HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarroun, Ned p A D 63745 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 NOV 2 6 2013 mahgpt@aol.com -f J November 26, 2013 w T Board of Trustees Boald Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 amanda.nunemaker@town.southold.ny.us Dearlim: As you are aware our home is located near Mill Creek Bridge on Route 25. Unfortunately, when Hurricane Sandy hit in October of 2012, our big Willow to the west got saturated with three feet of tide water. I had hoped for a better outcome this spring 2013, unfortunately, it did not make leaves. Weeping Willows are a soft brittle species to begin with, coupled with the drying and die back of the branches it is starting to spread a lot of roof litter and becoming dangerous. A photo of the tree I will be emailed separately. I would like to head it back to put it in a safe condition and hope for a push of spring 2014 foliage. If this does not happen we can discuss total removal at that time. Appreciate your thinking regarding this matter. Please feel free to contact me at 631-765-1963. Thanking you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, kA '2~ I i 3 ~~l tl l Ned Harroun Island Tree & Landscapes, Inc. h IL t/l VL~O Nunemaker, Amanda • • From: mahgpt@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 8:12 AM To: Nunemaker, Amanda Subject: 63745 Route 25 Weeping Willow Attachments: Southold Town Weeping Willow.doc Morning Amanda, We had our grandson send you pictures of the Willow tree from his (phone this morning. Attached you will find letter of request to work on the tree. Thanking you as always, for your courtesy and help. Happy Thanksgiving! Mary Anne & Ned Harroun 1 1 f~. Ply ieoL+ / M mrvo- c n r r• MEN" oll AS MWA jA, �rr. :....� ,f �► l�lv ��a�!!�;irs��,�� moi'",e:�+ � .� A Ilk e u. r