HomeMy WebLinkAboutLaughing Waters Property Owners Assoc ~ SUFFD(/~~o~ oy~~ ~o~ O! TELEPHONE (516) 765.1692 BOARD OF TOWN TRCSTEE9 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York l 1971 October 6, 1983 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Ray: Transmitted herewith is a letter this office received from the Laughing Water Property Owners Association, Inc. They have a problem with the road surface on Nakomis Road, Laughing Water, Southold. Seeing that the Trustees do not have any jurisdiction, in regard to this matter, I have forwarded a copy of this letter to you. Thank you for your attention, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees ~ Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Trustees Attachment / ~v/ Zr3 ~'°io/GIG ~ S~FF~(K~o~ 1 t~J~ T o • ~ yyol ~ ~~o~ TELEPHONE (516) 765.1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 3, 1983 Mr. J. Royal Gifford, President Laughing Water Property Owners Assn., Inc. Post Office Box 1650 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Gifford: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 29, 1983 concerning road failure on Nakomis Road, Laughing Water, Southold. I have forwarded copies of your letter, to all of the Trustees for their review. I am sure, if there is anything that they can do to help correct this situation, they will be happy to do so. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees !1/.WYWJ Ilene Pfiffer ing Clerk sac yi.~'- /o/3/F 3 LAUGHING WATER PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN., INC. SOLJTHOLD. N. Y. 11971 September 29, 1983 b 3 ~~0~31~3 Southold Town Trustees Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Gentlemen: r'.nclosed please find a letter and accompanying material we have sent to Suffolk County executive Peter r^^. Cohalan. Zf you can be of any help in getting this situation resolved it will be greatly appreciated by all concerned, Thank you, Sincerely, L.W.P.O,A., Inc, J. Royal Gifford, President P'riL:p1 :~-ic , cc: ~ LAUGHING WATER PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN., INC. SOUTHOID, N. Y. 17971 September 29, 1983 Pir. Peter F, Cohalan Suffolk County ~:xecutive Veterans P-lemorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11787 Subject: Failure of road surface on Nakomis Road, Laughing Mater, Southold at the point of intersection of drainage culvert of Corey Creek, Jear air, On 9/28/83 this Association called the Southold Highway ilepartment to report a dangerous condition to the above subject. At approximately 3:15 on the 28th it was noticed that a 12" deep, 2' diameter hole had appeared in the road surface. It was further noticed that the subsurface was washed out under the pavement extending in a southerly direction for about 3'(this in spite of a dry spell), This caas all that could be seen without ex- cavating the road. This Association(it consists of almost 80 families) has long been concerned with the condition of our only access road and its culvert(please see the enclosed s~etch and three exhibits) but has not been able to secure action from the County in properly repairing the situation. To the layman's mind this road failure and voiding under the surface seem to be caused by insufficient culvert size which allows for inadequate tidal flow witha+lft a hydrostatic head on alter- nating sides of the roadway, Also in evidence is the complete deter- ioration of the projecting culvert on both sides of the road. This has resulted in the sloughing off of the shoulder banks. It would appear that i£ a l.E' diameter culvert vsas installed a projected 3' oast the normal angle of repose of an adequate shoulder this unsafe condition would be eliminated. ^lhis condition is extremel hazardous to all motor traffic, from cars to school buses, as wel as pedestrians and bicyclists because there is in effect no shoulder at this point - only a sheer drop into the creek on either side. Phe failure of the roadway only worsens a treacherous situation, As the enclosed letters will show you, we have tried in the past to get this problem repaired but to no avail. ?.e urge you to take prompt action regarding this matter before some- one is seriously hurt. LAUGHING WATER PROPERTY OWNERS A55N., iNC. SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 . -2- Please contact us as soon as possible after receiving this letter. You can reach us by phone at 765-39L46. rTe look forward to hearing from you and with best regards remain, Sincerely, L.~i. .O.A., Inc. J. Royal uifford, President PWl:ol Vic. cc: Southold i''own Board Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Board of Highways, ;r. Josenh L. Tocansend, Jr., Chairman Fx,s,-~/,..y .~AK~~,.s ~n.w Sor,F rLD N`~, Zp' ~Zon / < ~ , D•, APOfUX- ,r, aRwnL /q POmY No,LwrL o d - ~ e - N/(.~ TD_ b °p , ~1 U - _ - _ - - Co'~ i /o S ,/J?o G~ ZIG /u9L /N J~ 19LL9i /o,v s~o ,O ZOIq 1' Z!O I L \ ~io:LU~R..~ !L/ ~ 4 ~ avn.x o,i , L /a.4L T.~/L ~ ~ Go•.J/iiov a~ IzoiiO ,...A~, S~~rLO/«s CrLVh'.t-i As pr 3 ,r P/s, :T'E.~iE..,ar2 1B ~ X983 SKr= 1 G~ ~ ,9 -29-e3 J ~4 x a'M '~-y +l'e~ iifi A d y.,~C y# r° 2j v 4Y5"A hl.~ Y j l J l~f - W". 4f ~n Y•t 'h .may' ~y t TY w' ~ T. ~ 6 +kNpb ~£Sa 4 ~t~ R r 'c i sf •,s v~sz¢kr~,.. x' as`~~ gA"~`~~7~'Y"~cX'F.'~`'i.i~ I' . a3 8~ a M 5' µj~ i gym"" kwFG` ~ ~s ~ f ~ ! l F fLMi Q ~1 ~•s ~ ',<a a'a t'ya%,»` "~tA' ss~rys s 4*?. '~`r~tit -'h~. r i ~.~~~.'w yry~~,,Lyy •1 a*R^i?'2'4,F ~1 r i ~fll~"' ~}~'w{ - ~ ':,MtR~wIC , ~ rt,. ~FEYi ,1~0 Rq~ . T'E ''TFM;'.. +4 ~.•t3 ~Ar•O~ :t'!O R~~-Sf^.r+Te hF (>t7G r11 `fG -~A'ER ~ ARE Y~:NY R-'NtERNEO AROU'T THE •OLLAPS IN6 t:UL.VEPT JUST NORTH ' .Oi MINkENANA., tiLVO'• AT COREY CRf£R~. ~ IP T~. LS OULVIRT tS- S$NEiTUL:D 'RJR aEPLAQE""e vT ~ tOUlO ' rdu.lLEA$[tBfYE, t18.AN,.A1/?R07ftNATE r?-N-F.~ fOR tut3?10Rk TO - t. - O pBRt. SC,. Ty,4 F' P*_~$A1E REfO.RT TNiS INC UP.NATt JM AT THE NE X7 "DOARO O• fJtREtTOAL' ML[Tlll~'« ' ~ ~ Jf NCE~~7N t5 fi0A0YAY 1$ iNE ONLY EMT RANQE ANO Ek IT T6' NRNNENANA BLYO«. TkfS IN/ORNATiJN IS ALSOME£ESSARY TO - ~66VE A.LLTNf RESiDtNTl~AOYA~titE MARKING.. PLEASC ADYtSf. , VERY TRULY YOUR3* ' VlRfifN1,A M• INO MAS a~ - S[tRETA R• . - . ~Y'° p I: d. qtp, y y Ya F t ~"af ~ § S ~yt o ri r t ~~0. '+1' Y j f ~ 1~ , ~ ~Yy (~J i Y r. ~ ~ ,.v k' y 5 F v, r W~ 4 w i! d re ~ r ~ },e s t~s :.A R :tea ~ r , • ~ k+ ,T' v N j.'Ji is t; .';5i{~'L~,~'.."7!' . r.~'~'•~'az w.~,-~^` k-^~ a .~..fl+ rY ~"a s ,s-~ wy.,~ ~„~y+ - ~ - ,t ~ Y ~ - 3`7~c? r~ttarNeNA+~a i~vo. ~ ~ 43~To~ tia 1J, 1 t~AY?ILv'3 _ E A!'~ :7:i'T. slf .~G iNA4$ P¢~eN I v ~ 1=' : ~ i ~ , w ~ K f ARE V %tV r'Ne,EaNfD ABOUT TkE t~LIA~'SING 4UiVt-PT J~:ST NORTH QF `'llNki.+A HA l1l V0. AT ~,~)~+EY l:RCfK. 4 ! F I ~ tS .,I_VFr7T IS 56ii~')U~:D `7R ~EPLA~;*.'":. ~~T ~ F: (7+~1 t) ' YSU NLEASs=. ~,tYf~ uS An ARisflOxt"!ATF. 1"+r F~~R T.:1~ W~~FK Tt; '.'F: ~4NE SO TtiA f ( 6AN REiAQRT THIS 1 h~ .1~NA' ~.)~y A' THF" NEXT ~I ~OARQ OF f,;'IREgTQRS MEETlN(!• ..1'vs:l: 1~a1.''i '-OAQ1ilAY IS TFtc Oi'iLY tVTRAr~Ut: AtiG EXIT TO ~~tr.NzHAHA ULVC• T~iIS INfORM4tIJ`I 1 ~ ALSfl NE.ESSARY TQ I VF. ALl T!!E RES I E EhTS A;iVAACE WAP.k f kli• PL_ASE ACVISE. VERr TRJLr YrJ~1Rj~, a `VIRGINIA i+tilMA$ 3Et:RETA RY . 1 MAr 2?, 198'1 UICK 7AILEV VrtTOR %ONTROL COUNTY OF oUFFJLK YAPHANK~ ,J. y. YEAR 1~H. ~AILEY7 ~fGtOHDiNG TO MR. UEAN~ NIGH4AY UEPARiMENT~ SOUTHOLD TOrN, YOt~R A,:E I.CY i~ Ib !;yaaGF nF RcpI. ACIN3 THE PIPE BE- T4EEN tii0KOM15 A"~.^, MINNEH AHA NIVD. WHItH ALLOMS (TREY ;;REEK i0 flOw INTO THE MAoSYES HEPE IN LAUGHING '.DATER. THIS PIPE HAS OETERIORA 7EC~ THE ROAD BEO HAS SETTLED AND BE- COME vErY FCUCU A^:D UNEVEN AND IS RE60MING A DANGEROUS SITUATION 61H tCH IS OF 6~NtERN TO AlL OUR RESIDENTS. Aii6ORDINO T^ DUR LONG-TIME RESIDENTS THE ORIGINAL PIPE WAS LARGER AND AccOROED A MUCH BETTER FLUSHtNO ACTION Oi THE M4RSHLANO. THAT FIUSHtNG ACTION IS NOM VERY RE- $7RICTE~ ?.MO OVR HOSOUITO PHOBLF.N GETS INCREASINGLY MUR SE. '.:Ilt YOU PLEASE ADVISE NE AS TO MHAT WILL BE OU NE AoJUT 7HE REPLACEM°n7 OF THE PIPE 50 THAT I CAN REPORT THIS TJ O:.1R RF.SI^£"'TS AT OUR ANNUAL MEETING IN JUNE. ",150 !!!Ll YOtI PLEASE SPRAY OuR AREA FOPS "tO SOUtTOtS AS S::v AS P^SSIttIE. UFRY TRULY VOURS~ ARTHUR Rt05~ PRES. E>~la~% "2 • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~U ,Q DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS. M.D.. M.P.N. COMMISSIONER June 15, 1981 Mh. Anthur R.iob, Phes.i.dent Laughing water Phopenty Ownehs Abbn., Inc. Minnehaha Bevd. SouthoPd, New Vohh 11971 Dear Mh. R,iob: Thi_b .ins .i,vc anbwer to your fetter ob May 27, 1981 concert3ung a p.ipeP,i.ne between Noham.i~, Road and 1Ainnehaha Bfvd. Upon .irebpee.tion ob the hood, I bound the pipe under .it to 6e .i.n batisba y con on na -cnanecJ'cate danger ob .the hoad eoffapb.i,ng. However, .in the bur..wce tib thia pipe bhou2d compfetefy dete7u.ortccte and the hood coffapbe; we wi.CC, -togethe~c with .the Sou,thoZd Town H.ighua y Department, correct .this b-ituation. with hegard to .the bkubhi.ng action abbohded by thin pipe, I do not know .the histohy ob the p~.pe phev.i.oubfy .in~staP.eed and thin bureau dicf not .inbtaff the phebent pipe. I uxt6 there at high tide an June 4th and when the .tide wab afow on June 9th. The p~.pe .i,a ob bubb.ieient b~cze to pour a.2.e ob the ueeteh obb the mendowb, thereby aY.fowing an ampQe amount ob bfwshing action. S'aur area has been behedufed bon mabqu.ito eantrof bphay. Shau2d you hequ,ire th,ia behv.iee in the butwce, pfeabe ca.2f our obb.ice at 924-4300. (Vehytrufy yawca, !~Y R<chard L. Ba.i.Qe`~ Abbt. C.iv if Eng.ineeh RLB:fd cc: Roy Dean, Southafd Town H.%giuacy Dept. Exl,ia~% ~,3 9URlAU Of VECTOR CONTROL • •.O. 90K 27. YAPNANK AV[NU[ • YAPNANK. N.Y. 1 1990 f f ,9-/9-x'3 LAUGHING WATER PROPERTY OWNER5 ASSN., INC. SOUTHOID, N. Y. 11971 September 15, 1983 ' ~~~9~43 ~ Southold Board of Trustees Main Road Southold, NY 11971 SUBJECT: Variance request of David Saland for Property Section 87; Lot 25; Block 1. Gentlemen, Our Association attended the New York State Department of Environ- mental Conservation hearing on September 8, 1983 at Stony Brook, New York, Robert P. O~Connor Administrative Law Judge presiding. We the officers of this Association, which represents almost 80 property owners, agree with the position of the D,E,C. regarding the request for a variance by David Saland in connection with the above subject property owned by Nirs, Joseph Saland and Mr. Henry Drum, We object to any and all construction in this area and respect- fully request that any building permits applied for be denied. Thank you, C~''d , t J. oya or ~ i ian~ r rick 'rl. L r'~ika Taggart Patric Heyno s Ji2G:p1 cc: Department of Health Services Southold Building Department Southold Planning Board ~ S~FF~(,YCD~ o~~~ ~o~ 1 ~ TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRliSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 September 19, 1983 Laughing Water Property Owners Assn., Inc. Post Office Box 1650 Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: I am writing with respect to your letter dated September 15, 1983, with reference to the request for a variance of David Saland. I have made a copy of your letter for each Trustee and have distributed same, for their review. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees ~ , Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Trustees