HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-110.-8-32.9 & 110.-1-1.4 OFFICE LOCATION: o~~OF SOUTyoI MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ~ D P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 l~f ~ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) G C Telephone: 631 765-1838 Southold, NY 11971 'Q • ~ Fax: 631 765-3136 ~~y~OUNiY,~ LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: August 19, 2013 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for WICKHAM FARMLAND LLC SCTM# 1000-110-8-32.9 & 110-1-1.4 L.K. McLean Associates, PC on behalf of WICKHAM FARMLAND LLC requests a Wetland Permit for a Ten (10) Year Maintenance Permit to remove woody vegetation along the unaffected sections of the berms while removing existing vegetation along the areas to be rehabilitated; the dikes will be enhanced or strengthened by the use of geosynthetic grids and erosion control materials; native vegetation will be added to provide erosion and sediment control; placement of any supplemental fill required in areas that were subject to settlement; establish a material staging area and clearly defined access roadways to repair the approximately 1,530 linear feet of damaged levee sections of an existing approximately 3,010 linear foot dike; all construction shall be performed in accordance with NRCS's (USDA) dike construction standards and specifications. Located: 4787 New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 110-8-32.9 & 110-1-1.4 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided to this department as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is EXEMPT from LWRP review pursuant to: § 268-3. Definitions. MINOR ACTIONS item "B" which states: B. Replacement, rehabilitation or reconstruction of a structure or facility, in kind, on the same site (inplace), including upgrading buildings to meet building or fire codes, except for structures in areas designated by the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (CEHA) law where structures may not be replaced, rehabilitated or reconstructed without a permit and shoreline erosion control structures (including, but not limited to, groins, jetties, bulkheads, filled piers) located within Great Peconic Bay, Cutchogue Harbor, Little Peconic Bay, Hog Neck Bay, Noyack Bay, Southold Bay, Shelter Island Sound, Pipes Cove, Orient Harbor, Gardiners Bay, Long Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound and Block Island Sound (excluding all creeks); The proposed action(s) are not located within the CEHA. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney To+ru o[SoafhoW j Lam' gCONSISfENCX ASSE,43MENT FORM ~ A. INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* i~luding Town of Southold agencies, shall complete aria CCAF for proposed ootiona that are subject to the Town of Satt}told Waterfront Cansisteacy Revlaw Law. This i esaet is intended to suppleaonrnt other infomtation used by a Town of Southold ageacy in j making a determination of cooaistency. "Except mlnor exempt actlotu buludltrg Bulldbig Permits ; and other mlydsterlal permttr rmt loAatedwithtn the Coastal Erosion HozardArea. j 2. Before answering the queatjons in Section C, ~ per' of this fam alauld review the exempt ~ mina action list, policdea and explnmtions of each policy oontaintd in the Town of Southold Local Wabmfront Revitalizdtian Pragtam. A 1 action w311 be evahwaoed as to iLa si igo ba?aficlsi and adverse etlecta twos the coas<al area (which includea,ell of Southold Towel 3. IF any question in Section C on this foam is aoswtsed "yea" ar "no", thea the pmposod aerial will a@ect the seitievement of the LWRP policy standards artd conditions contained in the coneistency review law. Tkae. cock astwar ~ be a=tdaiued i® detai. llatloa balk saooortloa aril aon- 1'f as action cannot be certilred ~ canaistet?t wi8t the LWRP policy slaodatds and oondiNotts, it ~ be tmdettakea. 1 A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: onlhse at the Town of Southold's webaito (southoldtown.notthfork.netj, the Hoard of T Department, all j local libraries and the Town Ckrk's offix. B. DF.4CRIl'TION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION ' D SC['Mtt loco lio ol- 1.4 ~ llv-~"~•9 JUG 2 9 2013 PROJECT NAME Wickham Fruit Farm Dike Rehab' litatior~n ~ wn _ o„~~~~r~~p r Tie Appiia+ttiou Oat bees aa6mltted to (clfeek appre~D taapome): Tanrn Board ? Plamins Bond ? BuDding DgN. ? Board of Traatea a i. Category ofTown of SouBrold agency action (check apQropriate response): i (aj Action undertaken directly by T~ Y ~aIF .1 a~x, Y ~ a~j (bj Finaoeial (e. - 9 2013 ? s. tl~ loan, ~arr~') ~ . i (c) Permit, appmval, licatse, oer6&catioa _ ! Nature and extiptt of action: YB~ r Ma;n~ena~c~-P~~"' ~ ~ . ? To participate in a program by the NRCS (USDA) to rehabilitate and enhance earthen berms (dikes) damaged by Super Storm Sandy (Oct'12 in accordance with NRCS Dike Standards and permit conditions by the Town Trustees, NYSDEC and USACOE. The action also includes the removal ~ of woody growth from the damaged and undamaged sections of the containment structure to prevent future failure of the dike system. an Associates, P.C. 437 South Country Road Brookhaven New York 11719 D NSULTING ENGINEERS (631) 286-8668 FAX (631) 286-6314 JUL 2 9 2013 Aasocialea EUGENE F. DALY, P.E., P.T.O.E.TM, PRESIDENT and C.E.O. CHRISTOPHER F. DWYER RAYMOND G. DiBL4SE, P.E., P.T.O.E.TM, PTPTM, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESID NT ROBERT A. STEELE, P.E. DANIEL P. JEDLICKA, P.L.S., VICE PRESIDENT nthald OWII JAMES L. DeKONING, P.E. ~ 1 STEVEN W. EISENBERG, P.E. ANDREW B. SPEISER July 26, 2013 Town of Southold Trustees Office 53095 Route 25 9 P.O. Box 1179 ~ fl~1~~~~~~ Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attention: James F. King -Board of Trustees President Re: Town of Southold: Dike Rehabilitation Program by NRCS (Four East-End Farms) Administrative Permit Application -Terry, Latham, Wickham and Heston Farms LKMA Project 13050.000 Dear Mr. King: Pursuant to a field meeting held on July 16, 2013 with your office and Rob Marsh of [he NYSDEC (Region 1), L.K. McLean Associates has prepared the attached permit packages associated with the Dike Rehabilitation Projects at the two (2) farm properties in Cu[chogue (Wickham and Salt Air) and [he two (2) farm properties in Orient (Terry and Latham). One original permit package and one copy have been included for your office's review. The final construction drawings will be completed within [he next couple of weeks. Since [he Town and the Natwal resources Conservation Service (NRCS) anticipates construction to start in the fall of 2013. The permit would be to allow the rehabilitation of the berms compromised during Super Storm Sandy and to remove woody vegetation from the damaged and undamaged sections of the dike system. Removal of large trees that populate the earthen berms would minimize the risk of the dike system's failwe during futwe storm events. The integrity of the dike system will protect the fatTnland from being destroyed by salt water from the tidal waters while minimizing any soil erosion and sediment migration into the waterways from the farmlands and dike system. Our office understands that the Trustees Office has waived all fees on this project due [o their relationship to Super Storm Sandy. We consider this project to be agricultwal maintenance (no structure) which distwbs less than five (5) acres and have included erosion and sediment controls with the permit drawings for each site (as per SPDES GP-0-10-001, Tables 1 & 2 of Appendix B). Enclosed you will find the following components of the permit packages submitted for yow consideration (one original and one copy): • Heston Farm (Salt Air) Pemut Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Wickham Fruit Farm Permit Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Terry Family Farm Permit Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Latham Family Farm Permit Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Founded in 1950 LIC~11~1 L. K. McLean Associates, P. C. Thank you for your time in reviewing this application. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, - F. CFD:cfd Christopher F. Dwyer, Associate Enc. (4) L. K. McLean Associate, P.C. CC: James Richter RA, Town of Southold Bngineering Department w/enc. (All) Prudence Heston, Salt Air Farm w/enc. (Heston Application Only) Tom Wickham, Wickham Fruit Farm w/enc. (Wickham Application Only) Fred Teary, Terry Family Farm w/enc. (Terry Application Only) Dan Latham, Latham Family Farm w/enc. (Latham Application Only) LKMA File Copy w/enc. (All) LoCatlOn ofaChOn: 28700 Main Road Cutchoaue, NY 11935 ' Site aasago: Pr'eaOltC laud nat; _Aciri cu l t urn l r i Present20etingclsssifitvtion: Agricultural Conservation (AC) 2. If an application for the proposed action has been flied with. the Town. of Southold agency, the following information shall be provjdexl; I ~a) N~~'~j~; Tom Wickham i I ro) 28700 Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 i (c) Telephone number: Area Coda O 631- 73 4 - 54 54 i (d) Application IIUmber' , if any: Will the nation be dite<xly andeaiaken, requiro funding, or approval by a states or federal agarcy? Yen ? No? Ifyes,whidtstateorfedetalagentiy? Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA i C. Eraluate the project to the followtng poHda by anat,YZtng trove the project viii flarther tnpport or ~t support the po6cks. Provide sY proposed Beat Mtmagement Prnctka that wW turttrsr esetr pocky. ~ Iacompletc anawas wr7l regain that the cave tre retaned for eomptettrsn. DEYj~UPE11 COAST g~'Y Polley 1. Foams a pattern of der~opmeat ire ttre Tows of Southold that eohanees commnniq ctrarscber, ~ preserves oges apace, makes e~ciast are ~ L&~suhvdure, makes beer~clai are of s rnastal beation, and midmbes adverse eftecb of dwelogment. t3eo LWttP $eetion III - PoHdas; Page 2 A?r evataation criteria. 0 Yea ? No ? Not Appileabie i Pl eaG r p pni Drawi nac that rlufi na nc~ 5-,------ - p~9J~t. COn9tY, 11c ion d ails and (~ntif'as the ro]PCt ~ Frnnncad fa t ~ira¢ f I Attsch addkboal ~heata if rrecexwy Poltgr 2. Protect sad preserve trirtork and src6aeologed rssoaroes of the Town of Soalhohi. See ' LWltP t3ectian III -Policies Psgea 3 through 6 for evalaation erheria Yq ? No ? Not Applicable The Wickham Fruit Farm has been farmed for over one hundred years. Aaeeh ttroea ifnecsesery Policy 3. T4nhaAce visas[ quality and protest stroll t+tsourcea thronghoat the Town of 5onthold. See LWRP Section III - Potrefea Pages ti through T for evalnatian criteria i 0 Yts ? No ? Not Apptlcable ' Tha Tnu_m of CnnthnlA t~nntai ng a vari ate of imirnia an(3 haunt iful ccanic i wer a gricu ure, e strongest visual element in Southold. AatcD addiliooal amt ifneceueiy ~ NATiJRAL COAST POLICIF.4 Po>icy 4. Mlaim9rie loss of lice, stt'uctnres, and natural resonrcee from flooding and erasion. See LWRI' 3ectlon III - Felicia Pages 8 throu8h 16 for evaluatioe criteria 0 Yes 0 No ~ Not AppllcaWe The erosion and sediment control structures are these berms that have existing naturally since the late 1930's to early 1940's. They serve a valuable function toreserving the farmland landward of the earthen berm dikes. The program will maintain and%or enhance these structures properly. so as to provide protection while not adversely affecting soil erosion or the migration of soil into waterways. Ankh sddittoaal dwds if Y + I Pocky S. Protect and 6nprwt wafer quality and sappiy in the Town of Soathald. Ste LWRP $cetlen III - PoLLda Pages 16 lhroegh 21 far evaluation erittria Yes ? No ?NotApplicabte i To preserve the town's farming blocks in order to .protect farming nz arati nna~ limit the naafi fur arl rli f i nnal rlrinki no watal^ i n thaGa areas, ual ~ • I improve water quality that has been compromise y tides ood>_ng. y Atuch seditiaeui slmen if neeeasery r PeHcy 6. Protect and rtstore the quality and 16netloo of the Town of 3onfhold ewaysts®s iadud®g Signifiaist Coastsl F9rh sad WAdilte Habitat and wetlands. Sce LWRP Sectiea III - Poiida; Pagee 22 thtvugb 32 for evahtatlon criteria. © 1 1 Yes No Not Applicable Match eddiNoasl ahead if aecessuy Policy 1. Protect and improvs alr gaality in the Town of Soathold. Sea LWRP Sectioa III -Policies Paged 32 throaSh 34 for evailuation criteria. ? Yes ? No ?X Not Applicable i 1 I~ ~.1fp1~1~1Y ~ ` Policy 8. Mhtimize environmentd degradation in Town of Saathold from soUd waste and haurdoaa sabrtaacea dad wastos. See LW1tY $eetloa iII - Pollcics; Pages 34 throag6 35 for ~ahwtiop erlteria. ? Yes ? Na ? Not Applicable I I PUBLIC t7QAST POLIC7F5 Policy 9» ProvWe for pahiic access to, and rocreational ase of, coastal wltters, pablic lands, dad pabHc ~ resoet+cea of the 7'awa of 5aathold. Sae LWRP Section IIl - Policiea•, Pagat 38 thtoagh ~6 for evalaatlon f crUsrlA. nn if ? Yei-~ No ? Not Applicable Attach addidoav ahasts if aaaeeasy woiucn~rs coAST Policies Policy 10. Protect Soeffiold's wator-0ependent ease and promote sltlag of esw water-dependent uses fm eeitabk loeaHona. Sea LWRP Section III- Polic[a; Pages 4T throa=t 56 for evahtatioe criteria. Yea ? No ~ Not Applicabh i Attach additional sheets if accessary Polley 11. Promote a~tainabie ese of 1[vhag marine t+eaoercea in Loag island Sonnd, the Pecontc Estuary and Town waters.. See LWRP Sectlon III -PoUdee; Pages S7 i6roegh tiZ for erateatioa criteria. ? Yea ? Na ®Not ApplEcxbte } 1 attach eddaioaet sheets tfnacessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands io the Town of Soe9told. See LWRP Seclioa III -Policies; Pages b2 throegh 6S for evaluation criteria. { ? Y~ ? Na ? Not AppGcabk Protecting the remaining agricultural land in the Town of Southold ' f ' l t co+-'Minn n?= the Tnum ~ c nnri nn l to r~l cnnn nmy~ pro~ec wi ensure a e mx iga ive measures o re a i > a e an Pnhance the protective sir}~ttxres (dikes AttaoL addidoaal sheet if aacaaary PoBcy 13. Promote approprhrte see and development at energy and mintu'ai resoettixa. See LWRP Sedum III - Pe$ciea; PAgee 6S tltrangh 68 far evalwtbn criteria. ? Ynr ? No O Not Applicable f pgLrp~~gY Christopher F. Dwyer '1'!1'I,E Associate pA'j'E7-25-13 L~~"~` an Associates, P. C. 437 South Country Road Brookhaven New York 11719 D NSULTING ENGINEERS (631) 286-8668 FAX (631) 286-6314 J U L 2 9 2013 Associates EUGENE F. DALY, P.E., P.T.O.E.TM, PRESIDENT and C.E.O. CHRISTOPHER F. DWYER RAYMOND G. DiBIASE, P.E., P.T.O.E."', PTP"', EXECUTIVE VICE PRESID NT ROBERT A. STEELE, P.E. DANIEL P. JEDLICKA, P.L.S.. VICE PRESIDENT OUthald TOWII JAMES L. DeKONING, P.E. ~ j STEVEN W. EISENSERG, P.E. ANDREW B. SPEISER July 26, 2013 Town of Southold Trustees Office 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 ~ OR~~'~~~ Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attention: James F. King -Board of Trustees President Re: Town of Southold: Dike Rehabilitation Program by NRCS (Four East=End Farms) Administrative Permit Application -Terry, Latham, Wickham and Heston Farms LKMA Project 13050.000 Dear Mr. King: Pursuant to a field meeting held on July 16, 2013 with your office and Rob Marsh of the NYSDEC (Region 1), L.K. McLean Associates has prepared the attached permit packages associated with the Dike Rehabilitation Projects at the two (2) farm properties in Cutchogue (Wickham and Salt Air) and the two (2) farm properties in Orient (Terry and La[ham). One original permit package and one copy have been included for your office's review. The final construction drawings will be completed within the next couple of weeks. Since the Town and the Natural resources Conservation Service (NRCS) anticipates construction to start in the fall of 2013. The permit would be to allow the rehabilitation of the berms compromised during Super Storm Sandy and to remove woody vegetation from the damaged and undamaged sections of the dike system. Removal of lazge trees that populate the earthen berms would minimize the risk of the dike system's failure during future storm events. The integrity of the dike system will protect the farniland from being destroyed by salt water from the tidal waters while minimizing any soil erosion and sediment migration into the waterways from [he farmlands and dike system. Our office understands that the Trustees Office has waived all fees on this project due to their relationship to Super Storm Sandy. We consider this project [o be agricultural maintenance (no structure) which disturbs less than five (5) acres and have included erosion and sediment controls with the permit drawings for each site (as per SPDES GP-0-10-001, Tables 1 & 2 of Appendix B). Enclosed you will find the following components of the permit packages submitted for your consideration (one original and one copy): • Heston Farm (Salt Air) Permit Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Wickham Fruit Farm Permit Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Terry Family Farm Pemut Application & Pemrit Drawings (includes Photos) • Latham Family Farm Pemtit Application & Permit Drawings (includes Photos) • Founded in 1950 L~~11~1 L. x. McLean Associates, P. C. Thank you for your time in reviewing this application. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, F CFD:cfd Christopher F. Dwyer, Associate Enc. (4) I,. K. McLean Associate, P.C. CC: James Richter RA, Town of Southold Engineering Department w/enc. (All) Prudence Heston, Salt Air Farm w/enc. (Heston Application Only) Tom Wickham, Wickham Fruit Farm w/enc. (Wickham Application Only) Fred Terry, Terry Family Farm w/ena (Terry Application Only) Dan Latham, Latham Family Farm w/enc. (Latham Application Only) LKMA File Copy w/ena (All) ..m as w; a srE e.c .o.~m ~r P ~ s~ ? i~ 4 o~ r.n. uq. o ~ f`• I .5 ff f,1 ~ ~ ~ f f,' ~mm¢pa d~r°d ~^r P N If f 1.r rr a a ? ~ ' J .p , y' f A ~rf. I N N I t ff A P` dye a P' P f I Y ti T IQ.W / urr ,WY Rq ' b C a • P` P J r P 1 SP 9 C~ I N / i S~~ ' up 9 P Tvm~ ~ qF I ~ ~ O 9 1 4 f~. Fy _ ~ m• . c a r o LI J~AA~~~e• / ~ ~~J s. 'f I~ ? •~P JIB ~ P © a © ~ m ~~n~ • ~a~ t. ~_~no.e ~y ~ ~ _ ~ ~~U I ~ i~ _ a i . i _ _ - a i ~i N / i ~ ~ i 6 ~o ~i ~ i _ a, ' N O ~ ~ i~ y B a y`~ ~l'' ~ m a a' tt~ V / sums, f noN ^umi i ~ a/s q~ s ~ ~ ~o ~;d s ~ u, 1 s y NN ~ ~~c~ l' N „ .s.~.e,.., ,r n _ _ ounce COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Q o .min c*'°"