HomeMy WebLinkAboutLtr to Town Clerk ZBA training for 2013 completed 13U 11Z1~R1}?i1tT3f?EZg , , Tn<nn53a11Azisxee, Cap~ta3 6i~e 13zut8inb 1 ~e71ze ISan<~. 1l'eier,~ar, Glair aers+iti. ~ ~ ~ 513 ~ S.Rraute 2~> ~k Y.oungs.It,flar3 L ~ "5 5 I'.~J, F3c~s 1119 hnc tom. Dames 1 . ~ Sorxthold, RQSC Ynr1~ 115710959 n 1 ieleph~ne(531}760' 1805 C~er ~xd I-.{.t~ehxm~er Ciec~s~e3toriuni; ~ ~nr ~ http,,r~ntFthold:~u-n.iioE~hsc.r~are€ [ieu$chnetdei ~ ~t~.~'fll~~g i~t?~~~? F' ~PI'F~t4E s 7'C}: Elia6eth ~icille, Z'cicn Cleik l RC)ft1`, l.eshe Ifane~ t~"eistna<i; ZB~ C}iairpersotzs`I}epartment Ile~ij Rki Ci~inptetion of regairec~ZT~:~ti~auti~ag for ~t}13 L'}AT~: 5e0temher 17, 2013 I}ear Betty, I Please he adt-ised €hat on Sepfember ?013, all 3 members cf the I3c~ard oF.?~ppe<tls j cotn~fefed their required 4 hours of tritning tttr 2(}1; as a€tthcrri~e d and atti?i•a~'ed the `Z own Board ou h'Zarch ?6. ?Ot 3 in Rzsulutau'~Io. ?OI3-?82 p€trsuant to Z'ocrt LaGv ScctiQU291(17 j{a-~). I amincluding si~ifh this Zetter, a e~ of thc, approvcd'training outline urith datesufcontpletion. Please e relit Eric 17atites, George horning, Kett Sent}eider, .lerr}~ Gcte3trin~~r, atzd I as required in your records. Iftiou treed additional coufirmatzctn, please c€rntact:~TA Andaioro who propsided the Board ~itii the szquirec~ tt~aitting: Z hanJ~3'nu Leslie I<atli;s L~'aistnatl Ct : ~fe6ers ct(~the E3ctard elt piteals Vicki 1'otlt. 3oard Assistant Jennifer Andalorc>. Assistant Tours Attorney ~11~:~~~ 1~~2'n~ 7'C1; ~n~a4[t~Jr~'I'®wra 13aard lrlw~1474 ~msian~ l~o;srtl raf Ag4xs ~ls, I~~slie ~~eis ~n4 ~irairpcrs~n Its. Pa-a~~aosesl 2013 Itegaiia~eti rl~trtegdl'C~aini~g ~e iaaae-4 3~A'T`~;; ~'[ai~~h 2b, 24313 Phe 213x2, in consulEaiion with ATr~ r~ndalor6,has developed tine follou~ingproposal fat 'VOUr review and a~pt'oval for onr required foul' hcsurs o£~0ntinuln>edncatiah and trainingfor'?013. 43t sessions ui13 be ci~nducted in haus~ b;~ ~T.~ Andalori a~~d scheduled for 71~,?4 TtegularMcetings where alb F3aard 1%Iamhers ~~?l1 be in attendance. 241:1.3 Ta airx~a~ 1'c~ot~ts~~a3 ~"a trXdfetd .Iaxaae 6; ~t~13, 1.5 ~araars 1. ~lEiJ4~ - ('crtain Zf3f1 actions reyuirc an environmental impact assessment as prescri~edbv 0~3'C'12R Part 0(7 State Finsironmental {duality Review {SEQI~j and the i~evu Yort. Slate Envirdmttental'Conseruation law ~§3-0301{1}{h),3- 302{?~(tn~~~d S-(}123. This tt'iining will int-olvean overview of thepresentsiile and regulations rcgai-dinr~ SPtR:1 reviei* , fhe proposed changes to Sl:{~R4 asd the ZI3.~'s obligations thereunder. 7i-<rin~n~,x rz il7 up~arr~mcalely 1:? 1ac~zrt•s. ~`ar 7e~erl :ifr~~ 3, .~~13 I draui~ cenrl =~Ir~t~ 18, 2P,a13.5 f2crua- 2. 2f112 ~~se Za~~ I1pc~ate Aait~vervieiNand yuminary~ of 1~~a1 deterininafi~ns insol~~it~gspecial permits, use variances area variances andzranconformizzg uses that ha ~e been rendet-ed by the ~rarious courts of Ne~v fork State. Tr~aataing ti~~zdt be u~~rr~xirrurte[y 1,:5 F~flvrs ~'crssrpleterF ,Sepfstnba~e~ 2313 1 6e our 3: ~'asttPreia~nsice I~14aar The 7I3?~ has an obligatii}n to co7i~ider the `1 oGVn`s Comprehensive P[an and eo~nialiance tfiercvvith ~tsor to rendering a determination. This training mill involti~e a retiiew of the Town's ~cmprehe~rsiG~c Plan Draf and [he ZBh's involvement in thc'proceas~ 7rctrraitt~n~i7l7~e ap~rQxirnately 1 hortr.