HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/2013 ~~l~cllsl6~ I3{~~I~I~ C9F ~I'I$T',~L,`,~" Pawn Hall lknntis; 0~~l5 ttoui~ l5 t ~ Y.~. Boa; 1179 ..a...::. ~ ~ Southold, dew York 13973 0~}v9 . Faa (631) i6d-9£l&1." 'f'elapYtone td31i ~'"i 65 180 ~'~B: ~ Ilaabe th ;~deriil9e, iCar# at Merl>;(for I?strl~rt#iou $t~ ~;e~pea's sor Il~sse]9 astc `To~astlloarsl?4'te berg) FI2(?'~^I; Leslie ICaeaes '~~'~#stnaa~, ~I~A C 9tairpe rstafl5epar# ent 3Ze~t3 38I: C'6~~i~II~I;-I~ 141{)l"~`TIIi.I' [~F:I'.=~IaTl4'II;1~11' Iik+.~,Tl ~~T[~ T°r`F:~~ ~I~PLI'v;~eTI~1~~tFlF:~ I'~k~~for, ~elrte brr2€93 ~~`I'f:a ~nte~iser 17, 2f913 I. IBec~atii-es I~trn~eiiate ttti~aatiora; Noosing at this tune II. IIo;Ird a~tci ~ffiee I~o[ee~, Pr~etises, ~tnd .~etlviti~~; Completion o#~ 2(71 7 Required xlnnual Training b~ Board Metiibers C}n September 5. 2fl13 the l9eixihers of tttrv Board of s~ppeals co3npieted the fear 12ours of required annual training <tis apprzlFed bg the Toivr E3aard on March 26, 2413 in Rcsc~lution No. 2413-282 pursuant to `I'osn Lau- Saction 271(17}(a-d}. l subrnat#ecl thss infolnration to the Tours C1cr[c ar itha copy of the appzravedtraining outline with dates of completion for tiling as required. Tlie Board thaziks r~.TrS :~ndaloro :for proVic#in~„ us a°illi vere" pertinent and practical updaies on case (air; SIQR~, and the Town's pendiiig'wmprelsensive plan. V(ailirl~ to wineries re: Changes to Chapter 245 of the TownCbde As a public service and fo encourage eomplsanee with Town code, cn September 1~, 2013 our office nailed out a letter that 1 rs--rote to 9Jl tivinery owners'ei`enT planners in the "I'o4izi of Sotilhold regarding than„es to Chapter 265 of t1~0 Town { ode;, "Pni~ic l-:ntc rtaintnent and Special 11~~ents" In the letter l explained that a special eti"ent nou applies to all properties in Southold Tour, not just to ~viners, andts no longer related to the 1ega1 occupancy cif a building, c}r whether it is held indoors oz° outdciors. Rather; that the current definition describes a special event as any actii-it}' that is currentlk riot a pern~ifted use of tlac propert} in the applicable zone district or that exceeds the existing paekitg capaciy on site. 1 also enclosed a cop}~ of'Claapter 205-2 Definitions and indicated where the entire chapter of the code ccauld be found os the `t'own's wcbsite: 1~dditionaIly, our ol'Ficc staff attd I updated the instztzctions and application form f~robtaining a permit to hold a special event, which tx`e enclosed r~tith the cover letter and posted on the Z73!1"s s~-ctfon of rho Town's wehsitq, Tlie uec~ fomrs arG trery similar to those preciously nsod;hut include ~'eti"icons to the fee schedule and titnc frame tc~r submission, and explain "hen a penult is required. how to Cill oat an appiicati~ne the regulations that Mace to be followed; and how an application is i-evieu-ed by the C$aitp~rson and C7€iice of the Zoning }'~oard of tlppeals, andotliers. III. Fln~n~iaUl3at~Igetl9ler°so~rae9 Issues; The I.t3ry's 2011 Budget laroposal is in reti~ivc I~''. mastic°ties ~t #~e I~dar€il~cso glislt ~aa#s; IZe~u(ar Mcetin~: 12a#e: 0904/13 Cail tc~ ~rdi r: 8: ;9 .~djoued: 4:1 } i'll Public I-learin~s: Total: 8 bomber of nec~- apptications:heard: 8 Number d£ Carrso~srrs Cmrr~irrevious itearinas; 0 number dosed reserving deisiorx to later date':. 3 ~Iutnber closed subject to reel ipt of additi~3nal riformats`cin: 2 __~Iumber adjourned tc~ antather date: 3' ~(un7laer adjourned ~vlo a date: 0 ~(unxber of Resoiutic~ns passed: l2 tuber df dccisicxts made: 1 Nuanber oFSitc Inspections made b~ ~3taard t~xenlbers: ~~5 ~ I',eg-ular Iulectina: I~atc~ 9;`26.?13 Cati tc~ ~rdar: f~':45PI~'L Adjourned: &:a7 P1vI I?ubFic Flearin~ _ Tc~ta1_ 't ltiurnber pf neu apj~ticatic+ns:hev~d: 1 ititunber closed res~rv~in~ decision #o Miter date: 1 Itiumber of Resduttons passed: t 1.umlaer cif decisions made:. 0 ~Sc~t K~u1iu- l-Fectin~: I (}r'Q112 Seciai 1~eetin~ Date: 9'19113 C'att t0 {3rder: 5(}~ Ttvl :~djot~rned: 7:1 t'!VI Nunxber of draf"t firidin~s discussed: 6 1Sumber oi` deeisians nzadc: 6 Number ofKescluticins passed:: 21 ~Jee#in~s attendedrlni#iated bra 7,I3A f'bairperstxnfL?~artment I Iead ~ 9104 - E1I r~ r~idaloro res Speeiai Event L eislation ~ 9?13 ~ 11fF1 r~ndaloro re: Specific applicatirin before the Board j ~ 9.t1£3 - ,~`>i~~ ~nda]oru re: Sp~eiat Yvent I,e~is]aiion ar~3 Speestic app3ieat~x before ttie Board ~ ~}?]~-"Iouro (;rigineerre: Speeific',application beforettxe Boarda~xdvinlationof Chapter 2 ~n 91?~ - ATA r~ndataro r~: specific appticatic~ns hcf©re the Beard and 1iti~atic~n ~ ~ 9,(2.6 - Building licspector re: specific application before the Board. Stmt x9etivillss Nnnxher of people assisted at the counter: ~13 Flours speni_assistin~: I (9 hrs, (A sistttr~e tt2ctttde>s frlli~g c~rst tzexa~ a~pPiccrlions; maiFings and posairzgs, prciiidiaig copzes o~deca~saorzs, FC172; rt3~uests sand outer rntttertuls, rzr~ct ~aneFr~7 inytxiri~~~ V, ~'l~t~"I'III,1' 12~P~1.2T' ~1~ Is,£~1~' r~BirlI~~`TI~~IS ~1ti F'~~' E~ota111Tca#ions Received for the t?ri#l of September 2013° 6 Cotal Fees ('oltected in September 2013; ~~;~ItO {itadltadec 7 t _ SlZesial ~.g=ant tees) ec sy ubmitu d ;r- -fir lie Danes eisman, Chairperson,'Deparimenll Feed