HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookhaven Town of Brookhaven, NY Search: taxi cabs Page 1 of 2 Town of Brookhaven, NY Admin Suffolk County Search Browse Help laxi cabs • 7 results for taxi cabs Code Relevance A§A 67-16 Vehicle regulations. Taxicab identification. Each vehicle used as a cab, as defined hereinabove, must be equipped with a raised dome light affixed to the roof, with'Yaxi," "taxicab" or the business name imprinted thereon, and must have'Yaxi" or "taxicab" and the business telephone number TAXICABS> Vehicle Requirements 74-4{g}COMMERCIAL VESSEL Any vessel operated for a fee, excluding charter boats, liveries or water taxis, and excursion boats. BROOKHAVEN PORT JEFFERSON HARBOR COMPLEX WATERWAV> Degnilions. A§A 85-256.1"l'own Board special permits (restricted). boat repair yard. Ferry terminal/facility. Marina. Motor vehicle dealership. Motor vehicle wash. Taxl station. Laundromat, mega. ZONING> J Business 5 District (High Intenslly Business) A§A 67-17 Prohibited activities im~olving aehicles. certificate is not in effect, has expired or has been suspended or revoked. Liveries as taxis. No vehicle bearing private livery registration plates maybe used as a taxicab within the Town of TAXICABS> Vehicle Requirements A§A 22-3 file:///C:/Users/staceyn/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Fi... 9/] 8/2013 Town of Brookhaven, NY Search: taxi cabs Page 2 of 2 n1ooring restricted. of the Navgation Law of the State of New York or any other boats, vessels, ferries or water taxis for hire. Application for consent for the use of said dock by such boats, vessels, ferries or DOCKS > Use of Dock in Cherry Grove Pu Dllc Dock District A§A 85-260 Dimensional criteria. lot area for a convenience store, motor vehicle fueling station, motor vehicle repair use, or taxi station shall be one acre or, in the case of convenience stores only and if certain condflions are ZONING> J Buainesa 5 Diatricl (High Intensity Bualneaal A§A 47-6L.icensing: fees. the licensee. Posting. Each license issued shall be conspicuously mounted and displayed within the cab of each vehicle to which it applies and shall be protected against damage. Duplicates. When a PETROLEUM SUBSTANCES, DISPOSITION OF Privacy Policy Terms of Service Mobile View P.1'f'~occ POWER DDV Gb'rvFZA1`~yd~,D cOOe fi le:///C:/Users/staceyn/AppData/Local/Microsoft/ W indows/Temporary%20Internet%20Fi... 9/ 18/2013