HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-10/07/2013
DONALD J. WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971
PIERCE RAFFERTY G C 54375 State Route 25
JAMES H. RICH III 'Q • ~O (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
MARTIN H. SIDOR Ol~ Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
NOV 7 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013 e% 670weZ&
6:00 p.m. S thold Tow Clerk
Present were: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairperson
William J. Cremers, Member
Pierce Rafferty, Member
James H. Rich III, Member
Martin H. Sidor, Member
Heather Lanza, Planning Director
Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Brian Cummings, Planner
Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner
Carol Kalin, Secretary
Don Wilcenski: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the regularly-
scheduled October 7, 2013 Southold Town Planning Board Public Meeting.
Our first order of business is to set Monday, November 4, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. at the
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as the time and place for the next Planning
Board Meeting.
William Cremers: So moved.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Two October 7, 2013
Sacred Heart Church & Valerioti - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.48
acres from SCTM#1000-96-5-10 to SCTM#1000-96-5-12.1. Lot 12.1 will increase from
35.03 acres to 35.51 acres and Lot 10 will decrease from 1.74 acres to 1.26 acres
located in the AC Zoning District. The property is located at 3400 & 4200 Depot Lane in
Pierce Rafferty: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.48 acres from SCTM#1000-
96-5-10 to SCTM#1 000-96-5-12. 1. Lot 12.1 will increase from 35.03 acres to 35.51
acres and Lot 10 will decrease from 1.74 acres to 1.26 acres located in the R-80 Zoning
District; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, November 4, 2013
at 4:31 p.m. for a public hearing upon the map entitled "Lot Line Modification Situate
Cutchogue" prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, dated November 25, 2012.
William Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Southold Free Library - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.1 acres from
SCTM#1000-61-1-15.1 to SCTM#1000-61-1-14. Lot 14, located in the HB Zoning
District, will increase from 0.8 acres to 0.9 acres and Lot 15. 1, located in the HB Zoning
District, will decrease from 0.6 acres to 0.5 acres. The property is located at 690
Traveler Street in Southold.
James Rich: Mr. Chairman, I offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.1 acres from SCTM#1000-
61-1-15.1 to SCTM#1000-61-1-14. Lot 14, located in the HB Zoning District, will
increase from 0.8 acres to 0.9 acres and Lot 15.1, located in the HB Zoning District, will
decrease from 0.6 acres to 0.5 acres; be it therefore
Southold Town Planning Board Pape Three October 7, 2013
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, November 4, 2013
at 4:32 p.m. for a public hearing upon the map entitled "Survey of Property at
Southold" prepared by John Metzger, Land Surveyor, dated January 31, 2013.
William Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
North Fork Self Storage #2 Amended - This site plan is for the construction of a
24,505 sq. ft. storage building including a 1,473 sq. ft. office and a 1,473 sq. ft.
apartment for security on a 47,166 sq. ft. parcel in the Light Industrial Zoning District
located on the w/s/o Commerce Drive, approximately 475' s/o Corporate Road in
Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-96-1-1.2
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, on October 4, 2013, the applicant submitted an amended
application for site plan review; and
WHEREAS, this amended site plan is for the construction of a 24,505 sq. ft. storage
building, including a 1,473 sq. ft. office, and a 1,473 sq. ft. apartment for security on a
47,166 sq. ft. parcel in the Light Industrial Zoning District located on the west side of
Commerce Drive, approximately 475 feet south from Corporate Road, in Cutchogue; be
it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, November 4, 2013
at 4:33 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the site plan entitled "North Fork Self
Storage #2" prepared by Kenneth H. Beckman, dated October 2008 and last revised
October 7, 2013.
William Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Page Four October 7, 2013
Carbone & Horse Head Corp. - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.4 acres
from SCTM#1000-1-2-6 to SCTM#1000-1-2-5. Lot 5, located in the R-120 Zoning
District, will increase from 3.2 acres to 3.6 acres and Lot 6, located in the R-120 Zoning
District, will decrease from 3.4 acres to 3 acres. The property is located at 5671 & 6227
Castle Road, Fishers Island.
William Cremers: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.4 acres from SCTM#1000-1-
2-6 to SCTM#1000-1-2-5. Lot 5, located in the R-120 Zoning District, will increase from
3.2 acres to 3.6 acres and Lot 6, located in the R-120 Zoning District, will decrease from
3.4 acres to 3 acres; and
WHEREAS, on May 13, 2013, a Lot Line Modification Application was submitted; and
WHEREAS, on June 3, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed the
application and found it incomplete with items to be submitted; and
WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the agent submitted the required items and the
application was found complete; and
WHEREAS, on July 18, 2013, referrals were sent out to all applicable agencies; and
WHEREAS, on July 23, 2013, the agent submitted a letter requesting a waiver of the
Public Hearing; and
WHEREAS, on August 5, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed
the requested public hearing waiver and found that precedent dictated that a public
hearing was required; and
WHEREAS, on August 5, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Public Meeting, set the
public hearing for September 9, 2013; and
WHEREAS, on August 12, 2013, the Suffolk County Planning Commission responded
to the referral stating that "the application is considered a matter of local determination"
WHEREAS, on August 22, 2013, the Local Waterfront Revitalization Coordinator found
the application exempt from the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and
Southold Town Planning Board Page Five October 7, 2013
WHEREAS, on September 9, 2013, the Planning Board held and closed the public
hearing; and
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session,
reviewed and accepted all referrals received from agencies; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Town Code §240-56,
Waivers of Certain Provisions, may waive certain elements of the subdivision review if
in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and
general welfare. After reviewing the information submitted for this application, the
Planning Board has determined that it is eligible for a waiver of the Environmental
Resources Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP), the Primary and Secondary Conservation Area
Plan, the public hearing, and the Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat steps of the
subdivision process for the following reasons:
1. No new lots are being created;
2. No changes will occur as a result of this lot line change that would adversely
affect the character of the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board performed an uncoordinated review of this Unlisted
Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental
Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Lot Line Modification Policy set by the Planning Board in
February 2011, this application is eligible for decision from the Planning Board prior to
receiving approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) as it
meets the following criterion set forth in that policy:
• Where no new development potential will be created in the parcel to which the
land is transferred; and
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session,
determined that the proposed action meets all the necessary requirements of Town
Code §240-57 for a Lot Line Modification; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, hereby makes a
determination of non-significance for the proposed Lot Line Modification and grants a
Negative Declaration;
Martin Sidor: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Six October 7, 2013
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
William Cremers: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby waives
the requirements of Town Code §240 to submit the ERSAP, Primary and Secondary
Conservation Plans, Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat steps;
Martin Sidor: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
William Cremers: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby waives
the requirement for SCDHS approval prior to Planning Board approval of this lot line
Martin Sidor: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
William Cremers: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning
Board grants Final Approval on the maps entitled "Ralph M. Carbone, Jr., Lauryn F.
Carbone & Horse Head Corp." prepared by CME Associates, Engineering, Land
Surveying & Architecture, PLLC, dated March 18, 2013 and last revised June 11, 2013,
and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the map.
James Rich: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Seven October 7, 2013
BONDS - Accept Draft Bond Estimate
Conkling Point Estates - This proposal is to subdivide a 7.725-acre parcel into four
lots where Lot 1 equals 29,869 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 29,869 sq. ft., Lot 3 equals 29,869
sq. ft., Lot 4 equals 29,869 sq. ft. and the open space parcel equals 4.1 acres,
excluding the area of wetlands. This project includes the transfer of 37,882 sq. ft. of
buildable lands from SCTM#1000-53-4-44.3 onto the subject property for the purposes
of establishing yield. The property is located at 500 & 1540 Kerwin Boulevard, on the
w/s/o Kerwin Boulevard, approximately 575' w/o August Lane in Greenport.
SCTM#1000-53-4-44.1 & 44.3
James Rich: Mr. Chairman, I offer the following:
WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 7.725-acre parcel into four lots where Lot 1
equals 29,869 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 29,869 sq. ft., Lot 3 equals 29,869 sq. ft., Lot 4
equals 29,869 sq. ft. and the open space parcel equals 4.1 acres excluding the area of
wetlands. This project includes the transfer of 37,882 sq. ft. of buildable lands from
SCTM#1000-53-4-44.3 onto the subject property for the purposes of establishing yield;
WHEREAS, on June 14, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional
Preliminary Approval on the plat prepared by Jeffery T. Butler, P.E., dated November
9, 2005 and last revised January 24, 2008 subject to conditions; and
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2013 the Office of the Town Engineer submitted a Draft
Bond Estimate for Conkling Point Estates in the amount of $7,700.00; and
WHEREAS, on October 7, 2013, the Southold Town Highway Department approved the
Draft Bond Estimate for Conkling Point Estates, dated September 23, 2013, with the
stipulation that the street trees depicted on the site plan fronting Kerwin Boulevard are
planted on the four building lots and not in the Town of Southold's right-of-way; be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the Draft Bond
Estimate for Conkling Point Estates in the amount of $7,700.00 and recommends
the same to the Southold Town Board.
William Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Eight October 7, 2013
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Ratso, LLC - This amended site plan is for a proposed 18'x 50'(900 sq. ft.) office
addition to an existing 3,200 sq. ft. building with 32 parking stalls in the Light Industrial
Zoning District. The property is located at 67875 Route 25, on the corner of Albertson
Lane and NYS Route 25 in Greenport. SCTM#1000-52-5-58.2
Pierce Rafferty: Mr. Chairman, I would like to offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this amended site plan is for a proposed 18'x 50'(900 sq. ft.) office
addition to an existing 3,200 sq. ft. building with 32 parking stalls in the Light Industrial
Zoning District, Greenport; and
WHEREAS, on July 15, 2013, Colin Ratsey, owner, submitted an application for site
plan review; and
WHEREAS, on July 25, 2013, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed
the requested area variances from the minimum front yard setback of 100', proposed at
57.8'; and the rear yard setback minimum of 60', proposed at 51.3'; and granted the
variances in this Light Industrial Zone as applied for (#6666) with one (1) condition:
"Applicant shall maintain evergreen plantings along Main Road to mitigate any visual
impact from the street" and
WHEREAS, on August 5, 2013, the Planning Board accepted the application for review;
WHEREAS, on August 16, 2013, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code
§280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments;
WHEREAS, this application proposes a minor addition of less than 1,000 sq. ft. with no
change in use or occupancy and is therefore exempt from review by the Suffolk County
Planning Commission (SCPC); and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental
Quality Review (SEQR) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5, has determined that the proposed action
is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c)
(7) "construction or expansion of a primary or accessory/appurtenant, non-residential
structure or facility involving less than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area and not
Southold Town Planning Board Page Nine October 7, 2013
involving a change in zoning or a use variance and consistent with local land use
controls, but not radio communication or microwave transmission facilities' therefore not
subject to SEQRA review; and
WHEREAS, on August 21, 2013, the Southold Town Fire Inspector reviewed and
determined that there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site;
WHEREAS, on August 22, 2013, the Southold Town Architectural Review Committee
reviewed the proposed project and approved of its design as submitted; and
WHEREAS, on September 3, 2013, the Greenport Fire District determined there was
adequate fire protection for the site and all necessary equipment and apparatus will be
able to safely maneuver on site; and
WHEREAS, on September 9, 2013, a public hearing was held and closed; and
WHEREAS, on September 18, 2013, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator
reviewed the above-referenced project and has recommended the proposed project be
found consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and
WHEREAS, on September 19, 2013, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the above-
referenced application and determined that with the addition of one (1) 8'x 4' deep
leaching pool, the proposed drainage meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 236
for Storm Water Management. The installment of this leaching pool is to be ensured via
letter from the applicant; and
WHEREAS, on September 23, 2013, the Southold Town Planning Board determined
that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 - Site
Plan Approval of the Town of Southold, have been met; and
WHEREAS, on October 4, 2013, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed
and certified the proposed site plan as a permitted use in the Light Industrial Zoning
District; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed
action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program;
Bill Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Ten October 7, 2013
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Pierce Rafferty: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
grants Approval to the site plan entitled "Plan for Ratso, LLC" dated October 22, 2012,
last revised July 8, 2013, prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, L.S., with two conditions
that must be fulfilled prior to the Chairman endorsing the site plan. The site plan
consists of two pages: Page 1 Site Plan, and Page 2 Additional Drainage Letter from
Applicant, dated 9/23/13. The chairman is authorized to endorse the site plan after the
following two conditions have been completed:
1. Submit Draft Covenants and Restrictions to the Planning Board that state the
following: "Maintain vegetated buffers between the site and the adjacent streets
(NYS Rt. 25 and Albertson Lane) as shown on the site plan prepared by Nathan
Taft Corwin, III, L.S., dated October 22, 2012 & last revised July 8, 2013, and
stamped as the approved site plan by the Planning Board in October 2013. This
buffer must be maintained to provide visual screening of the site to the adjacent
streets. This buffer shall remain in perpetuity. Maintenance activities allowed in
the buffer are limited to the removal or maintenance of vegetation that threatens
life and/or property, and additional plantings where necessary to increase visual
screening of the property".
2. After the Planning Board has approved the Draft Covenants and Restrictions
described in Condition 1, provide a receipt of filing of the Covenants and
Restrictions with the Suffolk County Clerk to the Planning Department.
James Rich: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Eleven October 7, 2013
6:01 p.m. - Rand, Bight Road, LLC - This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.15
acres from SCTM#1000-14-02-11.4 & 11.6 to SCTM#1000-14-02-11.5. Lot 11.5 will
increase from 1.14 acres to 1.30 acres. Lot 11.4 will decrease from 1.0 acre to 0.92
acre, and Lot 11.6 will decrease from 0.99 acre to 0.92 acre located in the R-40 Zoning
District. The property is located at 1085 Bight Road in Orient.
Donald Wilcenski: At this time I would like to ask anyone from the audience if they
would like to address the Board on the Rand, Bight Road application.
Garrett Strang, Architect, on behalf of the Rands: Good evening everyone. We made
the application; I think we've submitted everything that needed to be submitted to the
Board's pleasure. If there are any questions, I would be happy to answer them at this
Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Would anyone from the audience like to address the
Board on the Rand, Bight Road LLC application before the Board? Hearing none.......
James Rich: I make a motion to close the hearing.
William Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries. Thank you.
6:02 p.m. - Fohrkolb, Andrew - This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.89
acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 0.93 acres and Lot 2 equals 4.96 acres in
the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located at 1050 Greton Court, Mattituck.
Donald Wilcenski: This public hearing was not noticed at the applicant's request. I
need a motion to table this public hearing.
William Cremers: So moved.
James Rich: Second.
Southold Town Planning Board Pape Twelve October 7, 2013
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
6:03 p.m. - Stanton, Phil & Jennifer - This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a
5.32-acre parcel into three lots where Lot 1 equals 2.45 acres, Lot 2 equals 1.25 acres,
and Lot 3 equals 1.63 acres, located in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located
at 845 Maple Avenue in Southold. SCTM#1000-64-1-29
Donald Wilcenski: At this time I would ask anyone from the audience if they would like
to address the Board to please step to one of the podiums and state and write your
name for the record.
Patricia Moore on behalf of the Stantons: Good evening, we submitted the application.
Where we are at this point is, in particular, we are addressing Town Engineer's
recommendations with respect to the internal road that de facto splits the northerly
parcel from the southerly parcel that has an existing garage carriage house at present.
We checked with Mr. Fischetti, who is our engineer. Our concern is that the driveway-
the Town Engineer made a recommendation that the road conform with the Town
specification and we want to put on the record and for the Board to consider that the
specifications that the Town Engineer refers to is for a 25' right of way and our road
currently is 12' in width. One area is 11' in width. The Town Code requires 16' for the
roadway. Secondly, the crown in the road would have to be reconstructed. Third, the
Town specifications speak in terms of a minimum shoulder width of 3'. There currently
is no shoulder on the property. From your inspection, you probably have seen that the
parcel on the north is an oversized property. We are designating an area of that
property as the natural drainage area. The Stantons have been meticulous in planting
and making a park-like setting, and they would like to keep it that way. On the Stanton
house side, there is extensive landscaping and fencing and some old pillars that have
been there since prior to zoning and probably about the same timeframe as that garage
was built. So, the existing conditions on the property are very sensitive there-really
lovely as they are. We would like to ask the Board to--among your considerations--to
consider waiving whatever the Town Engineer recommends to comply with the Town
specifications in order to keep the road as it has been improved today. The Stantons
paid for and improved the asphalt. It is a very relatively new asphalt. We have some
flexibility to the north. There is really no flexibility on the south side where the house is
and the garage. Otherwise, we understand that the Planning Board and the Building
Department believe that we need a variance. We have gotten a Notice of Disapproval
with respect to the existing garage. The location of the existing garage: we had a
Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirteen October 7, 2013
choice of either going for a variance for accessory structure without a principal
structure, and then later getting another variance after the approval to convert that
existing two-story garage to a dwelling, or we went straight to an application to convert
that garage to a dwelling. My client had always intended since the beginning with this
Board to make that essentially a dwelling but accessory to their main use of the house,
as a guest house. So we have obtained from Damon Rallis a Notice of Disapproval to
convert the building as is to a single family dwelling. So we have-I just got the Notice
of Disapproval amended today to reflect that, and we are going to submit to the Zoning
Board for an application. I don't suspect that there will be any problems. The goal here
is to preserve the existing structure. It's a beautifully crafted brick building and the
Stantons want to preserve it as much as possible. It's two stories, it has I think three
bays or four bays. How it's going to be redesigned I really don't know yet. That was the
decision as far as conversion of it to a dwelling. Aside from that, we think everything
else there is really beautiful the way it has been designed very sensitive to the area.
We hope that you will approve it ultimately. As far as procedurally, we may-1 don't--
preliminary approval: should you approve it, it's going to be subject to getting Zoning
Board first. Or you have a choice of leaving the hearing open pending Zoning Board
determination and then closing the hearing. Obviously we don't want the time clock to
run on a preliminary map because we can't get the final map to you until the Zoning
Board has acted on that application. So I will leave it up to the Board which way you
prefer. Either way, we won't have an ultimate decision until the Zoning Board has
approved it.
Heather Lanza: On the timing, couldn't you and the Board agree to a longer time
frame; are you worried about time from hearing to preliminary plat decision?
Patricia Moore: Yes, if you grant the preliminary map then I have a timeline for a final
Heather Lanza: We're not doing that tonight.
Patricia Moore: Good. I'm just putting on the record to keep in mind that I don't want
the clock ticking until we have the Zoning Board in place.
Heather Lanza: OK. I see.
Donald Wilcenski: Thank you for your comments. Would anybody else like to address
the Board on the Stanton public hearing? How is the Board feeling? Would the Board
like to leave the public hearing open?
Heather Lanza: There's no need.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Fourteen October 7. 2013
Patricia Moore: The only reason I would think you might leave it open is that whatever
the Zoning Board comes up with might be a condition or whatever you might
incorporate it into your decision. But certainly it's really up to you.
Heather Lanza: We can do that without the hearing being open.
Donald Wilcenski: We also have the option to have a second hearing if need be. So
we will close the hearing tonight if everyone has had an opportunity to speak. We will
take all your comments about the Engineer's report and we will make a site visit and
take a look at the roadway as well. Would anybody else like to address the Board on
the Stanton application?
Nicolas Theoharides. 803 Maple Lane Southold: We like the rural lane to stay as it is.
All I can say is that I agree with the lawyer for the Stantons. It's a beautiful little place
and we want to keep it like that. Don't need to change it.
Donald Wilcenski: Thank you very much. Is anybody else here to speak to the Board
and staff with regard to the Stanton application? Hearing and seeing none.........
William Cremers: I make a motion to close the hearing.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
6:04 p.m. - Joint Industry Board of the Electrical Industry - This amended site plan
is for the proposed construction of a 30'x50' (1,500 sq. ft.) pavilion with no walls and
drainage on 16.6 acres in the RR Zoning District. The property is located at 3800 Duck
Pond Road, ±450' n/e/o Duck Pond Rd. & Vista Place, Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-83-2-17.3
Donald Wilcenski: At this time, would anyone from the audience like to address the
Planning Board and staff on the Joint Industry Board of Electrical Industry public
Jeffrey Butler, PE, 206 Lincoln St.. Riverhead: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Board, I
am here on behalf of the owners. We have worked with Planning staff to I believe get
them everything they need for this. We are proposing a 30x50 open air pavilion on a
Southold Town Planning Board Page Fifteen October 7, 2013
property which is already developed with several different structures and a swimming
pool. I am here to answer any questions you may have.
Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Would anybody else from the audience like to address
the Board on this application?
Carolyn Lubanski. 95 Vista Place. Cutchogue: Yes, the Local are our neighbors. I just
would like to know for what purpose the pavilion is going to be used? I'm hoping that
they are not going to have outdoor concerts or something like that.
Donald Wilcenski: Mr. Butler, would you be able to answer that?
Jeffrey Butler: The design intent was to create an open air structure which would be
used in conjunction with the swimming pool area for sitting outdoors in the shade and
it's not concerts or anything like that that I've been told. We are not increasing the
density of people that visit the site; it's just an area for people to congregate outdoors
under shelter.
Donald Wilcenski: Does that answer your question?
Carolyn Lubanski: Yes.
Donald Wilcenski: Thank you. Would anybody else like to address the Board on this
Jim Rich: I make a motion to close the hearing.
William Cremers: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
6:05 p.m. - Surrey Lane, LLC - This amended site plan is for a proposed 600 sq. ft.
addition to an existing porch, addition of an office and bathroom within the existing
building along with a sanitary system and a well on 43.7 acres in the A-C Zoning
District. The property is located at 46975 NYS Route 25 in Southold.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Sixteen October 7. 2013
Donald Wilcenski: Would anybody from the audience like to address the Board on
the Surrey Lane application?
Bill Kelly, agent for the applicant: Any questions that you may have, I am here.
Donald Wilcenski: Does anybody from the staff or Planning Board have any questions
for Mr. Kelly with regard to Surrey Lane? Does anybody else from the audience want to
address the Board on Surrey Lane LLC? Hearing and seeing none...
William Cremers: I make a motion to close the hearing.
James Rich: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
Don Wilcenski: I need a motion to approve the minutes of September 9, 2013.
William Cremers: So moved.
Jim Rich: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries. I need a motion for adjournment.
Martin Sidor: So moved.
James Rich: Second.
Don Wilcenski: Motion made and seconded. All in favor?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Seventeen October 7, 2013
Don Wilcenski: Motion carries.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ADJOURNED at
6:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lin a Randolp nscribi Secretary
Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair RECEIVED
3%00 '0m
NOV 7 2013