HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2013 September 04, 2013
To: Town Board
Fr: Phillip Beltz
Facilitated Housing Advisory Commission (HAC) meeting and disseminated
Forwarded "annual certification letter" to residents of the Cottages to ensure
housing is primary residence per AHD legislation.
Discussion with applicant regarding potential conversion of existing building in
East Marion into apartments.
With Justice Evans, Heather Lanza and Mark Terry, meeting with resident of
Fishers Island and architect to discuss potential development of existing site
for affordable apartment rental units.
With HAC, review and revision of "Town of Southold Affordable Housing
Programs Policies and Procedures" to be further discussed with Town Board.
Youth Bureau:
Disseminated 2013 Youth Bureau Resource Directory.
Attended East End Youth Leadership Summit planning meeting.
Submitted grant application to Bridgehampton National Bank requesting
funding support for Leadership Summit.
With YB member Costa Kokkinos, further development of YB Social Media
policy to be further discussed with Town Board.
Participated in conference call with Suffolk Youth Bureau director regarding
funding for juvenile justice initiatives.
Comprehensive Plan:
Attended public meeting to discuss proposed draft Natural Hazards chapter.
Attended one team meeting to discuss/incorporate/edit public comments of
proposed draft.
Economic Development:
Finalized Suffolk County Summer Works program participation.
Facilitated agenda and disseminated Economic Development Committee
meeting minutes of August 9th.
Discussion with North Fork Promotion Council regarding Town support of
East End Tourism Alliance grant for "Taste of North Fork" promotional event
over Veteran's Day weekend. Further discussion with Town Board.
Coordinating meeting with North Fork business leaders (Chambers, etc.) and
municipalities (Riverhead and Shelter Island) to provide additional support.
Executive Safety:
Coordinated and scheduled mandatory training for staff.
Coordinated and scheduled "Train the Trainer" meeting for Wright Risk
Management and designated staff from Accounting/Personnel, Police, Human
Resource Ctr., Solid Waste and Dept. of Public Works.
Attended mandatory annual training.
Facilitated Wright Risk Mgt. annual site visit of Town facilities, report to follow.
Responded to three constituent requests on Town website queries under
"How Do I?" feature.
Meeting with Alternative Energy Committee and CDCLI to discuss LI Green
Energy Program.
Meeting with Justice Evans and Heather Lanza in preparation of Fishers
Island meeting.
With Supervisor, meeting with Ian Wile regarding possible development of
volunteer community filmmaking opportunities.
With Supervisor, meeting with Jeff Standish and Nancy Foote to discuss
development of public deer forum on controlling deer population.
With Supervisor, meeting with Deer Mgt. Task Force to discuss proposed
public forum.
Contacted and confirmed speakers from Cornell University, Long Island Farm
Bureau, USDA, DEC, Eastern Long Island Hospital and elected officials to
attend deer forum.
Meeting with Supervisor and Comptroller re 2014 budget.
With Supervisor, attended East End Supervisors and Village Mayors meeting.