HomeMy WebLinkAboutBitses, James-DeniedB0:kRD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMIT To: Junes Bitses ]. Your opp[i~otion, doted October 12, 1982 ...................... .................................................. has oeen reviewed by.this 8oard, at a meeting of the Trustees held on November. 9, 1982 and resulting [n the act[on, as indicated below: (...x...x:.x....) ( ............ ) Application approved. Application denied, withoul; prejudice. App!59etion tabled. objected Comments and remorks: The Trustees/because the bulkhead went through a healthy viable marsh~. A PERzZIT FEE 3. [f your cool[Cation [S aooroved above, /~'-P, a-rmff ,'I-'~ iS now due~ and should be mode payable to th~,order o( the Board of Southold Town TrUsTees. This fee is comnuted below a " ' +he C~ne' I - ~ ccor0m to ~-~' ~%~L R~kes_~s set fo~h ,n the instruction Sheet IEQrm /1] ~his fee must ~e ..... ,,m rue ~= SO~o n person to the ~ec, etmry of the Board, The Permit wdl be obl'ain~ble at the some time. If the ~ee is paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply. Computation o¢ Permit Fee: Total Fee for this application .. . $igne~d .. ~'res. Boord of Southold Town Trustees. NA~E OF CRAEEK CORET CRt~W{ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Southotd, New York 11971 3Iain Road APPLICATION FOR A BULKHEAD. DIKE, OR 3ETTY I. Does this proiect involve the use of WETLANDS as delia, sd in the Southold Town Wetlands Ord nonce? YES or NO. If it does, you must file through the Town Clerk's Office. N0 2. Is the proposed work entirely within the boundaries of your own property os substantiated by your Deed or Survey? YES or NO. If it is, a Permit is NOT required from this Board, but the Town Building Inspector should be contacted for full details. 'irES 3. Applicant's name and address: ........... ~.~!.~...B,~J~a.~.a ............................................................. Main Road~ Southold~ N.Y, llg~l ' ~eZ. Z~-~O0 4. Contractor's nome and address: .... Pa~riek...C. ar~ig ............................................................... ....... E$~hmnnd 8mad Sauth~ld~ ~.y. ll~ll ~' Tel. Z6H-~g2 5. ~plain briefly the purpose of this application: The f~ontage of ~I property . has been e~oded because o~ the fa~lt~ ~ka~m~n~ ~. a hul~aa~ . on the p~ope~ty to the southwest. The ebb and Flow oF the tides watev l~e is now ~ubme~ged, E wish to place a bul~ead one Foot ~hn~cally, ,Z~o~ the l~nd_~ndev wa~er ~iGh I seek to pecIaim. 6. ':er ~ssuance or ~ermit,work ~SE De comp&eued wzthln one year. .~RGE 7. Secure th~ correct Area Map from the Clerk of this Boar~. and by usinga/ X W'ITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate ~s c~osely as .possible the location of this prosect. Om the reverse side, prov[de-s SCALE D~WING which will show Ordina~ High Water Msrk as well as the size and shope of the structure or work to be done. Also include all dimensions for portions which extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. State Adjacent property owners. 8. Provide the following documents: (~1 A Licensed Engineer's 5u~ey of ihe property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plan and 5pecific~tions. (c) Short Environmental Assessment Form. 9. Does this project extend into Tow~ ~Gters beyond on imGg~n~ llne or boundary formed by existing works of a similar nature along this area s shorehne. YES or NO. Jf it does, state the approximate distance beyond, ..~ ..... ~. ]0. V/ill this construction require lhe Filling of any land offshore of the Ordina~ High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? YES or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (,~pptic~tion for Dredging/Filling) must be completed ~nd attached ~s p~rt of this application. ~pplicstion ~o~ d~edging ] ]. In requesting approval of this ~pp[ication, ~ submit that: the information presented herein is true and correct to the b~t of my knowledge and belief; ~ Gm the per~n GccountGb[e for the performance of the work in accordance wHh ~he plans ~nd specifications at¢ached; I have re~d or am familiar with the Provisions Of any 5outho[d Town Ordinance pertinent to the work invo[ved; and further, I inten~ to adhere to and abide by the Terms and ~nditJons of ~he Permit, when and if issued to me. ~ J?~~'~~ A/3 Rev. 2/82 L.S.,~<~ ...................... 2 Town Of Southold Main oaa Southold, New York 11971 I/ APPLICATION TO DR~GE nd or FILL 1. Does this proj~ involve ~he use of WET~NDS os defined in ~he Sou~hold Town Ordinonce in Wetlands? YES or NO. If it does, your opp]ica~ion must be filed lhrough the Town Clerk's 2App iCont s ~cme and ~dress: .... , ........................................................................... ,' ............. ', ............................................ ....... .......................... 4' ~plain b~efly the purpose of this application: ~~rm.~...~~ .......... .................................................................. 5. After issuance of Permit, work must be completed within one year. LARGE 6. Secure the correc¢ Area Mop from the Clerk of ~his 8oa~, ~nd by using a~ WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, i~icate as closely as possible the loc~ion of this work. On the reverse side of this ~p, provide ~ SCALE DP~V¢ING which will show the OrdJnaQ, High Water M~rk and the size and shape of the ~,uccure or work. All dimensions offshore of the O. H. ~/. M. should a[so be shown and include ~ny f~e scanding pilings which ~il[ remoin at completion. SLate adjacent property o~ers. 7. Provide the following documents: (~) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of che propercy involved. ((b~ A copy o! the. Contractor's ~P4qns Gnd 5pecJ~ic~ipn% c) ~nort ~nvzronmen-ai assessmen~ ~a~emen~. 8. H~s ~ny previous appJication for this work been denied by any other govemmen~ YES or NO. If it has-been, name che ~flency. ~ ................................ [~-[~-' ...... [~ ............ Date of denial ..2 ...... L ............................ g. If dredging is comcemplat~, give your es~inqace of the fo[lowing. (a) Average depth of water at M. ~ W.where dredging, ..~..~ ..... ~.(~7~ ................... ft. (b) Maximum depth of dredging below the bottom, ...~....~ ............................................... (c) Maximum length of dredged area ........................................................................ ft (d) ~Maximum width of dredged area ~ (e) Maximum amount o~ material to be dredged ¢ ...... ;....~ ...... ~. ............ : ....... ,. $. yds. 10. ~r-Lining is expected, give your ~timate et the following: (a) Maximum amount of materia[ required,. .......... t.~.t.~....~..-.~--~ ................... c. (b) ~plain how fill will be obtained and where it will be placed. ] 1. In request[n~ opprevot of th~s o~lication, I submi¢ ~ho~: I om the ~erson occoun~oble fo~ the performance c{ ~e work in ~ccord with tho pl~ns ~nd sp~ificotiens ~ttached hereto~ I h~vo re~d or om ~mH~r with tho ~rovisions o{ ~ny Southold Town the work [nvolvedl ond further, I intend to ~dhere to ~nd ~bide b~ the Terms on~ Conditions A/4 Rev. 2/82 L ................... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In Order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer wiii use currentIy avaiiabIe information concerning %he project and %he Iikeiy impacts of %he ac%ion. I% is no% expected %ha% additionaI studies, research or other investigations wiii be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a compie%ed Environmen%ai Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No i% is likeiy %hat this project is no% significant. (dj Environmen%aI Assessment 1. Will project result 'in o large physical change %o %he project site or physicaiIy aI%e4r more than 10 acres of land? ........................ Will %here be o major change ~o any unique or unusual land form Found on %he si%e? .......... Wilt project otter or have o large effeci on exisiing body of wa%er? ....................... Will project hove o paten%tally large impact on groundwater quality? ....................... 3. 4. 5. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. PREPARER'S SIGNATURE ~~~ REPRESENTING ',~ Yes ~ No Yes X No Y~s X No Yes X;No Will pro3ec% si~nificontly effect droino~e flow on adjacent si%es?..' ...... ~ ............... Yes X No Will pro3eci affect any threatened or endangered plon~ or animal species? ........... Yes X No Will projec~ result in o mo)or adverse effect on air quality? ............................... Yes X NO Will pro3ec% hove o major effect on visual character oF ~he community or scenic views or vis%os known %o be important to %he community? Yes ~ No Will project adversely impact any site or struciure oF his%or%c, prehistoric or poleon~ologicol importance or any si~e designated os o critical environmental oreo by o local agency? ............ ~'~-."~-~".'~-~'~--~' Yes X No Will project hove a ~ojor effect on existing or future recreational opportunities? ......... Yes X No Will project resuI~ in major traffic problems or cause a major effect %0 existing z tronspor~a%iom systems? ....................... Will projec% regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance os o resui% oF ~he project's opera-%ion? .................................... Yes X ,No Will project have any impac~ on public health or.safe%y9 .................................... Will project affect ~he existing community by directly causing o growth in permanent populofion oF more %hah 5 percent over o one year period or have o major negative effec~ on the choroc%'er oF the community or neighborhood9 ................................. Is %here public controversy concerning ~he project? ...................................... Yes X No Yes X No Yes X No Yes X No TOW/V k