HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/2013 RECEIVED OCT 2 3 2013 Southold Town Clerk i NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS li SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 & 2012 i IRWIN & ODELL, CPAs LLC 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (631) 477-3011 (631) 477-9533 (Fax) October 22, 2013 Board of Directors North Fork Animal Welfare League Inc. Southold, NY 11971 We have compiled the accompanying Statement of Financial Position of North Fork L Animal Welfare League Inc. as of September 30, 2013 & 2012 and the related Statement of Activities for the nine months then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The financial statements have been prepared on the cash accounting basis used by the Company for Federal income tax purposes, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and its cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Joseph . Irwin, CP Irwin & Odell, CPAs LLC . i i i. i i I 11:63 AM 10/22/i3 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC Accrual Basis Balance Sheet As of September 30, 2013 Sep 30, 13 Sep 30, 12 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/savings 1010 • CashSCNS General Checking 18,708.82 68,671.89 1012- Cash-SCNS Reshiicted-Troxel 18,511.25 0.00 1015- CashCapitel One Checking 3,686.67 4,731.43 1019 - Petty Cash 230.00 230.00 Total Checking/Savings 41,136]4 73,833.32 Other Current Assets 1020 - Wells Fargo Brokerage Accounts 1021 - Wells Fargo-Unrestricted 6827 328,440.52 502.578.18 'i. 1022 • Wells Fargo-Unmsucted 4076 693,511.54 0.00 1023 • Wells Fargo-Unmstdcmd 6969 101,136.33 0.00 1024 - Wells Fargo-Unrestricted 2210 100,16234 0.00 1025 - Wells Fargo-Unrestricted 6735 101,044.06 0.00 1026 - Wells Fargo-Restdctetl 304,113.68 322,999.04 7020 Wells Fargo Brokerage Accounts -Other 0.00 805,616.64 Total 1020- Wells Fargo Brokerage Accounts 1,628,408.47 1,631,194.06 1096 - Prepaid Insurance 5,093.53 6,865.60 1100 - Due From Restricted -Troxel 0A0 500.00 Total Other Current Assets 1,633,502.00 1,638,559.66 i Total Current Assets 1,674,638.74 1,712,192.98 Other Assets 1090 • Security Deposits 15,000.00 15,000.00 Total Other Assets 15,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,609,638.74 1,727,192.98 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities'. Accounts Payable 2000• Accounts Payable 13,160.87 6,469.87 2010- Accounts Payable - EEVESC 0.00 4,814.45 Total Accounts Payable 13,160.67 11,284.32 Other Current Liabilities 2095 - Due to Fund Balance League 0.00 500.00. Total Other Current Liabilities 07 500.00 Total Current Liabilities 13,160.67 11,784.32 i Total Liabilities 13,160.67 11,784.321 Equity 3000 - Fund Balance League 1,353,853.14 1,392,910.62 3200 - Fund Balance Restricted-Troxel 322,624.93 322,499.04 Total Equity 1,676,478.07 1,715,409.66 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 1,609,638.74 1,72],193.90 j. 1 I Page 1 of 1 I. 11:44 AM NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE ING _ 10122113 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis January through September 2013 Jan - Sep 13 Jan - Sep 12 Income 4014 • Shelter Donations 58,767.34 58,523.59 4015 • Grants 15,060.00 0.00 4016 - Bequests 30,000.00 869,413.66 4018- Shannon Trust Fund Income 6,339.96 6,837.16 4019 - Interest Income 11,092.73 11,553.32 4020- Foreign Tax Paid -2.56 0.00 4021 - Accrued Interest paid -1,606.06 0.00 4022 • Dividend Income 7,717.04 5,545.87 4023- Net Gain(Loss) Stock Sales 21,434.53 14,020.90 4025- Fundraising 4026 • Fundraising Income 36,222.00 51,655.00 4027 • Fundraising Expenses -10,554.33 -10,950.04 Total 4025 • Fundraising 25,667.67 40,704.96 4030- Dogs-Spayed & Neutered 700.00 1,335.00 4032- Cats 15.00 195.00 4034 • Cats-Spayed & Neutered 165.00 467.00!! 4036- Memorials 5,365.00 5,696.00 4038- Guardian Angels 1,520.00 500.00 j' 4040, Rabies Clinic 980.00 433.25 4100 • Southold Town Income 160,473.89 155,800.01 4200 • Riverhead Town Income 130,352.44 0.00 4280 • Miscellaneous Income 670.16 1,930.59 Total Income 474,712.14 1,172,956.31 Expense 5000 - Salaries 227,703.11 153,891.37 j 5010- Payroll Taxes 18,245.12 17,939.33 5012 • Employee Benefits 33,661.58 24,987.57 5014- Kennel Supplies 37,125.62 15,561.82 5016- Dog Veterinarian Fees 20,303.34 17,128.07 5018- Repairs & Maintenance 4,066.31 585.00 5020 • Auto Expense 7,469.75 3,905.91 5022 • Travel Expense 350.10 0.00 5024 • Telephone 4,489.39 2,425.30 5028 - Office Expenses 5,099.55 4,614.93 5030- Insurance 14,081.90 9,500.00 5031 • Promotion/Grant Writer 20,206.35 0.00 5032 • Advertising 1,991.60 132.64 5034- Legal Fees 0.00 30,489.80 5035 • Accounting Expense 2,500.00 2,500.00 5036- Bookkeeping 9,150.00 5,850.00 5037- Licenses & Fees 330.40 625.00 5038- Cat Medical 21,449.01 10,458.37 j 5039 • Cat Food & Supplies 13,522.72 11,764.80 5040- Feral Cat Program 5,282.58 6,351.35 5044 • Garbage 1,816.22 1,759.50 5047 • Credit Card Fees 399.34 414.13 5048- Bank/investment Fees 4,968.20 53.00 5049- Payroll Processing 253.75 0.00 j 5050- Mailings 3,177.07 1,073.25 5052- Education 250.50 190.00 5062- Kennels 15,060.00 0.00 5065, Fences 1,600.00 0.00 5070 • 2007 Ford Ranger Truck 17,974.50 0.00 5075 • Computers/Periphials 5,247.42 0.00 5085- Miscellaneous Expenses 3,195.32 2,533.10 Total Expense 500,970.75 324,734.24 Net Income -26,258.61 848,222.07 I Pagel i VOOtO M(OroVm r OOp000rn t0 c ~NGiNV~~00WNON0000~NW N'd'O ~Or0000 ' M 000)r YIOOh (O OOOOOOM~ r NfOMMr~-MAO OI M(DOOVOr10NMNrO~0001U r OOa7NNaO ITV r OhN~gOOmNO N MN~-NM(OWOrnrn (D~OOOWNN(O OOMMr000d' m ' tO r O Cp O M T O t° O (p (p N m r h r O V (D N O (O (O N W O] M O W O N M V N M W t0 tq r ~(I O r q O CJ O (O r V r m L q M V M (O r r N f p M O O M O O O N O) I q M V H N m M W N r: N O (O W n NNO(p~ ~n~ pM 10 H~ 00 V rNt+irOd'r VInVO~NWV IO r'M ~ ~ N OM N (pM r N'-mmN N N~- a N d V N I F N 1° O rv M Mooorn(q (ovm r 00000o.o12 o00000ooooomv oo.oooo v Omroooo moo0)t01°oor 00000000 lD 0000000.-oOOMOpooOOOOMNro1°oo tq a OJOOrnVN(O IAN I OOOt(l l(]0000 4V 000000000 pOO (°p000NOO O'000)MMrO00V O O M M O r' W (O N r O Iq r O N O r OI ~q Iq r Iq r W O M W fO h Lq (O M M (O r M N O7 Lq N M rn N N Oi y Oi O(O W ~rN pM ~q (q~ O OWN O t+l J V M N O M N N N .Q N V d N N M ° N d C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O) O O O M O M O N O r N 0 0 0 0 0 0 O M N O O O O O O O O 9 V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O M O r r N N ~ W O N ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 O) O N N O O O O R O q q ^00000000 O ONOOOrM00 m Wlq (OrMVMONa{r0000NVNN(000000000 m~ V mr (O M OrNM (O V N N~qN W W t N ~q V Oi Iqp V V V MO) V rMN t0 W MNM 7 (O 00 O r [O~WNOMV NMO) 0 rel tq~ O 00 (D (O V ~NN~ N p p ~ U V N Z - c W 7 Q M 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O V O y R1 M O N M O M O N Iq O O (O O O O O N O O p O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O p V O V (O M M O N M O (O M O Iq 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W (000000000 O ...ONC.O a OO)VWONIq OVOyO OOOOVr0000000000 J N .c N OI O) Iq h t0 O) O N M M- N (O Iq r O O) M O M M m r N (O °o O 1_ t0 Iq (O 0 (O L d N O M r(ON V OI M V M M d a' °0 °0 M m N d tai O 0 a W J 06 y J rt+ p Q W 3 Q LO 000000000 0 0°°°00000 0 0000000000000000000000000000 Z aa=.. 000000000 o Ooooo0000 0 00000°0000000000000°00000000 Q ~ c 000000000 0 000000000 ~ 0000000000000000000000000000 q 0 0 0 N a o0 LL ~ v F v Z ooo0voo o~n o 00o00000o m ooopooooo~n0oooo0000000000000 O O O O O O O O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r O O O O O O O O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9990 j O O O O m O O O m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O V O O O O O O O O O O O` O O O O O O ~ N V O N X N - f 90 'O O O a U N d I E w a v x E c a `a E E a n v u d E a c a x a u a ° cw m a u '.R LLe c iirn i. c u a din ~w z z-c 4: c~ a aE q c `d j E n O H C C y rn U 3 O J N C ` C d N N x N ] O) d d N C C °Xw0001 N•N d a c'2 0 'r0 ad6ggNC C WrnLL NO LLEV q O fugc$~c•-•- a a. d Qf xCl nc~ca a mrn5 m 'o O «hCC~ 'O ";N EE c q tTO~C-'ORE qa 0'WW p•infcKdcCCn~U~LL qN~ e a NONCyCAgCC li N THOd y~TNyeW XW 2 OWC~Cd a'O Oq j~V CdNCq O q__ OI F 01 N LL w d C` rn L d M O -O d w N D O d - a` O L' J Y N d O U 42 mnom v:'.u~09c ~i ii y rn9 'J' E`m :oo g m a =>,1 ,m, u°E> °uo va a c e un o u._ N O N o g a J q O.-_ g g E N o a O E a 11 a u O U c N N a R E c ITO .q 'O d N o .N rn(9 CINSLLQOZLLNN DUU `Z U' KNK~ c yawxozarro QQ M' uuU f7Uw6`L W YLLN m d V N {O W N O N N M N y O N V (O N O O O O C N O O N V t0 OJ ONO W O N N tp r q 0) O< r 0] CI O N N N O N N N N Np M M M M M O O O W _ C O ~ ~ ~ N N N N M M M M M M M M O O O O O N N t0 (O r M E O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ N N a O O O p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q V «V V O<V C V vvavvavva .FR 6NNNNIgNNNIq NNNNN IgNNNNIryNNY11gNNNN N N U F W C U r Q I i. 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