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OFFICE LOCATION: 1~~OF SO(/Tyo MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex h~ ~ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 l~ * Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) ~ • O Telephone: 631 765-1935 Southold, NY 11971 ~ Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: July 11, 2013 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for FREDERICK J. WALLERIUS SCTM# 1000-128-4-24 DKR Shores, Inc. on behalf of FREDERICK J. WALLERIUS requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct in-place the existing 104' navy bulkhead utilizing vinyl sheathing; install two (2) 10' vinyl returns; reconstruct existing 3.5'x5' walk, 3.5'x18' stairs, 3.5'x8' walk; install a new 4'x4' platform with 3.5'x14' beach access steps; and add 50 cubic yards of clean sand and restore bluff with native plantings. Located: 4230 Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. SCTM# 128-4-24 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Tmvn of SouHrold LWRP CONSLS"TF.NCY ASS.L'SSMEIVT FORM J U L 5 2013 A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits• including Town of Southold agencies, shall oomplote this C(:AF Eor proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterliront Camsistency Review Law. This assessme~rt is intended to supplement other infomration used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of oonsisteocy. •Fkcept mirar exerxpt acttoras includbeg Building Permits and other miatsterial permits not located within the Coastd F,msion Hazard Area. 2. Befrnre aosweting the qucstiona is Suction C, the preparer of this forru. should review the exempt ,minor action list, policies aad exphuuttions of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterliont Revitalization ProBT~• ~.RE41~ adia~n will be evahrated as to ~ ~ e beusf vial and adverse effiects upon the masts( area (whidr includes all of GartMt~l T wn) 3: If any quesfion in Section C on this form is answered "ya" or "tw", them the proposed actim? will ~ affect the adrievemeat of the LWRP policy standards and c~ditiens contained in the con9isteocy review law. Tlsns, each aiaw~ mast be d hs debaY. ~Hre 6.~L mm~ert~n ,.ui a®oortlaa fse6s. if an acx~r caomt be certified as con. with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall~,?t be A copy of the LWRP is available in the folio ~ wing Places: online a he To~vi'~f S~wrthold's website (soudwkhown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees ~e L_...y'~'elhawn~t_ local h'braries and the Town Clerk's office. IulUlu(~ ~ ~C~, B.. DFSCRIp1TON OP' SITE AND PROI'O3CD ACTION JUN 2 0 2013 Jo- scrl?!za ~a outsold Town rROaECr NAI?~ 5f u The AppliWio. rss bee. s.neriRtea to (chock ap~opriate respoa~e): i~1~~'C.~"75 ~ I"U~i ~3'( 1 Town sears ? Plaoaiag Board ? Balamg DeQt. ? Bosrd ®f Tr~eea ~ n~/C~ C'~'J 1. CaOegory of Town of 3oudioki ageacy action (check appropriate r+esponao}: (a) Acxion taYleRakea direcaty by Town agency (e.g. capital ? oonstAxxioq playing aarwtty. agency rogulatia®, lead hansar,~) ? (b) Fmencial assistaooe (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) I' 'PawrtJ.~roval,hoeose,cx:Ufi Nature and extent of action: bulkkQ i~~/~~,~ ~ 5'X~' C a 3. S' ~Z. ~ St s-ia fr v c ~ n So c ~l ~ ~ r.Ps -f~;,~.C h l ? ~c.)/ r1 ~~f~ V~ S~~,P~ . Nunemaker, Amanda From: Agena Rigdon Hoffmann <dkrshorescorp@aol.com> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 11:52 AM To: Nunemaker, Amanda Subject: Re: Wallerius revised plans enclosed Attachments: WALLERIUS SITE PLAN.pdf APPLICANT PROPOSES TO RECONSTRUCT (IN PLACE) 104' OF NAVY BULKHEAD UTILIZING VINYL SHEATHING, TO INSTALL TWO 10' VINYL RETURNS, TO RECONSTRUCT (AS NECESSARY) A 3.5'X 5' WALK, 3.5'X 18'STAIRS, 3.5'X8' WALK AND INSTALL A NEW 4'X 4' PLATFORM/ 3.5'X14' BEACH ACCESS STEPS, TO TRUCK IN 50 CY CLEAN SAND AND RESTORE BLUFF WITH NATIVE PLANTINGS. -----Original Message----- From: Nunemaker, Amanda <Amanda.Nunemaker(a~town.southold.nv.us> To: Agena Rigdon Hoffmann <dkrshorescorp(a~aol.com> Sent: Mon, Jun 24, 2013 11:31 am Subject: RE: Wallerius revised plans enclosed Sorry to bother you again, but can you type up the revised project description for us and email it back to me? Thanks. From: Agena Rigdon Hoffmann Imailto:dkrshorescoro(~aol.com] Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 7:49 AM To: Nunemaker, Amanda Subject: Wallerius revised plans enclosed sorry for delay in getting this to you,,,..! pls note new beach access stair w/new project description thx Agena i i i Location of action: y~.3 C~ ~~~'m2! C ~ C.~ y ~ l Ua1 ' Site acxeage: ~ - ~?-C1-,!~ i - r Present rand„se: ~i~~~~%'~2ts'/~/ ~%~C~-~ll;~ k:~l - ' Present coning classification:( L2~P 4 -~/IiZ~Yl { ~D ~ ~7GC.Y 2. Tf an application.far the proposed action has been Sled with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: a Name of ~ ~ ro) y~3U ~P.c-r~2~~ ~~S Q ~ ~ 1 ud(- j /1 . ~`-Fo~ ~Y1cei [.n 3oi Beech Sf~ (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( )C,~ off/ - 7y~ - ~/78,~' ' ~'Q~-~i n.y (d) Application numbea, if any: (.l-U~.~Cu1~A nn-~ Will the action be directly tmdertaken, require fiuuling,.or approval by a babe or federal agency? f Yes ? No ~ If yes, which stale or fades] agency? I. C. Evahute the project to the following poUdea by ana~sg how Nre project will farther aepport or nm aapport the poHdes. Provide all proposed Beat Maaagemeat Prrctices that will farther each policy. Iacomplde answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DE~OPED COAST POLICY I , Policy i. F6ater a pattern o[ devek?pment ht the Tetra of Sonthotd that ea4aneea pmmardty character, preserves open apace, makes effidaat mee of hr>ltiutractaro, makes bea<e8dal nse of a ooaet+l hrcat[on, sad minimize adverse effects of developmenk See LWRP 3eMfoa III - Polieiea; Page 2 for evahratk?a ~ criteria. Yes No Not App?kabk ~ G w~ ~ Cr`C ~SGcl~~'aG~ S iV mach sdd'dioael slrovu u necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and arrhaeebgical resonrees of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 tlrrea~g6 6 for evalauitlon criteria ? Yes ? No ~ Not Appilcahk i Attach edditiaaai sheds if aecmesry Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic reeoarees throughout the Town of 3onthold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evainatioa criteria Yes ? No ? Not Applicable i I Attach addi4onal shaem if nec~sry i NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. MiaimFze loss of life, sttacturea, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP f Section III - Polides Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation crftcria Yea ? No ? Not Applicable ~~Ci .l' l i ,~a ~n t ~ Atach additimal sheets if necesaary Polley 3. Protect and isrprove water quality and sappy io the Town of Bonfield. See LWRP SeeHon III -Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evahutloa eriteria i i. ? Yee ? No of Applleable i Attach addittooal sheets 1f nAOeasmy Polley 6. Protect and restore tie quality and funetion of the Town of Soediold eeetrysteou Significant Coastal Fbi and Wildlife Habitats and wethusda. See LWRP Sectlota III - Pow; Pages 22 through 32 for evahutbn uitesia. ? ? Yes No of Applkal~lE~ Attach edtlit3onel sheets if nacrosmy I' Policy 7. Protect sad improve air gnaNty ~ the Town of SoathoLd. See LWRP Section III - Polkia Pages 32 through 34 for evalnaiioa criteria. Yes ~ No ~ Not Applicable Attach addidonal sheets )f noomsaty Policy 8. Miaimhxx eavironmeatal degradation irs Towa of Soathohi from solid waste nd hazardoas sabataneea and wtistes. See LWRP Settioa III -Policies; Pages 34 fhroagh 38 for evalastio~ criteria., ? Xes ? No ~ Not Applicable ! i j PUBLIC COAST POLICIES PoBry 9. Provide for prrbiic aecees to, sad reea+oatiosai aso of, cautal waters, @abHe hmda, sad prblic resource of the Toaa of Soathold. $oe LWRP Stxtloa III - Policies; Pages 38 thrrrygh 46 for evataaEio® criteria. j~ ? Yeti--~ No ~p Not Appha~6k F r~- F Attach addhiamai sheets if necomary I WORIaNG COAST PULICIES Paltry 10. Protect Southald's waterdependeat nsa and promote silfees of new water-d~d~t saes k suitable kcatione. See LWRP Section II[-Policies; Pages 47 through 56 [or evaluation criteria. Yee No ? Not App{ia?bk S~5 L ~y Attach additional aheas if naceawry Polley 11. Promote soshinab~le nse of living marine rarourrxe in Long Island Sound, the Peeooic Estuary and Town waters. Sce LWRP Section III - Polidee; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ? Yea ? No ~ Not Applicable f I Attach additlonal sheets if ancasauy i Polley 12. Protect agricnknral buads- io the Tawas of Southold. Sce LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages ~ 62 throngh 65 for evaln:tien criteria. ? Yea ? No ~ lYot Applicable i ` At1a~ addMieaal sheep if necassry Policy 13. Promote appropriate see a~ development of energy and mlearal recearces. See LWRP Seetios III - Polieiiea; Passe fi:S tl~rough fib for evaluation criteria. ? Yea ? No ~ Not Applicable I PREPARED BY~i A_L~ TPPLE__,(~,~`~ DATE 7 - ~3 ~ Y ~ f (9 ! r / o N ~m.m.m • , / i ~ l n.w / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/A / ~ ° IN a J Y I d. / o~ ~ d n y f / / W M1 4 ry a ~ L o ~ ~O / ~ h ' '1 6 s .2\ ell ~s.a.n m / 6 a ~ all n ~ j~ F v ~ ~ ~b • ~ ~J ~ / °y. • un ~ s ' I y ~ ~ 4 P l ~ I o Q ~ axx s ~ a / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / I / " a ~ ~ J ~ . / ~ ~ / 9. % - f ~ ~ / l .m / R L~ ~ 7 4' uip m+x`i,a`\ ~ m ~ I ~ l~ ~ ~ d~ 6 i~ ~ ~:.o-i 4 , ~„x' x r~ w7 ,i e ~ ~ b / P QfMf 9 Eo 9 e - PI ~ - xonce OOUNTY OF SUFFOLK © ~ omen cmx _O _ _ v RW PmpMyT 8MYYSNwm/ ~ x e .....9 . _ - ~ 4 128 ti F .;ti ZQ13 Y A 4 4 7 ~ r J la~" e x ~ ~_,,~v i ' ~ R -Y- .'E J, Sf . ~ 1 ,.s.. - A. n h . Y t~~ 4t § ~ ~ ~ s ,i a ~i'_r j y ~ ~ , p~a.C Kam' Ad' k , ~ ~M F" _V Y,-t' ~ v ~ rvt, w'_''°i`~ Y r r ~ M~ ,ry Ai~t ~ r ; - "'RRR i ~Q,.- b ~ ti . _ X~ Y ~ - ~ y~ } F ~~Fi ~ 1 4 ` r ~ i ~ Y ~ V ~6_ ~ a. , 1 : ~'r' ~ ~ ~ ,gyp 4 ~ . T 7 1S ~~1 ~,16Yw" rd I -'{'2'r _ rr ~ ~ , ~~,R y" ~ > ',u r. 1R y' F f1,' s , ~-r F I '~t ~ Kk ~t1 5 w~~ ~ i . .Jr.. "s' 7 HI ,r ~ 4ta 7 ~ ~ ~ ` ~I i r , - _ r - . , 4 ~ ' .'j~ * ~ y i , - - - ~ ~ ~,~I' _ - ji _ 1, r,'~;~ . 1 - 1 I'a',fF ~ ~ 7 r~ 3,'r. i ~ r ` ` S ~r~ l J~ f'~, re - ~ t S { l1 - h . +y h . .Y. w' i~ • '`a. iY• h L T•l. y ,t~ ei ` ~tJ~ Yom." '`b°`a ~ . 1r• _ ...e.~_ _ - ~4~ ~ t L ~ ~ ..'Fri-: ~+~?x ~ ` y r I ~ ~ R~i'" -a.wer+,~1V3Y~-•i`.h`" s 'ac7~.,.- ~ ~h~ >NwXl.. ~ N, .ar N ~ t fi ..w: 'i~r' --~'+,~.c ,tip _ _ 1~e+fs^~ 1 ~l - '~s`scr .t~,.~,t _ t~.ar~- °c: n-,.aZr"~"e':'~~ + s.-~5..~,`~-c xrs.~ -.rte . -u•~'~"- + - 4, _ :.2-.:L~I~Ca~'i"_ r 'sj~,CR" -+C .c"S"r~:,3" A " ~b"fN~.C.~ k §Y ~t~ _ ~~y¢."5yy all}L ].~_._i~.t •..'F45' `($'~,s 7 d^n r w ~ ~ . Skt.~''i ~w~'~ ~-~'y~'`2 t^rk ~ xF~~~1~' ~~s' Z' ``+e N/F CROSSON(O'ROURKE ~fo ~+~v[~^ o GPRPGE A~• c~~9~ e~oo ° oo~~ r `~o~C tii ~°'~o ` J- ~ ~ ~~"~~~'''»''e a O9 B~ 6B ~ i iiy~ 16TY RE6IDENGE ~~s/ cRPVE~ GRivE ~~O ~~oE~k LO A 9 FF 5. 9~~ ~~fo N!F POTDEVIN 0 eF qF oOro k APPLICANT PROPOSES TO RECONSTRUCT (IN PLACE) 104' NAVY BULKHEAD UTILIZING VINYL SHEATHING, TO ~Oy INSTALL TWO 10' VINYL RETURNS,TO RECON (AS B '9i. NECESSARY) 3.5 X 5'walk, 3.5 x 18' STAIRS, 3.5'X 8' walk. ~'FQ O ~ Nd and 4 x 4 platform to new 3.5' X 14' BEACH ACCESS STEPS . .Oj hspf06 rr--~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TO TRUCK IN 50 CY OF CLEAN SAND FROM AN UPLAND O~ 'dr W7rd 3, O N D SOURCE AND RESTORE with native species. -p 2 cOq. 0'ij 'L ij Fc ms a ~a 02~ A~c~r~ 3.5'x 5' JUN 2 4 2013 i~ walk 1 ~ 3.5'x 18' ~ ~ stair ,<l~~ \ Sou!hald'own PROP. a'x ~ DECK 3.5'x 8' \ -rp 4' platform walk ,5g5 83.5x14' BEACH ACCESS Prap. 10' G stairs return if SCALE 1 tt- GOt necessary Applicant: Fredrick J. Wallerius Location: 4230 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel DETAIL SCALE Purpose: Reconstruction of bulkhead,stairs/steps to beach Datum: Apparent Low Water I 1 2CJr S.C.T.M.N0.1000-128-4-24 LOCUS: 40°57'42" 72°32'41" DKR SHORES INC, P.O. BOX 488 15 June '13 HAMPTON BAYS, N.Y. u946 PROP SITE PLAN > OF 2 EX. 1 STY RESIDENCE EX. 3.5'x 5' PLATFORM to be repaired/replaced as necessary EX. 3.5' x 18' STEPS (to be - 11.6' ~ repaired/replaced as necessary NOTE: ALL DECK ~F - - ~ r"~ ~ TREADS/PLATFORMS/DECKING Ex sPROa GRADE TO BE UNTREATED MATERIAL EX 3.5' x 8' PLATFORM(to be repaired/replaced as necessary i _ - i~ 50 C.Y. CLEAN FILL TO i I~- RESTORE BLUFF, WITH NATIVE I ~ , PLANTINGS I j ~a HGGHA ARE PROP. 4'X 4' 2x6 C6 PoLLGWER~ -%I<~GNGH [a TIERGD PLATFORM & t~ -3.5'X 14' e'acounuoousuvioG '1 i~' STEPS FOR APPLICANT PROPOSES TO RECONSTRUCT QN PLACE) s"xs'rREAreo WALES IS E~EVarIGNSI BEACH 104' NAW BULKHEAD UTILIZING VINVL SHEATHING, TO ° INSTALL TVJ010'VINVL RETURNS. TO RECON(AS ,o"ccA PaE-z6'LONC®6'GC. Sri ACCESS NECESSARY) 3.5 x5' WALK, ].5' x 18' STAIR, 3.5'x e' WALK AND 4xd patlonn to J.5' X 14' BEACH ACCESS STEPS . TO TRUCK IN 50 GV OF CLEAN SAND FROM AN UPLAND - SOURGE AND RESTORE PLANTINGS WITH NATIVE {l PLANTINGS - - VINYLSHEEiPILE-,<'LONG B'%B'LONGCCA ANCHOR PILE®6'O. c. - Applicant: Fredrick J. Wallerius Location: 4230 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel PROP. BLKD. _ 9EACH GRAGE AHW Pur ose: Deconstruction of bulkhead stairs/ste s to beach ~ Datum: A arent Low Water p S.C.T.M.N0.1000-128-4-24 LOCUS: 40°5742" 72°32'41" , DKR SHORES INC, P.O. BOX 488 15 June '13 HAMPTON BAYS, N.Y. ii946 SECTION 2 OF 2 SCALE 3/16"= 1'