HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2013 Z,~l~Iiti~ 13t~:~[~l~ 6~F' ~Pk'~A.I.S '4'o~.n FIa11.~rinea. ~437a Route 2a P:O. Box 119 Southold 'tie~i-~"orlti 77.97].-{39547 t"a~ (631} ik'i5°9061 'Telephtirietti37} ~ ~~~1809 `['(}s [:tizabetla ~e~~ille, 'Tca~ ea ~lertt {far L~ista~tlaaitann tct ~n~e iseia° Idn~4s it kasd 2"own ~~ard ibt~ t'!ers~ ~'t~1~`I: Lestie ~s ~~'~is an, ~~l*s Citala°er°scas~ll#cpart ant tiuittf t2F:: C C~7~?t~Il~tF:I}?~(91ti'I'FII1~' 1~~>'~lt'I'~1~1~'T tiL~I~ ~~I~ 1tiF~~ .~1'>~LI~'.~'T'I(9t`mS1T`~t1S P~12`T fmr: Annst 2413 I3A'TE. ~epgensber 1, 2(93:3 I; ~~ynii-es frnnr~dat~ ~ttent~atesn ~idthin~ at t2~is time I[, ~®ard attd {~ffle>af'ati~eies.l~ractie~s, antt;~~tt'rities: ['pdatinlt Shared 12~ carding I; u~m~nt .ls a fo1l~z~v up tea a meeting held an July 14, 2t?l3 #o disc;tiss updating the 1 oivn' shared retarding equipment. ~v-hich is use d to reeard minutes of mci;tin~s ofthc fBr1, Planning 13ciard. Tnzstees, and Tocin Beard, Llovd IZeiscnherg researched )tew dibital options that are more cast effective ~trd of#icihnt for attn. shared. needs. Ide subsequently I mailed speeificatlans and a quate far a digital iecarder fc~r the electing ffa11 to 1Zeather Lasiza, L3et#y ltiei ille,lIizabeth Cantre11,1~'icki Toth clad Z. It appeals that this cznit is one of the industr,- leadars and uur respcczivc; I7epartmeitts witl be testing it out span. I`he IB11 thanks Llo}=d far his assistance and aspertise, Coardinatian of Required r~nnaal Inspections ctn IF3ry Specia] F:sceptian Permits r1ll Special l~.xception permits granted b}- she ZF3,~ require an annual inspeetian by a cads enforcement oftlcial in the Buildiirg I7€partmenr. These inspeetians are <?ener~lly Conducted b}'the Fire l~larshal. To improve the enforcement of this requirement, with the apprctLal of E3ab }'ishet° and the Baard t~2embers, I have added the fcillativing language to al] Special Exception decisions granted henceforth: SU}3J[{'TIC? T[IE: FC?LL(}Vv''Itil~ t'~tiL7I`f((yNS; 1. This :Special E:ticepti4~n Permit regtpires an annual inspeetiorr by a Coc(~ I;nf~rcetnent {)ft3cer front the 73ttildina Department- ,ic is the a{~piuan£s_respcnsibilitvl w contact the 13uiiding I?cpart~nent on an annual basis to schedule the required inspection. Failure to da so ma} regriiie a public hearing befere the ~?oning Board of .Appeals to review poten€ial action to reval<ethe Special F.xeeptitih Perrriit ~unied herein. Ili, Lieaan~~~lli3ndgettl'ersrtnnel [ssnes: The 78:4`s 2014 I3iadraat Proposal t'vas discussed with the Superv~soi~ and Comptroller on August 20, 2013 fT'. ~.oti~~ites of the ~narstt.~.~c~stngrlishtn~nts: lter?ular Iylectis.1)ate: 08.`(}8/13 Ca11 to t}rder: $:35 A~~i Adjourned; 2:55 PM [?nbi~c B leaian_gs: "I'ota1; 9 t~ruinber olncu- applications heard: 6 ` tiz~mber of Carr}-avers Erom pre4>aus hearings: 3 Dumber closed reseiw;ing decision to later da#e; 5 1'~unibea• closed subject to receipt of additional information: 1 Nirmbcr adjoursaed to another date: 3 N'umbcr adjourned ~~lo a date: 0 Number of 12eso1utians passed.: 13 Numl?ei° of deci lions. (Wade: Number of Site inspections rnade b~ Board meanbers; 4x5 - Nc it Re«ulae Meetinn: 9''(}5;1 S~Lcia1 hleweting; ]date: 8/??7] 7 Call tci f7rder: 5:08 pM Adjonrized: 6:32 Bit Number ol`draft Bindings discussed: & Number of decisionsnaade; 8 Number df 1Zesolutions passed: 12 Meetings attendedliilitiated bti ZBA Chairpeison?Z)epartnrent Head 8101 -Code Car~nittee re: permitted uses at'~vineries ~ 8101 - lore Marshall and Z13A Secretary- re; conducting myured annual ® inspecticros f`or Special Exe.eption permits granted by the ZBA 8106 - ATA Azdaloro re: Specit3c applica#ioi before the. B3oard $1C?b Planning director I,arua re: coordination of ZBA and Planning Board appliedtionsfreuie~vs ~ 8,'t}6 -Mark Terry re: specific L~~'F2Y recommendations • 8'tlZ - _-annual t~s3lers Island "i'own B3oard t4leeting: also attending ti~zre Z13A IVlebcrs Mantes and Schneider 8;15 - Supcr~ isnr Russell ra:f.BA personnel ~ 8r20 - Supervisor and Comptroller re: ?(}14 LBtI budget ~ 8;21 - ATA Andalaro re:specific pending application ~ 8f26-Attended required annual ~rorkplacu Violence Training 8/26 - A1'A Andalora re; specific applica#an before the Board;litigaion ~ 8/~9 - Chief Building Inspectcxr re: specific application before the Board Stat'f Aetis-hies 'suanber of`people assisted at the counter: 8tl Hours spcttt assistin<,~: 1Gdirs. (~ssistrxnce includes filling ©2rttre~v rlZplicatiorzs, mailing=.q card postii2~s, prnl=idzng nctpaes of dueisions, ~'C21L t•equesic rxndtitlzer- rrzaterlcrls; anr~getrer°al ingxairies} Meeting*s attended b~' staff_ ~ 8;28 _ ~h'orkplace ~'olencc Annual Training 1YI~~i'Cill:'~' i$~I'C~1~T ~~i i~i~4~' APY'~:~'ATI~~ItrS A:'~fi~ F~+~S 1 ottxl _1p~licatians K+:cei~:ed for fhe month of Au~us# 20139 72 TotalEecs Collected in Au~tst 2083 S1Q,1Q0 (includes 3 r Special Event fees) Res ect u1i1, pm~tte~ . r"',~ Mtn ~-B t~,r,~~~d~ ~7ia Kanes ~~e~sman, ChairpersonF'I~ep• ent head