2 2 -/3 Traffic Direction LEACH/NG Existing Elevations ins Total Existing 4,768 cu.ft. - 1000-96-04-4.3 Groundwater Management Zone IV SECTIONS CUM REv 2-8-13 s~nrK Health Department Approval in 1996 for Existing Buildings :ing Buildings 4768/42.2 = 113 v.f. :°EOVu ~PE~ ?Rp AMENDED SITE PLAN DATE: 11-2-12 3.66 Acres x 300 gpd/acre = 1„100 gallons per day allowed day allowed 113/12 = 9.4 Industrial Storage/warehouse: 4804 sq.ft. Existing x.04 g.p.d [ing x .04 g.p.d = 192 gpd Existing 10 leaching pools of 8' diameter x 12' deep e VINEYARD 48 . Tasting Room (Wet Store) no (kitchen 2032 sq.ft. X OS gal/sc ft. X.OS gal/sq.fl. 102 g.p.d. r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY SK 1 Office 200 sq.ft. 36 g.p.d. Total Gallons 330 g.p.c llons 330 g.p.d. NEW/PROPOSED: roof of pole barn 4000 sq.fr. (4000 x 0.17 x 1) 680 cu.ft__ x_°1010='°' Existing 1200 gal Septic Tank provided 330 g.p.d. x 2 = 660 d. x 2 = 660 d. (2 days flow) 680/42.2 = 16 v.f. v °:ors 5~''oe CHORNO ASSOCIATES New Pole Barn (no bathroom/no kitchen) - bathrooms provid brooms provided in Tasting Rocm Propose two leaching pools of 8' diameter x 8' deep SANITARY LEACHING POOL F archibeb. ' l NOT TO SCALE 1 SOUTHOLD• NEW YORK I c R ~8 R ~8 AMENDED PARKING PLAN - 2D FOR VINEYARD 48 ~Q SCTMS 1000-96-4-4.3 Q 14.952 acres UUCTURE i~UCTURE I F PA IN SPA FO tiRFn I ~ ' CODE (TC 281-76) llaqz z lox Retail ] Ming ] Retail'tsting Room 2,032 sq. feet Retail 1/200sf 7 Gl2loS @ 2 5 Accessory Accessory ttail (Cigar Store) 320 sq. feet Retail 1/200sf 2 I Office Office 1,480 sq. feet 0 Office 11100sf 15 I p Storage Storage 3,000 sq. feet Storage 111000sf 3 ' N C> Seasonal Ten Seasonal Tents 40 X 100 - 12~F0 OFF L,4 N,JE - Retaill/200sf 22 _ 20 X 20 Retail 1/200sf 2 I - 20 X 40 Retail 1/200sf 4 59 spaces re( 59 spaces required; actual 62 sp,` \ G~ N a a Seasonal Ov Seasonal Overflow of 100 cars Row 1 - 25 s Row I - 25 cars Row 2 - 25 1 Row 2 - 25 cars / Row3-251 Row 3 - 25 cars / Row4-25 Row 4 - 25 cars 6 a Ii 'Ass N Usi I d'k i '14 Deus i NOTE: Information his drawing was taken from SITE PLAN ad Feb. 1991. August 14,1996 (Final), done PECONIC SURVEYORS. gr~x75 i SITE PLAN ails on DRAINAGE and /crTNF PRr rElagA/ SANITARY e not been modified ,I M7,44; 6 oN waess w - ?D i ~j~L_t~cdRs ~ - a _ r I I ~ ~ ~ ~r /A= l2 I S - l T - j - a N JAN 1 6 20 3 i 1000-96-04-4.3 REV: 11-15-12 B AA ~ AMENDED SITE PLAN DATE: 11-2-12 48 VINEYARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY SK 1 v Ojg750 +°2r CHORNO ASSOCIATES F OF Yb1IIoct& sou1How, new row i I AMENDED PARKING PLAN FOR VINEYARD 48 Q SCTMN 1000-9644.3 14.952 acres STRUCTURE C RUCT E I PARKING SPACES REQUIRED CODE (TC 280-78) - - - - - II r i --~2~25c4„~S@ 9~ Retail Tasting Roc ail Tasting Room 2,032 sq. feet Retail 1/200sf 11 _oa?5_. 7-LL 2IOS Accessory Retail N ~ xssory Retail (Cigar Store) 320 sq. feet Retail WOW 2 - di - - ' /'Ccld~es @ -/G \ I I - - Office ice 1,480 sq. feet Office 1/100sf 15 i rage 3,000 sq. feet Storage 111000sf 3 - r-xrsT~,,i~ c~eusHE.t~ _DL10 OFF LA14E S^' N Storage ~ E-:> Seasonal Tents ssonal Tents 40 X 100 Retail 11200sf 22 - - - =~~~.ae~YEs L A 20 X 20 Retail 1/200sf 2 I 20 X 40 Retail 1/200sf 4 I R' I ~ a h 59 spaces require( spaces required; actual 62 spaces \ G~ I I ~ , _ Seasonal Over flo isonal Over flow of 100 cars 0 Row I - 25 cars w I - 25 cars / 'how 2 - 25 cars w 2 - 25 cars Row 3 - 25 cars w 3 - 25 cars / Row 4 - 25 cars w 4 - 25 cars / AD 7 u _I I(I . 7 N Usr . I I `4 au~eus i y I / ' I ~ NOTE: Information in this drawing was taken from 1 ~~TTr 1 ~I i SITE PLAN dated Feb. 1991. August 14,1996 I/1STnLy x7" (Final), done by PECONIC SURVEYORS. SITE PLAN details on DRAINAGE and AIZAVE c 1n1L SANITARY have not been modified STO~si G~ roTac,-~2 , ~ ss -to, ~'~IGE =:1== - ~ N ~_:1~a-cries ~ - r N / l 1 1 1 1 1 - I - _ ~ - - - r JAN 1 c L9ou3 s _ - 1000-96-04-4.3 REV: 11-15-12 RED qq DATE: 11-2-12 AMENDED SITE PLAN `c~~~B. Cyc ;iT w:= y o 48 VINEYARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY SK 1 'rF 019 6.°•'• CHORNO ASSOCIATES retiree. 8OUT H LD, Hew YORK c R 48 2 48 AMENDED PAI2ttIN PrPLAN ~ FOR VINEYARD 48 n 4 SCTM81000-96-4-4.3 v 14.952 acres ;STRUCTURE RUCT E SIZE PARKING SPACES D I I . CODE (TC 280-78) tail Tasting Room 2,032 sq. feet Retail 1/200sf 11 `.ol.?s ca- 7 GL21oS @ 25 1 Retail Tasting Ro Accessory Retail cessory Retail (Cigar Store) 320 sq. feet Retail 1200sf 2 ~`J'U ~ry Office rice 1,480 sq. feet Office 1/100sf 15 I t--XrsT~.~~ ce~rsy~~ I \ p N + Storage Wage 3,000 sq. feet storage 1/1000sf 3 ' _p~'4o OFF LAnI~_`~ ~.e`Es Seasonal Tents asonal Tents 40 X 100 Retail 1/200sf 22 - - L' n 20 X 20 Retail 1200sf 2 I c>~ 20 X 40 Retail 1/200sf 4 I ti 59 spaces require spaces required; actual 62 spaces \ ~ ~ - CC uV-~ Ny%L G ILID yc5 ~ tt _ Seasonal Over fl( ~ssonal Overflow of 100 cars Row I -25 cars rw 1 -25 cars / SGdzE Row2-25 cars rw 2 - 25 cars a' 6 Row 3 - 25 cars )w 3 - 25 cars / Row 4 - 25 cars )w 4 - 25 cars E yl I Z5 I~ y r _ =C~~idSS N use G I ~ ~ { aN ~eASs tt t. i ILI I i NOTE: Information in this drawing was taken from 1 I I SITE PLAN dated Feb. 1991. August 14,1996 I - @1!IST~2 i (Final), done by PECONIC SURVEYORS. $°x7-5 7-5 LCE-SSYMS SITE PLAN details on DRAINAGE and %rITNF PROC~ln1 t-GE U SANITARY have not been modfied I 4720AAGE G' 7vT~6G; 2 oN w~ess i w r N j spQlk bu ` 14~ uv r mTaL-_ttX ~cdRs N r ~ ` ~ r r 1 V r 4IIW l6S ebF LJ ( pY'"'HV1 lot, a~\ MCP Iti F.a Zw.P ~G4.~10~'~y ~n{I,fc'/ c ~)ur~(,r~ .r)r.lr_ aFc~ a - JAN 16 2003 i x ASS 1000-96-04-4.3 REV: 11-15-12 PED qq AMENf3et~r-,QATERLAN DATE:11-2-12 B• c hi ~co Ho . s- W:=` 48 VINEYARD s T WN O OLD NY SK 1 NvrF: s a° °r CHORNO ASSOCIATES SOUTHOID, New YOFK ; .v . _ ce) i o oo P~L Y c6 c~ it I" j , o 0 % T- ! p I w - - ink Z LL ¢ m Z CO LIJ 00 U) « z / \ 4 JQ Qua .00 LL<F~ 0' p Q Z w OC o \ LLI w(9Z O y 1 j QZQ z O d > U i o0 E - ' I jl a U t I IZZU j L9 =V- of - =7e1~~~: ~/E~c~T _ nl6'C~S -.111 f_. l. 6 c ii F} L21cT[ R/dr~ Aril : WAI.Ii yZ,3 a ff cc) 6 - Q,,T/ ~j•:: f"f.':f..~/f?~ /~-/l/ 4 L.Y C--.o- Alf Y I~ ~ , i c _ ~!i I I I APR -12013 f i ft~l 2 - Z.2-1_3 ` PROPOSED POLE BARN DATE' 2-8-13 VINEYARD 48 CUTCHOGE - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY SK2 CHORNO ASSOCIATES architects. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AD " C. R. 48 MIDDLE - ROAD C 3 ' C) SCALE Y . - - L CATidN NaAP AMENDED nSITE PLAN' FOR 1 VINEYARD 48- n 4 , SCTMM 1000-9644.3' v 14.952 acres O STRUCTURE JCTURE SIZE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED / CODE fTC 2W781 _ . 1 --r - . . CIO -~~~._-~2cs 9 iRetail Tasting Room Tasting Room 2,032 sq. feet Retain 1200sf 11 I /5 1_ 7 ~i/~os @ --,2 s Accessory Retail (Ci rs ! ^N ;sory Retail (Cigar Store) 320 sq. feet Retail 1200sf 2 1,480 sq. feet office 1/100af is yyN I - 'Office Q W I75 ® .f4~ ge 3,000 sq. feet storage 1/10003f 3 \ O N :Storage ~k Q . _ QFr' _LA 3Tcvil~ nai3TE.Sc_- anal Tents - 40 X 100 Retail 1/200sf 22 lpa - - - ~ 'Seasonal Tents Overflow Parking low Parking I 20 X 20 Retell 12009f 2 - ` ~P I . VIC; \ 20 X 40 Retail 1200sf 4 - - d~ I ( 59 spaces required; i aces required; actual 62 spaces \ CO 66 ` Seasonal Over flow final Over flow of 100 cars I - 25 cars - / 4 ars 2 rR~1 . a 4ND Row I - 25 cars Row 2 - 25 cars 2 - 25 cars ~tM G~=~ ~E66T,4~ Row 3 - 25 cars 3 - 25 cars 4 - 25 cars Row 4 - 25 cars MEDDLE ROAD " r _ C. R. 48 Jean Zuhoski rge S. & Laurie J. Helenski _ RR2, 182$0 Cty Rd 48 P Box 35 Q hf \ ~ Fr17l1RF Z'oL~ ~dR Cutchogue NY 11935 C tchogue NY 11935 l I Joseph Joseph & Sharon Burke ~LZ7 a 707- ` 1000-96-t-1.1 I 220 Joh 220 John Street Oradell NJ 07649 '1000-96-4-42 r Oradell loo Fcgr~ /.rQ ~sDh~C 1000-96-0-5 ~ aats~,xs Andrew A. Besch 1~,1 ~ Glenda McCardell OWNER: Joseph Paul Winetim, Inc. 18910 Middle R&W, 2550 Reeve Road Clttehague, NY 11935 _ g -4 g.c ~ j Mattituck NY 1195 1000-96-4-1.4 I ~-q Alq r ~ II NOTE: Information in this drawing was taken from I l SITE PLAN dated 'Feb. 1991. August 14,1996. =nZY&4- (Final), done by PECONI'C SURVEYORS. SITE PLAN details on DRAfNAGS and _ ~~i75zE 1 C~ ven, SANITARY have not been modified IOi w4G~ Joseph & Shelia Zuhoskj I PO Box 414 Jose Joseph & Sabrina Zuhoski roTdc; ~2 Cutchogue NY '11935 PO PO Box 615 s Cub Cutchogue NY 11935 1000-96-4-6 1000-102-1-1.2 ' - J°RO ~ ' U sTCd~=":Z~=~~- ~D ' Contour lines are referenced to N.G. V.D. / Chris Zuhoski Zo Elevations on plans are referenced to N.G.V.D. PO Box 2601 - j - East Hampton NY a 1 ` Traffic Direction N Cutchogue P Cutchogue Power Co., LLC x -6 -Existing Elevation PO Box 147 PO Box 1470- Water Flow 1000-102-1-1.5 MattituckN' MattituckNY 11952 - - I 1000-96 1000-96-4-8.1 Site Data (Approved . Total Acree 14.95 acres - - Existing Lot Coverage.01% Proposed Lot Coverage.017 % (with Pole Barn) LONG Landscaping 1% ISLAND RAIL Agriculture 11.287acres - ,I lc~e ~J U FEB 22 2013 D 0 D ROAD NOTES FROM PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. P. 0. Box 9 C. P. 0. Box 909, Southold NY a comf re 7aerk a - 1~ ~ FEB 222013 D tion (AC) D'RAINAG't CRITERIA - RIN 1)) PI Zoning District: Agriculture Conservation (AC) cow- oat 7. SoNhold Town TOMHUMIIfHOLO plannlnB BOeN Agriculture District #1 EXISTING:', roofs 7745 sq.ft. (7745 x 0.17 x 1) 1,317 cu.ft. f" I School District 9 Fire District 29 i Contour lines are referenced to N.G.V.D. .D. Asphalt &'Conerete pavement 2985 sq.ft. ?a . Elevations on Plans am referenced to N.G.V.D. 4.G.V.D. (2985 x 0.17 x l) , .507 cu.ft. a o v A . S Y ~ TSII-7- 7 Direction of water flow/drainal ter flow/drainage pattern Gravel Area 28,866 sq.ft. o' °o Traffic Direction n (28,866 x 0.17 x 1) _ 2,944 cu.ft. n < n. 1000 Existing Elevations Ions LEACAM Total Existing 4,768 cu.ft. REV.,. Groundwater Management Zone IV ` SECTIONS ppaaww s Liu Hmlth Department Approval iin 1996 for Existing Buildings ling Buildings 4768/42.2 = l 1 J v.f. 5~ ` fie c R~ti ' SITE PLAN BATe 1 1' 3.66 Acres x 300 gpd/acre =1,100 gallons per day allowed day allowed 113/12 = 9.4 industrial Stomge/Warehouse: 4804 sq.ft. Existing x.04 g.p.c ding x .04 g.p.d =192 gpd Existing 10 leaching pools of 8' diameter x 12' deep e' Tasting Room (Wet Store) no kitchen 2032 sq.ft. X.05 gal/& I.ft. X.05 gal/sq.fl. 102 g.p.d. .asec G~ r rK T( Of SOUTHOLD W SK Office 200 sq.ft. 36 g.p.d. Total Gallons 330 g.p. dlons 330 g.p.d. NEW/PROPOSED: POSED: roof of pole barn 4000 sq.ft. (4000 x 0.17 x 1) 680 cu.ft_ o CHO NO ASSOCIATES Existing 1200 gal Septic Tank provided 330 g.p.d. x 2 = 660 '.p.d. x 2 = 660 g.p.d. (2 days flow) 680/42.2 = 16 v.f. SANITARY LEACHING ~Ibe~ New Pole Barn (no bathroom/no kitchen) - bathrooms provh! tovooms provided in Tasting Ram Propose two leaching pools of 8' diameter x 8' deep POOL KlYY VOP K NOT TO SCALE 1 S.c p R • 5789.58' 1 L = 679.53' V SOe ~ - ! ' 199.86' oo•.C ACK 29f.94' _ 3/.60' 1 T /J u- role GJ's z I 9?! / _ 1-.'101F E. EX Div - dye o/ vLNr~ ZUn',0SK1 JR. ? EXISTING SINGLE W FACLLIL Y IN J P' 1 5 L_J - ' reu a I t.l ' Gn° m Z o 1 y w 64C O Vo i d° e V N E p M'c'L LWG Zook m 1 - w° G 't' * m NIOIF t _S. oil ~ DWELLW ' C LING cr.ni .-HELINSKI - / r' Z • • t ' I pp Rl DN'EL - LOT 2 I r _ l.P, <q. P~. - - O m Z . b H. 09183 Acre ZE: 40,001 sq.ll.'°_ na - - -----jy? O O 1000-96-04-4.2 m T IVICIF EDWARDA„/R ~ .59' i cow-' .1 ac/ZcIE q N ZUHOSKI & 0.31 N. 52'5::'4F. 198 ~s 1 \ J~Pn< I r j o.t~. JOSEPH S. ZUHOSK/ 1 e X 1 ae wE orrssnC - r O DWELLING LOT 1 ~Q n<w ro ~ S " q AREA= 14.952 ACRE N/O/F a J a ~ 70r?.''-96-4-4.3 O OSEPH JR ZUHOSK/ ~ V m & SHEI HE/LA ZUHOSK/ ~ C° \ 651,3G9sq.fL eel . V I N E Y A R y' o m N i . Z 1 / O Iii DWELLWG n ~Q FA x N/O/F EDWARD R. ZUHOSK/ ZUHO' C S..55'4320o K: 282.08' co JOSEPH S& w m w o VACANT ni o N/O/F cw O % POLLAK FAM.2'.Y PARTNERSHIP edge of vlncs p VACANT ! crw_ T ~o~.,• p N. 60-10,30- W. lk"e L O OF NEW 655.23' aC.M CO 6> >O r +1~ qc~ - APR = t_ 2013 ~ . ~ a9s'+s i LAND I SCDHS Rat. alt CIO-94-011 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPL Y(S) ANDIOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM(S) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED ON UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SOIL, SITE AND O GROUND WATER CONDITIONS, ALL LOTS AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CONSTRUCTION cl j STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE. QJ ~ l TESTHOLE _ ~D I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TMS SIAADIVISIpN PLAT WAS MADE FROM ACMAL SLRVEYS COMPLETED Vf/9•, THAT ALL MOMAENr a ~orsa. SHOWN THUS, / ACTUALLY EMST AAD TEEM POSRMNS ARE ORRECTLY u~ o SHOWN AAV ALL D6LENSAMAL AM GEODETIC DETALS ARE CORRECT C, p.{ SITE r eau dow T. MEr , N, Y.S L.S. LTC. NO. 49618 / .6T95~ KEY MAP scs(t: I"= 800' avn wm wnv. ~ t QPO go m m SOO / L 169 BLB.DM ZONE DVSTIMCT: A - C a N. roll' y+ SCHM D"TwT. D e~ ARE Db-nwCT: 29 00 0. 9 y TYPICAL WELL (NOT TO SCALE) I x) , .60 Ft ®w1F ~N r uu. m 'mom _ +rarr r 1~• may' Off, t. \ / / ~o ~r~pt~5 \ p 1 Zoe jl* r TYPICAL PLOT PLAN NOT TO SCALE) ' . Ate, yP toolf S~~ cr mow ar, / SUFFOLK COLWTY UPPAL DEPARTMENT t)F HEALTH SERVICES *low 1 HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. ' /g5 0 DATE P yv a boo a67 RO rms Is To cERTFY TNAr THE PROPOSED REALTY SIAtm WWN OR DEVELOPWNTFOR N THE ate MTTN A TOTAL OF_ L 5 WA APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE. WATER Stf?LES AND SEWAOF DISPOSAL FACL.ITES AVAST CDAFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STAMlARDS AVFFFEcr AT THE ME OF CONSfl CIM AM ARE St"rr ra SEPARATE - ? , $ ~ APPLBCANT, ROSE'S VINEYAR~~7PLLC pp PERMITS PURSUANT TO'THOSE STANDAW3 1NS APPROVAL SMLL BE o,f y "~N 1 1 s.9h0 E ROAD AD LC s~uyi,~ 0 M THE TTHE, RE C&# Y OJ WiONE "AfiYE -OFPn~ DA 7E. g0 O CUTCI N.Y. 11935 . 11935 Ci"M'y-M ~PA INS OF TItfTN~LA ATHE g t 60j0 B sro K CO(AVTY ~cOOE ZEAL qppo p f~ n . WALT... FII PE mnryvr~ avoui viJivrv uu APR-~Z~± UN1GG"/(X!~ LRYNNIYVF GYYiIfUM11GN/AL uuau/r TOTAL ACREAGE = 15.870 Acres ry/ARY ARMS APR Sau".' CONTOUR LMS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. - Sp° LOT I ° 14.952 Acres AT CUTCHOGUIE PI'em , MINOR SUDVISION APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD Acres In agriculture - II.287 Acres TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD FOR BIDWELL VINErARDS Developed acreage - 3.663 Acres ' ,~EOF NEIV LOT 2 = Single lam#y Dwelling - 0,918 AcA SUFFOLK COUNTY. N. Y. ME$P~ ~i- or 40,001 9q.11. _ VW - 96 - 04 - 4.2 ANY ALTERATM 01V APWqy TO SWVEY IS A VIOLA TIM GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 1Y ' Scale: 1"= 100' OF SECTM We pF r/Lr I~EW rant STATE EDUCATiarl uw. EXCE<•T AS PSEC7AOW 7801 - BteDYVM 1. ALL OLFiFKA 1iQR: 3.665 'acres • 300 gpd/aen = 1,100- gallons allowed Aug 16, 2004 't- MY.S. L1C. NO. 49618 s'~ q'V 'vc cp sa L7n py.r F 1~e sLwv[Yply Offka 2 Indusftl gorayeMwNrouse - 4604 sq./l. • 0.04 : 192 gpd A~, p'e, 2005 lrwisl ON1C S VEYORS~ P.C. Guest 2 WNOSE 81RYA7TAF APPEARd NO6oN 00 sq.R. 13 o 36 gpd. MARCH 30, 2007 ) 76.5 - 50 NSF [ANO1P.3O. OX 90920 FAX !6311 765 - 1797 AAWTIWLLY To c0AjrLY IBM SAO LAW TIE TOW 'AL 7oem By, 2032 sq.11. q.R. Guest • n (wet t 0.03 store re n n.o kitchen) = 102 g/sq.ll god ARAWT BE USED BY ANY AAV ALL &RYEYa1s U AM OF A'WRQ ~Vr - TO DATr ARE Nor R VCOPS(XW AS LAUXLE WrN CTEV TIE LAN ?OTAL GALLONS 330 gpd. 1230 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD, N.Y. -11971 90 - 172 MIDDLE ROAD tom. r`' I UTT- POLE i L = 679.53' soe N. 59'23'50' E. 231.46' s.ca av R . 5789.58' I~ 291.94' 1 199.86. cmc - , s / 31.60' ~ I 5 u- - rtu • ati a -~d • of vN•r i 1 Rl / 2 \ SINGLE ~ fl t-I. 111 ~~~~\`J °1 y z Z :15 1, JR. EXISTING FAAOLY o J_ a° \000`0 tsc D9CLUNG N o 9 ° (oi, DWELLING W m z A m NIOIF E ~Z . f I" _ O DWELLING ,~•N m. N•VTN: -tl,n.,.~.I j~o..-_ O, ~O o - HELINSKI _ I F LOT 2 - "r ~ 0.9183 Acre "o _ o _ _ ? •a C 40,001 J T~ N 1000-96-04-4-2 c~ ( 3cRLfve ~ Z X NIOIF o.ss o~ EDWARD A, JR. Yo N. 52'5--'40• E• 198.59' I i~ u • cRAPt ortssr.G IO LFAO•A' POOL JOSEPH H S. ZUHOSK/ o v JO rri r' ~ LOT 1 I y DWELLING u r•el~' Q1 45 u \ AREA= 14.952 ACRE ` Z N/O/F T ~ D / ~ ~ D 651,3Gnsq.fi. Rl JOSEPH, JR ZUHOSKi m \ & SHEILA ZUHOSKI Y WELL C.P. V N E 1 , o DWELLING U / 43 j i fU \ cow_ N/O/F \ <n S..5143'20' W- 282.08' CO EDWARD A. , JR. ZUHOSKI Q & o JOSEPH S. ZUHOSI Q, WO/F vACANr N POLLAK FA?r?.Y PARTNERSW w ~ m I o vAGANT 4^ ~D edge of vln0r Aowc Tp19 N. 60-10,30- W. 655.23' - ~c~Fq LONG lS~ ROAD saw p _ 1 - - - q~~e s I I I I u ->,~a A A( 1 PA VE TO COUNTY SPECIF/CA TIONS - 1, FOGE OF VINES R l I ~ 1 1~ 1 ti M I DD L E R OAD (C. R. 48) _ F > dn° ~I o v - EAST BOUND LANES 1 ~ i X o C> L ~I \ r F PEP.MIT ,a I 489 e r ITE ez REQUIRED I ,o - p<.~eme~E 49. 9..f1 r °B - es KEY MAP C~^J7 edge o{Pavement / Test Boring scree . eao- I~I I^I LJ 0 1 U I lopsoil_-_ d I B le~ - 0.8 - loam h p sand wilh gr. h IBI 4.5111arge gravel 5.0' \ Bond TYPICAL \ with gravel ,ENTRANCE-- OR EXIT (MIDDLE RD.) • \ - II I \ 5~ 34 , 7' NO SCALE O~ Ode ~i 4a 16 / U~ P s 7Z I nr espnou XX~U EXISTING s N2' border ~ Jry BrP// j oY ' PARKING CRITERIA exrd ~n errs>liiJ d~iv stabilized, compacted soil a.ve?1en-E 5" e:vay \ Minimum Requirements for Paved Area ad Area STORAGE 29,96 sq. ft./ 1000 3 tic 3 ~f. a' P/ w T_ I L- IND. 2008 sq. fl./ 500 4.3 RETAIL SALES 2032 q. ft.1200 !l EMPL O YEES 15 \ PROVIDE SPACES 33.3 PROPOSED ~a emenE DRAINGE CRITERIA - - ears {i~g Pavcmeo . Y y 9' ~ ~ - FLAB ROOF 7083 sq. fl. 5V?E Lb 6~rIn9 7036=0.42x1 = 2955cu.11. 2955168.4 = 43 V.F.112 = 3.6 Provide 5 I.p.s /0'0 12' deep / 9 r a s S I~ i y10 ~ b> \ v V! N (YARDS r.r o,l... ,G. of WA TEF G INTERNAL 1 EX/Sj!NG 9~~~ VI THIN PO TABL WATER- WATEP SUPPLY •I LEA 6Hff" ~PE PROCESSING CONTOUR LINES ARE REFERENCED TO N. G. V.D. _ NOTE, THERE ARE NO STORM DRAINS WITHhV A 50' RADIUS OF THE WELL 8 THERE WILL BE WILL BE NO ~4`.7TAR'/ SYS TE.4/ FROM OFFICE P. NO C.P. WITHIN A 150' RADIUS OF WELL. (NO BJSENEN , J STY.) FROCCESSINGPBLOG. m ¢e.z I A'ETAL BUILDING ELEVATIONS ON PLAN ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. THERE ARE NO WELLS WITHIN A 150' RADIUS Z4 401US GRF:PE BUILDING P~ DRAINAGE LIMIT LINE n SZ 8 PROCESSI,G W l TANi. BiQC.. ~ 4 TRAFFIC DIRECTION L 4 ~ OF CESSPOOLS. 00 ¢75 FXIRTING Ff FVA TION 7$.P U A~¢ = PROPOSED ELEVATION ~ v 1I 1 LOT COVEsaCE BUILDING =l% LANDSCAPE = 1%t EXISTING SIGN o ' O well C/O - 94-0II GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE li/ Q .1-1.955 acres r 300 g.p.d./acre = 4487 g.p.d. u INDUSTRIAL STORAGE/WAREHOUSE 4804 sq.fl. existing - 0,04 g.p.d. = 192 g.p.d. GUEST PAVILION(/MARKET-WET STORE) NO KITCHEN 2032 sq.ll. 2032s3.R. x 0.05 gal/sq.Il 102 g.p.d. W 2 OFi--IC-- 200 sq.11. 3 occupants 36. g.p.d. 330 g.p.d. SEPTIC TANK 330 gp.d. x 2 = 660 g.p.d. ( 2 days flaw ) uST WM C tl5T WON COVpS TO GR.1DE /200 gal Septic Tank provided ~ ED"R•'0E LEACHING POOLS rn•. r'~•• 330 g.p.d.11.5 g.p.d./Sq.II. = 220 sq.11. of sidewall r- ra r r--:4•- ru -04• 1 220125.1 sq.11.1vert. It. ( 8'vr pool) = 9 V.F. AWME MET Ta'Mme Twvrvc eEnsr.' PROVIDE, l - 8 F 12' deep L.P. ROAD C. R. 48 MYL 1'OL4 12' . C455 . PIPE DuneT • EXISTING 2 L.P.S. 8'0 I'll D IYM 119' W Lu4E w Lu~E MN 4• DU Cla.iS PlTee-s u'N IIS' 1200 F- c a.c. now. H °5789.58' L ° 679.53, F. PM PE! Fs C. 1.. LOVER TO DRADk B PLAN 4!. ~ ~ o. i SIGN 4 en CONC. CNN. s o~ a {ernes B5 zB3= SCALE 1"= 20' J WE i DROP 474- 1200 Gal. SEPTIC e• - TA 0 N) TANK G~ O W W Eo c E~ of J NO Sc 00 NO SCALE o IZ• 2 VINES J W `LEACHING e C. ~ 7o- I~YYAR9 A, JR W _ _ _ ll~~~ J A , E /A SECTIONS . rz J. cm~ n.... 1 ~3 239K COP,'71v1E_NTS : i c Q APPLICANT: HuILDINO ZONE' DISTRICT " A-C r a ax 1 ~ wrr~~ j l duuww ~ ROBERT OIDWELL ~f.Fa1.M raTEA r /aL 1 I T NORTH ROAD SCHOOL DISTRICT 9 SANITARY LEACHING CUTCNOGUC-, N. Y. 11995 POOL FIRE DISTRICT 29 f NOT TO SCALE 7 JoS&N..ax J Lu \ 1 ~ y tn O DATE REVISION - 3118194 SCDHS ADDITIONS d REVISIONS 4114194 REVISIONS p 3 3 SITE PLAA -7LAN 5116194 SEPTIC SYSTEM 816194 REVISIONS CORRECTIONS 8#S RE/VIS~7N Al/Ofd EDWARlJ A. y FC)R 918194 SCDHS ADD1 ST S &D RA /JA/ E S 1211519 SCDHS REVI ZU"OS,l(/, JR. - - - rJREV (RE yrj 41419 STRAP (NOISION V~A BID WELL 1, IN KIT CHENMOVE GREASE 7195 REVISIONS & T(V.'ILIY/©)7^I/UE 8//31 557320' W. 28206' new S• ZUHOSKI o rl eZ I ,7' °N WELL CAP GAL A T/~C~J/ O/~ l~GRADE TANK TO W/ V OF J OUT) /95 FOUNDATION LOCATION RRECTIONS m m w~ c,:.-XI 1 T Y, N Y V C r (i ~ ~ ~ z w POLLAK /FAMILY PARTNERSITY ?TNERSN1f' B/9'I6G,'.` TEST SUFFOLK C:.-)UNT' ASTU RATED NSF • PLTAE S APPROVED BLACK PVC 1000 - 96 - 04 - 4.3 CR n n 04-4.3 PI? 1 c,po ? CASYG r bEETS RSF 6 A5TM STANVAMS I Fpe~b.7(3, T1~ gr~? WATT 199",' y lI'alD~ M 607oao• ,F 0r TE57'ASTN RATED iV~~/, 1;~ 1JJi.! M 90' Aw^i FFn"04"]I.LACI! F'!C 1: 1995 LONCy ISLAND 6523' m r Pte, (s GPU I r P;_" ss S;ITar Aug. 14, 19--96; (.'s y~'i~oFNEwroq' 14, 1996 (Yliiai) RAIL 20 P£L - 20 PSI. DIFl Lizmn'L 1 LESS STEEL Sa,, 3' lcc!GTN 10i ?oc S(seta o-~cs~ aaj.ldET2G •ry- ROAD .'DD~. 5URVEY iY r' N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 49618 Scc,l?: Y'= 100' 'dance with the minimum WELL DETAIL o' 25' 50' loo' 200' Prrepared in accordance with th s - starndards for Lille surveys as ea surveys as established ! NO SCALE 1 f,~g516 ORS, P.C. by the L.I.A.L.S. and approved 'nd approved and adopted - 0 P. 09 ' for such use by The New York he New York Stale Land ~?n mr anon Tillle Association. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 90 - 1 y I I I I I I L I 1 FTC j F. G HED C f2 ZU,bj4F C RAVEL FAp-Y4N4LLrn' Silver & ~iskind 233 Park Avenue South New York, KY. 10003 Tel. (2f2) 477-1900 r" 1 Fax (212) 473-2780 ~Ra RADF:@ aax)iwm Immf.,K - (01, TYP, A/ Q ~J i i'KOPoSF.p Q~uI~PWC~ L,P, -J~i arm S71 ISM,, Sa...s.Un L'ulur & K,,,, ht STV Group S'717.Sum & V..... ~x'htlNl~ YIN}'PdiCJS. \ ~,o ~ ~Pz~ - ~ 1SrI~G engrneers/architect.s/planner.slsciemisrs/eo)Istracdnnnmma,gers innagers S719LWn L.w,mms ~ pjUILDIN(~ S7l' 6lnvmu.ww,d yt/ ~ F,f, E 0-0 5'71', l i hur, n . AP, STORMWATER ABSORPTIC ABSORPTION ~i ~ ~ / CDi'rRPJN~ Crr~PJµ~ J 1 L v^ Assumptions: umptions: PAW P5 i 1. Grassed/gravy Grossed/gravel area In depression, B T1 2' ± below sidewalk elevation 1 DWELL ' pi«N 2'± below side 2. Gross/gravel a Grass/gravel area not in colts., being It will wII~(&I infiltrate w/soil Infiltrate w/soil conditions as noted (see talc. CSR oR c EL~ I No. 1) No. l) ,rte ~ _ ~ 3, Sandy soil con( Sandy soil condltlons w/inflttration rate 6.5" per hour = 0.001 per hour = 0.00015 ff./sec Drawn By Date I ~ i I Checked By Date Issue Date ~ EDl~ OF G4N~~e~P~D ~ r cou¢TYARD Typical Section Scale i Key Plan . I Calculations: Compare Q for 5 year storm (acceptable Into soil) with Q actual with Q actual (field cond) - 1. Q5 yr. Area = ((20'x2') + (16'x2')) 2 144 s.f. = 0.0033 acres = 0.0033 acres -sidewalk area Q ~Vf [ c - run-off coefficient = 0.211 grass/gravel Iravel (Intensity) 15 yr = 6.0 in/hr, with 5 min. time of cane time of concentration JUL 2 5 1995 Q = CIA = 0.25 (6.0) 0A033 = LQM CFS 2. Q actual DID TOWN NNI GBOARD Area 16 x 2' = 32 ft. 2 - grassed area Infiltrate rate = 0.00015 ft/se,- Sheet Title :FS -Q = 32 ft,2 x 0.00015 ft/sec. = 0.0048 CFS Conclusion: ' pal N~~~: Q 5 yr = Q actual _25 Prnd.i(rm(e Semrh Ven )'nrA. A1' 10003 41. !11,1-7.4400 hu '171529 100 hu' 21215295237 } Project, No. 22(o3 r~l Sheet No. ' I i i ,lv4ccs I I s~~z~,Li L3drJS / _T I' l- KE,vr .2 3~1-T 15 1 Pcywz~ s/~~n jrt~ o i sc~tcE •o cozuM,cts `p ~ ~ 1 'I ~'~svH/~ TRi~.eaQeo 1 \ I ~I`dx R, laze H,~LU~Uj~.'?i62 I tq I GR-4 VGG a f=moo a age! ~~I J -z9~EO S5-C_71 eav 2 APR ~ 2 22013 PI~mm'!~amm Canal A/c) T 4LC ~KPoSE,~2__k,'O Z) ~'QJ~ (3d 2 Y .N//~-G_CO 4CFGY (/,u~,e/oe a.U,o ~cr>?FZ/orc.) k1~J ~~_.t~cirv~~+eoj~e~`ioN 7 nnn-O{i-nn- A 4 vv vt~.l dys , RE.-GI PROPOSED POLE BARN DATE` 2-8-13 o yo~~sF VINEYARD 48 CUTCHOGE-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD m . o •a NY SK1 v 40` wN 9 CHORNO ASSOCIATES ~ • •1~"jL erohRecfe. K SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1 - -WsxY.DaW I i _s~z Ll.AL/0 L3d~J5 / ~i ~21 \ Je/D6~ ~/E~cIT i 77 - Pcyvla s/~ebT~~ ~ i ~ I - ~4x ztd - - - - - - - 32 x U B - - 0 cc/ 4/m)~Ks 7. LI// ~tIA/ T /-CdA~Dl F ~ GR41/EG ~K. - /~,ic©~/c .I,vdGG i, ok/2 rp4/c. \(1 u y \}ly e~ J ~ LJ-.A. e r l 3 4 cam!, aGp' -¢1 g Ew p 'F 7p , ~i I''. ,II / s'_77c),, l-2 --i APR 222013 SOPL~1111L) IOWA Plaamm~ kianitl 164p--y wle-C CIO 1LA1-ER1Qe 4,-/,p ~Xr~Rr©~f2~ v/TH 3LL W x/"/20 CT/On/ j 6,E SJ'4/NE1} G~' / q~ cLLPiMEN7S ; 1,4104: ,--/eLy TO hf,~rc* 1000-AR-nc~ ~~RE~ Aqc _ _ e. CyU ;Y~jtL DATE: 2-8-13 Q m PROPOSED POLE BARN --VINEYARD 4$ CUTCHOGE - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 9r~ :o sts°'yo= NY Cp .N ENr^` SKI CHORNO ASSOCIATES r f V l'.~ !/w mhlteeb. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK q$ G C, 10 So \°pa, S`0 S° 0 aQ~as\Q qzz= F 0 \.t° cao \aoP,s~N\R~Cas \ µ~Fa~c\J` ~J 6a j' ~\o`ec\P eco~~\0pq, \ s~~~t 9~ ~Q°tt,°°pqS A. *s G ~jo'1 a S `tiS ~yot\" a•\"~ \ ~\J~m~A as \ SCALE . app' rat\OSGo9 saoc~\\q~\ \'c °°o9S• cV,Fat oFtO~ n`ct~ a~ A ,y G°tcaoQo pgSA 9itJCO°e° SAAB \ pLOCATION MAP \ j Ft~, ~t Ot \ P \ P \p0p 9 Jff ( - - - - ~Jt~z S o~ c ~t`aP t~S9 .~\\q~S \ ti~ta ~~S 9~Jt~ atop tt r oct"gyp G No 'k\` Ato 4,~,~ygao^6a`~ cs0\\\.A~ooc~t \9~'S 1Q C0°•°o6° A•\~~y1 / \9,S.~"OG 6,N1.15 \ o4~gyys\to^6p9 \ \at°c\to'OOtscs\`~~l\ ,fib \ °pAS/ Gw° p09 / dos ~o'1C~1 0 ey oyoe gS A.\j Cy\ct \`p L^otaa°`\ ~p P ae\\ a,S eta ~6, / G j bt`~o a /cget~tQ eb°`~t \\9SS / \ \ppp• ~ppp j / \o os° Ot y p\a s o d 'L'S A ` 'S .6Gotcbog qSA ~a N~ \es~aot`°oyesll ,-0 r~J col ~ ~Sab~pa ~,SS . \ Ft°y °'~aK / ao ~ \ °SeC~°~6~°Qt Oj~ "A rata a\~ G O°bt 5\~ 4\\q GS\S \`qS / / \ 1Q ~dao4~J q6 ab v `eS ~'~y`\S°\ n 1 \ppp 2 ~e,9CfOW ti~~p 96: ~p0 \ Gotc °qSA•\ ~ / / \ \ / ~ \ \aem00 \ "G Gao~O o3~e \\qSS p.\~ ~ - ~\oo~ j , \~o`e~s \ \ , / / C tcb~ qS \ pct G° \663 vAJp \ \ aQ-e °~r 4,~e btO ct ~ 5 \ \ \ J\ta e6teG°\\F-a`\93S o\ 't, lt6 e\g0 Jtc\\O% AA% / aQ4 ¢O~ ho4vJ~ ,ppp'°'6 \ ~ ~ 0`O 96' ~VG `p0°' \gti Job a tCo., e O eQ°v+ Sti `q 90 nat~,iJ `pp q6' Fl, p VG ~°SGa~\\ \ \ ¢°,~ya, V i e / Gastc c S ato~~~ o~ a ~5ti \ ,p aa` 5 es a e~° oti ~0 APR 2220,3 P°~'a~° y \p I O o6uc^~~ \\9 ti•\$b G\1.gSp\vc'~~b a•\ 0. \ cs ` to\` p\' ~.~ta p9 cat V bS' e 7.~n un~ Da. o 9 b / e v 0 P ~ GC`Oae qyS 52A Q3 ,~Jb°S \ ~ SoseQ" ~0 n Oe e. A. PO oma \G~~,o Go `p0 ` 0 Se,C'ba`~V-` 9yS ay'LS~,co6°°9/ .\r ac¢ .\ac ti / 1°Se~~° sA~t~~\ ~~Sti o~~ PR~P'0 656 3095Qt~ O R \ "~p°~~e. ob \ \ \Gv o00 ~Q 00, 5 ~'L ti°O o \a \ G 2 °s~Q o~,>>5 ~G oES ° ~ \\Co\ 4 Gos`¢\\o~ \QO~~ro~° \S~ Gul ~ G ~ \pOQ. ~EP~a 0 .~y KEY MAP DATE: - - re 'te'e' 2n VINEYARD 48 0ot°oG~a~~~l \\~'s v'^ojgj5°:'oer TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY SK2 TF 0 N J CHORNO ASSOCIATES ~0' nohfM . SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK z ' G SSr~t.~°i )lG ¢E~S O S\ °i S° GOS ~r og6.v0 \Z R 0 roQ \,\'G t J9 a" Q `si e `Gas \ 4oQsµ~~P"~ ~a^,\645 0` o\ caeoo~.` tp0,~° ~ t \9~ raQ°~ pOgS T O / O Ooy a S LLL111,,y5 °~w. 0.\~\aotJ`~" to SCALE r , eaw O id 3w C\0 Go 9Go~cb\°°°p `ate \ G1PQc-,OP~coa °qS A• \ ~J¢ LOCATION MAP tO 9~°ccPF`~'r°~' \q3S 'y\4a S \ ai c y et\y~' q~ \\~j'7 \on~ \c b \ ey ry^. eo oc, Q- ago mcstJ`~A~bacO\\q'S QG°tc•°o6SA•\9i.y'L / .~`~cr ~'Je cj6 A~\\ SeQ~bytsti06a9 pV1,s ~'~ba9 Go yba t L~ a¢O a,S SG°teb qg:/ ,~,\y\cc \ / \ ~'~t'sa 96 oo 9b, \ \ppp. \sh°c~` \\9S5 / se\o~ rospPpt qSS S~°~o\i0 ,a~ .\a5S A 90 no ~ ~ Op\y \.y'LS ~'o6oc, A.\~'L~ Q. ` ,~Jb ~ 9a Q eat`\am G° \°pOAS ~f` ~ / \\l\l cat b a1N \q~ GSh.Q\° \ ,SS / ~ ' / \ 40 J`G,~o4~ b ~ 6 ~ ltS ~~a `,5p G\ Oc °~3\S \ aF S\S ~ \ q / / / \ G ,009 2 , ry~ / \ 9S / ~ \ \ --y-/may \ WQ 00 c~,Q \1 \\qSS ~\O `et`5 ( \ / ~ p(c.Nea G°\cb \0°°q ~ 0Ar OP es' S `l\ ati \ \a~°`Y` g6ti PVC IZI 1e°~ ,g'L Jett A~\ \ ¢5ti ,01 ~Ro op FF~"oho~'o pq6~ p / S ~Jt~b / Gate\\O~~G a`e~ ~GG~4 ~a \ \ cc \aa\e¢°,ya, wG . rese s \qSS Pr e~aa ee~e ~ ~1 4 ~9`pC~' G,~S5~4o°`~'qba•\a ~ et\es~~~'\ APR 222013 C'~ 00, 01 6~1 poz aaG,~e q~S fM1,11, d \ bQaJ v 52 P vJb \°seQ ~p 9 PAS go- ~kt. W,5 do ~ 0 3 c9s sPGbo\`'~~ qyS a6q'S cb°~'Jpq/ Q a0P a ~a 'L ao ~ P~aS~;~ o6,e, qb 5~ \ \ / ~ ~ / RP~L a S°J G cs° ag ~S \ PEO qA KEY MAP DATE: - - 'IV C, cJS`e\\0 ~5 c, SCALE:1--iW-C F' o: VINEYARD 48 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY SK 2 9T.°jgj5° 'y°2 CHORNO ASSOCIATES ~o F ~ ~rc~K~cb. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~ I I f \ I~ t ~ \ ~ I ~rtira r~T,s 44 --r I RED 6E ~%E,c/T ~ I /2 - p~Ue~if. 1 ~IZ~R f i ~ r iL~- ~ C3R4 VE.G. ~g-_ " v=-,W.4GL ZKt2-tout. p 31 NOTE ~ fFLC.~rCFCkS~~=1~f~d . - - - -_~~sY 1~s~/cC._c-Q~-r'/°G 4' /xlJS,?KiC .4i-/A Ex R/O/L / ~ ~ ~LZ,TF7-TLC WJrV7~P_~p~CT?Q,1/ ~~F-: p.4RKli.Q~y jD_hLdTC~i' ^I^1 mix/ 1~i~ ~~[a~srrCG.din,G ~ h ~ ~J G~~IIIIII11I~~~lul Ai~I~n nn w~ • ~ APRil2uia luuu tf2 S BRED Aq -I ci~w DATE: -8-13 PROPOSED POLEMRN VINEYARD 48 N' t CUTCHOGE - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 9r' P siS~~ NY 6 of NVE+ CHORNQ ASSOCIATES i SK1 ;d SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK- - 199.86' m~ . s.c ~av R F 5789.59' l i L 679.53' y soP"` _ • , u - - WELL rill x 3/.60' i ~ u 29/.94' I OIF E. • G an u ZUn'7SK1 , R. EXISTING SINGLE VO y o/ vlns u FAMILY ~0 V ro rLSC DIfELLUJG j 1 p fv uR O 613 %tN ~ \ 1°n y Z DWELLING 1i c N/0/F ' - ! c`~ c,+' m 25 I a.~.S e`( pf• co C m-HELIh'SKI } end dt~ m DWELLING Zo LOT 2 / - -p ' i Acre, m 0.9)83 Ac m o 401001 sq.!!.'O I I - ---jy------- p O ? - N/O/F !000-96-04-4.2 ~ n \ - \ c ° ` res ewvMC m Z EDWARD A., IR cow- C ZUHOSKI & a N. 52'Si'40' E. 198.59' /m 8 u 's \ s/,na 6 1 S~RCEc.e I IN JOSEPH S. ZUHOSK/ Y ! OWE °Crssra x_ • LEAD" ton. o •vt \ /cxc r"iar S • 1 - _J DWELLING \ LOT 1 fF~ n`+ N 1 I `Pe ~~I tell O s m N/O/_ a a \AREA= 14.952 ACRE! u JOSEP H JR ZUHOSK/ " \ 1000-96-4-4.3 & SHE/LA ZUHOSK/ a 651,309sq.ft _ m ?ELL - ~ / N T ti ? i~ DWELLING O tp `~A ~ N N 45 N N/O/F \ \ +s_ _ _ _ J EDWARD A. , JR. ZUHOSK/ - _ _ - ' - ti 5..55'4320' W. 282.08' cxrr JOSEPH S. ZUHOS/ cc w m Cn O VACANT IV p . w o N/O/F o ~ POLLAK FAtii:?.Y PARTNERSHIP cps •dy~= v/ncs 4 ~•c VACANT T uav ~ 60%030' W ~ot.k p MMe LO N + 655.23' we ~r1 C SOF N MET2 ] 201`' p >O , APR ' q~,- * 4 * - E _ PEA l~/ ce) CO.. O obi Y \ Co N F3 co Ir C:) o ~ o F- N z a :cc LL U o ~ I Q O O co z co W 00 U2z i \ J~O Q°o \}W1' r°n . W WUr z 0 It - 0p ? U d>U ~i a v 4 -44 • Sao 6 t _ F.._ ~3a S~ t I i M 2-0 o ~-CLZAM a;'arTs d RIOGF- I/EA1 T ,r_gSJt3f,~ d~ f~i.N6GES ~ - . L x r. -C----- ~i -Vtsr"ry/~ /A-re0W f AE;D ~s~ ~ 1A(l 1th R/b~t' .Q, f 1 _ if i~ 01 Ca +VG . WACG ~ ` R O,1 L 4 _l tl ~ - - _ _ _ .LOO ~c sac u-r~?~- ~-r~~s~ , "C'7<9' 4 GLCsS_ l/U<21? s2,TY ty/_~L J"G Y TAR e 4,c1.0 ici s~-~~6 -r, ~ r azric of G E 0 WE D uu FEB 222013 Southold Town Planning Board RED q REir ? • 22- l.3 ~ ~5~~~ PROPOSED POLE BARN DATE: 2-8-13 L 4 VINEYARD 48 CUTCHOGE - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -079150. NY OF CHORNO ASSOCIATES archltacta. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK i \ i ' y`c, ~t° y, yfl~~ h f °O o~ost{l` ~ . y\dti b ~A ~ybQ T a W S`td' '10 \ C c~ V N\ dP~ SCALE t. OW Y n ~ Sry \ ~ ~~°~oS~ t'L ro6'~ qSA~/ / \ J 0`0~tos S A• ff~ LOCATION MAP G~ t~j fttZ atJdt~ \ F \e9 v ti,0 6`'S,yc S ~aJ~ ` Soo ~ p ~p ~~,t+SSq ~l ttgSS ~ \,~,tt9~p,4 ,~\,_'SS S,p$SO ~ . oCt~t~ ryQGeP $ti1 ,F`2\t"oSG ;C1 ,S~\ ~ o~~s~^bp9 a / \`at"g t tib ~9 G tcf~ LL~ Ao0 AS S / by .ac Aj t tc` / Ot ~:OAb •yG`bt°° qS &driQ'CI\~O~ \\q~S e#~96A j SOO ,~Sy 9 0 e L 55 oa ~rog`d CO 'a 5 / Sic a'~5 ~-O O r~ e\5 T\1 A G / ~ Cam` 9S / / Qto9e\o~~' / ld ~cQ off' e of '4o~•PO~ A6 ~ ~s'~4-y\•y \ ~qsA \~c~~,c•gs~`taryA R ~ ~ \ ~ \ 1 / \_h 1 `~i a ` \ / \ \ qS Soo C„c`ttta tg9S ~tS ~5 q~~ A:1' \ °\~•q5 # ~oS oGr1~ 9~5 \ \ 0 ~c,PO'ti 0.~~ 1`9Sry \ G4G$~~y,~ 96A~. \ ae0 \ Uat6 v c'^'`c\to~ atop a 9S~ \ . ~ ~ 4gt~S(t, o~~~as yttq~s G~c o~~~4 d 1 ~G~ob°S \ ts\ y bd'1o~9 ` 1&J\.119 Vol s pp 96 ~~os~t ~~,eQt Ak. A. O`9 SOG Jc~ tSb ti~ .15~ b~/ \ \ = ~c5, y ? 0 53 \ ~aS `rob° qb. 0~ ~ca`c '0 ~O N _eA' cop" ,gyp RP~~ P~Q \ f 'C~a~w \a• FEB 222013 Sauthaltl Tawn BlanninA Baa~tl `'c \a~ c~ O~ 3 03W,$ 9S^ t1y \\9~S \ COacb°q' °ti ~~PED ARC~`i Y M DATE: VINEYARD 48 SK 2 l \ T L TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY 9T~.: ~ 7 p 15o'.y0 CHORNO ASSOCIATES .R SOUiROID, NEW YORK