HomeMy WebLinkAboutPet Therapy Program RESOLUTION 2013-807 ADOPTED DOC ID: 9208 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2013-807 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 6,2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Pet Therapy Partnership Agreement between the Town of Southold and Bideawee in connection with introducing a Pet Therapy Program at the Katinka House and Senior Center, at no cost to the Town, subject to the consent of participants and approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO 11 MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER: William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Russell NAYS: Louisa P. Evans Bey u~ ?.u l s I UUMI Hr rax lk• 31325.8121 page 4 0 10 bide ~ w 9 onlrnod people for people vrho love orlinials Pet Therapy Partnership Agreement This Agreem(snt, dated 20jJI is entered into by and between Bideawee ("Bideawee" "our") and _ rnivJn n~. SoulMol Kat-jn Cxlr~tJame of Facility) ("you .,your") . { Whereas, Bideawee provides a Pet Therapy ("Pet Therapy") program which involves trained volunteer teams ?animal and handler), visiting 'healthcare, senior daycare and residential facilities to share the human-animal bond and =importance it has on healing and mental well being; and whereas, `~OWY\ 0 F :Sn. > - vl YAM inlaa liA" (Name of Facility) wishes to participate In Bideawee's Pet Therapy program. Now therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: e, Bideawee will: I , Assure that all our visiting Pei' Therapy teams will be approved and insured Animal Assisted Therapy Teams who have gone through registration with a nationally recognized organization. Volunteers will be in good standing with Bideawee and have a genuine interest in the healing benefits of the human-animal bond. 2. Require all human team members to undergo a background check, including the sex offender registry. 1 Assure that volunteer teams wear didequate identification while on the property. Identification will consist 6f name tags, logo'd t-shirts and either a therapy vest or bandana for the animal, 4. Assure that all animals will be clean and well-groomed when they arrive at your faciliy. 5. Assure, to the best of one's ability, that all animals are screened on an annual basis and will coach all Pet Therapy teams to volunteer only when their pets are healthy. They will be free of evidence of fleas, ticks, ringworm. scabies and intestinal parasites. Each volunteer will have a medical health report for their pet completed annually by their veterinarian. 6. Comply with all your organizational policies and procedures which you provide to us in writing and our Pet Therapy teams will undergo volunteer orientation as reasonably required and/or desired by you. 7. Assure that our volunteers understand the importance of patient/resideht confidentiality and agree to sign a confidentiality form if desired by your facility. 8, Assure that volunteer teams have all appropriate equipment for handling the animals, including but not limited to collar, leads and cleaning supplies. ; 9, Assure that volunteers clean up after the animals. 10. Provide volunteer teams to work with your patients/residents on the days/times agre9d upon. 11. Inform you cs soon as possible If we must cancel or postpone a session due to illness or emergency, human or animal relafed. S9/19 39Vd 33MV3QIS I96198L9IS 9799 9992/SZ/c9 yep u~) 1:u13 '11:JUA.'l HP Fax ;-631.325-$`21, pase 5 12. Not take of wi b er tho t our consent which consent you may photographs/video u Y Y Y give or decline by checking the appropriate box below, and if you give consent, request permission to use such photographs/video elsewhere and, with your assistance, obtain written releases from guardions when necessary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may at any time, by providing Bideawee with written notice, revoke such consent with respect to any or ail students. 13, Never authorize a volunteer to be alone with any patient/resident unless your organization walves this provision. 14. Never authorize a Bideawee volunteer to leave the facility's premises with patient/resident(s) unless your organization waives this provision. 15. Provide or participate in patient/resident progress notes and related documentation as reasonably requested by you. 16. Report any incident of which Bideawee becomes aware to your staff and follow reporting and documentation protocol (provided by you to us in writing) as required by your facility. 17. Conduct a review of our Pet Therapy program with yoU atleast once per year. 18. Provide this service to your facility free of charge. Your organization and staff will: 1. Provide Bideawee Pet Therapy teams with appropriate orientation and written general organizational policies and procedures including but not limited to emergency protocols. 2. Provide appropriate supervision. Bideawee volunteers pre not permitted to be alone with patient/resident(s) without staff presence unless your organization gives special permission. Initial here if you would like to waive this provision and allow our Pet Therapy teams 1'0 conduct the visits unsupervised : 3. Provide the Pet Therapy team with an appropriate venue to conduct the visit, free of interruptions. 4. Provide briefing to the volunteers about each participant in the program including information that will assist the volunteer in being successful- 5. Participate'in periodic de-briefing with our teams and program. mariager. 6. Inform Bideawee Learning Center Staff and/or Pet Therapy teams at least two (2) days in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule any visits. 7. Notify the Learning Center Manager and/or Pet Therapy teams of any illness among your, patient/resident(s) that may be communicable and/or threaten the health of the volunteer (e,g„ lice, chicken pox, measles, mumps, etc,) or their pet (ringworm,. 8. Inform the Learning Center Manager if problems occur with any Bideawee volunteer Pet Therapy teams (person or animal). 9. Obtain prior consent from Bideawee if these sessions are to be filmed, observed by any media, or permanently documented in any manner. The Pet Therapy program is a Bldeowee program. As such, all PR for these programs should be arranged through Bideawee. If the press or media.confact you about our program, please direct them to Steven Tedder at 212 532-4455, 5xt 7231. No publicity can be done for Bideowee's programs without Bideawee's prior consent, - 10. Obtain, as and if necessary, the necessary written consents from each participant and/or such participant's legal guardian with respect to such participant's paricipation in the Pet Therapy program. Except as otherwise set forth herein and unless Caused by the negligence or misconduct of any Bideawee volunteer (including, without limitation, the mishandling of any animal), Bideawee' is not liable to.you hereunder, including, without limitation, in connection with a patient/resident's allergic reaction to any animal. You agree and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the actions (including, without limitation, negligence and misconduct) of your s0/Z0 39va 33MV3QI9 T96T98L91S 90:90 900 ISEV60 i'ep u., 2013 11:0OAM HP Fax 1-631.325-8121 page 6 patient/residenf(s) and staff, including but not limited to the infliction of injury to any anirrial, You represent and warrant that you have the necessary authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of your facility, You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Bideawee frorn and against any losses, damages, claims, expenses. costs (including ottomeys' fees) arising out of a third party claim resulting from your negligence or misconduct (including the negligence or misconduct of any. TEIJJ/1 ~F' S'bleVln of r~ an'nKtl llfty Name) employee, and/or the breach by you of any representation, warranty or obligation hereunder. We look forward to a successful, collaborative and productive relationship and appreciate any feedback you may have. 4 Agreed: For Town C So IA For: Bideawee Name o Organization Si re / r Signature Nancry Taylor Print Name Print Name C) r- C U t -?resident and CEO Title Title rr ra ~ / Date Dale ,zei'E0 39Vd 33Md3QI8 T9615BZ919 9V:90 900E/5Z/c0