HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) GERARD GOEHRINGER, residing at 1305 Bayview Avenue, Mattituck, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District and am over the age of 18 years. That on the 17`h day of July, 2013, I posted two (2) copies of the Notice of Budget Vote of the Mattituck Park District, a copy of which is annexed hereto, in two (2) public places in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as follows: 1. Bulletin Board, Handy Pantry, 12250 Route 25, Mattituck, NY; and 2. Window, Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, NY. That on the 19`" day of July, 2013, I posted one (1) copy of the Notice of Budget Vote of the Mattituck Park District in one (1) public place in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as follows: 1. Bulletin Board, Orlowski Hardware, 320 Love e, Matti k, 2Z Gerard Goe ~ngl°r Sworn to before me this ~ Isf day of July 2013. -1 ~1 otary Public aiusrn~e Postee naarv wbuc. star d1Yw Wk No. 01F06177911 Qoaireea m S~AIMc a>uMy Commission Fxpims Novrmber 19, M STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) LYNNE KRAUZA, residing at 4306 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District and am over the age of 18 years. That on the 17"' day of July, 2013, I posted three (3) copies of the Notice of Budget Vote of the Mattituck Park District, a copy of which is annexed hereto, in three (3) public places in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as follows: 1. Bulletin Board, United States Post Office, 140 Love Lane, Mattituck, NY; 2. Bulletin Board, Capital One Bank, 245 Love Lane, Mattituck, NY; and 3. Bulletin Board, Mattituck-Laurel Free Library, 13900 Main Road, Mattituck, NY. ynne Krauz Sworn to before me this 1 g` day of August 2013. IQ otary Publ c umtsrn~ Aosr~ Notary Polk, Sta4arNMMi - No.01f06177911 QualMktl M Sulkk Q1111M Canmivclan E~Maf NOM•Il~14 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Mattituck, Long Island, New York August 8, 2013 We, the undersigned appointed election inspectors hereby certify the following results of the votes cast on Thursday, August 8, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York, 11952, to approve or disapprove the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014. Number of Voters Registered 7 ~lo~ Number of Ballots Cast J~ Number of Poll Votes Cast 3~ Number of Absentee Ballots Received Y" Number of Affidavit Ballots Votes in Favor of the Budget 0?6 Votes Against the Budget l~ Number of Void Ballots Signed: ~ lg--,~-~'w~- ~/"-~.c_ ~wa~ 'l Theresa Kuhn di~ ora, Election Coordinator Christine Elliot L n ~ rauza, ecr t ry #11277 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 3 week(s), successfully commencing on the 25~h day of July, 2013. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this ~ ~ day of 2013. - re~c xoncE MAT1T1e~2K.•1lt~itx a187rs[cr;, NOTII,'~QF$IIpGETVOTE : NOTIC$,~4 ~~G retig', wep, o -pre. ~y~FTlipler 9?A'gl,tbe Laws of the State 9/Nevi YoSk, 1.981, as amend- / eiaia~totlae 9ttgelatal y9lan ott4e II vAJ`//j &Y ~etA 2~U13~ V ~ wu1 wre IV~' p4tre6amStWD to 8.'00pm,alika HRISTINAVO INSKI Maplpttt Park bMM Office, etMasN NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK fFvw11Z80 Pocode Bq 11oa- No. O l V061 05050 Nrard,llLttllock,NewY9rk, for We pan pane at rotlag oa tbp prypnPSd.Oadyt 9ualiiled in Sutfolk County PorlYaial yeart1114.--, ~ My Commisslon Ezplres February 2a, 2016 Applicatloaa,:for,labugtee ballots may be obtained •at Use same location oa M9gdaya,111esdays aadFddays, !se• twaen 9 a.m. and l.p,m,.Theatgea[as ballot appUcatioltrmuat be reaived~. by t49~Dittsiat Clerk at least seven (7) days pp19F.14~lte vote'twAlneetiag if tgl,bM- lot b tobetnailad to tha,v9ter, ~ tba day before such vote and meeting i[ the ballot µ to be delivered personally to We voter or his.agent.-~ The ballot itsgU must eiNer~be da4v aced to the Mattituck Park District qo. Iatn., ,t. C tba~t s a• tM day befoie the•vota and received ask later tban tba 7t6 day a[ter.the vols. Evmyresident who eheUbave raddad•' is tho. Mattltuclc Pgrk Aiatrict for a perl+ od of thirty (30) days nert piecediag Ws , election, and whose name and addrem it within Use boundaries of the Mattituck Park District ae set forth oQ the SuSolk County Ao#iQ9.f.'Pii9cll~ Y9tsPda&s•-'~ Iration lis°Uag shall ba guali(sed to vote The Conunjss4p~eryry}}{~;~lia`Mattituck Pazk Distric! Have e'ulimstted"the fol=' lowing estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year end p~oposp the,eame as Bald budget: ? i 3 ~ { t ES'[~sTF'~OFEBPENDITLtRES ` OF PARHDI9TRICT ~ ' - COMMISSIONElt3.2014 AAOroprlatloaa Payroll ~ jt-S2,03,400 Fringe Benef@s 29,000 Site Improvements 123,600 Equipment 29,000 Supplies & Materials 36,000 Utihdea -qtt a z 3~t ° 1QA~ Inaurance~-'r' °.,'21000 FE?a~iWin~~~(f~l~,r~'..st'~~,,~~µa,y~~YJ...,..,.... n'1Wt~9lA•~gA• Y •'1'~iMN- u Y'i Legal COltateL , ,s. m l0,Ot10: Contingency ~A..tlri~~edrR~~ eapu a ~;'~..sj]A,275 Interest&Earob[gs~.;3. 2,091-,. - Miscellaneous/ .:.r:;,.r 21.78¢.. Facility Regtab Total Revenues ,+,'i.. 34.435 Less: Appropriated; 's-; :,:e: Fund Balapce, ,,;try:. Bt1.930 Amomt to be ' raised by ta?ua 5404.860 ~BY ORDER OF TfiE. BOARP.OF COMMISSIONERS Gerard Gcebtigger, Chabperson Nicholas Deagaa, Commissioner -Russell WiUiams9n, Cotnmiesioner - • Lyaao~Ktaaxa, Secetary STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) LYNNE KRAUZA, residing at 4306 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District and am over the age of 18 years. That on the 16`h day of October, 2013, 1 posted one (1) copy of the Notice of Election and Meeting of the Mattituck Park District, a copy of which is annexed hereto, in five (5) public places in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as follows: 1. Bulletin Board, Mattituck-Laurel Free Library, 13900 Main Road, Mattituck, NY; 2. Bulletin Board, Handy Pantry, 12250 Route 25, Mattituck, NY; 3. Bulletin Board, United States Post Office, 140 Love Lane, Mattituck, NY; 4. Bulletin Board, Capital One Bank, 245 Love Lane, Mattituck, NY; and 5. Window, Orlowski Hardware, Love Lane, Mattituck, NY. Lynne Krauz Sworn to before me this 213. b LZ±day 77 Notary b Flit^n' ;ork ~pt~j STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Lydia Tortora, residing at 4305 Breakwater Road, Mattituck, New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District and am over the age of 18 years. That on the 16th day of October 2013, 1 posted one (1) copy of the Notice of Election and Meeting of the Mattituck Park District, a copy of which is annexed hereto, in one (1) public place in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as follows: Window & Clerk's Bulletin Board, Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, NY Lydia ortora SV9gm to before me this / {'kday of 2 13. Notary u Notary Futr!!! " ~w York rs,. QUR~ <n yY ~OUltry Commrssiou lx{;lrt r c., G4 l'1 ~U1y LEGAL NOTICE MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION AND REGULAR MEETING NOTICE is hereby given, as prescribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended, of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 14th day of November 2013. Voting will take place from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Blvd., Mattituck, NY 11952 for the following purpose: 1. To elect one (1) Commissioner for a three-year term commencing January 1, 2014, and expiring December 31, 2016. 2. To conduct such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Regular meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. Nominations shall be submitted in petition form and must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the Mattituck Park District, and filed with the Clerk of the District, at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Blvd., Mattituck, New York, not later than 2:00 p.m. on October 30, 2013. Petition forms are available for pick up at the Mattituck Park District Office on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Each petition must state the name and address of each signer. Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the same location and times. The absentee ballot application must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the election and meeting if the absentee ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before such election and meeting date if the absentee ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Every resident who shall have resided in the Mattituck Park District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the election, and whose name and address is within the boundaries of the Mattituck Park District as set forth on the Suffolk County Board of Elections voter registration listing, shall be qualified to vote. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Gerard Goehringer, Chairperson Nicholas Deegan, Commissioner Russell Williamson, Commissioner Lynne Krauza, Secretary TIMES / REVIEW NEWSPAPERS ADVERTISING INVOICE 7785 Main Rod. P.O. On 1500 _ Mattituck" 11952 awwrEnwo 1631129133290 10 17 2013 MATTIT CK PARK DIST-LGL wr y nwe W r~vwxr • 0 70.03 Net due u on recei t ww.r W vn Federal Tax 19132921229 .ccw.n..w um nmvse •wrrucr.ouo Inv: 124861 MATTITUCK PARK DIST-LGL TIMES / REVIEW NEWSPAPERS VOUCHER -MATT PARK DIS Tunes/Review Newsgroup 1 10 17 2013 PO BOX 1413 P.O. Box 1500 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 Mattituck, NY 11952 (631)298-3200 206733 PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE WR XFWNee no4VMCr YYCMrrUn aCCY .rCWIxYn YII rW[. NX tlpIO WJIWf no -W rwcamx wrnrc.r®nwmox wro un „ Affidavit Fee 10.00 10/17/13 1689980 11384;MTG & ELECTION;58L/3X 1 SUFF TIMES Legal Ad 1.000 60.03 70.03 - NOtTCE Y+ ~'EI.ECI1 NOTICE is hereby Stvep; tEt, . emtbed by Chapter 9y1 or the rya of Your 1991 at nded;bEssalu . d~yyee voFui o[ the DG hard on tho 1, My -ofNovember2013 Votlugwilltak. "-ftos'4:O0pm.tc p.m.,Euone 14111• tyle0,lLpgattha memorial park. 11Aria299 Pa : sy Blvd, Manttoct, NY NY 11952 • ftfoll Blvd., Mandluck, NY 11952 • Owing purpaee: fortheroO thrq-year term wmmandng January 1, 791, 4, e~u~g December 31;2016.:._ Z'fti wad" ircl9ueh'odIsT bueiam s aYjr coda before the mooth% I neetlh ` aW tlog at 7:W 11414., ' - ilode' e' ahsu be `subminpd to Pod* loss ry.A" Of.NM2~4attltuet Pads Dhtticl, aodEled with the C%ofl:1 1!ie District, at the mod" Pick DMtri&Oak •yetanm Manmlal Park,11280 PecoddBay BWd:, '211YtW13'I4NewYOCY mt later thae,00 ps,4400cmber 0012013; Petition imm41 Pwkritip at of Maalmde Park DLirlbuict ct OP Oi9ce,r tia MOdd'ay,`h4ad fcsimuy,9 ` Earylacdpeo0tlo11muu state the 41ddfpp peh ~A"' awlPNed~ tlooiTM~i4aitoteebaimasy b atttheftim lomam and +bmctke'1bk11oi-appge}rym Pay this amount? 70.03 STSTann or 41009E 1lstbo a ceivedtry ih ,DbMd C k*ef aItW~3ahO~sW~ta,9~t mo.ro ,wr.ao Wr70 n. baauTiTp MIrIWrINYYa11_v~rv 4ha `wn TIMES/ REVIEW NEW!dpbdcw madg rlow The Suffolk Taw nu Mee a..e ra w ls. dome It aM ~py ja v as San ShMM island Resnais wM .Plim uedpmaowiy maibilr. `J }`fits ImlxYrr41a Every reaTdeu whoshaBhkver6dded in the Mattituck arlt District fora pen e v , od otthirty (301. ys aext proeeding the w~aae 'tl a waw.nnv .o-..anennr yr wwn b v,v. , cvn„r nnw 12 1 electiod, and W wme and address is - 206733 206733 MATTITUCK PARK DIST-LGL 124861 •ithm Ne bo' 'or the•Msttlmck•. Po*pbtricts t wthootha Suffolk I' Couaty Board ~fElochoasAOte{TCgiw... ytratlOd' be haled to vote. ' YORDEROFTHE • BOARD COMMISSIONERS .4141 icho ' ce m Tom iaaner... Gerard . Russell WlWemaon, Commi41sioner lyme!(reuta; Secretary (11366:3T 10/17.9L•11/i MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Mattituck, Long Island, New York November 14, 2013 We, the undersigned appointed election inspectors hereby certify the following results of the votes cast on Thursday, November 14, 2013 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York, 11952, to elect a Commissioner for a term of three (3) years, term commencing January 1, 2014, and expiring December 31, 2016. Number of Voters Registered D Number of Ballots Cast Number of Poll Votes Cast S~ Number of Absentee Ballots Received Number of Affidavit Ballots Votes for John Cleary, Commissioner Votes for Michael Ryan, Commissioner- Write-in votes for Commissioner Number of VOID Ballots 3 Signed: Diane Cotugno L is Tortore, Election Coordinator Theresa Kuhn oy.nrauza, Secr ary Christine Elliot everly Vlcek