HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-12/04/1979378 A regU~'ar~meeti~g of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 4, 1979, at the Town Hall~ Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were: President.phitip~G. Horton TrUstee S6ott"'Harris Trustee Anna Hataier Trustee ~Paul Stoutenburgh TruStee Cynthia Kaminsky Trustee-elect Halsey Staples Trustee-elect Henry Smith Trustee,elect FrankKujaWski, Jr. Troy GUstavson, Suffolk Times Loraine Terry Orville Terry Motion was made by Trustee Hataier, seconded by Trustee K~minsky 'and carried to approv~ the minutes of ~he meeting of November~5,.!979, noting.that the date of the next meeting was not incidd~d. Joanna. M. Galligan - request for quitclaim deed for filled-in beach property on Mattituck Creek. On motion made' by Trustee Hatai~r, seconded.by Trustee Harris, it w~s ~ ~ RESOLVED to table the request of Joanne M. Galligan fOr a quitclaim deed for filled-in beach property on Mattituck Creek subject to approval by the Town Attorney of the boundaries of the property and his opinion as to the legaIity of a stipulation that the property will not be further subdivided. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Horton, Harris, Hataier, Stoutenburgh, Kaminsky On motion made by Trustee Hataier, seconded by Trustee Harris, it was RESOLVED to table the request of Ralph Lavinia for a quitclaim deed for filled-in beach property on Mattituck Creek for a discussion with the Town Attorney as to whether, this.is creek or bay front. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Horton, Harris, Hataier, Stoutenburgh, Kaminsky On motionmade by Trustee Stoutenburgh, seconded by Trustee Hataier, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Richard D. Zeidler to dredge approximately 50 cubic yards of materis1 and construct bulkhead off private property of the applicant at Brushes' Creek. 379 The condition of this approval is that the location be moved further 'to ~the east so as not to protrude' fmrther than one foot in front, of~'the~ present bulkhead. Vote'~of ~the Board: Ay s. Horton, Harris~ Hata~ier, Stoutenburgh, On motion made by Trustee Stoutenburgh~ seconded'~by Trustee Hataier, ~it was ~ ~ ~ ~ RESOLVED 'that ~he application of Matt-A-Marbro dredge 6,620 cubic yards to correct ~hoaling conditions in~slipsand~under floats at private ~roperty at Mattituck Creek be approved subject to receipt of a letter from the owner, with sigmature notarized, stating that he will not'now or in-the future further dredge the area in front of the retaining wall which runs from the lift pit to Wickham~venue. ~.' .... ~ - ~ Vote Of the Board:' Ayes: H0rton, Harris, Hataier, Stoutenburgh, ....... Kaminsky ~- ~ ~- The above resolution was preceded by discussion with residents of the area led by Dorothea Delehanty and a'Mr. Lessard. A permit to do the work has been issued by the Dept. of Environmental Conservation under date of November 26', '1979. Dr. Samuels of'James H. R~mbo, Inc. stated that~some of the dredged material wilt be placed'behind the retaining wall and the remainder will be trucked. He is willing to have a trustee or representative of the trustees present when the work is. being done to.'check on the amount that is being removed· Dr. Samuels thanked the BOard and Mr. Horton in particular for all courtesies shown him the past two years. He has found the Board to be vigilant under Mr. Horton's reign and feels the Board has been fair in issuing permits and has acted in the best interest of the Town of Southold. ..~ ~ President Horton, with the consent of the trustees and trustees- elect, directed that a letter be sent to the Cleaves Point Assn. informing them that all applications for moorings at Gull Pond be sent directly to the Board of Town Trustees with exact location of the proposed mooring with such located on a sumvey map. On motion made by Trustee Hataier, seconded by President Horton, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Robert Safina to place 150 lb. mushroom anchor off private property of the Cleaves Point Association at Gull Pond. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Horton, Harris, Hataier, Stoutenburgh Kaminsky 38O A drawing was presented on behalf of Frank Hindermannrwhieh designates his intention to place a retaining wall on his' private property. Thismatter is~not in the jurisdiction of the Town Trustees and should be referred to the Building Departmemt and the Conservation Advisory Council. A request was receiVed from Latham Sand & Gravel~on'behalf of ThOmas Blankley for permission to do corrective dredging front of private property of Mr. Blankley. The ~rmyCorps of Engineers and Dept. of~.Eavironmental Conservation permits are .Still valid. It wasthe consensus of the: Board that Mr. Blankley, re-apply to the Board. ~ It was noted that it has been brought to the attention of several trustees that Mr. Gardiner does not intend to dredge as. applied for and will place a floating dock in ~front of his property. Mr. Gardiner is to be'notified that he will have to present an amended application. The next meeting of .the Board will be held on Wednesday, january 2, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. and on the first Wednesday of"~the month thereafter until further notice. There being no'further business to come' before the Board, ' · Trustee Stoutenburgh made a motion, seconded by Trustee Harris and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted,