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X95 Shoe L-aMe , ~eC.o-vi~c µ ~9 ~ ~06~ "#s ~,~~1~-" d2~ a~(~Qi~ftn~, ~p~t,r ~ydual ~ p,-f XX~i~ ~c a 80- iaSG R 9~~~i3 ~ ~'PI'~'v-~d~ ~G~( I19~~3 BOARD MEMBERS ~F SOUT Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson y0 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179 ti~ l0 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes * ~t Office Location: Gerard P. Goehringer ac Town Annex /First Floor, Capital One Bank George Horning ~0 ~ 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Ken Schneider ~~C~(f~ Southold, NY 11971 ht[p://southoldtown.northfork.net RCCG~VED ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ~ "3 I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEP 2 4 2013 Tel. (631) 765-1809 • Fax (631) 765-9064 - Q~ uuthoid Town rlork FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 ZBA FILE: 6678 NAME OF APPLICANT: Maureen Blattner PROPERTY LOCATION: 295 Shore Lane, Peconic NY SCTM: 1000-86-1-4.19 SEORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated August 13, 2013 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: The relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION The property is a 21,682 sq. fr. lot located in the Richmond Shores at Peconic subdivision in Peconic. The lot has 185.09 ft. of frontage on Shore Lane, 155.00 fr. on [he northern property line, 155.00 ft. on the southern property line, and 88.05 fr on the western property line. It is improved with a one and two story dwelling with attached deck and an accessory shed. As shown on the survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Licensed Land Surveyor dated June 24, 1999 and last updated July 15, 2013. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variance from Article XXIII Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's June 20, 2013 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for building permit for an "as built" deck addition to existing single family dwelling: 1) less than code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests a variance for an "as built" deck addition to the existing single family dwelling located 40 feet from the rear property line where the code requires a minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION• During the hearing the applicant testified that behind the rear property line there are several acres of preserved land. The land is preserved for the residents of the subdivision. It does not have much foot traffic and cannot be built on. FINDINGS OF FACT/ REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION Page 2 of 3 -September 19, 2013 ZBAg6678 -Blattner SCTMg1000-56-1-4.19 The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on September 5, 2013 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The neighborhood consists of developed lots of similar size. The deck in question is in the rear of the house and that side of the property borders on a preserved area that cannot be developed. The deck is not visible from the road or the adjoining neighbors. 2. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(21. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The location of the house on the property is 55.8 feet from the rear property line and any deck addition over 5 feet would require a vaziance. 3. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(3). The variance granted herein is mathematically substantial, representing 20% relief from the code. However, the as built deck is of average size, does not affect the lot coverage, and has no visual or other adverse impact on the adjoining properties. 4. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(4) No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. 5. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(51. The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 6. Town Law &267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a deck while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Dantes, seconded by Member Schneider, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for, and shown on the survey and prepared by Nathan Corwin Tafr III L.L.S. and dated June 24, 1999 and last updated July 15, 2013. Subject to the following conditions; CONDITIONS: 1 J That the shed on the property be placed in a location conforming to Southold Town building code. 2.) The deck shall remain open to the sky. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s) granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when Page 3 of 3 -September 19, 2013 ZBA#6678 -Blattner SCTM#1000-86-1-0.19 involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote ojthe Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson), Goehringer, Schneider, Dantes. Absent was: Member Horning. This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). ~ Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing ~ /a~ /2013 SURVEY OF \ LOT 19 \ MAP OF '4;"~' P e° RICHMOND SHORES AT PECONIC G 1 - FILE No. 6873 FILED NOVEMBER 20, 1979 LOT 20 155 ~U SITUATED AT FENCE LOT COVERAGE DATA p5N O ° DESCRIPTION AREA x LoT covERAGE TOWNPOF oOUTHOLD N ~g•09'00'a~E1cFCNCE ~ ° HousE z,z27 Rq. tt. 1o.3x SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK °a"zw I I Q LocK CRB ~ woaD Dear ass sq. rt. 2.1x 05N. 1 _ ° SHED 102 sq. ft. 0.6X S.C. TAX No. 1000-86-01-4.19 Ilu Im ISPNALioRIVEwAY TOTAL z,79s sq. tt. 1z.9x SCALE 1 °=40' o _ I"~ ° ° JUNE 24, 1999 ~ Do I 1 °s '°9Ew""^BLOL"`ORB ' OCTOBER 1, 2007 REVISED PROPOSED HOUSE Ey ~ 1 I -sz_--- ° OCTOBER 24, 2001 FOUNDATION LOCATION C wo°D Iss zz3 OH) MARCH 15, 2002 FINAL SURVEY C _ss_BK a 3 4W m ~ JULY 15, 2013 UPDATE SURVEY Ep _ _ _400, - } ~1 p.D' ~ ~ ; LOT 19 J W o a rco ~ AREA - 0~4982ac9. ft. ~ 'NOT wood- ~ "n.o~ m oN ,os' sz.9'---- W C 1 U STEPS 33 a .R' s.l' O oo _rv - - ~ / m ~ Y~ CHIMNEY _ I j W rcu 2> 5 w J ~ 1\LD_ ~W ^c CERTIFIED TO' O ~ ~ ` z.4'e s~ p z ] n NrEH SFgH\ a RGCGl11G® NORTH STARLTrtLE AGENCYE INCU (L26391 a) PANV Z ~T O~ O p0 _ 2 5.2' ~ ~ F k ~ BNY MORTGAGE LO.. LLC ~ S O 3Q ^35'4 - ° W JUl 2 9 2013 WILLIAM BIATTNER \ FR 2 F~ p, MAUREEN BIAiiNER ~ ~ SHED ~ ~ ~ -~OfS$P ~ Iz3 i FFF% ms`s ~ BOARD OP APPEALS m 86.3 p,oo y - mi W 0 R~cs~ o ~ ° O ~ e Lt'jj 9~ M o ~9 & m / ~ ~ ° Ca), O Sg, 00' m ~B P R TH INIMIIM BUSHED P A WEp F s~E T TE rvo m iloN. l d * Z ? J~ 5b < _ FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY ZBA c,o NY$ L,G N0.50467 ~ .e °NAp,~°R']E° ALTERAT'°N °R AD°'T'°N Nathan Taft Corwin III SEE DECISION # ~ /l T° THIS 9URVEY IS A HOUTION OF DATED • SECP°N ]409 CF 1HE NEW YORK STALE F°UCAII°N UW. ~1.- ~ Dry COPIES OF 1HI5 SURKY MAP NOT BEARING Land Surveyor 1NE urv0 suRVEYOR's wKE° sEU oR EMBOSSEp SEAL SXPLL NOT BE CONSIDERED YEA LO BE A WLIO TRUE CDPY. CERIIFlGTI°NS INpCAIED HEREON SMALL RUN $uCU550I TO: $fOnl¢y J. ISOkS¢n, JL L$. ONLY i° THE PEfl50N FOP WHOM LHE SURVEY Joseph A. ng¢gn0 L.$. Is MVEPAREO. ANp ON HIS BEHALF i0 ME TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AN° Pfle $u/v¢y5 - $ubdivi5i0R5 - Siff PIanS - ConShuCliOn Layauf LENDING IN4INTION OSTEO HEREON, MID To rHE AsscNEES of THE IENDwc w5n- PHONE (631)727-2090 FGx (631)727-1727 TUTION. CERTIRGLIONS AAE NOT 1RANSFERABLE. THE E%ISTENCE Of RICMT OF WAYS OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS ANO/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IE 1586 Main RODE P.O. box 16 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Jamesp°rt, New York 1194] JOmespo/f. New Vork 1194] __77 3G__'u a _ ~ -z_ l i ~.[,-,h..~ ~ } -t---- __l: _ ~I - ,r G' ~ ~ ry ~ N OS'A9'30" E 88.05' '~~----1-~ _ ~ S yA i I 1 i I / I ~ t- ~ ati _7 _ ~ - FLU ~I IY ( jL C ~ ~ , ~ 1 f 3 STOM 1Y[ f ~ v .r" m~0°s nP4au . AI ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ r '.r a - T ~ C / ~ / 6 c~.y l` +f ~ I I}~-~ _ ~ ~ J , ~ R=S00.00' ~ " 1 I 1x185 p9 .Oc 1 _ y - _ 1 - - - N E - . - - - - _ _ / ~ ~ ~ SHORE LAN ~ ~ r .d, ~ j ~ ~ .r _ h - @~~ ~ I ' I j ~ G ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 _ • - - _ I ~ ' i ~ 1 f ( ~',t ~ _ ~ ' ~ JUL ~ Q 7srf/.~,,,;f,c 4`` BOARD OE APPEALS 'D - ~ 1!y - a A 2 . ~ I ~ ~ ~ p r " , s • * !t ~ ~ ROBERT O'BRIEN P.E. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, BELIEF AND PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT ~ ~CON9{JLTINO HNOINEE;gINO BEq VICES ' THESE PLANS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE BUILDING CODE ~ ~4ti ENO ~1~ Main Roed. Lacx•el. N.Y. 1'1948 EQf' tYLATTiVd.Q RBSiDSivc./ ssricf lct s?J. DwN y ~ 19~ . SiY'ORIL • P/~BN~ G SEAL[ ~ ~ ~ D~AwINO NO. SHEET oAT[ L/ii/id ~m /3 ~ I or ~ • F~~ ~ RECENE~3 C~\ ~ y ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ AUG192013 ~ J ~ ~ \ \ ~ ~S \ ~ ~ BOARD OFAPPEAIS ~~~5 m Steven Bellone SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE Department of Economic Development and Planning Joanne Minieri Division of Planning Deputy County Executive and Commissioner and Environment August 13, 2013 Town of Southold ZBA 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Ms. Leslie K. Weisman, Chair Dear Ms. Weisman: Pursuant to the requirements ofSections A14-14 thru A 14-25 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is to be a matter for local determination as there appeazs to be no significant county-wide orinter-community impacts. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Applicant Municipal File Number Mazsilio, Frank 6674 7850 Main Road LLC, d/b/a The Blue Inn at North Fork 6675 Brenner, Steven 6676 William C. Goggins of 13200 Main Road Corp. 6677 Blattner, William 6678 Very truly yours, Sazah Lansdale Director of Planning Theodore R. Klein TRK:mc Senior Planner H. LEE DENNISON BLDG ~ 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY, 4th FI ~ P.O. BOX 6100 ~ HAUPPAUGE, NY 71798-0099 ~ (6J1) 95J-5197 FORMN0.3 J~l~~J~`'~ ~Glz - yPI NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL kFj - ~ .3 DATE: June 20, 2013 RECEIVEG* TO: Maureen Blattner P.O. Box 4 ~JUL ~ ~ - n; Peconic, NY 11958 BOARD OF APPEAt.~ Please take notice that your application dated June 17, 2013: ~ For permit to for an "as built" deck addition to existing single family dwelling at: 1v 1~ Location of property: 295 Shore Lane Peconic, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 -Section 86 Block 1 Lot 4.19 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The "as built" deck addition to the existing single family dwelling, on anon-conforming 21,681.5 sguaze foot lot in the Residential R-40 District is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124, non-conforming lots, measurine 20,000- 39,999 square feet in total size, require a reaz vazd setback of 50 feet, the "as built" deck addition is shown at approximately 40 feet. uthorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. i ~ IJUL 2 9 ?013 Fee: $ 17l`p Filed By: M • ~~Gb~~ Assignment No. BOAII~ O APPEALS APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS p, AREA VARIANCE House No. ~ /5 Street ~ ~'D/2 E ~--l~l~~ Hamlet_ P~ ~C/-~C/~.~ I C- SCTM 1000 Sectiou Block~Lot(s)~~Lot Size 78 ~ Zone ~~O I (WE) APPE L E WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUII,DING INSPECTOR DATED Co ~ / 3 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED Applicant(s)/Owner(s): mpU~~~ ~~-'`}~•~a2 Mailing Address: ~ J- 13~~ ~ /~L-~/UI~- /yy ~~~5 ~ Telephone: ~31~ ~'0'><l~6'f Fax: Email: NOTE: In addition to the above. please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney, agent, architect, builder, contract vendee, etc. and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative: for ( )Owner ( )Other: Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: PI a check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above names: ~ApplicanUOwner(s), OAuthorized Representative, OOther Name/ Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED ~ 3 FOR: t )Building Permit .l'(f Certificate of Occupancy OPre-Certificate of Occupancy ( )Change of Use Permit for As-Built Construction OOther: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate article, Section, Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code.) ' Article: X X / / / Section: oZ ~'(7 Subsection: / a `1' Type of A peal. An Appeal is made for: .(~A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ; ( ) A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law- Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section OReversal or Other A prior appeal ( )has, .Q~}tas not been made at anv time with respect to this property, UNDER Appeal No(s). Year(s). . (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office jor assistance) • • RECENED UUL 2 9 2013 xame of Owner: /V1144/i~Lx+~ ~~-~jl/~¢., ZsA File# ~D~D~FAPPEALS REASONS FOR APPEAL (Please be specific, additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): 1. An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to neazby properties if granted, because: l~~ ~71On1 (S GoMMi,ti1 IN T+f~ /U~lGlfi3t~2t/~~D l 1~7K 15 f~1 Jf- V I ~S I ~l-C ~/~d uM Tl~ ~2,uA~ o ,e- ~I 7L{~ 19~Tol,u 1N U 2~ ti1='1 Cr;f-r~~~2 . ~~-z-K- ri>9s EXI s1~ IN GUIZrLEN"1- !-AcACTo~~~ r~?l:'~'c. ~o ~/~~xh2s 2. The benefit sought by the applicant ANNOT be ac wve by some method asible for the applicant to pwsue, other than an azea vaziance, because: ~ ~-1~.at ~F t+o~-lf~ O~J 7N~ P,~2o G~ ~S <5S 8 ` ~yum THE 2r~ P,~v~~z-~ 4 n!~ ,a-M/ ~D t rr~~ OUG~e ~"l~~ Lt701,~~D 2GZ~2ulk-~ ~F ?f1~2lY4Nc-E~ %h`i-= D~F- LS ai- /tvL~2.¢Cj~ S"i ~C ~N~ r~ES N~ f~iizT Lei ~.t:?C'a2,a~(:_. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: w~ ~ 2~vE~7l•u ~ 8 /a ~e~z-1~. ~rza,vt 7~.~~a c-~~~ >~N ~-c~~ "R fis is D Fi>,n I Ni Ntu S rN ,N ~IIK~~ ~r.~~ A~7,~ is NdT c~J~2t~ ~~l T+t~ H~Y~E~F (7- ENC/2-~..K:f1~- 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: ~71"I€ ~ I~ i+~}S ~E~/~ ~~(1 ST1 N U l j Yf.~~7T 1~ ~f /U ~7 ItLs ~Wt ODY}r~TS p6e ~ S SUSS ~t'z ill/ l o y t.~ S . 5. Has [he alleged difficulty been self created? Yes, or { } No Why: Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? { } No ,~(~Yes (please furnish a copy) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfaze of the community. Fy_ 'gnature of Applicant or Authorized Agent (Agent must submit written Authorizffiion from Owner) Swom to before me this 28+day of '~/y r~ , 20 i~ [nry Public 3bvan G. Cmoll Noltyl~Yc, gone dNew Y~ Q¦xnea m co.ti No.O1CA3009515 ~PLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTI~ APPLICANT: m FURL-~iN ~'j~t~?f~ti'L=~ DATE PREPARED:~~~ 1. For Demolition of Existing Building Areas ~JUL 2 9 2013 Please describe areas being removed: IJ rJQ,1,J ~ _ APPEALS II. New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: Dimensions of new second floor: Dimensions of floor above second level: Height (from finished ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes, please provide height (above ground) measwed from natwal existing grade to first floor: -~,d7~- III. Proposed Construction Description (Alterations or Structural Changes) (Attach extra sheet if necessary). Please describe building areas: , j Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: i~'"~T? ?L~l- Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage (from surveyor): Existing squaze footage of buildings on your property: Proposed increase of building coverage: ~ - P.'jJ S v18~ Squaze footage of your lot: g Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: ~ o „ ^ , V. Purpose of New Construction: ~ BU 1 t-T VI. Please describe the land contours (flat, slope heavily wooded, marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relate d' ~culty in meeting the code requirement (s): i Please submit 8 sets of photos, labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction, and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 4/2012 • • 6tECEIVED JUL 2 9 2013 QUESTIONNAIRE gpARD OF APPEALS FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? Yes No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? ~No Yes please explain on attached sheet. C. 1.) Are there azeas that contain sand or wetland grasses? (JO 2.) Are those azeas shown on the survey submitted with this application? 3.) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4.) If y ur property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: and if issued, please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? ~p E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting?_~Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? /V ~ If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking, please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel?,~ ~ If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. I. Pl,~ase list present yse or operations conducted at this parcel CXI~~ Sl ?1 - wtl~~ c~u-r(I~l~'v~ and the proposed use ~IIMC tt,' GS IO~tt ~,dl? l:~ er'.i~ . (ex: existing single family, proposed: same with garage, pool or other) Aut rued signature and Date RECEIVED JUL 2 9 2013 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant jor any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet oja farm operation located In an agricultural district Al[ applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Sujjolk County Department of Planning In accordance with Section 239m and 239n ojthe General Municipal Law. 1. Name of Applicant: Ml9'UI2L-"~~1`j 131 TT~~ ~~i 2. Address of Applicant: r2~ t. ~O I G 3. Name of Land Owner (if other than Applicant): 4. Address of Land Owner: 5. Description of Proposed Project: tr~s ~U/I.7"" DQ.~ 6. Location of Property (road and T,,~~ct map number) ~0 DO - c7 ~ / ~ ~}o2E Z~4N~. 7. Is the pazcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? ~ Yes Ho i 8. Is this pazcel actively farmed? { }Yes ~ } No 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Boazd Staff, it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937) or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS ~b-1-y.3 I.~IPNe~rinl PeC,m'IIc, LAC ~3oa5 R-f as Cu~-cGl.a~lt}y G 2. 3. 4. 6. ' (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners) / i _~Ct~~„'c. ~~tit~(? ~ ~ ~ l~ S gnf ature of Applicant Date Note: 1. The local Board will solicit comments from [he owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. sn.zo ~ gECEIVED Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review 2 9 2013 SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only 130ARDOFAPPEALS PART I -PROJECT INFORMATION o be com leted b A Iicant or Pro ect S onsor 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME M (L~~JJ L'3~t4-rTN 3. PROJECT LOCATI~ON:~- S pC. -z~0,~ Ie~~• Munidpality ~ Vl County JL'~~ 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road IMersedions, prominent landmarks, etc., w provide map) ~S 5~;~ ~N~ Ny 5. PRO D ACTION IS: New ~ Expansion ~ ModiflcatloNakeretlon 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: any ~t~lll_'~N 7LZ~ 017171it0~ 7. AMOUNi/'O`-P Lgyp AFFECTED: Initlaly V saes Ulgmatey ~ acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? Yes ~ No It No, describe briefly ~~?2- S ~ f3~z.lL NYC IUC~ 9. NhV1tt7~~IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINfTY OF PROJECT? Resklentlal ~ Industrial ~ Commercial ~ Agdwlture ~ ParklForest/Open Space ~ Other De be: C~l~.p~-C=am) Sv13~1~1S1UJ~-~ 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY FE L, STATE OR LOCAL)? Yes ~ No If Yes, list agenq(s) name and permiUapprovals: ~U1t~l~l/~G '°C-Y~nn~~ 11. DOES ANY ASPECT HE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? Yes No If Yes, list agency(s) name arM penniVapprovals: 12. AS A RESULT OF P O ED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? Yes No I CERTIFY~THAT THE INFOR TION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ApplicenVsponsorvame. ~ L~('~N f Signature: J If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 I l RECENED PART II -IMPACT ASSESSMENT To b~m leted b Lead A enc ~ JUL 2 9 2013 ~ A. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 8 NYCRR, PART 617.4? If yes, coordinate the review process and u~GAFPP Yes ~ No ~ A B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN B NYCRR, PART 617.8? If No, a negative dedaretlon may be superseded by another involved agency. Yes ~ No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers maybe handwritten, ff legible) Ct. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patiem, solid waste Droduction or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage a flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeologicel, historic, or other natural or dlkurel resources; or community or neighborhood charadeR Explain briefly: C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wiltllife species, signiflcent habitats, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: C4. A communitys existing plans ar goals as officially adopted, or a d~ange in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Fxplafn brefly: C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likey to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: C8. Long term, short term, wmulative, or other effects not identified in Ci-C5? Explain briefly: C7. Other impacts (indudirg changes in use d either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly: D. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA (CFA)? Yes ~ No If Yes, explain briefly: E. IS THERE, OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? Yes ~ No If Yes, explain briefly: PART III -DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (TO be completed by Agenq) INSTRUCTIONS: Far each adverse cited identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant Each effect should be assessed in connection with iffi (a) setting (i.e. urban or rureq; (b) probability of occuring; (c) duration; (d) irtevereibilfiy; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. N necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain suffident detail to show that all relevant atlveree impads have been identified and adequately addressed. If question D of Part II was checked yes, the deternination of significant» mustevaluate the potential impact of the proposed action on the environmental charederistics of the CFA. Check Nis box if you have idenllfletl one or more poterrtialty large orsignificeM adverse impads which MAY oaur. Then proceed diredty to the FU FAF and/or prepare a positive dedaretlon. Check Nis box if you have determined, based on the information and anatysisaboveandanysupportingdoameMation, thatihe proposed action VNL NOT result in any significant atlverse environmental impacts AND provide, on attachments as necessary, Ne reasons supporting Nis determinatlon ame o Lea gency Date nnl or ype Name o esporai cer m e envy T' a espondble r nature o esponsi cer n Le envy gnature reparer ( rent m respond o cer) i • • RECEIVED / / yQ JUL 2 9 2013 D APPLICANT/OWNER BOARD OFAPf+EALS TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits contliMs of interest on the part of town officers end employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conFliMs of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME : n/I ~I l~ R-~% ~J~ g L~}-IT;U (Last name, lrst Dame, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other endty, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance ~ Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other (activity) Planning Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) Gave a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5°/a of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant/agent/representative)snd the town officer or employee. Ei[her check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply) : _ A) the owner of greater that 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation) B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in anon-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation) _ C) en officeq director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this ~ day of ,2011-3~~ Signature ~~nn ~~n a~L7r-., ~ Print Name ~Ft'V11`~-L/U t~-~~ I i bv~' • • RECEIVED / Town of Southold JUL 2 9 2013 LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM BUARD OFAPPEALS A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits° including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. '"Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepazer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. if an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# ~ 0t7C3' _ g _ ~ - `t• 1`j The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. ~ Building Dept. 0 Board of Trustees 0 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital 0 construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: f~ Nature and extent of action: n ~ I ~L~~ ~ ~~1 ~ J 1 • • RECEIVED ~~N~ P.~~N l JUL 2 9 2013 Location of action: ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ' ~ ~ iiOARDOFAPPEALS Site acreage: Y~ ~ Present land use: SI NCyLC ~4M1 W ~(~~U~~ w Present zoning classification: ~-I-~'~ 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: /~//11~ (a) Name of applicant: 1l/)~Q~1}21~~ r]l.~'Trt/~~~- (b) Mailing address: ~ (7 pJl~ `f ~>~-c)J.S~C. f~iy (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( I ' R 1~'"~ ~ (Q ~O T (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ? No ~ if yes, which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ? (Not Applicable -please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No ? (Not Applicable -please explain) QZECENED ' ~ 2 9 2013 ~Q~~ . JU . „ QOAR" %E APPEALS e Y, ry ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ill - - r-- ~ 11111 ! 11 ~ 11 ~ 1 ~ = _ IIII ~ ~r~ r ,,1. ,w ~ n~ r ,:r fir! s n'y~ ~ r ~ I S A i ,x j f 1 - 1~ ~ ~ ~ 't ~ ~ ~ ? , . - 'mot ` ~ , i 1,~ 4,~. _ / L ,a~r~ ~ r f - W~ ~ f ~m ~ - - t F. _ _ - r L .i'. i ~ ~ _ - ,i.y _ - 2.. - T~t 1 . ~ _ r - _ . . _ 1 f4. ~ ~ ~ - - - - r Qty. - - f - .r's: - - _ irt; _ _`-'4 ~ ` 'S _ t ~ i tab.: y. ...c - - - - - - - ~ - - z Q :j ?•?•~r I~ ~ O ~ C ~~~~j~ ~ t A I I f F ? ? ? ? ~ ..a i ~ ? ? ? ® y, I~llilly~,,ri~ . I ,~II,~l;. I;~I I~~ ~ i rya r#~~11 i. ~ ~ 11 V~ i 1..G' . tf { ( r F~! I ) I ~f k'I~I'~~1 _ a; ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ III ] I..'. I \ \ .1 I I I ! I ' I 1~ ' i I ~ I I ' ' I . . . . _ 9 i i ~ , ~ i . •af~F YT ~1 } ~ ~I .F R mid, 7 ' a~ , - ~~v ~ .r. , ? ? ? 1 ' i~ ~ s#~o~ . sy,~~' ~r ~ o-,~: ~ ''s~F to _ ~f'~:. _ _ ;;ECE1V~fl .gym- ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ < y f ~ ~ f, u i . - ~ ~ oa. - .,fir dl.. ~ ~ ~ p Y! ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ' w ~ ~ l - y, x ~ ~i ~~~~:1``~.. ~ ~ a,,~,~ r. ~ f f~~y~, yam, ~~y~ i d 4{~~ . ~y-. d ~ ,tea d'.~"~~" sl. 3 ~ f,. ~ gq.R"~,fj;R I",., ~A~ R ~"'j cif '~rl` r€ii~~~~~~' i;SkF f, . ,.s. ;;qq ~j 77 7 I Sy{' gym. ~ * ~ ~ .y ~ ~ ~ , •'v. . ,yp`b4„~ ,Y ~ °""u7"x..~."m ~ ~ "rod ~ u~x ` ~~M "~3 ~~#e ~ ~ ~F3° d G~ ~,'g~ tl' 4 a r.~{.~ ~ N 4 t~ ~k ~ ~s.a ~`~'?~~ix~'#aa ~c'~fi~[ ~ ; '~r~ ~.r~a4 ~ ~ e ~E ~ # ~ fr ~a,~A ' ~~'!~`A.S"~~ - 1 ~ ~A~k. „a. ,id ~ t .a,„ r~~eA~:~~.~ r~ sY ~'s~, x r a.~~~u'~ ,a. is n >.t t_~?`~x„„ ~.y* ~ Y ~F " w.'+ r~:; y? f `^~'§'F~ 4~~d'i tea.: ~~'f/ „ d A :2~$ui~~ ~ ~ 1~t~ - ,~p¢_ 9~ .~.3:."' ~ -.r k'~4~.~ ~ ' `4'~~:~-^i, 4 S` ""¢.a,~ ,:,'~r` ~a'" ~ ~ ts~„ s ~~yy d y~a~Z w. -t ~=f , °y ,~P Cdr ter, ~J F S, y~. ..~1 rj?,;~ t^~ r. d°aaN ~ r~~ ~~3`s~` ~ K, w 1'~ B:~'~^~' 4 ~ ` .r ~ r ~ rS rs* -use + r r a ; y» y ~ . f ~ °s~d` .e ~ ng ~..t~`)s'`~~ 3sFxr x +t~Y°~' ~ .~~a. x y ti'~~' f "3 ~ i ~ a'.. ~ ~ r Ca r ~ e r,'~~si ~ 3;" . '~c, a ~ ~ ~+`frC r sC~ r, r.~~'~~'e At f t Y ~ 'n`t~~ s ~ '1£.a a b:` a ~:'e~. -fie' ~ 3~ "@~ .e~y,~ 'y±,~ ,rY ~ ,z r ~ a "~`S?''~53~3'x t. ,"E'- ~ m d*"'nw+~ S" 4'a„. "~~~~'t..~e',rs "~b att ^s?%w~t rr ~ a a t +"a `'4~. x ?v-s ~ '[~.}A' e~ n m~f a. - aa`~y. ,5e: *~„~#,m ,dc 'n`'~{' 3 '^aa ~ ,r ~~e~. ~ "s+' b a~i ~ y ~ ~e.$aSa`f~~a ~ ' 3 ~ y ~n+~~~ t ~.w qka r r k 7 e , wt ~ w ~ a Wit`" ~ t~ ~.i ,w.::, e a~ 3r'~,,~~.~~°,,~"' n.*' . ~ .r*' ~rP~ ~ a: ~ , a , ~ ~ .u•~i, ~`'~'^~~r~t ~4 re % ~:x~ ~ ~ g~? ~ ° ~if'"F y<~z~~' ,@ a ~~q4~ ~h r"`"rar ~ ~ a s ~ 4 ~ • ~'i YC~ n°K. Y~' t=:.; 2 ~~.;rn.., ~ ~ .ti. .M^ r A Y, '~T'r~" ae e ~ 4~,' _ ~ y ` i`"," ~ iii ~ q. .~'~~r~ ~ s rat' ~i a, d •~CR` „~£~'v r~"J'~ ~ ~~y t 9° xi ~'t af"~ ~c~€~. ti ` t ~~~•jV y~. f~ ~w{%. # i~f„- °Y. A¢. ,a~ ~o' a ~.E~~ e,. ~3 `s{, ' 's. ~~gg~ ~ `:~T' .5 R~ °Y ~ ~ 'v~X ~5.., ~w~'$ '.H~Te yt ~ Jf~~- ~v f ~ ~ 'fg;+..,: ` d:' _ d. d' ~ a~ t , Y a '`#P a ~°'~~?t; ~t t ~ fit.. ~'i `=d e,.a-. eK, - aa'.. y r.~..'„ram, ~ °v~a t'A : r~ .p,;a p~.' ",^a ~F3'.~ ~rii4YA~ ,f...~ ~°'m *w.: Y, ~ x ~ , `.exp a at ~`dTY' _"m 1 a `f~~' t. ~ t s a~ tae.. `:o .0.1` a~ ,°,'m4. w.u~.'~w ' :`~i~k @~ 7i.~'3" ~y'. ~ '~5' a~-c.. ";w. 1~ ~ y is_ ` c ~ d ti . ~ .y r~ . ~`~«;ea~ w Y'~r q, z 6~°a .,raw' ~'fFa~ g .:i~c=' r rs`s~'G't ~°nsl~y. f ..a,p •.,~~^a ~C':;; ~y .k 4 z,~ _ .rR a ,qa...d,. ~~rsa , a r .Y?i.. ~ sa ~ u - t~.. i i.. ~k. ~ 3 ~ ~ = X* ~ ~ £ ~ ~ ~ F... ..a zs.£A,; r ~ - a,n `i~i~,~'~' P$ sy , 5 p4.sw :+r tt, ~ a~ ,~'~r ~s , s~ . ~'~mc , ~ ~ . , r. 3.<. s ,ate<+ ti. , ~r s w 1 ,t s,, ` s ~ , ^i'"~fi ~~~y,^..~ Y x -~'r~ , t >W q s~r. 1~¢ } S~ E tkfi~,d" s',~ i ae'~ s""„eF'#. V.y,4t,.,'~, g~~ ' j w~'i.:; . k^:%: t'. • ~ _ 5~° ~ -Y. i ^"~~yy` ~y~~j, ~ r~y':V^/~''li"~4 l~fl~'y. Y ~ L~' ~ b ''%'tF ~ p~~ 4 fF'S- ~ E*-e3 ~ 1d b {+ca ~ > ti ~ ,,xn~. ~ r. . ~ ~ ~ v f, ~ F r ~ s ~ r _ _ _ RECEIVED TGWN OF SOUTHOLD JUL `L 9 2013 BVILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector gpp(ZDOFAPPEALS town Hail Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-28355 Date: 04 23/02 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 295 SHORE LA PECONIC (HOVSE N0.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 86 Hlock 1 Lot 4.19 Subdivision Piled Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JULY 9. 2001 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 27765-Z dated OCTOHHR 9, 2001 was ie aued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable p rovisiona of Che law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR The certificate is issued t0 ANTHONY P SCHEMHRI (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SOPPOLR CDDNTY DHPARTMENT OP FDSALTN APPROVAL R10-99-0265 03 25/02 HLECTRICAL CBRTIPICATH NO. 1045214 04 11 02 PLVMBHRS CHRTIPICATION DATED 04 12 02 BD ZIfR4EA U Authorized ignature Rev. 1/81 Oi:.. Y.: + ~ ) ~u~_ c ~2ot~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD 30ARDOFAPPEALS loc~~- 4 . r9 OWNER STREET 2Q PILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT ~ 9 i ~ ' •G.YYI ~ - rnCtLIVL.C.+~l r Y1aY~e ~--4 e ~~COI-i IG S R~c.,:r.~~,-i S~tn~ ~ i' ti , F ~RMER OWNER N E ACR. ~ ~ ; ~ l~rr [ SQ.YC11st-CL~+r~m~ r1S S W TYPE OF BUILDING • RES.~~Q SFAS. VL.=~~ FARM COMM. CB. MICS. ~ Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ~ Q!~ ~5 a /L /3 I 4 4 ~ccQ.;r'S{~.1~. ~ - 'd c ,r!iu!t,al9~ r ..~y e 8oc~ k e~ ~ 3 1 0~ 1 9 or-C ao t- m° ~ - ~3 0 ~ ~s ' ~ ~ ~ 8 0.0 ~ .i ~ , 6O~a 77~t~,~a ~ .oD f i - ~2~17 ' S r 116 ~f 4 - 1 =~P M~ ~~i3 ~Cr)QM%` r~~,~7'e c Inc" ~ 570 ; Lr la Da--.)_ ~ ~ mb ; ~{or,~es -Fo (hla~r~erhwF-3aa~l I - - Tilloble FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTI-I House Pfot BULKHEAD Total 'a,s• ~~o ~a - - - f _ r2ECEIVED .UL 2 9 ZOi3 so LOR ~ C ~ ( TRlM , ~ r - _ i I' i ---i - _ ~ j - ,u ~o I n/ ~ is 1 ~ - i _ - ~ ~ _ sF-t-a.t ~ atm~t ~ 6 , s 3~50 ~ I M. B~ g. !~X + =2 8~~ 60~ X50 { ^ 1~ _ I _ arcla~~ /G,c3~/ , 5~ ~.~5 dd~o k - - - Ext~nsio X 3S = 3.54 - j ~ - i - ~9 J,.~o ~3z ~ Extension ~ a x(12 = 1p'-f'~' - - I S~D? X 1 Z = a a, Sa ~ Foundation ! Eoth ~FI y DineFte ~~Q. 7 Porch Basement Flcors K. Porch Ext. Walls ~ Interior FinistP LR. Breezeway Fire Place S treat DR. Garage P ~ - - ' ~ 7 Type Roof Rooms lst Floor BR. 1 Patio Recreation Raam Rooms 2nd Floor FIt`F. B p, g, ' ~ a~ Dormer Driveway Total k ~ UkLUr 4600 7i l13 ' zco6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Rf?~ IJ~ +'1C.E~49 I~ o (y / i... ~.7 ~1~~~ 3 nECi.ARATaoN oe ;gARp UFAPpEq~ - ~ PROTECTIVE^COVENANTS AND R$$TRICTION$ RI CRMOND S7IORES AT PECONIC j r u r ' .t M~~FInM{~a.' .Y; ~ AU u5t 1979, 1? &-£.C• DECLARATION made this 8th day of 9 y. 1PEA'L'SGCO a co-partneYShip.With offices,at Sly ~tookaw8y Fyvenue, ~y,s ~ F. CS., Box '39., Valley. Stream,.,.New York, hereinafter gal].eki {fie, ~r~ya~Tln r bb~~aXant. ~ ~ y. ~ . + '~'tFREAS~, the Declarant is. the owner in tee.~simpylyg. q~--the ~ ~ {~y1:~rt{ing daaor,i-bed premises:. - ~ ~ v ALL ~ that certain plot, p.i.ece or Parcel - o£. land intjlerTOwn of Southpld, County o~ ~ .-:r ,Gr<;. c - suffglk, Statz of NeW~.YOrk, keegwn and. d®sa.~tya^t. , d~~. k ' , ~ bed^aS Lots. i through 24 on ~ ae rtai,¢,~,ttFAp - ,r, N,y~,-' enGitlpd "MaP of .taf;e.Y~lnond Shgres .at Ferstniq. t,~ 'rk~ h ~XS~" '~',r~j v„ ~ ;r "~e ` Tputn of soutshold, Sti&fglk CouF~tY. TYew Yar~4. ~J-, c~~'b'~ { 'is fi7.ed in the pffice:-p£ the Clerk pf itfie C¢un' , ~ d7',^ R of. Suffolk on the. aptl.day of,NOYext+\X.b~ 1979~;r<, , s c J? aso Map No.. (0 g13._. ' 1~~'.,& l~ )i L fi}~ `n` se a~wH'£REAS, the Declarant de?iXea to~;make this Derr ~S~qn , - r~~~++`~ ~1'~~ aeGb]ISts~ £ort}y ,Yeservatio7~s rgetrai.etions, coveriantxp Cdxt,'~0~~ S.':' i ,antII~ cements; subJect.rto which the. pxeperty shoom ott, sa3t~ P~ .O l~ Op ~3celd;a"it3i shall be sold: and conueyed. ~ 1"~~ s °.A'ty4143P1. $EFORB, the af4redtxscY-ibed. FYemise~ „~Sh~~ -~'~}~fr.~!:_ Y a 1, ,iK 'tpk'fo2lrnaing covenants and restrictions which, $ al'i.~y~{n~ ~4., f ley 1 Defrnititin. of lot. A "tot" is suphparael ass. is, sepa j';. ,.-y~j ~'y .~#~M.,~~~y numbered as a lot on the aforesaid map- ~ ~ r ~ c^ t~y/ ~,2. ;Id 'net shall, be sulydiYided, gold or convey8£3, 8~xpbpt B ; z; T a '`.~.'f~'w WiM1'4L t31'a. ~t51tte4,.'l~+aa6m}~s~fbry of .t~;a?~~j°~''~,oY i" ~ as 'bars ,,bx<,,st9n~s~„in ~n;~@nt~BE ahd tk5@ cocos~n~ ©A~ 'txNk~ Bra " thy, f"~'tfwn'"'of ~Bbu~khold;, rD7o lrit' shall, be. user ~+Cp~: a ~ , ta,us~1@in in9 Prbperty. ~ _ ! No to @ al,l t,e. rapprpved or have placed qr a nta ne~ # ,;:'&.Xr `"'mi<f~u~.$~}~'~Ba'%'{~r6f~51" $7:~ai laid ~~SEra°~1.0, . „~e,y, ero'~°ed ikwa tTtppties ih h¢ight -tai~h a detached pYSYat~~ ~t~t r: x~ oti fipre than three, (3) automobilas, _A two-story dw'iE ;n$,Rs$ail $ cg7titaip a,frst tlopA area 'of'. not dese than 1,000 sgnax~a€eet, anQ.,a, ore-s'tcry dwelling sha 11 contairya floor aYea o~'~qt,;a„~~ t',, i' tp~:f,~~400 S~luare feetexclusive of detachedgarages, b8rports..= . pp'dh, breezeways patios, terraces or basements. Fsbesflos rid;ng , ,t sh83'~ not. tie used on~'any dwelling or structure. ~o. ~ ~ • • ~ r'~ ~.s:5873Z PA~F 450 r„ y, ~ f30ARDOEAPP~pf.g - 4. ^NO building or structure shall be erected on any ~~lot uptil; thp. building plans as to-the location on the lot,. the s' ouM47a7G{l, ap~aearance and design have been approved,~in writing, by 4 ~e I7earant, .there shall~be nn alter3tignto the exteripr of airy dd3e`Ling qr structure except rn accordance with the Sa s P n , :^`and-S cifieati ohs which lhave received p~ the prior wtittenapproval + ~ pf the Declarant or its successors or assigns. A12 dwe1L;:inga and ~ ` , tuGtures shall conform >ro all applr sable godas..,_a~c~ ~q,.~~tzc*,hat., ; 7„ a~.T*ia'~~bwn qf?%$C{iithol'r7,: and no:~'vdrlanCe'~'thereof may be glj+,ai'ne~ ::.~d ~ thgpt wpitten approval of the Declarant ar itssvgce5sq.fis or W `bt~~ " Ali =TWq bQpie~s o~ proposed plans a~qd spe¢ifigsta~pF,~ha Lei i ^r "'w. ~ L'~t~+tted tq the Declarant, its successors or assagi~l¢~i,,gae b~' ~i gt~~rwitgn ayi~zoved, shall be 'ietprned to the ow.nGr w~,tbyaOh 4 A ~ aX 'wndor'~ad thereon. lE the Aeclarant, rte', auagpta $ qs 4, + i~T, a°~`9ha11~ klel thera~iprove Dr disapprove the P1raA'6 bn ~t r ~ w , t`S' ors' within 30 days after they. have been sulamiL~ed to q yr^ ~tiw ~1' ltrpi7, the piers dnd specj.ficatrons shallbe,'dee`'mA.d'~ ~y+~ , rih ~v} y~"7f N4 let shall b9 used or maintained for snit purposg othert'~~, +~,p, ald'{ie Ea.1y residence. Nb tracYe, business dr maquf~Ottzrl,vtq ~ ~ r"~ 1{, aF}rrrad on+iinany residence or anywhere op t}~e ~px'es$arty ' ,r y 4" ~r ~ ~~,~ally 27ce~pt frd'm this re,~,trictipn, holaever, ar'a.~ the ' ~ ~G'~Yb1' fie~(~i,¢inp, ~denti stry, law and?'a;ch~tzcturg gXri9'idfgr,~ +4 `i4 Y~e:sS~.bn~dbea not e>Fceed the li.¢en;sed practita Onaz .ayi'~ o~.~- r~, , ,z ~ i~s4`9'CL{nt it*a, gbnoxious or oEf~ensive activitHea shah 1Te r~xr~hr] ~'~ir " lip'¢n any lots nor shall anyth~.ng be done on slot w'h,~`may ~ r @pbt(ie .~{t ~nrioy~noe or:, nuisance to the 'neighboring r; r~~es ~ l i ka ^~F,Sd~S `'*71,n. +YSw M"Snw ~tiA rv~r t 'iP, ;5:+ 4 ~ T5~,~' ,i r.. lif _ a rr ` ~S • NO SicJA6 tlttY',er th n Onen J(de4t.~ftil iA4 ttye.,A~,e'r,t~¢ ,t,~~fie a~1.d, ;'.F:.. td ~ Fr!~~ r ~i.° 'M.~q ads or ~'~'d~es~~~;~~n~'1 aif3n:' shear be'', e~eee~ed^q~t the p ~ ~~ti `y~, aL igb~ir~sf~41e ',~i~na'slt".A^3ii1 not g'Sn.¢aed 10 2nohep b¢". $0 y ~ y ; v L^h k`ompY~.S§d• of a=;4Fhi=te fie•3,d. wi tit b3ack lettgrs t±z " bi$'cit ~ o 1> ~ ei ~9~ ' d+~t~th xjp2~t~ let tE'r$,,, Thia $eataictibn shall- xigt p~nbhy~,,.t`t ,~~1, ap L d ~&m,ht }ts~ avc¢es'sora or asSi~gns,,Erom uain4.said 'pr?ry.5ea' dr ,v ;l+ '¢k~t ~herebf ~£or the Bale bf real ~e state, inO,Lltdin.f the ri~'ht subcliviaion advertssigg signs or model hbms signs on the r 4Fl _ i ~ , ~ } ~ l~a+~' ~ l.~wri Nb .fences or e~cposed ciotheslihes shal,~,., tie erected or ;,v rYgR'1f .gtown upon the propexty Wit~iout prior written apprdvai of 'yM~ ~`~claranb{' lts $uoceasors oY assigns. wr ~y~~t ~ ; NO animals, 1}t'es tgck or poultry of any kind shall be ~ i , ~ ~}}~1r9t3 p .=m$ri+ntained on any lot, except"for ;dp&s, qat~ brt " 4 ax ~ p'a~hq. kg'g~t~ p~~acdad, ~,k"ey~ are nwt raised;; 'bx°aH oY~~ Yaain SaY ~ .,„oa~:~cal ¢urpoae. Nd animals sn~ll be hFip4ed~cai.;-' .k 'v° •1 d?&v,"' {~he,~'l~eter'ioz"~d~'the _ , premises, with the exception of dgghouaes.' ~~?'_+.,.~6~ ` '`yyVv `All ~'f~Yk.~iS muBk "be tetnmaved from' any lot pri or tY7 oCCU- le qy;, =NO ages, of the'premises'may be used forthe dumping or -?~r ,atrorege of ga;k~aage, and all such materials shall be stoned i? ~anl~ary` conteinars and shall ~6e removedregvlarly from trie reAU'.a:S. Tnef gaounds of eacH lot shall stall times be reason- N, ably-)~'.]gl main`,t ~ined. , : _y_ I~. , • • i ' ~ ~ ~srsfl732 1°ncr 451 ~EC~~N~~ 1~ a0. No swimming poe: shall be constructed shove grade. t i( '~I~I' 11, A.l lexteror Co»atruc53on, inCli~dxnq rop,f, ex;er L.bF , walls; Painting, windows, doors and landscaping shall be CefPo- 30ARD OF APF~F1 ~pleted. witAxn ;one (1) year from the date construction Ggmntences. 1,~~. No e,lectricor tolophorte. poles Shall. be allowed on the premises ps all utility services-for electric andtelephone ~{`will be installed by a residential undex ground system. li 1~3. The Declarant, its successors and pssxggs, teSeA'vC the f=ight.-tc~',de dic.ata all street s, rp ads, di5.ainage a~a's=xnr~,eas®- , 1,ments to the Tcwd of Foothold for highway and drainage purposes, s 14.., The Declarant, its successors-and assigns se t,9: aside , and resexves far recreational areas in perpett}i ty tl{e ftk~.ScFW3ng ~ ~ p~areel8 appearing on the Map of Richmond Shores aY ~l'.eadniC and ~~sy masked :hs Aese=vedArea "A','; Reserved Area "B", Reserved .Yea C 'mrfd f2eaY .fined Rrea "D";' s'µbject to the fgllowrng ~orrditidns ';w> (aI ~Je4laran tcgnvenanta and 'agrees tkaat~at pr,b~~,or@ Lffi• of the ,kits h@ve been 'cppveyed lry it to third parties, ti,R2~C. it 'S Wall aC;its bwn cost and expense, estaUl~sh a net^f pr-p~p£xt ~rpp~'attdn tube knawnas 'Richmond Shores Froze{tx OwhO'!w~ Assop3aCipn", hereinafter xeferred to as-the "assoclat~,s7iYi';!.ar(ri w3Lhfvi sixty lbpf days: theTeaftei convey to such a~snt~d,a4x`~k3 a11~ , - _ yyf tk~ 1*,3.ght; aitle and- intores t- ¢f the Aeclarant"~. ~ ~Yd ~o : ` r, r a2sT .,~I[~'sLFVe H., AYLas 'A ao D" inC~u5ive .tole they {ors th ariy atljd a~1'i 1~~dy. "sva'te""streets shown pn said subdivxsi do map aniS;~;$riY pA~7kgill ' aSeas..5liowa on said subdivision [Asp for~:future higltiw+ap de~1?,~tiOn.~: r z (bl e,use 6~t"t~?$'.~Rat3~'S~?ed e~~lk" A'.r ..~.'~nc~ .V,R7'~w, 1 ' as showh'~on tti2 tjiled,map shalY,,bbe for recreational and Fnnae~rva- > M;7~ft~SY.';~7~urpoSe:$ zn aenoYdanoe witty the rul,ss and 4gu?atr.'gg7js ~.S ' , Y Yr~~~"pl'otinmlg~a'ted by the ~beel a=';alht or ttie ,~roperC~"'42Wnea"B' i asso~~¢xon 'td~~be formee'!. The pgclarant; its gpo~spa4Ka `qm ~ ~'SSign:s,, may construct--'~2Crg,atidnal £acil trios 3ti:: the58 a.x'~as ; su~jen't.,tb the approval o~ the,Ylanninq Poard of the Towp bf Sau`f~i'a'18,., ~ ~ ' 'tPpoh: the great~on of the association as.: H®re intsia,Eo;'s '~4j!ov'gted," everry owner of a Ynt shall be'deemed a neAiher i eteof, • ,a{td. sH'all pe su~Sg ect to the by'-laws and s,u les and sequlaC~bns the#eaf. ^Withxn sixty (60) days of tex CHe crest jjon of said ~soc;~txon by-laws shall be adopted fox- the government thex'euf xcHi said by-laws and'any. amendmegts thereto shall be app rcrvec~ b"Y the Town 8oa'~d of tha ~11own of Southold. , 7; 'ji~, +~The ~6y-laws©F such 'association shall, 1r. 'addition to ' ` diher.matters,provideforthe following (a)Tt1at theowner of each lot shall be entitled to aPe vote at any 'meeting of the a ss oci ation. d ..(b) That every ..lot owner shall be subject to apropdr-.~ t9;onate Share of the'. expenses of the aasocidtionin clod lAg taxes-,: ixvsU~Y'an¢e attd~;aryy and a bL eupenses incurred by the assocat}on. fnr the };mprovefiien t; magi ntenance and use of the prbpertyof the t~association. Ij i.~ Pi - i i{ n FF~. ~ • • i5rc ,f, a =t,i_ z y 2i1i; : ~ 'Cc) g`ktat every lot owner shall have an equal right, :n ' ~6mmori nth a~l outer lot owners,, to Ghe use and en~oymen~.Of kye px'operty6f the association, sub~ecthowever,to the'by-laws f30%1RD CiP APPcAi.S 3Y+d $ui`ds andregulationsof t:he assoc}a$cn. 4u ~ra,'~^tid) ,That the association shall ~havethe right toborrow ` swcid "~i;ti~ of Mbney, as it deems necessary for cost of the main-. ,den d'~,and rmpravement: of its property and to secure the same ' hg a -Tyan on it§' property. iT" ~ ~3~'(e) °:T+h2t the asAociaEfron~ 5ha.ll` have th~-~a'ft~t`"fka:•su'&paric~" 4„ ~ b ~kie vpt'Lng rights of a lot owner for his failure to pay when due a8f$•a11 chdr ges due.. the association; ,that all Such unpaid + ~I j g~xg"a9'0,~'ha1L`be a Sren':~ on the .lot of such owner and that 'the °t "96ps~i'~;L.~on striall have the .right to collect .the :same dnd,: co - ~4 •n'fori'Ge the lien thereof by any means auT.horized by law. • ' That the. association shall pay all taxes, assess-~ antsl 3sid~ otheY charges imposed by any governmental agenq,y'as and •l ~he~Ctrd s~na a`te due ab'd. payable. r - '~a `(g) -,T}~at the :.association shall maintain H3egua{e'fire~~ :~i'* vDl.,sc ~.a;abili;,EX and siicli- other insurance as it deems n0ce9&ary br Y,he° xptect•ton of its property and members. i :a r ' :P' ~h~e ,bsgociation shall +dae, opexate; a0$' main ' ~ ~ ( '~Ta~'>~ ~ • ~ T:'r,~ets 'and oth2~r Propeity owned b~ it,•an a safe t y~ ' ' >'m5tiner and"ifi ;accordance With the laws, rules anc~ ' ~ k+e'!~'dt`3?B rins of` the Town o€ Southold and other governmental ~'~y "§S ^ r ` ent;3,es~haVing 7ur rsdiction thereof. y~ i r'ftr .}N N'h' n~Y .n .a ~ (i) ~'~That the durationof the association shall kJa a i di erP~t~. .S l TheaB covenants and restrictions shall run wtt$'the land r', " h ~ •r~~1 d sha21 band and inure to the benefit of Said pa,rtties t"`"` ~e~b `~neir ..her is, adGni:nistrators and assigns uptl Januaug 1, ~ ~ t~03(. ~er whi-ah time: •they shall be automatically extBndeC1 fOr z r ~r`~6~^ ~ pe#d.rods of [eri (107 .years each unless any rnstriurtant „ tjndFk",~' 'the;~;at3~en owne7{e of a ma3 on ty of a17. of the lots agXee rp C~,a~i~e suc.~j 4ovenants and restrictions in whole or in part, r a~.-1•~.~'.'`fw'e been recorded, however, notwithstanding any of.; the bW§~erved Areas "A" throuyh "D" inclusive, shall remain rn "erpp~ui£y. tf ~ i14.'• ~Thsse.covenantsandrestrictions may be enforced by an. rJ '~fikson '~:br daiRages or ,.in}unctions or both. the Declarant, Yts ~ nc ~A~s oT assignsih.~reby reserve ,the right to 'alter, modify, ' ~ }et~TT'f~sriditYSrt.e or annd~ any of these covenants in whole, or ~ n.,~~•'githout the cons@nt of~ Any person. r, r yes r$ fi'(.'?¢~$~•a~..al,n8a~^,Py9'atiein'2+~'anyof theafor'esa4dco'~Y&nantis'~'~ant4` ".'r-`4t ~stZiCtzons by judgment or court order shall not affect any of eothe~4•, provis ions wh3 ch shall remain in full force andeffeet. _a.. d i ~ ~ ~ ! ~b~ :~~.~;~732 ratr4.$3 j ~ec~~ l{e ~Fax1y~K~,~,to enforce anY Prove stop herein contained in Yny par- ii /.I . {II t`}c~ul,ar'.Sn9t ance shall not br deemed a waiver o£the rigY4't ko do ,~an astNf any continuing, subsegyent or other vlolat}on. 30ARDf)FAPFtA1Se {'1, AN WS'pNESS WHEREO$,. the Cec.lara~pt has duly executed this t~gpcla~,akzbnthe day and year first. above written; R.E C REALTY CO. ~ 4 ' 12obert Cummins ..y^. , ~ . S4 ATE, j,OF NEW XORR: ~ ~'pUNT33 D% SUFFOLK: ~ . pn ,jrjle ~F~ day of ~~'!-Q!+~ , 1979, before me peKSOCta I1y ~ q~lme $gX,S``ert.E. Chmma.ns-to me ~CnOWn, who being dy me duly sWorn~ r~Sd d~pRge .that hp reSi3es at 1§ Arlegh Road, Csredt Neak,, Nqw y27rKr~4 thathe is-a partner of R...E, C. Realty Co., th.® co'-L~dPth~r"' ' -%thip ,~esorbed in and which. executed Che foregoing instrument. .r , ~ ,y _ ,T ti~~i ~ Notary 9ublza ~ i r I^ ,y ;~:~s, x .:G L •'iK Y a" d 1 A:~ n %t y w 4_ R . 'x p.; ,G: ~K , x; ~,g '1';_ n <p 1. -5 I~ , . ~ uF _ to • • .ci i r j0 of'vCLARATt ON OE` AGULNtY = RROTECTIVE CO~'LNENTS ~ ~ y AND RESTRICTIONS 30Ap.~~p ~nn~^'C ' P.IDHpONp $IIDRE$ AT PECON IC J IU'`L~ r ff fl3oT In ~~i ~ r~}~i Y L ~'.n ~ „ ~ ~ RF•CORP AIVD RH'TUFN TO fP - ~ ~ 3 '4 KHT~~ I I~4 ~Y ~rv ~ PtAIZ+ RMD YdS~x -0a ~ 1 ~ t9ts'ceoova, xkw Y@~ 3~t~3k: ~ F ~ _ ~ I ; ~ ~ ' 1 ' I ~ ~ I I i._ ~ ~ ~ flfl vim' ~ ' _ ~l { _ _ / ~i, ~ P ~d ill..- - I. ~ 'J°~.,~ ~ ~ e ~ . . ~ IIII ~ ~ _L-~'_~~ Y ~ , r, ~ ~,..,~.A:~ - I V l S \ .~.......e..,,,~ ~1~f~i ~ ~ ~ - ' i~ ~ ~ ~ ~.ULNMI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MI //LNlfil/I<E IIN/C i u. 1 xE 6fi ~ fl f r~ ~ 5 f . n.. j.~ I l/ .'I W RECEiVE[~ JUL ~ 9 2093 QOARD OF APPEALS ~o~~g11fF0(~-co ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC ~ G.f, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK o= ~ P.O. Box 1179 y Z Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS p ~ ,1l Fax (631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER 'y~ fit` Telephone (631) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFF'ICF:R Oj ~ ~,a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER www-southoldtr>wnny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I"O: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: July 30, 2013 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 6678 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 6678 for Maureen Blattner- the Application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals. Also enclosed is the Applicant's Project Description, Questionnaire, Agricultural Data Statement, Short Environmental Assessment Form, Transactional Disclosure Form, LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, Notice of Disapproval from Building Department Dated June 2Q 2013, Five Pages of Photos of Property, Copy of Certificate of Occupancy No. Z.-28355 for One Family Dwelling with Attached Two Car Garage Dated April 23, 2002, Two Pages of Property Record Card, Seven Pages of Covenants and Restrictions Dated August 8, 1979, Plans of Deck Dated June 11, 2013 Prepared by Robert O'Brien -Consulting Engineering Services, Copy of Survey Showing Property as it Exists Dated July 15, 2013 Prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III -Land Surveyor. ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: 7-29-13 ZBA # NAME OF APPLICANT CHECK # AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP # 6678 BLATTNER, WILLIAM & 1214 $500.00 RECEIVED MAUREEN Southold Town Clerk TOTAL $500.00 Sent via Inter-Office to Town Clerk by: ES Thank you. WILLIAM J. BLATTNER m-mvzi< 1214 MAUREEN D. BLATTNER aTZSavmis P.O. BOX 4 295 SHORE LN. 3 e -PEC^ONI/C, NY 11959 DATE ~ PAY TO THE / O c-~.J O ~ c~O ~ h ORDER OF $`.,Sca - j .K....J 3 / _ ~ p ~ I~ u DOLLARS LJ tea., ~~~~R~[ Opihl 0~, NA. MEMO ~ y COI Il ~ _ ***RECEIPT*** Date: 07/29/13 Receipt: 156712 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 ZBA Application Fees 6678 $500.00 Total Paid: $500.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK #1214 $500.00 Blattner, William J Name: Blattner, William J 295 Shore Lane P O Box 4 Peconic. NY 11958 Clerk ID: CAROLH Internal ID: 6678 BOARD MEMBERS ~ • • • Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson ~~~F SUpj~O 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179 ,~O l~ Southold, NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes y # Office Location: Gerard P. Goehringer ~ Town Annex /First Floor, Capital One Bank George Horning ~ • ~O 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Ken Schneider ~1.~'C~~~ Southold, NY 11971 http: //southol dtown. ?orthfork. net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 • Fax (631) 765-9064 LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280 (Zoning), Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 2013: 11:00 A.M. - MAUREEN BLATTNER #6678 -Request for Variance from Article XXIII Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's June 20, 2013 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for building permit for an "as built" deck addition to existing single family dwelling: 1) less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet, located at: 295 Shore Lane Peconic, NY. SCTM#1000-86-1-4.19 The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours and prior to the day of the hearing. If you have questions, please contact our office at (631) 765-1809, or by email: Vicki.Tothna.Town.Southold nv us Dated: August 12, 2013 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN, CHAIRPERSON By: Vicki Toth 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing/LISPS) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 ~ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MAILING ADDRESS and PLACE OF HEARINGS: 53095 Main Road, Town Hall Building, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631)765-1809 Fax 765-9064 LOCATION OF ZBA OFFICE: Town Hall Annex at North Fork Bank Building, 1st Floor 54375 Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Southold website: http://southtown.northfork net August 12, 2013 Re: Town Code Chapter 55 -Public Notices for Thursday, September 5, 2013 Hearing Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of The Suffolk Times. 1) Before August 19tH. Please send the enclosed Legal Notice, with both a Cover Letter including your telephone number and a copy of your Survey or Site Plan (filed with this application) which shows the new construction area or other request, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed), vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. Use the current owner name and addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Southold Town Assessors' Office, or Real Property Office at the County Center, Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. If anv letter is returned to you undeliverable you are requested to make other attempts to obtain a mailing address or to deliver the letter to the current owner to the best of your ability and to confirm how arrangements were made in either a written statement or during the heanng, providing the returned letter to us as soon as possible AND not later than August 26th: Please either mail or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers, names and addresses noted, along with the green/white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. When the green signature cards are returned to you later by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the scheduled hearing. If any envelope is returned "undeliverable", please advise this office as soon as possible. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board during the hearing and provide the card (when available). These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. 2) Not Later Auqust 28tH: Please make arrangements to place the enclosed Poster on a signboard such as cardboard, plywood or other material, posting it at the subject property seven (7) days (or more) prior to hearing. (It is the applicant/agents responsibility to maintain sign until Public Hearing) Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, not more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is supplied for posting on both front yards. Please deliver or mail your Affidavit of Posting for receipt by our office before September 3, 2013. If you are not able to meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. (PLEASE DISPLAY YOUR HOUSE NUMBER ALWAYS). Very truly yours, Zoning Appeals Board and Staff Encls. NOTICE OF HEARING The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold: NAME: B LATTN E R, W. # 6678 SCTM # : 1000-86-1-4.19 VARIANCE: REAR YARD SETBACK REQUEST: ~~AS BUILT DECK" DATE: THURS., SEPT. 5, 2013 11:00 AM If you are interested in this project, you may review the file(s) prior to the hearing during normal business days between 8 AM and 3 PM. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 765-1809 • Y I h~ ~ #11318 ~w STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s) successfully commencing on the 29th day of August, 2013. _ Principal Clerk Sworn to before mA +hi~ ~ day of ~ 2013. x:45 AM - WILLIAM C COG LEGAL NOTICE t'INS of 13200 MAIN RO D ORP SOi1TFiOLD TOWN #6677 - Request for Variance from ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Article X Section 280-45C(f) and the THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 Buildiog Inspector's June 5, 2013 Notice PUBLIC HEARDVGS of Disapproval based on an application NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, par- for building permit to convert adwell- suanttoSection267oftheTOwnLawand r°g to two apartments and office space, Town Code Chapter 280 (Zoning), Town aC. l) the proposed apartments will com- of Southold, the following public hear- Prise of more than the code permitted ings will be held by the SOUTHOLD maximum 40%of [he principal building, CHRISTINA VOLINSKI TOWN ZONING BOARD OF Ap- located at: 13200 Main Road Mattituck, PEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main NY SCPM#1000-114-11-9.1 NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK Road, P.O. Boz 1179, Southold, New 11~W AM - MAUREEN Bt A'IT NO. O1V06105050 York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY SEP- NER #6678 -Request for Variance from Article XXIII Section 280-124 and the QUOllfied In Suffolk County TEMBER 5, 2013: Building Inspector's June 20, 2013 No- My COmmisslon Expires February 26, 2016 10:00 R.M. -ELLEN BRENNER [ice of Dina royal b _ 2007 TRUST #6676 -Request for Vari- PP ased°n an applica antes from Article XXIII Section 280- [ion for building permit for an "as built" 124 and the Building Inspector's June deck addition to existing single family ' 20, 2013 Notice of Disapproval based dwelling: I) less than the wde required on an application for building permit °LLp°°um rear yard setback of 50 feet, 130 PM - STE HEN LICATA located at: 295 Shore Lane Peconic, NY. #6679 -Request for Valance from Ar- The Board of Appeals will hear all to construct sewnd story addition and gC-pM#1000-86.1-0.19 tide XXII Code Section 280-116 B Persons or their representatives, desir- patio addition to existing single family SP20 A M -FRANK ESpR ( ) ing to be heard at each hearin dwelling: 1) less than the code required based on an appbcation for building per- desiring to submit written statements minimum front yard setback of 35 feet, #6674 -Request for Variance from Ar- mit and [he Building Inspector's June 28, 2) less than [he code required minimum hcle X}fII Code Section 280-116(B) 2013 Notice of Disapproval concerning a More the conclusion of each hearing. based on an appBcation for buildin r Each hearing will not start earlier than rear yard setback of 35 feet, 3) less than g Pe - permit to construct additions and alters- designated above. Fdes are available for the code required minimum side yard rtut and the Building Iaspector's June bons [o an existing single family dwell- 28, 2013 Notice of Disapproval concern- ing, ar, 1) proposed cons[rnction a[ less review during regular business hours setback of 10 feet, located a[: 40 South ing a permit to construct additions and than the coder aired buBthead set- and prior [o the day of [he hearing. If ' Iane(Oak Court) (comer Old Orchard ~ you have questions, please contact our Road) East Marion, NY SCCM#1000- alterations to an existing single family back of 75 feet, Located ab 670 Old Salt 37fi3 dwelling, at; 1) proposed construction Road (adj. to Pewnic Bay) Mattituck, office a[, (631) 765-1809, or by email: at less than the code requned bulkhead NY SCPM#1000-144-5-13 Vicki.Toth@'Pown.Southold.nyus 1020 A M. - FORDHA HO SE setback of75 feet, located at: 1080 Deep 1:50 P.M - 7850 MAIN ROAn LL Dated: August 15, 2013 LLC #6680 -Request for Variances from Hole Drive, (adj. to Deep Hole Creek) d/b/a THE BLUR INN a[ NORTH ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ArticleIV Code $eMion 2&1-18 and Ar- Mattituck, NY SCPM#1000-11542-15 FORK #6675 - Request for Special LESLIE KANES WEISMAN, CHAIR- tide XXII Code Section 280-116 based 1145 A M - MI HAEL and CELIA Exception per Article VII Section 280- PERSON on an application for building permit WITHFRS #6670 -Request for Vari- 35(B) to expand the current restaurant BY: Vicki Toth and the Building Inspector's July 24, ante From Article XX[I Code Section use [o include being open [o the pub- X4375 Main Road (Office Location) 2013, amended August 6, 2013 Notice of 280-116(B) based on an application for liq enclose existing patio and surround 53095 Main Road (Mailing/USPS) Disapproval concerning a permit to con- building permit and the Building In- with a 3 t/2 fool wall located in a Resort P.O. Boz 1179 strud a new single family dwelling, a[; 1) apector's June 13, 2013 Notice of Disap- Residential (RR) District, located aL Southold, NY 11971-0959 proposed construction at more than the proval concerning a permit to construct 785(1 Main Ruad and Orchard Lanc (aka 1 1.31@-1T 8/29 _ code maximum height of 2 I/2 stories, 2) additions and alterations to an existing Old Orchard Road) East Marion, NY. lot coverage more than the code permit- single family dwelling, at; 1) proposed SCTM#10(10-31-6-17.2 red 20%, 3)less than [he wde required construction at less than the code re- 100 too[ setback from the top of bluff, quired bulkhead setback of 7S feet, lo- located aC 5205 The Long Way (adj. to cared at 6635 New Suffolk Road (adj. to Long Island Sound) East Marion, NY. School House Creek) New Suffolk, NY. ~ SCTM#1000-21-6-11 S(TM#1000-117-5-24 - ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 81-x-~J~~Y~- SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~ ~ ~ ~ g AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of MAILINGS 1~j 1,?~ -r-r~J ~Y'- (Name of Applicants) SCTM Parcel # 1000- 'g(~_ ~ / COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, ~ ~ rcL~n.~ QL-f~'TT~~= residing at New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: On the ~ day of ~0 , 20 , I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in ,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT UES D, a true copy of the attac d Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners s wn on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( Assessors, or ( )County Real Property Office for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of--way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (Signature) Sworn to before me this day of I ~ ~3""" , 2013 JOOi MuNAFO Nogry Public, State of New York No.O1MU6190724 Qualified in Suffolk County _ (Notary Public) MY CommissionEzpirer 111T I PLEASE list on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. p , , 7 N ~ ru F'E~gf1I!< NY,719~E ;-r ~ ~ N F~CQVIC Nt` 114J8 s ~ 1.~ rl Postage $ $C.66 @.444 .D rR C^ ~ Postage $ $C.LG r G` fTl $.,1C C;, P~~* m Cenilictl Fee $3.1U UJ w Cenllied Fee t 'PRS~eI p Retum Recelpl Fee M,y~ ark ° (Entlosemenl Required) $2.55 e~~ p Return Recelpl Fae TT p ~ ° (Endorsemem Required) $2„°jj F1€~ Resirictetl Delivery Fee p p (Entlorsemens Required) $C.CC ~ Restricsetl Delivery Fee s'p Q, - p (Entlorsement Requiretl) $O.CC ?ry ~ Total POStagaB Fees $ $6.31 08,•'15!2013 r-l ~ Total Postage 8 Fees $ $6.31 C2:15l~C13 p e . 1l<.v !Y~^`~.!_°"'__...`~\:/K~~S...... ~\l_~C M1p Senf TO ~ QWW.JI/v 1 . orPOBOxNO. ° P-_- _ p 84;eel- pt. N~o.; ~ ~ 80 7` a ~ 3 M1 mPO Box No.-_-_.-~~_.__l!Y'l~'_`_.-_-1r5A!I_S.l Ciry, Srere, ziP+a V Pe ~ a ~ i e- ~ I Ciry State, ZIP+9 I • ~ . ~ ~ i. - rl `p a a~ . .n ru f'C~t,~IC NY 11~~8 a Poasega s $0.66 094? -o ~ C+n~ ,O, Postage $ $0.6u 0944 m cemneeFae '#3.10 ~ ~ p Resum Receipt Fee ark fsl Certilletl Fee $3.1C ~Bc' O (Entlorsement Required) $2.55 ~ ° Return Receipt Fee ~POSS}park Ressdctetl Delivery Fee ~ ~ (Entlorsement Required) $2.55 ~ Her'e p (Entlorsement Required) $O.CC O Restricted Delivery Fae 0"' Uv p (Entlorsement Requiretl) $O.CC ~ Totes Passage 8 Fees $ $6.31 U°? 15!2013 ~ ~ - ~ Total Postage & Fees nr p ~ $ $6.31 call a13 ~ - - ' r ~ v 1 ( _ V_~- w-Y)-~L'r---- M1 ens To - M1 a1 PO BOx No. \.N. l p Sfreej Apt. No.; ~.~Q---- S ye Clfy, Slate, z~P+a M1 ori'O Box No. 2 C,tl~n lC.--~- - -------~~-I~S~---------- • r . :,r . rr. m ~ ru f'f.CC~IC NY 11`7uRt ~ ~ ~[J ~ . Postage S $C.6V 0944 - l Gl, m candied Fee $3.10 C`y! ° Return Receipt Fee I Pos O (Entlorsement Requiretl) 55 ~ Her /s Restricted Delivery Fee ~f p (Endorsement Requimd) $O.CC 0.. ~ Total Pnslage s Feas $ $6.31 OBl15/2C13 M1, Sent To ° eC'~ ~ qn /y or PO BOx NO. 3&'S_ -~y/I ~,.,o 1 '^p city Sieio; zir;a ~ l Y. v_..___~___(.~..._-L_1-l.~ Ise c:cwvi 1C 1 l `I S~ - - ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~i_p-I`1'N>~2 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~ AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of POSTING (Name of Applicants) Regazding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as SCTM Parcel #1000- $6 -/-~f • 19 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORIK') I~ I, ~fi~~trrPl'iJ~ residing at i~5 I~~-lo rv~c',~ 51--• 1 T 2 Q ~ ~ ,New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that On the 2 0 day of q'j a C~ , 201, I personally placed the Town's Official Poster, with the date of Baring and nature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of- way (driveway entrance) -facing the street or facing each street or right-of--way entrance,* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven (7) days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which heazing date was shown to be ~ ?j ignature) Swom to before me this Day of i 2013 i JODI MUNAFO Notary Publiq State of New cork i No.O7MU67907]4 (Notazy PUbli Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Ezpira ~ I I,Z~I * near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passerby. ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete a Signature - Item 4 k Restrk:ted Delivery is desired. ? Agent nn ¦ PdM your name and address on the reverse X ? Addressee ~~y so that we can return thB card to you. g. Recelvetl by (Prlyded Name) C. D e of I'v ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ~ V~ or on the front k space permits. 1 1. Article Addressed to: D. b dalNery address dttferem from kern 19 ? Yes a YES, enter delNery address below: ? No i' 33a sl,,.~~e ~-e , a type ~ ,.n~ I Cart' ? Express Mail W V C l ~ 1 ~ ~ Reg d ? Rehan Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. ? Yes F toz59bz-M-tsao . . . . . - -bomplete kerns 2, and 3. Also complete ~ ~ A ~ ' ' item 4 k Restricted Delivery is desired. X ~ ~ ? Agent ,.$~dM your name and address on the reverse ? Addressee So that we can return the card to you. B.• (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space pertni[s. D. Is delivery address difiererR from ttem 11 ? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: ? No (U~OV1 CVI P ~~'v S~,o~ l-o-^~ e ,p ~ sY~n q,(' 3. ce lype Pew r t ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IJ ~ Certlflerf Mall ? Express Mail ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? Ireured Mall ? C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Exha Fee) ? Yes 2. ArtICIeNumber 7007 1490 ~~03 1162 1619 (fiansfer from seMce label) i PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt lozsss-o2-Masao a ¦ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A• ~ ature item 4 k Restricted Delivery is desired. ~ ? Agent ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse X ? Addressee so that we can return the card to you. g, Received by (Printed Name) C Da~ pf li ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ll or on the front 'rf space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delNery adtlr~s different fi'om ttern 1? ? Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ? No W' . ~ wit ~ ~ 3g5 SC~o~rP Lc~~2,, 3. ce lype ~ ~n V C~tlfled Mall O Express Mail W r t t C i~ Reglatered O Return Retaipt for Mer3regdie I (G ~ ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 1 _ ?Yes z. a PS F rozsss-o2-M-tsao USPS.com®-Track & Co~r~ Page 1 of 1 EnBlisll Cus[omvr Service VSPS Mabily ReyistnN Slgn In ~USPS.~Utvi ~JSPS acn ~arnagas puick Twls Rack3anarm $hip a Package Sentl Mail Manage `/our Mail Shop Business Soluuons Enter up to 10 Tracking AFind Fi,m uses Lucauens nuy stamps ~~'I~'~~'~Yc & Confirm Flno a zIP codo•• Hold Mail CM1anye of AtlNess OEi EMFIL UVDkTFS PRINT l1ttAILS YOUR (ABEL NUM9ER SERVICE STATUS OF YOUfl ITEM OGTEB TIME LOC4ilON M1EPLURfe JU6J149UUnUT leabd2 Fm-Glass Meil'y Dellveletl August 31, 2U13.9.3t am PECON10. NY 11958 Scheduled Oellvery Day: August i6, 2013 GertiFBtl Mail" ReWrn Receipt Available for Pickup Augu5130, 2n13, 9'.19 am PECONIG NY 11958 Unclaimed August 29, 2013, 190 pm PECONIC, NY 11958 Avallabla (or Pickup August 1fi.2013. 9:42 em PECONIC, NY 11958 Arrival at Unll August ifi, 2013,926 am PEGONlq NY 11958 Processed at USPS August 16. 2013.253 am MELVILLE, NY 11]4] Origin Son Facility Depart USPS Sort August i6, 2013 MELVILLE, NY 11 ]4J Facility Processed a1 USPS Augus115, 2013, 8:55 pm MELVILLE, NV 11]4] Origin Sort Facility Dlspalcnetl to SoM1 August 15, 2013, 5:04 pm GREENPORT. NY 11944 Facility Acceptance August 15, 2013, 4.29 pm GREENPORT. NV 11944 Check on Another Item Wnafs your label (or receipt) number? Find LEGAL ON USPS.COM ON ABOUT.USPS.COM OTHER USPS SITES Privacy l'oltcy. Govemmant Servlces+ AbouIUSPS HOma. 3usrzss Customer Gateway. Tertrts of Uses Guy SYemps&Shop] Newsrocm~ Postal lpspeUnr5+ FCIA~ Plinte Label wiUi vpsta9a~ SPS Sarvice Aletts~ Inspector Gane2ls No FEARAtl EF_C Da3~ ~IStomer5ervice+ Forrn Fbl atcns: PcSt2l ExplmCn tJellven!y]SMUliats to tFe fast Mlla, C:eesTs Ste lnUaz+ ~(J$p$~pM' ~ _ os usr .n Rlgme Reserved. ~~v o~~ eon https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action 9/5/2013 ¦ Complete kerns 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signature _ fl item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. ^ ~ Agent v( ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse X ~ Addressee so that we can return the card to you. 0, ecelved by Pdnt Name) C. oat of Delivery ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front H space permits. ' D. Is delivery address d' from item 1? ? Yes 1. ArticbAtltlressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: ? No ~e ~~i v~,~i ~@C:til~~c L~~- 5 le-+. ~ 5 ".~11~ r f ~ I ~-1 3. Se ce Type Certlfled Mail ? 5cpress Mall aglstered ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (EMra Fee) ? Ves 2. Article Number (imnsrer from service tabs 7007 149 003 1162 160 PS Form $511, February 004 Domestic Return Receipt toz595-oz-M-ls4o Office Location: ~O~a F SO(/T~,OIO Mailing Address: Town Annex /First Floor, Capital One Bank * # 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) ~ P.O. Box 1 179 Southold, NY 11971 ~ ~ ~O Southold, NY 11971-0959 ~1y00UM'1,~c~ http://sou[hold[own. nor[hfork. net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 July 29, 2013 Mr. Thomas Isles, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Isles: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: ZBA File # 6678 Owner/Applicant : BLATTNER, WILLIAM Action Requested: "As built" deck addition, rear yard setback. Within 500 feet of: ()State or County Road (X) Waterway (Bay, Sound, or Estuary) ( )Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. (X) Boundary of Agricultural District ( ) Boundary of any Village or Town If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie .Weisman ZBA a' pers n Encls. By. BOARD MEMBERS OF SOU Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson l'y0 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179 ~O ~p Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes ~ Office Location: Gerard P. Goehringer G Q Town Annex /First Floor, Capital One Bank George Horning • ~O 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Ken Schneider lyCOO~ Southold, NY 11971 htt p: //sou [hol down. nor[hfork. net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 • Fax (631) 765-9064 September 20, 2013 Maureen Blattner P.O. Box 4 Peconic, NY 11958 RE: ZBA Application #6678 Dear Mr• $14{~'~it% Transmitted for your records is a copy of the Board's September 19, 2013 Findings, Deliberations and Determination, the original of which was filed with the Town Clerk regarding the above variance application. Before commencing any construction activities, a building permit is necessary. Please be sure to submit an application along with a copy of this determination to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please call the office. \Si~ncerel , V Vicki Toth Encl. Cc: Building Dept. PEV6M5 lg11~98 o SEE 3E0 E5)'L 6E1, 0903-9] sEE sEC _ sEE sec No a]s c w, NO a]a v0 0]5 J ~ ~ pwlcn _ _ uNE n-uve pwrcn, _ ~ _ _ ~ uNE . ~ ~ ~ ~..\yyy mn-sa ~ cowc ~ - C6[699 n~ea2 ^iqP ~ Ofl~ ~ 1D0699 n @ pA to 12 QY2]dt a ~ ~ }90A ~ m ~ pStOU1 0 'eY` 1a 0].1oot i4 °r,,~'r h a1 r~wn of SO~rvan z2p~q 11nsm ~ miEO n.Es IXYdN ~ ti \P ~ ry tT oerttOw[MwcMS) oataw ~ o~ ~~1~ ry~~ y ~n 6 tL5 < p~P LpSO40i Z byc~ M1 °L p43pGp V I° 10.13 ~ESeflveoAneA taro ~ ~ 1 sA n-1sm p _ ,y s ~ m p 1311 4 , 3411 yj5d y p6 m ( \ 10.1A ~T ~3.M t flA ~l~a~ w ~ ~ ~ 1a.m Q~ ~y p0 t~ m 21Nt) ~n ' m.% J. < F'f i s l s 3 a tp~{cl ^;d' p~r~a ~ s9w O [ioe,rErirarwnl o ~ ~ ~ F < q i ,48 py.~, « \ p13 A25 # ~ p1pm Y - fle \y 6 ~ p ~FCOHI ~'FUS! (\B 5 q 2g ~ 4' ~ p\t a p\p n 2&1 95 \5 O~C1 cwac uuo *AUSi ~ a. p sEKh L \,U1,\ § p\6 3 3' 1 1 9< a 5 e~\ 244 _ F 6 5 ` 5 p ~ ~ tFCMic~wno`~3~ 121 >r voWc w ~ ~ 'n 1'M(cJ 12.] it \ o s d p \ w ~ ,`l t.1n(d,P t?e e 3~\ 1 N N Ty ~aD d ~ ~ a1 P, 5 ~ \~P` 4µ,i m ~I z5 .t - 0 R~gb{pN0 _ iI \o\ ~ I ~h ~ ~f-l ~ 1 1 C r~ (l C.'~1~ ~ ;~'J1~ u n 3 ' uPlcl ~L i~-t Cu ~111~5 ~ ° pp ns p ~;(c- I-`1 ~5 S ~ / - ~ - ofl ~pNOp 1 P~ P F pisotV t t 9 I S FOfl aLL NO ~ NNE s / _ J $EE SEC NO. J W401-001 ~ urcM - I e W{ SEE SEL NO 03B y/ I 1 E ~u,..a o.e r~...a.ww i. (21) w ~ .o+..,..~ - m nE w ziNUlw x~Nvl us... _ ,n_ N`n unc.~. ~~rt .~o..a~..- my--