HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2013TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AMERICAN RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS: Two week sessions were held at Veteran's Beach in Mattituck, Nassau Point in Cutchogue, Founders Landing in Southold and a one week program at Norman E. Klipp Puk (Gull Pond) in Greenport. Our thanks goes out to the vuious puk districts for once again allowing us the use of then beaches. FISHERS ISLAND ANNUAL MEETING: was held this year on Wednesday, August 7. Numerous topics pertaining specifically to Fishers Island were discussed. QUARTERLY BROCHURES: Bid requests for the printing of our four brochures were sent to 17 printing companies in the uea. A deadline of Friday, September 27 was given. FALL 2013 BROCHURE: The brochure was an insert in the August 14 edition of The Suffolk Times. The brochures were brought to all 4 local libraries, the Human Resource Center in Mattituck, town hall, local supermukets, delis, businesses, etc. All activities, programs, and bus trips were also listed on our website. Our thanks goes out to Lloyd Reisenberg for his continued help. 2014 RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET REQUEST: was submitted to Town Clerk Betty Neville earlier this month. A meeting was held with Supervisor Scott Russell, Town Comptroller John Cushman and Connie Solomon on to review the requested budget. T~ ~ tI~~F ~~4:r1`~J"Y~S4~"n~~Jl.`i A Z'[{III. 7}rr Gra tr.~~ F'~rr :~v rr trt}k raa. `, http://www. bridgenb.com TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT Statement Fra~rsactinns,as nt 09JO5/2a13 9tt~4 AM EBT 00 jO5j2013 DEPOSIT 794.00 6x261 .55 48{O6{2013 '. 000431264393351 PAYMENTECH '15.00 6„276 .5 POS TRANS 08{07j2013 000437264393331 PAYMENTECH 130.00 6,146 .55 POS TRANS 03{13{2013 000431264393331 PAYMENTECH 52.00 6,193 .55 POS TRANS 08j74j2013 000431264398881 PAYMENTECH 40.00 6,158 .55 POS TRANS 48{16/2013 :. DEPOSIT 571.00 7029 .55 09 j16j2013 DEPOSIT 1,035.00 8,064 .SS C}3{76f2013 r'. DEPCTSIT 7.,119,00 9$133 .55 00 j16j2013 DEPOSIT 2,099.00 SSr282 ,SS 03{16{2013 000431264398331 PAYMENTECH 2,1:64.00 13;446 .55 POS TRANS 08j77j2013 000431264393331 PAYMENTECH 1,637.00 15,033 .55 POS TRANS 48{17{2013 00043126439336'1 PAYMENTECH 70.40 15013 .55 POS TRANS 08j20j2013 DEPOSIT 624.00 15,637 .55 00f24{2013 3. DEPOSIT 412.04 16;549 ,55 08j20{2013 DEPOSIT 1,072.00 17,621 .55 00f2C?j2Qi3 :. DEPfJSIT i,(?9C}.4C? i8;7ii .55 08j20j2013 DEPOSIT 7,131.00 19,392 .55 OSf20f2013 : DEPOSIT 1,234.00 21;7.26 .SS 08j20{2013 000431264393331 PAYMENTECH 1,233.00 22,364 .55 POS TRANS 03{21f2013 ! 00043 7 26439 333 1 PAYMENTECH :E46,00 23y010 .S5 POS TRANS 08j22{2013 000431264393331 PAYMENTECH 331.00 23,341 .55 POS TRANS Q3{23{Z013 : 000937.2643930x37 PAYMENTECH ~ss35~00 23'~4Z6 .55 POS TRANS 08j24{2013 000431264393331 PAYMENTECH 379.00 23,305 .55 POS TRANS 03727f2013 '. 000 k37264393£?31 PAYMEhfTECM 397„00 24;202 .53 POS TRANS 08j23{2013 DEPOSIT 223.00 24,425 .55 00f28j2Qi3 :. DEPfJSIT ~54.4C? 25;379 .55 08j23j2013 DEPOSIT 964.00 26,343 .55 OSf28f2013 000431264398E331 PAYMENTECH 259.00 25;602 .SS POS TRANS 08 j29j2013 000431264398881 PAYMENTECH 270.00 26,872 .SS POS TRANS OSf34f2013 000431264398581 PAYMENTECH 227.04 27;099 .55 POS TRANS 03 j30j2013 INTEREST AT .0995 1.05 27,100 .60