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August 26, 2013
Lynda M Rudder RECEIVED
Deputy Town Clerk SEP - 3 2013
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179
Southold NY 11971 Southold Town Clerk
RE: Town of Southold, Local Law 5 2013, filed on August 23, 2013
Dear Sir/Madam:
The above referenced material was filed by this office as indicated. Additional
local law filing forms can be obtained from our website, www.dos.ny.gov.
State Records and Law Bureau
(518) 474-2755
July 30, 2013
7:32 PM
Present: Supervisor Scott Russell
Justice Louisa Evans
Councilman William Ruland
Councilman Christopher Talbot
Councilwoman Jill Doherty
Councilman James Dinizio
Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville
Town Attorney Martin Finnegan
This hearing was opened at 8:15 PM
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, there has been presented to the
Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 18`h day of June, 2013,
a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Dogs or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town" and
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will
hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road,
Southold, New York, on the 30`h day of July, 2013, at 7:32 p.m. at which time all interested
persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83.
Animals, and Chanter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of
Dops or Domestic Animals throughout the Town" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Dogs or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
1. Purpose.
The purpose of these Amendments is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Town
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 2
July 30, 2013
residents and guests using Town recreational areas by enacting regulations pertaining to
control of dogs and other domestic animals throughout the Town and on Town-owned
recreational areas, beaches, children's play areas, picnic areas, athletic fields and trails.
II. Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§83-6. Prohibited activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, in possession of or in control of
any dog(s) or domestic animal(s) in the Town of Southold to permit or allow such doggy
or domestic animal(s) to run at laree:
A. Rtm at large elsem wre. Other than upon the premises of the owner or custodian
uriless said dog shall be on a leash or- asee"anied by a per-son at least 12 years a
age, having adequate eeFAFel of sueh de , or unless be upon the premises of
another person with the knowledge and consent of such person. Per- the purpose of
B. Other than upon recreational areas subject to the provisions of & 193-3.1.
B.C. Engage in habitual howling or barking or conduct itself in such a manner as to
habitually annoy any person other than the owner or person harboring such dog.
E.D. Cause damage or destruction to property other than the property of the owner or
person harboring such dog.
D.E. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonably to cause
intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or
III. Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
4193-3.1. Regulations concerning does or domestic animals.
A. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are permitted on the following Town-owned
recreation areas and subject to the following conditions:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas, trails and/or athletic fields, if the
dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash not more than four feet in
length at all times.
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 3
July 30, 2013
2 Beaches if the dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash from May 1
through October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
3 Town designated dog runs with no leash required.
B Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are not permitted on the following Town-
owned recreation areas:
1 Parks picnic areas children's play areas and/or athletic fields and trails
that are posted with signage indicating "Dog(s) or Domestic Animal(s)
2 Designated bathing beaches during such times that a lifeguard is on duty.
Designated bathing beaches include Goose Creek Beach, Kenny's Beach,
Norman E Klipp Marine Park Beach McCabe's Beach, New Suffolk
Beach Southold Town Beach and any other bathing beach desig an ted by
the Town Board in a duly adopted resolution;
3 Land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for
protection of Piping plovers and other endangered species.
C Unless otherwise stated herein where dog(s) or domestic animal(s) are permitted
on Town-owned recreation areas the dog(s) or domestic animal(s) shall be under
immediate supervision and control of the owner or custodian with the ability to
immediately leash the dog(s) or domestic animal(s).
D The leashing requirements of this Section shall not apply to a dog or dogs hunting
in the company of a hunter or hunters on recreational areas where hunting is
permissible or to bonafide service dogs.
E All dogs permitted on Town-owned recreation areas shall have a collar that
adequately displays a valid dog license.
F All dog(s) or domestic animal(s) waste shall be removed in accordance with &83-
§193-9. Behavior and conduct.
No person shall:
A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of intoxicating
$ Bring aa other- a ste animal into eatio al a e4hef th
it4ing the Farm"g of dogs a4 lafge. All .7,.....
herein h i t b d re a
these where h 1 ...hied s ell be resu:a-i ,..I At all lim-es 0
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 4
July 30, 2013
6.B Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as
may be designated by the Superintendent.
P.C Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he claims
to have upon request of any authorized person who shall desire to inspect the
same for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any law or rule.
€.D Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or
participating in an activity under the authority of a permit.
RE Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any
ceremony, make a speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any parade
or procession in any recreational area without first obtaining authorization.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
I have a letter from Suffolk County, Sarah Lansdale, director of Planning and Andrew Freleng,
chief planner `Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to A 14-25 of the Suffolk
County Administrative code, the above referenced application which has been submitted to the
Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as
there is no apparent significant county wide or inter-community impact. A decision of local
determination shall not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval.' We have a letter
from Donald Wilcenski, chairman of the Planning Board `Thank you for the opportunity to
provide comments regarding the above proposed amendments to the Town Code. The Planning
Board has reviewed the proposed amendments and supports the adoption of this legislation.' I
have a notice that it was posted in the Suffolk Times on July 18`h and on the Town Clerk's
bulletin board on July 19ei and that is it.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody like to address the Town Board on this particular
local law?
CYNTHIA WELLS: Cynthia Wells, I live in Southold. It all sounds quite reasonable except the
length of the leash. Most leashes are sold in the pet stores at least 6 feet in length. So you are
going to require everybody in the whole area to go out and buy new leashes to accommodate for
this law. I just find that a little harsh. Most leashes, if they are not extension leashes which the
extension leash you can make it 4 feet but if people just have a regular leash, they are 6 feet.
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 5
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That is the way they are sold. I don't remember seeing any leash, especially for a big dog, that is
sold at a length of 4 feet.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: But we got that length from other codes in other towns and
this is specifically on recreation fields for like say, you want to bring your family dog to watch
your son play soccer or something. They can hold that leash closer.
MS. WELLS: That is different, I would always hold my dog closer because I have got a jumper,
so I am not going to, you know, I don't have a problem with holding it closer but to say the leash
has to be 4 feet that is different than to say you can hold it closer. And in New York City which
is, I mean, I am not saying that is better it is just that is what I am familiar with, is it is 6 feet. In
Los Angeles, it is 6 feet. I don't understand....
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: We felt that keeping your dog within the 4 feet radius of
yourself at an athletic field where kids and other people were running around was reasonable.
MS. WELLS: I find it reasonable too but do you see what I am saying? If you make everybody
have to comply to getting a 4 foot leash....
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Wait, we are not saying that the leash has to be 4 feet, we are
saying that the dog has to be tethered at 4 feet to your body.
MS. WELLS: That is not what I heard...
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: What I think the biggest part that you are missing here is that dogs
were not allowed in those areas at all....
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: You are now allowed to bring them there as long as you have them
on a 4 foot leash. You can chose to keep them out of there and not go on the beaches when
people are there or not go in the parks.
MS. WELLS: No, I am not missing that at all. That is why I said at the beginning, I said that's
all really reasonable, that is all really great. I have no problem keeping my dog on the leash. It
is the wording of the leash has to be 4 feet long...
MS. WELLS: So that you can get a ticket if the leash is 6 feet long?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: I find that hard to believe that is ever going to happen.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We actually borrowed from other codes. Also, the Suffolk County
has many assets in Southold Town, there current code requires 4 feet of length for leash. So if
you are at Cedar Beach....
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 6
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MS. WELLS: Okay, it's just that, is this like a done deal or can we check that the pet stores are
selling, I don't even know of any selling a 4 foot leash.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: We are not saying you have to buy a 4 foot leash, we are
saying you have to keep the leash can only be extended 4 feet at these areas.
MS. WELLS: That is great but that is not the wording I was hearing. I am sorry to be a stickler,
it is just I don't want to get a ticket if I have a longer leash.
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: Have you gotten a ticket there before, walking around on the
beaches or the parks or anything?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: I don't think you are going to get a ticket for a 4 foot leash.
MS. WELLS: My understanding was just that the enforcement was going to, people were really
going to try to enforce it.
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: Where did you hear that?
MS. WELLS: At one of the previous meetings. It is just the wording, you have to have the....
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Why don't we just change it to say animal is on a leash and
restrained not more than 4 feet from the owner? Is that clear?
MS. WELLS: So that people don't have to go out and buy new leashes.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is really what our intention is anyway.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Yes, we want to make that clear.
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: Alright, we will make that clarification.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who else would like to comment on this particular local law? Dan?
DAN CATULLO: Dan Catullo, Mattituck. I was going over the incarnation, the recent
incarnation of your law on the dogs and I noticed something of interest here. The amendment is,
the purpose is to protect the health, safety and well-being of the town residents and guests.
People of the town. For the life of me, I can't see how this law is worded is going to help my
safety and my well-being. I just can't see the mechanism in place where what is written here in
this law as opposed to what is now in existence is going to help my safety and I would like
anyone of you to tell me exactly how that works? How is my safety going to be enhanced by this
new law as opposed by the 1981 law? I can't fathom that. Does anybody have an answer to that,
how that works?
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COUNCILMAN TALBOT: It is good wording.
MR. CATULLO: Pardon?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: Good wording, culled out of the old law. Trying to come up with a
compromise for the last year and a half but you know....
MR. CATULLO: Well, at any rate, the wording is, I think it is just a clichd.
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: Well, you are going to have, probably splitting hairs here 50-50
here where people are going to be happy or not so happy but you have to go in some direction
and get something done on it.
MR. CATULLO: Alright. Well, I just thought that was a little bit inaccurate. At any rate, I also
noticed that the East Hampton people have seen the light in my view. They have attended to the
problem of dogs on the beaches by in fact, putting restrictions on free roaming dogs. Doing just
exactly the opposite of where we are going. Heading towards, but not to, the 1981 position that
we have taken on the north fork. In fact, let me just briefly go over, I have a copy of the article
from the East Hampton Star when this thing was passed by them. The headline, `Get out the
leash dog lovers, Rover no longer free to roam on village beaches' and it mentions previously
dogs could run at will during the hours that they were allowed on the ocean beaches, before 9
AM and after 6 PM in the summer months. Sound familiar to anyone? This is East Hampton
and they are changing their laws. And the reason for this. Those who have complained about
dog waste and aggressive encounters. Here is another one, those whose sunset picnics and other
gatherings were interrupted by dogs. These are all facts that we have brought up here in the past.
They were mentioned here again and again at town meetings. Apparently these people are wise
enough to be taking action in the right direction because of those complaints. It seems to me we
are not wise enough to do the same. We are taking this thing and putting it right on its head,
turning it upside down. That is sad. That is really sad. People will say well, look, the south
fork, the hamptons, we are not the hamptons, we are the north fork. We have a different agenda,
we have different values. Yes, thank god we are not the south fork. But true wisdom is
universal not south or north. Just remember that. If the town wants this law, well, okay. It is
going to have to live with it as is but I only ask that this law be effective within the confines of
those areas that are outlined. That means in the case of Bailie beach which I am going to specify
here because that is my main concern but I appreciate other people's concerns as well, if it
maintains in the confines of the perimeters of Bailie beach that is fine but I see that as not
happening. I see the fact that this is going to break out of it. It is going to get beyond that area
and come down to the east. It has been doing it for all these years. And it will continue to do so,
I am pretty sure. How do we stop that? Signage might be a good idea. Putting up appropriate
signs and making sure that people are aware of it. I am always concerned about vandalism. We
have had it down there. Signs have been knocked down at the end of Bailie beach in the past. It
may happen. We can try it though. A sign with restrictions allowing that there is a perimeter
there and private property is beyond might help. But more importantly, there is a dagger to the
east in our hearts, the property owners to the east of Bailie beach and that dagger is the
following: below mean high water is public trust area, is public access. I have no problem with
that. As Scott will know, I have been an advocate for people having access to the water below
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 8
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mean high water. That is fine. What happens when these people have free running dogs in that
area? Those free running dogs aren't staying on public trust property. Those dogs are in our
yards doing what dogs do and a lot of those things they do are not very nice, as we have gone
over and I am not going to repeat all of that again because I have done it any number of meetings
here but you should very well be aware of that. Now the whole idea of this mean high water
line. It has been nebulous, there have been any number of arguments over the eyars. On the
west side of the inlet for other reasons, there have been any number of, almost coming to blows,
adversarial confrontation. Well, if in fact the town claims that all this public trust area below
mean high water east of that Bailie beach, if that area is forbidden to unleashed dogs, it would
resolve the problem. Maybe a 30 word addendum to your verbose law here. What happens with
that? It eliminates this whole problem about where's mean high water. Is the rack line here, is
the tide line there, where is the sand, where is the storm put this here, doesn't matter. If in fact
that area is off limits, I am standing on my property, my property is off limits to unleashed dogs,
obviously, that is my mandate. Below mean high water, by town fiat and the state as you said,
the state has allowed you to make that decision. EPA is okay with it. You can say no unleashed
dogs in that area. I am standing on my property, there is no dog allowed on my side of it and by
town fiat there is no dog allowed on the opposite side of it. So, any dog that is in that area,
unleashed, is an illegal dog. Case closed. Enforcement is easy and we go to court or get a fine.
And that should be pretty straight forward and simple. If the town enacts this corollary to your
law, in other words, no unleashed dogs below mean high water period. I mean, the only thing I
am really after, one of the main things the thrust of all my arguments since this horrendous event
last year, is I want to prevent threatening, dangerous, unwanted elements from intruding on my
private property. I don't want them in my yard or at my throat. I don't see anything
unreasonable about that. Why there is a debate about it. I don't know. I just don't get it. Just
take apart these pieces and say where is the argument going to come from? I just don't
understand. I mean, I have talked and talked, I have given proof and statistics, insurance
statistics, emergency room statistics, observations in the emergency room, experiences, the
media coverage. Apparently ignored, forgotten or it is simply denied. You talk about holocaust
denial. I mean, it is as if I have never mentioned all the bad things that have been happening, to
hear a lot of these people talk about dogs, especially the unleashed ones. Well, I am not going to
go into that again. We have been through and through that, I have been at a lot of meetings and I
have talked myself blue. What I would like to do, did you distribute that letter that I gave you
Scott? By chance, have you all read that?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Which letter was that?
MR. CATULLO: The one in early July. I thought it was pretty pertinent. Well, that me do this,
for public record and public consumption, let me go through it. it is brief enough. Hopefully,
the time has arrived when Southold will provide some relief in the matter of free running beach
dogs. Ironically, the attack on me took place before 8:30 AM, see police report, and therefore
lies outside the purview of your new proposed law. Thus rendering moot the complete resolution
of the very problem that has precipitated this action in the first place. The somewhat unique
situation that presents at Bailie beach and its environs should require a modification in how the
public is alerted to possible developments after the law is passed. Because of a wide spread
misperception, Bailie beach seems to be one long dog run that extends from the inlet to some
infinite point far to the east and that the whole width of that beach from the bluff to the water is
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 9
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open to public exploitation. No consideration is given to private property above the mean high
water line. And thus many of the simplistic suggestions for resolution of the beach dog problem
fail to confront this reality or appreciate the fact that many of us enjoy sitting in our own yard, in
peace, without fear of confrontation as has occurred so many times in the past. The new law
would continue to provide opportunity for opening private property to violation and its owners
liable to harassment and to safety and health issues. Either because of ignorance, bad habits or
an unfortunate tendency to disregard the feelings or needs of others, the dogs will come, romp,
annoy or threaten when released from the restraint for which the leash was created. And this
would occur well beyond the limits of what is designated as Bailie beach and is one of the actual
venues of the laws application. Our beach front is unique as property in that no fences or
barriers can protect owners from thoughtless or lawless intrusions because of the laws of nature
and of Southold Town. Virtually every unleashed dog will trespass on beach owners property
during any passage east of Bailie beach corridor, thus the new law without a strongly and
diligently attended proviso enables selfish and irresponsible dog owners to create great mischief
and thus prevent the dog owning residents from fully enjoying a most vital and lovely part of
their property at perhaps the most desirable time of day or season of the year. And this brings up
the point of these arbitrary hours. What is bad at one hour and dangerous at one hour is fine
another, I mean, it is just crazy. What provisions are you going to make to protect those of us
with property adjacent to Bailie beach? Okay, I mentioned the signage, I mentioned making the
area of the low mean high water a prohibited area for unleashed dogs. I put down an appropriate
sign that I thought might be workable. The new law without appropriate restrictions and
oversight would be nothing but a specious attempt to placate those of us that are concerned about
the dog problem, especially those of us who have the most to lose, such as what was
demonstrated in my yard, near Bailie beach on May 8, 2012. Okay, the way it works for me and
the way I view it (inaudible) provisions are brought in, this corollary I mentioned this is no law
at all. And any law that promotes anarchy, even if it is dog anarchy, it is an oxymoron and a
fraud. Thank you.
ARLENE CATULLO: Arlene Catullo, Mattituck. I am just really hoping that if this law pass, it
is not acquiescent as Mr. Talbot would say, have you ever been fined for your dog being on
property that it should be on? I just don't, if you are going to do it to appease dog owners, really
I suggest that you have the dogs leashed. I haven't really said that we didn't want dogs at all, we
just said that they are leashed. And it is true, when I am sitting down there or I used to walk as I
mentioned at a previous meeting, stopped because you encounter the dog, freeze in my tracks
and wait until the dog owner would leash their dog or at least get it in their control because they
do have a free range once they are on Bailie beach. That's is what we are asking for, when you
mention the safety and welfare of residents it should be for the safety and welfare of the people
and not to appease dog owners. And that is what I am asking you to consider, a leash on the
beaches. Or at least enforce the law. And not just sit back and say okay, we have a law and if I
have to call you know, I don't want to look like I am disturbing the police because you know,
someone is not abiding by the law. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Let me comment, first of all we have already had discussions with
Jeff Standish on signage and we are going to put signage down there and I think that is going to
at least address many of yours and Dan's concerns. The signs might get vandalized, it might get
ripped out. We will put more up, it happens at all the beaches. That being said, I know that
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Councilwoman Doherty has been meeting with the police chief and others to talk about the
understanding, if we are going this route, we are going to need to rely on you to enforce the
provisions of this, like any code, why pass it if we can't enforce it? it is going to be an ongoing
process, there might be a time when we are facing the same debate they are facing in East
Hampton but I think at this point, the Town Board wants to do something. It is clear we are
making both sides a little bit unhappy and that would tell me that this Town Board has worked
very hard to try to find as even a balance as possible.
MS. CATULLO: right, I understand and I appreciate your efforts but I just also would ask, you
know, if they listen, dog owners to be responsible as they say they and when they see someone
walking the beach, that they make an attempt to at least leash their dog before the dog
approaches a pedestrian on the beach. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay, thank you. Who else would like to address the Town Board?
BILL SHIPMAN: Bill Shipman from Cutchogue. I forwarded a couple of pictures to Jim
regarding busses and limos....
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Let me just ask, I am sorry Bill, we will listen to everything you
have to say in a few minutes, we just want to finish the public hearing. This is a public hearing
for a local law. Let me finish that and then when we close that, I will take comment on other
MARY MCTIGUE: I am Mary McTigue from Southold. I wanted to show you actually a sign
that is up in Southampton township of the compromise they made for dog owners and it is
specific times with the violations stated on the signs.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay. Thank you. I will give this down to Betty and she will make
sure we all get a copy.
MS. MCTIGUE: Yeah, it's just, I am not going to go through everything I said before, it seems
like this code, the train has left the station so to speak. It is going to be enacted, I don't
understand why, like this gentleman, I can't wrap my head around the logic of the safety and the
health hazard and everything else it creates but okay, let's go with that. I read this code several
times and I don't understand a few things so if you just answer a few things for me, why in a
recreation area such as a park would a dog need to be on a leash?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: Kids running around, more activity in there and then if you have
dogs running around and the dogs are excitable...
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: I don't know if you are thinking dog park....
MS. MCTIGUE: No, I am thinking about a soccer field....
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COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Yeah, if kids are playing soccer you don't want the dogs
running around the fields while they are in the middle of their game and dogs get excited with
the confusion.
MS. MCTIGUE: Okay, so what if I am on the beach playing Frisbee with a bunch of kids, why
is the dog allowed off the leash?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: It wouldn't be according to the code between 9 and 6.
MS. MCTIGUE: Well, that brings me to another point but I just want to understand the logic
between why a recreation area such as a park a leash is required and here we are at the beach
which isn't a recreation area and it is not.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: It makes sense, I mean, I would like to see us take the hours
out and just have say a dog needs to be on a leash between May 1 and October 1 on the beach at
all times but this is a compromise that we all came up with. I think that if we find, I think it
would be easier to enforce if we took the times out and just say a leash on dogs at all times but
we decided to try it this way. We can always...
MS. MCTIGUE: You lost me with the logic with the whole thing. When it comes to naming
beaches that will permit dogs with, you know, not leashed after 6:00 and you decided to name
those five beaches or maybe six, where there is a lifeguard on duty or not and I just don't
understand that either. What does a lifeguard have to do with it?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We specifically, at the request of the Parks and Recreation
Committee, preclude dogs from being on beaches while lifeguards are on duty. Lifeguards are
young men and women who are there with a pretty substantial charge, that is to protect the safety
of swimmers and if we didn't want, and the Parks and Rec Committee expressed concerns about
the distractions that might take place when people take pets on beaches that are swimming
beaches when they are on duty.
MS. MCTIGUE: Okay. But all bets are off after 6:00 on these specific beaches. That you
named in the code.
MS. MCTIGUE: The lifeguard leaves and now you can bring your dog.
MS. MCTIGUE: Okay. But for example, at Goldsmiths there is no lifeguard, right?
MS. MCTIGUE: What happens there during the day? They are not allowed?
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SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Not between 9 and 6 is it?
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Yes, between 9 and 6 you would have to leash your dog.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: You would have to have a leash.
MS. MCTIGUE: What about after 6?
MS. MCTIGUE: No leash. Okay, so why are we naming beaches at all?
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: That came out in one of the public hearings, we didn't
originally name the beaches but people didn't know where the lifeguard beaches were and it was,
it came out of a public hearing that they requested that we put the names of the beaches in the
code, even though when you get your beach sticker you get that list.
MS. MCTIGUE: Not always. But okay. It seems to me that once you start naming the beaches
where this behavior is now allowed, these beaches will be named on pet friendly web sites,
sooner than later and now these beaches are now targeted for that behaviors and maybe not the
other beaches that maybe you would have said it was okay too. Am I crazy or what?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Let me clarify some confusion. The town did not designate or name
beaches where dogs are not permitted. The town a few months ago passed a resolution
designating specific beaches as swimming beaches. Those are regulated by the Suffolk County
Department of Health and that resolution was done to meet the needs of Suffolk County
Department of Health. That was unrelated to the issue of this dog law. Yes, this dog law did use
lifeguards as a basis for discretion but the naming of those beaches had nothing to do with the
passage of this dog law. It was a completely separate issue. And also for insurance purposes, we
are required to publicly identify where swimming is going to be allowed with a lifeguard on duty
and every place else is at your own risk.
MS. MCTIGUE: Well, I just, I guess I am saying if you are going to put this through can you
just pull the names off and just make it throughout the whole town? Why does anything have to
be named?
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: We are naming the beaches that....
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: They are bathing beaches.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: They are bathing beaches. We are not saying these are the
beaches dogs go on, we are just saying dogs cannot go on lifeguarded beaches and here are the
lifeguarded beaches. If they can't be on a lifeguarded beach, they will say well, where is the
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 13
July 30, 2013
lifeguarded beaches? So we are telling them these are the lifeguarded beaches that you cannot
have your dog on while a lifeguard is on duty.
MS. MCTIGUE: Okay. I just want to now talk about code enforcement because prior to, a new
code enforcer just being hired, right? In early July? I guess when this code was decided to be
changed it was because the town received a bunch of calls from people upset that dog were on
beaches. So this is why this all started and maybe the code was never being enforced then,
obviously if a bunch of dogs were on the beach, you are getting a lot of calls. So now you have a
new code enforcer, when, what are their hours? How many people and how many....
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: 8:00 to 4:00, normal hours, Monday through Friday.
MS. MCTIGUE: How many code enforcement officers?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: One code enforcement officer who has the designation to work
weekends if we need him.
COUNCILMAN DINIZIO: He is nowhere near, now, to be able to go out. Okay, he is training.
At least a month before that is going to happen.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Let me just explain, we also have bay constables and we have no less
than 5 police officers on duty at any given time. Usually 6 or 7 police officers. They are all
expected and I know we have had discussions with them that they are going to be part of the
enforcement component here. We have....
MS. MCTIGUE: Just now, not last summer.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We have no less than 5 plus a sergeant. So it is not just the code
enforcement officer, bay constable, police officer, it is all hands on deck.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: And the lifeguards are instructed to let people know of the
law if they are on there.
MS. MCTIGUE: I just want to make sure there is enough manpower to make sure this works
properly. That is all. Thank you.
MR. CATULLO: Just to reemphasize the importance of that last suggestion I made when I was
discussing things, the idea of that public trust area which is an avenue, I call it a dagger to the
heart of those homeowners to the east, because and especially with this 9 to 6 business going on
and even that East Hampton article saying that people were disrupted at their sunset picnics and
et cetera. These are times that I have mentioned this in the past, these are times that most of us,
my wife and my family, we don't go down in the heat of the day, we don't touch the beach in the
heat of the day. New Yorkers may, the city boys come out, fine. But now we have to contend
with these. Why? Well, we are away from Bailie beach, 400 feet, but there is that avenue, that
dagger, that corridor which people use and with a free running dog there is no way, it is not the
dogs fault, there is no way a dog can appreciate private property or proper conduct. It is the
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 14
July 30, 2013
owner and there are too many owners that don't give a damn quite frankly. And so we are in the
confrontation situation where we are on our yard and we are at a time, watching the sunset even
bird watching and that is another thing, watching the dogs come by and chase all the birds
around. Black back gulls, whatever terns, whatever is around. Golden eyes. They chase them
all, alright. I am a bird watcher but not a fanatic about it. The point is, it is a disturbance. Major
disturbance, not talking about major bite issues which brought that up, I brought up at the
beginning. If you close that corridor by simply prohibiting unleashed dogs, I am not saying any
dog, you talk about a compromise, what we have done or what the town has done or proposes to
do here is to make two giant leaps for the dog owners and a half leap, that is a heck of a lousy
compromise. That goes from no dogs at all to letting them run at all these times when in fact, if
you happen to be off the scale and want a certain time that is not really the usually, the usually
sunny, bright, high sun type of day, it just doesn't work. I wish you would really consider
resolving that problem by allowing us to have our time on our beaches, in our yards, realize with
that curfew that you have established, the reverse curfew you have established, these dogs would
be down there and challenging us at a time, as I mentioned in that letter, at a desirable time of the
day or season of the year because you seem to think spring and fall are subject to, can be subject
to dogs running free as well which I don't agree with. They are my favorite seasons. I wish you
would all consider, consider limiting unleashed dog in that avenue, that public trust corridor. It
would take maybe a 30 or 40 word addendum to your, the verbiage of your law and it will solve
a lot of problems and it will resolve the enforcement because you see a dog there, you know,
private property no dog. Down below mean high water, it has been forbidden by the town and it
is illegal period.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: I don't know if it is as simple as you say because you would
have to say something that dogs between the water and the high tide mark because somebody
wants to let their dog go swimming, they are not going to have the dog onteh leash, that is too
MR. CATULLO: Yeah but I am talking about outside of the perimeter of Bailie beach or the
other town beaches. That is why the first part of this thing, the premise is you have got to have
an established perimeter and it has to be available to the people. You have to have a kiosk with a
map or you have to have a sign, east and west Mattituck park district here, private property here.
Somehow you have to allow until people become accustom because as I said, there have been
decades of bad habits that have established, like hardened concrete, have established a certain
behavior pattern. And a lot of (inaudible) somebody made mention of the fact that you have got
to enforce this from minute one once this law is passed or you are going to lose the ballgame.
That is the key thing. Once this thing is established and it goes into effect, there should be no
slack until people get the message. And if it takes a kiosk with a map or signs and then as you
say Jill D, they will take their, they will be able to go in the water. That was a big thing. They
have 100 feet there or how many feet, they can go in the water. And bathe, let the dog bathe. So
it is basically simple, if you follow this thing to the letter and it has never been followed to the
letter and that is why it is complicated now. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who else would like to address the Town Board on this local law?
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 15
July 30, 2013
KEN HERING: Ken Hering from Mattituck, Mattituck Estates. I live up by the cliffs, we have
property on the cliff just east of this gentleman, okay. My dog is 5 years old, I do take him
down, he does swim. We have access from the beach from Sound Avenue but we walk back to
Bailie beach. He is most of the time on the leash, if he is not, all I have to do is click my hand
and he is right back. With this new law, is it going to prevent me from coming back off the
beach, I mean, if I am say, below the high water line. He swims all the time, he is a rescue dog.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No, quite the opposite. For the first time, permits you to do with
your dog what you have been doing with your dog for all these years.
MR. HERING: There are several homeowners, we go down 94 steps and we walk to Bailie
beach and come back for our walk. I take care of many of their houses up on the cliff area,
watching them, my dog travels with me. Let's me know if anybody is there. I train him, he is a
police dog and he is very friendly. He is intimidating by looking at but he won't hurt anybody
unless he gets a command or somebody tries to hurt him. I just don't want to be barred from the
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: No, I think the only restriction is when you are traversing over
private properties below the mean high water mark.
MR. HERING: Well, I go below the high water mark.
MR. HERING: Thank you so much. Any questions for me?
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: He just has to leash his dog when it's on the road.
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: The law applies, there is some confusion here.
TOWN ATTORNEY FINNEGAN: The applies below the high water mark, it goes all the way
out, I mean there is an exemption in Nassau and Suffolk county for regulatory issues that go out
into the middle of the Sound on the north shore. So yes, the law does apply and can be enforced
in the public trust area.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The time frame, the leash requirement, you would be subject to the
timeframe of when leashes are required and not required.
MR. HERING: We go down the middle of the day or something. We have property right there
on the Sound, just east of this gentleman. Maybe 15 houses down.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: So at that time you would need a leash on the dog.
Amendments to Chapters 83 & 193 16
July 30, 2013
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: You would need a leash. You are not prohibited from taking your
dog but you would need a leash.
MR. HERING: I can put him on a leash and he will walk (inaudible) I just hold the collar out, he
just puts his head in there. so I can get back to Bailie beach when I can't get to the steps because
they are washed out.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Right. If you have a leash on the you can do that.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: He is permitted to do what he is doing provided he goes on the leash
during this particular time.
MR. HERING: Just another thing, the lady before was recommending a longer leash law, when
you hold the dog for training which I have gone through training, I want my dogs trained, you
hold the end in one hand and the slide in the other. So a 6 foot is not, 4 foot is cutting it awful
close. I mean, when the dog goes to pull, you are supposed to pull like this. That is 4 feet right
there. You might want to consider it....
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: If we change it to say that a leash is not let out more than 4
MR. HERING: That would be fine. Thank you so much for your time. Good night.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay. Would anybody else like to comment on this particular local
law? (No response)
This hearing was closed at 8:54 PM
Q th A. Neville
C -TL"
Southold Town Clerk
c 7$ T?+
North Fork Environmental Council
~ 12700 Main Road
PC Box 79
4 North F rlk /y~ Mattitu k9 NY 11952
Environmental Council Phone: 631.298.8880
V Fax: 631.298.4649
Web: www.NFECl.org
15 April 2013
Attn: Mr. Scott Russell, Supervisor
Southold Town Board APR 1 6 2013
Town Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee
53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 S*uftW T
Southold, NY 11971 Town Berk
RE: Proposed Lease Law
The North Fork Environmental Council (NFEC) wishes add its comments to the leash law
First and foremost, the NFEC must look at this from the environmental standpoint. There are
two issues of concern:
1) Dogs wandering into and disturbing sensitive habitats and harming protected species,
such as piping plover nesting grounds as well as tiger salamander habitats, to name
two, and
2) the ecological and health hazards posed by dog waste not picked up.
While the discussion has centered on the beach, the Town must look at the issue in the
broadest possible sense. Whether it be on the beach, in a Town Preserve or on a Town Trail,
or in protected wetlands, it is the belief of the NFEC that dogs on a leash of reasonable length
- say no more than 20 feet - at all times so that the owner has control of the dog and the dog
remains in his/her sight in order to protect sensitive habitat and endangered species.
An argument was offered that perhaps leashing of dogs be done only during the summer
season. By restricting the leash law to that time period you are permitting the dogs to run free
during prime nesting and nursery seasons of birds, like the piping plover, and other animals
thus permitting damage to the habitat or the animals themselves and that is not acceptable.
Page 2
Currently, the Town does not seem to have a grave issue with dog waste significantly adding
to the issue of nitrates in our ground and surface waters. However, just as the human
population swells in the summer, so does the dog population. But that population increase
does pose another health problem - the transmission of hook, round and other worms to
through the feces of infected dogs, especially to young children who put sand, dirt and other
things in their mouths or go about barefoot in the summer, especially on the beaches. In
either case, dog owners must pick up after their dogs on any public property, especially our
beaches. And if the dog isn't leashed and under control and observance of the owner, there is
no way the owner can know when and where the dog waste needs to be picked up.
The NFEC Board loves animals but we do not believe that untrained dogs or irresponsible
owners should be allowed to cause havoc in sensitive areas, whether for the well being of the
native animals and birds or the native or visiting people. Dogs being leashed on any public
property is the right thing for the good of the environment and the good of the community.
This does mean that people who live on the waterfront and have dogs must also abide by the
rules. If their dog is on the beach it must be leashed. Some will argue that they have rights as
a property owner to the mean high water mark. True. But just as others argued, dogs do not
know where the mean high water mark is. In fact, most people don't know that. And since
fencing is not permitted on beaches, all dogs on the beach should be leashed.
From a way of life/quality of life standpoint, we must also say that the leash law make sense.
The Town cannot have some beaches allowing free-roaming pets and not others. It makes
even self-enforcement, especially for seasonal visitors, almost impossible. People do have
the right to enjoy the parks, beaches, preserves and other public properties without the fear of
being bitten by a loose dog. There are dog park alternatives as well as the enjoyment of your
dog on private property. And there may be other options to look at down the road - a preserve
or beach designated as a "leash-free" zone, at least during certain days or hours, so that all
people using that park know what to expect and can make their decision to use that park
Of course, acceptions to the leash law need to be noted, such as hunting dogs during the
course of a hunt. But we trust the Town will clearly define those few exceptions.
With that said, for the safety and protection of sensitive habitats, endangered species and for
people themselves, the NFEC believes that a year-round, all encompassing leash law on
public property is the proper way to go.
William Toedter
president NFEC on behalf of the NFEC Board of Directors
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*041V RESOLUTION 2013-602
AUGUST 13,2013:
WHEREAS, there had been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York, on the 181h day of June, 2013, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation
Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic Animals throuehout the Town" and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid
Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 30`1' day of
July, 2013, at 7:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be
heard, now therefor be it
RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ENACTS the proposed Local
Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town" reads as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 5 of 2013
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
1. Purpose.
The purpose of these Amendments is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Town
residents and guests using recreational areas by enacting regulations pertaining to
control of dogs and other domestic animals throughout the Town and on Town-owned
recreational areas, beaches, children's play areas, picnic areas, athletic fields and trails.
II. Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§83-6. Prohibited activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, in possession of or in control of
any dog(s) or domestic animal(s) in the Town of Southold to permit or allow such doggy
or domestic animal(s) to:
A. Run at larger other than upon the premises of the owner or custodian
less said dog shall be " a leash o ied by „ person at least 12 year-s "f
age, having adequate eentf-el efsueh do , or unless it he upon the premises of
another person with the knowledge and consent of such person. Feof
this iel.,dog or dogs hunting in eefRpany with s hunter or h„n,e..s shall he
Resolution 2013-602 Board Meeting of August 13, 2013
B. Run at large other than upon recreational areas subject to the provisions of S 193-
A.C. Engage in habitual howling or barking or conduct itself in such a manner as to
habitually annoy any person other than the owner or person harboring such dog.
E.D. Cause damage or destruction to property other than the property of the owner or
person harboring such dog.
D.E. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonably to cause
intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or
III. Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
4193-3.1. Regulations concerning dogs or domestic animals.
A. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are permitted on the following Town-owned
recreation areas and subject to the following conditions:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas, trails and/or athletic fields, if the
dog or domestic animal is on a leash and restrained no more than four feet
from the owner or custodian at all times.
2. Beaches, if the dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash from May 1
through October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
3. Town designated dog runs with no leash required.
B Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are not permitted on the following own-
owned recreation areas:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's Way areas and/or athletic fields and trails
that are posted with signage indicating `Dog(s) or Domestic Animal(s)
2. Designated bathing beaches during such times that a lifeguard is on duty.
Designated bathing beaches include Goose Creek Beach, Kenny's Beach,
Norman E. Klipp Marine Park Beach, McCabe's Beach, New Suffolk
Beach, Southold Town Beach and any other bathing beach designated by
the Town Board in a duly adopted resolution;
3. Land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for
protection of piping plovers and other endangered species.
C. Unless otherwise stated herein, where dog(s) or domestic animal(s) are permitted
on Town-owned recreation areas, the dog(s) or domestic animal(s) shall be under
immediate supervision and control of the owner or custodian with the ability
immediately leash the dog(s) or domestic animal(s).
D. The leashing requirements of this Section shall not apply to a dog or dogs hunting
in the company of a hunter or hunters on recreational areas where hunting is
permissible or to bonafide service dogs.
E. All dogs Rermitted on Town-owned recreation areas shall have a collar that
adequately displays a valid dog license.
F. All dog(s) or domestic animal(s) waste shall be removed in accordance with §83-
§193-9. Behavior and conduct.
No person shall:
A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of intoxicating
Updated: 8/15/2013 3:43 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 2
Resolution 2013-602 Board Meeting of August 13, 2013
R. Bring a deg o other- demestia a mal i..t.. r eational areas othe1 tl'°n
a temebile parking eeneetirses and w lks i .nedintely ..djaeent the..et.. NOthin
be..ein .hall he a nntmed n rmitting the niiming of dogs at large All d0- i
th..nn Afea ..d.er-e n •eh n orals a "":µed shall he .rest faine.l nt all times 011
adequate leashes not greater than F ur F et in len.nh
C.B Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as
may be designated by the Superintendent.
D.C Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he claims
to have upon request of any authorized person who shall desire to inspect the
same for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any law or rule.
E.D Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or
participating in an activity under the authority of a permit.
Ii.E Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any
ceremony, make a speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any parade
or procession in any recreational area without first obtaining authorization.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman
SECONDER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman
AYES: Roland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell
NAYS: James Dinizio Jr
Updated: 8/15/2013 3:43 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 3
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC ti~ Gy Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK C P.O. Box 1179
CA Z' Southold, New York 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1500
RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER wwwsoutholdtownny.gov
EM679787923US August 20, 2013
Express Mail
RE: Local Law No. 5 of 2013
Town of Southold, Suffolk County
Ms. Linda Lasch
Principal Clerk
New York State Department of State
State Records & Law Bureau
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
Dear Ms. Lasch:
In accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, I
am enclosing herewith certified copy of Local Law No. 5 of 2013 of the Town of
Southold, suitable for filing in your office.
I would appreciate if you would send me a receipt indicating the filing of the
enclosures in your office. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
4 n,
Lynda M Rudder
Deputy Town Clerk
cc: Town Attorney
Local Law Filing ALBANY NY 12231
(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.)
Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated
and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
? County
? City
0 Town of SOUTHOLD
? Village
Local Law No. 5 of the year 2013.
A Local Law entitled, A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks
and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Dogs or Domestic Animals throughout the Town
Be it enacted the Town Board of the:
? County
? City
0 Town of SOUTHOLD
? Village
1. Purpose.
The purpose of these Amendments is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Town residents and
guests using recreational areas by enacting regulations pertaining to control of dogs and other domestic
animals throughout the Town and on Town-owned recreational areas, beaches, children's play areas,
picnic areas, athletic fields and trails.
II. Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§83-6. Prohibited activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, in possession of or in control of any dog(s) or
domestic animal(s) in the Town of Southold to permit or allow such dog(s) or domestic animal(s) to:
A. Run at large other than upon the premises of the owner or custodian, or upon the premises of
another person with the knowledge and consent of such person.
B. Run at large other than upon recreational areas subject to the provisions of §193-3. L
C. Engage in habitual howling or barking or conduct itself in such a manner as to habitually annoy
any person other than the owner or person harboring such dog.
D. Cause damage or destruction to property other than the property of the owner or person
harboring such dog.
E. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonably to cause intimidation or to
put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury.
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)
III. Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§193-3.1. Regulations concerning dogs or domestic animals.
A. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are permitted on the following Town-owned recreation areas
and subject to the following conditions:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas, trails and/or athletic fields, if the dog or
domestic animal is on a leash and restrained no more than four feet from the owner or
custodian at all times.
2. Beaches, if the dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash from May 1 through
October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
3. Town designated dog runs with no leash required.
B. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are not permitted on the following Town-owned recreation
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas and/or athletic fields and trails that are posted
with signage indicating "Dog(s) or Domestic Animal(s) Prohibited";
2. Designated bathing beaches during such times that a lifeguard is on duty. Designated
bathing beaches include Goose Creek Beach, Kenny's Beach, Norman E. Klipp Marine
Park Beach, McCabe's Beach, New Suffolk Beach, Southold Town Beach and any other
bathing beach designated by the Town Board in a duly adopted resolution;
3. Land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for protection of piping
plovers and other endangered species.
C. Unless otherwise stated herein, where dog(s) or domestic animal(s) are permitted on Town-
owned recreation areas, the dog(s) or domestic animal(s) shall be under immediate supervision
and control of the owner or custodian with the ability to immediately leash the dog(s) or
domestic animal(s).
D. The leashing requirements of this Section shall not apply to a dog or dogs hunting in the
company of a hunter or hunters on recreational areas where hunting is permissible or to bonafide
service dogs.
E. All dogs permitted on Town-owned recreation areas shall have a collar that adequately displays a
valid dog license.
F. All dog(s) or domestic animal(s) waste shall be removed in accordance with §83-18(B).
§193-9. Behavior and conduct.
No person shall:
A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
B Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as may be
designated by the Superintendent.
C Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he claims to have upon
request of any authorized person who shal l desire to inspect the same for the purpose of
enforcing compliance with any law or rule.
D Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or participating in
an activity under the-authority of a permit.
E Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any ceremony, make a
speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any parade or procession in any recreational
area without first obtaining authorization.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part
thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law.
(Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and
strike out that which is not applicable.)
1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 5 of 20 13 of the
(6eext+y)~Git54(Town) (age) of SOUTHOLD was duly passed by the
TOWN BOARD on August 13 , 20 L3_, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or re-passage after disapproval by the Elective
Chief Executive Officer*.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 20 , and was (approved)(not approved)(re-passed after
disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on 20
in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
3. (Final adoption by referendum.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 20 and was (approvedxnot approvedxrepassed after
disapproval) by the on 20 . Such local law was submitted
to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of
the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on 20 in
accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the
(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 20 and was (approved)(not approved) (repassed after
disapproval) by the on 20 Such local law was subject to
permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 20 in
accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
* Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county- wide
basis or, If there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of
a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances.
5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20
of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of
section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified
electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on 20
became operative.
6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No of 20
of the County of State of New York, having been submitted to the electors
at the General Election of November 20 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the
Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of
said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said
general election, became operative.
(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.)
I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a
correct transcript there from and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated
in paragraph 1 above.
Clerk o e County legis ative body. City. Town or
(Seal) Village -Clerk or officer designated by local legislative body
Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk
Date: August 15.2013
(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or
other authorized attorney of locality.)
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains ct text and that all proper proceedings
have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed he e
Martin D. Finnegan, Town Attorney
Jennifer Andaloro. Esq.. Assistant Town Attornev
Date: August 15.2013
Rudder, Lynda
From: Sue Savage <ssavage@generalcode.com> on behalf of ezsupp
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 8:06 AM
To: Rudder, Lynda
Subject: RE: LL #5
Good morning. Lynda. This will be included in the August update.
Have a good day!
From: Rudder, Lynda [mailto:lynda.rudderCaltown.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 3:42 PM
To: ezsupp
Subject: LL #5
Can this be included with the August update as well?
AN 12 2111 0
August 8, 2013 E C E U E I
Southold Town Clerk ~ D
AUG 12 2013
To: All Members of the Towvn Board
Re: The ongoing discussion of "Dogs On The Beach" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
I am a full time resiident of Southold, and live on Dogwood Lane, one block from
Kenneys Beach.
I don't understand] the reasoning that dogs should be allowed to run loose after the
lifeguards leave the beachem
Many residents, ardults and children alike, go down to the beach at night to see the
sunset and have a swim. Trhis is the time of day when the beach is not as hot and many
people enjoy it. Why shoulld I, or my grandchildren, be limited to the hottest part of the day
to use the beach to avoid the dogs. Just because "FIDO" needs to run, there if a dog park for
that purpose. As far as dogs running on the beach and in the water, for sanitary reasons
alone, dogs should be kept: off the beaches, especially during summer months.
There is an old adage, never show fear around a dog. They sense fear. Children who
are fearful, can be victims mf dogs. Will the town be responsible for law suits if dogs are
allowed to run loose and atttack anyone?
Many dog owners care responsible, but many are not, and if they can get away with
not picking up dog waste, rmany do. I have pictures of dog waste all over Kenneys' beach.
Right now there is a sign, "No Dogs Allowed", which people ignore.
Also, people walk thieir dogs all along the west side of Kenneys road and leave dog
waste all the time, and the! rain water washes that right into Great Pond.
The laws we have arre not being enforced. The new "code" is so confusing, and without
code enforcers, why botherr. Enforce the rule we have now "no does allowed on beaches".
Thank you,
Mary (Farrell) McTrgue
July 2, 2013 Q W 2
B U L~ D
Southold Town Board
Main Road
Dear Supervisor Russell and Town Board members,
Hopefully the time has arrived when Southold will provide some relief in the matter of free running beach
dogs. Ironically, the attack on me took place before 8:30 A.M. (see police report) and therefore lies outside the purview
of your proposed new law - thus rendering moot a complete resolution of the very problem that has precipitated this
action in the first place.
The somewhat unique situation that presents at Bailie Beach and its environs should require a modification in
how the public is alerted to possible developments after this law is passed. Because of a widespread misperception,
Bailie Beach seems to be one long dog run that extends from the inlet to some infinite point far to the east, and that the
whole width of that beach, from the bluffs to the water, is open to public exploitation. No consideration is given to
private property above the Mean High Water Line - and thus many of the simplistic suggestions for resolution of the
beach dog problem fail to confront this reality or appreciate the fact that many of us enjoy sitting in our own Yards in
peace without fear of confrontation (as has occurred so many times in the past). The new law would continue to provide
opportunity for opening private property to violation and its owners liable to harassment, and to safety and health
issues. Either because of ignorance, bad habit, or an unfortunate tendency to disregard the feelings and needs of others,
the dogs will come, romp, annoy or threaten when released from the restraints for which the leash was created. And this
would occur well beyond the limits of what is designated as Bailie Beach, one of the actual venues for the law's
Our beachfront is unique as property in that no fences or barriers can protect owners from thoughtless or
lawless intrusions (because of the laws of Nature and of Southold Town). Virtually every unleashed dog will tresspass
on beach owners' property during any passage east of the Bailie Beach border. Thus the new law, without a strongly
and diligently attended proviso, enables the selfish and irresponsible dog owner to create great mischief and thus
prevent non dog owning residents from fully enjoying a most vital and lovely part of their property at perhaps the most
desirable time of day or season of the year.
What provisions are you going to make to protect those of us with property adjacent to Bailie Beach? A
suggestion - posting a sign at the eastern margin of Bailie Beach something to this effect:
And enforcing this proviso vigorously!
The new law, without appropriate restrictions and oversight, would be nothing but a specious attempt to
placate those who are concerned about the dog problem - especially those of us who have the most to lose (such as was
demonstated in my yard near Bailie Beach on May 8, 2012).
Sincerely Yours,
Dot~ Loa" 6,"
Dan Lawrence Catullo
A.M. AND 6:00 P.M.
Please fid1low rules and enjoy your visit
Pets are ALLOWED. at all other limes unless otherwise
posted due to Special ManAiment Concerns.
Pets must be under immediate control of
owner or responsible person at all times.
All animal waste must be disposed of in
proper containers.
® Code d the Toweof S
outhampton ~ 150 & § 111.
JUL 1 6 2013
Southold Town Clerk
Steven Bellone
Department of
Economic Development and Planning
Joanne Minieri
Deputy County Executive and Commissioner Division of Planning
and Environment
July 12, 2013
"Town of Southold
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1 179
Southold, NY 11971
Attn: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk
Applicant: Town of Southold
Zoning Action: Amendments to Chapter 83 Animals and Chapter 193
Parks and Recreation Areas
Adopted Resolution No. 491 & 492
S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-13-LD
Dear Ms. Neville:
Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to A 14-25 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code,
the above referenced application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission
is considered to be a matter for local determination as there is no apparent significant county-wide or
inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an
• approval or disapproval.
Very truly yours,
Sarah Lansdale
Director of Planning
e '
Andrew P. Freleng
Chief Planner
LEE DENNISON BLDG ¦ 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY, 4th FI ¦ P.O. BOX 6100 ¦ HAUPPAUGE, NY 1178"099 ¦ (631)853.5191
I' .
) SS:
Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is
Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at
Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that
the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in
said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the
18th day of July, 2013.
Principal Clerk
Sworn to before me this day of t 2013.
IsizvoLl SK
Na. olv06105050
Qualiiied in Suffolk County
28. `1110
r:^ Commission Expires Fe n"'
§83-6. Prohibited activities. ber domestic art section, or part of this Local Law shall
It shall be unlawful for any person mu, into .teeteational areas other th res 1 be adjudged by any court of competent
owning, harboring, in possession of or jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment
in control of any dog(s) or domestic shall not affect the validity of this law as
animals in the Town of Southold to a whole or any part thereof other than
permit or allow such doeis) or domestic the part so decided to be unwnstimlion-
animal psto run at large: All dogs in those I al or invalid.
A. Run-ai-Txrge-clsewpere- Other V. EFFECTIVE DATE mal~~all be restrained at. Than upon the premises of the owner This Local Law shall take effect im-
or custodian mediately upon filing with the Secretary than foul ;eet in length "-feasts FB Build or attempt to build a of State as provided by law.
reasa fire except in such areas and under such ! Dated: June 18, 7013
emdre+Mf-saeb- . or unless -it be upon regulations as may be designated by the BY ORDER OFTHE
the prenuscs of another person with the Superintendent. TOWN BOARD OFTHE
knowledge and consent of such person. 13C Fail to produce and exhibit any TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
permit from the Superintendent which Elizabeth A. Neville
dwr he claims to have upon request of any Town Clerk
or a net er 5 shall 1), considered as accent authorized person who shall desire to in- 11269-LT 7/18
1---Hy spec( the same for the purpose of enfore-
B.Olher than upon recreational areas ing compliance with anv law or rule.
.uh ect to the nmvis''ons of tl193-Z L E.D. Disturh or interfere unreason-
&C. Engage in habitual howling or ahl-v with any person or party occupying
barking or conduct itself in such a man- am' area or participating in an activity
ncr ut (o habitualh, annoy anv person under the authority of a permit.
other than (ho owner or person harbor- EE Erect any structure, stand or plat-
11" such dog, form or hold any meetings, perform any
FD. Cause damage or destruction to ceremony, make a speech or address,
pnapertc other than the property of the exhibit any performance or form any
ueocr or person harboring Such dog. parade or procession in anv recreational
HF. Chase or otherwise harass any area without first obtaining authoriza-
pcrson in such manner as reasonably m tion.
came intimidation or to put such person IV. SEVERABILITY
In r<a,onahl, apprehension of bodily If any clause, sentence, paragraph,
DONALD J. WILCENSKI O~~ TyOI Southold, NY 11971
PIERCE RAFFERTY G Q 54375 State Route 25
JAMES H. RICH III (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
f1I, O Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
JUL 1 7 2"'
To: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Southold Town,!
• From: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman b~a
Date: July 19, 2013
Re: Resolution Number 2013-491: "A Local Law in Relation to
Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and
Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Dogs or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town"
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments regarding the above-
referenced proposed amendments to the Town Code.
The Planning Board has reviewed the proposed amendments and supports the
adoption of this legislation.
cc: Scott Russell, Town Supervisor
Members of the Town Board
Town Attorney
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, there has been presented to the Town Board of the
Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the 18`h day of June, 2013, a Local
Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas in connection with Control of Dogs or
Domestic Animals throughout the Town" and
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of
Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall,
53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 301h day of July, 2013, at 7:32 p.m. at
which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to
Chapter 83, Animals and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas in connection
with Control of Dogs or Domestic Animals throughout the Town" reads as follows:
• LOCAL LAW NO. 2013
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83,
Animals and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control
of Dogs or Domestic Animals throughout the Town".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
1. Purpose.
The purpose of these Amendments is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of
Town residents and guests using 4:@,A recreational areas by enacting regulations
pertaining to control of dogs and other domestic animals throughout the Town and
• on Town-owned recreational areas, beaches, children's play areas, picnic areas,
athletic fields and trails.
II. Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§83-6. Prohibited activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, in possession of or in
control of any dog(s) or domestic animal(s) in the Town of Southold to permit or
allow such dog(s) or domestic animal(s) to run at large:
A Run at large elsewhere Other than upon the premises of the owner or
custodian unless said dog shall b. , a leas. , ied by a person at
least 12 year-s of age, having adequate eentfel of sueh do , or unless it be
upon the premises of another person with the knowledge and consent of
such person. For the purpose of this aftiele a deg of dogs hunfing in
cvixx with " hunter or _ hunter shall ti ~']-d~zm--rscxr[scr -~xcxmrroc - Evisid °cr°d
ca as ac.... :1. by
!heir Owners.
B Other than upon recreational areas subject to the provisions of §193-3.1.
B.C. Engage in habitual howling or barking or conduct itself in such a manner
as to habitually annoy any person other than the owner or person
harboring such dog.
E.D. Cause damage or destruction to property other than the property of the
owner or person harboring such dog.
• D.E. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonably to
cause intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of
bodily harm or injury.
III. Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
&193-3.1. Regulations concerning dogs or domestic animals.
A. Doe(s) or other domestic animal(s) are permitted on the followin Town-
owned own-
owned recreation areas and subject to the following conditions:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas, trails and/or athletic
fields, if the dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash not
more than four feet in length at all times.
• 2. Beaches, if the dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash
from May 1 through October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and
6:00 p.m.
3. Town designated dog runs with no leash required.
B. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are not permitted on the following
Town-owned recreation areas:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas and/or athletic fields and
trails that are posted with signage indicating "Dog(s) or Domestic
Animal(s) Prohibited'%
2. Designated bathing beaches during such times that a lifeguard is on
duty. Designated bathing beaches include Goose Creek Beach,
Kenny's Beach, Norman E. Klipp Marine Park Beach, McCabe's
Beach New Suffolk Beach, Southold Town Beach and any other
bathing beach designated by the Town Board in a duly adopted
3. Land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for
protection of piping plovers and other endangered species.
C. Unless otherwise stated herein, where dog(s) or domestic animal(s) are
permitted on Town-owned recreation areas, the dog(s) or domestic
animal(s) shall be under immediate supervision and control of the owner
or custodian with the ability to immediately leash the dog(s) or domestic
animals .
D The leashing requirements of this Section shall not apply to a dog or dogs
hunting in the company of a hunter or hunters on recreational areas where
hunting is permissible or to bonafide service dogs.
• E. All dogs permitted on Town-owned recreation areas shall have a collar
that adequately displays a valid dog license.
F. All dog(s) or domestic animal(s) waste shall be removed in accordance
with 03-18(B).
§193-9. Behavior and conduct.
No person shall:
A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of
intoxicating liquor.
B. n_:ng a deg a other demest:e anifnal into Fe eetienel a ether tl e«
• automobile par-king een Oes and walks lks immnedi tel y adjaeen4 thereto
Nothing 1,,...ein ..hall be nstnued a fmi4t:.,a the funning of dogs a4
large All dogs in these, areas y,he.e seek a finals a .mate.] „hall be
restrained at all times adequate leashes not eatef tl1etl F ur f °t
C.B Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such
regulations as may be designated by the Superintendent.
D.C Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he
claims to have upon request of any authorized person who shall desire to
inspect the same for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any law or
£.D Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any
area or participating in an activity under the authority of a permit.
F.E Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any
ceremony, make a speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any
parade or procession in any recreational area without first obtaining
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by
any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the
validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be
unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as
• provided by law.
Dated: June 18, 2013 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD
Elizabeth A. Neville
Town Clerk
Please publish on JULY 18, 2013 and forward one affidavit of publication to: Elizabeth
A. Neville, Town Clerk, P O Box 1179, Southold NY 11971
Copies to:
The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney
• TC Bulletin Board Web Site DPW
Police Department
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being
duly sworn, says that on the day of , 2013, she affixed a notice of
which the annexed printed notice is a true co y, 1 a proper and substantial manner, in
a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:
Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York.
Re: Dogs on Beaches 7-30-13
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Sworn before me is
day of 2013.
Nota Public
''nTAgY P.1BI IC. State of New York
r'S 0,V,2563, Suffolk County
..s December 31, 20i-1-
Cooper, Linda
From: Tracey Doubrava <toubrava@timesreview.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:56 PM
To: Cooper, Linda
Cc: tr-legals
Subject: Re: Dogs PH 7-30-13
Hi Linda,
I've got this and will have published in the 7/18 edition of the Suffolk Times.
Tracey Doubrava
Display Ad Sales Coordinator
Times/Review News Group
7785 Main Rd.
0. Box 1500
4lattituck, NY 11952
P: (631) 298-3200
E: tdoubrava@timesreview.com
From: <Cooper>, Linda <Linda.Cooper@town.southold.nv.us>
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:27 PM
To: Times Review <toubrava@timesreview.com>
Cc: tr-legals <leeals@timesreview.com>
Subject: Dogs PH 7-30-13
Please confirm receipt of this legal notice of Public Hearing for the 7/18/13 edition of the Suffolk Times.
Thank you
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK C P.O. Box 1179
y Z Southold, New York 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800
June 21, 2013
Re: Resolution Numbers 2013- 491 & 492 - A Local
Law in Relation to Amendments to Chapter 83,
Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas,
• in connection with Dogs or Domestic Animals on Town
Recreational Areas of the Code of the Town of Southold.
Donald Wilcenski, Chairman
Southold Town Planning Board
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
Post Office Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Dear Mr. Wilcenski:
The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on January 2, 2013 adopted the resolutions
referenced above. Certified copies are enclosed.
• Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Department's recommendations with regard to
this proposed local law and forward it to me at your earliest convenience. This proposed local law is
also being sent to the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their review. The date and time for
this public hearing is 7:32 PM, Tuesday, July 30, 2023.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Eliza h A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Enclosures (2)
cc: Town Board
Town Attorney
~Og11fF0[,~ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC earn y Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
TOWN CLERK o= P.O. Box 1179
C4 Z Southold, New York 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800
June 21, 2013
Re: Resolution No.'s 491 & 492
"A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83,
Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas,
in connection with the Control of Dogs or Domestic
• Animals throughout the Town"
Andrew P. Freeling, Chief Planner
Suffolk County Department of Planning
Post Office Box 6100
Hauppauge, New York 11788-0099
Dear Mr. Freeling,
The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on June 18, 2013 adopted the resolutions
referenced above. Certified copies are enclosed.
Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Department's recommendations with regard to
• this proposed local law and forward it to me at your earliest convenience. This proposed local law is
also being sent to the Southold Town Planning Board for their review. The date and time for this public
hearing is 7:32 P.M., Tuesday, July 30 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any
questions. Thank you.
610. ~ ry truly yours, 0. rLe&
Eliza th A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Enclosures (2)
cc: Town Board
Town Attorney
JUNE 18,2013:
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York, on the 18`h day of June, 2013, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation
Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic Animals throughout the Town"
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 30`h
day of July, 2013, at 7:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity
• to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83,
Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of
Dogs or Domestic Animals throughout the Town" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
• I. Purpose.
The purpose of these Amendments is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Town
residents and guests using -Town recreational areas by enacting regulations pertaining to
control of dogs and other domestic animals throughout the Town and on Town-owned
recreational areas, beaches, children's play areas, picnic areas, athletic fields and trails.
11. Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§83-6. Prohibited activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, in possession of or in control of
any dog(s) or domestic animal(s) in the Town of Southold to permit or allow such dog(
or domestic animal(s) to run at larye:
A. Run at large else Other than upon the premises of the owner or custodian
Resolution 2013-491 Board Meeting of June 18, 2013
unless said deg shall he Rn a- lea,;h R-- aeeempanied by a persOft fft least 1-2 yeafS EW
age ha n lnn..ntn nn t« I of stieh do , n or unless it be upon the premises of
another person with the knowledge and consent of such person. Per- the purpese
this w4ieln ° dog or dogs hunting in eempany with a hunter hunters nl,nlI he
as aopefnpanied by their owners.
B. Other than upon recreational areas subject to the provisions of & 193-3.1.
B.C. Engage in habitual howling or barking or conduct itself in such a manner as to
habitually annoy any person other than the owner or person harboring such dog.
Cause damage or destruction to property other than the property of the owner or
person harboring such dog.
D.E. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonably to cause •
intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or
111. Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
&193-3.1. Regulations concerning dogs or domestic animals.
A. Dog(s) or other domestic animals are permitted on the following Town-owned
recreation areas and subject to the following conditions:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's lay areas, trails and/or athletic fields, if the
dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash not more than four feet in
length at all times.
2. Beaches, if the dog or domestic animal is restrained on a leash from May 1 .
through October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
3. Town designated dog runs with no leash required.
B. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are not permitted on the following Town-
owned recreation areas:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas and/or athletic fields and trails
that are posted with signage indicating "Dog(s) or Domestic Animal(s)
2. Designated bathing beaches during such times that a lifeguard is on duty.
Designated bathing beaches include Goose Creek Beach, Kenny's Beach,
Norman E. Klipp Marine Park Beach, McCabe's Beach, New Suffolk
Beach, Southold Town Beach and any other bathing beach designated by
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Resolution 2013-491 Board Meeting of June 18, 2013
the Town Board in a duly adopted resolution;
3. Land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for
protection of piping plovers and other endan eg red species.
C. Unless otherwise stated herein where dog(s) or domestic animal(s) are permitted
on Town-owned recreation areas, the dog(s) or domestic animal(s) shall be under
immediate supervision and control of the owner or custodian with the ability to
immediately leash the dog(s) or domestic animal(s).
D. The leashing requirements of this Section shall not apply to a do or dogs hunting
in the company of a hunter or hunters on recreational areas where hunting is
permissible or to bonafide service dogs.
E. All dogs permitted on Town-owned recreation areas shall have a collar that
adequately displays a valid dog license.
F. All doe(s) or domestic animal(s) waste shall be removed in accordance with §83-
§193-9. Behavior and conduct.
No person shall:
A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of intoxicating
B Bring a dog other '1ome-sti^ ^ ^I into r° eats nal areas other than
automobile par4ing eaneaurses andwalks immediately adjacent thereto. NeIhing
h rein Shall he a ..."..,......d as permitting the running of dogs at large. A All ,1
..^t fue..ru.u.. ..............b of at Sri
areas where sueh animals are permitted shall be Festfained at all times on
°'1equate leashes not eater than f ur F et in length
C.B Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as
may be designated by the Superintendent.
D.C Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he claims
to have upon request of any authorized person who shall desire to inspect the
same for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any law or rule.
I .D Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or
participating in an activity under the authority of a permit.
F.E Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any
ceremony, make a speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any parade
or procession in any recreational area without first obtaining authorization.
Updated: 6/18/2013 2:58 PM by Linda Cooper Page 3
_ F
Resolution 2013-491 Board Meeting of June 18, 2013
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
",,LOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman
SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell
Updated: 6/18/2013 2:58 PM by Linda Cooper Page 4
JUNE 18,2013:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Clerk to transmit the proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to
Amendments to Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Does or
Domestic Animals on Town Recreational Areas" to the Southold Town Planning Board
and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and reports.
1~QY ,
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman
SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell
JUNE 18,2013:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Clerk to transmit the proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to
Amendments to Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Does or
Domestic Animals on Town Recreational Areas" to the Southold Town Planning Board
and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and reports.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman
SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell
ION 2013-491
JUNE 18,2013:
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York, on the 18`h day of June, 2013, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to Amendments to Chapter 83, Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation
Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic Animals throuehout the Town"
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the 30`h
day of July, 2013, at 7:32 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity
• to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83,
Animals, and Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of
Does or Domestic Animals throughout the Town" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 83. Animals, and
Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, in connection with Control of Does or Domestic
Animals throughout the Town".
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
• I. Purpose.
The purpose of these Amendments is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Town
residents and guests using Town recreational areas by enacting regulations pertaining to
control of dogs and other domestic animals throughout the Town and on Town-owned
recreational areas, beaches, children's play areas, picnic areas, athletic fields and trails.
II. Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§83-6. Prohibited activities.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, in possession of or in control of
any dog(s) or domestic animal(s) in the Town of Southold to permit or allow such doggy
or domestic animal(s) to run at large:
A. Run PA lafge else-A Other than upon the premises of the owner or custodian
Resolution 2013-491 Board Meeting of June 18, 2013
unless sai dog shall be en a leash or aeeempanied by a pef:sen at leas! 12 years 9
age, having adequate eaen4rel of stieh , or unless it be upon the premises of
another person with the knowledge and consent of such person. For the purpose a
a a hunting iii mYa J
eonsidered as aeoempanied by their owners.
B. Other than upon recreational areas subject to the provisions of &193-3 1
B.C. Engage in habitual howling or barking or conduct itself in such a manner as to
habitually annoy any person other than the owner or person harboring such dog.
G.D. Cause damage or destruction to property other than the property of the owner or
person harboring such dog.
• D.E. Chase or otherwise harass any person in such manner as reasonably to cause
intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or
III. Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
4193-3.1. Regulations concerning does or domestic animals.
A. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are permitted on the following Town-owned
recreation areas and subject to the following conditions:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas, trails and/or athletic fields if the
doe or domestic animal is restrained on a leash not more than four feet in
length at all times.
2. Beaches, if the doe or domestic animal is restrained on a leash from MayI
through October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
3. Town designated dog runs with no leash required
B. Dog(s) or other domestic animal(s) are not permitted on the following Town-
owned recreation areas:
1. Parks, picnic areas, children's play areas and/or athletic fields and trails
that are posted with signage indicating `Doe(s) or Domestic Animal(s)
2. Designated bathing beaches during such times that a lifeguard is on duty.
Designated bathing beaches include Goose Creek Beach Kenny's Beach
Norman E. Klipp Marine Park Beach, McCabe's Beach New Suffolk
Beach, Southold Town Beach and any other bathing beach designated by
Updated: 6/18/2013 2:58 PM by Linda Cooper Page 2
Resolution 2013-491 Board Meeting of June 18, 2013
the Town Board in a duly adopted resolution•
3. Land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for
protection of piping plovers and other endangered species
C. Unless otherwise stated herein where dog(s) or domestic animal(s) are permitted
on Town-owned recreation areas, the dog(s) or domestic animal(s) shall be under
immediate supervision and control of the owner or custodian with the ability to
immediately leash the dog(s) or domestic animal(s)
D. The leashing requirements of this Section shall not apply to a dog or does hunting
in the company of a hunter or hunters on recreational areas where hunting is
permissible or to bonafide service dogs.
E. All does permitted on Town-owned recreation areas shall have a collar that
adequately displays a valid dog license
F. All dog(s) or domestic animal(s) waste shall be removed in accordance with §83-
• §193-9. Behavior and conduct.
No person shall:
A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of intoxicating
B Bringa dog, ether ae sti animal inte 1 w 1 areas autemobile parking eoneetifses and walks immediately adjaeent thereto. Nothing
herein shell be a nstmed as Y"°.."" Wfig the of dogs at 1a_.-_
these areas ..he eh " is are '1 1. it L a all
ade..u to leashes not gfemef than feti f fee! i I 1,
E.B Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as
• may be designated by the Superintendent.
D.C Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he claims
to have upon request of any authorized person who shall desire to inspect the
same for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any law or rule.
E.D Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or
participating in an activity under the authority of a permit.
RE Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any
ceremony, make a speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any parade
or procession in any recreational area without first obtaining authorization.
Updated: 6/18/2013 2:58 PM by Linda Cooper Page 3
Resolution 2013-491 Board Meeting of June 18, 2013
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman
SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Roland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell
Updated: 6/18/2013 2:58 PM by Linda Cooper Page 4