HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12741 P 145 Illffll IIII 11111 Illll Illlf VIII IIIII VIII II111 fill IIII 1111111 IIIII IIIII IIII Ills SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 08/20/2013 Number of Pages: , - At: 03:41:12 PM Receipt Number 13-010431fi TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 13-01$66 LIBER: D00012741 PAGE: 145 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 127.00 08.00 019.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $410,000.00 Received the Following Foes For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $1,640.00 NO Comm.Pres $5,200.00 NO Fees Paid $7,090.00. TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 13-01$66 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRVI4ENT THIS TS NOT A BILL JCTDITH A. PASCALE Caunty Clerk, Suffolk Caunty ?1 ?2 RECORDED Number of pages ~ 2013 Rug 20 03:41:12 PM ' JUDITH A. PASCRLE CLERK OF This document will be public SUFFOLK COUNT4' record. Please remove all L DOOO12741 P 14s DT# 13-01966 Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps Page /Filing Fee ~ ~ Mortgage Amt. l . Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax _ TP-584 ' Sub Total Notation SpecJAssit. or EA-52 17 (County) S Sub Total ~IS Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) _ TOT. MTG. TAX ~ Dual Town Dual County_ R.P.T.S.A. ~ Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax ~ ' Mansion Tax Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge l5. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total 2~ S YES or NO Other _ Grand Total -..25 Iflf Nopriate tax clause on ge # of this instru ent. ~ 'f5' - 4 Dist~Ct`Y1 Cartinn /.~Zi (Y7 Rlnr4 ~Sr M t r7lq.~ 5 Community'Preservation Ftilad Real Propert 13022251 1000 12700 0800 019000 Consideration Amount $ ~ ~Yor ; ~ ~ A IIII11111111111111111110111~1111111111111~1111 c~~ ue $ s~. Improved 6 SatiSfaCtivna~U~xua~gwinc~canc~ c~~~ rw~cny vwucca-maiu~~g'AddreSS RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land C~~ r1,~yJU(~5~ ~ (Ct ~ ~ TD l ~S o V ~ r (1~ ~ ~Gt. ~O U I~ U~ TL~ ~ TD 1'K.-f f1e p ~Q~ ~ 15 U I TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Com an Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 ~ f~~ ~D~ www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Co. Name Title # ~ S~ 5~ g Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached f _ made by: / - ^ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ ~ ~1.~-c 1 I Lam!- The premises herein is situated in ~~Q I A , ` G~(-(,Mt SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK / TO In the TOWN of t'~ [ J~p~('-t Can (Y~ . x~n g ~ ~ In the VILLAGE '~-l. l~ f ] Ott • ~]j,~, L~A~ or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. iz-oia..imasWc {over) FORM 26133-BSD (9195) PAGE 1 OF 2 fiugain and Sale Deed with Coverunt against Grantors Acts lndividuat or Corporation (Single Shcd) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE I1SED Rl' LAIWERSONLY _ THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of August ~g~C~gX 2013 r BETWEEiV GREGORY C. SCHWEITZER and STACEY M. SCHWE~~ZER, his wife residing at 385 Wendy Rd., Laurel, NY 119 I `cal -f5~3 Z To Be RECOrded By = Inter•County Abstract Corp. 199 Jericho Tumplke Floral Park, NY 11001 patty of the first part, and PATRICK M. DOWDEN and LEIGH A. DOWy~QQEN, as husband and wife, residing at 45 Huntington Road, Z `I Garden City, NY 11530 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten i~o[lars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and beingi~g at Laurel, Town of SouChold, CounCy of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northwesterly side of Wendy Drive (a private road) at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Falkenback; ENCE North 81 degrees 00 minutes ~ seconds West, along the last mentioned land, 191.87 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Half Hollow Nursery Realty; THENCE North 57 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds East, along Che last mentioned land, 285.40 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Pellegrino; • 'Tax Map THENCE South 09 de tees 12 minutes 20 seconds East, alon the last mentioned land, thsignation g g 117.19 feet a monument on the northerly side of Wendy Drive; D,st• THENCE southwesterly along the northerly and northwesterly side of Wendy Drive the 1000 following 2 courses and distances: 1) South 54 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds West, fi1.01 feet to a monument; Sec. 2) Along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet a 127.00 distance of 38.99 feet to the monument at the point or place of BEGINNING. Blk. Being the same premises described in deed from ELLEN H. KELSCH, dated 3/19/08, 08.00 recorded 4/t3/08, in Liber 12546 Page 934. The transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A is subject to a condition Lot(s) prohibiting the conveyance of the captioned property for any sales price for a 019.00 period of 30 days from the date of this deed. After this 30 day period, Grantee is further prohibited from conveying the property for a sales price greater than ~r ~ until 90 days from the date of this deed. These restrictions shall run with the land and are not personal to the Grantee. ~ TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to t~'ie center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the fast part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein ranted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. Page 470 and Modified in Liber 22050 Page 217, as a result of the failure to comply tltfLh~~rt~$~~ tlxst~iart covenants that the party'of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been inctunbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. • AND the party of the fast part, in wmpliance v~ith Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a Wst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "panties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the Grst part has duly executed this deed the day and year [first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: f1~ TACEY M SCHWEITZER REGORY C HWEITZER p•~ rn y ~ T T ~rn n~ x ro~ O y ~ D O m T T T O m9 C y m uo+lw.wrry apll puo~/ amts >~o,{ Mary ~agmayy i/~a,rscw~i~ ~~IaP~3 air/ ajv~u pZ6raairrosaoav/ ,~(~o ~uvawo~ ~~uvansNi TOSTT uI `sToau~y~ ~'I.LI,j,'I~dNOI,Lb'jv A.LI'I~QI,~ zooT3 puZ 'pzanaTnog eToaulyy pSZ o •bsg 'zlsTg-~sznQ uaZjg ~o ,Na o ,Cusdo1io Va a enc~u a jtH saops .C;r a ~ M us ue, sn ~ A 11J J I[ .J.I N I P!3 a3I P P q. q .sB dOls3fld3a1Va3a21oJ3t! A13Q1y0Q 'd H9I3'I pus N30MOQ 'Id xOI~IZVd O.L ?I'I033II5 r~moy ao A.uano~ a3TM shy `~I3Z,LI3MHOS 000'610 i0~ .H 7i00F7ZS Pas ~13ZZI3MHOS '0 ~C2IOOZ~IO 00' 80 x~o~g ~ 9 S l -T1S' -Gg4£ / 'oN a~.i.~y OOOT 1JItiLSIQ SL~\I S,NOINYN71SNIVDd'iNVN3A(1, HlIM ~8~~ , 1001 L JAN 'kred Fold a~{~dwnl oyouaf 66L ~dro~ ~s~isGd ~uno;1-ralul , I,g paprooaa a8 01 olalay~ ssau»m se aureu y paquasgns •aureu y pau8~s ay uoile.rodioa aunt auras a[p ~e'ssa+r~rm p+es'ay ~ey~ pue :auras ayl alnaaxa p+es,Jo srotoalcQ Jo preog aye;o ~apso ,Cy ~eyl :Luaumr~sm mes pue ~uasa~d 8u~o8aioJ aye pamaaxa yaiym pus w paquasap uoi~e~od.+oa a+p sem `ssa+r~lm 9uiquosgns pies `ay ~ey~ yuawrulsu! 8uto8aroJ ' ayl pa~noaxa oym pue u+ paquasap lenp+nlpuc aye aq o1 Jo smou~ ay ~eyl ay1 s+ ay ley '7lD . ~oH ae saplsar ay 1&yl 6es pue asodap U .S .oH le sapisa~ ay ~ey~ p+p 'woms binp our ,Sy 9ttiaq'ogm'pa~uienbae ,Cpeuos~ad ure ,Ces pue asodap ptp'woms 61np our 6y du+aq oym'umou~ our o~ I woym yl+m'~uaurru~su~ 8uio8alo~ ay10l ssau~im 8ucquosgns ayt auteo dpeuos~ad autea our aro~{aq ' 61 ~3o dap a+{1 up 611euos~ad aw"a~o3aq' ~gl ~{y9f~yq~,( ~o p~y~ u~ :•so { ;o ,C;uno,~'~lo,~ saN Jo aje;$ rcc ( Yi~l~~, `;,o~.C"~;~u~`n~'o~jw`>f A ^~+'aNQ1o.a1s1S .~IOZ'8'usPaarldx3uolssiwwo~ 1~i/I1~71~2 ~"""~r5 ~Ctunop ns&aslV ul peylenp f ~,~~(Q,, 9Z£LEl9()lZ0'oN (^~~J~~(J'T~1"'S riff (-V ~ KroA meN to s;e;g bllgnd oN g kr nliN~/ oe~e~o~ r sew s 25a~ al: Z o ~ 'auras aye palnaaxa aura ay~palnaaxa ay ~ey~ pa8palmou>joa pue yaa 8uto8aro~ atp pau+aoxa ay s ~e+~ PaBPalmouxos,P~e yuaumnsui 8mo8a,o3 ayl pa~naaxa oym pue ut paquasap lnlpu+ aye aq o~ umouay our o~ oym pue m paqu-as`ap' lenp+nipu~ ay1 aq of umou~ our o~ ~3Z-lH~s/ J ~a,( eaosrad 7/:~L-L~3MMOS'{Yh3~CS i II auraa ~Cpeuos~ad atu aru aaojaq ~ ~ r~ rub y+J~ Jo ,Cep Q ay1 up a~oJaq ' ~ ~J O Z 30 6ep ~ ayl up I y ~~l,rt' A Lei :•c~(/ .~j~~~S ,o .C;unoa'~ao,~,HaNlo a;g;S ~'a`{/ ~~o~~S Jo,C~uno~'~~olmaNJoals3S Z d0 Z 3Jdd ~~FOR,'~I ACKI~O~VLEDGI~IENT ' ~ State of Nesv Yar - + } SS: County of . ~ On the ~ day of in t e yeard` before me, t e undersigned, a Natar~• Public is and far said State, persanaliy appeared ~ e . r rs~nzllr l:nsti v to me ar pra4~ed to me on the basis of satisfactory e~-idence to be the indir•idual(s) whose name(s) is {are) ~ I subscribed to the ~ti•ithin instrument and aclna~}'ledged to zne that h_ a/she/they executed the same iri ~ I his/herltheir capacity(ies), and that by lzis/herlt6eir signature{s) on the instrument, the indi~•iduals(s), or the person upon behalf of which the indi~-idual(s) acted, executed the instrument. ' • ~ . tart' Public ~,a ~~~~uzZ~ . ~ ~ . ~a~~ ~c~~a-mss u~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1~ ~r~s ~b• ~ 3 ~ ~ • ~ . 4 f 1 1 . FOR~11 ACKtiO~V~EDGMENT ~ ~ State of NefvXor f /~C } SS: County a JJJ On the day of in the ve~`"V~~before me, the dersigned, a Notan• Public in and far said State, ersonally a eared r ersoaall~ Z:notirn P PP F - ta me ar proved to me on the basis of satisfactory e~-idence to be the indi~-idual(s) whose name(s) is (are) ~ subscribed to the ~tizthin instrument and aclno~viedged to me that he/she/thev executed the same in ~ his/her/them capacity(ies), and that by liis/6erltheir signature(s) on the instrument, the indir~duals(s), or f the person upon behalf of which the individuai(s) acted, executed the iastru ent. ~ . Notary Public ~o ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~v, D~o~3~3a~ i I PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ' ' INSTRUCTIONS (RP-5217-INS): www.orps.stete.ny.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY i,.~. ~1 Ct. SYrls Code I f , 3 ,r"t3 ~ q I New York State Dppartmpnt of Taxation and Finance . CZ. Date Dead Recorded ~ /ate / ~ 3 I 08ice of Real Property Tax Services 9av ' I RP- 5277 C9. Book I I , ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ I C4. Page ( r I ~ I Real Properly Transfer Report (BJ70) PROPERTY INFORMATION property ~ _n~ra ~ ~ri V ~ ~ Ltxetlon ~ r~„"'t--~ Lcc.r re 1 _ ~IY,,OR TOWN - - ]y Z Btry.r ~~t~P ~ I - C~-- a Name wwE " Flra ~ 9. Tex Insitats whore lulure Tax Bills are b ha 9oM Bllllnp if other Itwn buywr addreea fat Whom of form) ~ ~ ~ Addroaa ~ - r~~- -$if$tiy'Ml~A~tfjE~l~ I rY IarATE I I . a. Indleala the number o1 Aeaaasment I ( I ? (OnIY N Part o1 a Perut) Cheek as they apply: Roll pertala tnnafortad on Me lass d of Parcels OR Pad o/ a Parcel 4A. Plannifg Board with Subdivisiat AutFarily Fists ? 5 IB. Subtliviaian Approval was Required for Transler ? Propwry x I I OR . o' ~ I qC. parcel Approved for SubdMSion wM Msp Provided ? 8W '----'CFp1p^' 6. Ssllsr I ~L~(.(JC/ I z~r Gr C ' Name usTxAMEICaM r i IS~,~cr~~f-z~ ~ ~ acs ~ (V1 7. Cheek the box below whlEh most accurately dasedba the use of the property at the time of sale: Cheek the boxes bNow a Choy apply: ? B. Ownemhip Type is Condominium p Ono Famiy Residential L• Agdcutwral I Community Service S. New Constnxtbn an Varant Lantl ? ~ 2 ar 3 Family Resldenllal F Canmorciel ] IrWustdel 10A. Property Locates wlthln en AgdcoOural Diabid ? C Rostdan0al Vacant Land G Apartment K Public Servrca 10B. Buyer received a disclosure ncfice indlcatlnp ? D Norr•Residential Vacant Lend If EntenainmenllAmusement L ;Forest that 1ho property is in an Agdwlturel Distdd SALE INFORMATION ~h1 15. Cheek ono or more of 1hoN Wndklone as applleablo to tnnafer. 7 7. Salo Controet Dm yi / (J~~/ / A Sale Behveen Relatives tx Ftxmer REIaOves a ear ~ Sala Between Relaletl (:OllfpaniEe4 or Partners in Business / / n Ono of the Buyers Is also a Seller 72. Date of Selo I Trenslar .I JU(_~6 '/~?~I. 1) Buyer ar Seller is Govammanl Agency ar Lantlmg Instllutlon 1Mr ~ ~ ear L: DBetl Typa not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Bebw ) F Selo of Frattlional ar Lcss Than Fee Interest (Speciy Bekwv ) 79. Full Sala pTleo G SignrOCant Change in Property Between Taxade $taW6 and Sale Dates 1.~~ • 1 O-; _l~ U . 0 1 I i Sale of Business is Included In Sale Prrca (Full Snh Pnm is Iho total amount pard for Om property including personal properly. 1 l Unusual Fachrs ARocting Sola Peco (Spocily Below ) Thla payment may W in the form of cash, other property a ponds. or the ossumptlon of J J nw mortgages or other oblgatlonsJ PMeae roarM fo fhe neeroat whole dbasremounf. t~. Indleah the value of penfMtal I a ~ ~ I Property Ineludotl In the solo - ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data shlwld relleel the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 78. Year of Aeaossmont Roll hem. ) 1 ty Total Assaasod Value (o} all parcels in transhrN ~~0~ whYCh Irdormstlon taken 11 I~1,r ~ /ni/~/} ; 78. Property Clan I V-~ 711. School 6istriet Name I /t~^ r rlt~+~ ~ 20. Tax Map IdsmlOsr(s) I Roll IdoMMor(s) (N men then four, attach shoat with addltlonal IdentlMrfs) ) ~,s~c~ lc'~v. b ~ .~C~v ~ la7 ao~ I CERTIFICATION 1 eMlly th 11 M Ilre Meme of mraewn emerwd m Wa Tam are trw end correct Im era east W my hnoadadpa and tudiM) and 1 uxrdantand that the meklna of aril wlahl IwIN afwl M mMedwl n wlq whlawt me m tb prpNebrw M the weewl law nhdWw fo the mwhlne wort fllina M fwlN fnwtrwmwntw. L R SIGNATURE BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION ~ r] (Fslw nlammon fur No pryer. Nu•.u: I! buyer W LLC. Eatlery. uxwrLinnn. mrpPrueon, pmt 6beh Oy J I ~°~ny, asWle or ends Na: a rot Wr iruir Wal uyun: er fduaory, Vas u rums ortl canton nfomuuon d a~ ntlW4uuwesaonaWe sots wro a~ anuver queavaw repartlrnp ors InrMlar moat a enlxretl. SELIER SxeNTLRE GATE 7Ypw wr Pdnt Charbr.) . Y JoC~n I Pcrtr?cr~ ~1 ~ ~ L~TN,~L.//•J l{/ riRStNIWE R drGNlITaRE BATE ~p31 I _ r 3 - 1 1 ~ ' BUYER'S ATTORNEY AREACnPE TELEPNONENUMeER ~~rs-E-._ ~ I r ~ll~n ~ S5 ~ ~,c~endu J r( ~ IABT NAME F Rai NAME 3 ~ ~ srNtr.T NIIWFP 91XEk1 NAME /L ' ANEAtMOE 7ELERIOrS N,prBE•R I LL.LU~I. I~ I Nu ~ /I f~ NEW YORK STATE I cnrrxTrrwa eTATE zvccoE COPY