HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Justice Court S TOL SI 1 1 G STATE T OLECI S ISBU S 3 Year Ended Deeember 31, 2412 TABLE.C}F,GQTEEVS Image Inde~rendent Auditars' Repart 1-2 Combining Statement of Callectians and [7isbursemants 3 Nates to ~inanaial Statemer7t 4 .1_ CF..RTIFIED PUBLIC AC:CUUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITURS' REPgRT Ta the Honorable Supervisor and Towr1 Board Town of Southall Southold, New York Re~art an the Financial Statement We have audited the accompanying combining statement of oollections and disbursements of the Town of Southall, Justioe Court, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2412 and the related notes to the finanoial statements. As described in Nate A.2, the finanoial statement of the Tawn of Southold, Justioe Court is intended to present only the collections and disbursements of the Tawn of Sauthald Jusfiice Court. Maria ement's Res ansiblt .for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of this financial statement in acoordance with aaoaunting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal cantral relevant to the preparation and fair presentatian of the financial statement that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or errar. Auditors' Responsibility C}ur responsibility is to express opinians on this finanoial statement based on our audit. We conducted our audit in aocordance with auditing standards generally aocepted in the United States of America. Thase standards require that we plan and perfarm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the finanaial statement is free fram material misstatement. An audit involves performing pracedures to obtain audit evidence about the amaunts and disclosures in the financial statement. The procedures seleoted depend on the auditars' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the finanoial statement, whether due to fraud or errar. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal oontral relevant to the Town of Southold Justice Court°s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statement in order to design audit pracedures that are appropriate in the ciroumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effeotiveness of the Town of Sauthald Justice Court's internal oantrol. Aoaardingiy, we eXpfess na sUCh apif1lan. PERSaNAL SERVICE.TRUSTEaADV1CE. ALERECNT, VIGGIANO, ZURECK. & C(:)P`9rANY, FC 245PARnAVENUE,:34THFLOOR 255UFFGLY.COIIR'1 NEW YCJRK, NY 1016'7 HAUI'F'AUC3E, NY 117f38 3715 _ T; '1..11.792.075 T: 631.<134.95U0 F: G31.A34.9518 WVJ5M1l8VL CO!"1 IN! ' PFNC)EPIT MEMBER OP BY.F.INTFJt01f,-IOM.L -2- Auditor's Fiesponsibi[ity {continuod) An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statement. We believe that the audit evidenoe we have obtained 'is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. Ooinian In our opinion, the financia[ statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the collections and disbursements of the Justice Court of the Town of Southold, New Yark for the year ended December 31, 2012, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. ~ ~ ~ ~ C, Hauppauge, New York September 24, 20i 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JUSTICE COURT COMBINING STATEMENT CAF CULLECTIdNS AND DISBURSEMENTS Year Ended December 31, 2412 Town Justices Rudolph H. William H. Louisa P. Bail Bruer Price: Jr, Evans Account Combined Opening Cash Balances $ 23,992 $ 21,315 $ -0- $ 176,870 $ 222,177 Add: Receipts of fines and forfeitures 309,517 256,321 1,738 567,576 Bail 135,321 135,321 Return of bail and other 47 47 Less: C}isl~ursements to Town of Southold (312,9697 {263,099} .........(1,738} ....(1.19,262} {697,068} Ending Cash Balances $ 20,587. $..14,537.. $ -0- $..1.92,929. $ 228,053 TON OF SOUTHOLD JUSTICE COURT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 2012 A. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. Rsparting Entity The Tawn of Sauthald, Town Justiae Court, is a special fund established by the Office of the New York State Comptroller pursuant to ssctian 99-a of the State Finanas Law. Its purpass is to pravide centralized accounting far the fines, penalties, forfeitures and fees colleoted by the Town of Southold, Tawn Justice Caurt. The Fund is administered by the Bureau afi Justiae Court Fund {Bureau) within the Office of the State Camptraller. The Bureau receives and examines reports to determine the distribution of funds callected and fees earned to New York State and the Tawn of Sauthoid. 2. Basis of Presentatian The financial statement was prepared to present the collsctians and disbursements of the Justios Court. Under this prssentatian, fines, penalties, farfsiturss, fees and bail collections are considered to bs increases to the related cash haleness and disbursements to other gavsrnments and the return of bail are cansidersd decreases to the rotated sash balances. Ths apsrating expenses far the Town of Southold, Justice Caurt are accaunted far in the Gsnsral Fund of the Tawn of Southold. 3. Cash Balances. The sash haleness at December 81, 2012, represent fines collected during Dsasmber~ 2012 that have net yet been remitted to Nsw Yark Stales and ether jurisdictions including the Town of Southaid. In additian, the remainder of the sash balances represent bail dspasits collected thraugh December 31, 2012 that have not yet bean returned. 4. Disbursements to Town of Sauthold Chapter 465, Laws of 1998 permits the Town of Southold, Tnwn Justiae Court to transmit monthly receipts directly to the Town of Sauthold withaut first sanding thews to the Office of the New York State Camptraller far distribution. The Tawn of Southold will then remit any amaunts owed to New York Stets.