HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Office for the Aging- Computer Tablets m s RESOLUTION 2013-744 ADOPTED DOC ID: 9147 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2013-744 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 8,2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between the Suffolk County Office for the Aging and the Town of Southold for seventeen (17) personal computer tablets to be made available to Senior Citizens at the Human Resource Center, at no cost to the Town, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell \ V r~ Law Na 15-AG- q5 Agreement No. 001-0000-0000-95285-010 .Rev. 9/11/13 SCOFAMPE Tablet Distribution Memorandum of Understanding ORIGINAL Between Suffolk County Office for the Aging and Nutrition Program for the Elderly Contractors This Contract is between the County of Suffolk ("County"), a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at the County Center, Riverhead, New York 11901, acting through its duly constituted Office for the Aging ("the Department'), having its principal office at the H. Lee Dennison Building - 3rd Floor, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, New York (Mailing address: P.O. Box 6100, New York 11788-0099); and the Town of Southold ("the Contractor"), a New York municipal corporation, having a place of business at 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959. The County hereby distributes to the Contractor Seventeen (17) Tablet Personal Computers ("Tablets") which have been provided by the New York Department of State, at no cost to the County, to be made available to senior citizens at various nutrition sites and senior centers throughout Suffolk County. In return for this distribution, the Contractor agrees to report Tablet usage to the Department for a period of six (6) consecutive quarters effective as of October 1, 2013 pursuant to the terms and conditions as set forth below. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the latest date written below. Town of Southold County o Suffolk L By: By: Scott A. Russell Denn M. Cohen Supervisor Chief Deputy County Executive Fed. Taxpayer Iy 11-6001939 Date ~/3 / L301 y/ Date P ved: Sr hv- /-v- L, hereby certifies under riab'kirtment penalties of perj/u~ry that I aman,of/ricer of '10/o?1 471" D"49/dd that I have read and I am 3y' familiar with A5-7 of Article V of the Suffolk County Code, HOI ly. Rhodes-Teague and that / O rl o (p meets all Director, Office for the Aging requirement qualify for a ption thereunder. Date: / / i -T -I Recorn Sig r ~ 74L~, - By: Approved as to Legality: Dennis M. Brown Maureen Porta County At)o ney Q/ Senior Citi n~S Program Administrator If Date: ITJt# ~l By: i (t anP, P~rter t County Att rney Date 1/1 q 0022516 List of Exhibits a % Law No. 15-AG- Agreement No. 001-0000-0000-95285-010 ,Rev. 9111/13 SCOFA/NPE Tablet Distribution Exhibit I Definitions Exhibit II General Terms and Conditions 1. Program Description 2. Contractor Responsibilities 3. Department Responsibilities 4. Mutual Responsibilities Exhibit III Additional Agreement Provisions Law No. 15-AG- Agreement No. 001-0000-0000-95285-010 .Rev. 9/11/13 SCOFA/NPE Tablet Distribution Exhibit I Definitions 1. Meanings of Terms As used in the Contract: "Contract" means all terms and conditions herein forming all rights and obligations of the Contractor and the County. "Contractor" means the signatory person, partnership, corporation, association or other entity, its officers, officials, employees, agents, servants, sub-contractors and any successor or assign of any one or more of the foregoing performing the Services. "Congregate sites" Locations where seniors participate in programs sponsored by the Contractor. "County" means the County of Suffolk, its departments, and agencies. "Department" means the signatory department approving the Contract. "Tablets" refers to Nexus 7 wireless devices. End of Text for Exhibit I Law No. 15-AG- Agreement No. 001-0000-0000-95285-010 Rev. 9/11/13 SCOFA/NPE Tablet Distribution Exhibit II General Terms and Conditions Whereas, Tablets were donated by Google to the New York State Department of State for use in areas affected by Superstorm Sandy 2012; and Whereas, Suffolk County, as one of these areas affected by Superstorm Sandy 2012, received Tablets from the Department of State; and Whereas, one of the goals of the Department is to prevent social isolation, which may be caused by the lack of ability of senior citizens ("seniors") to keep up with current technological information and to enhance seniors' quality of life through the distribution of the Tablets for use by seniors only at designated congregate nutrition programs and other senior program sites as sponsored by the Contractor throughout Suffolk County; Now, therefore, it is mutually agreed among the parties to this Agreement as follows: 1. Program Description The use of the Tablets is intended to provide opportunities for the seniors to increase their skills for using currently available electronic technologies in general use in society. In exchange for use of the Tablets, the Contractor agrees to report usage of the Tablets by seniors for six (6) consecutive reporting quarters beginning October 1, 2013. 2. Contractor Responsibilities The distribution of the Tablets is dependent on the Contractor reporting the usage of the Tablets for six (6) consecutive reporting quarters. The reports shall utilize the form annexed hereto as Exhibit 1 which shall include the numbers of seniors using the Tablets and the number of hours the Tablets are in use. The Contractor agrees to provide Wi-Fi and instruction for the use of the Tablets for seniors to use at the sites. Failure of the Contractor to submit the required usage report will result in termination of this MOU and the immediate return of the Tablets. Contractor agrees that all Tablets are to remain on-site. Seniors, contractor and contractor staff are prohibited from removing Tablets from Contractor's site. Any violation of this provision is cause for immediate termination of this MOU. 3. Department Responsibilities The Department, as the designated Area Agency on Aging, advocates for seniors' quality of life. One method of accomplishing this goal is to keep seniors current on assorted technologies. These technologies may enhance their quality of life and prevent isolation, enabling seniors to remain fully engaged in their communities. The Department shall make Tablets available to the Contractor, obtain usage reports from the Contractor and forward usage reports to the New York State Department of State. Law No. 15-AG- Agreement No. 001-0000-0000-95285-010 Rev. 9/11/13 SCOFA/NPE Tablet Distribution 4. Mutual Responsibilities The Contractor and the Department agree that their mutual goals are to: work together to educate seniors about proper usage of Tablets; educate seniors on advances in technology; and, work cooperatively to provide data regarding Tablet usage to the New York State Department of State, as required. The Department and the Contractor each hereby commit that they will diligently cooperate with one another to realize the goals outlined herein to provide educational opportunities on the advances in technology in an effort to improve the quality of life of seniors of Suffolk County. 5. Tablet Ownership The County shall retain ownership of the Tablets until the Contractor complies with all of the requirements set forth in this MOU. Upon the Department issuing a final approval, in writing, that Contractor has successfully complied with all of the reporting requirements set forth in this MOU, the Tablets shall become the property of the Contractor. End of Text for Exhibit II Law No. 15-AG- Agreement No. 001-0000-0000-95285-010 . Rev. 9/11/13 SCOFA/NPE Tablet Distribution Exhibit III Additional Agreement Provisions 1. Nondiscrimination in Services a. The Contractor shall not, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, military status, or marital status i.) deny any individual the Services provided pursuant to the Contract; or ii.) provide the Services to an individual that is different, or provided in a different manner, from those provided to others pursuant to the Contract; or iii.) subject an individual to segregation or separate treatment in any matter related to the individual's receipt of the Services provided pursuant to the Contract; or iv.) restrict an individual in any way from any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others receiving the Services provided pursuant to the Contract; or v.) treat an individual differently from others in determining whether or not the individual satisfies any eligibility or other requirements or conditions which individuals must meet in order to receive the Services provided pursuant to the Contract. b. The Contractor shall not utilize criteria or methods of administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because of their race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, military status, or marital status, or have the effect of substantially impairing the Contract with respect to individuals of a particular race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, military status, or marital status, in determining: I.) the Services to be provided; or ii.) the class of individuals to whom, or the situations in which, the Services will be provided; or iii.) the class of individuals to be afforded an opportunity to receive the Services. 2. Nonsectarian/Nonpartisan Declaration The Services performed under the Contract are secular and nonpartisan in nature. No funds received pursuant to the Contract shall be used for sectarian purposes or to further the advancement of any religion, candidate or partisan effort. The Services will be available to all eligible individuals regardless of religious belief or political affiliation. 3. Governing Law The Contract shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, without regard to conflict of laws. Venue shall be designated in the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, or, if appropriate, a court of inferior jurisdiction in Suffolk County. 4. No Waiver It shall not be construed that any failure or forbearance of the County to enforce any provision of the Contract in any particular instance or instances is a waiver of that provision. Such provision shall otherwise remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding any such failure or forbearance. End of Text for Exhibit III Exhibit 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK kb, Steven Bellone COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR THE AGING Holly S. Rhodes-Teague DIRECTOR GOOGLE TABLET USAGE REPORT Town Number of Tablets Received Quarter Contact Person Phone # Number of CLIENTS using Tablets Number of HOURS of Tablet usage Location(s) where tablets are used: Tablets will be used to instruct older residents on many applications that are available on tablets. Senior Center staff will offer classes on email, research, skype, benefit programs, mapquest and recreational games. Staff also plan to look into inter-generational programming with local high school students assisting residents with the use of the tablets. H. LEE DENNISON BUILDING • 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY • P.O. BOX 6100 ? HAUPPAUGE, NY. 11788-0099 ? PHONE (631) 053-8200 ? FAX (631) 853-8225