HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-38.-6-9 , OFFICE IACATION: O~~OF SOMAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex p P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 l~r lr[ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) H Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: December 6, 2013 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for MINNIGAN FAMILY TRUST, c/o JOHN MINNIGAN & JoANNE LAPP,TRUSTEES SCTM#1000-38-6-9 En-Consultants on behalf of MINNIGAN FAMILY TRUST, c/o JOHN MINNIGAN & JoANNE LAPP, TRUSTEES requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit for the as-built 68.5' vinyl retaining wall with 6.7' and 5.4' returns in-place of timber retaining wall and returns. Located: 580 South Lane, East Marion. SCTM# 38-6-9 It is my recommendation that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with LWRP Policy 6.3 (below) and therefore, INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. A. Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction 1. Comply with Trustee regulations and recommendations as set forth in Trustee permit conditions. The structure described was not constructed pursuant Board of Trustee re -ew or a Chapter 275 Wetland Permit or Chapter 111 Coastal Erosion Permit In the event that the action is approved, it is recommended that the Board further the blow listed sub-policy by designating the existing vegetation between the bulkheads and retaining wall as a landscaped buffer or nonturf, vegetated buffer in the decision and any subsequent permits. E. Maintain buffers to ensure that adverse effects of adjacent or nearby development are avoided. 1. Maintain buffers to achieve a high filtration efficiency of surface runoff. 2. Avoid permanent or unnecessary disturbance within buffer areas. 3. Maintain existing indigenous vegetation within buffer areas. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney i { 1 (+1v"A Town of Southold E~"r LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS I. All applicants for perm its' including Town of Southold agencies, shall com plete this CC A F for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold W aterfrool Consistency Review Law. This assessor eat is intended to supplem ent other inform ation used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or no,,, then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be explained in detail Ifstin both su ortin and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent ith the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: o ine at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Offic the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION E C SCTM# 38 - 6 - 9 PROJECT NAME Mini an Family Trust NOV 1 4 2013 e): ;~sr The Application has been submitted to (check appropriats lsl, Town Board El Planning Board El Building DeBoard of Trustees Category of Town of Southold agency ction (check ecate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by T agencital ? vity, a ncy regud transaction) ? construction, planning acti (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loa ,subsid262013 (c) Permit, approval, license, certificatio : s Nature and extent of action: eg existing 68.5' vinyl retaining w and 5.4' res which are located partially on property owned by the Old Orchard omeownees Association, In HA) and which were c)nstruc in place of a previously existing timber retaining wall and returns at the time theadjacent 15n ead owned by OOHA was reconstructed pursuant to Town Wetlands Permit No. 7464 and Coastal Erosion Management Kermit No. 7464C, all as depicted on the land survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor, last dated June 20, 2012. I 1 1 Location of action: 580 South Lane, East Marion Site acreage: 11,378 s.f. Present land use: Residential, single-family dwelling with dock Present zoning classification: R-40 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Minnigan Family Trust; c/o John Minnigan & JoAnne Lapp, Trustees (b) Mailing address: 42 Yale Place Rockville Centre, NY 11570 (c) Telephone number: Area Code 516-374-2561 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ? No El If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. E]Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable t • 11 Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ? No ? Not Applicable As stated on the LWRP Consistency Form submitted with the application for reconstruction of the primary bulkhead, which was approved and executed pursuant to Town Wetlands Permit No. 7464 and Coastal Erosion Management Permit No. 7464C, the existing, developed site is surrounded by bulkhead in both directions and has been improved with and supported and protected from flooding and erosion by a bulkhead at the toe of the embankment since prior to 1977, and the project maintained this existing condition through the ordinary and routine in-place replacement of bulkhead and retaining wall. There was no viable non-structural alternative means of maintaining and protecting the vegetated embankment and upland portion of the parcel in its current location. Therefore, the project with the reconstructed retaining wall remains consistent with Policy 4. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ? No ? Not Applicable The project with the retaining wall remains consistent with Policy 5 to the extent that both the existing treated timber bulkhead and treated timber retaining wall were replaced with untreated vinyl sheathing. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable J 1 Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes El No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable PREPARED BY TITLE coastal M mt. Specialist DATE 11/12/13 Robert trmann Amended on 811105 P I ~ J h f' ' J !6 C x]. m f • I~ • 1 ~n . .s rc. xo. mr ? O fJ f F J O .r.m..vrn f { J a C ~ Of } P f a .ems ? } f s } fs f o J fA J• P f a f Y•5 m A Y mm s a • -0 A? ^A a P A a A } 9 b' © ~ s F6 e vawnr.c .9' ~ LoY j!._ n~~ - - ~ ~ xorca CWNIYOF SUFFOLK © • o vnxm ucro.ro TY~6?e?rv^Iw~aSF~M'1 , e . 38 MINNEGAN FAMILY TRUST. 580 SOUTH LANE, EAST MARION 1~vr,c „l aY VC ~ ~ ~ I i of o Ltd'; Figure 1. Looking northeast along top of existing vinil retaining wall from southwesterly property, line. loin kr. I R l r •yc A we e -04 tk 7,, N-V r"»c~" 4j4A'S?C+1M,AI,.Q a ~'Eri~ Y ,~.eRG+ ~~I++WJl" w {~7E~ Y ypa 1. ppSm+rr~Y An \ ~~~y 4r b~~~ ,~VY.51 p~;~~[~~J~•~ ~ J~1J1~@5c , ~C^'-y sC~~ - - •2tr~' y and ~ L ~ ~ a i i hs. i "a'~- ~ t *s s~' a ~ ~ _ IMP r• i h ~ fi ~ r8~ i 9yz a o•- f3. `sFS~'.,~4.._~"-F~ Figure 1. Looking northeast along face existing vinyl retaining wall from westerly property line. MINNEGAN FAMILY TRUST. 580 SOUTH LANE, EAST MARION v Ufa ~ - ¦ ~r fa ~r'~ ~ ~ Syr S , rr ;K to = z ~ c <.Q„ ~ ;,,7v ~ 1 fir r?~°~ csi , `i FA /r y. dims- .i °y`ny, -aAvj r•{~~ y yaL Fd i F ~EyP ~s•~S~'+ ~~jP/~.~i ~ f44~~ ~~di ~M 9,•'4~i+ E 4~ 9~~,fi`~` ~ Irbp f? 'a~~~"-'fir ,1~~' •f X77. .rte, f>r t' a6 / l 11kPP f~ cu i or . rT 1E.., 4 ;4-4 F1 IMF fWA ~y 1 ffr -+w- re; t it i j I t I 1 f/ ~4/f r, Figure 3. Looking southwes7 along face existing vinyl retaining wall from easterly property line. TI r _ I ~ ® f ~7~rti Nip r: L r y I •4 1 ~ ~ ys t 1 lu.. `L II . k . s~„~ {nc~Cp'' • j7r 1,1'.'/N,i~'r'gy~ 'fi ! At J T :Ay~'• ~E~~"+~+ql(T,~ M~a.. 98 '~'AQ.C,jYj _R % % I<~A ~ ~ - ~YL).. MA , fir. Jr.." nE lid. t(V?':., ! Figure 4. Looking northwest toward dwelling at face of existing vinyl retaining wall. SURVEY OF PRO L' PROPERTY SITUATE 'DATE EAST MARIC MARION TOWN OF SOUTF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NI NTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-3f 1000-38-06-09 NOT TO SCALE 0 SCALE JUNE 20, 2012 !0, 2012 \09 F AREA = 11,378 sq. f 0.261 ac. 11,378 sq. ft. 0.261 ac. ~ O • p6 yA CERTIFIED TO: . John Minnigan & JoAnne Lapp as Minnigan Family Trust u/a dated is Lapp as trustees of the ;t u/a dated April 2, 2012 p ep MD KL :VO 13 ~o b:. O COs G m? ~O, c o Y,. ,I 9t r° cq a~ N apt ro ryMO s~ q{ Oo'sZ r~Y' u ~b',9 ,y ~ % 'g Ot0 b9 O J. N 5¢ N ~,yi tP r ~ p Awl Nry~,Fa ,v SPY OT' 01 o / ,tip Y 41 O as* ~o~~~gs O'p o4p0`~Y PREPARED IN ACCOROM \1 EPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM 11 STANDARDS MR TITLE 5 M THE USE . AND A WDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED THE LI.A.LS. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED O FOR SUCH USE THE N. 1TILE ASSOCIATION. R SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND LE ASSOCIATION. ySPtE OF , R777 ,~ptE ~F NEW ,y F 5 FT }O \ COQ 'f7 7F ~,tS' 2e dW 7F 2e a "r r, ~1 LS N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 TO THIS SU UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION Nathan a~ TO THIS SURVf.Y IS IS A A NOTATION OF SECTION 7209 LI OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION ON w. in Taft Corwin III C Land S COPIES OF uF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE I-AND SSE SURVEYORS INKED SEAL and Surveyor EMBOSSED NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAULID D TRUE COM CERTIRCATONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN S'UCCeeeo! TO Stanle J Issor To Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. LS. ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY beeplt A 15 PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE JDeeph A Ingegno L.S. TITLE COMPANY. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND T1Ne Sump - Subdivisions - LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON. AND - Subdivisions - Site Plons - Construction Layout TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- PHONE (631)727-2090 TU ION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. 27-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS OFFICES LOCATED AT TED AT MAILING ADDRESS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF 1588 Main Road Road P.O. Box 16 ANY. NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. JamespoH, New York 11947 'ark 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 32-115 REVISIONS TRUMB SET 0123/2 99 V ~g`-- O -N y M G ~ w p y rrlI- rl a x ~ EL.14U c, _._EL9.8' EL. 9 0' EL 9.0' :IySE® SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSH SCALE: 1/4" = 1' S SCALE: 1/4" = P W ~ z Qo Q c°-, w W x C~1 ~ o w~ Z, r ^~-~rr= ~1' =F--lF-l E ~Z z O ~ Z _.-__EL 14.0' r O< C) F- }h O W v N N N N ~ -EL2 11 _ I I~ I EL. 2.1' DRAWN: MH/MS SCALE: 114"=F-W' EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION pROPOSEC 'OSE® NORTH ELEVATION Na°mbe,15,2013 SCALE: 1/4= 1 SHEET NUMBER S SCALE: 1/4" A-1 REVISIONS TRUE ES SET 01232009 VA~'RAP~ Q U y ~ m n c c m EL 14.0' x5 ~ Z L66' PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = V r A ~ oz o° Q~ > r V oW x ~Z ~ a} oZ x a~z =a Q< :52 a< _._EL 9.8' m ' EL 66' DRAWN: MH IMS EXISTING EAST ELEVATION JOB Navembc, 15, 2013 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' SHP.ET NOhB3ER: A-2 It VI ONs TRUSfEESW 01/23/2009 I~ .iM'iMA VI ~ F F-71 I IIn - III ! I I~ V. III I II !VI III ViI !IV! II VI IIII IV VLlV~UII BLIdlJ19 VIu ni Ilc I ~~I II~~ m ml 1 7 zl- Ilx~`ti OI II I I ~ 'v II °I III _rj I I ~ II r4r II I II III - - nI~r)nr~nc~~ MCC \A/CCT M CIA-rTnik1 I I q I rwrvOw vvL-~- LJ V V LJ I LLL V M 1 I%-JIM I I ® o z SCALE: ij SCALE: !M" V h i ~ eW I rT-l II P.-( w II ~ II `I II II~~ ! I ~nl III IIII III 9 I I~ VI I V! IVI III III III 111 III IIII IIII 111 I III _u I nun ! III IIII III VI 1111111 III IVI IIII III i ullull~~ ~I I I °W U N EL 92 i DRAWN: MH/MS SCALE I/V=I'-0" / rv4~.-rrn ~r I A \AIIr-~ rl r\ IATT/!A! i.nA r-X Il:) i I IVt- VVc~ VV6,T I EELEVH I ON Nm~eribnxL. Ol7 / SCALE: V, SCALE: 1/4" = i' ! I Vz P I Q_-I l l a ~ ~ REVISIONS TRUSTEES SFf 01/2 32 0 0 9 47'-0V2" 16'-0" 20'-1112" 10•_11• 5'-5 5•_51/z" 5._51 21120 rl ? 9'-4 3/" g'-43/n„ N+ w w 0 MINE: E: u ~ EXISDTING HOUSE STRUCTURE TO - 10 < BE R BE RAISED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION I ' w - OF• NO 7A R ° REMOVE EXISTING FOUNDATION REBUILD (SAME FOOTPRINT) WITH B" THICK POURED CONCRETE ON U REBUILD - U 8' d ~ EX DECK O O' C Ib' 16 XB" CONC. FTG. w/ (2) N5 RESAR , MIN. 3' BELOW GRADE 'x" • N• Z UNFSEMENT m rv STORAGE ONLY R 2820 ¢ U n N N y N b iV IXIQg(Qp~ EEL2C0L0U COLUMN wC -ED 36 x36 MASON AND GC TO VERIFY (3)#5 "X1 " CON C. W I GC TO LL f ' , r w~ (3) #5 0.EBAR EACH WAY W I wi - AND HEIGHTS _ m 'u v Al DIMENSIONS AND . E -ID FINISHED FLOOR TO AT 10,-5,, a u d l O d ELEVATION VATION 14.0. . a • 10"I CONC. PIER wl - 4" STEEL COLUMN _ w/24"X24"X12"GONG. FTG • m X I u w/ 30'%30"X12" • N, MIN r a V . 3' BELOW GRADE I YP.) CONC. FTG. NEW (3) 1-3/4X91/2 ML GIRDER O 0. r r ~ "n a Io ~ r 1 - 14._0,. f 1.-0,. Fv z z VVV O W N Pill I 18'-1 Vz" 1 12'-11" ~ z a a 47'-0+/ " W a FLOOD VENT ^ z -I -N PROJECT NORTH PROPOSED FOUNDATION W F, H 4TION PLAN AREA: 557.6 SQ. FT. O E SCALE: 1/4" = 1' 1 PROVIDE (4) FLOOD VENTS FLOC FLOOD ZONE CONSTRUCTION a AS AS PER N.Y.S. RES. GOpE R32-1 FLOOD VENT BLOCK OR POURED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS s1•-o~n° 2U'-1rG;' 10'-11" NIEGEAY ESE P IGUG„ °PEN NG mcnvoNS ON s E ITER AI IERNpIC 5m P ExRRIpG ON LDGAp°NS ON s Es RE~ao°m uPPeR smnrs HEnwo wqu LU 15-1/A" OPEN E AI iERIIq TE ONO SiRLPS Z E~ ONH„D WALL g } OPEN rM141NO iy. IIOOM 'C' a-1/~ FOOLn DdEN p o Z Sr ,5-,;n' GpEll I OPENING L MOIL efii%I HNGEx Q Z ovEwrvs q' N OFEN T ROUGH DPENIN° 2 FE -INE 3•.,0.1/, JPEN c) a N 0P EN N .l O ~ (,Oq GO, "'N 'RI. N SIRAP$ GO 31HIND WALL 1P" BEHINp 1VAIL O a 'j ~OM AME p.T 5TgP5 ADC~ pAVOINNN G7 N N LU r~" n0 4JLJ DpSIHGCPGiS ,IAN , [x. Bfl]POOM O w pI O [x. xeonnnM M nnrrr E: N EXTERIOR VIEW FINAL GRADE _ fID.2 SEE SECTION VIEW a p f.LErW '5-I/," ,rlJa by 5-1/4' NO ougn openln9 for c°:h vml II bl--L ulfx r I Muck nlyh) 16' 0" 1B'-11h 12r-11" .iln iP~ a"u.mE, s. waai,= .nl u wIIF Iliv ho[C~Im vl I o IrWe ma mo c Innr 1$" uhvve'ml=FCa 9 z wd.I,= .,I mlwv-„ =.a b,,,i rlmor= uo, so) ol,oEy oY'„~„rnl ml m m= m .,,i I, m.a = DRAWN. MH / MS 31' OV- o. P~.ma~e n,o, n P a. a=mwe art, r, r,=mr. t=m r ,w, low,,, mlrtY, r,mmm p aoa\ o :mr o~i of ~I m m p¢ w ,1~°,min~ Ewa ~rp,_P, ,r ,IOIr Irt rmm ~..w,e a, ~m olrar sll s .nas ouE a Irv.o Iuola smrs lmsl. x ,rl y°i may Yam w,=ps„ ;=ar nl slol=. SCALE' 114' -v PUSH s,rnr 5 Cnul4 muy he goln9 bebl1tl moll 5 vu4 mvy he o Iletl hrFlna fipt Inme Ilvn3e. ?II I, r ° v lop 5 Ives pomtlny v wllh slop Ic snn~ emina wag en`r„e oo=•ms rr=n r.em„ „ , o =m,g': `;~„1 mng~'~, Yyxi°m P:,: s' JOB b~lwr~ r. - Pao:M1 nm /go (,ome open ng onf Imlvll Iwv hmtPara Ixr u n heYlom a x of prn3 wall e=Iw=:n r, e,.a nenl sl ap sn~=~= m = e u xl. F,am, :no=m ba nwYn m Novambel 15,2013 G PROJECT NORTH EXISTING FLOOR PLAN = Ctl R,. SCALE' 1/e" = 1' silh.meii ?oor hI~ n:iali a i~~o i~m~ n~,: ' e'bo J~ oil°r ~r dyh~n-. m wo I're~°Io e • ° sire ee,..vm rr,mr .p,n x°~'nI'uI sl^5om aoo, l ah pa~n~ ~ ~o) a~elimm Iwnn omon..:p~o..,l me.3 ~,g, SFlEET NUMBER. rolmmmY u;= n~le Y Lel ILx bnllmn rolm«mg u,. mho wm, ,n .r,=n ,u= ,ua.l min :im= o ma:, a m I:1 In: ao~.:gar a~ „ s ml In= h~imm of u= a o' " i li=v al m~ mmm o :mm in m= a e=Y=a na in. „ m=: aawv `me m. r„m= r cn='~n wal aoe, I: ml=n=e ,p I„u .~a.: A-4 REVISIONS TRUSTEES 5 WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL C TAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FOLLOWING APPROVED USE METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT & GOOD CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. KING BULLS - RA R ENOWALL CRIPPLE STUD WALL STEP µlOb'E LEOG ER -4 BOTTOM PLATE , i 'FACTS - ;ER BATHrpB DOUBLE .101ST SIOEWPI RAF ER K SVGS FLOOR OSP NUMBER OESC RIPTION AP PLIL ARON 15i AD SS HOLY DO'NN [OI IN E[T TO 1 SEOUL ALL CORNERS ANCHOR TO FO WJDATON W/ ANCHOR BOLTS RATE / SPA NBS TO HAVE A DOUBLE FLOOR LOOPS UNDER FOR ADDED SUPPORT CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS ON LYCATION UST NUMBEIi DESCRIPTION APPLICATOR LOCATION O51 HUMBER DESCRIPTOR APPLIC ATION RAFTER SIZE USP NUTABER cESCFIPTI NUTABER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION SUPPORT EACH IVALL RUNNING PARALLEL NTH THE HOLES L S 26 IBg o. SLOPE HANGER APPLY i0 PACT RAF ICF. / LEDGER JOIST DIRECTIO14 YAR (2) JOISTS UNDER WALL FOR JOIST NOT DIREC ILY UNDER PARALLEL 'NALIS. PROVIDE 2NO. ADS, F.H. GOWN ROiH dOT PLATE OF 2ND FLOOR AND iUp ALL OPENINGS LS'TA12 1-1/4 x12- 20go STRAP APPLY TO EACH JACK SNO ROC( LS'TARa 1-1/h"x24" 20go STRAP APPLY OVER RIDGE Tc EACH JAI IT 2}6-2R L526 IH,E SLOPE ANCHOR PLACES OF 1ST FLOOR CONNECT THROUGH THE FLOORS TO EACH OTHER W/ THREADED ROD ALL OPENINGS RTE OR RU TFDDWN ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH CRIPPLE SNO 2X1G L5210 IBgo. SLOPE LS210 IBg u. SLOPE HANGER APPLY TO CACII RAGIER / LEDGER BLOCI(IIIG d24 OR ti U n MADE BUT HROUGH u M TAHOUGH-ROOF f IAVST A"1 ^1 ti / v[uTS RE LOCATED SELECTED A IA RU G ^1 ` \ocnTEO B BY r Colamnc rOR ~ o ucTPL s1RAP u m A w VENTILATION CHANNEL c RC KET AT TOP-sm[ cr RIM BOARD CHIMNEY s REGU RFGUmfiL RAFTER RAFTERS u w JC ALL PLa tc(s) WALL SHE ATnIrvc RAFTERS • . • • • sm[wqu answrvc l r` ENnunprv NEED IFIST FYU NG AncN TOP PLATE • - - ~ FLESH WALL ADD MOISTURE 2xt U 11 L LEDGER OLOC KNG STAPPING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL ATTAR ®40"OC BARTER TO LAP FLASHING AT WAIL MAINTAIN GAP ATTC SHALL BE TROOPED WITH A 2A4 SOFFIT JOIST PROVIDED WITH A FASCIA AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS BETWEEIJ WALL AIDED AND MINIMUM NET FREE WITHLATNG AREA NET E SS THAN 1/150 HE SPACE VENTILATED FALLEOPCNIAIGS~ E MTIJTLAT NO AREA GUTTER 1/150 OF THE PR EA OF µO00 FIR DIN FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER GCSCRIPTON APP"2- TOP ROOFII IG 10 AVOID SOAKING WALL BUD T INSTA? SHALL BE COVERED WTH CORROSION- nnrfD as oPENUICI 'CD WTH GEOLOGIICI- ONTIH SCREENED VENT [ - B LS'TA24 1-1/A"x04" 20po STRIP AND JACK SODS RESISTANT METAL MESH WITH MESH ON ALL OPENINGS PROVIDE GEMMED EDGE AT aENDINGS OF A INCH IN DIMENSION . MESH WITH MESH cOrvTN SOFFH / EMr PLYWOOE INCH IN DIMENSION IM STALL Hb` Q C fLASM1IINL TO FORM CHANNEL LOCATION JUST NWdB CR DESCRIPTION APPLE ATI GIJ ANIJ 50 P5 TO MAINTAIN PIR SETTLED SAVE - 14 LSTA3J -1/4"z3O" IBgo. STRAP AND JACK SUPER GAP TO PREVENT CAPILLARY I" - 6" RAPIER RT10 10-]/4" v 1Eg o. TttIOWN ANCHOR CO NN ELT TO ON ALL OPENINGS ACTON EACH RAPIER PEDDLE BLOC KING BELMAR JOISIS THAT ARE SPICES AND III STALL 4D" hC. CONNECT TO ROOF VEN T ON ROOF MENTLATON / OVER BEARING WALLS AND HEADERS SOFFIT ED SAVE DETAIL rT, H" - ID' LSTA36 1-1/4'x36" 189o. STRAP AND JACK STUDS B" - 11 RAFTER RT2J A-1/6' x 2o0a T100WN ANCHOR EACH RAFTER SOFF17D SAVE DE ON ALL OPENINGS KEEP ROONIQ NAILS OUT ?IJD FLOOR WALL Of FLASHING RIOYFIrvc LAPS BASE (LASHING J INCHES / BFI RAFTER ~ V/ RIDGE CAP OF SAME O BASE FLASHING WRAPS CORNERS. EXTENT US UNDER SHINGLES AT MATER I T AS ROOFING NAILED I-rl F" TO suer narvc THROU F-I-1 W 510'5 4 INCHES AND LAPS SHIICLES AT BASE MIN A INCHES THREUCH VENT ^ q wpaD JOIST r 1 O TOP PLATE GIRDER/HEADER ^W U SIDE WALL PLAGUING 1sT FLOOR WALL STAPPING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL STUDS QUA OR WEBB b-T VO1 R~4 AND ALL WNOON'/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS METAL FLASHING AT ALL EAVES SIDEWALLS. WALL SID F FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USE NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATOR AND RAKES - PROVIDE HEMMED EDGES SO RAFTERS AS TO FORM DRAINAGE CHANNELS AND a BE EAND ALL 40 O.C. PREVENT CAPILLARY ACTED 6 - O' LSTA36 1-1/4'x36" 1095 STRAP JACK SUDS LOCATION OSF NUMB CR DESCRIPTION APPLIC gTON PRE-MANDFACTLRGD KCI LL OPLO NUSDGE OCIT FOLDS FFI ]NRI KEEP SHEATHING MIN 1-1/2" ALL JOISTS CONVECTED TO A FLUSH HEADER TO BE SUPPORTED WTH O O OLDS FREM PEAK TO ALLOW FREE THE PROPER CLUB CONNECTCR _ I ALL 0O.C. RAFftR/PLATE RTIS M]WN ANCHOR pOR RIDGE TOLOPC AIR TO S C AIR PASSAGE IT ABLE SET FIR JOISTS APRC% 1/2' HIGHER THAN LVL HEADERS SLOPE TO ALLEN FOR SHRINKAGE, k REDUCE BUMP OUTS I6MSTA4E 1-1/4'446" TWQ SWAP JACK SPU05 PLP fE/WALL SPTHJ SID PL PTE. ANCHOR CONNECOVEROOF LL OPENINGS PLAYS TO EACH $TlD OBL SILL PLATE TERMITE SITHILD LL GASKET F~ SUB FLOOP wpaD JD1sTs • IIEOPRENE f 2x6 12+8 CONTINUOUS WCOD PLATE WNC. SLAB GASItET hP CBNC FF EX7CRION ( x S MIL. POLY ya DAM PEROO C%1CRI M G ANLILAR FULL i POLITO TO STEEL BEAM W111 MAIL POLY ON EXTERI OR OR _ y STEEL COLLIER - - 1/2 ' DIA BOLTS ® 46" o.c STAG IA Q I(1\ STEEL BEAM G COIJC $L Ad 'GOT JACK d • v ANC IHOR BOLT CMB EDMENT F. ( A , ~'p • POURED CB NCR[1[ i ' A'; I/n I B" STEEL Ill W V M COMPACT FILL a BLOCK 'NAG 15" .0 L ? ROOFING LAPS y • 0 FLASHING PT TOP ADD DCTTOM PLATE Z WITH 1/2' v B- ANCHOR DOLT a3 STYES ulD HOP KEYWAY FOOTING ? (Ty LONG FIG. 'p .a G•0 F USE WRI 3x3 SQUARE MASHERS 1/2 GROUT FLAG HIOR ecLT cmINEC TIGN (USP TOPICS [R 11 A REW FGµc 1116 BAR FOUN YA TIGN s/M" GIA ANCHOR BOLT I I I S VFFL 1.LUMN X01 Z DRAIN THE ANCHOR SUIT CONNECTION _ SIT A P O MAXIMUM SEALING FLASHIIIG LAPS _ - ( JO KIPS TIDM SILL PLATE TO TRUNCATION STORY %R cC ROOFING AT BO OM 7 I = O C A" P OR OU TYPICAL SEAM DETAIL 1 r~/~ c STEEL / BOTTOM BEARING w i O C T'TIL LL CONS FOUNDATION APPLY PILASTERS SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION 2 STORIES 3M• OL WHERE NEEDED FOR STRUCTURAL BRACING MINT 3" STEEL COLUMN ANCHORED TO 24"v 24 A12 COWL, FTG CRAV SPACE OR UNO ATION WALL B0170M PLATE ID FOUNDATION 1-2 ATORIES 5P" OC gOOf TAPES 6 N SLAB-ON-GRADE ROOF JACKS 6 VENTS DETAIL O O SLOFLOOE LU LEE, OUOF FRAME CBNC SLAB A~ ~I/ GARAGE Ex. 10/1c WWJ I COMPACT FILL GARA GARAGE JOIST T/A N OOG . NODOOR 2%S STEEL BEAM V1 SLAB A' 9 t, I IL, lir W/ P.i PLATE 6XM mm W/ 6%G 1NAM SLOPE 40RIYEWAY 11GTCH JOIST AND AUJIISi HEIGHT • 1/4' AIR SPACE ` < AT END AND 1 ' 2 (MRI A NAILING PLATE NE HI 7 1 A. • TO HE APPO%. 1/2" HN HIGHER THAN Sa.e ES OF WORD 'O BEAM1IS O • • STEEL BEAM TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE • • (TROOPS STRAPPING TO KEEP JOISTS ALIGNED) • • - DRAWN MH/MS ~-suBFLOOD SCALE 1l4"=P-0" .FI O "(;y ~~y , "N llOTCH BEAM FOR MOOiILL IF REQUIRED MAXIMUM • e... -I ~alsr JOB 4. U , REINFORCING BAR REIN FORL, IIIG BAR ItlETCH EQUALS 1/i DEPTH OF BEAM • Y c • o = STEEL BEAM November 15, 2013 GRAIN TILE 11 SHEET METAL / ]Ok FELT UNDER BEAM AT POINT 12' OF ,oLrACT WITH CONCRETE OR COLIC BLOCK PLATE (BOLTED TO BEAM) SHEET NUMBER: • • 3" T'PICAL CONC. MONDLIIFIIC FOUNDAPOH REINFORCE WILL (2) A4 NCINFORCING BARS THICKEN SLABS ECNEATH BEARING WALLS AND COLUMNS n SHIFTS TO LEVEL BEAM REINFORCE FOCTNG MTII (2) #4 REINFORGIN6 BARS 3" MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE FOR WODO BEAM GARAGE DOOR BLC GARAGE DOOR PLHGKOUT A-5 BEAM PBCI(ET I VISIONS TRUSTEES SFT 01238009 WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTIC ICTION DETAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FOLLOWING OR APPROVED USP METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION, FOLLOW MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM CHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. MAX 4'M 4' DIA MAXIMUM 4" CIA MAXIMUM GIRDER/HEADER PO III IIN Z_ E POST/COLUMN Z_ EIB FOG E CONCRRETE FOOIINL DECK POST F!L CONNECTION LOCATION USPNUMBER DESCRIPTION APPUCATION DECIOPORCH FAZING STAIR R LING p(]CGTRfi10.DF0.MEADFR fONNFCFION 4%4 POST PA UM O0. WH4 POST/BEAM ANCHOR APPLYTOEACHFOCRING USE MIN. (2) IM DIA. GALV. BOLTS WITH WASHERS AND NIJT5 D NUTS 6X6 POST PAU66 OR WE66 POST /BEAM ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH FOOTING ry 1-10-SPACE MINIMUM U n W V q b C (Y m n HANDRAILS GIRDER y pUj m Tq O GP PO LIRDER/HEAOE0. 3 BALUSTER RIM/DECKJOISi POSLCOLUMN I~v CONCRETE PIER Sam PALVSif0. ATTACHED B WALL F HANDRULCONNECTION ALL HANDMILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS THE FULL LENGTH POST TO DECK CONNFCTInN OF THE STAIRS. HANDGRIP PORTION OF ALL HANDRAILS HE~DP0./GIRDER-TOPOST CONNF(TION SHALL NOT BE Us THAN 1-I/4" NOR MORE THAN V IN CROSS SECTIONAL DIMENSION, OR THE SHAPE SHALL USE MIN I0." OU. GALV.IOLTS WITH WASHERS AND NUTS LOCATION USPNUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION PROVIDE AN EQUIVALENT GRIPPING SURFACE LIRDFRMFAIRERTO POSfNOLVMN CONNECT ON (2)BEAMS PAUp OR WE44 PO51 /BEAM ANCHOR APPLYTOEACHPIER (3j EEAMf PAU660R WE66 POfF/BEAM ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH PIER ~W FIASHING TACKED UNDER D UNDER CO 1 TOP PIECE OF SIDING AND LAPPED OVER FIRST CONTIN. INC AND STCONTIN. GIRDER/HEADER PIECF OF SIDING BELOW BELOW UNDISTURBED SOIL 2 -1/1" D0. LAG BOLTS W/ WASHERS iOLTS W/ WASHERS UY PLASTIC BASE DIRECTLY ON STAIRTREAD CONNECTED TO NDL ®BROC SLOG ®3]"OC UNDISTURBED SOIL (ORGANICS REMOVED) F LEVEL BASE x q POST/COLUMN FIT CONSTRUCTION TUBE AND PLUMB RIM BOARD PILL A, RACE PTUBE ' ER MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS STRINGER fL000. FRAMING ly lOliiS - In 11-m! oil 11'111=111'=,111=III=III=III.=..111,,=..11 BLOCKING FOR JOI5T HANGER •tl POST-T6L 0.pFR/HfAOF0. CONNECT ON LAG BOLTS H O GO LOCATION USE NUMfE0. DESCRIPTION APPUCATION RIMJOISF/BD. A- GO AM410UDCOLUMN liel PBSE4410.[44 POST CAPANCHOR APPLY TO CAL" COLUMN ir•• DISTURBED O O Q STRINGER TO DECKPORCH CONNECTION 6x650UD COLUMN POSSE, /P85C66/KC66 iI CAP ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH COLUMN HOLLOWCOWMN 51MPSONSTRRIR HC ANCHOR APPLYTO EACH COLUMN DECK/PORCH LEDGER CONNECTION CRAVEL DYER R OF F CRUSHED SEONE OR C..) GRAVEL LEVEL PLASTIC COMPACT YV HANG LAY BASE ON COMPARED GWVEL LEVEL BASE BIT CONSTRUCTION TUBE AND PLUMY BRACE TUBE FILLAS PER MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS =.111°111,=.,111°III.'„111-11-111=.,111.'.,111-11 WOOD JOIST WOOD JOIST JOIST BLOCKING CONC. PIER FOOJUN6 BIGFOOTSYSTEMf FOOTING FORM w' W LIRDER/HEADFA IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION IW.II OF PLY S RESIDENTIAL CODE THIS DESIGN VJ Z WOOD JOIST LI0.OGNHFAOFR WOOD GIRDER COMPLIES WITH THE INTENT OF THE CODE AND THE MATERIAL OFFERED IS VJ AT LEAST THE EQUIVALENT IN DURABIUM AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THAT J } PRESCRIBED IN THE CODE O O Z THE DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIONS FINDS THIS PRODUCT FLUSH JOISTS WITH HEADF0./GIRDFR ACCEPTAYLE FOR USE IN N Y S. BASED UPON [COO EVALUATION SERVICE REPORT hI (Y2 ER 5495 AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN. ^I a O ALL JOLTS CONNECTED TO A FLUSH HEADER TO BE SUPPORTED WRH SPLICED JOISTS OVER HEADER/GIRDER THE PROPER STEEL CONNECTOR SPI ICED 1O15T5 OVER HFADFO V PROVIDE BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS THAT ARE SPICED AND D AND c IF ABLE, SET FIR LED STS APRO% 114' HIGHER THAN LVL HEADERS LOCATION USP NUMBER DE5CRIPIWN APPLICATION USE WITH KnOTYDOWNANCHORS VJl Q C TOALLDWFORSHRINMLE GIST TO GIRDERMMDER KILL TYDOWNANCHURCONNECT TOEACH1015f DECK h PORCH NOTES. -Li COO I]."eu celhen•/nenoled. all Ram1n6mafentl to be ACQ Emarbelrealedlumhec NAILING SCHEDULE O LU All fanenert, han6ert and andlms to be falvlnlzetl or rtalnl¢uteel. JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL NOTES OTV SPACING l() Irden for dock joists to be bolted or anrAOred to cash Rod or pier wdh washers and nop JOISTTO- q-pA COMMO! PER TOE N cm. pen ne beisn't-c! wish pmpe, mea rn namr onmered Inm mnvete wiry • mlmmum 1/2' di v p"lone anchor bolt with withers end nuts CLIAMTIC 4 GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA vq .1111 ~ OR - 10151 NAIL BRIDGING 2. Ed CCMMO EACH TOE 31 Pails mpporHn6GVder[IM1tll he mNOrttl too Q"eQ'kQ"tM1lckmnvale loom, GROUN WINO SEISMIC FRDfT WINTE ICES HIEID FLOOD TO JOIST END NAIL Usea minlmum l/3'dlov Tlon6 anNOr bollwbF wa~M1emnd nub FOO11n61 Mall SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEAT11ERIN ONE TERMITE DECAY DESIbN UNDERIAVMEN HA2A0.D5 be 4 R plow Gntle LOAD (MPHf CATEGORY DEPTH TfMR REQUIRED BLOCKING EACH TOE TO J014 3Bd COMMO END NAIL MODERATE SISGHT TO -0 u 4) Dock Joists to M1rve blacking ata 45185. I4D Y fFIERE 3FT. TO HEAW MODERATE SI NONE - BLOCKINGTO' -16tl COMMO EACH TOE SILL ORTOPPIATE 3 BLOCK NAIL 5) A minimum of to Inch behinG shall be metalled between she buRding and ledger IEOCER5TRIP 3-16d COMMO EACH FACE DRAWN: MH/MS ledGec to he hrtened to Inriu nG wiry 1/2" ma Imt, wilt washers and nub TO BEAM JOIST NAIL JOIST ON LEDGER 3-Bd COMMO PER TOE SCALE: I/A"=P-0" a[I6"ac TO a. OUT NAIL JOB 6). Concrete man shall be a minimum V above grade. BANDJOISf 3-I6d COMMO PER END TOJOIA JOIff NAIL NGVEWb. 1$,2013 I). AT Joists to be mib,,ded with hangers and anmoy. Each Jost smil also be anchored to Glrtler(IL BANDJOISTTO B.MdmMMO Pm TOENAIL SHEET NUMBER. SILL OR TOP PLATE FOOT Rj Use slmpmn hangers and oncbon with 2-MA%Mppie pmlemse malinG or equal for any contact w1Lh ACQ A-6 REVISIONS TRUSTEES SEF DI/]3/1409 PLAN CONTENTS: GENERAL NOTES WIND FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE 1). RIDGE-TO.RAFTER ASSEMBLY: ROOF FRAMING: OR OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION R3 RESIDENTIAL 1-1/4" x 20 gauge prep shall be attached to each pair of rafters in accordance to table 3.4 NAIL NAIL When a collar tie is used in lei ofa ridge strap, the number of Kid common nails required JOINT DESCRIPTION CITY SPACING NOTES BUILDING USE RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CONSTRUCTION NOTES: in each end of the collar tie need not exceed the tabulated number of Bit nails In the strap RAFTERTO B' WALL 3-8d COMMON EACH TOE-NAIL BUILDING HEIGHT (SEE PLANS) 1). The information within this set of construction documents is related to basic design 2). RAFTER-TO-WALLASSEMBLY: TOP PLATE UP WALL 4-Bd COMMON RAFTER TOT TOTALSQ FT. OF CONSTRUCTION (SEE PLANS) intent and framing details. They are intended as a construction aid, not a substitute Lateral framing and shear wall torrent.., for raker, ceiling or truss to top plate shall be m CEILING JOIST G WALL 3-8d COMMON EACH TOENAIL for gam r.11, accepted good building practice and comphance with current New York accordance to table 3.3 When a ratter or truss do not fall in line with ours Lebow, raften TO TOP PLATE TO' WALL: 4Bd COMMON JOIST State building codes The General Contractor Is responsible for providing standard or trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall tap plate shell he attached to CEILING JOIST TO AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE DESIGN CRITERIA PRESCRIPTIVE AS PER N.Y.S. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE AND construction details and procedures to ensure a professionally finished, structurally the to the wall stud with uplift carnectare. ROOF overhanging the raw,freofthe building PARALLEL RAFTER WFCM - SBC LAP NAIL ,.and and a weaherproof completed product. shall be connected with uplift connections in accordance with table 3.3c. CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PER TABLE 3] EACH FACE 2006 SEC HIGH WIND EDITION WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL ~•A• FRAMING ELEMENTS AS PER FLOOR PLANS CROSS SECTION AND GENERAL NOTES EXT. BALCONIES 2L The General Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction 3). WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: OVER PARTITION WFCM - SHC LAP NAIL meets current federal, state, county and local codes, ordinances and regulations, etc Wall studs above and studs below a floor level shall be attached with uplift connections In COLLAR TIE AS PER TABLE 3.4 EACH FACE 60 DECK 40 _ These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this bulldmg and accordance with table 3.3b. When wall suds above do not fall in line with studs below, the TO RAFTER WFCM - SEC END NAIL ATTICS w/o STORAGE 10 should be adhered to even if in variance with the plan studs shall be attached to a common member in the floor assembly with uplift torero. in BLOCKING 2 - 8d COMMON EACH TOE accordance with table 3.3. TO RAFTER END NAIL DE ATTICS w/ STORAGE 20 DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS ROOF (GROUND SNOW LOAD) 20 3). Dimensions shall WINGecedent over scaled drawings. RIM BOARD EACH END take (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS). q. WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION: TO RAFTER 2-16d COMMON END NAIL (LIVE LOADS ESE) ROOMS (OTHER THAN SLEEPING) 4D First wall scads shall be connected to the foundation, sill plate, or bottom plate with uplift 4). The designer has not been engaged for construdmn supervision and assumes no connectors. Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of ] inches in concrete WALL FRAMING: responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans, nor responsibility for foundation and slab-con-grade, 15 Inches in masonry block foundations, or lapped under NAIL - ROOMS (SLEEPING) 30 STAIRS 40 constructors means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, car for safety the plate and..tied in arcordana with table 3.36. When steel straps are lapped under the JOINT DESCRIPTION QN SPACING NOTES GAURDRAILS ANY DIRECTION 2DO rv~ precautions and programs in corruption with the work. There are no warranties for a bottom plate, 3 inch square washes shall be used with the anchor halts. Anchor bolt specific use expressed .,implied in the use of these Plans, spacing is to be spaced and sized In accordance to table 3.2a. In addition to spacing, TOP PLATE TO 2 -16d COMMON PER FACE NAIL EXPOSURE CATAGORY (DESIGNED FOR CAT C) C.) ^ anchor bolts ate to be spaced between 6-12 ruches from the end ofa nil plate and all TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE. 1 LOAD PATH SEE CONSTRUCTION ANDWIND PATH CONNECTION y m 5) Refer to the Window and Door schedule for exterior openings. corners TOP PLATES AT q.16d COMMON JOINTS FACE ROOF - FOUNDATION) DETAI PAGE6GENERAL NOTE PAGE C u INTERSECTIONS EA SIDE NAIL 6). The General Contractor is to ensure that masonry or pref abraded fireplaces meets 5). TYPE I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: STUD TO 24" FACE NAILING SCHEDULE SEE GENERAL NOTE PAGE ^g J+ y or exceeds manufaclars i specifcahom and applicable code, Type I exterior shear walls with a minimum of 7/16 inch wood structural panel on the exterior STUD 2 - 76d COMMON O.C. NAIL attached with Rd common nails at 6" ca., at the .at edges and 12" o,c in the field, and EGRESS SEE FLOOR PLANS AND WINDOW SCHEDULE The General Contractor is to consult with the owner for all built-in items I/2 Inch gypsum wallboard on the Interior attached with 5d cooler nails at o.c. at panel HEADER TO 16d COMMON 16' O.C. FACE S FIRE PROTECTION Sym: .M C5 Is a, hokomm helving, pantry, closets, trims, etc edges and 10" nc. In the field shall be in accordance with the length requirements specified HEADER ALONG EDGES NAIL If table Mfia-b. TOP OR BOTTOM 2-16d COMMON PER 2x4 STUD END (SMOKE & C02 DETECTORS SEE FLOOR PLANS IYr p' u `l' n O TRUSS DESIGN N A-STANDARD STIC FRAME CONSTRUCTION so 8). Wind load requiremenh shall be taken Into account during conmum.o. PLATE TO STUD 3 - t6d COMMON PER 2x6 STUD NAIL NS. FOUNDATION NOTES: 6Typ Pie:eriorpificarwalllshallmeetttherreq rreements oftable 3.15a-b times the appropriate BOTTOM PLATE TO. PER ACE NAIL ENERGY CALCULATIONS RESCHECK X length adjustment factors in table 316. FLOOR JOIST, BAND JOIST. 2-16d COMMON FOOT SEE NOTE: 1,2 1J. The General Contractor and Mason to review plans. elevations. details and note, to END ND JOIST O OR BLOCKING G GR CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA determine intended heights of Flnlshed floor(,) above typical grade. T). INTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: FLOOR FRAMING: Sh GROUND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICESHIELD FLOqRDS SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT HAZLOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP REQUIRED 2). All footings to fell on undisturbed vir sod. Allowable fldewall lengths provided In table 3 14 shall be permitted to be Inoia ed when ( gin) Interior sheanvalls are used. Sheathing and connedlolN shall be In accordance with JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL NOTES and 22.4 rm,,ctNely, QTY. SPACING 20 3). Provide 12" expansion joint material between concrete slabs and abutting JOIST TO: PER TOE MODERATE SLIGHT TO 20 LOS. 120 B SEVERE 3 FT. TO HEAW MODERATE ? YES ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: rTl concrete or masonry walls axurli, in exterior or unheated interior areas. e). CONNECTIONS AROUND EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS: SILL TOP PLATE OR GIRDER 4-eel COMMON JOIST NAIL RC 4). Any new concrete walls being attached to exiting concrete structure shall Header and/or girder con unionnhall be attached with uplift connections to accordance BRIDGING EACH TOE Il be Installed with NS nether, IB" long at l2"coot. Use approved epoxy for installation. with table 3.5 Window sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table TO JOIST 2 - eel COMMON END NAIL 5). Unless otherwise noted, all slabs on grade to be 2500 s.h. Concrete to 3.5 BLOCKING EACH TOE SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE NOTES W 2 -eel COMMON AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD PERIMETER EDGE ZONE Id COMMON 0 6" O.C ed COMMON Q 6" O.C. SEE NOTES: 1,3 poured red on 4 inch thick sand or gravel ill with 6xfi were mesh reinforcing. Interior slabs 9). CATHEDRAL CEILING ASSEMBLY: TO JOIST ENO NAIL to be minimum 3-1/2 inch thak All fill to be mmpaned to 95% relative density with Where a ridge is to be used a, a sttactaral beam, the raters shall either be notched and BLOCKING TO -16tl COMMON EACH TOE 6" maximum of, (layers), anchored On top of the beam or slope connenan shall be attached to each rafter-tearidge SILL OR TOP PLATE 3 BLOCK NAIL INTERIOR ZONE Bd COMMON ®6" O.C ed COMMON ®12" O.C. SEE NOTES:1 (BOTH FIELDS) DO p NOTE: 2 FO0. PANEL FIELD 6). Crawl spaces to he provided with a minimum 18"x24" attar opening Install one along the open calling part of the building Connections to the ndge and wall shall be be LEDGER STRIP EACH FACE GAIL attached with the above requirements, TO BEAM 3 -16d COMMO JOIST NAIL GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS Bd COMMON B I' l C Ed COMMON @ 4" O.C. SEE NOTES: 1.3 8x16 cast iron foundation vent for every 150 M ft. of area. NOTES -4 Z DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: JOIST ON LEDGER 3-BdCOMMON PER TOE T). Damppraof exterior of fo..infirm with bituminous caatl.g As per Behan R406 of TO BEAM JOIST NAIL TI THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code A 6-m11 polyethylene film shall be applied over 0. Unless otherwise noted, all framing material to he AI ACQ pressure treated lumber. BAND JOIST PER ENO the below grade portion of cartoon, wall, pdo, to backFllhng. All fasteners, hangers and anchors to be gelvinized or stainless steel. TO JOIST 3 -16d COMMON JOIST NAIL 8). Drainage as per session 0.405 of N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. 2). Girders for deck joins to be bolted to each .it with washers and nuts BAND JOIST TO. 2 -16d COMMO PER TOENAIL th 1). For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof, including 4 feet an each side of the roof peak, W U the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shall be used. COO Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored SILL OR TOP PLATE FOOT 5EE NOTE:1 FRAMING NOTES into concrete with a minimum 1/2"age.7" long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. 2) 2). Tabulated 12 inch mr, nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to raker / tross framing members with G>0.49. V1 For framing members with <0.42 <G<0.4% the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6Inches o c O De 1). All framing techniques and method, as Prescriptive design of 2006 SBC High Wind NAIL NAIL Fc x Ss hall be anchored toa1 nthickconcretetooting JOINT DESCRIPTION CITY. SPACING Edition Wood Fmmmg Construction Manuel. 3). Posts supporting girders Use a minimum IR" dla x B° long anchor bolt with washers ers and nuts Footing, Shall be 3 ft. 3) 3). Tabulated 4 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing to rafter/truss framing members with 0>0.49. For O V framing members with 0.42<G<0.49, the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 Inches o.c. 2) Unless otherwise noted, all framing and structural wood material to be 82 + BTR. below grade Parches, with covered roofs hall have 12" it,. concrete pier, for the girders. STRUCTURAL PANEL Ed AS PER TABLE 3 8 frf Dougla, Fir. WFCM - SEC WE WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: 4). Deck Joists to have blocking at ED a.c.. CEILING SHEATHING: SHEP 3). Floors, walls, ceilings and raters to be spaced at 16 niche, coot unless noted 5) A minimum of 10 Inch flashing shall be Installed between he buiidin and led "AIL atheiwlse. g is gar. JOINT DESCRIPTION SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE NOTES AT PANEL EDGES SU PPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD ledger to be fastened to building with I/2" tlia. bolts with wahers and nuts QTY. SPACING where needed. 4' EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON M 6" O C Bd COMMON ®12" O.G SEE NOTES: 1, 3 ( BOTH FIELDS) 4). Unless otherwise noted, all bearing wall headers to be (2) 2x10 M2 + BT0. Doug. Fir. GYPSUM 7e O.C. EpGE Bearing wall headers to have (2) jack studs and (2) full length studs on each side of all WALLBOARD Sit COOLERS 10" O.C NOTE: 2 FOR PANEL FIELD INTERIOR ZONE Bd COMMON @ 6" O C ed COMMON ® 12" O.C. SEE NOTE: 3 ape .FIELD 11 ningsLVL headers to have O 3 6). Concrete piers shall he a minimum 6' above grade. . jack sNdfand (2) full surds on each side of WALL SHEATHING: openings. Bearing wall window nits hall also have window sill plates for for 2x4 wall y). All joists to be supported with hangers and anchors. Each Joutshall also be xnrhored pmings between 4'1 and and 2x6 wall openings windgs between 5'11 and 8'9 Provide fire to girder(s) JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL oand blacking where applicable. le. QTY. SPACING T NOTES THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY 5). All flush beams/headers to be installed with heavy duty gelvinized hangers and 8). Covered Roofs shall be, assembled and anchored the name manner a, a typical build[,. STRUCTURAL Bit COMMO AS PER TABLE 3 9 1 1). For wall sheathing within 4 feet of the corners, the 4 foot edge zone attachment requirements shall anhm,where apAk.ble to all connecting j.Ifb. PLUMBING NOTES PANELS WFCM-5 Is 2A6"OSB 3"O.C. EDG GE be used 6). Double up floor ninfirs under walls that run parallel to Ched joint and under bathtub on All water opply, drainage and venting to be installed An per N.V.S. Residential PLYWOOD 6d comma 6" O C FIELD 2 2). Tabulated 12 inch O.C. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing members with W Floors to have ceramic the installed shall be verified for proper er load rapacty unless noted Construction Code. GYPSUM T' O.C. EDGE C on plant. WALLBOARD Sd COOLERS 10"O.C FIELD G>0.49. For framing members with 0.42<G<, the nail spacings shall be reduced to 6 inches o c. Z T). Provide 2 -13/4" thick mlcrolams ( height to match Flocrjolsts) around stairwell and/. 2). Verify septic system with the Engineer for Suffolk County Health Department approval. 3 3). For exterior panel siding, gaNinized box nails shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails ZZ other ..an opening, unfair otherwise hired fl inf an. FLOOR SHEATHING: NI 3). If wall duds. plates or joins are cut out during installation for any plumbing related work, NAIL NAIL G NOTE: l n structure Verify with the JOINT DESCRIPTION CITY, SPACING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL TEST TO VERIFY = O here applicable unless otherwise noted. sate code and manufacttie's and recommendation plates to tmmendation t for and secure maximum the hole size and spacing permlttetl. STRUCTURAL PANELS Bd COMMO 6" O.C. EDGE E? EXISTING CONDITIONS. MINIMUM 3000# CAPACITY. w Dorman running up roof raters are to be supported by double rafters on either side provide adequate broci HVAC SYSTEM NOTES VOR LESS 12"O.C. FIELD 9). Provide blocking/bridging in floor joists at B'0 coot.. Use solid blocking in floor Parts con Q 1).PROVIDE S/8"TYPE-X SHEEFROCK FIRE STOPPING AT IGO MAXIMUM DISTANCES FOR NON ACCESSIBLE AREAS. O2 under all hearing walls 1). Mechanical subcontractor Is responsible for adhearing to all applicable codes and safety NOTES: 2) USE SIMPSON HANGERS AND ANCHORS WITH 2-MAX TRIPPLE PROTECTIVE COATING FOR CONTACT WITH ACQ. 0 H~^ 10). Provide insulation baffles at cave vents between rafters. Install draft blocking is, requirements. 3). INSTALL I - Cat DETECTOR IN ADDITION TO SMOKE ALARMS PER FLOOR. J CO needed, THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF 2). HVAC subcontractor is to fully coordinate all system data and requirements with the MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. Sad Section R602.9 - FIREBLOCKING REQUIRED 11) Unless otherwise noted, all roofs and walls to have a minimum 1/2" thick 4-ply Fir equipment supplier fired O W Firses ocking shall be promded to cut off all concealed draft openings (both vertical and horizontal) P- M and to form an effective fire barrier between stories, and between a top story and the .of space. >•/1 N CDX exterior sheathing grade plywood. Plywood to cover over plates and header. 1). Nailing requirement, are based on wall Sheathing 31. HVAC mhmntrarfnr in nrnvtdr. final wdem aa lnm dr ...In, Grid rukma n r.. tk.lnn -1 ..f. a .e.ne" a4 1k. _ 11 . _..r.__ Flee FirnhlnrHnC shall h. nmu:d.d:........A.0.....e.,....r....a....:., roe c.u....n......,..«__. V l 12) Unless otherwise noted use 3/4" thick T&G PFS Fir or Advantech plywood sublloor Contractor and owner for final review and approval. is nailed 3" on-center at the panel edge to obtain higher 4 adhezwe and screwed to floor louts. Finished FlOOr to be installed shear ca acities. nailin uirements or structural 1).I adhered with PL00 ELECTRICAL NOTES: membeslnanbednenleanrauarnateconnectors, e U. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partittom, including furred spaces, at the selling and floor o adhered with asperma lficuu, ani screw ons 1). All electrical to be installed as per N.Y.S. Residential Construction Code. such as shear plates, shall be used to maintain load path. fie level,. Concealed herizontal furred spaces shall also be fireblocked at intervals not exceeding 10 feet. Batts or blankets of mineral or glan fiber shall be allowed as Flreblocking in walls constructed 13) All ballroom walls to have 12" thick mollture.renficro sheetrock. Gre, walls and us min, parallel rows of studs or staggered studs ceilings and over furnace to have 5/g" thick type-x sheetrock. All other parts of building 2). All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Undeiwrlter. 2). When wall sheathing is continuous over connected to have regular 1/2" sheetrock. All walls to be taped and finished. members.the tabulated number of nails shall be permitted 2)., 2). At all intemonnectlom between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at Sothis. DRAWN; MH / MS 3). Install Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section R317 to be reduced tot -16d red per foot. dr drop ceilings and cove ceilings SCALE; 14). All root .,in a pitch less than 4:12 shall be installed with an Ice 6 Water barrier or of N.V.S. Residential Cmutrucban Code. approved equal Flat roofs shall be applied with a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPUM 3).1 3). In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. Enclosed spaces JOB 4. torch down type material over. u under stairs shall comply with Section 0.314.8. N.Y.S Residential Code. Navemher 15, 2013 16). All sill plates and wood in contact with concrete to be pressure treated Sill plates to 4).1 4). At openings around vents, pipes and ducts at Gelling and floor level, to resist the free passage of SHEET NUMBER. be installed with a foam sill basket and cop---ex termite shield or approved equal. II (lame and products of combustion. 5).1 5). For the freblerkmg of chimneys and fireplaces, refer to Section RI001.16. N V.S. Resident'.( Code. A