HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAP RESOL UTION 2013-762 *w4p ADOPTED DOC ID: 9164 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2013-762 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 22,2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Agreement between the Town of Southold and National EAP, Inc. in connection with an Emolovee Assistance Program in the amount of $4.37 per month per employee for basic services including up to 10 hours of special training, critical stress management services up to 3 per year, and dispute mediation services of less than 6 hours, for the period November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2016, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER: William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell NATIONAL People • Parmns Prodn 490 Wheeler Boat, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788 1.800.624.2593 • (t) 631.588.8102 • (f) 631.588.8143 w .nationaleapcom MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Between: National Employee Assistance Providers, Inc. And Town of Southold With Its Headquarters Located at: 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Effective Date: November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2016 COMPREHENSIVE EAP SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: 1. PROGRAM DESIGN National Employee Assistance Providers, Inc. (National EAP) will maintain a comprehensive employee assistance program designed to meet the specific needs of the Town of Southold. National EAP will be responsible for planning, promoting, implementing and monitoring your Employee Assistance Program. II. PROGRAM RE-ORIENTATION National EAP will provide on-site re-orientation and materials as needed. EAP Services are described in detail, and issues of privacy and confidentiality are stressed. National EAP provides brochures and member ID cards for new employees of Town of Southold. Additional promotional materials are provided periodically to ensure on-going visibility and promotion. EAP education in person and on-line teaches Members how to access National EAP for themselves and covered family members (see covered members section XII). Early intervention via face-to-face solution focused consultation; telephonic consultation and on-line access is encouraged as appropriate tools to help members before issues might interfere with performance at home or at work. III. EAP TRAINING FOR MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS National EAP recommends and includes annual delivery of "EAP As A Management Tool" training to supervisors, HR and senior leadership. National EAP teaches attendees how they can use their EAP program as a management resource to assist them in dealing with employees whose work performance becomes a matter of progressive discipline. The focus of this on-site supervisor/manager training is to introduce the EAP and explain the concepts, procedures, and benefits. Training places emphasis on work performance as the key issue for referral to the National EAP. Work performance issues are described in detail. Problems and problem recognition are discussed and confidentiality stressed. Methods of referral are explained to encourage early intervention, program utilization and minimize organizational liability. The National EAP provides all materials. Est. 1982 NATIONAL People - P• n - Pmdr my 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11188 1.800.624.2593• it) 631.588.8102•(f) 631.588.8143 www.nationaleap.com IV. EAP AND WORK/LIFE SERVICES All members who contact National EAP for assistance will receive a thorough assessment to identify the client's problem(s), examine options, identify goals, and develop an EAP service plan to address the areas of concern. The EAP service plan can include 1 or more of the following services: • Short-term, solution focused in person or telephonic EAP counseling (up to 6 sessions) • Case management services • Legal & Financial Referrals • Eldercare/Childcare Referrals • Research and informational support • Crisis management • Qualified referrals to specialized providers EAP is available to assist members with a variety of problems such as stress and anxiety, family and marital conflicts, emotional difficulties, alcohol/drug problems, financial/legal difficulties, childcare and elder care needs, any issues that might affect work-place performance. EAP counseling services are provided by the NEAP team of EAP Specialists at our office locations and by our network of NEAP providers nationwide. EAP sessions are provided for non-medical issues when short-term solution focused counseling can be effective or to stabilize a crisis. When it appears there is the presence of a long term or medical issue, EAP will assist the client in identifying the appropriate specialized services they require, such as a psychiatric or substance abuse specialists and provide qualified referrals and monitor for member satisfaction and progress. National EAP will offer appointments for members requesting assistance in accordance with the client's schedule. Crisis calls are given priority and immediate attention. 24-hour live telephone access, 7 days per week, as well as website access to EAP information and services are continuously available. National EAP shall maintain an extensive resource network, including updated information on specialists, hospitals, community based agencies, substance abuse treatment centers, mental health and work/life professionals. National EAP refers to qualified professionals, who meet strict criteria to assure quality, cost effective care, and promote organizational savings on health insurance. National EAP does not buy or sell its network, but develops and maintains its own. V. MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION SERVICES National EAP provides individualized management consultation services for Town of Southold management to assist them with complex employee work performance issues. All management consultation is provided by our team of EAP Specialists and is most often the first step before using the Administrative Referral Program. Est. 1982 NATIONAL Peopk • Pandren, Productivity 490Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788 1.800.624.2593 • (t)631,598.8102. (f)631588.8143 www.nationaleap.com Services include: • Telephonic Confidential 1:1 consultation • Face to face off-site consultation at EAP locations VI. EMPLOYEE TERMINATION PROGRAM During potentially difficult terminations, National EAP staff will partner with HR or management to support the planning process and be on-site as needed to meet with the employee for debriefing post termination. All NEAP services are available to terminated or voluntary exit employees for up to 3 months post end date. EAP services include short term counseling and referrals to resources such as job finder assistance programs, community resources, and professional career development services. VII. THE ADMINISTRATIVE REFERRAL PROGRAM Human Resources and management can administratively refer high risk members (policy violations, excessive absenteeism, substance abuse, declining performance, etc.) for intensive EAP assessment, counseling, referral and monitoring to address work performance issues. Bi-weekly reports are provided (with member consent) to the organization, documenting member participation and progress. This program protects the organization from potential liability and reduces turnover and disability claims. National EAP requires HR to submit an Administrative Referral Submission form to National EAP when making an administrative referral so that all referral expectations are clear. All administratively referred members must sign our Statement of Understanding and Consent to Participate for Administrative Referral agreeing to their responsibilities for compliance while attending the EAP, in addition to signing a consent form authorizing NEAP to communicate with their employer. National EAP will monitor any/all treatment provided to members who have been administratively referred by the Town of Southold. National EAP monitoring takes place until your designated Human Resources Administrator and National EAP Specialist agree this is no longer necessary. Members' written consent is required. (See Suggested Procedure for Administrative Referral - made available by National EAP). Unlimited utilization of the Administrative Referral Program is included in this contract. VIII. WORKPLACE TRAINING On-site training/seminars are available to your organization with a tailored focus toward workplace culture, regulation compliance, overall wellness and workplace success. Ten (10) hours of specialty training from the NEAP Catalog are included per contract year. Additional specialty training hours are billed at $450 per hour, or can be purchased separately as a training package (details available upon Est. 1982 NATIONAL People • Pa _ • ProlveNay 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788 1.800124.2593. (t) 631.588.8102. M 631.588.8143 www itationaleap.com request). A National EAP training catalog is provided to determine and schedule training specific to your organization. IX. ON-SITE CONFLICT RESOLUTION National EAP Specialists are expert at delivering on-site conflict resolution counseling and intervention to address and resolve conflict or hostility between two or more employees. As every situation is unique, the HR representative and EAP Specialist will review the circumstances of the issues and customize a service strategy that could involve multiple sessions of individual work and may also include several group meetings. Often the plan is designed after an initial meeting with involved employees. Up to six (6) hours per event are included in this agreement, including time towards management meetings. Additional services are billed at $150 per hour of on-site time, including pre and post meetings with HR or management. X. CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONSE SERVICES Following an unexpected, traumatic event in the workplace such as a death of a co-worker, robbery, act of violence, etc., National EAP's trained response team delivers on-site Critical Incident Response (CIR) services to help prevent employees/members from experiencing the negative effects of unaddressed trauma. Two (2) hours of CIR for up to three (3) events are included per contract year. Additional Critical Incident Response services will be billed at $450 per hour. XI. HEALTH AND WELLNESS EAP WEBSITE National EAP will provide and maintain a member work/life resource site with a comprehensive level of resource articles, assessments, audio and video files covering workplace issues, emotional well-being, health and wellness in addition to child care, elder care, adoption, international and education. This site is available in both English and Spanish and can be embedded into a Town of Southold member only website with direct link if requested. It can also be personalized with the Town of Southold information as requested. XII. UTILIZATION REPORTS AND ORGANIZATION EVALUATION Utilization reports are provided on a semi and annual basis. National EAP maintains a state-of-the-art software system that protects the identity of your member/our client and provides important statistical data. National EAP staff is available for consultation in this area. Our utilization software and procedures are in compliance with the current Privacy Rule developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) based on the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA, April 14, 2003). Est. 1982 NATIONAL Peopk • Pm - - P-de fti y 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788 1.800.624.2593 • (0631.588.8102 • (f) 631.588.8143 www.nationaleap.com XIII. COVERED MEMBERS All Town of Southold employees/members and their immediate family/household are covered for all services described herein. XIV. PAYMENT: FEES AND SCHEDULE The fee for the National EAP, Inc. comprehensive program is $4.37 per employee/per month based on L j the most recent census of 299 US based employees. Payment for services is due upon receipt of invoice ~J on a monthly/quarterly basis; November 1", February 1", May 1" and August 1~. that fall ente spreeps of 99 days will inemF a 146% SWF8haF@e, on a Fnellithly 13119irm A complete census is required at the time of contract inception and subsequent renewals, including your organization's e-mail/facsimile with the employee name, position, and work location. National EAP will call and or e-mail for quarterly revisions of your population count. Should this population count not be received within 3 business days of our inquiry, the contracted amount or previous quarter's count will be billed, whichever is higher. disbu sey ientf XVI. INDEMNIFICATION National EAP covenants and agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless Town of Southold, its Trustees, Officers, Members and Authorized Agents, from and against each and every claim, demand or cause of action or any liability, cost or expense on account of any loss including reasonable attorney(s) fees caused by, arising out of, or in any way incidental to or in connection with National EAP's activities at or for Town of Southold, except for losses resulting from the negligence of Town of Southold, or its agents. XVII. STATEMENT National EAP shall carry all liability insurances as is reasonable and customary for services provided as outlined in the above. When indicated, all services to which National EAP refers shall also be Est. 1982 NATIONAL Pw* - Pawn - Produc*.i y 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788 1.800.624.2593 • H) 631.588.8102 • (f) 631.588.8143 www.nationaleap.com appropriately licensed and insured according to practice specialty and region. The undersigned agree to the above contract, with any amendments or changes to said contract being made prior to either party's below signature. Agreement will take effect in accordance with above noted dates of service provision, and with all below parties' endorsement. Date: 1(o J) s I3 Date: rfl ag L3 Aoifa O'D 4nnellL W, SAP Sc A. Russell Chief Executive Officer Town Supervisor National EAP, Inc. Town of Southold Est. 1982 NATIONAL EAP Paapk • Partners • P-d-awy 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788 a 1.800.624.2593 • (t) 631.588.8102- 631.5889143 ¦ w .natiwaleap.mm XIII. COVERED MEMBERS All Town of Southold employees/members and their immediate family/household are covered for all services described herein. XIV. PAYMENT: FEES AND SCHEDULE The fee for the National EAP, Inc. comprehensive program is $4.37 per employee/per month based on the most recent census of 299 US based employees. Payment for services is due upon receipt of invoice on a monthly/quarterly basis; November 1~, February 1, May In and August 1t. Aceaunt receivables S~ A complete census is required at the time of contract inception and subsequent renewals, including your organization's e-mail/facsimile with the employee name, position, and work location. National EAP will call and or e-mail for quarterly revisions of your population count. Should this population count not be received within 3 business days of our inquiry, the contracted amount or previous quarter's count will be billed, whichever is higher. ^V - FEES 4~rt" Nefie&iel EAP amd it Is Fequifed to ealleet the same thretigh 'ego' pFeeeed1mgs, !hen the Town of SemMwOd 4wbuy wneats. XVI. INDEMNIFICATION National EAP covenants and agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless Town of Southold, its Trustees, Officers, Members and Authorized Agents, from and against each and every claim, demand or cause of action or any liability, cost or expense on account of any loss including reasonable attorney(s) fees caused by, arising out of, or in any way incidental to or in connection with National EAP's activities at or for Town of Southold, except for losses resulting from the negligence of Town of Southold, or its agents. XVII. STATEMENT National EAP shall carry all liability insurances as is reasonable and customary for services provided as outlined in the above. When indicated, all services to which National EAP refers shall also be a FsL 1982 • NATIONAL EAP People • Pmdos • P-d-dwo 490 Wheeler Road, Suite 102, Hauppauge, NY 11788. 1.800.624.2593•(t) 631.588.8102 -(t1631.588.8143 • www.nationaleap.mm XIII. COVERED MEMBERS All Town of Southold employees/members and their immediate family/household are covered for all services described herein. XIV. PAYMENT: FEES AND SCHEDULE The fee for the National EAP, Inc. comprehensive program is $4.37 per employee/per month based on the most recent census of 299 US based employees. Payment for services is due upon receipt of invoice on a monthly/quarterly basis; November V, February 1~, May 1" and August 1'. Aeeemit receivable i.91596 I Y A complete census is required at the time of contract inception and subsequent renewals, including your organization's e-mail/facsimile with the employee name, position, and work location. National EAP will call and or e-mail for quarterly revisions of your population count. Should this population count not be received within 3 business days of our inquiry, the contracted amount or previous quarter's count will be billed, whichever is higher. National EAP and it *9 FeqUiFed te eelleet the sarne through !egol pFeeeedings, them the Town of Setithel Shall be FeSPOR901210 fQF AI24iQA2I EAP'r collection fees, FRaSGRabIG 21&GFReVs fees, eNipeRses aRd ~Iil:Lwccataw~ts. XVI. INDEMNIFICATION National EAP covenants and agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless Town of Southold, its Trustees, Officers, Members and Authorized Agents, from and against each and every claim, demand or cause of action or any liability, cost or expense on account of any loss including reasonable attorney(s) fees caused by, arising out of, or in any way incidental to or in connection with National EAP's activities at or for Town of Southold, except for losses resulting from the negligence of Town of Southold, or its agents. XVII. STATEMENT National EAP shall carry all liability insurances as is reasonable and customary for services provided as outlined in the above. When indicated, all services to which National EAP refers shall also be • Est. 1982 •